Java tutorial
/* * TacTex - a power trading agent that competed in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Daniel Urieli and Peter Stone {urieli,pstone} * * * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and * permission notice: * * Copyright 2011 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; //import org.powertac.common.ConfigServerBroker; import org.powertac.common.Tariff; import org.powertac.common.TariffSpecification; import org.powertac.common.WeatherForecast; import org.powertac.common.WeatherForecastPrediction; import org.powertac.common.WeatherReport; import org.powertac.common.enumerations.PowerType; import org.powertac.common.state.Domain; import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.common.TariffSubscription; import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer.CapacityStructure.BaseCapacityType; import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer.CapacityStructure.InfluenceKind; import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer.interfaces.*; /** * Key class responsible for drawing from a base capacity and ajusting that * capacity in response to various static and dynamic factors for each timeslot. * * @author Prashant Reddy */ @Domain class DefaultCapacityOriginator implements CapacityOriginator { protected Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DefaultCapacityOriginator.class.getName()); protected final FactoredCustomerService service; // protected final TimeService timeService; // protected final TimeslotRepo timeslotRepo; // protected final WeatherReportRepo weatherReportRepo; // protected final WeatherForecastRepo weatherForecastRepo; private final double SMOOTHING_WEIGHT = 0.4; // 0.0 => ignore previous value private final TimeseriesGenerator tsGenerator; private final CapacityStructure capacityStructure; private final CapacityBundle parentBundle; protected final String logIdentifier; private final Map<Integer, Double> baseCapacities = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); protected final Map<Integer, Double> forecastCapacities = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); protected final Map<Integer, Double> actualCapacities = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); protected final Map<Integer, Double> curtailedCapacities = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); protected final Map<Integer, Double> shiftedCurtailments = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); // cache private WeatherReport currentWeatherReport; private WeatherForecast currentWeatherForecast; DefaultCapacityOriginator(FactoredCustomerService service, CapacityStructure structure, CapacityBundle bundle) { this.service = service; capacityStructure = structure; parentBundle = bundle; logIdentifier = capacityStructure.capacityName.isEmpty() ? bundle.getName() : bundle.getName() + "#" + capacityStructure.capacityName; // timeService = (TimeService) // SpringApplicationContext.getBean("timeService"); // timeslotRepo = (TimeslotRepo) // SpringApplicationContext.getBean("timeslotRepo"); // weatherReportRepo = (WeatherReportRepo) // SpringApplicationContext.getBean("weatherReportRepo"); // weatherForecastRepo = (WeatherForecastRepo) // SpringApplicationContext.getBean("weatherForecastRepo"); if (capacityStructure.baseCapacityType == BaseCapacityType.TIMESERIES) { tsGenerator = new TimeseriesGenerator(service, capacityStructure.baseTimeseriesStructure); } else tsGenerator = null; } // changed to propagate currentTimeslot and avoid sync issues @Override public CapacityProfile getCurrentForecast(int currentTimeslot) { //int timeslot = service.getTimeslotRepo().currentSerialNumber(); return getForecastStartingAt(currentTimeslot, currentTimeslot); } @Override public CapacityProfile getForecastStartingAt(int currentTimeslot, int startingTimeslot) { int timeslot = startingTimeslot; List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < CapacityProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++i) { Double