Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) [2013] [The FURTHeR Project] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.utah.further.core.api.text; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.collections.CollectionUtil.newList; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.collections.CollectionUtil.newMap; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Constants.INVALID_VALUE_BOXED_LONG; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Constants.INVALID_VALUE_INTEGER; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Constants.INVALID_VALUE_LONG; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.DEFAULT_ENCODING; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.DOUBLE_QUOTE; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.EMPTY_STRING; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.ENUM_NAME_SEPARATOR; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.ENUM_NAME_SEPARATOR_CHAR; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.NEW_LINE_STRING; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.NULL_TO_STRING; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.SINGLE_QUOTE; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.SPACE_STRING; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.SQL_WILDCARD; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.TAB_CHAR; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.TAB_STRING; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings.XML_NAME_SEPARATOR; import static edu.utah.further.core.api.lang.CoreUtil.preventUtilityConstruction; import static java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean; import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt; import static java.lang.Long.parseLong; import static org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils.uncapitalize; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import edu.utah.further.core.api.collections.CollectionUtil; import edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Constants; import edu.utah.further.core.api.constant.Strings; import edu.utah.further.core.api.context.Api; import edu.utah.further.core.api.context.Named; import edu.utah.further.core.api.context.Utility; import edu.utah.further.core.api.context.Valued; import edu.utah.further.core.api.discrete.HasIdentifier; import edu.utah.further.core.api.tree.Printer; /** * Utilities related to strings and text processing. * <p> * Adapted in part from static String formatting and query routines, Copyright (C) * 2001-2005 Stephen Ostermiller * This program is free * software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. See COPYING.TXT for details. Utilities for String formatting, * manipulation, and queries. More information about this class is available from <a * target="_top" href= * ""></a>. * <p> * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------<br> * (c) 2008-2013 FURTHeR Project, AVP Health Sciences IT Office, University of Utah<br> * Contact: {@code <>}<br> * Biomedical Informatics, 26 South 2000 East<br> * Room 5775 HSEB, Salt Lake City, UT 84112<br> * Day Phone: 1-801-581-4080<br> * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- * * @author Oren E. Livne {@code <>} * @version Oct 13, 2008 */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") // Note: the "final" keyword may help the Java compiler inline some low-level // useful methods, like isInvalidId(). @Utility @Api public final class StringUtil { // ========================= CONSTANTS ================================= /** * A regular expression of camel case strings in the FURTHeR context. */ public static final String CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP = "[a-z]+[a-z|0-9]*([A-Z][a-z|0-9]*)*"; /** * A regular expression of Java package names in the FURTHeR context. */ public static final String PACKAGE_NAME_REGEXP = "[a-z]+[a-z|0-9]*"; /** * A regular expression of Java class names in the FURTHeR context. */ public static final String CLASS_NAME_REGEXP = "([A-Z][a-z|0-9]*)+"; // /** // * A set of characters with ASCII codes < 32 to ignore. Note: its usage is // potentially slow // * because of boxing char to {@link Character} during HTML escaping. // */ // private static final Set<Character> SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_TO_IGNORE = newSet(); // static // { // SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_TO_IGNORE.add('\r'); // SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_TO_IGNORE.add('\n'); // SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_TO_IGNORE.add(Strings.TAB_CHAR); // SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_TO_IGNORE.add('\f'); // } /** * A map of special XML characters and their hexadecimal code translation. * * @see */ private static final Map<Character, String> XML_ENTITIES = newMap(); static { XML_ENTITIES.put('&', "0026"); XML_ENTITIES.put('<', "003C"); XML_ENTITIES.put('>', "003E"); XML_ENTITIES.put('\"', "0022"); XML_ENTITIES.put('\'', "0027"); } /** * A map of special HTML characters and their code translation. */ private static Map<String, Integer> HTML_ENTITIES = newMap(); static { HTML_ENTITIES.put("nbsp", 160); HTML_ENTITIES.put("iexcl", 161); HTML_ENTITIES.put("cent", 162); HTML_ENTITIES.put("pound", 163); HTML_ENTITIES.put("curren", 164); HTML_ENTITIES.put("yen", 165); HTML_ENTITIES.put("brvbar", 166); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sect", 167); HTML_ENTITIES.put("uml", 168); HTML_ENTITIES.put("copy", 169); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ordf", 170); HTML_ENTITIES.put("laquo", 171); HTML_ENTITIES.put("not", 172); HTML_ENTITIES.put("shy", 173); HTML_ENTITIES.put("reg", 174); HTML_ENTITIES.put("macr", 175); HTML_ENTITIES.put("deg", 176); HTML_ENTITIES.put("plusmn", 177); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sup2", 178); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sup3", 179); HTML_ENTITIES.put("acute", 180); HTML_ENTITIES.put("micro", 181); HTML_ENTITIES.put("para", 182); HTML_ENTITIES.put("middot", 183); HTML_ENTITIES.put("cedil", 184); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sup1", 185); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ordm", 186); HTML_ENTITIES.put("raquo", 187); HTML_ENTITIES.put("frac14", 188); HTML_ENTITIES.put("frac12", 189); HTML_ENTITIES.put("frac34", 190); HTML_ENTITIES.put("iquest", 191); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Agrave", 192); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Aacute", 193); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Acirc", 194); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Atilde", 195); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Auml", 196); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Aring", 197); HTML_ENTITIES.put("AElig", 198); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Ccedil", 199); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Egrave", 200); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Eacute", 201); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Ecirc", 202); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Euml", 203); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Igrave", 204); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Iacute", 205); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Icirc", 206); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Iuml", 207); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ETH", 208); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Ntilde", 209); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Ograve", 210); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Oacute", 211); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Ocirc", 212); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Otilde", 213); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Ouml", 214); HTML_ENTITIES.put("times", 215); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Oslash", 216); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Ugrave", 217); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Uacute", 218); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Ucirc", 219); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Uuml", 220); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Yacute", 221); HTML_ENTITIES.put("THORN", 222); HTML_ENTITIES.put("szlig", 223); HTML_ENTITIES.put("agrave", 224); HTML_ENTITIES.put("aacute", 225); HTML_ENTITIES.put("acirc", 226); HTML_ENTITIES.put("atilde", 227); HTML_ENTITIES.put("auml", 228); HTML_ENTITIES.put("aring", 229); HTML_ENTITIES.put("aelig", 230); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ccedil", 231); HTML_ENTITIES.put("egrave", 232); HTML_ENTITIES.put("eacute", 233); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ecirc", 234); HTML_ENTITIES.put("euml", 235); HTML_ENTITIES.put("igrave", 236); HTML_ENTITIES.put("iacute", 237); HTML_ENTITIES.put("icirc", 238); HTML_ENTITIES.put("iuml", 239); HTML_ENTITIES.put("eth", 240); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ntilde", 241); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ograve", 242); HTML_ENTITIES.put("oacute", 243); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ocirc", 244); HTML_ENTITIES.put("otilde", 245); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ouml", 246); HTML_ENTITIES.put("divide", 247); HTML_ENTITIES.put("oslash", 248); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ugrave", 249); HTML_ENTITIES.put("uacute", 250); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ucirc", 251); HTML_ENTITIES.put("uuml", 252); HTML_ENTITIES.put("yacute", 253); HTML_ENTITIES.put("thorn", 254); HTML_ENTITIES.put("yuml", 255); HTML_ENTITIES.put("fnof", 402); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Alpha", 913); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Beta", 914); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Gamma", 915); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Delta", 916); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Epsilon", 917); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Zeta", 918); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Eta", 919); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Theta", 920); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Iota", 921); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Kappa", 922); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Lambda", 923); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Mu", 924); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Nu", 925); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Xi", 926); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Omicron", 927); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Pi", 928); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Rho", 929); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Sigma", 931); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Tau", 932); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Upsilon", 933); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Phi", 934); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Chi", 935); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Psi", 936); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Omega", 937); HTML_ENTITIES.put("alpha", 945); HTML_ENTITIES.put("beta", 946); HTML_ENTITIES.put("gamma", 947); HTML_ENTITIES.put("delta", 948); HTML_ENTITIES.put("epsilon", 949); HTML_ENTITIES.put("zeta", 950); HTML_ENTITIES.put("eta", 951); HTML_ENTITIES.put("theta", 952); HTML_ENTITIES.put("iota", 953); HTML_ENTITIES.put("kappa", 954); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lambda", 955); HTML_ENTITIES.put("mu", 956); HTML_ENTITIES.put("nu", 957); HTML_ENTITIES.put("xi", 958); HTML_ENTITIES.put("omicron", 959); HTML_ENTITIES.put("pi", 960); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rho", 961); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sigmaf", 962); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sigma", 963); HTML_ENTITIES.put("tau", 964); HTML_ENTITIES.put("upsilon", 965); HTML_ENTITIES.put("phi", 966); HTML_ENTITIES.put("chi", 967); HTML_ENTITIES.put("psi", 968); HTML_ENTITIES.put("omega", 969); HTML_ENTITIES.put("thetasym", 977); HTML_ENTITIES.put("upsih", 978); HTML_ENTITIES.put("piv", 982); HTML_ENTITIES.put("bull", 8226); HTML_ENTITIES.put("hellip", 8230); HTML_ENTITIES.put("prime", 8242); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Prime", 8243); HTML_ENTITIES.put("oline", 8254); HTML_ENTITIES.put("frasl", 8260); HTML_ENTITIES.put("weierp", 8472); HTML_ENTITIES.put("image", 8465); HTML_ENTITIES.put("real", 8476); HTML_ENTITIES.put("trade", 8482); HTML_ENTITIES.put("alefsym", 8501); HTML_ENTITIES.put("larr", 8592); HTML_ENTITIES.put("uarr", 8593); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rarr", 8594); HTML_ENTITIES.put("darr", 8595); HTML_ENTITIES.put("harr", 8596); HTML_ENTITIES.put("crarr", 8629); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lArr", 8656); HTML_ENTITIES.put("uArr", 8657); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rArr", 8658); HTML_ENTITIES.put("dArr", 8659); HTML_ENTITIES.put("hArr", 8660); HTML_ENTITIES.put("forall", 8704); HTML_ENTITIES.put("part", 8706); HTML_ENTITIES.put("exist", 8707); HTML_ENTITIES.put("empty", 8709); HTML_ENTITIES.put("nabla", 8711); HTML_ENTITIES.put("isin", 8712); HTML_ENTITIES.put("notin", 8713); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ni", 8715); HTML_ENTITIES.put("prod", 8719); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sum", 8721); HTML_ENTITIES.put("minus", 8722); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lowast", 8727); HTML_ENTITIES.put("radic", 8730); HTML_ENTITIES.put("prop", 8733); HTML_ENTITIES.put("infin", 8734); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ang", 8736); HTML_ENTITIES.put("and", 8743); HTML_ENTITIES.put("or", 8744); HTML_ENTITIES.put("cap", 8745); HTML_ENTITIES.put("cup", 8746); HTML_ENTITIES.put("int", 8747); HTML_ENTITIES.put("there4", 8756); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sim", 8764); HTML_ENTITIES.put("cong", 8773); HTML_ENTITIES.put("asymp", 8776); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ne", 8800); HTML_ENTITIES.put("equiv", 8801); HTML_ENTITIES.put("le", 8804); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ge", 8805); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sub", 8834); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sup", 8835); HTML_ENTITIES.put("nsub", 8836); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sube", 8838); HTML_ENTITIES.put("supe", 8839); HTML_ENTITIES.put("oplus", 8853); HTML_ENTITIES.put("otimes", 8855); HTML_ENTITIES.put("perp", 8869); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sdot", 8901); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lceil", 8968); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rceil", 8969); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lfloor", 8970); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rfloor", 8971); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lang", 9001); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rang", 9002); HTML_ENTITIES.put("loz", 9674); HTML_ENTITIES.put("spades", 9824); HTML_ENTITIES.put("clubs", 9827); HTML_ENTITIES.put("hearts", 9829); HTML_ENTITIES.put("diams", 9830); HTML_ENTITIES.put("quot", 34); HTML_ENTITIES.put("amp", 38); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lt", 60); HTML_ENTITIES.put("gt", 62); HTML_ENTITIES.put("OElig", 338); HTML_ENTITIES.put("oelig", 339); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Scaron", 352); HTML_ENTITIES.put("scaron", 353); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Yuml", 376); HTML_ENTITIES.put("circ", 710); HTML_ENTITIES.put("tilde", 732); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ensp", 8194); HTML_ENTITIES.put("emsp", 8195); HTML_ENTITIES.put("thinsp", 8201); HTML_ENTITIES.put("zwnj", 8204); HTML_ENTITIES.put("zwj", 8205); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lrm", 8206); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rlm", 8207); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ndash", 8211); HTML_ENTITIES.put("mdash", 8212); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lsquo", 8216); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rsquo", 8217); HTML_ENTITIES.put("sbquo", 8218); HTML_ENTITIES.put("ldquo", 8220); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rdquo", 8221); HTML_ENTITIES.put("bdquo", 8222); HTML_ENTITIES.put("dagger", 8224); HTML_ENTITIES.put("Dagger", 8225); HTML_ENTITIES.put("permil", 8240); HTML_ENTITIES.put("lsaquo", 8249); HTML_ENTITIES.put("rsaquo", 8250); HTML_ENTITIES.put("euro", 8364); } // ========================= CONSTRUCTORS ============================== /** * <p> * Hide constructor in utility class. * </p> */ private StringUtil() { preventUtilityConstruction(); } // ========================= METHODS =================================== /** * Return a new instance of an empty string buffer. * * @return a new empty string buffer instance */ public static StringBuilder newStringBuilder() { return new StringBuilder(); } /** * Is object a string. * * @param obj * an object to test * @return is object a string */ public static boolean isString(final Object obj) { return (obj == null) ? true : String.class.isInstance(obj); } /** * Is a string of camel case pattern or not. * * @param s * string to check * @return does <b>s</b> match a camel case pattern or not */ public static boolean isCamelCaseString(final String s) { return (s == null) ? false : s.matches(CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP); } /** * Is a string a valid Java package name. in the FURTHeR context * * @param s * string to check * @return does <b>s</b> match a Java package name pattern */ public static boolean isPackageNameString(final String s) { return (s == null) ? false : s.matches(PACKAGE_NAME_REGEXP); } /** * Is a string a valid Java class name in the FURTHeR context. * * @param s * string to check * @return does <b>s</b> match a Java package name pattern */ public static boolean isClassNameString(final String s) { return (s == null) ? false : s.matches(CLASS_NAME_REGEXP); } /** * Is a value an valid integer or not. * * @param value * @return is a value an invalid integer */ public static boolean isValidInteger(final int value) { return (value != INVALID_VALUE_INTEGER) /* && (value != 0) */; } /** * Is a value a valid integer. * * @param value * @return Is a value an invalid integer */ public static boolean isInvalidInteger(final int value) { return (value == INVALID_VALUE_INTEGER) /* || (value == 0) */; } /** * Is a value a valid ID. * * @param value * @return is a value a valid ID */ public static boolean isValidId(final Long value) { return (!INVALID_VALUE_BOXED_LONG.equals(value)) /* && (!LONG_ZERO.equals(value) ) */; } /** * Is a value an invalid ID. * * @param value * @return is a value an invalid ID */ public static boolean isInvalidId(final Long value) { return (INVALID_VALUE_BOXED_LONG.equals(value)) /* || (LONG_ZERO.equals(value)) */; } /** * Is a value an valid long or not. * * @param value * @return is a value an invalid long */ public static boolean isValidLong(final long value) { return (value != INVALID_VALUE_INTEGER) /* && (value != 0) */; } /** * Is a value an invalid long or not. * * @param value * @return is a value an invalid long */ public static boolean isInvalidLong(final long value) { return (value == INVALID_VALUE_LONG) /* && (value != 0) */; } /** * Convert a {@link String} to {@link