Source code

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 * TacTex - a power trading agent that competed in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC)
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Daniel Urieli and Peter Stone {urieli,pstone}               
 * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and  
 * permission notice:  
*     Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
*     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.powertac.common.Tariff;
//import org.powertac.common.ConfigServerBroker;
import org.powertac.common.TariffSpecification;
import org.powertac.common.Timeslot;
import org.powertac.common.state.Domain;

import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.common.TariffSubscription;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer.ProfileOptimizerStructure.ProfileSelectionMethod;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer.ProfileRecommendation.Opinion;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer.ProfileRecommendation.ScoringFactor;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer.utils.SeedIdGenerator;

 * Extends @code{DefaultCapacityOriginator} to adapt to the learning behavior 
 * of @code{LearningUtilityOptimizer}.
 * @author Prashant Reddy
final class AdaptiveCapacityOriginator extends DefaultCapacityOriginator implements ProfileRecommendation.Listener {
    //private RandomSeedRepo randomSeedRepo;

    private final ProfileOptimizerStructure optimizerStructure;

    private final Random recommendationHandler;

    private Map<TariffSubscription, Map<Integer, Double>> forecastCapacitiesPerSub;

    private Map<Tariff, Double> tariff2inconv;

    AdaptiveCapacityOriginator(FactoredCustomerService service, CapacityStructure capacityStructure,
            DefaultCapacityBundle bundle) {
        super(service, capacityStructure, bundle);
        log = Logger.getLogger(AdaptiveCapacityOriginator.class.getName());

        //randomSeedRepo = (RandomSeedRepo) SpringApplicationContext.getBean("randomSeedRepo");

        optimizerStructure = getParentBundle().getOptimizerStructure();

        recommendationHandler = new Random(
                        SeedIdGenerator.getId(), "RecommendationHandler").getValue());

        forecastCapacitiesPerSub = new HashMap<TariffSubscription, Map<Integer, Double>>();
        tariff2inconv = new HashMap<Tariff, Double>();

    @Override /** @code{ProfileRecommendation.Listener} **/
    public void handleProfileRecommendation(ProfileRecommendation globalRec, int currentTimeslot) {
        double draw1 = recommendationHandler.nextFloat();
        if (draw1 > optimizerStructure.reactivityFactor) {
            log.debug(logIdentifier + ": Ignoring received profile recommendation");

        ProfileRecommendation localRec;
        double draw2 = recommendationHandler.nextFloat();
        if (draw2 < optimizerStructure.receptivityFactor) {
            log.debug(logIdentifier + ": Adopting profile recommendation as received");
            localRec = globalRec;
        } else {
            //"getting opinions");
            localRec = new ProfileRecommendation(globalRec.getOpinions());

            Map<ScoringFactor, Double> weights = new HashMap<ScoringFactor, Double>();
            weights.put(ScoringFactor.PROFILE_CHANGE, optimizerStructure.profileChangeWeight);
            weights.put(ScoringFactor.BUNDLE_VALUE, optimizerStructure.bundleValueWeight);

        CapacityProfile chosenProfile;
        if (optimizerStructure.profileSelectionMethod == ProfileSelectionMethod.BEST_UTILITY) {
            chosenProfile = selectBestProfileInRecommendation(localRec);
        } else { // LOGIT_CHOICE 
            chosenProfile = drawProfileFromRecommendation(localRec);
        //"chosen: ALL-AVG  " + chosenProfile.toString());
        overwriteForecastCapacities(service.getTimeslotRepo().findBySerialNumber(currentTimeslot), //service.getTimeslotRepo().currentTimeslot(),

    @Override /** @code{ProfileRecommendation.Listener} **/
    public void handleProfileRecommendationPerSub(ProfileRecommendation globalRec, TariffSubscription sub,
            int currentTimeslot, CapacityProfile capacityProfile) {
        double draw1 = recommendationHandler.nextFloat();
        if (draw1 > optimizerStructure.reactivityFactor) {
            log.debug(logIdentifier + ": Ignoring received profile recommendation");

        ProfileRecommendation localRec;
        double draw2 = recommendationHandler.nextFloat();
        if (draw2 < optimizerStructure.receptivityFactor) {
            log.debug(logIdentifier + ": Adopting profile recommendation as received");
            localRec = globalRec;
        } else {
            //"getting opinions");
            localRec = new ProfileRecommendation(globalRec.getOpinions());

            Map<ScoringFactor, Double> weights = new HashMap<ScoringFactor, Double>();
            weights.put(ScoringFactor.PROFILE_CHANGE, optimizerStructure.profileChangeWeight);
            weights.put(ScoringFactor.BUNDLE_VALUE, optimizerStructure.bundleValueWeight);