forecastCapacity = forecastCapacities.get(timeslot); if (forecastCapacity != null) { values.add(forecastCapacity); } else { values.add(getForecastCapacity(currentTimeslot, timeslot)); } timeslot += 1; } return new CapacityProfile(values); } @Override public CapacityProfile getCurrentForecastPerSub(int currentTimeslot, TariffSubscription sub) { // DefaultCapacityOriginator doesn't track subscriptions, so: return getCurrentForecast(currentTimeslot); } protected double getForecastCapacity(int currentTimeslot, int timeslot) { Double ret = forecastCapacities.get(timeslot); if (ret == null) ret = computeForecastCapacity(currentTimeslot, timeslot); return ret; } private double computeForecastCapacity(int currentTimeslot, int future) { //"computeForecastCapacity()"); //int now = service.getTimeslotRepo().currentSerialNumber(); int now = currentTimeslot; int timeToFuture = future - now; Weather weather = null; if (timeToFuture == 0) { weather = new Weather(getCurrentWeatherReport(now)); } else { WeatherForecast forecast = getCurrentWeatherForecast(now); List<WeatherForecastPrediction> predictions = forecast.getPredictions(); for (WeatherForecastPrediction prediction : predictions) { if (prediction.getForecastTime() == timeToFuture) { weather = new Weather(prediction); } } } if (weather == null) throw new Error("Could not find weather forecast for timeslot " + future); //"wind speed =" + weather.getWindSpeed()); double baseCapacity = getBaseCapacity(future); //"baseCapacity" + baseCapacity); if (Double.isNaN(baseCapacity)) throw new Error("Base capacity is NaN!"); // Compute for full population ignoring current tariff rates double forecastCapacity = baseCapacity; forecastCapacity = adjustCapacityForPeriodicSkew(forecastCapacity, service.getTimeslotRepo().getTimeForIndex(future).toDateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC), false); //"forecastCapacity after periodic skew: " + forecastCapacity); forecastCapacity = adjustCapacityForWeather(forecastCapacity, weather, false); //"forecastCapacity after weather skew: " + forecastCapacity); if (Double.isNaN(forecastCapacity)) throw new Error("Adjusted capacity is NaN for base capacity = " + baseCapacity); forecastCapacity = truncateTo2Decimals(forecastCapacity); //"forecastCapacity after truncation do decimals: " + forecastCapacity); forecastCapacities.put(future, forecastCapacity); log.debug(logIdentifier + ": Forecast capacity for timeslot " + future + " = " + forecastCapacity); return forecastCapacity; } private double getBaseCapacity(int future) { Double ret = baseCapacities.get(future); if (ret == null) ret = drawBaseCapacitySample(future); return ret; } private double drawBaseCapacitySample(int timeslot) { double baseCapacity = 0.0; switch (capacityStructure.baseCapacityType) { case POPULATION: baseCapacity = capacityStructure.basePopulationCapacity.drawSample(); break; case INDIVIDUAL: for (int i = 0; i < parentBundle.getPopulation(); ++i) { double draw = capacityStructure.baseIndividualCapacity.drawSample(); baseCapacity += draw; } break; case TIMESERIES: baseCapacity = getBaseCapacityFromTimeseries(timeslot); break; default: throw new Error( logIdentifier + ": Unexpected base capacity type: " + capacityStructure.baseCapacityType); } Double prevCapacity = baseCapacities.get(timeslot - 1); if (prevCapacity != null) { baseCapacity = SMOOTHING_WEIGHT * prevCapacity + (1 - SMOOTHING_WEIGHT) * baseCapacity; } baseCapacity = truncateTo2Decimals(baseCapacity); baseCapacities.put(timeslot, baseCapacity); return baseCapacity; } private double getBaseCapacityFromTimeseries(int timeslot) { try { return tsGenerator.generateNext(timeslot); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { log.error(logIdentifier + ": Tried to get base capacity from time series at index beyond maximum!"); throw e; } } @Override public double getShiftingInconvenienceFactor(Tariff tariff, int recordLength) { return 0; // not shifting should take place in DefaultCapacityOriginator } @Override public double