Java tutorial
/* * TacTex - a power trading agent that competed in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Daniel Urieli and Peter Stone {urieli,pstone} * * * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package edu.utexas.cs.tactex; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.internal.ArrayComparisonFailure; import org.powertac.common.Broker; import org.powertac.common.CustomerInfo; import org.powertac.common.TariffSpecification; import org.powertac.common.enumerations.PowerType; import org.powertac.common.repo.TariffRepo; import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.utils.BrokerUtils; import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.utils.BrokerUtils.PriceMwhPair; /** * * @author urieli * */ public class BrokerUtilsTest { @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { } /** * Test */ @Test public void test_PriceMwhPair() { PriceMwhPair pair1 = new PriceMwhPair(1.0, -1.0); PriceMwhPair pair2 = new PriceMwhPair(1.0, +1.0); PriceMwhPair pair3 = new PriceMwhPair(2.0, -1.0); assertEquals("getPrice()", 1.0, pair1.getPricePerMwh(), 1e-6); assertEquals("getMwh()", -1.0, pair1.getMwh(), 1e-6); assertEquals("same key", 0, pair1.compareTo(pair2)); assertEquals("same key", 0, pair2.compareTo(pair1)); assertEquals("smaller", -1, pair1.compareTo(pair3)); assertEquals("smaller", -1, pair2.compareTo(pair3)); assertEquals("larger", 1, pair3.compareTo(pair1)); assertEquals("larger", 1, pair3.compareTo(pair2)); } @Test public void test_rotateWeeklyRecordAndAppendTillEndOfDay() { // this test is very similar and is based on // EnergyPredictionTest.testEnergyPredictionOfAboutOneWeek() // we moved it here after refactoring a method to BrokersUtils // // initialize an record vector where the value of an // entry is its index ArrayRealVector record = new ArrayRealVector(7 * 24); for (int i = 0; i < record.getDimension(); ++i) { record.setEntry(i, i); } int currentTimeslot; ArrayRealVector expected; ArrayRealVector actual; currentTimeslot = 7 * 24 - 1; expected = new ArrayRealVector(record); actual = BrokerUtils.rotateWeeklyRecordAndAppendTillEndOfDay(record, currentTimeslot); assertArrayEquals("no rotation at the beginning of week", expected.toArray(), actual.toArray(), 1e-6); currentTimeslot = 1 * 24 - 1; // actual actual = BrokerUtils.rotateWeeklyRecordAndAppendTillEndOfDay(record, currentTimeslot); // prepare expected RealVector slice1 = record.getSubVector(1 * 24, 7 * 24 - 24); expected.setSubVector(0, slice1); expected.setSubVector(slice1.getDimension(), record.getSubVector(0, 24)); assertArrayEquals("end of first day results in days 2,...,7,1", expected.toArray(), actual.toArray(), 1e-6); currentTimeslot = 6 * 24 - 1; // actual actual = BrokerUtils.rotateWeeklyRecordAndAppendTillEndOfDay(record, currentTimeslot); // prepare expected slice1 = record.getSubVector(6 * 24, 7 * 24 - 6 * 24); expected.setSubVector(0, slice1); expected.setSubVector(slice1.getDimension(), record.getSubVector(0, 6 * 24)); assertArrayEquals("end of 6th day results in days 7,1,...,6", expected.toArray(), actual.toArray(), 1e-6); currentTimeslot = 0; // predict actual = BrokerUtils.rotateWeeklyRecordAndAppendTillEndOfDay(record, currentTimeslot); // prepare expected slice1 = record.getSubVector(1, 7 * 24 - 1); expected.setSubVector(0, slice1); expected.setSubVector(slice1.getDimension(), record.getSubVector(0, 1)); expected.append(record.getSubVector(1, 24 - 1)); assertArrayEquals("if not at day start, appending until the end of day", expected.toArray(), actual.toArray(), 1e-6); } @Test public void test_getNumIndividualCustomers() { HashMap<TariffSpecification, HashMap<CustomerInfo, Integer>> tariffSubscriptions = new HashMap<TariffSpecification, HashMap<CustomerInfo, Integer>>(); int numCustomers; int expected; numCustomers = BrokerUtils.getNumIndividualCustomers(tariffSubscriptions); expected = 0; assertEquals("no tariffs", expected, numCustomers); TariffSpecification spec1 = new TariffSpecification(null, null); tariffSubscriptions.put(spec1, new HashMap<CustomerInfo, Integer>()); numCustomers = BrokerUtils.getNumIndividualCustomers(tariffSubscriptions); expected = 0; assertEquals("tariff with no customers", expected, numCustomers); CustomerInfo customer11 = new CustomerInfo("customer11", 1); tariffSubscriptions.get(spec1).put(customer11, 1); numCustomers = BrokerUtils.getNumIndividualCustomers(tariffSubscriptions); expected = 1; assertEquals("one