Java tutorial
/* * * RVO2 Library Java * * Copyright 2008 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Please send all bug reports to <>. * * The authors may be contacted via: * * Jur van den Berg, Stephen J. Guy, Jamie Snape, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha * Dept. of Computer Science * 201 S. Columbia St. * Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. Computer Science Bldg. * Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3175 * United States of America * * <> */ package edu.unc.cs.gamma.rvo; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Defines k-D trees for agents and static obstacles in the simulation. */ class KdTree { /** * Defines a node of an agent k-D tree. */ private static class AgentTreeNode { int begin = 0; int end = 0; int left = 0; int right = 0; double maxX = 0.0; double maxY = 0.0; double minX = 0.0; double minY = 0.0; } /** * Defines a node of an obstacle k-D tree. */ private static class ObstacleTreeNode { Obstacle obstacle = null; ObstacleTreeNode left = null; ObstacleTreeNode right = null; } /** * The maximum size of an agent k-D tree leaf. */ private static final int MAX_LEAF_SIZE = 10; private Agent[] agents = null; private AgentTreeNode[] agentTree = null; private ObstacleTreeNode obstacleTree = null; /** * Builds an agent k-D tree. */ void buildAgentTree() { if (agents == null || agents.length != Simulator.instance.agents.size()) { agents = new Agent[Simulator.instance.agents.size()]; for (int agentNo = 0; agentNo < agents.length; agentNo++) { agents[agentNo] = Simulator.instance.agents.get(agentNo); } agentTree = new AgentTreeNode[2 * agents.length]; for (int nodeNo = 0; nodeNo < agentTree.length; nodeNo++) { agentTree[nodeNo] = new AgentTreeNode(); } } if (agents.length != 0) { buildAgentTreeRecursive(0, agents.length, 0); } } /** * Builds an obstacle k-D tree. */ void buildObstacleTree() { obstacleTree = new ObstacleTreeNode(); final List<Obstacle> obstacles = new ArrayList<>(Simulator.instance.obstacles.size()); for (int obstacleNo = 0; obstacleNo < Simulator.instance.obstacles.size(); obstacleNo++) { obstacles.add(Simulator.instance.obstacles.get(obstacleNo)); } obstacleTree = buildObstacleTreeRecursive(obstacles); } /** * Computes the agent neighbors of the specified agent. * * @param agent The agent for which agent neighbors are to be computed. * @param rangeSq The squared range around the agent. */ void computeAgentNeighbors(Agent agent, double rangeSq) { queryAgentTreeRecursive(agent, rangeSq, 0); } /** * Computes the obstacle neighbors of the specified agent. * * @param agent The agent for which obstacle neighbors are to be computed. * @param rangeSq The squared range around the agent. */ void computeObstacleNeighbors(Agent agent, double rangeSq) { queryObstacleTreeRecursive(agent, rangeSq, obstacleTree); } /** * Queries the visibility between two points within a specified radius. * * @param q1 The first point between which visibility is to be tested. * @param q2 The second point between which visibility is to be tested. * @param radius The radius within which visibility is to be tested. * @return True if q1 and q2 are mutually visible within the radius; false * otherwise. */ boolean queryVisibility(Vector2D q1, Vector2D q2, double radius) { return queryVisibilityRecursive(q1, q2, radius, obstacleTree); } /** * Recursive method for building an agent k-D tree. * * @param begin The beginning agent k-D tree node node index. * @param end The ending agent k-D tree node index. * @param node The current agent k-D tree node index. */ private void buildAgentTreeRecursive(int begin, int