        CapacityProfile chosenProfile;
        if (optimizerStructure.profileSelectionMethod == ProfileSelectionMethod.BEST_UTILITY) {
            chosenProfile = selectBestProfileInRecommendation(localRec);
        } else { // LOGIT_CHOICE 
            chosenProfile = drawProfileFromRecommendation(localRec);
        if (!chosenProfile.toString().equals(capacityProfile.toString())) {
            //"handleProfileRecommendationPerSub(" + sub.getCustomer().getName() + ", " + sub.getTariff().getId() + ") DIFFERENT:");
            //"forecast: " + capacityProfile.toString());
        } else {
            //"handleProfileRecommendationPerSub(" + sub.getCustomer().getName() + ", " + sub.getTariff().getId() + ") SAME:");
        //"srv chosen: " + sub.getCustomer().getName() + " " +  sub.getTariff().getId() + " " + chosenProfile.toString());
        overwriteForecastCapacitiesPerSub(service.getTimeslotRepo().findBySerialNumber(currentTimeslot), //service.getTimeslotRepo().currentTimeslot(),
                chosenProfile, sub);
        // record inconv
        // (non-scaled) score = (charge / a) + w x d(e,e') / b 
        // so a x score is supposed to be comparable to profile charge, taking inconv into account 
        Opinion opinionOnChosenProfile = localRec.getOpinions().get(chosenProfile);
        double originalScore = localRec.getNonScaledScore(chosenProfile);
        // a = charge / normalized-charge
        double costNormalizationConst = (opinionOnChosenProfile.normUsageCharge != 0)
                ? opinionOnChosenProfile.usageCharge / opinionOnChosenProfile.normUsageCharge
                : 0;
        // scaled-inconv-factor = |a| x score - charge  = w|a|/b x d(e,e')
        double inconvenienceFactor = Math.abs(costNormalizationConst) * originalScore
                - opinionOnChosenProfile.usageCharge;
        tariff2inconv.put(sub.getTariff(), inconvenienceFactor);

    private CapacityProfile selectBestProfileInRecommendation(ProfileRecommendation rec) {
        double bestUtility = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        CapacityProfile bestProfile = null;
        for (AbstractMap.Entry<CapacityProfile, Double> entry : rec.getUtilities().entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue() > bestUtility) {
                bestUtility = entry.getValue();
                bestProfile = entry.getKey();
        if (bestProfile == null)
            throw new Error("Best profile in recommendation is null!");
        //"selectBestProfileInRecommendation() " + bestProfile.toString());
        return bestProfile;

    private CapacityProfile drawProfileFromRecommendation(ProfileRecommendation rec) {

        double draw = recommendationHandler.nextFloat();
        //"drawProfileFromRecommendation(): " + draw);
        // sort map entries, for reproducability        
        ArrayList<Map.Entry<CapacityProfile, Double>> l = new ArrayList<Entry<CapacityProfile, Double>>(
        Collections.sort(l, new Comparator<Map.Entry<CapacityProfile, Double>>() {
            public int compare(Map.Entry<CapacityProfile, Double> o1, Map.Entry<CapacityProfile, Double> o2) {
                return o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue());
        //"sorted entries: " + l);
        // use the sorted map and the draw to sample an entry 
        double sumProb = 0.0;
        for (AbstractMap.Entry<CapacityProfile, Double> entry : l) {
            sumProb += entry.getValue();
            if (draw < sumProb) {
                return entry.getKey();
        throw new Error("Drawing from recommendation resulted in a null profile!");

    private void overwriteForecastCapacities(Timeslot timeslot, CapacityProfile profile) {
        Timeslot slider = timeslot;
        for (int i = 0; i < CapacityProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++i) {
            //"forecastCapacities.put(" + slider.getSerialNumber() + "," + profile.getCapacity(i) + ")");
            forecastCapacities.put(slider.getSerialNumber(), profile.getCapacity(i));
            slider = service.getTimeslotRepo().getNext(slider);

    private void overwriteForecastCapacitiesPerSub(Timeslot timeslot, CapacityProfile profile,
            TariffSubscription sub) {
        Timeslot slider = timeslot;
        for (int i = 0; i < CapacityProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++i) {
            //"forecastCapacitiesPerSub.put(" + sub.getCustomer().getName() + " " + sub.getTariff().getId() + " " + slider.getSerialNumber() + "," + profile.getCapacity(i) + ")");
            int futureTimeslot = slider.getSerialNumber();
            double futureCapacity = profile.getCapacity(i);
            insertIntoForecastCapacitiesPerSub(sub, futureTimeslot, futureCapacity);
            slider = service.getTimeslotRepo().getNext(slider);

    private void insertIntoForecastCapacitiesPerSub(TariffSubscription sub, int futureTimeslot,
            double futureCapacity) {
        Map<Integer, Double> ts2capacity = forecastCapacitiesPerSub.get(sub);
        if (null == ts2capacity) {
            ts2capacity = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
            forecastCapacitiesPerSub.put(sub, ts2capacity);
        //"forecastCapacitiesPerSub[" + sub.getTariff().getId() + "," + futureTimeslot + "]=" + futureCapacity);
        ts2capacity.put(futureTimeslot, futureCapacity);

    public double useCapacity(TariffSubscription subscription) {
        int timeslot = service.getTimeslotRepo().currentSerialNumber();

