Java tutorial
/** * Tools Classifier * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import cern.jet.random.Beta; import cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister64; import cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine; import static; import static java.lang.Math.max; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.IntSummaryStatistics; import java.util.List; import static; import static; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile; /** * * @author Mossaab Bagdouri */ public class ConfusionMatrix { private static final int DRAWS = 40000; private static final double CONF_LEVEL = 0.95d; private Beta beta_PF; private Beta beta_retr; private Beta beta_unretr; private static RandomEngine re = new MersenneTwister64(); private static final double N_TOTAL = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public double TP, TN, FP, FN; private ConfusionMatrix[] sample; public ConfusionMatrix() { } public ConfusionMatrix(double TP, double TN, double FP, double FN) { this.TP = TP; this.TN = TN; this.FP = FP; this.FN = FN; } public ConfusionMatrix(List<Boolean> gold, List<Boolean> predictions) { int total = max(gold.size(), predictions.size()); TP = (int) range(0, total).filter(i -> gold.get(i) && predictions.get(i)).count(); FP = (int) range(0, total).filter(i -> !gold.get(i) && predictions.get(i)).count(); FN = (int) range(0, total).filter(i -> gold.get(i) && !predictions.get(i)).count(); TN = total - (TP + FP + FN); } public float getRecall() { return (float) (TP / (TP + FN)); } public float getPrecision() { return (float) (TP / (TP + FP)); } public float getF1() { return (float) (2 * TP / (2f * TP + FN + FP)); } public float getAccuracy() { return (float) ((TP + TN) / (float) (TP + TN + FP + FN)); } public static ConfusionMatrix loadLibSVM(String goldPath, String predPath, double... cutoffs) { int[] gold = readAllLines(goldPath).stream().mapToInt(line -> new Integer(line.split("\\s+")[0])).toArray(); IntSummaryStatistics stats =; double cutoff = stats.getMin() == stats.getMax() ? cutoffs[0] : ((stats.getMax() + stats.getMin()) / 2); List<Boolean> goldList = -> i > cutoff).collect(toList()); List<Boolean> predList = readAllLines(predPath).stream().map(pred -> new Double(pred) > cutoff) .collect(toList()); return new ConfusionMatrix(goldList, predList); } public Triple<Float, Float, Float> getF1withCI() { double n[] = new double[] { FN + TN, TP + FP }; double r[] = new double[] { FN, TP }; double N[] = range(0, 2).mapToDouble(i -> n[i] * N_TOTAL / (n[0] + n[1])).toArray(); double R[] = range(0, 2).mapToDouble(i -> r[i] * N_TOTAL / (n[0] + n[1])).toArray(); double Var_R[] = range(0, 2) .mapToDouble(i -> Math.pow(N[i], 2) * r[i] * (1 - r[i] / n[i]) / Math.pow(n[i], 2)).toArray(); double temp = 2 * R[1] / Math.pow(R[1] + R[0] + N[1], 2); double Var_F1_1 = Math.pow(2 / (R[1] + R[0] + N[1]) - temp, 2); double Var_F1_0 = Math.pow(temp, 2); double Var_F1 = Var_F1_1 * Var_R[1] + Var_F1_0 * Var_R[0]; float pe = getF1(); float delta = (float) (1.96 * Math.sqrt(Var_F1)); return Triple.of(pe - delta, pe, pe + delta); } @Override public String toString() { return "TP = " + TP + "\tTN = " + TN + "\tFP = " + FP + "\tFN = " + FN; } private ConfusionMatrix nextResultFromPosterior() { if (beta_PF == null) { beta_PF = new Beta(0.5d + TP + FP, 0.5 + FN + TN, re); beta_retr = new Beta(0.5d + TP, 0.5 + FP, re); beta_unretr = new Beta(0.5d + FN, 0.5 + TN, re); } double PF = beta_PF.nextDouble(); double retr = beta_retr.nextDouble(); double unretr = beta_unretr.nextDouble(); double tp_proportion = retr * PF; double fp_proportion = (1 - retr) * PF; double fn_proportion = unretr * (1 - PF); double tn_proportion = 1 - (tp_proportion + fp_proportion + fn_proportion); return new ConfusionMatrix(tp_proportion, tn_proportion, fp_proportion, fn_proportion); } private ConfusionMatrix[] sampleFromPosterior() { if (sample == null) { sample = range(0, DRAWS).boxed().map(i -> nextResultFromPosterior()) .toArray(size -> new ConfusionMatrix[size]); } return sample; } public float getF1LowerBound() { Percentile percentile = new Percentile(); percentile.setData(Stream.of(sampleFromPosterior()).parallel().mapToDouble(cm -> cm.getF1()).toArray()); return (float) percentile.evaluate(100 * (1 - CONF_LEVEL)); } public Pair<Float, Float> getF1CI() { Percentile percentile = new Percentile(); percentile.setData(Stream.of(sampleFromPosterior()).parallel().mapToDouble(cm -> cm.getF1()).toArray()); double alpha = (1 - CONF_LEVEL) / 2; return Pair.of((float) percentile.evaluate(100 * alpha), (float) percentile.evaluate(100 * (1 - alpha))); } public float getRecallLowerBound() { Percentile percentile = new Percentile(); percentile.setData(Stream.of(sampleFromPosterior()).parallel().mapToDouble(cm -> cm.getRecall()).toArray()); return (float) percentile.evaluate(100 * (1 - CONF_LEVEL)); } public Pair<Float, Float> getRecallCI() { Percentile percentile = new Percentile(); percentile.setData(Stream.of(sampleFromPosterior()).parallel().mapToDouble(cm -> cm.getRecall()).toArray()); double alpha = (1 - CONF_LEVEL) / 2; return Pair.of((float) percentile.evaluate(100 * alpha), (float) percentile.evaluate(100 * (1 - alpha))); } public float getPrecisionLowerBound() { Percentile percentile = new Percentile(); percentile.setData( Stream.of(sampleFromPosterior()).parallel().mapToDouble(cm -> cm.getPrecision()).toArray()); return (float) percentile.evaluate(100 * (1 - CONF_LEVEL)); } public Pair<Float, Float> getPrecisionCI() { Percentile percentile = new Percentile(); percentile.setData( Stream.of(sampleFromPosterior()).parallel().mapToDouble(cm -> cm.getPrecision()).toArray()); double alpha = (1 - CONF_LEVEL) / 2; return Pair.of((float) percentile.evaluate(100 * alpha), (float) percentile.evaluate(100 * (1 - alpha))); } }