Java tutorial
/* * TacTex - a power trading agent that competed in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Daniel Urieli and Peter Stone {urieli,pstone} * * * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /** * */ package edu.utexas.cs.tactex.tariffoptimization; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.powertac.common.TariffSpecification; import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.interfaces.OptimizerWrapper; import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.interfaces.TariffUtilityEstimate; /** * @author urieli * */ public class OptimizerWrapperGradientAscent implements OptimizerWrapper { static private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(OptimizerWrapperGradientAscent.class); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // params to tune gradient-ascent's behavior // //private static final int NUM_RATES = 2; //4; // 10; // 20; // 100; private static final double REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE = 0.005; private static final double REFERENCE_RATE = -0.100; private static double STEP_SIZE = REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE; // 0.100; //0.005; // 0.160; // 0.080; // 0.040; // 0.020; // 0.005; // 0.002; // 0.005;// 0.001; private static final double UTILITY_CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE = 0; // 100; // total bound on evaluations to limit computation time private static final double MAX_EVALUATIONS = 70; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int evaluations; @Override public TreeMap<Double, TariffSpecification> findOptimum(TariffUtilityEstimate tariffUtilityEstimate, int NUM_RATES, int numEval) { double[] startingVertex = new double[NUM_RATES]; // start from the fixed-rate tariff's offset Arrays.fill(startingVertex, 0.0); // temporary solution - getting fixed rate tariff to determine step size and scaling STEP_SIZE proportionally TariffSpecification bestFixedRateSpec = tariffUtilityEstimate.getCorrespondingSpec(startingVertex); double bestFixedRate = bestFixedRateSpec.getRates().get(0).getValue(); double rateRatio = bestFixedRate / REFERENCE_RATE; // Note: using rateRatio has not been good enough, so trying powers of it (remember it's > 1) //STEP_SIZE = Math.max(REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE, (rateRatio * rateRatio) * REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE); STEP_SIZE = Math.max(REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE, Math.abs(rateRatio) * REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE); log.debug("STEP_SIZE = " + STEP_SIZE + " REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE=" + REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE + " bestFixedRate=" + bestFixedRate + " REFERENCE_RATE=" + REFERENCE_RATE); evaluations = 0; TreeMap<Double, TariffSpecification> eval2TOUTariff = new TreeMap<Double, TariffSpecification>(); // OUTER LOOP //for( STEP_SIZE = 0.005; STEP_SIZE < 0.100; STEP_SIZE += 0.005) { //"STARTING A LOOP: STEP_SIZE=" + STEP_SIZE); // first compute numerical gradient RealVector gradient = new ArrayRealVector(NUM_RATES); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RATES; ++i) { gradient.setEntry(i, computePartialDerivative(i, tariffUtilityEstimate, NUM_RATES, eval2TOUTariff)); } gradient = gradient.unitVector(); // taking steps in the gradient direction double previousPointValue = -Double.MAX_VALUE; final double alpha = STEP_SIZE; RealVector rateOffsets = new ArrayRealVector(NUM_RATES); // initializes with 0s? double currentPointValue = evaluatePoint(tariffUtilityEstimate, rateOffsets.toArray()); eval2TOUTariff.put(currentPointValue, tariffUtilityEstimate.getCorrespondingSpec(rateOffsets.toArray())); while (!converged(currentPointValue, previousPointValue) && evaluations < MAX_EVALUATIONS) { previousPointValue = currentPointValue; rateOffsets = rateOffsets.add(gradient.mapMultiply(alpha)); currentPointValue = evaluatePoint(tariffUtilityEstimate, rateOffsets.toArray()); eval2TOUTariff.put(currentPointValue, tariffUtilityEstimate.getCorrespondingSpec(rateOffsets.toArray())); }"gradient ascent finished after " + evaluations + " evaluations"); //} // return map return eval2TOUTariff; } private boolean converged(double currentPointValue, double previousPointValue) { return (currentPointValue - previousPointValue) < UTILITY_CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE; } private double computePartialDerivative(int i, TariffUtilityEstimate tariffUtilityEstimate, int NUM_RATES, TreeMap<Double, TariffSpecification> eval2touTariff) { double[] testPoint = new double[NUM_RATES]; testPoint[i] = STEP_SIZE; double pprimePlus = evaluatePoint(tariffUtilityEstimate, testPoint); eval2touTariff.put(pprimePlus, tariffUtilityEstimate.getCorrespondingSpec(testPoint)); testPoint[i] = -STEP_SIZE; double pprimeMinus = evaluatePoint(tariffUtilityEstimate, testPoint); eval2touTariff.put(pprimeMinus, tariffUtilityEstimate.getCorrespondingSpec(testPoint)); return pprimePlus - pprimeMinus; } private double evaluatePoint(TariffUtilityEstimate tariffUtilityEstimate, double[] testPoint) { double value = tariffUtilityEstimate.value(testPoint); evaluations += 1; return value; } }