Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 University of Southern California * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License.package edu.usc.goffish.gopher.sample; */ package edu.usc.ee599.viz; import; import edu.usc.ee599.Edge; import edu.usc.ee599.Triangle; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Created by Charith Wickramaarachchi on 11/30/14. */ public class BalancedTrangleCountWithViz { private TriangleCountView view; static Set<Edge> edgeSet = new HashSet<Edge>(1000); static HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>> edgeMap = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>(); static Set<Triangle> allPlusT = new HashSet<Triangle>(1000); static Set<Triangle> allNegT = new HashSet<Triangle>(1000); static Set<Triangle> onePlusT = new HashSet<Triangle>(1000); static Set<Triangle> twoPlusT = new HashSet<Triangle>(1000); static HashMap<String, Edge> edges = new HashMap<String, Edge>(1000); public BalancedTrangleCountWithViz(TriangleCountView view) { this.view = view; } public void calculate(Edge e) { if (e.operation == Edge.ADD) { if (edgeSet.contains(e)) { return; } else { if (edgeMap.get(e.source) != null && edgeMap.get(e.sink) != null) { Sets.SetView<Integer> setView = Sets.intersection(edgeMap.get(e.source), edgeMap.get(e.sink)); for (int common : setView) { Triangle t = new Triangle(e.source, e.sink, common); if (!allPlusT.contains(t) && !allNegT.contains(t) && !onePlusT.contains(t) && !twoPlusT.contains(t)) { Edge e1 = edges.get("" + e.source + "-" + common); if (e1 == null) { e1 = edges.get("" + common + "-" + e.source); } Edge e2 = edges.get("" + e.sink + "-" + common); if (e2 == null) { e2 = edges.get("" + common + "-" + e.sink); } int switchKey = e.sign + e1.sign + e2.sign; switch (switchKey) { case 3: { allPlusT.add(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); break; } case -3: { allNegT.add(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); break; } case 1: { twoPlusT.add(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); break; } case -1: { onePlusT.add(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); break; } } } } } edgeSet.add(e); edges.put("" + e.source + "-" + e.sink, e); if (edgeMap.containsKey(e.source)) { edgeMap.get(e.source).add(e.sink); } else { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(e.sink); edgeMap.put(e.source, set); } if (edgeMap.containsKey(e.sink)) { edgeMap.get(e.sink).add(e.source); } else { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(e.source); edgeMap.put(e.sink, set); } } } else if (e.operation == Edge.REMOVE) { if (!edgeSet.contains(e)) { System.out.println("Invalid edge operation, Edge does not exist! : " + e); return; } if (edgeMap.get(e.source) != null && edgeMap.get(e.sink) != null) { Sets.SetView<Integer> setView = Sets.intersection(edgeMap.get(e.source), edgeMap.get(e.sink)); for (int common : setView) { Triangle t = new Triangle(e.source, e.sink, common); if (allPlusT.contains(t)) { allPlusT.remove(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); } if (allNegT.contains(t)) { allNegT.remove(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); } if (onePlusT.contains(t)) { onePlusT.remove(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); } if (twoPlusT.contains(t)) { twoPlusT.remove(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); } } } edgeSet.remove(e); if (edgeMap.containsKey(e.source)) { edgeMap.get(e.source).remove(e.sink); } if (edgeMap.containsKey(e.sink)) { edgeMap.get(e.sink).remove(e.source); } } else if (e.operation == Edge.UPDATE) { if (!edgeSet.contains(e)) { System.out.println("Invalid edge operation, Edge does not exist! : " + e); return; } Set<Integer> sourceSet = edgeMap.get(e.source); Set<Integer> sinkSet = edgeMap.get(e.sink); if (sourceSet != null && sinkSet != null) { Sets.SetView<Integer> setView = null; if (sourceSet.size() <= sourceSet.size()) { setView = Sets.intersection(sourceSet, sinkSet); } else { setView = Sets.intersection(sinkSet, sourceSet); } for (int common : setView) { Triangle t = new Triangle(e.source, e.sink, common); int switchKey = -1; if (allPlusT.contains(t)) { switchKey = 1; // All + -> two + allPlusT.remove(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); } if (allNegT.contains(t)) { switchKey = 2; // All - -> one + allNegT.remove(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); } if (onePlusT.contains(t)) { if (e.sign == Edge.MINUS) { switchKey = 3; // One + -> All - } else { switchKey = 1; // One + -> Two + } onePlusT.remove(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); } if (twoPlusT.contains(t)) { if (e.sign == Edge.MINUS) { switchKey = 2; // Two + -> One + } else { switchKey = 4; //Two + -> All + } twoPlusT.remove(t); } switch (switchKey) { case 1: { twoPlusT.add(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); break; } case 2: { onePlusT.add(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); break; } case 3: { allNegT.add(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); break; } case 4: { allPlusT.add(t); view.updateBalanced(allPlusT.size() + allNegT.size() + onePlusT.size()); view.updateUnBalanced(twoPlusT.size()); break; } } } } } } }