Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2015 University of Massachusetts * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * * Initial developer(s): Westy, arun */ package edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.integrationtests; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.PaxosConfig; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.CommandType; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.GNSProtocol; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.AclAccessType; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.ResponseCode; import edu.umass.cs.contextservice.client.ContextServiceClient; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClient; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommandsV2; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.BasicGuidEntry; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.GuidEntry; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.GuidUtils; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.JSONUtils; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.SHA1HashFunction; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.utils.RandomString; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.ClientException; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.EncryptionException; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.FieldNotFoundException; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.jsonassert.JSONAssert; import edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.jsonassert.JSONCompareMode; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.utils.Base64; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; import edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.utils.ThreadUtils; import edu.umass.cs.gnsserver.database.MongoRecords; import edu.umass.cs.gnsserver.main.GNSConfig; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.ReconfigurationConfig; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.DefaultNodeConfig; import edu.umass.cs.utils.Config; import edu.umass.cs.utils.DefaultTest; import edu.umass.cs.utils.Util; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils; import org.json.JSONException; import org.junit.Assert; /** * TEMPORARY CLASS FOR TESTING GNSClientCommandsV2. Will go away * when testing is finished. - Westy * * Functionality test for core elements in the client using the * GNSClientCommands. * */ //@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class ServerIntegrationTestV2 extends DefaultTest { private static final String DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ALIAS = ""; private static String accountAlias = DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ALIAS; // REPLACE // // ALIAS private static final String PASSWORD = "password"; //private static GNSClientCommands client = null; private static GNSClientCommandsV2 client = null; private static GuidEntry masterGuid; private static GuidEntry guidToDeleteEntry; /** * * @param alias */ public static void setAccountAlias(String alias) { accountAlias = alias; } private static final String HOME = System.getProperty("user.home"); private static final String GNS_DIR = "GNS"; private static final String GNS_HOME = HOME + "/" + GNS_DIR + "/"; private static final int DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000; //Default read timeout in ms. private static final int LONG_READ_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000; //Read timeout for tests that require more time. private static final String getPath(String filename) { if (new File(filename).exists()) { return filename; } if (new File(GNS_HOME + filename).exists()) { return GNS_HOME + filename; } else { Util.suicide("Can not find server startup script: " + filename); } return null; } private static enum DefaultProps { SERVER_COMMAND("server.command", USE_GP_SCRIPTS ? GP_SERVER : SCRIPTS_SERVER, true), GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG( "gigapaxosConfig", "conf/", true), KEYSTORE("", "conf/keyStore.jks", true), KEYSTORE_PASSWORD( "", "qwerty"), TRUSTSTORE("", "conf/trustStore.jks", true), TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD("", "qwerty"), LOGGING_PROPERTIES("java.util.logging.config.file", "conf/"), START_SERVER("startServer", "true"),; final String key; final String value; final boolean isFile; DefaultProps(String key, String value, boolean isFile) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.isFile = isFile; } DefaultProps(String key, String value) { this(key, value, false); } } private static final void setProperties() { for (DefaultProps prop : DefaultProps.values()) { if (System.getProperty(prop.key) == null) { System.setProperty(prop.key, prop.isFile ? getPath(prop.value) : prop.value); } } } // this static block must be above GP_OPTIONS static { setProperties(); } private static final String SCRIPTS_SERVER = "scripts/3nodeslocal/"; private static final String SCRIPTS_OPTIONS = " "; // can't give any options private static final String GP_SERVER = "bin/"; private