Integer}. * * @param value * string value * @return integer value. If fail to convert, returns * <code>INVALID_VALUE_INTEGER</code> */ public static int getAsInteger(final String value) { try { return parseInt(value); } catch (final Exception e) { return INVALID_VALUE_INTEGER; } } /** * Convert a {@link String} to {@link Integer}. * * @param value * string value * @return Integer value. If fail to convert, returns <code>null</code> */ public static Integer getAsBoxedInteger(final String value) { try { return Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (final Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Convert a {@link String} to a {@link Long}. * * @param value * string value * @return long value. If fail to convert, returns * <code>INVALID_VALUE_BOXED_INTEGER</code> */ public static Long getAsId(final String value) { try { return Long.valueOf(value); } catch (final Exception e) { return INVALID_VALUE_BOXED_LONG; } } /** * Convert a {@link String} to <code>long</code>. * * @param value * string value * @return long value. If fail to convert, returns <code>INVALID_VALUE_LONG</code> */ public static long getAsLong(final String value) { try { return parseLong(value); } catch (final Exception e) { return INVALID_VALUE_LONG; } } /** * Convert a {@link String} to {@link Boolean}. * * @param value * string value * @return boolean value. If fail to convert, returns <code>false</code> */ public static boolean getAsBoolean(final String value) { try { return parseBoolean(value); } catch (final Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Convert a {@link String} to {@link Double}. * * @param value * string value * @return {@link Double} value. If fail to convert, returns <code>null</code> */ public static Double getAsBoxedDouble(final String value) { try { return Double.parseDouble(value); } catch (final Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Convert a string to an enum. Encapsulates unchecked warning suppression. * * @param enumType * @param value * @return */ public static <T extends Enum<T>> T getAsEnum(final Class<T> enumType, final String value) { try { return Enum.valueOf(enumType, value); } catch (final Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Pad the beginning of the given String with spaces until the String is of the given * length. * <p> * If a String is longer than the desired length, it will not be truncated, however no * padding will be added. * * @param s * String to be padded. * @param length * desired length of result. * @return padded String. * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String prePad(final String s, final int length) { return prePad(s, length, ' '); } /** * Pre-pend the given character to the String until the result is the desired length. * <p> * If a String is longer than the desired length, it will not be truncated, however no * padding will be added. * * @param s * String to be padded. * @param length * desired length of result. * @param c * padding character. * @return padded String. * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String prePad(final String s, final int length, final char c) { final int needed = length - s.length(); if (needed <= 0) { return s; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length); for (int i = 0; i < needed; i++) { sb.append(c); } sb.append(s); return (sb.toString()); } /** * Pad the end of the given String with spaces until the String is of the given * length. * <p> * If a String is longer than the desired length, it will not be truncated, however no * padding will be added. * * @param s * string to be padded * @param length * desired length of result * @return padded String. * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String postPad(final String s, final int length) { return postPad(s, length, ' '); } /** * Append the given character to the String until the result is the desired length. * <p> * If a String is longer than the desired length, it will not be truncated, however no * padding will be added. * * @param s * String to be padded. * @param length * desired length of result. * @param c * padding character. * @return padded String. * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String postPad(final String s, final int length, final char c) { final int needed = length - s.length(); if (needed <= 0) { return s; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length); sb.append(s); for (int i = 0; i < needed; i++) { sb.append(c); } return (sb.toString()); } /** * Pad the beginning and end of the given String with spaces until the String is of * the given length. The result is that the original String is centered in the middle * of the new string. * <p> * If the number of characters to pad is even, then the padding will be split evenly * between the beginning and end, otherwise, the extra character will be added to the * end. * <p> * If a String is longer than the desired length, it will not be truncated, however no * padding will be added. * * @param s * String to be padded. * @param length * desired length of result. * @return padded String. * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String midPad(final String s, final int length) { return midpad(s, length, ' '); } /** * Pad the beginning and end of the given String with the given character until the * result is the desired length. The result is that the original String is centered in * the middle of the new string. * <p> * If the number of characters to pad is even, then the padding will be split evenly * between the beginning and end, otherwise, the extra character will be added to the * end. * <p> * If a String is longer than the desired length, it will not be truncated, however no * padding will be added. * * @param s * String to be padded. * @param length * desired length of result. * @param c * padding character. * @return padded String. * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String midpad(final String s, final int length, final char c) { final int needed = length - s.length(); if (needed <= 0) { return s; } final int beginning = needed / 2; final int end = beginning + needed % 2; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length); for (int i = 0; i < beginning; i++) { sb.append(c); } sb.append(s); for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { sb.append(c); } return (sb.toString()); } /** * Split the given String into tokens. * <P> * This method is meant to be similar to the split function in other programming * languages but it does not use regular expressions. Rather the String is split on a * single String literal. * <P> * Unlike java.util.StringTokenizer which accepts multiple character tokens as * delimiters, the delimiter here is a single String literal. * <P> * Each null token is returned as an empty String. Delimiters are never returned as * tokens. * <P> * If there is no delimiter because it is either empty or null, the only element in * the result is the original String. * <P> * StringHelper.split("1-2-3", "-");<br> * result: {"1","2","3"}<br> * StringHelper.split("-1--2-", "-");<br> * result: {Names.MISC.EMPTY_STRING,"1",Names.MISC.EMPTY_STRING,"2",Names.MISC * .EMPTY_STRING}<br> * StringHelper.split("123", CommonNames.EMPTY_STRING);<br> * result: {"123"}<br> * StringHelper.split("1-2---3----4", "--");<br> * result: {"1-2","-3",Names.MISC.EMPTY_STRING,"4"}<br> * * @param s * String to be split. * @param delimiter * String literal on which to split. * @return an array of tokens. * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String[] split(final String s, final String delimiter) { int delimiterLength; // the next statement has the side effect of throwing a null pointer // exception if s is null. final int stringLength = s.length(); if (delimiter == null || (delimiterLength = delimiter.length()) == 0) { // it is not inherently clear what to do if there is no delimiter // On one hand it would make sense to return each character because // the null String can be found between each pair of characters in // a String. However, it can be found many times there and we don' // want to be returning multiple null tokens. // returning the whole String will be defined as the correct // behavior // in this instance. return new String[] { s }; } // a two pass solution is used because a one pass solution would // require the possible resizing and copying of memory structures // In the worst case it would have to be resized n times with each // resize having a O(n) copy leading to an O(n^2) algorithm. int count; int start; int end; // Scan s and count the tokens. count = 0; start = 0; while ((end = s.indexOf(delimiter, start)) != -1) { count++; start = end + delimiterLength; } count++; // allocate an array to return the tokens, // we now know how big it should be final String[] result = new String[count]; // Scan s again, but this time pick out the tokens count = 0; start = 0; while ((end = s.indexOf(delimiter, start)) != -1) { result[count] = (s.substring(start, end)); count++; start = end + delimiterLength; } end = stringLength; result[count] = s.substring(start, end); return (result); } /** * Split the given String into tokens. Delimiters will be returned as tokens. * <P> * This method is meant to be similar to the split function in other programming * languages but it does not use regular expressions. Rather the String is split on a * single String literal. * <P> * Unlike java.util.StringTokenizer which accepts multiple character tokens as * delimiters, the delimiter here is a single String literal. * <P> * Each null token is returned as an empty String. Delimiters are never returned as * tokens. * <P> * If there is no delimiter because it is either empty or null, the only element in * the result is the original String. * <P> * StringHelper.split("1-2-3", "-");<br> * result: {"1","-","2","-","3"}<br> * StringHelper.split("-1--2-", "-");<br> * result: {Names.MISC.EMPTY_STRING,"-","1","-",Names.MISC.EMPTY_STRING,"-","2" * ,"-",Names .MISC.EMPTY_STRING}<br> * StringHelper.split("123", CommonNames.EMPTY_STRING);<br> * result: {"123"}<br> * StringHelper.split("1-2--3---4----5", "--");<br> * result: {"1-2","--","3","--","-4","--",Names.MISC.EMPTY_STRING,"--","5"} <br> * * @param s * String to be split. * @param delimiter * String literal on which to split. * @return an array of tokens. * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00 */ public static String[] splitIncludeDelimiters(final String s, final String delimiter) { int delimiterLength; // the next statement has the side effect of throwing a null pointer // exception if s is null. final int stringLength = s.length(); if (delimiter == null || (delimiterLength = delimiter.length()) == 0) { // it is not inherently clear what to do if there is no delimiter // On one hand it would make sense to return each character because // the null String can be found between each pair of characters in // a String. However, it can be found many times there and we don' // want to be returning multiple null tokens. // returning the whole String will be defined as the correct // behavior // in this instance. return new String[] { s }; } // a two pass solution is used because a one pass solution would // require the possible resizing and copying of memory structures // In the worst case it would have to be resized n times with each // resize having a O(n) copy leading to an O(n^2) algorithm. int count; int start; int end; // Scan s and count the tokens. count = 0; start = 0; while ((end = s.indexOf(delimiter, start)) != -1) { count += 2; start = end + delimiterLength; } count++; // allocate an array to return the tokens, // we now know how big it should be final String[] result = new String[count]; // Scan s again, but this time pick out the tokens count = 0; start = 0; while ((end = s.indexOf(delimiter, start)) != -1) { result[count] = (s.substring(start, end)); count++; result[count] = delimiter; count++; start = end + delimiterLength; } end = stringLength; result[count] = s.substring(start, end); return (result); } /** * Return the last part of a string after delimiting. E.g. if s = "a.b.c" and * delimiter=".", this method returns "c". * * @param s * string to delimit * @param delimiter * delimiter * @return last part of string */ public static String lastPartOf(final String s, final String delimiter) { final String[] parts = split(s, delimiter); return parts[parts.length - 1]; } /** * Chain all the elements of a collection into a single {@link String} according to * the collection's iteration order. * <p> * If the given list is null or empty, an empty string will be returned. * <code>null</code> elements of the array are allowed and will be treated like empty * Strings. * * @param collection * collection to be joined into a string * @return concatenation of all the elements of the given list */ public static String chain(final Collection<?> collection) { return chain(collection, EMPTY_STRING); } /** * Chain all the elements of a collection into a single {@link String} with a * delimiter according to the collection's iteration order. * <p> * If the given array empty an empty string will be returned. Null elements of the * array are allowed and will be treated like empty Strings. * * @param collection * collection to be joined into a string. * @param delimiter * string to place between list elements * @return concatenation of all the elements of the given list with the the delimiter * in between */ public static String chain(final Collection<?> collection, final String delimiter) { // Nothing in the array return empty string // has the side effect of throwing a NullPointerException if // the array is null. if ((collection == null) || collection.isEmpty()) { return EMPTY_STRING; } // Iterate over collection and concatenate elements into a string builder final Iterator<?> iterator = collection.iterator(); final StringBuilder result = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object element =; if (element != null) { result.append(element); } if (iterator.hasNext()) { result.append(delimiter); } } return result.toString(); } /** * Replace occurrences of a substring. StringHelper.replace("1-2-3", "-", "|");<br> * result: "1|2|3"<br> * StringHelper.replace("-1--2-", "-", "|");<br> * result: "|1||2|"<br> * StringHelper.replace("123", CommonNames.EMPTY_STRING, "|");<br> * result: "123"<br> * StringHelper.replace("1-2---3----4", "--", "|");<br> * result: "1-2|-3||4"<br> * StringHelper.replace("1-2---3----4", "--", "---");<br> * result: "1-2----3------4"<br> * * @param s * String to be modified. * @param find * String to find. * @param replaceStr * String to replace. * @return a string with all the occurrences of the string to find replaced. * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String replace(final String s, final String find, final String replaceStr) { String replace = replaceStr; int findLength; // the next statement has the side effect of throwing a null pointer // exception if s is null. final int stringLength = s.length(); if (find == null || (findLength = find.length()) == 0) { // If there is nothing to find, we won't try and find it. return s; } if (replace == null) { // a null string and an empty string are the same // for replacement purposes. replace = EMPTY_STRING; } final int replaceLength = replace.length(); // We need to figure out how long our resulting string will be. // This is required because without it, the possible resizing // and copying of memory structures could lead to an unacceptable // runtime. // In the worst case it would have to be resized n times with each // resize having a O(n) copy leading to an O(n^2) algorithm. int length; if (findLength == replaceLength) { // special case in which we don't need to count the replacements // because the count falls out of the length formula. length = stringLength; } else { int count; int start; int end; // Scan s and count the number of times we find our target. count = 0; start = 0; while ((end = s.indexOf(find, start)) != -1) { count++; start = end + findLength; } if (count == 0) { // special case in which on first pass, we find there is nothing // to be replaced. No need to do a second pass or create a // string buffer. return s; } length = stringLength - (count * (findLength - replaceLength)); } int start = 0; int end = s.indexOf(find, start); if (end == -1) { // nothing was found in the string to replace. // we can get this if the find and replace strings // are the same length because we didn't check before. // in this case, we will return the original string return s; } // it looks like we actually have something to replace // *sigh* allocate memory for it. final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length); // Scan s and do the replacements while (end != -1) { sb.append(s.substring(start, end)); sb.append(replace); start = end + findLength; end = s.indexOf(find, start); } end = stringLength; sb.append(s.substring(start, end)); return (sb.toString()); } /** * Remove all new lines and tabs from a string * * @param s * original string * @return stripped string */ public static String stripNewLinesAndTabs(final String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } String t = s; t = t.replaceAll("\r\n", EMPTY_STRING); t = t.replaceAll(NEW_LINE_STRING, EMPTY_STRING); t = t.replaceAll(TAB_STRING, " "); // Convert tabs to spaces t = t.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); // Trim consecutive spaces t = t.replaceAll(">\\s+", ">"); // Trim space after end of element t = t.replaceAll("\\s+</", "</"); // Trim space before beginning of element t = t.replaceAll("\\s/>", "/>"); // Trim space before the end of an empty element return t; // Older version that seems less portable and robust // return s.replaceAll("\r\n", EMPTY_STRING).replaceAll(NEW_LINE_STRING, // EMPTY_STRING).replaceAll(TAB_STRING, EMPTY_STRING); } /** * Replaces characters that may be confused by an HTML/XML parser with their * equivalent character entity references. * <p> * Any data that will appear as text on a web page should be be escaped. This is * especially important for data that comes from untrusted sources such as Internet * users. A common mistake in CGI programming is to ask a user for data and then put * that data on a web page. For example: * * <pre> * Server: What is your name? * User: <b>Joe<b> * Server: Hello <b>Joe</b>, Welcome * </pre> * * If the name is put on the page without checking that it doesn't contain HTML code * or without sanitizing that HTML code, the user could reformat the page, insert * scripts, and control the the content on your web server. * <p> * This method will replace HTML characters such as > with their HTML entity * reference (&gt;) so that the html parser will be sure to interpret them as * plain text rather than HTML or script. * <p> * This method should be used for both data to be displayed in text in the html * document, and data put in form elements. For example:<br> * <code><html><body><i>This in not a &lt;tag&gt; * in HTML</i></body></html></code><br> * and<br> * <code><form><input type="hidden" name="date" value="<i>This data could * be &quot;malicious&quot;</i>"></form></code><br> * In the second example, the form data would be properly be resubmitted to your cgi * script in the URLEncoded format:<br> * <code><i>This data could be %22malicious%22</i></code> * * @param s * String to be escaped * @return escaped String * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String escapeHtml(final String s) { // Check for characters that might be dangerous and calculate a length // of the string that has escapes. final int newLength = computeEscapedStringLength(s); if (isInvalidInteger(newLength)) { // Nothing to escape in the string return s; } // Build the escaped string final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(newLength); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); final int cint = 0xffff & c; if ((cint < 32) && !isSpecialCharacter(c)) { sb.append(c); } else { // Normal character, escape if exists in entity lookup map if (XML_ENTITIES.containsKey(c)) { sb.append("&#x").append(XML_ENTITIES.get(c)).append(";"); } else { sb.append(c); } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Is this a special character with ASCII code < 32 that should be ignored from * escaped HTML strings or not. * * @param c * character with ASCII code < 32 */ private static boolean isSpecialCharacter(final char c) { switch (c) { case '\r': case '\n': case Strings.TAB_CHAR: case '\f': { return true; } default: { return false; } } } /** * Check for characters that might be dangerous and calculate a length of the string * that has escapes. If no characters should be escaped, this method returns * {@link Constants#INVALID_VALUE_INTEGER}. * * @param s * original string * @return length of escaped string */ private static int computeEscapedStringLength(final String s) { final int length = s.length(); int newLength = length; boolean someCharacterEscaped = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); final int cint = 0xffff & c; if (cint < 32) { switch (c) { case '\r': case '\n': case TAB_CHAR: case '\f': { break; } default: { newLength -= 1; someCharacterEscaped = true; } } } else { switch (c) { case '\"': { newLength += 5; someCharacterEscaped = true; break; } case '&': case '\'': { newLength += 4; someCharacterEscaped = true; break; } case '<': case '>': { newLength += 3; someCharacterEscaped = true; break; } } } } if (!someCharacterEscaped) { // nothing to escape in the string newLength = INVALID_VALUE_INTEGER; } return newLength; } /** * Replaces characters that may be confused by an SQL parser with their equivalent * escape characters. * <p> * Any data that will be put in an SQL query should be be escaped. This is especially * important for data that comes from untrusted sources such as Internet users. * <p> * For example if you had the following SQL query:<br> * <code>"SELECT * FROM addresses WHERE name='" + name + "' AND private='N'"</code> <br> * Without this function a user could give <code>" OR 1=1 OR ''='"</code> as their * name causing the query to be:<br> * <code>"SELECT * FROM addresses WHERE name='' OR 1=1 OR ''='' AND private='N'"</code> * <br> * which will give all addresses, including private ones.<br> * Correct usage would be:<br> * <code>"SELECT * FROM addresses WHERE name='" + StringHelper.escapeSQL(name) + "' AND private='N'"</code> * <br> * <p> * Another way to avoid this problem is to use a PreparedStatement with appropriate * placeholders. * * @param s * String to be escaped * @return escaped String * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String escapeSQL(final String s) { final int length = s.length(); int newLength = length; // first check for characters that might // be dangerous and calculate a length // of the string that has escapes. for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\\': case '\"': case '\'': case '\0': { newLength += 1; break; } } } if (length == newLength) { // nothing to escape in the string return s; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(newLength); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\\': { sb.append("\\\\"); break; } case '\"': { sb.append("\\\""); break; } case '\'': { sb.append("\\\'"); break; } case '\0': { sb.append("\\0"); break; } default: { sb.append(c); } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Replaces characters that are not allowed in a Java style string literal with their * escape characters. Specifically quote ("), single quote ('), new line (\n), * carriage return (\r), and backslash (\), and tab (\t) are escaped. * * @param s * String to be escaped * @return escaped String * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String escapeJavaLiteral(final String s) { final int length = s.length(); int newLength = length; // first check for characters that might // be dangerous and calculate a length // of the string that has escapes. for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\"': case '\'': case '\n': case '\r': case TAB_CHAR: case '\\': { newLength += 1; break; } } } if (length == newLength) { // nothing to escape in the string return s; } // Now replace special characters final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(newLength); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\"': { sb.append("\\\""); break; } case '\'': { sb.append("\\\'"); break; } case '\n': { sb.append("\\n"); break; } case '\r': { sb.append("\\r"); break; } case TAB_CHAR: { sb.append("\\t"); break; } case '\\': { sb.append("\\\\"); break; } default: { sb.append(c); } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Trim any of the characters contained in the second string from the beginning and * end of the first. * * @param s * String to be trimmed. * @param c * list of characters to trim from s. * @return trimmed string * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String trim(final String s, final String c) { if (s == null) { return null; } final int length = s.length(); if (c == null) { return s; } final int cLength = c.length(); if (c.length() == 0) { return s; } int start = 0; int end = length; boolean found; // trim-able character found. int i; // Start from the beginning and find the // first non-trim-able character. found = false; for (i = 0; !found && i < length; i++) { final char ch = s.charAt(i); found = true; for (int j = 0; found && j < cLength; j++) { if (c.charAt(j) == ch) found = false; } } // if all characters are trim-able. if (!found) return EMPTY_STRING; start = i - 1; // Start from the end and find the // last non-trim-able character. found = false; for (i = length - 1; !found && i >= 0; i--) { final char ch = s.charAt(i); found = true; for (int j = 0; found && j < cLength; j++) { if (c.charAt(j) == ch) found = false; } } end = i + 2; return s.substring(start, end); } /** * Turn any HTML escape entities in the string into characters and return the * resulting string. * * @param s * String to be unescaped * @return unescaped String * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public static String unescapeHtml(final String s) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(s.length()); int ampInd = s.indexOf("&"); int lastEnd = 0; while (ampInd >= 0) { final int nextAmp = s.indexOf("&", ampInd + 1); final int nextSemi = s.indexOf(";", ampInd + 1); if (nextSemi != -1 && (nextAmp == -1 || nextSemi < nextAmp)) { int value = -1; final String escape = s.substring(ampInd + 1, nextSemi); try { if (escape.startsWith("#")) { value = Integer.parseInt(escape.substring(1), 10); } else { if (HTML_ENTITIES.containsKey(escape)) { value = HTML_ENTITIES.get(escape).intValue(); } } } catch (final NumberFormatException x) { } result.append(s.substring(lastEnd, ampInd)); lastEnd = nextSemi + 1; if (value >= 0 && value <= 0xffff) { result.append((char) value); } else { result.append("&").append(escape).append(";"); } } ampInd = nextAmp; } result.append(s.substring(lastEnd)); return result.toString(); } /** * Escapes characters that have special meaning to regular expressions * * @param s * String to be escaped * @return escaped String * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static String escapeRegularExpressionLiteral(final String s) { // According to the documentation in the Pattern class: // // The backslash character ('\') serves to introduce escaped constructs, // as defined in the table above, as well as to quote characters that // otherwise would be interpreted as unescaped constructs. Thus the // expression \\ matches a single backslash and \{ matches a left brace. // // It is an error to use a backslash prior to any alphabetic character // that does not denote an escaped construct; these are reserved for // future // extensions to the regular-expression language. A backslash may be // used // prior to a non-alphabetic character regardless of whether that // character // is part of an unescaped construct. // // As a result, escape everything except [0-9a-zA-Z] final int length = s.length(); int newLength = length; // first check for characters that might // be dangerous and calculate a length // of the string that has escapes. for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); if (!((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'))) { newLength += 1; } } if (length == newLength) { // nothing to escape in the string return s; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(newLength); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); if (!((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'))) { sb.append('\\'); } sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string contains any of the * given terms. * <p> * Usage:<br> * <code>boolean b = getContainsAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches();</code> * <p> * If multiple strings are matched against the same set of terms, it is more efficient * to reuse the pattern returned by this function. * * @param terms * Array of search strings. * @return Compiled pattern that can be used to match a string to see if it contains * any of the terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static Pattern getContainsAnyPattern(final String[] terms) { final StringBuilder sb = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); sb.append("(?s).*"); buildFindAnyPattern(terms, sb); sb.append(".