Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package edu.umm.radonc.ca_dash.model; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.criteria.*; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.*; /** * * @author michaelmcgrath */ @Stateless public class ActivityFacade extends AbstractFacade<ActivityAIPC> { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "clinicalActivityPU") private EntityManager em; @Override protected EntityManager getEntityManager() { return em; } public ActivityFacade() { super(ActivityAIPC.class); } public List<ActivityAIPC> itemsDateRange(Date start, Date end, int[] range) { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery cq = cb.createQuery(ActivityAIPC.class); Root<ActivityAIPC> rt = cq.from(ActivityAIPC.class); cq.where(cb.and(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.fromdateofservice).isNotNull(), cb.and(cb.notEqual(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.procedurecodeser), 528), cb.notEqual(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.procedurecodeser), 529), cb.notEqual(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.procedurecodeser), 530), cb.between(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.fromdateofservice), start, end)))); cq.orderBy(cb.asc(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.fromdateofservice))); Query q = em.createQuery(cq); q.setMaxResults(range[1] - range[0] + 1); q.setFirstResult(range[0]); return q.getResultList(); } public int itemsDateRangeCount(Date start, Date end) { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery cq = cb.createQuery(ActivityAIPC.class); Root<ActivityAIPC> rt = cq.from(ActivityAIPC.class);; cq.where(cb.and(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.fromdateofservice).isNotNull(), cb.and(cb.notEqual(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.procedurecodeser), 528), cb.notEqual(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.procedurecodeser), 529), cb.notEqual(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.procedurecodeser), 530), cb.between(rt.get(ActivityAIPC_.fromdateofservice), start, end)))); Query q = em.createQuery(cq); return ((Long) (q.getSingleResult())).intValue(); } public List<ActivityCount> getDailyActivities(Date day, boolean imrtOnly) { String imrtString = ""; if (imrtOnly) { imrtString = "AND p.shortcomment LIKE '%IMRT%' "; } Query q = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery( "SELECT p.shortcomment, p.procedurecode, COUNT (p.procedurecode) as activityCount " + "FROM actinstproccode a, procedurecode p " + "WHERE p.procedurecodeser = a.procedurecodeser AND a.fromdateofservice = ? " + "AND p.procedurecode <> '00000' " + imrtString + "GROUP BY p.procedurecode, p.shortcomment ORDER BY p.procedurecode ASC", "dailyActivities").setParameter(1, day); //CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); //CriteriaQuery cq = cb.createQuery(Activity.class); //Query q = getEntityManager().. .createNamedQuery("Activity.getDailyActivities","dailyActivities").setParameter(1, day); return q.getResultList(); } public List<ActivityCount> getDailyActivities(Date day, Long hospitalser, boolean imrtOnly) { String imrtString = ""; if (imrtOnly) { imrtString = "AND p.shortcomment LIKE '%IMRT%' "; } String qString = "SELECT p.shortcomment, p.procedurecode, COUNT (p.procedurecode) as activityCount " + "FROM actinstproccode a, procedurecode p, department d " + "WHERE p.procedurecodeser = a.procedurecodeser AND a.fromdateofservice = ? " + "AND a.departmentser = d.departmentser " + "AND d.hospitalser = ? " + "AND p.procedurecode <> '00000' " + imrtString + "GROUP BY p.procedurecode, p.shortcomment ORDER BY p.procedurecode ASC"; Query q = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(qString, "dailyActivities").setParameter(1, day) .setParameter(2, hospitalser); //CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); //CriteriaQuery cq = cb.createQuery(Activity.class); //Query q = getEntityManager().. .createNamedQuery("Activity.getDailyActivities","dailyActivities").setParameter(1, day); return q.getResultList(); } public SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics getDailyStats(Date start, Date end, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics stats = new SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics(); List<Object[]> counts = getDailyCounts(start, end, imrtOnly, includeWeekends); for (Object[] item : counts) { stats.addValue(((Long) item[1]).doubleValue()); } return stats; } public SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics getDailyStats(Date start, Date end, Long hospitalser, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics stats = new SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics(); List<Object[]> counts = getDailyCounts(start, end, hospitalser, imrtOnly, includeWeekends); for (Object[] item : counts) { stats.addValue(((Long) item[1]).doubleValue()); } return stats; } public TreeMap<Date, SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics> getWeeklyTrailingSummaryStats(Date start, Date end, Long hospitalser, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { TreeMap<Date, SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics> retval = new