Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * TacTex - a power trading agent that competed in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC)
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Daniel Urieli and Peter Stone {urieli,pstone}               
 * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package edu.utexas.cs.tactex;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.powertac.common.Competition;
import org.powertac.common.BalancingTransaction;
import org.powertac.common.Broker;
import org.powertac.common.ClearedTrade;
import org.powertac.common.CustomerInfo;
import org.powertac.common.MarketTransaction;
import org.powertac.common.Order;
import org.powertac.common.Orderbook;
import org.powertac.common.OrderbookOrder;
import org.powertac.common.TariffSpecification;
import org.powertac.common.TariffTransaction;
import org.powertac.common.TimeService;
import org.powertac.common.Timeslot;
import org.powertac.common.enumerations.PowerType;
import org.powertac.common.msg.MarketBootstrapData;
import org.powertac.common.repo.TimeslotRepo;
import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils;

import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.ConfiguratorFactoryService;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.MarketManagerService;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.PortfolioManagerService;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.MarketManagerService.DPResult;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.core.PowerTacBroker;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.utils.BrokerUtils.PriceMwhPair;

 * @author urieli
public class MarketManagerTest {

    public class MarketMgrThatDoesntSend extends MarketManagerService {
        protected void submitOrder(double neededKWh, int timeslot, int currentTimeslotIndex,
                List<Timeslot> enabledTimeslots) {

    private MarketMgrThatDoesntSend marketManagerService;
    private ConfiguratorFactoryService configuratorFactoryService;
    private PowerTacBroker brokerContext;
    private Broker thebroker;
    private Competition competition;
    private PortfolioManagerService portfolioManagerService;
    private Timeslot currentTimeslot;
    private List<Timeslot> enabledTimeslots;
    private TimeslotRepo timeslotRepo;

    static final private int IGNORED_TIME_SLOTS = 1;

    private double[] mwh;
    private double[] price;

     * @author urieli
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        marketManagerService = new MarketMgrThatDoesntSend();

        competition = mock(Competition.class);

        configuratorFactoryService = new ConfiguratorFactoryService();
        ConfiguratorFactoryService.GlobalConstants constants = GlobalConstants();
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(constants, "USAGE_RECORD_LENGTH", 3);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(constants, "MARKET_TRADES_ALPHA", 0.3);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(configuratorFactoryService, "CONSTANTS", constants);

        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "configuratorFactoryService",

        brokerContext = mock(PowerTacBroker.class);
        thebroker = new Broker("testBroker");

        portfolioManagerService = mock(PortfolioManagerService.class);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "portfolioManager", portfolioManagerService);

        currentTimeslot = new Timeslot(363, null);
        enabledTimeslots = new ArrayList<Timeslot>();
        enabledTimeslots.add(new Timeslot(364, null)); // -1
        enabledTimeslots.add(new Timeslot(365, null)); // -2
        timeslotRepo = mock(TimeslotRepo.class);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "timeslotRepo", timeslotRepo);


    private void initWithBootData() {
        // initialize() is tested separately and should 
        // work correctly for this test
        mwh = new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 };
        price = new double[] { -10, -20, -10, -20, -10, -20 };
        MarketBootstrapData boot = new MarketBootstrapData(mwh, price);

     * Test 
    public void test_initialize() {
        // initialize with arbitrary values

        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "marketTotalMwh", 1234.0);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "marketTotalPayments", 1234.0);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "lastOrder", null);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "marketMWh", null);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "marketPayments", null);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "predictedUsage", null);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "actualUsage", null);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "orderbooks", null);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "maxTradePrice", 1234);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "minTradePrice", 1234);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "supportingBidGroups", null);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "dpCache2013", null);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "shortBalanceTransactionsData", null);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(marketManagerService, "surplusBalanceTransactionsData", null);

        // initialize should set all fields correctly

        // get fields from object and verify they are initialized correctly

        double marketTotalMwh = (Double) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "marketTotalMwh");
        assertEquals("marketTotalMwh", 0.0, marketTotalMwh, 1e-6);

        double marketTotalPayments = (Double) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService,
        assertEquals("marketTotalPayments", 0.0, marketTotalPayments, 1e-6);

        // map should be initialized to empty
        HashMap<Integer, Order> lastOrder = (HashMap<Integer, Order>) ReflectionTestUtils
                .getField(marketManagerService, "lastOrder");
        assertNotNull("lastOrder", lastOrder);
        assertEquals("lastOrder.length", 0, lastOrder.size());