*"); return Pattern.compile(sb.toString()); } /** * Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string equals any of the * given terms. * <p> * Usage:<br> * <code>boolean b = getEqualsAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches();</code> * <p> * If multiple strings are matched against the same set of terms, it is more efficient * to reuse the pattern returned by this function. * * @param terms * Array of search strings. * @return Compiled pattern that can be used to match a string to see if it equals any * of the terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static Pattern getEqualsAnyPattern(final String[] terms) { final StringBuilder sb = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); sb.append("(?s)\\A"); buildFindAnyPattern(terms, sb); sb.append("\\z"); return Pattern.compile(sb.toString()); } /** * Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string starts with any of the * given terms. * <p> * Usage:<br> * <code>boolean b = getStartsWithAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches();</code> * <p> * If multiple strings are matched against the same set of terms, it is more efficient * to reuse the pattern returned by this function. * * @param terms * Array of search strings. * @return Compiled pattern that can be used to match a string to see if it starts * with any of the terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static Pattern getStartsWithAnyPattern(final String[] terms) { final StringBuilder sb = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); sb.append("(?s)\\A"); buildFindAnyPattern(terms, sb); sb.append(".*"); return Pattern.compile(sb.toString()); } /** * Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string ends with any of the * given terms. * <p> * Usage:<br> * <code>boolean b = getEndsWithAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches();</code> * <p> * If multiple strings are matched against the same set of terms, it is more efficient * to reuse the pattern returned by this function. * * @param terms * Array of search strings. * @return Compiled pattern that can be used to match a string to see if it ends with * any of the terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static Pattern getEndsWithAnyPattern(final String[] terms) { final StringBuilder sb = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); sb.append("(?s).*"); buildFindAnyPattern(terms, sb); sb.append("\\z"); return Pattern.compile(sb.toString()); } /** * Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string contains any of the * given terms. * <p> * Case is ignored when matching using Unicode case rules. * <p> * Usage:<br> * <code>boolean b = getContainsAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches();</code> * <p> * If multiple strings are matched against the same set of terms, it is more efficient * to reuse the pattern returned by this function. * * @param terms * Array of search strings. * @return Compiled pattern that can be used to match a string to see if it contains * any of the terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static Pattern getContainsAnyIgnoreCasePattern(final String[] terms) { final StringBuilder sb = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); sb.append("(?i)(?u)(?s).*"); buildFindAnyPattern(terms, sb); sb.append(".*"); return Pattern.compile(sb.toString()); } /** * Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string equals any of the * given terms. * <p> * Case is ignored when matching using Unicode case rules. * <p> * Usage:<br> * <code>boolean b = getEqualsAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches();</code> * <p> * If multiple strings are matched against the same set of terms, it is more efficient * to reuse the pattern returned by this function. * * @param terms * Array of search strings. * @return Compiled pattern that can be used to match a string to see if it equals any * of the terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static Pattern getEqualsAnyIgnoreCasePattern(final String[] terms) { final StringBuilder sb = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); sb.append("(?i)(?u)(?s)\\A"); buildFindAnyPattern(terms, sb); sb.append("\\z"); return Pattern.compile(sb.toString()); } /** * Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string starts with any of the * given terms. * <p> * Case is ignored when matching using Unicode case rules. * <p> * Usage:<br> * <code>boolean b = getStartsWithAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches();</code> * <p> * If multiple strings are matched against the same set of terms, it is more efficient * to reuse the pattern returned by this function. * * @param terms * Array of search strings. * @return Compiled pattern that can be used to match a string to see if it starts * with any of the terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static Pattern getStartsWithAnyIgnoreCasePattern(final String[] terms) { final StringBuilder sb = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); sb.append("(?i)(?u)(?s)\\A"); buildFindAnyPattern(terms, sb); sb.append(".*"); return Pattern.compile(sb.toString()); } /** * Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string ends with any of the * given terms. * <p> * Case is ignored when matching using Unicode case rules. * <p> * Usage:<br> * <code>boolean b = getEndsWithAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches();</code> * <p> * If multiple strings are matched against the same set of terms, it is more efficient * to reuse the pattern returned by this function. * * @param terms * Array of search strings. * @return Compiled pattern that can be used to match a string to see if it ends with * any of the terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static Pattern getEndsWithAnyIgnoreCasePattern(final String[] terms) { final StringBuilder sb = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); sb.append("(?i)(?u)(?s).*"); buildFindAnyPattern(terms, sb); sb.append("\\z"); return Pattern.compile(sb.toString()); } /** * Tests to see if the given string contains any of the given terms. * <p> * This implementation is more efficient than the brute force approach of testing the * string against each of the terms. It instead compiles a single regular expression * that can test all the terms at once, and uses that expression against the string. * <p> * This is a convenience method. If multiple strings are tested against the same set * of terms, it is more efficient not to compile the regular expression multiple * times. * * @see #getContainsAnyPattern(String[]) * @param s * String that may contain any of the given terms. * @param terms * list of substrings that may be contained in the given string. * @return true iff one of the terms is a substring of the given string. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static boolean containsAny(final String s, final String[] terms) { return getContainsAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches(); } /** * Tests to see if the given string equals any of the given terms. * <p> * This implementation is more efficient than the brute force approach of testing the * string against each of the terms. It instead compiles a single regular expression * that can test all the terms at once, and uses that expression against the string. * <p> * This is a convenience method. If multiple strings are tested against the same set * of terms, it is more efficient not to compile the regular expression multiple * times. * * @see #getEqualsAnyPattern(String[]) * @param s * String that may equal any of the given terms. * @param terms * list of strings that may equal the given string. * @return true iff one of the terms is equal to the given string. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static boolean equalsAny(final String s, final String[] terms) { return getEqualsAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches(); } /** * Tests to see if the given string equals any of the given terms. * <p> * This implementation is more efficient than the brute force approach of testing the * string against each of the terms. It instead compiles a single regular expression * that can test all the terms at once, and uses that expression against the string. * <p> * This is a convenience method. If multiple strings are tested against the same set * of terms, it is more efficient not to compile the regular expression multiple * times. * * @see #getEqualsAnyPattern(String[]) * @param s * String that may equal any of the given terms. * @param terms * list of strings that may equal the given string. * @return true iff one of the terms is equal to the given string. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static boolean equalsAny(final String s, final List<String> terms) { return equalsAny(s, terms.toArray(CollectionUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY)); } /** * Tests to see if the given string starts with any of the given terms. * <p> * This implementation is more efficient than the brute force approach of testing the * string against each of the terms. It instead compiles a single regular expression * that can test all the terms at once, and uses that expression against the string. * <p> * This is a convenience method. If multiple strings are tested against the same set * of terms, it is more efficient not to compile the regular expression multiple * times. * * @see #getStartsWithAnyPattern(String[]) * @param s * String that may start with any of the given terms. * @param terms * list of strings that may start with the given string. * @return true iff the given string starts with one of the given terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static boolean startsWithAny(final String s, final String[] terms) { return getStartsWithAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches(); } /** * Tests to see if the given string ends with any of the given terms. * <p> * This implementation is more efficient than the brute force approach of testing the * string against each of the terms. It instead compiles a single regular expression * that can test all the terms at once, and uses that expression against the string. * <p> * This is a convenience method. If multiple strings are tested against the same set * of terms, it is more efficient not to compile the regular expression multiple * times. * * @see #getEndsWithAnyPattern(String[]) * @param s * String that may end with any of the given terms. * @param terms * list of strings that may end with the given string. * @return true iff the given string ends with one of the given terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static boolean endsWithAny(final String s, final String[] terms) { return getEndsWithAnyPattern(terms).matcher(s).matches(); } /** * Tests to see if the given string contains any of the given terms. * <p> * Case is ignored when matching using Unicode case rules. * <p> * This implementation is more efficient than the brute force approach of testing the * string against each of the terms. It instead compiles a single regular expression * that can test all the terms at once, and uses that expression against the string. * <p> * This is a convenience method. If multiple strings are tested against the same set * of terms, it is more efficient not to compile the regular expression multiple * times. * * @see #getContainsAnyIgnoreCasePattern(String[]) * @param s * String that may contain any of the given terms. * @param terms * list of substrings that may be contained in the given string. * @return true iff one of the terms is a substring of the given string. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static boolean containsAnyIgnoreCase(final String s, final String[] terms) { return getContainsAnyIgnoreCasePattern(terms).matcher(s).matches(); } /** * Tests to see if the given string equals any of the given terms. * <p> * Case is ignored when matching using Unicode case rules. * <p> * This implementation is more efficient than the brute force approach of testing the * string against each of the terms. It instead compiles a single regular expression * that can test all the terms at once, and uses that expression against the string. * <p> * This is a convenience method. If multiple strings are tested against the same set * of terms, it is more efficient not to compile the regular expression multiple * times. * * @see #getEqualsAnyIgnoreCasePattern(String[]) * @param s * String that may equal any of the given terms. * @param terms * list of strings that may equal the given string. * @return true iff one of the terms is equal to the given string. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static boolean equalsAnyIgnoreCase(final String s, final String[] terms) { return getEqualsAnyIgnoreCasePattern(terms).matcher(s).matches(); } /** * Tests to see if the given string starts with any of the given terms. * <p> * Case is ignored when matching using Unicode case rules. * <p> * This implementation is more efficient than the brute force approach of testing the * string against each of the terms. It instead compiles a single regular expression * that can test all the terms at once, and uses that expression against the string. * <p> * This is a convenience method. If multiple strings are tested against the same set * of terms, it is more efficient not to compile the regular expression multiple * times. * * @see #getStartsWithAnyIgnoreCasePattern(String[]) * @param s * String that may start with any of the given terms. * @param terms * list of strings that may start with the given string. * @return true iff the given string starts with one of the given terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static boolean startsWithAnyIgnoreCase(final String s, final String[] terms) { return getStartsWithAnyIgnoreCasePattern(terms).matcher(s).matches(); } /** * Tests to see if the given string ends with any of the given terms. * <p> * Case is ignored when matching using Unicode case rules. * <p> * This implementation is more efficient than the brute force approach of testing the * string against each of the terms. It instead compiles a single regular expression * that can test all the terms at once, and uses that expression against the string. * <p> * This is a convenience method. If multiple strings are tested against the same set * of terms, it is more efficient not to compile the regular expression multiple * times. * * @see #getEndsWithAnyIgnoreCasePattern(String[]) * @param s * String that may end with any of the given terms. * @param terms * list of strings that may end with the given string. * @return true iff the given string ends with one of the given terms. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ public static boolean endsWithAnyIgnoreCase(final String s, final String[] terms) { return getEndsWithAnyIgnoreCasePattern(terms).matcher(s).matches(); } /** * Return a string or <code>NULL_TO_STRING</code> if the string is <code>null</code>. * * @param s * string * @return the string or <code>NULL_TO_STRING</code> if <code>s</code> is * <code>null</code>. */ public static String getNullSafeString(final String s) { return (s == null) ? NULL_TO_STRING : s; } /** * Return an object's string representation or <code>NULL_TO_STRING</code> if the * object is <code>null</code>. * * @param obj * object to convert to a string * @return the object's {@link object#toString()} or <code>NULL_TO_STRING</code> if * <code>o</code> is <code>null</code>. */ public static String getNullSafeToString(final Object obj) { return (obj == null) ? NULL_TO_STRING : obj.toString(); } /** * Return an item's identifier representation, or <code>null</code>, if the item is * <code>null</code>. * * @param item * an identifiable item * @return the item's ID , or <code>null</code>, if the item is <code>null</code> */ public static <ID extends Comparable<ID> & Serializable> ID getIdNullSafe(final HasIdentifier<ID> item) { return ((item == null) || (item.getId() == null)) ? null : item.getId(); } /** * Return an item's identifier string representation, or <code>NULL_TO_STRING</code>, * if the item is <code>null</code>. * * @param item * an identifiable item * @return the item's ID string representation, or <code>NULL_TO_STRING</code>, if the * item is <code>null</code> */ public static String getIdAsStringNullSafe(final HasIdentifier<?> item) { return ((item == null) || (item.getId() == null)) ? NULL_TO_STRING : item.getId().toString(); } /** * Return an item's name, or <code>NULL_TO_STRING</code>, if the item is * <code>null</code>. * * @param item * a named item * @return the item's name, or <code>NULL_TO_STRING</code>, if the item is * <code>null</code> */ public static String getNameNullSafe(final Named item) { return (item == null) ? NULL_TO_STRING : item.getName(); } /** * Return an item's value, or <code>null</code>, if the item is <code>null</code>. * * @param item * a valued item * @return the item's name, or <code>null</code>, if the item is <code>null</code> */ public static <T> T getValueNullSafe(final Valued<T> item) { return (item == null) ? null : item.getValue(); } /** * Print an integer list. * * @param title * list's title * @param list * the list * @return string builder containing the list's printout */ public static StringBuilder printIntegerList(final String title, final List<?> list) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(title); s.append(" = ["); for (final Object i : list) { s = s.append(i); s = s.append(Strings.SPACE_STRING); } s = s.append("]\n"); return s; } /** * Clean and trim a string read from a spring context file. * * @param string * string to clean * @return cleaned string */ public static String cleanContextFileString(final String string) { // return // org.springframework.util.StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(string.replaceAll("[\t\n]", // "")); return string.replaceAll("[\t\n]", "").trim(); } /** * Convert a <code>List</code> of String objects to a CSV list of strings * * @param stringsToDelimit * The <code>List</code> of strings to delimit * * @return The comma delimited list of values */ public static String getCsvStringsFromList(final List<String> stringsToDelimit) { final StringBuilder sbCSVStrings = newStringBuilder(); if (stringsToDelimit != null) { for (int count = 0; count < stringsToDelimit.size(); count++) { sbCSVStrings.append(stringsToDelimit.get(count)); if (count + 1 < stringsToDelimit.size()) { sbCSVStrings.append(","); } } } return sbCSVStrings.toString(); } /** * Return the list of names of a list of items. * * @param items * an item list * @return the corresponding item name list */ public static List<String> getAsNameList(final List<? extends Named> items) { final List<String> names = newList(); for (final Named element : items) { names.add(element == null ? null : element.getName()); } return names; } /** * Truncate a string to a certain length. If the string is <code>null</code> or * shorter than the specified length, it is returned intact. * * @param str * string to truncate * @param numChars * maximum length of string after truncation * @return trunacted string */ public static String truncate(final String str, final int numChars) { return ((str == null) || (str.length() <= numChars)) ? str : str.substring(0, numChars); } /** * Truncates a string to a specified number of characters. * * @param str * The string to truncate * @param numChars * The number of characters to truncate * @param showEllipse * Flag indicating whether or not to show the default ellipse symbol if the * string is truncated * @return The truncated string if string length is more than <code>numChars</code> * otherwise return the full string */ public static String truncate(final String