Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2009 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS of ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.dto.Counts;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.dto.IHasPPodId;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.dto.PPodDnaMatrix;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.dto.PPodEntities;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.dto.PPodOtuSet;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.dto.PPodProteinMatrix;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.dto.PPodStandardMatrix;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.dto.PPodStudy;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.dto.PPodTreeSet;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.model.DnaMatrix;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.model.OtuSet;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.model.ProteinMatrix;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.model.StandardMatrix;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.model.TreeSet;
import edu.upenn.cis.ppod.util.DbStudy2DocStudy;

 * @author Sam Donnelly
class PPodEntitiesResourceHibernate implements IPPodEntitiesResource {

    private final Session session;
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PPodEntitiesResourceHibernate.class);

    PPodEntitiesResourceHibernate(final Session session) {
        this.session = session;

    private Counts count(final String query) {

        final StringBuilder querySb = new StringBuilder("select ");

        final String selectPartOfQuery = query.substring(0, query.indexOf("from") + 1);

        if (selectPartOfQuery.contains("os")) {
            querySb.append("count(distinct os)");
        } else {
        if (selectPartOfQuery.contains("sm")) {
            querySb.append(", count(distinct sm)");
        } else {
            querySb.append(", 0L");
        if (selectPartOfQuery.contains("dm")) {
            querySb.append(", count(distinct dm)");
        } else {
            querySb.append(", 0L");
        if (selectPartOfQuery.contains("pm")) {
            querySb.append(", count(distinct pm)");
        } else {
            querySb.append(", 0L");
        if (selectPartOfQuery.contains("ts")) {
            querySb.append(", count(distinct ts)");
        } else {
            querySb.append(", 0L");

        querySb.append(" ");

        querySb.append(query.substring(query.indexOf("from"), query.length()));

        final Object[] result = (Object[]) session.createQuery(querySb.toString()).setReadOnly(true).uniqueResult();

        final Counts counts = new Counts();

        counts.setOtuSetCount((Long) result[0]);
        counts.setStandardMatrixCount((Long) result[1]);
        counts.setDnaMatrixCount((Long) result[2]);
        counts.setProteinMatrixCount((Long) result[3]);
        counts.setTreeSetCount((Long) result[4]);

        return counts;

    public Counts countHqlQuery(final String query, Integer timeoutSeconds) {
        final String METHOD = "countHqlQuery(...)";
        final long inTime = new Date().getTime();

        timeoutSeconds = Math.min(timeoutSeconds, 60);

        Transaction trx = null;
        try {
            // not beginTransaction so we can
            // now set the timeout
            trx = session.getTransaction();

            final Counts counts = count(query);
            return counts;

        } catch (final Throwable t) {
            if (trx != null && trx.isActive()) {
                try {
                } catch (final Throwable rbEx) {
                    logger.error("caught exception while rolling back", rbEx);
            final long endTime = new Date().getTime();

            if (endTime - inTime >= (timeoutSeconds * 1000) - 500) {
                logger.error("caught timeout exception, returning flagged Counts", t);
                final Counts counts = new Counts();
                return counts;
            final String exceptionUuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            logger.error(METHOD + ": " + exceptionUuid, t);
            throw new IllegalStateException(t.getMessage() + ": error id [" + exceptionUuid + "]", t);
        } finally {
  "{}: response time: {} milliseconds", METHOD, Long.valueOf(new Date().getTime() - inTime));

    public PPodEntities getEntitiesByHqlQuery(final String query) {
        final String METHOD = "getEntitiesByHqlQuery(...)";
        final long inTime = new Date().getTime();
        Transaction trx = null;

        final DbStudy2DocStudy dbStudy2DocStudy = new DbStudy2DocStudy();

        final int TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 60;

        try {
            // not beginTransaction so we can
            // now set the timeout
            trx = session.getTransaction();

            final List<Object> queryResults = session.createQuery(query).setReadOnly(true).list();
            final PPodEntities entities = new PPodEntities();

            final List<Object> flattenedAndDenulledResults = newArrayList();

            for (final Object queryResult : queryResults) {
                if (queryResult instanceof Object[]) {
                    final Object[] queryResultObjectArray = (Object[]) queryResult;
                    for (final Object o : queryResultObjectArray) {
                        if (o != null) {
                } else {

            for (final Object queryResult : flattenedAndDenulledResults) {
                if (queryResult instanceof OtuSet) {
                    final OtuSet otuSet = (OtuSet) queryResult;
                    handleOtuSet(entities, otuSet, dbStudy2DocStudy);
                } else if (queryResult instanceof StandardMatrix) {
                    final StandardMatrix dbMatrix = (StandardMatrix) queryResult;

