Java tutorial
/* * LP-Doctor Copyright 2015 Regents of the University of Michigan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License */ package edu.umich.eecs.rtcl.lp_doctor.utilities; import android.util.SparseArray; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.ChiSquareTest; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import edu.umich.eecs.rtcl.lp_doctor.Util; import edu.umich.eecs.rtcl.lp_doctor.anonymization.LambertW; import edu.umich.eecs.rtcl.lp_doctor.rule.RuleData; public class MathTools { //privacy level dictates the value pof alpha: 1%, 5%, 10%: low medium high //perform the chi-square test public static boolean fitsMobModel(SparseArray<Double> mobility, SparseArray<Integer> appHistogram, int currentPlace, int privacyLevel) { double pValue = getPValue(mobility, appHistogram, currentPlace); return pValue >= getAlphaFromLevel(privacyLevel); //fits the mobility model --> null hypothesis not rejected --> there is potential threat } // get alpha from level private static double getAlphaFromLevel(int privacyLevel) { switch (privacyLevel) { case RuleData.ANON_LOW: return 0.1; case RuleData.ANON_MEDIUM: return 0.05; case RuleData.ANON_HIGH: return 0.01; } return 0.05; } // probably use kl divergence to see if thisd place leaks information // see what happens if place is released, we have some locations with 0-visited time --easy private static double getPValue(SparseArray<Double> mobility, SparseArray<Integer> appHistogram, int currentPlace) { double[] expected = new double[mobility.size()]; long[] observed = new long[mobility.size()]; long[] toBeObserved = new long[mobility.size()]; //nothing there, for bootstrapping if (mobility.size() < 2) { return 1; } for (int index = 0; index < mobility.size(); index++) { int placeID = mobility.keyAt(index); double probability = mobility.get(placeID); int numVisits = appHistogram.get(placeID, 0);// no visits if place not in histogram expected[index] = probability; observed[index] = numVisits; toBeObserved[index] = numVisits; if (placeID == currentPlace) { toBeObserved[index]++; //to be observed? } Util.Log(Util.SESSION_TAG, "place:\t" + placeID + "\texp:\t" + probability + "\tobs:\t" + numVisits); } double pValueOld = new ChiSquareTest().chiSquareTest(expected, observed); double pValueNew = new ChiSquareTest().chiSquareTest(expected, toBeObserved); //automatic normalization Util.Log(Util.SESSION_TAG, pValueOld + "\t" + Arrays.toString(expected) + "\t" + Arrays.toString(observed)); Util.Log(Util.SESSION_TAG, pValueNew + "\t" + Arrays.toString(expected) + "\t" + Arrays.toString(observed)); return pValueNew; } //use the KL divergence = D_{\mathrm{KL}}(P\|Q) = \sum_i P(i) \, \ln\frac{P(i)}{Q(i)}. //P is the observation, Q is the mobility model //there is a minute problem with the first access, as distance will always decrease. --> fixed // has been tested public static boolean isDistanceIncreased(SparseArray<Double> mobility, SparseArray<Integer> appHistogram, int currentPlace) { double[] expected = new double[mobility.size()]; long[] observed = new long[mobility.size()]; long[] toBeObserved = new long[mobility.size()]; //we need the total number of visits int totalVisits = 0; for (int index = 0; index < mobility.size(); index++) { int placeID = mobility.keyAt(index); double probability = mobility.get(placeID); int numVisits = appHistogram.get(placeID, 0);// no visits if place not in histogram expected[index] = probability; observed[index] = numVisits; toBeObserved[index] = numVisits; if (placeID == currentPlace) { toBeObserved[index]++; //to be observed? } totalVisits += numVisits; // num visits is per place Id in mobility pattern } if (totalVisits == 0) { //no location access recorded, information leak is inevitable from location leak return false; } double KLValueOld = 0; double KLValueNew = 0; //what happens if totalVisits is 0? //also, what happens id the obsPr is 0? for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { double expPr = expected[i]; //larger than 0 by definition double obsPr = totalVisits > 0 ? observed[i] * 1.0 / totalVisits : 0; double obsPrNew = toBeObserved[i] * 1.0 / (totalVisits + 1); KLValueOld += obsPr <= 1e-6 ? 0 : obsPr * Math.log(obsPr / expPr); KLValueNew += obsPrNew <= 1e-6 ? 0 : obsPrNew * Math.log(obsPrNew / expPr); Util.Log(Util.SESSION_TAG, "exp:\t" + expPr + "\tobs:\t" + obsPr + "temp:\t" + (obsPr <= 1e-6 ? 0 : obsPr * Math.log(obsPr / expPr))); } //Util.Log(Util.SESSION_TAG,KLValueOld+"\t"+expected+"\t"+observed); //Util.Log(Util.SESSION_TAG,KLValueNew+"\t"+expected+"\t"+toBeObserved); return KLValueNew > KLValueOld; } //both functions require adequate testing //one per location, shouldn't recompute for the same visited place public static LatLng getFakeLocation(LatLng currentLoc, int trackLevel) { double radius = getRadius(trackLevel); double privacyLevel = Math.log(4); Random rand = new Random();//need good source of randomness double theta = rand.nextDouble() * 360; double p = rand.nextDouble(); double eps = privacyLevel / radius; //some thing around 1000 m double lam = LambertW.branchNeg1((p - 1) / Math.exp(1)); double r = (-1 / eps) * (lam + 1); return Util.calculateDerivedPosition(currentLoc, r, theta); } private static double getRadius(int trackLevel) { /* switch (trackLevel) { case RuleData.ANON_LOW: return 100; case RuleData.ANON_MEDIUM: return 1000; case RuleData.ANON_HIGH: return 5000; default: return 1000; }*/ return trackLevel * 300; } }