end, int node) { agentTree[node].begin = begin; agentTree[node].end = end; agentTree[node].maxX = agents[begin].position.getX(); agentTree[node].maxY = agents[begin].position.getY(); agentTree[node].minX = agentTree[node].maxX; agentTree[node].minY = agentTree[node].maxY; for (int i = begin + 1; i < end; i++) { agentTree[node].maxX = FastMath.max(agentTree[node].maxX, agents[i].position.getX()); agentTree[node].minX = FastMath.min(agentTree[node].minX, agents[i].position.getX()); agentTree[node].maxY = FastMath.max(agentTree[node].maxY, agents[i].position.getY()); agentTree[node].minY = FastMath.min(agentTree[node].minY, agents[i].position.getY()); } if (end - begin > MAX_LEAF_SIZE) { // No leaf node. final boolean isVertical = agentTree[node].maxX - agentTree[node].minX > agentTree[node].maxY - agentTree[node].minY; final double splitValue = 0.5 * (isVertical ? agentTree[node].maxX + agentTree[node].minX : agentTree[node].maxY + agentTree[node].minY); int left = begin; int right = end; while (left < right) { while (left < right && (isVertical ? agents[left].position.getX() : agents[left].position.getY()) < splitValue) { left++; } while (right > left && (isVertical ? agents[right - 1].position.getX() : agents[right - 1].position.getY()) >= splitValue) { right--; } if (left < right) { final Agent tempAgent = agents[left]; agents[left] = agents[right - 1]; agents[right - 1] = tempAgent; left++; right--; } } if (left == begin) { left++; } agentTree[node].left = node + 1; agentTree[node].right = node + 2 * (left - begin); buildAgentTreeRecursive(begin, left, agentTree[node].left); buildAgentTreeRecursive(left, end, agentTree[node].right); } } /** * Recursive method for building an obstacle k-D tree. * * @param obstacles A list of obstacles. * @return An obstacle k-D tree node. */ private static ObstacleTreeNode buildObstacleTreeRecursive(List<Obstacle> obstacles) { if (obstacles.isEmpty()) { return null; } final ObstacleTreeNode node = new ObstacleTreeNode(); int optimalSplit = 0; int minLeft = obstacles.size(); int minRight = obstacles.size(); for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) { int leftSize = 0; int rightSize = 0; final Obstacle obstacleI1 = obstacles.get(i); Obstacle obstacleI2 =; // Compute optimal split node. for (int j = 0; j < obstacles.size(); j++) { if (i == j) { continue; } final Obstacle obstacleJ1 = obstacles.get(j); final Obstacle obstacleJ2 =; final double j1LeftOfI = RVOMath.leftOf(obstacleI1.point, obstacleI2.point, obstacleJ1.point); final double j2LeftOfI = RVOMath.leftOf(obstacleI1.point, obstacleI2.point, obstacleJ2.point); if (j1LeftOfI >= -RVOMath.EPSILON && j2LeftOfI >= -RVOMath.EPSILON) { leftSize++; } else if (j1LeftOfI <= RVOMath.EPSILON && j2LeftOfI <= RVOMath.EPSILON) { rightSize++; } else { leftSize++; rightSize++; } final Pair<Integer, Integer> pair1 = new Pair<>(FastMath.max(leftSize, rightSize), FastMath.min(leftSize, rightSize)); final Pair<Integer, Integer> pair2 = new Pair<>(FastMath.max(minLeft, minRight), FastMath.min(minLeft, minRight)); if (!(pair1.getFirst() < pair2.getFirst() || pair1.getFirst() <= pair2.getFirst() && pair1.getSecond() < pair2.getSecond())) { break; } } final Pair<Integer, Integer> pair1 = new Pair<>(FastMath.max(leftSize, rightSize), FastMath.min(leftSize, rightSize)); final Pair<Integer, Integer> pair2 = new Pair<>(FastMath.max(minLeft, minRight), FastMath.min(minLeft, minRight)); if (pair1.getFirst() < pair2.getFirst() || pair1.getFirst() <= pair2.getFirst() && pair1.getSecond() < pair2.getSecond()) { minLeft = leftSize; minRight = rightSize; optimalSplit = i; } } // Build split