Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (C) 2014 Hadi Goudarzi, Mohammad Javad Dousti, Alireza Shafaei, * and Massoud Pedram, University of Southern California. All rights reserved. * * Please refer to the LICENSE file for terms of use. * */ package edu.usc.qufd; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import edu.usc.qufd.layout.Layout; import edu.usc.qufd.parser.LayoutParser; import edu.usc.qufd.qasm.QASM; import edu.usc.qufd.qasmParser.QASMParser; import edu.usc.qufd.router.EventDrivenSimulator; import edu.usc.qufd.router.InitialPlacer; import edu.usc.qufd.router.Placement; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class Main. */ public class Main { /** The layout. */ static Layout layout; /** The qasm. */ static QASM qasm; /** The eds. */ static EventDrivenSimulator eds; /** The sim pl. */ static Placement simPL; /** The resource estimate file addr. */ static String qasmFileAddr, pmdFileAddr, outputFileAddr, resourceEstimateFileAddr; /** * Print_usage. * * @param options the options */ private static void print_usage(Options options) { // automatically generate the help statement HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.setWidth(90); formatter.printHelp("qufd", "QUFD maps a given QASM " + "to a supplied PMD fabric. The resultant MCL file of " + "the mapped circuit will be generated.", options, "", true); } /** * Parses the inputs. * * @param args the args * @return true, if successful */ private static boolean parseInputs(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("p", "pmd", true, "PMD file"); options.getOption("p").setArgName("file"); options.addOption("i", "input", true, "QASM input file"); options.getOption("i").setArgName("file"); options.addOption("m", "mcl", true, "MCL output file"); options.getOption("m").setArgName("file"); options.addOption("r", "re", true, "Resource estimation file"); options.getOption("r").setArgName("file"); options.addOption("q", "qpOASES", true, "Uses qpOASES solver"); options.getOption("q").setArgName("path"); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Shows this help menu"); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } if (!cmd.hasOption("pmd") || !cmd.hasOption("mcl") || !cmd.hasOption("input") || !cmd.hasOption("re") || cmd.hasOption("help")) { print_usage(options); System.exit(-1); } if (cmd.hasOption("qpOASES")) { File qpOASES_path = new File(cmd.getOptionValue("qpOASES") + "/interfaces/octave"); if (!qpOASES_path.isDirectory()) { System.err.println("The directory for the Octave interface of qpOASES is not found."); System.exit(-1); } RuntimeConfig.use_GUROBI = false; RuntimeConfig.qpOASES_path = cmd.getOptionValue("qpOASES"); } else { RuntimeConfig.use_GUROBI = true; } qasmFileAddr = cmd.getOptionValue("input"); if (!new File(qasmFileAddr).exists()) { System.err.println("QASM file " + qasmFileAddr + " does not exist."); return false; } pmdFileAddr = cmd.getOptionValue("pmd"); if (!new File(pmdFileAddr).exists()) { System.err.println("PMD file " + pmdFileAddr + " does not exist."); return false; } resourceEstimateFileAddr = cmd.getOptionValue("re"); outputFileAddr = cmd.getOptionValue("mcl"); return true; } /** * Qufd. * * @param outputFile the output file * @return the long * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public static long qufd(PrintWriter outputFile) throws IOException { eds = new EventDrivenSimulator(layout, qasm.getCommandsList(), outputFile); // eds.computeEarliestTimeSlack(qasm.getDFG()); // eds.computeSlack(qasm.getDFG()); // System.exit(-1); double density = 0.7; int interactionNumber = (int) ((layout.getLayoutSize().height - 1) * (layout.getLayoutSize().width - 1) / 10 / 10); int threshold = (int) (interactionNumber * density); eds.resetAddedEdges(); eds.BasicScheduling(EventDrivenSimulator.Scheduling.ALAP, qasm.getDFG(), threshold); eds.BasicScheduling(EventDrivenSimulator.Scheduling.ASAP, qasm.getDFG(), threshold); eds.computeListSchRank(qasm.getDFG()); boolean complete = false; while (!complete) { eds.BasicScheduling(EventDrivenSimulator.Scheduling.ALAP, qasm.getDFG(), threshold); complete = eds.BasicScheduling(EventDrivenSimulator.Scheduling.ASAP, qasm.getDFG(), threshold); eds.computeListSchRank(qasm.getDFG()); } eds.BasicScheduling(EventDrivenSimulator.Scheduling.ALAP, qasm.getDFG(), threshold); complete = eds.BasicScheduling(EventDrivenSimulator.Scheduling.ASAP, qasm.getDFG(), threshold); eds.computeListSchRank(qasm.getDFG()); // eds.addDummyEdgesForceDirectedScheduling(qasm.getDFG()); eds.BasicScheduling(EventDrivenSimulator.Scheduling.ALAP, qasm.getDFG(), threshold); eds.BasicScheduling(EventDrivenSimulator.Scheduling.ASAP, qasm.getDFG(), threshold); // System.exit(-1); // eds.forceDirectedScheduling(qasm.getDFG()); eds.computeListSchRank(qasm.getDFG()); // System.exit(-1); double K = 0.5, R = 0, mD = 1, minDistance = 1; double tol1 = .2, tol2 = 0.2; simPL = new Placement(qasm.getDFG(), layout, R, K, mD, minDistance); // InitialGatePlacer.InitialGatePlacer(qasm, simPL.springNet, layout, Heur.Random); // simPL.optimization(); simPL.optimizationwithRedefinitionofLevels(eds, threshold); if (RuntimeConfig.HDEBUG) System.out.println("hadi"); InitialPlacer.InitialPlacer(qasm, layout, qasm.getDFG(), true, outputFile); long latency = eds.simluateFixedPlacement(qasm.getDFG()); //storing the resource estimation eds.outputResourceEstimate(resourceEstimateFileAddr); return latency; } /** * The main method. * * @param args the arguments * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (parseInputs(args) == false) { System.exit(-1); //The input files do not exist } /* * Parsing inputs: fabric & qasm file */ PrintWriter outputFile; RandomAccessFile raf = null; String latencyPlaceHolder; if (RuntimeConfig.OUTPUT_TO_FILE) { latencyPlaceHolder = "Total Latency: " + Long.MAX_VALUE + " us" + System.lineSeparator(); raf = new RandomAccessFile(outputFileAddr, "rws"); //removing the old values in the file raf.setLength(0); //writing a place holder for the total latency raf.writeBytes(latencyPlaceHolder); raf.close(); outputFile = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFileAddr, true)), true); } else { //writing to stdout outputFile = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)), true); } /* parsing the input*/ layout = LayoutParser.parse(pmdFileAddr); qasm = QASMParser.QASMParser(qasmFileAddr, layout); long totalLatency = qufd(outputFile); if (RuntimeConfig.OUTPUT_TO_FILE) { outputFile.close(); //Over writing the place holder with the actual latency String latencyActual = "Total Latency: " + totalLatency + " " + layout.getTimeUnit(); latencyActual = StringUtils.rightPad(latencyActual, latencyPlaceHolder.length() - System.lineSeparator().length()); raf = new RandomAccessFile(outputFileAddr, "rws"); //Writing to the top of a file; //writing the actual total latency in the at the top of the output file raf.writeBytes(latencyActual + System.lineSeparator()); raf.close(); } else { outputFile.flush(); System.out.println("Total Latency: " + totalLatency + " " + layout.getTimeUnit()); } if (RuntimeConfig.VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Done."); } outputFile.close(); } }