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 * Copyright (C) [2013] [The FURTHeR Project]
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain;

import static edu.utah.further.core.api.collections.CollectionUtil.newMap;
import static edu.utah.further.core.api.text.ToStringCustomStyles.SHORT_WITH_SPACES_STYLE;
import static edu.utah.further.core.api.time.TimeUtil.getDateAsTime;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.UUID;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import edu.utah.further.core.api.collections.CollectionUtil;
import edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Constants;
import edu.utah.further.core.api.context.DefaultImplementation;
import edu.utah.further.core.api.exception.BusinessRuleException;
import edu.utah.further.core.api.lang.Final;
import edu.utah.further.core.api.time.TimeService;
import edu.utah.further.core.query.domain.SearchQuery;
import edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.plan.Plan;
import edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.service.results.ResultType;
import edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.util.FqeDsApiResourceLocator;

 * A base class of {@link QueryContext} implementations. Using an internal
 * {@link QueryHandler} enum implementation rather than a full-blown friend pattern. If in
 * the future sub-classes need to to extend specific reusable handlers, we may
 * re-implement handlers using the friend pattern.
 * <p>
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
 * (c) 2008-2013 FURTHeR Project, AVP Health Sciences IT Office, University of Utah<br>
 * Contact: {@code <>}<br>
 * Biomedical Informatics, 26 South 2000 East<br>
 * Room 5775 HSEB, Salt Lake City, UT 84112<br>
 * Day Phone: 1-801-581-4080<br>
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @author Oren E. Livne {@code <>}
 * @version Mar 19, 2009
public abstract class AbstractQueryContext implements QueryContext {
    // ========================= CONSTANTS =================================

     * @serial Serializable version identifier.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * A logger that helps identify this class' printouts.
    private static final Logger log = getLogger(AbstractQueryContext.class);

    // ========================= FIELDS ====================================

     * Executes private methods; implemented by sub-classes.
    private final PrivateSection privateSectionExecutor;

    // ========================= CONSTRUCTORS ==============================

     * Default constructor, for JAXB-related implementations. No fields are set.
    protected AbstractQueryContext() {
        this.privateSectionExecutor = getPrivateSectionExecutor();

    // /**
    // * A copy-constructor.
    // *
    // * @param other
    // * other object to deep-copy fields from
    // */
    // protected AbstractQueryContext(final QueryContext other)
    // {
    // this();
    // copyFrom(other);
    // }

    // ========================= IMPLEMENTATION: Object ====================

     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
    public final boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        final QueryContext that = (QueryContext) obj;
        return new EqualsBuilder().append(this.getId(), that.getId())
                // .append(this.getExecutionId(), that.getExecutionId()) // see QueryJob.equals()
                .append(this.getState(), that.getState()).isEquals();

     * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
    public int hashCode() {
        return new HashCodeBuilder().append(getId()).append(getState()).toHashCode();

     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
    public final String toString() {
        final ToStringBuilder builder = new ToStringBuilder(this, SHORT_WITH_SPACES_STYLE).append("id", getId())
                .append("executionId", getExecutionId()).append("originId", getOriginId())
                .append("dataSourceId", getDataSourceId()).append("state", getState())
                .append("queryType", getQueryType());
        if (getParent() != null) {
            builder.append("parent ID", getParent().getId()).append("DS ID", getDataSourceId());
        builder.append("numRecords", getNumRecords());
        return builder.toString();

    // ========================= IMPLEMENTATION: CopyableFrom ==============

     * @param other
     * @return
     * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.lang.CopyableFrom#copyFrom(java.lang.Object)
    public AbstractQueryContext copyFrom(final QueryContext other) {
        if (other == null) {
            return this;


        // If the other result view is empty, set ours to null to eliminate empty
        // resultView XML element

        // Soft-copy plan

        return this;

    // ========================= IMPLEMENTATION: QueryContext ==============

     * Return the first query.
     * @return the query
    public final SearchQuery getQuery() {
        return getQueries().isEmpty() ? null : getQueries().get(0);

     * Return a search query with a specified QID (unique SQ identifier within this QC).
     * @param qid
     *            search query ID within this QC
     * @return the query
    public final SearchQuery getQueryByQid(final Long qid) {
        if (qid == null) {
            return null;

        // Slow implementation; may use a Map in the future if query list becomes large
        for (final SearchQuery query : getQueries()) {
            if (qid.equals(query.getId())) {
                return query;
        return null;

