Java tutorial
/*************************************** * ViPER * * The Video Processing * * Evaluation Resource * * * * Distributed under the GPL license * * Terms available at * * * * Copyright University of Maryland, * * College Park. * ***************************************/ package edu.umd.cfar.lamp.chronicle; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import viper.api.time.*; import viper.api.time.Frame; import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.*; import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.util.*; /** * Displays rules across the header */ public class ChronicleRuler extends PNode { private final ChronicleViewer viewer; private int rulerHeight = 32; private int minDistance = 8; private int minRuleHeight = 8; private int minWidth = 0; private long start = 0; private long end = 1; private long firstVisibleFrame = 0; private long lastVisibleFrame = 1; private int minFrameLabellingDistance = 256; private static long[] widths; static { widths = new long[3 * ((int) (Math.log(Long.MAX_VALUE) / Math.log(10)))]; long t = 1; for (int i = 0; i < widths.length / 3; i++) { int q = i * 3; widths[q] = t; widths[q + 1] = t * 2; widths[q + 2] = t * 5; t *= 10; } } /** * @param viewer the viewer to hold the ruler */ ChronicleRuler(ChronicleViewer viewer) { this.viewer = viewer; } private static int findChronicleWidthsApproximation(long toApprox) { int w = Arrays.binarySearch(ChronicleRuler.widths, toApprox); if (w < 0) { w = -w - 1; } assert w >= 0; assert w < ChronicleRuler.widths.length; return w; } /** * Resets the view with the new hashes * @param paintContext * @param c */ private void resetMinWidth(PPaintContext paintContext, PCanvas c) { InstantInterval ii = this.viewer.model.getFocus(); start = ii.getStartInstant().longValue(); assert start >= 0; end = ii.getEndInstant().longValue(); long frameCount = Math.max(1, end - start); // number of frames in the video long pixCount = (long) this.viewer.getViewLength(); // number of pixels wide the ruler is long maxHashes = pixCount / minDistance; // maximum number of marks to display on ruler at any given time maxHashes = Math.max(1, maxHashes); long preferredHashWidth = end / maxHashes; // would prefer to draw every 'perfHashWidth'th frame minWidth = findChronicleWidthsApproximation(preferredHashWidth); // will draw every widths[minwidth] frame long pixPerFrame = pixCount / frameCount; long minX = Math.max(0, (long) paintContext.getLocalClip().getMinX()); long maxX = (long) paintContext.getLocalClip().getMaxX(); long thirdPix = c.getWidth(); thirdPix /= 3; firstVisibleFrame = (minX * frameCount / pixCount) + start; lastVisibleFrame = (maxX * frameCount / pixCount) + 1 + start; firstVisibleFrame = Math.max(firstVisibleFrame, start); lastVisibleFrame = Math.min(lastVisibleFrame, end); assert firstVisibleFrame >= 0; assert lastVisibleFrame >= 0; assert lastVisibleFrame >= firstVisibleFrame; long preferredLabelWidth = viewer.pixel2instantDistance((int) thirdPix); minFrameLabellingDistance = findChronicleWidthsApproximation(preferredLabelWidth); } /** * Gets how far from the top of the timeline that the * line starts drawing. this is more useful than the * ruler line length, somehow. * @param atMost * @param myWidth * @return */ private int getRuleOffset(int atMost, int myWidth) { int off = rulerHeight - minRuleHeight; double maxFractionHeight = 1; double heightRange = rulerHeight * maxFractionHeight; // max offset heightRange = Math.max(0, heightRange); double fraction = Math.log(widths[myWidth]) / Math.log(widths[atMost]); off -= (int) ((fraction * heightRange)); return Math.max(0, off); } private void drawHashForFrame(int f, PPaintContext paintContext, int atLeast, int atMost, int myWidth) { Color color = width2color(myWidth); InstantInterval focus = this.viewer.model.getFocus(); double frameOffset = f - focus.getStartInstant().doubleValue(); double frameLocation = (frameOffset * this.viewer.getViewLength()) / focus.width(); int x = (int) (frameLocation); //- paintContext.getLocalClip().getMinX()); int y2 = 10000; int y1 = getRuleOffset(atMost, myWidth); drawLine(x, y1, x, y2, color, new BasicStroke(1), paintContext); } private Color[] lineColorTable = new Color[] {,, }; protected Color width2color(int myWidth) { // idea 5 = red, 2 = blue, 1 = black ( return lineColorTable[myWidth % lineColorTable.length]; } /** * @param frameToLabel * @param paintContext * @param labelDist */ protected void drawLabelForFrame(long frameToLabel, PPaintContext paintContext, long labelDist) { textStamp.setText(String.valueOf(frameToLabel)); double frameLocation = viewer.instant2pixelDistance(new Frame((int) frameToLabel - 1)); PBounds textBounds = textStamp.getBoundsReference(); double x = frameLocation - (textBounds.width / 2); textStamp.setBounds(x, textBounds.y, textBounds.width, textBounds.height); textStamp.paint(paintContext); } private PTextLabel textStamp = new PTextLabel(); private Paint backgroundColor; private void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Paint p, Stroke stroke, PPaintContext paintContext) { Graphics2D g2 = paintContext.getGraphics(); Paint old = g2.getPaint(); Stroke oldS = g2.getStroke(); g2.setPaint(p); g2.setStroke(stroke); g2.