node. final List<Obstacle> leftObstacles = new ArrayList<>(minLeft); for (int n = 0; n < minLeft; n++) { leftObstacles.add(null); } final List<Obstacle> rightObstacles = new ArrayList<>(minRight); for (int n = 0; n < minRight; n++) { rightObstacles.add(null); } int leftCounter = 0; int rightCounter = 0; final Obstacle obstacleI1 = obstacles.get(optimalSplit); final Obstacle obstacleI2 =; for (int j = 0; j < obstacles.size(); j++) { if (optimalSplit == j) { continue; } final Obstacle obstacleJ1 = obstacles.get(j); final Obstacle obstacleJ2 =; final double j1LeftOfI = RVOMath.leftOf(obstacleI1.point, obstacleI2.point, obstacleJ1.point); final double j2LeftOfI = RVOMath.leftOf(obstacleI1.point, obstacleI2.point, obstacleJ2.point); if (j1LeftOfI >= -RVOMath.EPSILON && j2LeftOfI >= -RVOMath.EPSILON) { leftObstacles.set(leftCounter++, obstacles.get(j)); } else if (j1LeftOfI <= RVOMath.EPSILON && j2LeftOfI <= RVOMath.EPSILON) { rightObstacles.set(rightCounter++, obstacles.get(j)); } else { // Split obstacle j. final double t = RVOMath.det(obstacleI2.point.subtract(obstacleI1.point), obstacleJ1.point.subtract(obstacleI1.point)) / RVOMath.det(obstacleI2.point.subtract(obstacleI1.point), obstacleJ1.point.subtract(obstacleJ2.point)); final Vector2D splitPoint = obstacleJ1.point .add(obstacleJ2.point.subtract(obstacleJ1.point).scalarMultiply(t)); final Obstacle newObstacle = new Obstacle(); newObstacle.point = splitPoint; newObstacle.previous = obstacleJ1; = obstacleJ2; newObstacle.convex = true; newObstacle.direction = obstacleJ1.direction; = Simulator.instance.obstacles.size(); Simulator.instance.obstacles.add(newObstacle); = newObstacle; obstacleJ2.previous = newObstacle; if (j1LeftOfI > 0.0) { leftObstacles.set(leftCounter++, obstacleJ1); rightObstacles.set(rightCounter++, newObstacle); } else { rightObstacles.set(rightCounter++, obstacleJ1); leftObstacles.set(leftCounter++, newObstacle); } } } node.obstacle = obstacleI1; node.left = buildObstacleTreeRecursive(leftObstacles); node.right = buildObstacleTreeRecursive(rightObstacles); return node; } private static double sqr(double d) { return d * d; } /** * Recursive method for computing the agent neighbors of the specified * agent. * * @param agent The agent for which agent neighbors are to be computed. * @param rangeSq The squared range around the agent. * @param node The current agent k-D tree node index. * @return The squared range around the agent. */ private double queryAgentTreeRecursive(Agent agent, double rangeSq, int node) { if (agentTree[node].end - agentTree[node].begin <= MAX_LEAF_SIZE) { for (int agentNo = agentTree[node].begin; agentNo < agentTree[node].end; agentNo++) { rangeSq = agent.insertAgentNeighbor(agents[agentNo], rangeSq); } } else { final double distanceSqLeft = sqr( FastMath.max(0.0, agentTree[agentTree[node].left].minX - agent.position.getX())) + sqr(FastMath.max(0.0, agent.position.getX() - agentTree[agentTree[node].left].maxX)) + sqr(FastMath.max(0.0, agentTree[agentTree[node].left].minY - agent.position.getY())) + sqr(FastMath.max(0.0, agent.position.getY() - agentTree[agentTree[node].left].maxY)); final double distanceSqRight = sqr( FastMath.max(0.0, agentTree[agentTree[node].right].minX - agent.position.getX())) + sqr(FastMath.max(0.0, agent.position.getX() - agentTree[agentTree[node].right].maxX)) + sqr(FastMath.max(0.0, agentTree[agentTree[node].right].minY - agent.position.getY())) + sqr(FastMath.max(0.0, agent.position.getY() - agentTree[agentTree[node].right].maxY)); if (distanceSqLeft < distanceSqRight) { if (distanceSqLeft < rangeSq) { rangeSq = queryAgentTreeRecursive(agent, rangeSq, agentTree[node].left); if (distanceSqRight < rangeSq) { rangeSq = queryAgentTreeRecursive(agent, rangeSq, agentTree[node].right); } } } else { if (distanceSqRight < rangeSq) { rangeSq = queryAgentTreeRecursive(agent, rangeSq, agentTree[node].right); if (distanceSqLeft < rangeSq) { rangeSq = queryAgentTreeRecursive(agent, rangeSq, agentTree[node].left); } } } } return rangeSq; } /** * Recursive method for computing the obstacle neighbors of the specified * agent. * * @param agent The agent for which obstacle neighbors are to be computed. * @param rangeSq The squared range around the agent. * @param node The current obstacle k-D node. */ private static void queryObstacleTreeRecursive(Agent agent, double rangeSq, ObstacleTreeNode node) { if (node != null) { final Obstacle obstacle1 = node.obstacle; final Obstacle obstacle2 =; final double agentLeftOfLine = RVOMath.leftOf(obstacle1.point, obstacle2.point, agent.position); queryObstacleTreeRecursive(agent, rangeSq, agentLeftOfLine >= 0.0 ? node.left : node.right); final double distanceSqLine = agentLeftOfLine * agentLeftOfLine / obstacle2.point.distanceSq(obstacle1.point); if (distanceSqLine < rangeSq) { if (agentLeftOfLine < 0.0) { // Try obstacle at this node only if agent is on right side // of obstacle (and can see obstacle). agent.insertObstacleNeighbor(node.obstacle, rangeSq); } // Try other side of line. queryObstacleTreeRecursive(agent, rangeSq, agentLeftOfLine >= 0.0 ? node.right : node.left); } } } /** * Recursive method for querying the visibility between two points within a * specified radius. * * @param q1 The first point between which visibility is to be tested. * @param q2 The second point between which visibility is to be tested. * @param radius The radius within which visibility is to be tested. * @param node The current obstacle k-D node. * @return True if q1 and q2 are mutually visible within the radius; false * otherwise. */ private static boolean queryVisibilityRecursive(Vector2D q1, Vector2D q2, double radius, ObstacleTreeNode node) { if (node == null) { return true; } final Obstacle obstacle1 = node.obstacle; final Obstacle obstacle2 =; final double q1LeftOfI = RVOMath.leftOf(obstacle1.point, obstacle2.point, q1); final double q2LeftOfI = RVOMath.leftOf(obstacle1.point, obstacle2.point, q2); final double invLengthI = 1.0 / obstacle2.point.distanceSq(obstacle1.point); if (q1LeftOfI >= 0.0 && q2LeftOfI >= 0.0) { return queryVisibilityRecursive(q1, q2, radius, node.left) && (q1LeftOfI * q1LeftOfI * invLengthI >= radius * radius && q2LeftOfI * q2LeftOfI * invLengthI >= radius * radius || queryVisibilityRecursive(q1, q2, radius, node.right)); } if (q1LeftOfI <= 0.0 && q2LeftOfI <= 0.0) { return queryVisibilityRecursive(q1, q2, radius, node.right) && (q1LeftOfI * q1LeftOfI * invLengthI >= radius * radius && q2LeftOfI * q2LeftOfI * invLengthI >= radius * radius || queryVisibilityRecursive(q1, q2, radius, node.left)); } if (q1LeftOfI >= 0.0 && q2LeftOfI <= 0.0) { // One can see through obstacle from left to right. return queryVisibilityRecursive(q1, q2, radius, node.left) && queryVisibilityRecursive(q1, q2, radius, node.right); } final double point1LeftOfQ = RVOMath.leftOf(q1, q2, obstacle1.point); final double point2LeftOfQ = RVOMath.leftOf(q1, q2, obstacle2.point); final double invLengthQ = 1.0 / q2.distanceSq(q1); return point1LeftOfQ * point2LeftOfQ >= 0.0 && point1LeftOfQ * point1LeftOfQ * invLengthQ > radius * radius && point2LeftOfQ * point2LeftOfQ * invLengthQ > radius * radius && queryVisibilityRecursive(q1, q2, radius, node.left) && queryVisibilityRecursive(q1, q2, radius, node.right); } }