        // arrays are not null, of the right size, and initialized 
        // with 0's
        int usageRecordLength = configuratorFactoryService.CONSTANTS.USAGE_RECORD_LENGTH();
        double[] marketMWh = (double[]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "marketMWh");
        assertNotNull("marketMWh", marketMWh);
        assertEquals("length of marketMWh", usageRecordLength, marketMWh.length);
        assertArrayEquals(new double[usageRecordLength], marketMWh, 1e-6);

        double[] marketPayments = (double[]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "marketPayments");
        assertNotNull("marketPayments", marketPayments);
        assertEquals("length of marketPayments", usageRecordLength, marketPayments.length);
        assertArrayEquals(new double[usageRecordLength], marketPayments, 1e-6);

        double[][] predictedUsage = (double[][]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService,
        assertNotNull("predictedUsage", predictedUsage);
        assertEquals("predictedUsage.size", 24, predictedUsage.length);
        for (double[] p : predictedUsage) {
            assertNotNull("predictedUsage[i]", p);
            assertEquals("p.size", 2500, p.length);
            assertEquals("p[i]", (Integer) 0, p[0], 1e-6);

        double[] actualUsage = (double[]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "actualUsage");
        assertNotNull("actualUsage", actualUsage);
        assertEquals("actualUsage.size", 2500, actualUsage.length);
        assertEquals("actualUsage[i]", 0, actualUsage[0], 1e-6);

        HashMap<Integer, Orderbook> orderbooks = (HashMap<Integer, Orderbook>) ReflectionTestUtils
                .getField(marketManagerService, "orderbooks");
        assertNotNull("orderbooks", orderbooks);
        assertEquals("orderbooks.length", 0, orderbooks.size());

        double maxTradePrice = (Double) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "maxTradePrice");
        assertEquals("maxTradePrice", -Double.MAX_VALUE, maxTradePrice, 1e-6);

        double minTradePrice = (Double) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "minTradePrice");
        assertEquals("minTradePrice", Double.MAX_VALUE, minTradePrice, 1e-6);

        TreeMap<Integer, TreeMap<Double, Double>> supportingBidGroups = (TreeMap<Integer, TreeMap<Double, Double>>) ReflectionTestUtils
                .getField(marketManagerService, "supportingBidGroups");
        assertNotNull("supportingBidGroups", supportingBidGroups);
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups.length", 0, supportingBidGroups.size());

        MarketManagerService.DPCache dpCache2013 = (MarketManagerService.DPCache) ReflectionTestUtils
                .getField(marketManagerService, "dpCache2013");
        assertNotNull("dpCache2013", dpCache2013);
        ArrayList<Double> bestActions = (ArrayList<Double>) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(dpCache2013,
        assertNotNull("dpCache2013.bestActions", bestActions);
        ArrayList<Double> stateValues = (ArrayList<Double>) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(dpCache2013,
        assertNotNull("dpCache2013.stateValues", stateValues);
        HashMap<Integer, Boolean> validTimeslots = (HashMap<Integer, Boolean>) ReflectionTestUtils
                .getField(dpCache2013, "validTimeslots");
        assertNotNull("dpCache2013.validTimeslots", validTimeslots);
        assertEquals("dpCache2013.bestActions", 0, dpCache2013.getBestActions().size());
        assertEquals("dpCache2013.stateValues", 0, dpCache2013.getStateValues().size());
        assertEquals("dpCache2013.valid(ts)", false, dpCache2013.isValid(currentTimeslot.getSerialNumber()));

        // map should be initialized to empty
        ArrayList<PriceMwhPair> shortBalanceTransactionsData = (ArrayList<PriceMwhPair>) ReflectionTestUtils
                .getField(marketManagerService, "shortBalanceTransactionsData");
        assertNotNull("shortBalanceTransactionsData", shortBalanceTransactionsData);
        assertEquals("shortBalanceTransactionsData.length", 0, shortBalanceTransactionsData.size());

        ArrayList<PriceMwhPair> surplusBalanceTransactionsData = (ArrayList<PriceMwhPair>) ReflectionTestUtils
                .getField(marketManagerService, "surplusBalanceTransactionsData");
        assertNotNull("surplusBalanceTransactionsData", surplusBalanceTransactionsData);
        assertEquals("surplusBalanceTransactionsData.length", 0, surplusBalanceTransactionsData.size());


     * testing the usage predictions vs actual
    public void testPredictedVsActualUsage() {
        // initialize should set all fields correctly
        // test_initialize() should verify it works fine

        // test: transaction adding to actual usage
        int ts = currentTimeslot.getSerialNumber();
        TariffSpecification spec1 = new TariffSpecification(brokerContext.getBroker(), PowerType.CONSUMPTION);
        CustomerInfo austin = new CustomerInfo("Austin", 3);
        TariffTransaction ttx1 = new TariffTransaction(brokerContext.getBroker(), ts,
                TariffTransaction.Type.CONSUME, spec1, austin, 3, -10, 1);
        double[] actualUsage = (double[]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "actualUsage");
        assertEquals("actualUsage[ts]", -10, actualUsage[ts], 1e-6);

        TariffTransaction ttx2 = new TariffTransaction(brokerContext.getBroker(), ts,
                TariffTransaction.Type.CONSUME, spec1, austin, 3, -5, 1);
        actualUsage = (double[]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "actualUsage");
        assertEquals("actualUsage[ts]", -15, actualUsage[ts], 1e-6);