str, final int numChars, final boolean showEllipse) { return truncate(str, numChars, showEllipse, Strings.ELIPSIS); } /** * Truncates a string to a specified number of characters. * * @param str * The string to truncate * @param numChars * The number of characters to truncate * @param showEllipse * Flag indicating whether or not to show an ellipse if the string is * truncated * @param ellipsisSymbol * ellipsis symbol to append at the end of the string if truncated * @return The truncated string if string length is more than <code>numChars</code> * otherwise return the full string */ public static String truncate(final String str, final int numChars, final boolean showEllipse, final String ellipsisSymbol) { final StringBuffer truncatedStr = new StringBuffer(str != null ? str : ""); if (str != null && str.length() >= numChars) { truncatedStr.setLength(numChars); if (showEllipse) { truncatedStr.append(ellipsisSymbol); } } return truncatedStr.toString(); } /** * Return the camel case string representation of an enumerated constant name. For * instance, if the constant name is <code>SUB_TOPIC</code>, the camel case form is * "subTopic". The returned string always starts with a lower case letter. The * separation of strings into parts is done by splitting around * {@link Strings#ENUM_NAME_SEPARATOR}. * * @param constantName * enumerated constant name. Must be non-<code>null</code> * @return the camel case string representation */ public static String constantNameToCamelCase(final String constantName) { return uncapitalize(constantName, new char[] { ENUM_NAME_SEPARATOR_CHAR }); } /** * Return the XML tag name of an enumerated constant name. For instance, if the * constant name is <code>SUB_TOPIC</code>, the XML tag name is "sub-topic". * * @param constantName * enumerated constant name. Must be non-<code>null</code> * @return the camel case string representation */ public static String constantNameToXmlName(final String constantName) { return replace(constantName, ENUM_NAME_SEPARATOR, XML_NAME_SEPARATOR).toLowerCase(); } /** * Return a singly-quoted text. * * @param text * text to quote * @return singly-quoted text */ public static String quote(final String text) { return SINGLE_QUOTE + text + SINGLE_QUOTE; } /** * Return a doubly-quoted text. * * @param text * text to quote * @return doubly-quoted text */ public static String doubleQuote(final String text) { return DOUBLE_QUOTE + text + DOUBLE_QUOTE; } /** * Return a plural form suffix string. Useful in printing <code>item</code> or * <code>items</code> depending on the number of items in question. * * @param number * number of items * @return if number equals <code>1</code>, returns an empty string, otherwise returns * <code>"s"</code> */ public static String pluralFormSuffix(final int number) { return (number == 1) ? EMPTY_STRING : "s"; } /** * Return a default plural form string. Example: prints <code>item</code> or * <code>items</code> depending on the number of items in question. * * @param string * string to append, e.g. <code>"item"</code> * @param number * number of items * @return if number equals <code>1</code>, returns the original string, otherwise * returns <code>string + "s"</code> */ public static String pluralForm(final String string, final int number) { return (number == 1) ? string : (string + "s"); } /** * Return a default plural form string. Example: prints <code>item</code> or * <code>items</code> depending on the number of items in question. * * @param string * string to append, e.g. <code>"item"</code> * @param number * number of items * @return if number equals <code>1</code>, returns the original string, otherwise * returns <code>string + "s"</code> */ public static String pluralForm(final String string, final long number) { return (number == 1) ? string : (string + "s"); } /** * Return a flexible plural form string. Example: prints <code>status</code> or * <code>stati</code> depending on the number of status objects in question. * * @param singleForm * single form of the object in question * @param plural * plural form of the object in question * @param number * number of items * @return if number equals <code>1</code>, returns the single form, otherwise returns * the plural form */ public static String pluralForm(final String singleForm, final String pluralForm, final int number) { return (number == 1) ? singleForm : pluralForm; } /** * Converts a string to first character capitalized case. That is the first letter * capitalized and the rest lower case. * * * <code> * StringUtils.toLowercaseFirstCharUppercase("HELLO WORLD); //prints Hello world * </code> * * @param string * the String to convert to first char uppercase and rest lowercase * @return */ public static String toLowercaseFirstCharUppercase(final String string) { final String lower = string.toLowerCase(); return Character.toUpperCase(lower.charAt(0)) + lower.substring(1); } /** * Return a view of a list. * * @param list * list to be printed * @param printer * converts each element into a string * @return corresponding list of element string representation */ public static <T> List<String> printList(final List<T> list, final Printer<T> printer) { final List<String> strings = CollectionUtil.newList(); for (final T element : list) { strings.add(printer.visit(element)); } return strings; } /** * Adds the ANSI SQL Wildcard to the end of the string. * * @param string * the string to add the wildcard too * @return a new string with the ANSI SQL wildcard appended to the end */ public static String addSqlWildcardToEnd(final String string) { return string + SQL_WILDCARD; } /** * Adds the ANSI SQL Wildcard to the beginning of the string. * * @param string * the string to add the wildcard too * @return a new string with the ANSI SQL wildcard appended to the beginning */ public static String addSqlWildcardToBeginning(final String string) { return SQL_WILDCARD + string; } /** * Adds the ANSI SQL Wildcard to the beginning and end of the string. * * @param string * the string to add the wildcards too * @return a new string with the ANSI SQL wildcard appended to the beginning and end */ public static String surroundWithSqlWildcard(final String string) { return addSqlWildcardToBeginning(addSqlWildcardToEnd(string)); } /** * <p> * Centers a String in a larger String of size <code>size</code>. Uses a supplied * String as the value to pad the String with. * </p> * * <p> * If the size is less than the String length, the String is returned. A * <code>null</code> String returns <code>null</code>. A negative size is treated as * zero. * </p> * * <pre> * StringUtil.centerWithSpace(null, *, *) = null * StringUtil.centerWithSpace("header", 12, '=') = "== Header ==" * </pre> */ public static String centerWithSpace(final String str, final int size, final String padStr) { return + str + SPACE_STRING, size, padStr); } /** * The same as {@link #centerWithSpace(String, int, String)}, only that the size is * the size of the padding on each side of <code>str</code> rather than the total * output string length. * * @param str * @param padSize * @param padStr * @return */ public static String centerWithSpacePadSize(final String str, final int padSize, final String padStr) { return + str + SPACE_STRING, str.length() + 2 + padSize, padStr); } /** * Generate a string that is a repetition of a string up to fill a certain length. * * @param padStr * string to repeat * @param size * size of returned string * @return repeated string */ public static String repeat(final String padStr, final int size) { return StringUtils.leftPad(EMPTY_STRING, size, padStr); } /** * Print an exception's stack trace to a string * * @param e * exception * @return stack trace printout as a string */ public static String getStackTraceAsString(final Throwable e) { try (final StringPrintWriter out = new StringPrintWriter()) { e.printStackTrace(out); final String trace = out.getString(); return trace; } } /** * @param object * @return */ public static String getClassAsStringNullSafe(final Object object) { return ((object == null) ? Strings.NULL_TO_STRING : object.getClass().toString()); } /** * Re-encode an input stream in UTF8 encoding. * * @param source * @return * @throws IOException */ public static InputStream toUtf8(final InputStream source) throws IOException { final StringBuilder stringSource = StringUtil.newStringBuilder(); final byte[] b = new byte[4096]; for (int n; (n = != -1;) { stringSource.append(new String(b, 0, n)); } return new ByteArrayInputStream(stringSource.toString().getBytes(DEFAULT_ENCODING)); } // See equalsAny() // /** // * Return <code>true</code> if and only if a string equals one or more strings in a // * collection. // * <p> // * If s is <code>null</code> or the list is empty or <code>null</code> , this method // * always returns <code>false</code>. // * // * @param s // * string // * @param strings // * list of strings to match // * @return result of comparison // */ // public static boolean equalsOneOf(final String s, final Collection<String> strings) // { // if ((s == null) || (strings == null)) // { // return false; // } // else // { // for (final String element : strings) // { // if (s.equals(element)) // { // return true; // } // } // return false; // } // } // ========================= PRIVATE METHODS =========================== /** * Build a regular expression that is each of the terms or'd together. * * @param terms * a list of search terms * @param sb * place to build the regular expression. * @since ostermillerutils 1.02.25 */ private static void buildFindAnyPattern(final String[] terms, final StringBuilder sb) { if (terms.length == 0) { return; } sb.append("(?:"); for (int i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append("|"); sb.append("(?:"); sb.append(escapeRegularExpressionLiteral(terms[i])); sb.append(")"); } sb.append(")"); } }