Java tutorial
/** * Tools Classifier * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation; import static java.lang.Math.max; import static java.lang.Math.min; import static; import static; import static; /** * * @author Mossaab Bagdouri */ public class LibSVMUtils { public static Map<Integer, Double> sum(Map<Integer, Double> map1, Map<Integer, Double> map2) { Map<Integer, Double> map = new HashMap<>(map1); map2.entrySet().stream() .forEach(entry -> map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() + map.getOrDefault(entry.getKey(), 0d))); return map; } public static String sum(String features1, String features2) { return asString(sum(asMap(features1), asMap(features2))); } public static List<String> sum(List<String> features1, List<String> features2) { return range(0, features1.size()).boxed().map(i -> sum(features1.get(i), features2.get(i))) .collect(toList()); } public static Map<Integer, Double> asMap(String features) { if (features.isEmpty()) { return new HashMap<>(); } return Stream.of(features.trim().split("\\s+")).map(p -> p.split(":")) .collect(toMap(p -> new Integer(p[0]), p -> new Double(p[1]))); } public static List<Map<Integer, Double>> asMap(List<String> features) { return; } public static Map<Integer, Double> multiplyValues(Map<Integer, Double> map, double val) { return map.entrySet().stream().collect(toMap(Entry::getKey, entry -> val * entry.getValue())); } public static String multiplyValues(String features, double val) { return asString(multiplyValues(asMap(features), val)); } public static String asString(Map<Integer, Double> map) { return String.join(" ", map.entrySet().stream().sorted((e1, e2) ->, e2.getKey())) .filter(entry -> entry.getValue() != 0) .map(entry -> entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue()).collect(toList())); } public static List<String> asString(List<Map<Integer, Double>> map) { return; } public static List<String> addValues(Pair<Double, List<String>>... input) { return addValues(asList(input)); } public static List<String> addValues(List<String>... input) { return addValues(Stream.of(input).map(list -> Pair.of(1d, list)).collect(toList())); } public static Map<Integer, Double> addToKeys(Map<Integer, Double> map, int add) { return map.entrySet().stream().collect(toMap(entry -> entry.getKey() + add, Entry::getValue)); } public static List<Map<Integer, Double>> appendFeatures(List<Map<Integer, Double>> list1, List<Map<Integer, Double>> list2) { if (list1.isEmpty()) { return list2; } else if (list2.isEmpty()) { return list1; } int max = list1.parallelStream().map(Map::keySet).flatMap(Set::parallelStream).mapToInt(i -> i).max() .getAsInt(); return range(0, list1.size()).boxed().map(i -> sum(list1.get(i), addToKeys(list2.get(i), max))) .collect(toList()); } public static List<Map<Integer, Double>> appendFeatures(Collection<List<Map<Integer, Double>>> list) { return list.parallelStream().reduce(new ArrayList<>(), (list1, list2) -> appendFeatures(list1, list2)); } public static List<String> appendFeatures(List<String>... list) { return asString(appendFeatures(Stream.of(list).parallel().map(LibSVMUtils::asMap).collect(toList()))); } public static List<String> addValues(Collection<Pair<Double, List<String>>> input) { return range(0, -> { return input.parallelStream().map(pair -> multiplyValues(asMap(pair.getRight().get(i)), pair.getLeft())) .reduce(new HashMap<>(), (map1, map2) -> sum(map1, map2)); }).map(LibSVMUtils::asString).collect(toList()); } public static String appendLabel(String features, Object label) { return label.toString().trim() + " " + features.trim(); } public static List<String> appendLabel(List<String> features, List label) { return range(0, features.size()).boxed().map(i -> appendLabel(features.get(i), label.get(i))) .collect(toList()); } public static Map<Integer, Pair<Float, Float>> learnScalingModel(List<String> training) { return .collect(groupingBy(Pair::getKey, ConcurrentHashMap::new, reducing(Pair.of(0f, 