TreeMap(); GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime(end); Date d; SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics stats; while (gc.getTime().compareTo(start) > 0) { d = gc.getTime(); gc.add(Calendar.DATE, -7); if (hospitalser <= 0) { stats = getDailyStats(gc.getTime(), d, imrtOnly, includeWeekends); } else { stats = getDailyStats(gc.getTime(), d, hospitalser, imrtOnly, includeWeekends); } retval.put(gc.getTime(), stats); } return retval; } public SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics getWeeklyStats(Date start, Date end, Long hospitalser, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics stats = new SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics(); List<Object[]> counts = getWeeklyCounts(start, end, hospitalser, imrtOnly, includeWeekends); for (Object[] item : counts) { stats.addValue(((Long) item[2]).doubleValue()); } return stats; } public TreeMap<String, SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics> getWeeklySummaryStats(Date start, Date end, Long hospitalser, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); TreeMap<String, SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics> retval = new TreeMap<>(); List<Object[]> events; if (hospitalser < 0) { events = getDailyCounts(start, end, imrtOnly, includeWeekends); } else { events = getDailyCounts(start, end, hospitalser, imrtOnly, includeWeekends); } cal.setTime(start); int wk = cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR); int mo = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); int yr = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (mo == Calendar.DECEMBER && wk == 1) { yr = yr + 1; } else if (mo == Calendar.JANUARY && wk == 52) { yr = yr - 1; } String currYrWk = yr + "-" + String.format("%02d", wk); String prevYrWk = ""; SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics currStats = new SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics(); int i = 0; while (cal.getTime().before(end) && i < events.size()) { Object[] event = events.get(i); Date d = (Date) event[0]; Long count = (Long) event[1]; prevYrWk = currYrWk; cal.setTime(d); wk = cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR); mo = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); yr = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (mo == Calendar.DECEMBER && wk == 1) { yr = yr + 1; } else if (mo == Calendar.JANUARY && wk == 52) { yr = yr - 1; } currYrWk = yr + "-" + String.format("%02d", wk); if (!(prevYrWk.equals(currYrWk))) { retval.put(prevYrWk, currStats); currStats = new SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics(); } currStats.addValue(count); i++; } retval.put(prevYrWk, currStats); return retval; } public SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics getMonthlyStats(Date start, Date end, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { //TODO: implement me return null; } public List<Object[]> getDailyCounts(Date start, Date end, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { //CriteriaQuery cq = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery(); //;cast result list //CriteriaBuilder cb = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder() String imrtString = ""; String weekendString = ""; if (imrtOnly) { imrtString = "AND p.shortcomment LIKE '%IMRT%' "; } if (!includeWeekends) { weekendString = "AND date_part('dow', a.fromdateofservice) <> 0 AND date_part('dow', a.fromdateofservice) <> 6 "; } javax.persistence.Query q = getEntityManager() .createNativeQuery("SELECT a.fromdateofservice, count(a.actinstproccodeser) " + " FROM actinstproccode a, procedurecode p " + "WHERE a.fromdateofservice IS NOT NULL " + "AND a.fromdateofservice >= ? AND a.fromdateofservice <= ? " + "AND a.procedurecodeser = p.procedurecodeser " + "AND p.procedurecode != '00000' " + imrtString + weekendString + "GROUP BY a.fromdateofservice " + "ORDER BY a.fromdateofservice ASC") .setParameter(1, start).setParameter(2, end); List<Object[]> retval = q.getResultList(); return retval; } public List<Object[]> getDailyCounts(Date start, Date end, Long hospitalSer, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { //CriteriaQuery cq = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery(); //;cast result list //CriteriaBuilder cb = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder() String imrtString = ""; String weekendString = ""; if (imrtOnly) { imrtString = "AND a.procedurecodeser.shortcomment LIKE '%IMRT%' "; } if (!includeWeekends) { weekendString = "AND FUNC('date_part', 'dow', a.fromdateofservice) <> 0 AND FUNC('date_part', 'dow', a.fromdateofservice) <> 6 "; } javax.persistence.Query q = getEntityManager() .createQuery("SELECT a.fromdateofservice, count(a.actinstproccodeser) " + " FROM ActivityAIPC a " + "WHERE a.fromdateofservice IS NOT NULL " + "AND a.fromdateofservice >= :start AND a.fromdateofservice <= :end " + "AND a.departmentser.hospitalser.hospitalser = :hosp " + "AND a.procedurecodeser.procedurecode != '00000' " + imrtString + weekendString + "GROUP BY a.fromdateofservice " + "ORDER BY a.fromdateofservice ASC") .setParameter("start", start).setParameter("end", end).setParameter("hosp", hospitalSer); List<Object[]> retval = q.getResultList(); return retval; } public List<Object[]> getWeeklyCountsTrailing(Date