useCapacity(TariffSubscription subscription) { //"useCapacity()"); int timeslot = service.getTimeslotRepo().currentSerialNumber(); double baseCapacity = getBaseCapacity(timeslot); if (Double.isNaN(baseCapacity)) throw new Error("Base capacity is NaN!"); logCapacityDetails(logIdentifier + ": Base capacity for timeslot " + timeslot + " = " + baseCapacity); // total adjusted capacity double adjustedCapacity = baseCapacity; if (parentBundle.getPowerType().isInterruptible()) { adjustedCapacity = adjustCapacityForCurtailments(timeslot, adjustedCapacity, subscription); } adjustedCapacity = adjustCapacityForPeriodicSkew(adjustedCapacity, service.getTimeService().getCurrentDateTime(), true); adjustedCapacity = adjustCapacityForCurrentWeather(adjustedCapacity, true); // capacity for this subscription adjustedCapacity = adjustCapacityForSubscription(timeslot, adjustedCapacity, subscription); if (Double.isNaN(adjustedCapacity)) { throw new Error("Adjusted capacity is NaN for base capacity = " + baseCapacity); } adjustedCapacity = truncateTo2Decimals(adjustedCapacity); actualCapacities.put(timeslot, adjustedCapacity); + ": Adjusted capacity for tariff " + subscription.getTariff().getId() + " = " + adjustedCapacity); return adjustedCapacity; } private double adjustCapacityForCurtailments(int timeslot, double capacity, TariffSubscription subscription) { double lastCurtailment = subscription.getCurtailment(); if (Math.abs(lastCurtailment) > 0.01) { // != 0 curtailedCapacities.put(timeslot - 1, lastCurtailment); if (capacityStructure.curtailmentShifts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < capacityStructure.curtailmentShifts.length; ++i) { double shiftingFactor = capacityStructure.curtailmentShifts[i]; double shiftedCapacity = lastCurtailment * shiftingFactor; Double previousShifts = shiftedCurtailments.get(timeslot + i); if (previousShifts == null) { shiftedCurtailments.put(timeslot + i, shiftedCapacity); } else { shiftedCurtailments.put(timeslot + i, previousShifts + shiftedCapacity); } } } } Double currentShift = shiftedCurtailments.get(timeslot); return (currentShift == null) ? capacity : capacity + currentShift; } private double adjustCapacityForPeriodicSkew(double capacity, DateTime when, boolean verbose) { int day = when.getDayOfWeek(); // 1=Monday, 7=Sunday int hour = when.getHourOfDay(); // 0-23 double periodicSkew = capacityStructure.dailySkew[day - 1] * capacityStructure.hourlySkew[hour]; if (verbose) logCapacityDetails(logIdentifier + ": periodic skew = " + periodicSkew); return capacity * periodicSkew; } private double adjustCapacityForCurrentWeather(double capacity, boolean verbose) { // unused code, just fixed it to compile WeatherReport weatherReport = //service.getWeatherReportRepo().currentWeatherReport(); currentWeatherReport; return adjustCapacityForWeather(capacity, new Weather(weatherReport), verbose); } private double adjustCapacityForWeather(double capacity, Weather weather, boolean verbose) { if (verbose) logCapacityDetails( logIdentifier + ": weather = (" + weather.getTemperature() + ", " + weather.getWindSpeed() + ", " + weather.getWindDirection() + ", " + weather.getCloudCover() + ")"); double weatherFactor = 1.0; if (capacityStructure.temperatureInfluence == InfluenceKind.DIRECT) { int temperature = (int) Math.round(weather.getTemperature()); weatherFactor = weatherFactor * capacityStructure.temperatureMap.get(temperature); //"weatherFactor after temperatureInfluence.DIRECT: " + weatherFactor); } else if (capacityStructure.temperatureInfluence == InfluenceKind.DEVIATION) { int curr = (int) Math.round(weather.getTemperature()); int ref = (int) Math.round(capacityStructure.temperatureReference); double deviationFactor = 1.0; if (curr > ref) { for (int t = ref + 1; t <= curr; ++t) { deviationFactor += capacityStructure.temperatureMap.get(t); } } else if (curr < ref) { for (int t = curr; t < ref; ++t) { deviationFactor += capacityStructure.temperatureMap.get(t); } } weatherFactor = weatherFactor * deviationFactor; //"weatherFactor