     * Set a new single query on this object. This means that the list of queries will now
     * consist of one element.
     * @param query
     *            the query to set
    public final void setQuery(final SearchQuery query) {

     * Add a query to this object.
     * @param query
     *            the searvh query to to add
    public final void addQuery(final SearchQuery query) {

     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext#setQueries(java.util.Collection)
     * @param searchQueries
    public void setQueries(final Collection<? extends SearchQuery> searchQueries) {

     * @param queries
     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext#addQueries(Collection)
    public final void addQueries(final Collection<? extends SearchQuery> queries) {
        for (final SearchQuery child : queries) {

     * @return
    public final int getNumQueries() {
        return getQueries().size();

     * Returns a sorted set of permissible actions based upon the current state. Delegates
     * to the current state handler.
     * <p>
     * Note: do not override this method! It is non-final to allow dynamic proxying of
     * persistent entities (e.g. in Hibernate).
     * @return sorted set of permissible actions from the current state
     * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.StateMachine#getActions()
    public final SortedSet<QueryAction> getActions() {
        return getHandler().getActions(this);

     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryActor#fail()
    public final void fail() {

     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryActor#finish()
    public final void finish() {

     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryActor#queue()
    public final void queue() {

     * @return
     * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.Switch#isStarted()
    public final boolean isStarted() {
        return getHandler().isStarted(this);

     * @return
     * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.Switch#isStopped()
    public boolean isStopped() {
        return getHandler().isStopped(this);

     * @return
     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext#isFailed()
    public final boolean isFailed() {
        return getHandler().isFailed(this);

     * @return
     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext#isInFinalState()
    public final boolean isInFinalState() {
        return getActions().isEmpty();

     * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.Switch#start()
    public final void start() {

     * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.Switch#stop()
    public final void stop() {

     * @return
     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext#getQueueTime()
    public final Long getQueueTime() {
        return getDateAsTime(getQueueDate());

     * @return
     * @see
    public final Long getStartTime() {
        return getDateAsTime(getStartDate());

     * @return
     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext#getEndTime()
    public final Long getEndTime() {
        return getDateAsTime(getEndDate());

     * @return
     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.HasNumRecords#getNumRecords()
    public final long getNumRecords() {
        final ResultContext rsmd = getResultContext();
        return (rsmd == null) ? Constants.INVALID_VALUE_LONG : rsmd.getNumRecords();

     * @param numRecords
     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.HasNumRecords#setNumRecords(long)
    public final void setNumRecords(final long numRecords) {
        final ResultContext rsmd = getResultContext();
        if (rsmd == null) {

     * Return the plan property.
     * @return the plan
     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext#getPlan()
    public Plan getPlan() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "getPlan(): Must override in selected sub-classes that support this features");

     * Set a new value for the plan property. No defensive copy is made at the moment.
     * @param plan
     *            the plan to set
     * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext#setPlan(PlanToImpl)
    public void setPlan(final Plan plan) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "setPlan(): Must override in selected sub-classes that support this features");

    // ========================= STATE HANDLERS ============================

     * Set the query collection on this object.
     * @param queries
     *            the search queries to set
    protected abstract void setQueries(final List<? extends SearchQuery> queries);

     * @param type
     * @param intersectionIndex
     * @return
    protected ResultContextKey newKey(final ResultType type) {
        return new ResultContextKeyImpl(type);

     * Default query context state handlers. Each handler corresponds to a state and
     * implements its state behavior within an enumerated constant inner class.
     * Sub-classes can override this behaviour by supplying their implementation of
     * {@link QueryContext#getHandler()}.
     * <p>
     * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * <br>
     * (c) 2008-2013 FURTHeR Project, Health Sciences IT, University of Utah<br>
     * Contact: {@code <>}<br>
     * Biomedical Informatics, 26 South 2000 East<br>
     * Room 5775 HSEB, Salt Lake City, UT 84112<br>
     * Day Phone: 1-801-581-4080<br>
     * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @author Oren E. Livne {@code <>}
     * @version May 28, 2009
    private enum DefaultQueryHandler implements QueryHandler {
        // ========================= ENUMERATED CONSTANTS ======================

         * The query's context is created and transient.
        SUBMITTED(QueryState.SUBMITTED, false, false) {
             * Persist query to query database and add it to the execution queue.
             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#queue(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext)
            public void queue(final AbstractQueryContext target) {
                if (target.getStaleDateTime() == null) {