0f), pair -> Pair.of(pair.getRight(), pair.getRight()), (p1, p2) -> Pair .of(min(p1.getLeft(), p2.getLeft()), max(p1.getRight(), p2.getRight()))))) .entrySet().stream() .filter(entry -> entry.getValue().getLeft().floatValue() != entry.getValue().getRight() .floatValue()) .collect(toMap(Entry::getKey, entry -> Pair.of(entry.getValue().getLeft(), entry.getValue().getRight() - entry.getValue().getLeft()))); } public static Map<Integer, Pair<Double, Double>> learnZscoringModel(List<String> training) { return .collect(groupingBy(Pair::getKey, ConcurrentHashMap::new, reducing(new ArrayList<Float>(), pair -> asList(pair.getRight()), (p1, p2) -> Stream.of(p1, p2).flatMap(List::stream).collect(toList())))) .entrySet().stream() .map(entry -> Pair.of(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().stream().mapToDouble(f -> f).toArray())) .collect(toMap(Entry::getKey, entry -> Pair.of(new Mean().evaluate(entry.getValue()), new StandardDeviation().evaluate(entry.getValue())))); } public static List<String> applyScalingModel(Map<Integer, Pair<Float, Float>> model, List<String> examples) { return .map(triple -> triple.getLeft() + String.join(" ", triple.getMiddle().stream() .map(pair -> Pair.of(pair.getLeft(), !model.containsKey(pair.getLeft()) ? 1f : ((pair.getRight() - model.get(pair.getLeft()).getLeft()) / model.get(pair.getLeft()).getRight()))) . //map(pair -> Pair.of(pair.getKey(), 2 * pair.getRight() - 1)). filter(pair -> pair.getValue() != 0f) .map(pair -> pair.getLeft() + ":" + pair.getRight()).collect(toList())) + triple.getRight()) .collect(toList()); } public static List<String> applyZscoringModel(Map<Integer, Pair<Double, Double>> model, List<String> examples) { return -> triple.getLeft() + String.join(" ", triple.getMiddle().stream().map(pair -> Pair.of(pair.getLeft(), (!model.containsKey(pair.getLeft()) || model.get(pair.getLeft()).getRight() == 0) ? 1f : ((pair.getRight() - model.get(pair.getLeft()).getLeft()) / model.get(pair.getLeft()).getRight()))) .filter(pair -> pair.getRight().floatValue() != 0f) .map(pair -> pair.getLeft() + ":" + pair.getRight().floatValue()).collect(toList())) + triple.getRight()).collect(toList()); } public static Triple<String, List<Pair<Integer, Float>>, String> split(String line) { String[] fields = line.split(" "); if (fields[0].isEmpty() || fields.length == 1) { return Triple.of(fields[0], asList(), ""); } StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (; i < fields.length; i++) { int index = fields[i].indexOf(":"); if (index < 0 || !fields[i].substring(0, index).matches("[0-9]+")) { prefix.append(fields[i]).append(" "); } else { break; } } List<Pair<Integer, Float>> pairs = new ArrayList<>(); for (; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].startsWith("#")) { break; } int index = fields[i].indexOf(":"); pairs.add( Pair.of(new Integer(fields[i].substring(0, index)), new Float(fields[i].substring(index + 1)))); } StringBuilder suffix = new StringBuilder(); for (; i < fields.length; i++) { suffix.append(" ").append(fields[i]); } return Triple.of(prefix.toString(), pairs, suffix.toString()); } public static Pair<List<String>, List<String>> scale(Pair<List<String>, List<String>> pair) { Map<Integer, Pair<Float, Float>> model = learnScalingModel(pair.getLeft()); return Pair.of(applyScalingModel(model, pair.getLeft()), applyScalingModel(model, pair.getRight())); } public static List<String> filter(List<String> training, int threshold) { Set<Integer> filtered = -> Stream.of(line.split(" ")).skip(1)) .map(pair -> new Integer(pair.substring(0, pair.indexOf(":")))) .collect(groupingBy(i -> i, counting())).entrySet().stream() .filter(entry -> entry.getValue() >= threshold).map(Entry::getKey).collect(toSet()); return -> line.split(" ")) .map(fields -> fields[0] + " " + String.join(" ", Stream.of(fields).skip(1).filter( pair -> filtered.contains(new Integer(pair.substring(0, pair.indexOf(":"))))) .collect(toList()))) .map(String::trim).collect(toList()); } }