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); g2.setPaint(old); g2.setStroke(oldS); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void paint(PPaintContext paintContext) { if (this.backgroundColor != null) { Graphics2D graph = paintContext.getGraphics(); graph.setPaint(backgroundColor); graph.fill(getBoundsReference()); } if (this.viewer.model != null && this.viewer.model.getFocus() != null) { resetMinWidth(paintContext, viewer.getScrollViews().columnHeader); int maxWidthRule = findChronicleWidthsApproximation(end); maxWidthRule -= 1; int i = (int) ((firstVisibleFrame + ChronicleRuler.widths[minWidth] - 1) / ChronicleRuler.widths[minWidth]); int firstI = i; int end = (int) (lastVisibleFrame / ChronicleRuler.widths[minWidth]); boolean[] found = new boolean[1 + end - i]; int toAvoid = -1; if (minWidth % 3 == 1) { toAvoid = minWidth + 1; } for (int width = maxWidthRule; width >= minWidth; width--) { if (width != toAvoid) { int diff = (int) (ChronicleRuler.widths[width] / ChronicleRuler.widths[minWidth]); i = (int) ((firstVisibleFrame + ChronicleRuler.widths[width] - 1) / ChronicleRuler.widths[width]); end = (int) (lastVisibleFrame / ChronicleRuler.widths[width]); while (i <= end) { long frameNum = i * ChronicleRuler.widths[width]; int borderNum = i * diff - firstI; if (!found[borderNum]) { drawHashForFrame((int) frameNum, paintContext, minWidth, maxWidthRule, width); found[borderNum] = true; } i++; } } else { // want to draw 5 rules on a 2 width box. // So draw all the fives that aren't divisible // by two i = (int) ((firstVisibleFrame + ChronicleRuler.widths[width] - 1) / ChronicleRuler.widths[width]); end = (int) (lastVisibleFrame / ChronicleRuler.widths[width]); while (i <= end) { long frameNum = i * ChronicleRuler.widths[width]; int fiveMultiple = (int) (frameNum / ChronicleRuler.widths[width - 2]); // widths[width] == 5 * widths[width-2] if ((fiveMultiple & 1) == 1) { drawHashForFrame((int) frameNum, paintContext, minWidth, maxWidthRule, width); } i++; } } } boolean startsWithTwo = (minFrameLabellingDistance % 3) == 1; long fLabelDist = ChronicleRuler.widths[minFrameLabellingDistance]; if (startsWithTwo) { Set already = paintFrameLabelsAtDistanceExcept(paintContext, fLabelDist, null); fLabelDist = ChronicleRuler.widths[minFrameLabellingDistance + 1]; paintFrameLabelsAtDistanceExcept(paintContext, fLabelDist, already); } else { paintFrameLabelsAtDistanceExcept(paintContext, fLabelDist, null); } } } /** * Paints all the visible frames numbers that are multiples of * fLabelDist, except for those already listed in the exception set. * @param paintContext * @param fLabelDist * @param except the frames not to draw. <code>null</code> if * all will be drawn. Edited in place if not <code>null</code>. * @return the exception set, modified in place to include * the drawn frame numbers (as <code>Long</code>s) */ private Set paintFrameLabelsAtDistanceExcept(PPaintContext paintContext, long fLabelDist, Set except) { if (except == null) { except = new HashSet(); } long frameToLabel = fLabelDist * (firstVisibleFrame / fLabelDist); if (frameToLabel <= 0) { frameToLabel = fLabelDist; } long widthInFrames = 2 * fLabelDist + lastVisibleFrame - firstVisibleFrame; long lastFrameToLabel = frameToLabel + fLabelDist * (widthInFrames / fLabelDist); if (frameToLabel < lastFrameToLabel && firstVisibleFrame < lastVisibleFrame) { while (frameToLabel <= lastFrameToLabel) { if (except.add(new Long(frameToLabel))) { drawLabelForFrame(frameToLabel, paintContext, fLabelDist); } frameToLabel += fLabelDist; } } return except; } /** * Get the minimum distance to place between tick marks. * @return int */ public int getMinDistance() { return minDistance; } /** * Sets the minimum distance to put between tick marks on * the ruler. * @param minDistance The minDistance to set */ public void setMinDistance(int minDistance) { this.minDistance = minDistance; } public int getRulerHeight() { return rulerHeight; } public void setRulerHeight(int rulerHeight) { this.rulerHeight = rulerHeight; invalidatePaint(); } public Paint getBackgroundColor() { return backgroundColor; } public void setBackgroundColor(Paint backgroundColor) { if (!ObjectUtils.equals(this.backgroundColor, backgroundColor)) { this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; invalidatePaint(); } } public Color[] getLineColorTable() { return lineColorTable; } public void setLineColorTable(Color[] lineColorTable) { this.lineColorTable = lineColorTable; invalidatePaint(); } }