             * Return the list of actions that can be performed from the current state.
             * <p>
             * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
             * behavior.
             * @param target
             *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#getActions(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public SortedSet<QueryAction> getActions(final QueryContext target) {
                return CollectionUtil.toSortedSet(QueryAction.QUEUE);


         * The query's context has been persisted to the database. The query is queued for
         * processing by the FQE.
        QUEUED(QueryState.QUEUED, false, false) {
             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#enterState(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public void enterState(final QueryContext target) {
                final AbstractQueryContext aqc = (AbstractQueryContext) target;
                aqc.privateSectionExecutor.setQueueDate(aqc, now());

             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#start(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext)
            public void start(final AbstractQueryContext target) {

             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#fail(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext)
            public void fail(final AbstractQueryContext target) {

             * Return the list of actions that can be performed from the current state.
             * <p>
             * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
             * behavior.
             * @param target
             *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#getActions(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public SortedSet<QueryAction> getActions(final QueryContext target) {
                return CollectionUtil.toSortedSet(QueryAction.START, QueryAction.FAIL);

         * The query is currently running.
        EXECUTING(QueryState.EXECUTING, true, false) {
             * Update parent state. TODO: replace by the observer pattern by having the
             * parent listen to child context changes. For the time being. the following
             * is simpler but a little less maintainable.
             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#enterState(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public void enterState(final QueryContext target) {
                final AbstractQueryContext aqc = (AbstractQueryContext) target;
                if (aqc.getStartDate() == null) {
                    aqc.privateSectionExecutor.setStartDate(aqc, now());
                aqc.privateSectionExecutor.setEndDate(aqc, null);

             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#stop(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext)
            public void stop(final AbstractQueryContext target) {

             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#finish(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext)
            public void finish(final AbstractQueryContext target) {

             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#fail(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext)
            public void fail(final AbstractQueryContext target) {

             * Return the list of actions that can be performed from the current state.
             * <p>
             * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
             * behavior.
             * @param target
             *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#getActions(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public SortedSet<QueryAction> getActions(final QueryContext target) {
                return CollectionUtil.toSortedSet(QueryAction.STOP, QueryAction.FINISH, QueryAction.FAIL);

        // /**
        // * A sub-state of {@link #EXECUTING} for the execution phase of translating the
        // * logical query to physical queries. In principle, this needs to be a separate
        // class
        // * and may have different values for each data source. TODO: move to a separate
        // state
        // * class and make it data-source-dependent.
        // */
        // /**
        // * A sub-state of {@link #EXECUTING} for the execution phase of translating the
        // * physical result sets to logical result set. In principle, this needs to be a
        // * separate class and may have different values for each data source. TODO: move
        // to
        // a
        // * separate state class and make it data-source-dependent.
        // */

         * Query execution is stopped. This is a recoverable state.
        STOPPED(QueryState.STOPPED, false, false) {
             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#enterState(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public void enterState(final QueryContext target) {
                final AbstractQueryContext aqc = (AbstractQueryContext) target;
                aqc.privateSectionExecutor.setEndDate(aqc, now());

             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#start(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext)
            public void start(final AbstractQueryContext target) {

             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#fail(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext)
            public void fail(final AbstractQueryContext target) {

             * Return the list of actions that can be performed from the current state.
             * <p>
             * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
             * behavior.
             * @param target
             *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#getActions(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public SortedSet<QueryAction> getActions(final QueryContext target) {
                return CollectionUtil.toSortedSet(QueryAction.FAIL, QueryAction.START);

         * Query execution is complete. This is an unrecoverable state.
        COMPLETED(QueryState.COMPLETED, false, false) {
             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#enterState(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public void enterState(final QueryContext target) {
                final AbstractQueryContext aqc = (AbstractQueryContext) target;
                aqc.privateSectionExecutor.setEndDate(aqc, now());

             * Return the list of actions that can be performed from the current state.
             * <p>
             * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
             * behavior.
             * @param target
             *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#getActions(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public SortedSet<QueryAction> getActions(final QueryContext target) {
                return CollectionUtil.<QueryAction>emptySortedSet();

         * Query execution failed. This is an unrecoverable state.
        FAILED(QueryState.FAILED, false, true) {
             * @param target
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#enterState(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public void enterState(final QueryContext target) {
                final AbstractQueryContext aqc = (AbstractQueryContext) target;
                aqc.privateSectionExecutor.setEndDate(aqc, now());