        // test: recording predicted usage
        when(portfolioManagerService.collectShiftedUsage(any(int.class), any(int.class))).thenReturn(20.0);
        int firstEnabled = enabledTimeslots.get(0).getSerialNumber();
        int lastEnabled = enabledTimeslots.get(enabledTimeslots.size() - 1).getSerialNumber();
        double[][] predictedUsage = (double[][]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService,
        assertEquals("predictedUsage[1][next]", -20, predictedUsage[0][firstEnabled], 1e-6);
        assertEquals("predictedUsage[1][next]", -20, predictedUsage[1][lastEnabled], 1e-6);

     * NOTE:
     * If we don't want to assume a specific 
     * method for accumulating bootstrap data,
     * we could test a record that is in the 
     * length of the usage record, so each cell
     * gets only 1 data point. 
    public void testMarketBootstrapData() {

        // test MarketBootstrapData

        double[] assignedMwh = (double[]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "marketMWh");
        double[] assignedPayments = (double[]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "marketPayments");

        // construct expected - prices should be recorded as positive
        double[] expectedMwh = { 1 + 1, 2 + 2, 3 + 3 };
        double[] expectedPayments = { 1 * 10 + 1 * 20, 2 * 10 + 2 * 20, 3 * 10 + 3 * 20 };

        assertArrayEquals("MarketBootstrapData correct mwh data", expectedMwh, assignedMwh, 1e-6);
        assertArrayEquals("MarketBootstrapData correct Payments data", expectedPayments, assignedPayments, 1e-6);

     * Testing the private method that updates
     * estimation of future costs (cost curves)
    public void testUpdateMarketTracking() {

        double executionMWh3 = 2 - 1;
        double executionPrice3 = 3 - 0.1;
        marketManagerService.updateMarketTracking(3, executionMWh3, executionPrice3);

        double executionMWh4 = 2;
        double executionPrice4 = 3;
        marketManagerService.updateMarketTracking(4, executionMWh4, executionPrice4);

        double executionMWh5 = 2 + 1;
        double executionPrice5 = 3 + 0.1;
        marketManagerService.updateMarketTracking(5, executionMWh5, executionPrice5);

        double[] assignedMwh = (double[]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "marketMWh");
        double[] assignedPayments = (double[]) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "marketPayments");

        double[] expectedMwh = new double[3];
        double[] expectedPayments = new double[3];

        // NOTE: should have been 3=>0, 4=>1, 5=>2, 
        // but since IGNORED_TIME_SLOTS == 1,
        // the mapping is 4=>0, 5=>1, 3=>2, i.e. the one here:
        expectedMwh[0] += executionMWh4;
        expectedMwh[1] += executionMWh5;
        expectedMwh[2] += executionMWh3;
        expectedPayments[0] += executionMWh4 * executionPrice4;
        expectedPayments[1] += executionMWh5 * executionPrice5;
        expectedPayments[2] += executionMWh3 * executionPrice3;

        assertArrayEquals("updateMarketTracking() correct mwh data", expectedMwh, assignedMwh, 1e-6);
        assertArrayEquals("updateMarketTracking() correct Payments data", expectedPayments, assignedPayments, 1e-6);


     * Testing the private method that tracks
     * min/max trade prices
    public void testMinMaxTradePrice() {


        double maxTradePrice = (Double) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "maxTradePrice");
        double minTradePrice = (Double) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(marketManagerService, "minTradePrice");
        assertEquals("maxTradePrice", 1, maxTradePrice, 1e-6);
        assertEquals("minTradePrice", -1, minTradePrice, 1e-6);

     * Testing the private method that learns
     * bid clearing distributions for the 
     * bidding MDP
    public void testRecordTradeResult() {

        int tradeCreationTime = 1;

        double executionPrice = 2;
        double executionMWh = 3;
        marketManagerService.recordTradeResult(tradeCreationTime, 4, executionPrice, executionMWh);
        marketManagerService.recordTradeResult(tradeCreationTime, 5, executionPrice, executionMWh);
        marketManagerService.recordTradeResult(tradeCreationTime, 6, executionPrice, executionMWh);
        marketManagerService.recordTradeResult(tradeCreationTime, 10, executionPrice - 1, executionMWh);
        marketManagerService.recordTradeResult(tradeCreationTime, 10, executionPrice + 1, executionMWh);