customer with population=1", expected, numCustomers); CustomerInfo customer12 = new CustomerInfo("customer12", 1); tariffSubscriptions.get(spec1).put(customer12, 1); numCustomers = BrokerUtils.getNumIndividualCustomers(tariffSubscriptions); expected = 2; assertEquals("two customers, each with population=1", expected, numCustomers); TariffSpecification spec2 = new TariffSpecification(null, null); tariffSubscriptions.put(spec2, new HashMap<CustomerInfo, Integer>()); numCustomers = BrokerUtils.getNumIndividualCustomers(tariffSubscriptions); expected = 2; assertEquals("added tariff with no customers", expected, numCustomers); CustomerInfo customer21 = new CustomerInfo("customer21", 1); tariffSubscriptions.get(spec1).put(customer21, 1); numCustomers = BrokerUtils.getNumIndividualCustomers(tariffSubscriptions); expected = 3; assertEquals("added customer to new tariff with population=1", expected, numCustomers); } @Test public void test_revertKeyMapping() { HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> twoLevelMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> expectedMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(); myAssertMapsEqual("empty map", expectedMap, BrokerUtils.revertKeyMapping(twoLevelMap)); twoLevelMap.put("am", new HashMap<String, String>()); myAssertMapsEqual("key1 added with no key2 - should be ignored", expectedMap, BrokerUtils.revertKeyMapping(twoLevelMap)); twoLevelMap.get("am").put("I", "mapped"); expectedMap.put("I", new HashMap<String, String>()); expectedMap.get("I").put("am", "mapped"); myAssertMapsEqual("one item added", expectedMap, BrokerUtils.revertKeyMapping(twoLevelMap)); twoLevelMap.put("were", new HashMap<String, String>()); twoLevelMap.get("were").put("I", "mapped"); expectedMap.get("I").put("were", "mapped"); myAssertMapsEqual("another item added with different key1 and same key2", expectedMap, BrokerUtils.revertKeyMapping(twoLevelMap)); twoLevelMap.get("were").put("we", "mapped"); expectedMap.put("we", new HashMap<String, String>()); expectedMap.get("we").put("were", "mapped"); myAssertMapsEqual("another item added with same key1 and different key2", expectedMap, BrokerUtils.revertKeyMapping(twoLevelMap)); twoLevelMap.put("was", new HashMap<String, String>()); myAssertMapsEqual("another key1 added with no key2", expectedMap, BrokerUtils.revertKeyMapping(twoLevelMap)); twoLevelMap.get("was").put("he", "mapped"); expectedMap.put("he", new HashMap<String, String>()); expectedMap.get("he").put("was", "mapped"); myAssertMapsEqual("new key1 and key2 should be in the result", expectedMap, BrokerUtils.revertKeyMapping(twoLevelMap)); } @Test public void test_initializedPredictedFromCurrentPredictions() { HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, Integer>> oldmap = new HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, Integer>>(); HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, Double>> newmap = BrokerUtils .initializePredictedFromCurrentSubscriptions(oldmap); // empty map assertEquals("empty subscriptions", 0, newmap.size()); // 1 customer, no subscriptions CustomerInfo cust1 = new CustomerInfo("cust1", 10); oldmap.put(cust1, new HashMap<TariffSpecification, Integer>()); newmap = BrokerUtils.initializePredictedFromCurrentSubscriptions(oldmap); assertEquals("1 customer, no subscriptions, map size", 1, newmap.size()); assertEquals("1 customer, no subscriptions, subscriptions size", 0, newmap.get(cust1).size()); Broker thebroker = new Broker("testBroker"); // 1 customer, 1 tariff subscriptions TariffSpecification tariff1 = new TariffSpecification(thebroker, PowerType.CONSUMPTION); oldmap.get(cust1).put(tariff1, 5); newmap = BrokerUtils.initializePredictedFromCurrentSubscriptions(oldmap); assertEquals("1 customer, 1 subscription, map size", 1, newmap.size()); assertEquals("1 customer, 1 subscription, subscriptions size", 1, newmap.get(cust1).size()); assertEquals("1 customer, 1 subscription, num subs", 5.0, newmap.get(cust1).get(tariff1), 1e-6); // 1 customer, 2 tariff subscriptions TariffSpecification tariff2 = new TariffSpecification(thebroker, PowerType.CONSUMPTION); oldmap.get(cust1).put(tariff2, 3); newmap = BrokerUtils.initializePredictedFromCurrentSubscriptions(oldmap); assertEquals("1 customer, 2 subscription, map size", 1, newmap.size()); assertEquals("1 customer, 2 subscription, subscriptions size", 2, newmap.get(cust1).size()); assertEquals("1 customer, 2 subscription, num subs