             * Return the list of actions that can be performed from the current state.
             * <p>
             * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
             * behavior.
             * @param target
             *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
             * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.AbstractQueryContext.DefaultQueryHandler#getActions(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
            public SortedSet<QueryAction> getActions(final QueryContext target) {
                return CollectionUtil.<QueryAction>emptySortedSet();

        // ========================= CONSTANTS =================================

         * A cached map of states to their handlers.
        private static final Map<QueryState, DefaultQueryHandler> handlers = newMap();

        static {
            for (final DefaultQueryHandler handler : values()) {
                handlers.put(handler.getId(), handler);

        // ========================= FIELDS ====================================

         * The state that this handler handles.
        private final QueryState state;

         * Is query execution started in this state.
        private final boolean started;

         * Is the query in a failed state.
        private final boolean failed;

        // ========================= CONSTRUCTORS ==============================

         * @param state
         * @param started
         * @param failed
        private DefaultQueryHandler(final QueryState state, final boolean started, final boolean failed) {
            this.state = state;
            this.started = started;
            this.failed = failed;

        // ========================= IMPLEMENTATION: HasIdentifier<QueryState> =

         * @return
         * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.discrete.HasIdentifier#getId()
        public final QueryState getId() {
            return state;

        // ========================= IMPLEMENTATION: StateHandler ==============

         * Perform operations upon entering this handler's state.
         * <p>
         * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
         * behavior.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
         * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.StateHandler#enterState(edu.utah.further.core.api.state.StateMachine)
        public void enterState(final QueryContext target) {
            // Method stub

         * Perform operations upon exiting this handler's state.
         * <p>
         * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
         * behavior.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
         * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.StateHandler#exitState(edu.utah.further.core.api.state.StateMachine)
        public void exitState(final QueryContext target) {
            // Method stub

         * Return the list of actions that can be performed from the current state.
         * <p>
         * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
         * behavior.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
         * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
         *             as the default behavior
         * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.Handler#getActions(edu.utah.further.core.api.state.StateMachine)
        public SortedSet<QueryAction> getActions(final QueryContext target) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Action list for state " + this + " is not yet supported");

        // ========================= CONTEXTUAL ACTOR METHODS ==================

         * Persist query to query database and add it to the execution queue.
         * <p>
         * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
         * behavior.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
        public void queue(final AbstractQueryContext target) {
            // Method stub
            throwBusinessRuleException(getId(), "queue()");

         * Abnormally terminate query execution.
         * <p>
         * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
         * behavior.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
        public void fail(final AbstractQueryContext target) {
            // Method stub
            throwBusinessRuleException(getId(), "fail()");

         * Normally Complete query execution.
         * <p>
         * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
         * behavior.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
        public void finish(final AbstractQueryContext target) {
            // Method stub
            throwBusinessRuleException(getId(), "finish()");

         * Is query execution started.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
         * @return
         * @see edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryState#isStarted(edu.utah.further.fqe.ds.api.domain.QueryContext)
        public final boolean isStarted(final AbstractQueryContext target) {
            return started;

         * Is query execution stopped.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
         * @return
         * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.ContextualSwitch#isStopped(java.lang.Object)
        public final boolean isStopped(final AbstractQueryContext target) {
            return !isStarted(target);

         * Is query in a failed state.
         * @param target
         *            The target query state machine that this handler executes actions
         *            for
         * @return <code>true</code> if and only if the query is in failed state
        public final boolean isFailed(final AbstractQueryContext target) {
            return failed;

         * Start the query.
         * <p>
         * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
         * behavior.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
         * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.ContextualSwitch#start(java.lang.Object)
        public void start(final AbstractQueryContext target) {
            // Method stub
            throwBusinessRuleException(getId(), "start()");

         * Stop the query.
         * <p>
         * Meant to be overridden by handler sub-classes determine specific state
         * behavior.
         * @param target
         *            The target state machine that this handler executes actions for
         * @see edu.utah.further.core.api.state.ContextualSwitch#stop(java.lang.Object)
        public void stop(final AbstractQueryContext target) {
            // Method stub
            throwBusinessRuleException(getId(), "stop()");

        // ========================= METHODS ===================================

         * Return the handler of a state.
         * @param state
         *            query state
         * @return corresponding handler
        public static DefaultQueryHandler valueOf(final QueryState state) {
            return handlers.get(state);