        // we don't re-adjust for current weather here; would not be accurate for wind/solar production
        // : try to get per sub first, if doesn't work get the 
        // old, averaged one
        double forecastCapacity = getForecastCapacityPerSub(timeslot, timeslot, subscription);
        //if (null == forecastCapacity) {
        //  forecastCapacity = getForecastCapacity(timeslot);
        //  //": failed to get sub capacity!");
        //else {
        //  // TODO: remove, just for print
        //  double perAllCapacity = getForecastCapacity(timeslot);
        //  //": succeeded to get sub capacity!, " + ((forecastCapacity != perAllCapacity) ? "DIFFERENT" : "") + " normalized: " + forecastCapacity/subscription.getCustomersCommitted() + " instead of " + perAllCapacity/subscription.getCustomersCommitted() + " " + subscription.getTariff().getBroker().getUsername() + " time=" + service.getTimeslotRepo().getTimeForIndex(timeslot).toDateTime().getHourOfDay());
        //        logCapacityDetails(logIdentifier + ": Forecast capacity being used for timeslot " 
        //                           + timeslot + " = " + forecastCapacity);        
        // + ": srv " + subscription.getCustomer().getName() + " " + subscription.getTariff().getId() + " Forecast capacity being used for timeslot " 
        //                   + timeslot + " = " + forecastCapacity + " instead of forecastCapacities(" + timeslot + ")=" + getForecastCapacity(timeslot));

        double adjustedCapacity = forecastCapacity;
        adjustedCapacity = adjustCapacityForSubscription(timeslot, adjustedCapacity, subscription);
        //"Adjusted capacity 1: " + adjustedCapacity);
        if (Double.isNaN(adjustedCapacity)) {
            throw new Error("Adjusted capacity is NaN for forecast capacity = " + forecastCapacity);

        adjustedCapacity = truncateTo2Decimals(adjustedCapacity);
        actualCapacities.put(timeslot, adjustedCapacity);
        // + ": Adjusted capacity for tariff " + subscription.getTariff().getId() + " = " + adjustedCapacity);        
        return adjustedCapacity;

    // : data access methods
    public ArrayRealVector getPredictedEnergy(TariffSubscription subscription, int recordLength,
            int currentTimeslot) throws Exception {
        CapacityProfile predictedEnergyProfile = getForecastPerSubStartingAt(currentTimeslot, currentTimeslot,
        // elasticity
        //if (ConfigServerBroker.useElasticity()) {
        predictedEnergyProfile = adjustCapacityProfileForTariffRates(predictedEnergyProfile, currentTimeslot,
        //"adaptivecaporig " + Arrays.toString(predictedEnergyProfile.values.toArray()));
        return convertEnergyProfileFromServerToBroker(predictedEnergyProfile, recordLength);

    public double getShiftingInconvenienceFactor(Tariff tariff, int recordLength) {
        Double inconv = tariff2inconv.get(tariff);
        // shouldn't happen
        if (inconv != null) {
            // scale from 24 hours to a week (constant x sum-squared-errors is additive)
            int scale = recordLength / CapacityProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS;
            return inconv * scale;
        log.error("How come inconvenience is null?");
        return 0;

    public void clearSubscriptionRelatedData() {

    public CapacityProfile getCurrentForecastPerSub(int currentTimeslot, TariffSubscription sub) {
        return getForecastPerSubStartingAt(currentTimeslot, currentTimeslot, sub);

    private CapacityProfile getForecastPerSubStartingAt(int currentTimeslot, int startingTimeslot,
            TariffSubscription subscription) {
        int timeslot = startingTimeslot;
        List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
        for (int i = 0; i < CapacityProfile.NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++i) {
            values.add(getForecastCapacityPerSub(currentTimeslot, timeslot, subscription));
            timeslot += 1;
        return new CapacityProfile(values);

    private Double getForecastCapacityPerSub(int currentTimeslot, int timeslot, TariffSubscription subscription) {

        Map<Integer, Double> ts2capacity = forecastCapacitiesPerSub.get(subscription);

        if (null == ts2capacity || null == ts2capacity.get(timeslot)) {
            //": failed to get sub capacity! falling back to default...");
            return getForecastCapacity(currentTimeslot, timeslot);
        } else {
            double perAllCapacity = getForecastCapacity(currentTimeslot, timeslot);
            double perSubCapacity = ts2capacity.get(timeslot);
            //": succeeded to get sub capacity, " + ((perSubCapacity != perAllCapacity) ? "DIFFERENT " : " ") + "nonShifted=" + perAllCapacity + " shifted=" + perSubCapacity + " " + subscription.getTariff().getBroker().getUsername() + " time=" + service.getTimeslotRepo().getTimeForIndex(timeslot).toDateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC).getHourOfDay());
            //log.debug("sub capacity for " + subscription.getCustomer().getName() + " " + subscription.getTariff().getId() + ": " + perSubCapacity);
            return perSubCapacity;

} // end class