after temperatureInfluence.DEVIATION: " + weatherFactor); } if (capacityStructure.windSpeedInfluence == InfluenceKind.DIRECT) { int windSpeed = (int) Math.round(weather.getWindSpeed()); weatherFactor = weatherFactor * capacityStructure.windSpeedMap.get(windSpeed); //"weatherFactor after windSpeedInfluence.DIRECT: " + weatherFactor); if (windSpeed > 0.0 && capacityStructure.windDirectionInfluence == InfluenceKind.DIRECT) { int windDirection = (int) Math.round(weather.getWindDirection()); weatherFactor = weatherFactor * capacityStructure.windDirectionMap.get(windDirection); //"weatherFactor after windDirectionInfluence.DIRECT: " + weatherFactor); } } if (capacityStructure.cloudCoverInfluence == InfluenceKind.DIRECT) { int cloudCover = (int) Math.round(100 * weather.getCloudCover()); // [0,1] // to // ##% weatherFactor = weatherFactor * capacityStructure.cloudCoverMap.get(cloudCover); //"weatherFactor after cloudCoverInfluence.DIRECT: " + weatherFactor); } if (verbose) logCapacityDetails(logIdentifier + ": weather factor = " + weatherFactor); //"adjusted capacity " + capacity * weatherFactor); return capacity * weatherFactor; } @Override public double adjustCapacityForSubscription(int timeslot, double totalCapacity, TariffSubscription subscription) { //"adjustCapacityForSubscription()"); //"totalCapacity=" + totalCapacity); double subCapacity = adjustCapacityForPopulationRatio(totalCapacity, subscription); //"subCapacity=" + subCapacity); //"adjustCapacityForTariffRates()=" + adjustCapacityForTariffRates(timeslot, subCapacity, subscription)); return adjustCapacityForTariffRates(timeslot, subCapacity, subscription); } private double adjustCapacityForPopulationRatio(double capacity, TariffSubscription subscription) { //"adjustCapacityForPopulationRatio()"); //"subscription.getCustomersCommitted()=" + subscription.getCustomersCommitted()); //"parentBundle.getPopulation()=" + parentBundle.getPopulation()); double popRatio = getPopulationRatio(subscription.getCustomersCommitted(), parentBundle.getPopulation()); logCapacityDetails(logIdentifier + ": population ratio = " + popRatio); return capacity * popRatio; } private double getPopulationRatio(int customerCount, int population) { return ((double) customerCount) / ((double) population); } protected double adjustCapacityForTariffRates(int timeslot, double baseCapacity, TariffSubscription subscription) { if ((baseCapacity - 0.0) < 0.01) return baseCapacity; double chargeForBase = subscription.getTariff().getUsageCharge( service.getTimeslotRepo().getTimeForIndex(timeslot), baseCapacity, subscription.getTotalUsage()); double rateForBase = chargeForBase / baseCapacity; double benchmarkRate = // changed, to use propagated 'timeslot' instead of current time, // in cases we are late // // //capacityStructure.benchmarkRates.get(service.getTimeService().getHourOfDay()); capacityStructure.benchmarkRates.get(service.getTimeslotRepo().getTimeForIndex(timeslot) .toDateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC).getHourOfDay()); double rateRatio = rateForBase / benchmarkRate; double tariffRatesFactor = determineTariffRatesFactor(rateRatio); logCapacityDetails(logIdentifier + ": tariff rates factor = " + tariffRatesFactor); return baseCapacity * tariffRatesFactor; } private double determineTariffRatesFactor(double rateRatio) { switch (capacityStructure.elasticityModelType) { case CONTINUOUS: return determineContinuousElasticityFactor(rateRatio); case STEPWISE: return determineStepwiseElasticityFactor(rateRatio); default: throw new Error("Unexpected elasticity model type: " + capacityStructure.elasticityModelType); } } private double determineContinuousElasticityFactor(double rateRatio) { double percentChange = (rateRatio - 1.0) / 0.01; double elasticityRatio = Double.parseDouble(capacityStructure.elasticityModelXml.getAttribute("ratio")); String range = capacityStructure.elasticityModelXml.getAttribute("range"); String[] minmax = range.split("~"); double low = Double.parseDouble(minmax[0]); double high = Double.parseDouble(minmax[1]); return Math.max(low, Math.min(high, 1.0 + (percentChange * elasticityRatio))); } private double determineStepwiseElasticityFactor(double rateRatio) { double[][] elasticity = null; if (elasticity == null) { elasticity = ParserFunctions .parseMapToDoubleArray(capacityStructure.elasticityModelXml.getAttribute("map")); } if (Math.abs(rateRatio - 1) < 0.01 || elasticity.length == 0) return 1.0; PowerType powerType = parentBundle.getPowerType(); if (powerType.isConsumption() && rateRatio < 1.0) return 1.0; if (powerType.isProduction() && rateRatio > 1.0) return 1.0; final int RATE_RATIO_INDEX = 0; final int CAPACITY_FACTOR_INDEX = 1; double rateLowerBound = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double rateUpperBound = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double lowerBoundCapacityFactor = 1.0; double upperBoundCapacityFactor = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < elasticity.length; ++i) { double r = elasticity[i][RATE_RATIO_INDEX]; if (r <= rateRatio && r > rateLowerBound) { rateLowerBound = r; lowerBoundCapacityFactor = elasticity[i][CAPACITY_FACTOR_INDEX]; } if (r >= rateRatio && r < rateUpperBound) { rateUpperBound = r; upperBoundCapacityFactor = elasticity[i][CAPACITY_FACTOR_INDEX]; } } return (rateRatio < 1) ? upperBoundCapacityFactor : lowerBoundCapacityFactor; } @Override public String getCapacityName() { return capacityStructure.capacityName; } @Override public CapacityBundle getParentBundle() { return parentBundle; } protected double truncateTo2Decimals(double x) { double fract, whole; if (x > 0) { whole = Math.floor(x); fract = Math.floor((x - whole) * 100) / 100; } else { whole = Math.ceil(x); fract = Math.ceil((x - whole) * 100) / 100; } return whole + fract; } protected void logCapacityDetails(String msg) { if (service.getCapacityDetailsLogging() == true) {; } } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getCanonicalName() + ":" + logIdentifier; } // Convenience class to unify the interface to // WeatherReport and WeatherForecastPrediction. private class Weather { final double temperature; final double windSpeed; final double windDirection; final double cloudCover; Weather(WeatherReport report) { temperature = report.getTemperature(); windSpeed = report.getWindSpeed(); windDirection = report.getWindDirection(); cloudCover = report.getCloudCover(); } Weather(WeatherForecastPrediction prediction) { temperature = prediction.getTemperature(); windSpeed = prediction.getWindSpeed(); windDirection = prediction.getWindDirection(); cloudCover = prediction.getCloudCover(); } double getTemperature() { return temperature; } double getWindSpeed() { return windSpeed; } double getWindDirection() { return windDirection; } double getCloudCover() { return cloudCover; } } // adding data access methods @Override public ArrayRealVector getPredictedEnergy(TariffSubscription subscription, int recordLength, int currentTimeslot) throws Exception { CapacityProfile predictedEnergyProfile = getCurrentForecast(currentTimeslot); // elasticity //if (ConfigServerBroker.useElasticity()) { predictedEnergyProfile = adjustCapacityProfileForTariffRates(predictedEnergyProfile, currentTimeslot, subscription); //} //"defaultcaporig " + Arrays.toString(predictedEnergyProfile.values.toArray())); return convertEnergyProfileFromServerToBroker(predictedEnergyProfile, recordLength); } /** * Implementing elasticity adjustment * * Note: TODO This is an other place where we assume that * server's capacity profile starts from current timeslot * * @param predictedEnergyProfile * @param currentTimeslot * @param subscription * @return */ protected CapacityProfile adjustCapacityProfileForTariffRates(CapacityProfile predictedEnergyProfile, int currentTimeslot, TariffSubscription subscription) { List<Double> adjustedProfile = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < predictedEnergyProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++i) { double c = predictedEnergyProfile.getCapacity(i); double