        // ========================= PRIVATE METHODS ===========================

         * Throw a {@link BusinessRuleException} on an unsupported acction.
         * @param state
         *            current state
         * @param action
         *            action method name
        private static void throwBusinessRuleException(final QueryState state, final String action) {
            throw new BusinessRuleException("Can't " + action + " from state " + state);

    // ========================= PRIVATE METHODS ===========================

     * Generate a random child ID.
     * <p>
     * TODO: could be replaced by a builder in the future.
     * @param instance
     *            instance to set child ID on
    protected static final void generateExecutionId(final AbstractQueryContext instance) {

     * Return a deep copy of a search query suitable for insertion into the
     * {@link #getQueries()} collection.
     * @param query
     *            original search query
     * @return search query copy
    abstract protected SearchQuery newSearchQuery(final SearchQuery query);

     * Return an empty instance (using no-argument constructor) of the implementation type
     * of the result set field.
     * @return
    abstract protected ResultContext newResultContext();

     * Return the implementation of the private method section of this class.
     * @return the implementation of the private method section of this class
    abstract protected PrivateSection getPrivateSectionExecutor();

     * Only to be used in constructors/copy instance methods. Set a new value for the
     * executionId property.
     * @param executionId
     *            the executionId to set
    abstract protected void setExecutionId(final String executionId);

     * Set a new value for the queueDate property. Should be invoked by state classes
     * only.
     * @param queueDate
     *            the queueDate to set
    abstract protected void setQueueDate(final Date queueDate);

     * @param other
     * @return
    protected final void copyResultViews(final QueryContext other) {
        final Map<ResultType, ResultContext> otherResultViews = other.getResultViews();
        if (otherResultViews != null) {
            for (final Map.Entry<ResultType, ResultContext> entry : otherResultViews.entrySet()) {
                addResultView(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

     * This section contains methods that should be called only within this class. It is
     * implemented by sub-classes by passing in an anonymous inner class that implements
     * {@link AbstractQueryContext#privateSectionExecutor} to all of their constructors.
     * <p>
     * Caution: since this interface has to have at least protected visibility, it can be
     * called by classes in by sub-classes as well.<br/>
     * One exception is copy constructors where a class' state has to be initialized and
     * managed fields accordingly set, which can only be done correctly via the
     * {@link #setState(AbstractQueryContext, QueryState)} method.
    /* protected */public// a sad OSGI requirement so that implementations that lie in
    // other bundles don't encounter ClassNotFoundException: PrivateSection
    static interface PrivateSection {
         * Set the state field of this object to a new value. It is used internally by
         * <code>updateState()</code>, which should only be called as a call-back by
         * {@link DefaultQueryHandler} instances.
         * @param newState
         *            new state value
         * @param target
         *            the encapsulating object, for call-back.
        void setState(final AbstractQueryContext target, final QueryState newState);

         * Set a new value for the queue date.
         * @param queueDate
         *            the queueDate to set
        void setQueueDate(final AbstractQueryContext target, Timestamp queueDate);

         * Set a new value for the start date.
         * @param startDate
         *            the startDate to set
        void setStartDate(final AbstractQueryContext target, Timestamp startDate);

         * Set a new value for the end date.
         * @param endDate
         *            the endDate to set
        void setEndDate(final AbstractQueryContext target, Timestamp endDate);

     * Update the state of this object.
     * @param newState
     *            new state value
    private void updateState(final QueryState newState) {
        final QueryState oldState = getState();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(this + " updating state: old " + oldState + " new " + newState);

        // Exit previous state (if exists)
        if (oldState != null) {

        // Set and enter new state
        privateSectionExecutor.setState(this, newState);


     * Return the handler of the current state
     * @return curren state's handler instance
    private DefaultQueryHandler getHandler() {
        return DefaultQueryHandler.valueOf(getState());

     * @return
    private static Timestamp now() {
        return new Timestamp(TimeService.getMillis());

     * Compute the stale date of this query context upon its creation. Returns
     * <code>null</code> if no resource locator is set up in the current context.
     * @return stale date of this query context
    protected static Date computeStaleDateTime() {
        final FqeDsApiResourceLocator instance = FqeDsApiResourceLocator.getInstance();
        return (instance == null) ? null : instance.getStaleDateTimeFactory().getStaleDateTime();