        // test: trades are recorded
        TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<PriceMwhPair>> supportingBidGroups = (TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<PriceMwhPair>>) ReflectionTestUtils
                .getField(marketManagerService, "supportingBidGroups");
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups.size", 4, supportingBidGroups.size());
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups.get(4).size", 1, supportingBidGroups.get(4).size());
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups.get(5).size", 1, supportingBidGroups.get(5).size());
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups.get(6).size", 1, supportingBidGroups.get(6).size());
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups.get(10).size", 2, supportingBidGroups.get(10).size());
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(4,0).price", executionPrice,
                supportingBidGroups.get(4).get(0).getPricePerMwh(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(5,0).price", executionPrice,
                supportingBidGroups.get(5).get(0).getPricePerMwh(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(6,0).price", executionPrice,
                supportingBidGroups.get(6).get(0).getPricePerMwh(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(10,0).price is lowest", executionPrice - 1,
                supportingBidGroups.get(10).get(0).getPricePerMwh(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(10,1).price is higher", executionPrice + 1,
                supportingBidGroups.get(10).get(1).getPricePerMwh(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(4,0).mwh", executionMWh, supportingBidGroups.get(4).get(0).getMwh(),
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(5,0).mwh", executionMWh, supportingBidGroups.get(5).get(0).getMwh(),
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(6,0).mwh", executionMWh, supportingBidGroups.get(6).get(0).getMwh(),
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(10,0).mwh", executionMWh, supportingBidGroups.get(10).get(0).getMwh(),
        assertEquals("supportingBidGroups(10,1).mwh", executionMWh, supportingBidGroups.get(10).get(1).getMwh(),

     * Here we only verify function calls -  
     * each of the called functions is tested 
     * separately 
    public void testClearedTrade() {
        // prepare spy
        MarketMgrThatDoesntSend spyMktMgr = spy(marketManagerService);

        // prepare some trade data
        ClearedTrade trade;
        double executionMWh = 2;
        double executionPrice = 3;
        Instant now = new Instant(null);
        Instant tradeCreationTime =; // this probably doesn't work but what we care about is the next line    

        // record trade twice: with and without useMtx
        trade = new ClearedTrade(4, executionMWh, executionPrice, tradeCreationTime);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(configuratorFactoryService, "useMtx", false);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(configuratorFactoryService, "useMtx", true);

        // verify calls: updateMarketTracking only called if useMtx == false
        //verify(mockMktMgr, times(2)).handleMessage(trade);
        verify(spyMktMgr, times(1)).updateMarketTracking(4, executionMWh, executionPrice);
        verify(spyMktMgr, times(2)).updateLowHighTradePrices(executionPrice);
        verify(spyMktMgr, times(2)).recordTradeResult(timeslotRepo.getTimeslotIndex(tradeCreationTime), 4,
                executionPrice, executionMWh);

     * Here we only verify function calls -  
     * called function(s) is tested separately 
    public void testMarketTransaction() {
        // prepare spy
        MarketMgrThatDoesntSend spyMktMgr = spy(marketManagerService);

        // prepare a market transaction 
        double executionMWh = 2;
        double executionPrice = 3;
        Instant now = new Instant(null);
        Instant tradeCreationTime =; // this probably doesn't work but what we care about is the next line    

        // record trade twice: with and without useMtx
        MarketTransaction mtx = new MarketTransaction(thebroker, 1, 4, executionMWh, executionPrice);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(configuratorFactoryService, "useMtx", false);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(configuratorFactoryService, "useMtx", true);

        // verify calls: updateMarketTracking only called if useMtx == true
        verify(spyMktMgr, times(1)).updateMarketTracking(4, executionMWh, executionPrice);

     * Test 
     * TODO cover a few more cases 
    public void test_MeanMarketPrice() {

        double avgPricePerMWH = marketManagerService.getMeanMarketPricePerMWH();
        assertEquals("correct value for market price/mWh", 15.0, avgPricePerMWH, 1e-6);

        double avgPricePerKWH = marketManagerService.getMeanMarketPricePerKWH();
        assertEquals("correct value for market price/kWh", 0.015, avgPricePerKWH, 1e-6);

        ArrayRealVector avgPriceArray = marketManagerService.getMarketAvgPricesArrayKwh();
        double[] expected = new double[] { 0.015, 0.015, 0.015 };
        assertArrayEquals("correct value for avg-prices array", expected, avgPriceArray.toArray(), 1e-6);

        double expected0 = 0.015;
        double expected1 = 0.015;
        double expected2 = 0.015;
        assertEquals("correct avg price per slot0", expected0, marketManagerService.getMarketAvgPricePerSlotKWH(0),
        assertEquals("correct avg price per slot1", expected1, marketManagerService.getMarketAvgPricePerSlotKWH(1),
        assertEquals("correct avg price per slot2", expected2, marketManagerService.getMarketAvgPricePerSlotKWH(2),
        assertEquals("correct avg price per slot - wrapping index", expected0,
                marketManagerService.getMarketAvgPricePerSlotKWH(4), 1e-6);

     * Test 
    public void test_getMarketPricePerKWHRecordStd() {
        double std = marketManagerService.getMarketPricePerKWHRecordStd();
        // bias corrected std: sum the squared errors, divide by n-1, and take the
        // root, and divide by 1000 to get from mWh => kWh
        assertEquals("correct value for market price/kWh std", 0, std, 1e-6);
        //assertEquals("correct value for market price/kWh std", Math.sqrt(3 * Math.pow(2,2) / (3 - 1)) / 1000, std, 1e-6);

     * correctess of whether we can run DP
     * this tests assumes that cleared trades
     * are handled correctly: this should be taken
     * care of in a test above
     * Test
    public void test_canRunDP() {
        // make sure all fields are in place