start, Date end, Long hospital, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { String imrtString = ""; String imrtSel = ""; String hospString = ""; String hospSel = ""; if (imrtOnly) { imrtSel = ""; imrtString = "AND p.shortcomment LIKE '%IMRT%' "; } if (hospital != null && hospital > 0) { hospSel = ", department d "; hospString = "AND a.departmentser = d.departmentser AND d.hospitalser = ? "; } javax.persistence.Query q = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery( "SELECT date_part('year', a.fromdateofservice) AS yr, date_part('month', a.fromdateofservice) AS mo, date_part('week', a.fromdateofservice) AS wk, count(a.actinstproccodeser) " + "FROM actinstproccode a, procedurecode p " + hospSel + "WHERE a.fromdateofservice IS NOT NULL " + "AND a.fromdateofservice >= ? AND a.fromdateofservice <= ? " + "AND a.procedurecodeser = p.procedurecodeser " + "AND p.procedurecode != '00000' " + imrtString + hospString + "GROUP BY yr, mo, wk ORDER BY yr, mo, wk ASC;") .setParameter(1, start).setParameter(2, end); if (hospital != null && hospital > 0) { q.setParameter(3, hospital); } List<Object[]> retval = q.getResultList(); return retval; } public List<Object> getQuarterlyCounts() { return null; } //TODO: Fix query public List<Object[]> getWeeklyCounts(Date start, Date end, Long hospital, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { //CriteriaQuery cq = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery(); //;cast result list String imrtString = ""; String imrtSel = ""; String hospString = ""; String hospSel = ""; if (imrtOnly) { imrtSel = ""; imrtString = "AND p.shortcomment LIKE '%IMRT%' "; } if (hospital != null && hospital > 0) { hospSel = ", department d "; hospString = "AND a.departmentser = d.departmentser AND d.hospitalser = ? "; } javax.persistence.Query q = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery( "SELECT date_part('year', a.fromdateofservice) AS yr, date_part('month', a.fromdateofservice) AS mo, date_part('week', a.fromdateofservice) AS wk, count(a.actinstproccodeser) " + "FROM actinstproccode a, procedurecode p " + hospSel + "WHERE a.fromdateofservice IS NOT NULL " + "AND a.fromdateofservice >= ? AND a.fromdateofservice <= ? " + "AND a.procedurecodeser = p.procedurecodeser " + "AND p.procedurecode != '00000' " + imrtString + hospString + "GROUP BY yr, mo, wk ORDER BY yr, mo, wk ASC;") .setParameter(1, start).setParameter(2, end); if (hospital != null && hospital > 0) { q.setParameter(3, hospital); } List<Object[]> retval = q.getResultList(); return retval; } //TODO: Fix query -- don't use native query public List<Object[]> getMonthlyCounts(Date start, Date end, Long hospital, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { String imrtString = ""; String imrtSel = ""; String hospString = ""; String hospSel = ""; if (imrtOnly) { imrtSel = ""; imrtString = "AND p.shortcomment LIKE '%IMRT%' "; } if (hospital != null && hospital > 0) { hospSel = ", department d "; hospString = "AND a.departmentser = d.departmentser AND d.hospitalser = ? "; } javax.persistence.Query q = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery( "SELECT date_part('year', a.fromdateofservice) AS yr, date_part('month', a.fromdateofservice) AS mn, count(a.actinstproccodeser) " + "FROM actinstproccode a, procedurecode p " + hospSel + "WHERE a.fromdateofservice IS NOT NULL " + "AND a.fromdateofservice >= ? AND a.fromdateofservice <= ? " + "AND a.procedurecodeser = p.procedurecodeser " + "AND p.procedurecode != '00000' " + imrtString + hospString + "GROUP BY yr, mn ORDER BY yr,mn ASC;") .setParameter(1, start).setParameter(2, end); if (hospital != null && hospital > 0) { q.setParameter(3, hospital); } List<Object[]> retval = q.getResultList(); return retval; } public TreeMap<String, SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics> getMonthlySummaryStats(Date start, Date end, Long hospitalser, boolean imrtOnly, boolean includeWeekends) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); TreeMap<String, SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics> retval = new TreeMap<>(); List<Object[]> events; if (hospitalser < 0) { events = getDailyCounts(start, end, imrtOnly, includeWeekends); } else { events = getDailyCounts(start, end, hospitalser, imrtOnly, includeWeekends); } cal.setTime(start); int mo = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); int yr = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); String currMoYr = yr + "-" + String.format("%02d", mo + 1); String prevMoYr = ""; SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics currStats = new SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics(); int i = 0; while (cal.getTime().before(end) && i < events.size()) { Object[] event = events.get(i); Date d = (Date) event[0]; Long count = (Long) event[1]; prevMoYr = currMoYr; cal.setTime(d); mo = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); yr = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); currMoYr = yr + "-" + String.format("%02d", mo + 1); if (!(prevMoYr.equals(currMoYr))) { retval.put(prevMoYr, currStats); currStats = new SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics(); } currStats.addValue(count); i++; } retval.put(prevMoYr, currStats); return retval; } }