Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2009 Regents of the University of Minnesota * * This Software was written at the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute * * * All rights reserved. The following statement of license applies * only to this file, and and not to the other files distributed with it * or derived therefrom. This file is made available under the terms of * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at * * Contributors: * Minnesota Supercomputing Institute - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion.DtaNameUtils.DtaNameSummary; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion.Scan.Peak; // TODO: Construct Scan objects using the builder pattern public class Scan implements Cloneable, Iterable<Peak> { public static double DEFAULT_PRECURSOR_MZ = 0.0d; public static double DEFAULT_PRECURSOR_INTENSITY = 0.0d; public static short DEFAULT_PRECURSOR_CHARGE = 0; private short precursorCharge = DEFAULT_PRECURSOR_CHARGE; private double precursorIntensity = DEFAULT_PRECURSOR_INTENSITY; private double precursorMz = DEFAULT_PRECURSOR_MZ; private long rt = -1L; private final int index; private final int msLevel; private final int number; private int alt = 0; private double[] peaks; private String parentFileName; private String parentName; private boolean parentFileNameExplicit; public Scan(final Scan other) { this.precursorCharge = other.precursorCharge; this.precursorIntensity = other.precursorIntensity; this.precursorMz = other.precursorMz; this.rt = other.rt; this.index = other.index; this.msLevel = other.msLevel; this.number = other.number; this.alt = other.alt; this.peaks = other.peaks; this.parentFileName = other.parentFileName; this.parentName = other.parentName; this.parentFileNameExplicit = other.parentFileNameExplicit; } public boolean isPrecursorChargeSet() { return precursorCharge != 0; } public boolean isPrecursorIntensitySet() { return precursorIntensity > 0.0f; } public boolean isPrecursorMzSet() { return precursorMz > 0.0f; } public boolean isRtSet() { return rt != -1L; } public long getRt() { return rt; } public Scan(final int msLevel, final int index, final int number, final double[] peaks) { this.msLevel = msLevel; this.index = index; this.number = number; this.peaks = peaks; } private static double[] mergeMzAndIntensities(final double[] mzs, final double[] intensities) { if (mzs.length != intensities.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m/z and intensity array lengths do not match"); } final double[] peaks = new double[mzs.length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < mzs.length; i++) { peaks[i * 2] = mzs[i]; peaks[i * 2 + 1] = intensities[i]; } return peaks; } public Scan(final int msLevel, final int index, final int number, final double[] mzs, final double[] intensities) { this(msLevel, index, number, mergeMzAndIntensities(mzs, intensities)); } public Scan clone() { try { final Scan clonedScan = (Scan) super.clone(); return clonedScan; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } public double[] getPeaks() { return peaks; } public Iterator<Peak> iterator() { return getPeakObjects().iterator(); } public ImmutableList<Peak> getPeakObjects() { final ImmutableList.Builder<Peak> peakListBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < peaks.length; i += 2) { peakListBuilder.add(buildPeak(peaks[i], peaks[i + 1])); } return; } /** * @return The precursorCharge of this scan, or 0 if it is unknown. */ public short getPrecursorCharge() { return precursorCharge; } public void setPrecursorCharge(final short precursorCharge) { this.precursorCharge = precursorCharge; } /** * @return The precursorMz of this scan, or 0 if it is unknown. */ public double getPrecursorMz() { return precursorMz; } public void setPeaks(final double[] peaks) { this.peaks = peaks; } public void setPrecursorMz(final double precursorMz) { this.precursorMz = precursorMz; } /** * @return The precursorIntensity of this scan, or 0 if it is unknown. */ public double getPrecursorIntensity() { return precursorIntensity; } public void setPrecursorIntensity(final double precursorIntensity) { this.precursorIntensity = precursorIntensity; } /** * * @return true if parent file name was explicitly defined in source file, false * if it was inferred. */ public boolean isParentFileNameExplicit() { return parentFileNameExplicit; } public void setParentFileNameExplicit(final boolean parentFileNameExplicit) { this.parentFileNameExplicit = parentFileNameExplicit; } public int getMsLevel() { return msLevel; } public int getNumber() { return number; } public int getAlt() { int actualAlt; if (alt == 0) { actualAlt = number; } else { actualAlt = alt; } return actualAlt; } public void setAlt(final int alt) { this.alt = alt; } /** * Set retention time for this scan. * * @param rt * target retention time (in milliseconds) */ public void setRt(final long rt) { this.rt = rt; } public void setParentFileName(final String parentFilePath) { this.parentFileName = FilenameUtils.getName(parentFilePath); if (DtaNameUtils.isDtaName(parentFileName)) { final DtaNameSummary summary = DtaNameUtils.getDtaNameSummary(parentFileName); this.parentName = summary.getBasename(); alt = summary.getStart(); if (precursorCharge == 0) { precursorCharge = summary.getCharge(); } } else { this.parentName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(parentFileName); } } public String getParentFileName() { return parentFileName; } /** * If parentFileName is of the form moo.123.125.2.dta this returns moo. If the parentFileName is of the form moo.RAW this returns moo. * */ public String getParentName() { return parentName; } public String toString() { return org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); } public Optional<Peak> mostIntensePeak(final double fromMz, final double toMz) { Peak mostIntensePeakFound = null; for (final Peak peak : this) { if (peak.onMzRange(fromMz, toMz)) { if (mostIntensePeakFound == null || peak.moreIntense(mostIntensePeakFound)) { mostIntensePeakFound = peak; } } } return Optional.fromNullable(mostIntensePeakFound); } private Peak buildPeak(final double mz, final double intensity) { return new Peak(mz, intensity, this); } public static class Peak implements Cloneable { private final double intensity; private final double mz; private final Scan scan; public Peak(final double mz, final double intensity, Scan scan) { this.intensity = intensity; = mz; this.scan = scan; } public boolean onMzRange(final double fromMz, final double toMz) { return fromMz <= mz && toMz >= mz; } public double getIntensity() { return intensity; } public double getMz() { return mz; } public Scan getScan() { return scan; } public boolean moreIntense(final Peak other) { return this.intensity > other.intensity; } } public int getIndex() { return index; } }