        ClearedTrade trade;
        BalancingTransaction balanceTx;
        Instant now = new Instant(null);
        Instant tradeCreationTime = * TimeService.HOUR); // this probably doesn't work but what we care about is the next line    

        // add the 'enabled timeslots from setUp(), eventhough 
        // they are not contiguous
        trade = new ClearedTrade(364, 0, 0, tradeCreationTime);
        trade = new ClearedTrade(365, 0, 0, tradeCreationTime);
        balanceTx = new BalancingTransaction(thebroker, 1, -1234, -1.234);

        int backup = (Integer) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(configuratorFactoryService.CONSTANTS,
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(configuratorFactoryService.CONSTANTS, "LARGE_ENOUGH_SAMPLE_FOR_MARKET_TRADES",
        assertEquals("canRunDP()", true,
                marketManagerService.canRunDP(currentTimeslot.getSerialNumber(), enabledTimeslots));
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(configuratorFactoryService.CONSTANTS, "LARGE_ENOUGH_SAMPLE_FOR_MARKET_TRADES",
        assertEquals("canRunDP()", false,
                marketManagerService.canRunDP(currentTimeslot.getSerialNumber(), enabledTimeslots));
        // restore value
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(configuratorFactoryService.CONSTANTS, "LARGE_ENOUGH_SAMPLE_FOR_MARKET_TRADES",

    * Test
    public void test_ChargeMwhPair() {
        MarketManagerService.ChargeMwhPair pair1 = ChargeMwhPair(1.0, -1.0);
        assertEquals("getCharge()", 1.0, pair1.getCharge(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("getMwh()", -1.0, pair1.getMwh(), 1e-6);

     * Test
    public void test_RunDP2013() {
        // make sure all fields are in place

        ClearedTrade trade;
        BalancingTransaction balanceTx;
        int currentTimeslotIndex = 363;
        // easy initialization, but not consistent with ts=363 
        Instant now = new Instant(null);
        Instant tradeCreationTime = * TimeService.HOUR); // this probably doesn't work but what we care about is the next line    

        // initialize with transactions from ts 364

        // 15/Mwh for n+1
        trade = new ClearedTrade(364, 1, 15, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        // 20/Mwh for n+2
        trade = new ClearedTrade(365, 1, 20, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        //0.025/Kwh => 25/Mwh for balancing
        balanceTx = new BalancingTransaction(thebroker, 364, -1000, -25);
        //                                               ts    kwh  charge

        // initialize with transactions from ts 365 

        // 15/Mwh for n+1
        trade = new ClearedTrade(365, 1, 10, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        // 20/Mwh for n+2
        trade = new ClearedTrade(366, 1, 20, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        //0.025/Kwh => 25/Mwh for balancing
        balanceTx = new BalancingTransaction(thebroker, 365, -1000, -25);
        //                                               ts    kwh  charge

        // initialize with transactions from ts 366 

        // 15/Mwh for n+1
        trade = new ClearedTrade(366, 2, 20, tradeCreationTime); // TODO still 10 but should fail test since doesn't do a weighted avg
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        // 20/Mwh for n+2
        trade = new ClearedTrade(367, 1, 10, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        //0.025/Kwh => 25/Mwh for balancing
        balanceTx = new BalancingTransaction(thebroker, 366, -2000, -20); // -10
        //                                               ts    kwh  charge

        // Run DP

        double neededMwh = 10; // not used
        marketManagerService.runDP2013(neededMwh, currentTimeslotIndex);

        MarketManagerService.DPCache dpCache2013 = (MarketManagerService.DPCache) ReflectionTestUtils
                .getField(marketManagerService, "dpCache2013");

        // examine results

        ArrayList<Double> stateValues = dpCache2013.getStateValues();
        assertEquals("stateValues.size", 3, stateValues.size());
        double step0Val = stateValues.get(0); // balancing
        double step1Val = stateValues.get(1); // n+1 auction
        double step2Val = stateValues.get(2); // n+2 auction
        // expected results:
        // (-25-25-20) / (-1mwh -1mwh -2mwh) = -17.5
        assertEquals("step0 - balancing", -17.5, step0Val, 1e-6);
        // 1/4 was cleared for 10, 1/4 for 15, 1/2 for 20
        //(*)action -10: 1/4 x -10 + 3/4 x V(s_t+1) = 1/4 x -10 + 3/4 x -17.5 = -15.625
        //   action -15: 1/2 x -15 + 1/2 x V(s_t+1) = 1/2 x -15 + 1/2 x -17.5 = -16.25
        //   action -20: 1   x -20 + 0   x V(s_t+1) = -20
        assertEquals("step1 - auction n+1", -15.625, step1Val, 1e-6);
        // 1/3 was cleared for 10, 2/3 was cleared for 20
        //(*)action -10: 1/3 x -10 + 2/3 x V(s_t+1) = 1/3 x -10 + 2/3 x -15.625 = -13.75
        //   action -20: 1   x -20 + 0   x V(s_t+1) = -20 
        assertEquals("step2 - auction n+2", -13.75, step2Val, 1e-6);