adjusted = adjustCapacityForTariffRates(currentTimeslot + i, c, subscription); adjustedProfile.add(adjusted); } return new CapacityProfile(adjustedProfile); } /** * NOTE: subtle conversion that caused a bug - we use predictions * starting next time-step, but forecastCapacities are assumed * to be from current - so to return data to broker we need to * offset the record by 1 */ protected ArrayRealVector convertEnergyProfileFromServerToBroker(CapacityProfile predictedEnergyProfile, int recordLength) throws Exception { //"scaleEnergyProfile()"); //"predictedEnergyProfile" + Arrays.toString(predictedEnergyProfile.values.toArray())); int profileLength = predictedEnergyProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS; // verify divides boolean divides = (recordLength / profileLength * profileLength) == recordLength; if (!divides) { throw new Exception("How come profileLength doesn't divide recordLength"); } //"recordLength=" + recordLength); ArrayRealVector result = new ArrayRealVector(recordLength); for (int i = 0; i < recordLength; ++i) { result.setEntry(i, predictedEnergyProfile.getCapacity((i + 1) % profileLength)); //"appending " + predictedEnergyProfile.getCapacity( i % profileLength ) + " at " + i); } //"result" + Arrays.toString(result.toArray())); return result; } /** * NOTE: subtle conversion that caused a bug - we use predictions * starting next time-step, but forecastCapacities are assumed * to be from current - so to return data to broker we need to * offset the record by 1 */ @Override public void convertEnergyProfileFromBrokerToServer(RealVector originatorEnergy, int currentTimeslot) { final int brokerEnergyRecordLength = originatorEnergy.getDimension(); for (int i = 0; i < CapacityProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++i) { //"updateForecastCapacities(" + (currentTimeslot + i) + ")=" + originatorEnergy.getEntry(i)); int i_minus_1_that_will_work_for_modulo = CapacityProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS + i - 1; forecastCapacities.put(currentTimeslot + i, originatorEnergy.getEntry(i_minus_1_that_will_work_for_modulo % CapacityProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS)); } } @Override public void clearSubscriptionRelatedData() { // no such data here currently } private WeatherReport getCurrentWeatherReport(int currentTimeslot) { // we don't want to run into sync issues // currentWeatherReport = service.getWeatherReportRepo().currentWeatherReport(); // if missing/outdated - update cache if (null == currentWeatherReport || currentWeatherReport.getTimeslotIndex() != currentTimeslot) { List<WeatherReport> allWeatherReports = service.getWeatherReportRepo() .allWeatherReports(currentTimeslot); for (WeatherReport report : allWeatherReports) { if (report.getTimeslotIndex() == currentTimeslot) { currentWeatherReport = report; break; } } } // if still missing/outdated - meaning we haven't found current if (null == currentWeatherReport || currentWeatherReport.getTimeslotIndex() != currentTimeslot) { log.error("WeatherReport missing for timeslot " + currentTimeslot); } return currentWeatherReport; } private WeatherForecast getCurrentWeatherForecast(int currentTimeslot) { // we don't want to run into sync issues // currentWeatherForecast = service.getWeatherReportRepo().currentWeatherForecast(); // if missing/outdated - update cache if (null == currentWeatherForecast || currentWeatherForecast.getTimeslotIndex() != currentTimeslot) { List<WeatherForecast> allWeatherForecasts = service.getWeatherForecastRepo() .allWeatherForecasts(currentTimeslot); for (WeatherForecast forecast : allWeatherForecasts) { if (forecast.getTimeslotIndex() == currentTimeslot) { currentWeatherForecast = forecast; break; } } } // if still missing/outdated - meaning we haven't found current if (null == currentWeatherForecast || currentWeatherForecast.getTimeslotIndex() != currentTimeslot) { log.error("WeatherForecast missing for timeslot " + currentTimeslot); } return currentWeatherForecast; } } // end class