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 * Copyright (C) [2013] [The FURTHeR Project]
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.impl.service;

import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.ParameterizedSingleColumnRowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import edu.utah.further.core.api.exception.ApplicationException;
import edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.IdTranslationProvider;
import edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.Identifier;
import edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.service.IdentifierService;
import edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.impl.domain.IdentifierEntity;
import edu.utah.further.dts.api.util.HardcodedNamespace;

 * Identifier service which generates arbitrary new identifiers or uses the passed
 * criteria to determine if an id already exists, otherwise creating a new identifier. The
 * identifiers are valid for the life of the JVM.
 * <p>
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
 * (c) 2008-2013 FURTHeR Project, Health Sciences IT, University of Utah<br>
 * Contact: {@code <>}<br>
 * Biomedical Informatics, 26 South 2000 East<br>
 * Room 5775 HSEB, Salt Lake City, UT 84112<br>
 * Day Phone: 1-801-581-4080<br>
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @author N. Dustin Schultz {@code <>}
 * @version Nov 1, 2011
public final class IdentifierServiceImpl implements IdentifierService {
    // ========================= CONSTANTS =================================

     * A logger that helps identify this class' printouts.
    private static final Logger log = getLogger(IdentifierServiceImpl.class);

    // ========================= FIELDS =================================

     * Ideally we could use a UUID but a number will be most compatible as an identifier
     * as more likely than not the database field will be numeric. Therefore, we use an
     * AtomicLong as a portable sequence generator since not all databases do sequences in
     * the same fashion. Realistically we only care about uniqueness within a given set of
     * query ids (a set because of the parent->child relationship between federated and
     * individual query identifiers). AtomicLong ensures uniqueness for the life of the
     * JVM.
    private final AtomicLong sequencer = new AtomicLong(0);

     * A data access object for querying for the federated ID
    private Dao identifierDao;

     * SessionFactory to create HQL queries
    private SessionFactory identifierSessionFactory;

     * Virtual repository jdbc template for querying
    private JdbcTemplate identifierJdbcTemplate;

     * A 'simpler' version of JdbcTemplate
    private SimpleJdbcTemplate simpleJdbcTemplate;

     * Id Translation providers
     * Unfortunately this dependency must be a named {@link Resource} for proper
     * injection: translationProviders
    @Resource(name = "translationProviders")
    private Map<String, IdTranslationProvider> translatorProviders;

    // =================== IMPL:IdentifierService =================================

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.utah.further.mpi.api.IdentifierService#generateNewId()
    public Long generateNewId() {
        return new Long(sequencer.getAndIncrement());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.utah.further.mpi.api.IdentifierService#generateId(java.lang.Object)
    @Transactional(value = "identifierTransactionManager")
    public Long generateId(final Identifier id) {
        final IdentifierEntity idEntity = IdentifierEntity.newCopy(id);

        final List<IdentifierEntity> existingId = identifierDao.findByExample(idEntity, false, "createDate",

        // We should only ever return 1 because the criteria for each identifier should be
        // unique
        if (existingId.size() > 1) {
            if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
                log.error("There was a problem with the requested identifier. Found " + existingId.size()
                        + " but expected 1.");

            throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected number of identifiers found for id " + id);

        // We've already encountered this id before and have a virtual id for it
        if (existingId.size() == 1) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("Found existing identifier, " + "returning already generated virtual id");
            return existingId.get(0).getVirtualId();

        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("Did not find existing identifier based on given id.");

        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("No common federated identifier " + "exists to use for lookup, creating new virtual id.");

        final Long virtualId = new Long(sequencer.getAndIncrement());


        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("Persisting identifier for future lookups.");

        // Persist all details and the generated virtual id;

        return idEntity.getVirtualId();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.utah.further.mpi.api.IdTranslationProvider#translateIds(java.util.List,
     * java.lang.Class)
    public List<Long> translateIds(final List<Long> virtualFederatedIds, final String dataSourceId) {
        final Long dataSourceNumericId;

        try {
            // TODO: Lookup dataSourceId numeric identifier - dataSourceId is currently string
            // like "UUEDW" - convert any - to _, and uppercase to match Enum
            dataSourceNumericId = new Long(
                    HardcodedNamespace.valueOf(dataSourceId.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase()).getId());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new ApplicationException("Unable to convert Datasource Id to numeric value: " + dataSourceId);

        final List<Long> args = virtualFederatedIds;

        final String stmt = "SELECT fed_obj_id FROM virtual_obj_id_map WHERE "
                + "src_obj_nmspc_id = ? AND fed_obj_id IS NOT NULL AND "
                + SqlUtil.unlimitedInValues(virtualFederatedIds, "virtual_obj_id");

        args.add(0, dataSourceNumericId);

        // Our input is actually virtual federated ids and not federated ids - we have to
        // translate to the actual federated id before we can do a lookup.
        final List<Long> translatedVirtualIds = identifierJdbcTemplate.queryForList(stmt, args.toArray(),

        if (translatedVirtualIds.size() == 0) {
            throw new ApplicationException("Unable to find any common federated ids from virtual federated ids");

        return translatorProviders
                .get(HardcodedNamespace.valueOf(dataSourceId.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase()).getName())