        ArrayList<Double> bestActions = dpCache2013.getBestActions();
        assertEquals("bestActions.size", 3, bestActions.size());
        assertEquals("bestActions(n+1)", -10, bestActions.get(1), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("getBestAction(n+1)", -10, dpCache2013.getBestAction(1), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("bestActions(n+2)", -10, bestActions.get(2), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("getBestAction(n+2)", -10, dpCache2013.getBestAction(2), 1e-6);

        assertEquals("current ts - valid", true, dpCache2013.isValid(currentTimeslotIndex));
        assertEquals("next ts - not valid", false, dpCache2013.isValid(currentTimeslotIndex + 1));
        marketManagerService.runDP2013(neededMwh, currentTimeslotIndex + 1);
        assertEquals("current ts - not valid", false, dpCache2013.isValid(currentTimeslotIndex));
        assertEquals("next ts - valid", true, dpCache2013.isValid(currentTimeslotIndex + 1));

     * Test
    public void test_RunDP2014() {

        // SETUP

        // make sure all fields are in place

        ClearedTrade trade;
        BalancingTransaction balanceTx;
        // easy initialization, but not consistent with ts=363 
        Instant now = new Instant(null);
        Instant tradeCreationTime = * TimeService.HOUR); // this probably doesn't work but what we care about is the next line    

        // initialize with transactions from ts 364

        // 15/Mwh for n-1
        trade = new ClearedTrade(364, 1, 15, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        // 20/Mwh for n-2
        trade = new ClearedTrade(365, 1, 20, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        //0.025/Kwh => 25/Mwh for balancing
        balanceTx = new BalancingTransaction(thebroker, 364, -1000, -25);
        //                                               ts    kwh  charge

        // initialize with transactions from ts 365 

        // 15/Mwh for n-1
        trade = new ClearedTrade(365, 1, 10, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        // 20/Mwh for n-2
        trade = new ClearedTrade(366, 1, 20, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        //0.025/Kwh => 25/Mwh for balancing
        balanceTx = new BalancingTransaction(thebroker, 365, -1000, -25);
        //                                               ts    kwh  charge

        // initialize with transactions from ts 366 

        // 15/Mwh for n-1
        trade = new ClearedTrade(366, 2, 20, tradeCreationTime); // TODO still 10 but should fail test since doesn't do a weighted avg
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        // 20/Mwh for n-2
        trade = new ClearedTrade(367, 1, 10, tradeCreationTime);
        //                       ts  mwh charge

        //0.025/Kwh => 25/Mwh for balancing
        balanceTx = new BalancingTransaction(thebroker, 366, -2000, -20); // -10
        //                                               ts    kwh  charge

        // TEST DP RESULTS

        String msgSuffix = " no orderbooks";

        // To remind: cleared trades data (price, mwh) is
        // state n-1: (10, 1), (15, 1), (20, 2)
        // state n-2: (10, 1), (20, 1), (20, 1)

        // DP for action from state 1
        double neededMwh = 10; // not used
        int currentTimeslotIndex = 369; // should be after above tradeCreationTime's
        int targetTimeslotIndex = 370;
        DPResult dpResult = marketManagerService.runDP2014(targetTimeslotIndex, neededMwh, currentTimeslotIndex);
        // examine results - state values
        ArrayList<Double> stateValues = dpResult.getStateValues();
        assertNotNull("stateValues not null", stateValues);
        assertEquals("stateValues.size", 2, stateValues.size());
        double V_0 = stateValues.get(0); // balancing
        double V_1 = stateValues.get(1); // n-1 auction
        // state 0:
        // (-25-25-20) / (-1mwh -1mwh -2mwh) = -17.5
        assertEquals("A(1): V(0) - balancing" + msgSuffix, -17.5, V_0, 1e-6);
        // state 1:
        // 1/4 was cleared for 10, 1/4 for 15, 1/2 for 20
        //   action   0: 0 x 0 + 1 x V(s_t+1) = 0 + 1 x -17.5 = -17.5
        //(*)action -10: 1/4 x -10 + 3/4 x V(s_t+1) = 1/4 x -10 + 3/4 x -17.5 = -15.625
        //   action -15: 1/2 x -15 + 1/2 x V(s_t+1) = 1/2 x -15 + 1/2 x -17.5 = -16.25
        //   action -20: 1   x -20 + 0   x V(s_t+1) = -20
        assertEquals("A(1): V(1) - auction n-1" + msgSuffix, -15.625, V_1, 1e-6);
        // examine results - action values
        ArrayList<Double> bestActions = dpResult.getBestActions();
        assertEquals("A(1): bestActions.size" + msgSuffix, 2, bestActions.size());
        assertEquals("A(1): bestActions(n-1)" + msgSuffix, -10, bestActions.get(1), 1e-6);

