Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2009 Regents of the University of Minnesota * * This Software was written at the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute * * * All rights reserved. The following statement of license applies * only to this file, and and not to the other files distributed with it * or derived therefrom. This file is made available under the terms of * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at * * Contributors: * Minnesota Supercomputing Institute - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.itraqquantitation.impl; import; import; import; class WeightedRatiosCalculatorImpl implements WeightedRatiosCalculator { public Ratios computeRatios(final ITraqLabel numLabel, final ITraqLabel denLabel, final ReportSummary reportSummary, final Function<Double, Double> weightFunction, final boolean normalized) { final double[] ratios = new double[reportSummary.getNumGroups()], pValues = new double[reportSummary.getNumGroups()]; int groupNum = 0; for (final String groupLabel : reportSummary.getGroups()) { final GroupSummary proteinSummary = reportSummary.getGroupSummary(groupLabel); final double[] iRatio = new double[proteinSummary.getNumEntries()]; final double[] num = proteinSummary.getIntensities(numLabel); final double[] den = proteinSummary.getIntensities(denLabel); double[] weights = proteinSummary.getLogIntensitiesProducts(); if (weightFunction != null) { final double[] modifiedWeights = new double[weights.length]; for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) { modifiedWeights[i] = weightFunction.apply(weights[i]); } weights = modifiedWeights; } for (int i = 0; i < iRatio.length; i++) { iRatio[i] = Math.log(num[i] / den[i]); } // final String logRatioStr = Iterables.toString(Doubles.asList(iRatio)); // System.out.println(logRatioStr); if (normalized) { final double median = RUtils.median(iRatio); for (int i = 0; i < iRatio.length; i++) { iRatio[i] = iRatio[i] / median; } } final double iRatioW1 = RUtils.weightedMean(iRatio, weights); final double iRatioW = Math.exp(iRatioW1); double pValue = 2.0; if (iRatio.length > 2) { pValue = RMethods.getWeightedPValue(iRatio, weights); } if (pValue < 0) { // This hasn't been a problem since upgrading commons-math final String ratioStr = Iterables.toString(Doubles.asList(iRatio)); final String weightsStr = Iterables.toString(Doubles.asList(weights)); System.out.println(String.format("Negative p-value found for ratios %s and weights %s.", ratioStr, weightsStr)); } ratios[groupNum] = iRatioW; pValues[groupNum] = pValue; groupNum++; } return new Ratios(ratios, pValues); } public Ratios computeRatios(ITraqLabel numLabel, ITraqLabel denLabel, ReportSummary summary, Function<Double, Double> weightFunction) { return computeRatios(numLabel, denLabel, summary, weightFunction, false); } }