Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2009 Regents of the University of Minnesota * * This Software was written at the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute * * * All rights reserved. The following statement of license applies * only to this file, and and not to the other files distributed with it * or derived therefrom. This file is made available under the terms of * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at * * Contributors: * Minnesota Supercomputing Institute - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.client; import; import javax.annotation.ManagedBean; import; import; import; import; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.enzyme.Enzyme; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.enzyme.EnzymeSet; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.enzyme.TermInfo; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.xml.EnzymeSetUtility; @ManagedBean public class EnzymeUtils { private static final IOUtils IO_UTILS = IOUtilsFactory.getInstance(); private static final EnzymeSetUtility ENZYME_SET_UTILITY = new EnzymeSetUtility(); private static final Function<Enzyme, String> ENZYME_NAME_FUNCTION = new Function<Enzyme, String>() { public String apply(final Enzyme enzyme) { return enzyme.getName(); } }; private final EnzymeSet enzymes; public EnzymeUtils() { final InputStream enzymesStream = EnzymeUtils.class.getResourceAsStream("enzymes.xml"); try { this.enzymes = ENZYME_SET_UTILITY.deserialize(enzymesStream); } finally { IO_UTILS.closeQuietly(enzymesStream); } } public Iterable<String> getEnzymeNames() { return Iterables.transform(enzymes.getEnzymes(), ENZYME_NAME_FUNCTION); } public Enzyme getEnzyme(final String enzymeName) { Enzyme enzyme = null; for (final Enzyme curEnzyme : enzymes.getEnzymes()) { if (curEnzyme.getName().equals(enzymeName)) { enzyme = curEnzyme; break; } } return enzyme; } // Return "n" or "c" public String getTerm(final String enzymeName) { if (getEnzyme(enzymeName).getTerm().equals(TermInfo.CTERM)) { return "c"; } else { return "n"; } } public String getCleaveResidues(final String enzymeName) { return getEnzyme(enzymeName).getDoCleave(); } public String getNotCleaveResidues(final String enzymeName) { return getEnzyme(enzymeName).getDoNotCleave(); } }