        // DP for action from state 2
        neededMwh = 10; // not used
        currentTimeslotIndex = 369; // should be after above tradeCreationTime's
        targetTimeslotIndex = 371;
        dpResult = marketManagerService.runDP2014(targetTimeslotIndex, neededMwh, currentTimeslotIndex);
        // examine results - state values
        stateValues = dpResult.getStateValues();
        assertNotNull("stateValues not null", stateValues);
        assertEquals("stateValues.size", 3, stateValues.size());
        V_0 = stateValues.get(0); // balancing
        V_1 = stateValues.get(1); // n-1 auction
        double V_2 = stateValues.get(2); // n-2 auction
        // expected results:
        // state 0:
        // (-25-25-20) / (-1mwh -1mwh -2mwh) = -17.5
        assertEquals("A(2): V(0) - balancing" + msgSuffix, -17.5, V_0, 1e-6);
        // state 1:
        // 1/4 was cleared for 10, 1/4 for 15, 1/2 for 20
        //   action   0: 0 x 0 + 1 x V(s_t+1) = 0 + 1 x -17.5 = -17.5
        //(*)action -10: 1/4 x -10 + 3/4 x V(s_t+1) = 1/4 x -10 + 3/4 x -17.5 = -15.625
        //   action -15: 1/2 x -15 + 1/2 x V(s_t+1) = 1/2 x -15 + 1/2 x -17.5 = -16.25
        //   action -20: 1   x -20 + 0   x V(s_t+1) = -20
        assertEquals("A(2): V(1) - auction n-1" + msgSuffix, -15.625, V_1, 1e-6);
        // state 2:
        // 1/3 was cleared for 10, 2/3 was cleared for 20
        //   action   0: 0 x 0 + 1 x V(s_t+1) = 0 + 1 x -15.625 = -15.625
        //(*)action -10: 1/3 x -10 + 2/3 x V(s_t+1) = 1/3 x -10 + 2/3 x -15.625 = -13.75
        //   action -20: 1   x -20 + 0   x V(s_t+1) = -20 
        assertEquals("A(2): V(2) - auction n-2" + msgSuffix, -13.75, V_2, 1e-6);
        // examine results - action values
        bestActions = dpResult.getBestActions();
        assertEquals("bestActions.size", 3, bestActions.size());
        assertEquals("bestActions(n-1)", -10, bestActions.get(1), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("bestActions(n-2)", -10, bestActions.get(2), 1e-6);

        // test with orderbooks 
        msgSuffix = " with orderbooks";

        // To remind: cleared trades data (price, mwh) is
        // state n-1: (10, 1), (15, 1), (20, 2)
        // state n-2: (10, 1), (20, 1), (20, 1)

        // DP for action from state 1
        neededMwh = 10; // not used
        currentTimeslotIndex = 369; // should be after above tradeCreationTime's
        targetTimeslotIndex = 370;
        // order book for 370
        Orderbook o1 = new Orderbook(370, null, null);
        o1.addAsk(new OrderbookOrder(-1.0, 14.0));
        dpResult = marketManagerService.runDP2014(targetTimeslotIndex, neededMwh, currentTimeslotIndex);
        // examine results - state values
        stateValues = dpResult.getStateValues();
        assertNotNull("stateValues not null", stateValues);
        assertEquals("stateValues.size", 2, stateValues.size());
        V_0 = stateValues.get(0); // balancing
        V_1 = stateValues.get(1); // n-1 auction
        // state 0:
        // (-25-25-20) / (-1mwh -1mwh -2mwh) = -17.5
        assertEquals("A(1): V(0) - balancing" + msgSuffix, -17.5, V_0, 1e-6);
        // state 1:
        // 1/3 was cleared for 15, 2/3 for 20
        //   action   0: 0 x 0 + 1 x V(s_t+1) = 0 + 1 x -17.5 = -17.5
        //(x)action -10: 
        //(*)action -15: 1/3 x -15 + 2/3 x V(s_t+1) = 1/3 x -15 + 2/3 x -17.5 = -16.6666666
        //   action -20: 1   x -20 + 0   x V(s_t+1) = -20
        assertEquals("A(1): V(1) - auction n-1" + msgSuffix, -16.666666, V_1, 1e-6);
        // examine results - action values
        bestActions = dpResult.getBestActions();
        assertEquals("bestActions.size", 2, bestActions.size());
        assertEquals("bestActions(n-1)", -15, bestActions.get(1), 1e-6);