static final String GP_OPTIONS = getGigaPaxosOptions(); private static final boolean USE_GP_SCRIPTS = true; private static String options = USE_GP_SCRIPTS ? GP_OPTIONS : SCRIPTS_OPTIONS; private static final String getGigaPaxosOptions() { String gpOptions = ""; for (DefaultProps prop : DefaultProps.values()) { gpOptions += " -D" + prop.key + "=" + System.getProperty(prop.key); } return gpOptions + " -ea"; } private static final boolean useGPScript() { return System.getProperty(DefaultProps.SERVER_COMMAND.key).contains(GP_SERVER); } private static final void failWithStackTrace(String message, Exception... e) { if (e != null && e.length > 0) { e[0].printStackTrace(); }; } /* We need this below even though a majority being up suffices and account GNSProtocol.GUID.toString() * creation success (with retransmission) auto-detects whether a majority is up, * it can happen that one server is not yet ready, which sometimes leads to * some tests like lookupPrimaryGuid failing because the request goes to a * still-not-up server and simply times out. * * The clean way to obviate this wait is to build fault-tolerance into the * tests, i.e., every request should be retransmitted until success * assuming that any server can fail at any time. */ private static long WAIT_TILL_ALL_SERVERS_READY = 5000; /** * * @throws Exception */ @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { // Run the server. String waitString = System.getProperty("waitTillAllServersReady"); if (waitString != null) { WAIT_TILL_ALL_SERVERS_READY = Integer.parseInt(waitString); } if (System.getProperty("startServer") != null && System.getProperty("startServer").equals("true")) { // clear explicitly if gigapaxos if (useGPScript()) { RunServer.command("kill -s TERM `ps -ef | grep GNS.jar | grep -v grep | " + "grep -v ServerIntegrationTest | grep -v \"context\" | awk '{print $2}'`", "."); System.out.println(System.getProperty(DefaultProps.SERVER_COMMAND.key) + " " + getGigaPaxosOptions() + " forceclear all"); RunServer.command(System.getProperty(DefaultProps.SERVER_COMMAND.key) + " " + getGigaPaxosOptions() + " forceclear all", "."); /* We need to do this to limit the number of files used by mongo. * Otherwise failed runs quickly lead to more failed runs because * index files created in previous runs are not removed. */ dropAllDatabases(); options = getGigaPaxosOptions() + " restart all"; } else { options = SCRIPTS_OPTIONS; } String logFile = System.getProperty(DefaultProps.LOGGING_PROPERTIES.key); ArrayList<String> output = RunServer.command("cat " + logFile + " | grep \"java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern\" | sed 's/java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = //g'", ".", false); String logFiles = output.get(0) + "*"; RunServer.command("rm -f " + logFiles, ".", false); System.out.println(System.getProperty(DefaultProps.SERVER_COMMAND.key) + " " + options); output = RunServer.command(System.getProperty(DefaultProps.SERVER_COMMAND.key) + " " + options, "."); if (output != null) { for (String line : output) { System.out.println(line); } } else { failWithStackTrace("Server command failure: ; aborting all tests."); } } String gpConfFile = System.getProperty(DefaultProps.GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG.key); String logFile = System.getProperty(DefaultProps.LOGGING_PROPERTIES.key); ArrayList<String> output = RunServer.command("cat " + logFile + " | grep \"java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern\" | sed 's/java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = //g'", ".", false); String logFiles = output.get(0) + "*"; System.out.println("Waiting for servers to be ready..."); output = RunServer.command("cat " + gpConfFile + " | grep \"reconfigurator\\.\" | wc -l ", ".", false); String temp = output.get(0); temp = temp.replaceAll("\\s", ""); int numRC = Integer.parseInt(temp); output = RunServer.command("cat " + gpConfFile + " | grep \"active\\.\" | wc -l ", ".", false); temp = output.get(0); temp = temp.replaceAll("\\s", ""); int numAR = Integer.parseInt(temp); int numServers = numRC + numAR; output = RunServer.command("ls " + logFiles + " 2> /dev/null | wc -l ", ".", false); temp = output.get(0); temp = temp.replaceAll("\\s", ""); int numLogFiles = Integer.parseInt(temp); while (numLogFiles == 0) { Thread.sleep(5000); output = RunServer.command("ls " + logFiles + " 2> /dev/null | wc -l ", ".", false); temp = output.get(0); temp = temp.replaceAll("\\s", ""); numLogFiles = Integer.parseInt(temp); } output = RunServer.command("cat " + logFiles + " | grep -a \"server ready\" | wc -l ", ".", false); temp = output.get(0); temp = temp.replaceAll("\\s", ""); int numServersUp = Integer.parseInt(temp); System.out.println( Integer.toString(numServersUp) + " out of " + Integer.toString(numServers) + " servers are ready."); while (numServersUp < numServers) { Thread.sleep(5000); output = RunServer.command("cat " + logFiles + " | grep -a \"server ready\" | wc -l ", ".", false); temp = output.get(0); temp = temp.replaceAll("\\s", ""); numServersUp = Integer.parseInt(temp); System.out.println(Integer.toString(numServersUp) + " out of " + Integer.toString(numServers) + " servers are ready."); } System.out.println("Starting client"); //client = new GNSClientCommands(); client = new GNSClientCommandsV2(); // Make all the reads be coordinated client.setForceCoordinatedReads(true); //Set default read timoeut //client.setReadTimeout(DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT); // arun: connectivity check embedded in GNSClient constructor boolean connected = client instanceof GNSClient; if (connected) { System.out.println("Client created and connected to server."); } // int tries = 5; boolean accountCreated = false; long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(WAIT_TILL_ALL_SERVERS_READY); do { try { System.out.println("Creating account guid: " + (tries - 1) + " attempt remaining."); masterGuid = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateAccountGuid(client, accountAlias, PASSWORD, true); accountCreated = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ThreadUtils.sleep((5 - tries) * 5000); } } while (!accountCreated && --tries > 0); if (accountCreated == false) { failWithStackTrace("Failure setting up account guid; aborting all tests."); } } /** * * @throws Exception */ @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { client.close(); /* arun: need a more efficient, parallel implementation of removal * of sub-guids, otherwise this times out. */ //client.accountGuidRemove(masterGuid); if (System.getProperty("startServer") != null && System.getProperty("startServer").equals("true")) { if (useGPScript()) { String command = System.getProperty(DefaultProps.SERVER_COMMAND.key) + " " + getGigaPaxosOptions() + " stop all"; System.out.print( "Stopping all servers in " + System.getProperty(DefaultProps.GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG.key) + "..."); try { RunServer.command(command, "."); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(" failed to stop all servers with [" + command + "]"); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } System.out.println(" stopped all servers."); } else { ArrayList<String> output = RunServer.command( new File(System.getProperty(DefaultProps.SERVER_COMMAND.key)).getParent() + "/", "."); if (output != null) { for (String line : output) { System.out.println(line); } } else { System.out.println("SHUTDOWN SERVER COMMAND FAILED!"); } } } dropAllDatabases(); if (client != null) { client.close(); } System.out.println("\nPrinting reverse-engineered return types:"); for (CommandType type : GNSClientCommands.REVERSE_ENGINEER.keySet()) { System.out.println(type + " returns " + GNSClientCommands.REVERSE_ENGINEER.get(type) + "; e.g., " + Util.truncate(GNSClientCommands.RETURN_VALUE_EXAMPLE.get(type), 64, 64)); } } private static void dropAllDatabases() { for (String server : new DefaultNodeConfig<String>(PaxosConfig.getActives(), ReconfigurationConfig.getReconfigurators()).getNodeIDs()) { MongoRecords.dropNodeDatabase(server); } } /** * A test that pulls together a bunch of end--to-end tests. */ public ServerIntegrationTestV2() { } private static final int RETRANSMISSION_INTERVAL = 100; // arun: this should be zero /* Brendan: setting this to nonzero so it can be used for SELECT tests since * SELECTS don't consistently read UPDATES. */ private static final int COORDINATION_WAIT = 10000; /** * arun: Coordinated operations generally need some settling time before * they can be tested at "any" replica. That is, read-your-writes * consistency is not ensured if a read following a write happens to go to a * different replica. Thus, we either need to wait for a long enough * duration and/or retransmit upon failure. * * I have inserted waitSettle() haphazardly at places. These tests need to * be systematically fixed by retrying if the expected answer is not found. * Simply using the async client to resend the request should suffice as * ReconfigurableAppClientAsync is designed to automatically pick "good" * active replicas, i.e., it will forget crashed ones for some time; clear * its cache, re-query, and pick randomly upon an active replica error; and * pick the replica closest by distance and load otherwise. */ private static void waitSettle() { try { if (COORDINATION_WAIT > 0) { Thread.sleep(COORDINATION_WAIT); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* TODO: * Brendan: I've begun checking tests to make sure that logically * they should pass every time in a distributed setting. * I will be marking the tests I've already checked with //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY * in the first line of the test. * * For now I'm assuming no loss (if tests are run locally hopefully this won't be a problem) * and bounded delays (of less than the timeout). I am also assuming the tests are executed * in order as some do depend on the actions of previous tests. * * TODO: Increase the timeout for these test commands so that they almost never fail due to timeout. * */ /** * Creates a guid. */ @Test