Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. * * This software is released under GNU General Public License 2.0 * *******************************************************************************/ package edu.umn.ecology.populus.plot; import com.klg.jclass.chart.*; import edu.umn.ecology.populus.constants.*; import edu.umn.ecology.populus.core.PopPreferencesStorage; import edu.umn.ecology.populus.visual.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYBarRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; /** * A GUI Panel that displays a chart. Currently, it displays a JCChart in the Center, * with <code>HTMLLabel</code>s representing the axis names on the sides. * The Panel is worthless without setting the BasicPlotInfo needed to be rendered. * This can be done by either the constructor or the the setBPI method. <BR> * * The analagous 3D class to this one is ThreeD. */ public class BasicPlotCanvas extends JPanel { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -9029148726700689019L; //HTMLLabel mainCaption, xCaption, yCaption; HTMLMultiLabel mainCaption, xCaption, yCaption; //double xScale, yScale; //double bigMod; //double littleMod; //int pWidth, pHeight, pPTop, pPBottom, pPLeft, pPRight; MacroLayout borderLayout1 = new MacroLayout(); //BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout(); /**chart used to be any component to use the previous version, but not anymore*/ JCChart chart; ChartPanel jfchartpanel; BasicPlotInfo info = null; Color bgcolor = null; public void setBPI(BasicPlotInfo newInfo) { if (newInfo != null) { info = newInfo; if (PopPreferencesStorage.isUseJFreeClass()) { info.styleJFree(jfchartpanel.getChart()); } else { info.styleJC(chart); } mainCaption.setText(info.getMainCaption()); xCaption.setText(info.getXCaptions()); yCaption.setText(info.getYCaptions()); } } public BasicPlotCanvas(BasicPlotInfo info) { = info; try { jbInit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setBackground(Color c) { bgcolor = c; setBGColor(); } /** The popup menu on the output screen accesses this function to dynamically modify the graph. When "optimized," the case values should be turned into constants somewhere for easier modification.*/ public void displayChartOptionScreen(int whatOption) { if (PopPreferencesStorage.isUseJFreeClass()) { //TODO } else { JCAxis h = chart.getChartArea().getHorizActionAxis(); JCAxis v = chart.getChartArea().getVertActionAxis(); switch (whatOption) { case MenuOptions.kCoarserGrid: coarserGrid(); break; case MenuOptions.kFinerGrid: finerGrid(); break; case MenuOptions.kClearGrid: h.setGridVisible(false); v.setGridVisible(false); break; case MenuOptions.kOptionScreen: /*this is kind of a "hacked" way of bringing up the customizer screen because unfortunately, the JClass people didn't provide an easier way to do this. but this works, so whatever.*/ chart.mousePressed(new MouseEvent(this, MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, System.currentTimeMillis(), InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK, 0, 0, 1, false)); break; case MenuOptions.kReset: h.setGridVisible(false); v.setGridVisible(false); chart.reset(); break; } } } void finerGrid() { JCAxis h = chart.getChartArea().getHorizActionAxis(); JCAxis v = chart.getChartArea().getVertActionAxis(); if (!h.isGridVisible()) { h.setGridSpacingIsDefault(true); v.setGridSpacingIsDefault(true); h.setGridVisible(true); v.setGridVisible(true); } else { h.setGridSpacing(h.getGridSpacing() / 2); v.setGridSpacing(v.getGridSpacing() / 2); } } void coarserGrid() { JCAxis h = chart.getChartArea().getHorizActionAxis(); JCAxis v = chart.getChartArea().getVertActionAxis(); if (!h.isGridVisible()) { h.setGridSpacingIsDefault(true); v.setGridSpacingIsDefault(true); h.setGridVisible(true); v.setGridVisible(true); } else { h.setGridSpacing(h.getGridSpacing() * 2); v.setGridSpacing(v.getGridSpacing() * 2); } } public BasicPlotCanvas() { try { jbInit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void setBGColor() { int trans; int r, b, g; if (bgcolor == null) { return; } //if the background is too dark, then we need a new color for the //text so it can be visible. trans = bgcolor.getRGB(); r = bgcolor.getRed(); b = bgcolor.getBlue(); g = bgcolor.getGreen(); if (r < 80 && b < 80 && g < 80) { trans += 256 * 256 * 256 + 1; trans *= -1; } else { trans = -256 * 256 * 256; } Color transColor = new Color(trans); if (chart != null) { chart.setBackground(bgcolor); chart.setForeground(new Color(trans)); } if (jfchartpanel != null) { jfchartpanel.setBackground(bgcolor); //TODO: Need to understand this versus chart bg color jfchartpanel.getChart().setBackgroundPaint(bgcolor); } if (mainCaption != null) { mainCaption.setBackground(bgcolor); mainCaption.setDefaultColor(transColor); } if (xCaption != null) { xCaption.setBackground(bgcolor); xCaption.setDefaultColor(new Color(trans)); } if (yCaption != null) { yCaption.setBackground(bgcolor); yCaption.setDefaultColor(new Color(trans)); } } private void jbInit() throws Exception { /* if( info != null ) { mainCaption = new HTMLLabel( info.getMainCaption() ); xCaption = new HTMLLabel( info.getXCaptions()[0] ); yCaption = new HTMLLabel( info.getYCaptions()[0] ); yCaption.setDirection( HTMLLabel.DOWN_TO_UP ); } else { mainCaption = new HTMLLabel( "Main Caption" ); xCaption = new HTMLLabel( "X Caption" ); yCaption = new HTMLLabel( "Y Caption" ); } */ //* if (info != null) { mainCaption = new HTMLMultiLabel(info.getMainCaption()); xCaption = new HTMLMultiLabel(info.getXCaptions()); yCaption = new HTMLMultiLabel(info.getYCaptions()); yCaption.setDirection(HTMLLabel.DOWN_TO_UP); } else { mainCaption = new HTMLMultiLabel("Main Caption"); xCaption = new HTMLMultiLabel("X Caption"); yCaption = new HTMLMultiLabel("Y Caption"); yCaption.setDirection(HTMLLabel.DOWN_TO_UP); } setLayout(borderLayout1); if (PopPreferencesStorage.isUseJFreeClass()) { NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(null); NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis(null); xAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); AbstractXYItemRenderer renderer = null; if (info.isBarChart) { renderer = new XYBarRenderer(); } else { renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false); } XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(null, xAxis, yAxis, renderer); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); JFreeChart jfchart = new JFreeChart(null, null, plot, false); jfchartpanel = new ChartPanel(jfchart); plot.setBackgroundPaint(ColorScheme.bG); info.styleJFree(jfchart); add(jfchartpanel, MacroLayout.CENTER); } else { chart = new JCChart(JCChart.PLOT); info.styleJC(chart); chart.setBackground(ColorScheme.bG); chart.setAllowUserChanges(true); chart.setTrigger(0, new EventTrigger(InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK, EventTrigger.CUSTOMIZE)); chart.setTrigger(1, new EventTrigger(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK, EventTrigger.ZOOM)); chart.setResetKey('r'); chart.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) { if ((e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.META_MASK) != 0) { info.setAxis(chart); chart.reset(); } } }); chart.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); chart.setWarningDialog(false); add(chart, MacroLayout.CENTER); } setBGColor(); add(mainCaption, MacroLayout.NORTH); add(xCaption, MacroLayout.SOUTH); add(yCaption, MacroLayout.WEST); } }