        // DP for action from state 2
        neededMwh = 10; // not used
        currentTimeslotIndex = 369; // should be after above tradeCreationTime's
        targetTimeslotIndex = 371;
        // order book for 371
        Orderbook o2 = new Orderbook(371, null, null);
        o2.addAsk(new OrderbookOrder(-1.0, 19.0));
        dpResult = marketManagerService.runDP2014(targetTimeslotIndex, neededMwh, currentTimeslotIndex);
        // examine results - state values
        stateValues = dpResult.getStateValues();
        assertNotNull("stateValues not null", stateValues);
        assertEquals("stateValues.size", 3, stateValues.size());
        V_0 = stateValues.get(0); // balancing
        V_1 = stateValues.get(1); // n-1 auction
        V_2 = stateValues.get(2); // n-2 auction
        // expected results:
        // state 0:
        // (-25-25-20) / (-1mwh -1mwh -2mwh) = -17.5
        assertEquals("A(2): V(0) - balancing" + msgSuffix, -17.5, V_0, 1e-6);
        // state 1:
        // all cleared for 20
        //(*)action   0: 0 x 0 + 1 x V(s_t+1) = 0 + 1 x -17.5 = -17.5
        //(x)action -10:
        //(x)action -15: 
        //   action -20: 1   x -20 + 0   x V(s_t+1) = -20
        assertEquals("A(2): V(1) - auction n-1" + msgSuffix, -17.5, V_1, 1e-6);
        // state 2:
        // all cleared for 20
        //(*)action   0: 0 x 0 + 1 x V(s_t+1) = 0 + 1 x -17.5 = -17.5
        //(x)action -10:
        //   action -20: 1   x -20 + 0   x V(s_t+1) = -20 
        assertEquals("A(2): V(2) - auction n-2" + msgSuffix, -17.5, V_2, 1e-6);
        // examine results - action values
        bestActions = dpResult.getBestActions();
        assertEquals("bestActions.size", 3, bestActions.size());
        assertEquals("bestActions(n-1)", -0.0, bestActions.get(1), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("bestActions(n-2)", -0.0, bestActions.get(2), 1e-6);

        // test with orderbooks that eliminate all
        msgSuffix = " orderbooks eliminate all";

        // To remind: cleared trades data (price, mwh) is
        // state n-1: (10, 1), (15, 1), (20, 2)
        // state n-2: (10, 1), (20, 1), (20, 1)

        // DP for action from state 2 - orderbook eliminates all
        neededMwh = 10; // not used
        currentTimeslotIndex = 370; // should be after above tradeCreationTime's
        targetTimeslotIndex = 372;
        // order book for 372
        Orderbook o3 = new Orderbook(372, null, null);
        o3.addAsk(new OrderbookOrder(-1.0, 100.0));
        dpResult = marketManagerService.runDP2014(targetTimeslotIndex, neededMwh, currentTimeslotIndex);
        // examine results - state values
        stateValues = dpResult.getStateValues();
        assertNotNull("stateValues not null", stateValues);
        assertEquals("stateValues.size", 3, stateValues.size());
        V_0 = stateValues.get(0); // balancing
        V_1 = stateValues.get(1); // n-1 auction
        V_2 = stateValues.get(2); // n-2 auction
        // expected results:
        // state 0:
        // (-25-25-20) / (-1mwh -1mwh -2mwh) = -17.5
        assertEquals("A(2): V(0) - balancing" + msgSuffix, -17.5, V_0, 1e-6);
        // state 1:
        // all cleared for 20
        //(*)action   0: 0 x 0 + 1 x V(s_t+1) = 0 + 1 x -17.5 = -17.5
        //(x)action -10:
        //(x)action -15: 
        //(x)action -20: 
        assertEquals("A(2): V(1) - auction n-1" + msgSuffix, -17.5, V_1, 1e-6);
        // state 2:
        // all cleared for 20
        //(*)action   0: 0 x 0 + 1 x V(s_t+1) = 0 + 1 x -17.5 = -17.5
        //(x)action -10:
        //(x)action -20: 
        assertEquals("A(2): V(2) - auction n-2" + msgSuffix, -17.5, V_2, 1e-6);
        // examine results - action values
        bestActions = dpResult.getBestActions();
        assertEquals("bestActions.size", 3, bestActions.size());
        assertEquals("bestActions(n-1)", -0.0, bestActions.get(1), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("bestActions(n-2)", -0.0, bestActions.get(2), 1e-6);


     * Test
    public void test_meanClearingPrice() {
        ArrayList<PriceMwhPair> clearings = new ArrayList<PriceMwhPair>();
        clearings.add(new PriceMwhPair(1.0, 123));
        clearings.add(new PriceMwhPair(2.0, 234));
        clearings.add(new PriceMwhPair(3.0, 345));
        assertEquals("meanClearingBidPrice", 2.0, marketManagerService.meanClearingBidPrice(clearings), 1e-6);

     * Test
    public void test_timeslotIsEnabled() {
        assertFalse("currentTimeslot is not enabled",
                marketManagerService.timeslotIsEnabled(enabledTimeslots, currentTimeslot.getSerialNumber()));

        Timeslot t364 = new Timeslot(364, null);
        assertTrue("timeslot 364 is not enabled",
                marketManagerService.timeslotIsEnabled(enabledTimeslots, t364.getSerialNumber()));

        Timeslot t365 = new Timeslot(365, null);
        assertTrue("timeslot 365 is enabled",
                marketManagerService.timeslotIsEnabled(enabledTimeslots, t365.getSerialNumber()));

        Timeslot t366 = new Timeslot(366, null);
        assertFalse("timeslot 366 is enabled",
                marketManagerService.timeslotIsEnabled(enabledTimeslots, t366.getSerialNumber()));