                    // Note that otu set may have already been added in any
                    // of
                    // the other if clauses so we must make check before
                    // adding

                    final OtuSet dbOtuSet = dbMatrix.getParent();

                    final PPodOtuSet docOtuSet = handleOtuSet(entities, dbOtuSet, dbStudy2DocStudy);

                    // Let's not add in the same matrix twice
                    if (find(docOtuSet.getStandardMatrices(),
                            compose(equalTo(dbMatrix.getPPodId()), IHasPPodId.getPPodId), null) == null) {
                        final PPodStandardMatrix docMatrix = dbStudy2DocStudy

                } else if (queryResult instanceof DnaMatrix) {
                    final DnaMatrix dbMatrix = (DnaMatrix) queryResult;

                    // Note that otu set may have already been added in any
                    // of
                    // the other if clauses so we must make check before
                    // adding

                    final OtuSet dbOtuSet = dbMatrix.getParent();

                    final PPodOtuSet docOtuSet = handleOtuSet(entities, dbOtuSet, dbStudy2DocStudy);

                    // Let's not add in the same matrix twice
                    if (find(docOtuSet.getDnaMatrices(),
                            compose(equalTo(dbMatrix.getPPodId()), IHasPPodId.getPPodId), null) == null) {
                        final PPodDnaMatrix docMatrix = dbStudy2DocStudy.dbDnaMatrix2DocDnaMatrix(dbMatrix);
                } else if (queryResult instanceof ProteinMatrix) {
                    final ProteinMatrix dbMatrix = (ProteinMatrix) queryResult;

                    // Note that otu set may have already been added in any
                    // of
                    // the other if clauses so we must make check before
                    // adding

                    final OtuSet dbOtuSet = dbMatrix.getParent();

                    final PPodOtuSet docOtuSet = handleOtuSet(entities, dbOtuSet, dbStudy2DocStudy);

                    // Let's not add in the same matrix twice
                    if (find(docOtuSet.getProteinMatrices(),
                            compose(equalTo(dbMatrix.getPPodId()), IHasPPodId.getPPodId), null) == null) {
                        final PPodProteinMatrix docMatrix = dbStudy2DocStudy
                } else if (queryResult instanceof TreeSet) {
                    final TreeSet dbTreeSet = (TreeSet) queryResult;

                    // Note that otu set may have already been added in any
                    // of
                    // the other if clauses so we must make check before
                    // adding

                    final OtuSet dbOtuSet = dbTreeSet.getParent();

                    final PPodOtuSet docOtuSet = handleOtuSet(entities, dbOtuSet, dbStudy2DocStudy);

                    // Let's not add in the same tree set twice
                    if (find(docOtuSet.getTreeSets(), compose(equalTo(dbTreeSet.getPPodId()), IHasPPodId.getPPodId),
                            null) == null) {
                        final PPodTreeSet docTreeSet = dbStudy2DocStudy.dbTreeSet2DocTreeSet(dbTreeSet);
                    // } else if (queryResult instanceof Otu) {
                    // final Otu otu = (Otu) queryResult;
                    // entities.getOtus().add(
                    // dbStudy2DocStudy.dbOtu2DocOtu(otu));
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported entity type [" + queryResult.getClass()
                            + "], result: [" + queryResult.toString() + "]");
            return entities;
        } catch (final Throwable t) {
            if (trx != null && trx.isActive()) {
                try {
                } catch (final Throwable rbEx) {
                    logger.error("caught exception while rolling back", rbEx);
            logger.error(METHOD, t);
            final long endTime = new Date().getTime();

            if (endTime - inTime >= (TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000) - 500) {
                        "caught timeout exception, swalling exception and throwing one that indicates a timeout");
                throw new IllegalStateException("query was taking longer than " + TIMEOUT_SECONDS + " seconds");
            throw new IllegalStateException(t);
        } finally {
  "{}: response time: {} milliseconds", METHOD, Long.valueOf(new Date().getTime() - inTime));

    private PPodOtuSet handleOtuSet(final PPodEntities pPodEntities, final OtuSet otuSet,
            final DbStudy2DocStudy dbStudy2DocStudy) {

        // Note that the study may have already been added in any of
        // the other if clauses so we must make check before adding
        PPodStudy docStudy;

        if ((docStudy = find(pPodEntities.getStudies(),
                compose(equalTo(otuSet.getParent().getPPodId()), IHasPPodId.getPPodId), null)) == null) {
            docStudy = dbStudy2DocStudy.dbStudy2DocStudyShallow(otuSet.getParent());

        // Note that otu set may have already been added in any of
        // the other if clauses so we must make check before adding
        PPodOtuSet docOtuSet;

        if ((docOtuSet = find(docStudy.getOtuSets(), compose(equalTo(otuSet.getPPodId()), IHasPPodId.getPPodId),
                null)) == null) {
            docOtuSet = dbStudy2DocStudy.dbOtuSet2DocOtuSetShallow(otuSet);
        return docOtuSet;