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.service.IdentifierService#getIdentifiers(java.util
     * .List)
    public List<Long> getVirtualIdentifiers(final List<String> queryIds) {
        return getSimpleJdbcTemplate().query(
                "SELECT virtual_obj_id FROM virtual_obj_id_map WHERE query_id IN (:queryIds)",
                (RowMapper<Long>) new ParameterizedSingleColumnRowMapper<Long>(),
                Collections.singletonMap("queryIds", queryIds));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.service.IdentifierService#getIdentifiers(java.util
     * .List)
    public List<Long> getSourceIdentifiers(final List<String> queryIds) {
        return getSimpleJdbcTemplate().query(
                "SELECT CAST(TRIM(src_obj_id) AS BIGINT) FROM virtual_obj_id_map WHERE query_id IN (:queryIds) AND LENGTH(TRIM(src_obj_id)) > 0",
                (RowMapper<Long>) new ParameterizedSingleColumnRowMapper<Long>(),
                Collections.singletonMap("queryIds", queryIds));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.service.IdentifierService#getUnresolvedVirtualIdentifiers
     * (java.util.List)
    public List<Long> getUnresolvedVirtualIdentifiers(final List<String> queryIds) {
        final List<Identifier> identifiers = getUnresolvedIdentifiers(queryIds);
        final List<Long> virtualIdentifiers = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Identifier identifier : identifiers) {

        return virtualIdentifiers;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.service.IdentifierService#getUnresolvedIdentifiers
     * (java.lang.String)
    @Transactional(value = "identifierTransactionManager")
    public List<Identifier> getUnresolvedIdentifiers(final String queryId) {
        return getUnresolvedIdentifiers(Arrays.asList(queryId));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.service.IdentifierService#getUnresolvedIdentifiers
     * (java.util.List)
    @Transactional(value = "identifierTransactionManager")
    public List<Identifier> getUnresolvedIdentifiers(final List<String> queryIds) {
        Validate.notNull(queryIds, "queryId is required for identity resolution");

        // get all identifiers that have a null federated id so we can fill them in
        final Query identifierQuery = identifierSessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
                .createQuery("from IdentifierEntity as identifier where " + "identifier.commonId is null "
                        + "and identifier.queryId IN (:queryIds)");
        identifierQuery.setParameterList("queryIds", queryIds);

        return identifierQuery.list();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.service.IdentifierService#updateSavedIdentifiers(java
     * .util.List)
    public void updateSavedIdentifiers(final List<? extends PersistentEntity<?>> identifiers) {
        for (final PersistentEntity<?> identifier : identifiers) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.utah.further.fqe.mpi.api.service.IdentifierService#getCommonIdToVirtualIdMap
     * (java.util.List, boolean)
    @Transactional(value = "identifierTransactionManager")
    public Map<Long, Set<Long>> getCommonIdToVirtualIdMap(final List<String> queryIds,
            final boolean orderedVirtualIds) {
        Validate.notNull(queryIds, "queryIds are required for create a common id to virtual id mapping");

        // get all identifiers that have a null federated id so we can fill them in
        final Query identifierQuery = identifierSessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
                .createQuery("SELECT DISTINCT "
                        + "new map(identifier.commonId as common, identifier.virtualId as virtual) "
                        + "from IdentifierEntity as identifier " + "where identifier.commonId is not null "
                        + "and identifier.queryId IN (:queryIds)");
        identifierQuery.setParameterList("queryIds", queryIds);

        final List<Map<String, Long>> results = identifierQuery.list();
        final Map<Long, Set<Long>> commonToVirtualMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (final Map<String, Long> result : results) {
            final Long common = result.get("common");
            if (commonToVirtualMap.containsKey(common)) {
            } else {
                Set<Long> virtuals = null;

                if (orderedVirtualIds) {
                    virtuals = new TreeSet<>();
                } else {
                    virtuals = new HashSet<>();


                commonToVirtualMap.put(common, virtuals);

        return commonToVirtualMap;

     * Return the identifierDao property.
     * @return the identifierDao
    public Dao getIdentifierDao() {
        return identifierDao;

     * Set a new value for the identifierDao property.
     * @param identifierDao
     *            the identifierDao to set
    public void setIdentifierDao(final Dao identifierDao) {
        this.identifierDao = identifierDao;

     * Return the identifierJdbcTemplate property.
     * @return the identifierJdbcTemplate
    public JdbcTemplate getIdentifierJdbcTemplate() {
        return identifierJdbcTemplate;

     * Set a new value for the identifierJdbcTemplate property.
     * @param identifierJdbcTemplate
     *            the identifierJdbcTemplate to set
    public void setIdentifierJdbcTemplate(final JdbcTemplate identifierJdbcTemplate) {
        this.identifierJdbcTemplate = identifierJdbcTemplate;

     * Return the simpleJdbcTemplate property.
     * @return the simpleJdbcTemplate
    public SimpleJdbcTemplate getSimpleJdbcTemplate() {
        if (simpleJdbcTemplate == null) {
            setSimpleJdbcTemplate(new SimpleJdbcTemplate(identifierJdbcTemplate));

        return simpleJdbcTemplate;

     * Set a new value for the simpleJdbcTemplate property.
     * @param simpleJdbcTemplate
     *            the simpleJdbcTemplate to set
    private void setSimpleJdbcTemplate(final SimpleJdbcTemplate simpleJdbcTemplate) {
        this.simpleJdbcTemplate = simpleJdbcTemplate;