tariff1", 5.0, newmap.get(cust1).get(tariff1), 1e-6); assertEquals("1 customer, 2 subscription, num subs tariff2", 3.0, newmap.get(cust1).get(tariff2), 1e-6); // 2 customer, 2 tariff subscriptions CustomerInfo cust2 = new CustomerInfo("cust2", 20); oldmap.put(cust2, new HashMap<TariffSpecification, Integer>()); oldmap.get(cust2).put(tariff1, 15); oldmap.get(cust2).put(tariff2, 5); newmap = BrokerUtils.initializePredictedFromCurrentSubscriptions(oldmap); assertEquals("2 customer, 2 subscription, map size", 2, newmap.size()); // missing? test in current line assertEquals("2 customer, 2 subscription, cust1 subscriptions size", 2, newmap.get(cust1).size()); assertEquals("2 customer, 2 subscription, cust1 num subs tariff1", 5.0, newmap.get(cust1).get(tariff1), 1e-6); assertEquals("2 customer, 2 subscription, cust1 num subs tariff2", 3.0, newmap.get(cust1).get(tariff2), 1e-6); assertEquals("2 customer, 2 subscription, cust2 subscriptions size", 2, newmap.get(cust2).size()); assertEquals("2 customer, 2 subscription, cust2 num subs tariff1", 15.0, newmap.get(cust2).get(tariff1), 1e-6); assertEquals("2 customer, 2 subscription, cust2 num subs tariff2", 5.0, newmap.get(cust2).get(tariff2), 1e-6); } @Test public void test_addRemoveFromRepo() { TariffSpecification spec; TariffRepo tariffRepo; boolean success; Broker broker = new Broker("testbroker"); } @Test public void test_insertIntoSortedArray() { // test with doubles ArrayList<Double> arr = new ArrayList<Double>(); BrokerUtils.insertToSortedArrayList(arr, 3.0); // insert to empty BrokerUtils.insertToSortedArrayList(arr, 1.0); // insert smallest BrokerUtils.insertToSortedArrayList(arr, 5.0); // insert largest BrokerUtils.insertToSortedArrayList(arr, 2.0); // insert in the middle BrokerUtils.insertToSortedArrayList(arr, 4.0); // insert in the middle BrokerUtils.insertToSortedArrayList(arr, 0.0); // insert smallest BrokerUtils.insertToSortedArrayList(arr, 6.0); // insert largest assertEquals("Array length", 7, arr.size(), 1e-6); assertEquals("Array.get(0)", 0, arr.get(0), 1e-6); assertEquals("Array.get(1)", 1, arr.get(1), 1e-6); assertEquals("Array.get(2)", 2, arr.get(2), 1e-6); assertEquals("Array.get(3)", 3, arr.get(3), 1e-6); assertEquals("Array.get(4)", 4, arr.get(4), 1e-6); assertEquals("Array.get(5)", 5, arr.get(5), 1e-6); assertEquals("Array.get(6)", 6, arr.get(6), 1e-6); } @Test public void test_sortByValues() { // test HashMap with Integer values Map<String, Integer> map1 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map1.put("Should be 2nd", 1); map1.put("Should be 1st", 0); map1.put("Should be 3rd", 2); List<Entry<String, Integer>> sortedList1 = BrokerUtils.sortByValues(map1); assertEquals("sortedList1.get(0)", 0, sortedList1.get(0).getValue(), 1e-6); assertEquals("sortedList1.get(1)", 1, sortedList1.get(1).getValue(), 1e-6); assertEquals("sortedList1.get(2)", 2, sortedList1.get(2).getValue(), 1e-6); // test TreeMap with Double values Map<String, Double> map2 = new TreeMap<String, Double>(); map2.put("Should be 2nd", 1.0); map2.put("Should be 3rd", 2.0); map2.put("Should be 1st", 0.0); List<Entry<String, Double>> sortedList2 = BrokerUtils.sortByValues(map2); assertEquals("sortedList2.get(0)", 0.0, sortedList2.get(0).getValue(), 1e-6); assertEquals("sortedList2.get(1)", 1.0, sortedList2.get(1).getValue(), 1e-6); assertEquals("sortedList2.get(2)", 2.0, sortedList2.get(2).getValue(), 1e-6); } @Test public void test_sumMapValues() { Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("some key", 0); map.put("another key", 1); map.put("yet another key", 2); assertEquals("sum map values", 3, BrokerUtils.sumMapValues(map), 1e-6); } /** * as assert function I added that compares hash maps * @param msg * * @param twoLevelMap * @param expectedMap * @throws ArrayComparisonFailure */ private <K1, K2, V> void myAssertMapsEqual(String msg, HashMap<K1, HashMap<K2, V>> expectedMap, HashMap<K1, HashMap<K2, V>> revertedTwoLevelMap) throws ArrayComparisonFailure { // compare key1 assertTrue(msg, expectedMap.keySet().equals(revertedTwoLevelMap.keySet())); // for each key1, compare all <key2, value>s for (K1 key1 : expectedMap.keySet()) { assertTrue(msg + " comparing key2", expectedMap.get(key1).keySet().equals(revertedTwoLevelMap.get(key1).keySet())); for (K2 key2 : expectedMap.get(key1).keySet()) { assertEquals(msg + " comparing values", expectedMap.get(key1).get(key2), revertedTwoLevelMap.get(key1).get(key2)); } } } }