public void test_010_CreateEntity() { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String alias = "testGUID" + RandomString.randomString(12); GuidEntry guidEntry = null; try { guidEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, alias); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while creating guid: ", e); } Assert.assertNotNull(guidEntry); Assert.assertEquals(alias, guidEntry.getEntityName()); } /** * Removes a guid. */ @Test public void test_020_RemoveGuid() { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String testGuidName = "testGUID" + RandomString.randomString(12); GuidEntry testGuid = null; try { testGuid = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, testGuidName); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while creating testGuid: ", e); } try { client.guidRemove(masterGuid, testGuid.getGuid()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while removing testGuid: ", e); } try { client.lookupGuidRecord(testGuid.getGuid()); failWithStackTrace("Lookup testGuid should have throw an exception."); } catch (ClientException e) { } catch (IOException e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while doing Lookup testGuid: ", e); } } /** * Removes a guid not using an account guid. */ @Test public void test_030_RemoveGuidSansAccountInfo() { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String testGuidName = "testGUID" + RandomString.randomString(12); GuidEntry testGuid = null; try { testGuid = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, testGuidName); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while creating testGuid: ", e); } try { client.guidRemove(testGuid); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while removing testGuid: ", e); } try { client.lookupGuidRecord(testGuid.getGuid()); failWithStackTrace("Lookup testGuid should have throw an exception."); } catch (ClientException e) { } catch (IOException e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while doing Lookup testGuid: ", e); } } private static final String REMOVE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD = "removalPassword"; /** * Runs the RemoveAccountWithPassword tests as one independent unit. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test_031_RemoveAccountWithPasswordTest() throws Exception { String accountToRemoveWithPassword = RandomString.randomString(12) + "-" + ""; GuidEntry accountToRemoveGuid = test_035_RemoveAccountWithPasswordCreateAccount( accountToRemoveWithPassword); test_036_RemoveAccountWithPasswordCheckAccount(accountToRemoveGuid); test_037_RemoveAccountWithPasswordRemoveAccount(accountToRemoveWithPassword); test_038_RemoveAccountWithPasswordCheckAccountAfterRemove(accountToRemoveWithPassword); } /** * Create an account to remove using the password. * @throws Exception */ private GuidEntry test_035_RemoveAccountWithPasswordCreateAccount(String accountToRemoveWithPassword) throws Exception { /* FIXED: GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateAccountGuid() is safe * since the account verification step is coordinated later on in its chain. * TODO: Make sure that gigapaxos guaruntees UPDATE your CREATES for servers with * greater than 3 replicas. */ return GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateAccountGuid(client, accountToRemoveWithPassword, REMOVE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, true); } /** * Check the account to remove using the password. * @throws IOException * @throws ClientException */ private void test_036_RemoveAccountWithPasswordCheckAccount(GuidEntry accountToRemoveGuid) throws ClientException, IOException { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY // this should be using the guid ThreadUtils.sleep(100); client.lookupAccountRecord(accountToRemoveGuid.getGuid()); } /** * Remove the account using the password. * @throws Exception */ private void test_037_RemoveAccountWithPasswordRemoveAccount(String accountToRemoveWithPassword) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY client.accountGuidRemoveWithPassword(accountToRemoveWithPassword, REMOVE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD); } /** * Check the account removed using the password. * @throws IOException */ private void test_038_RemoveAccountWithPasswordCheckAccountAfterRemove(String accountToRemoveWithPassword) throws IOException { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { client.lookupGuid(accountToRemoveWithPassword); failWithStackTrace( "lookupGuid for " + accountToRemoveWithPassword + " should have throw an exception."); } catch (ClientException e) { //This exception is expected. } } /** * Look up a primary guid. */ @Test public void test_040_LookupPrimaryGuid() { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String testGuidName = "testGUID" + RandomString.randomString(12); GuidEntry testGuid = null; try { testGuid = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, testGuidName); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while creating testGuid: ", e); } try { Assert.assertEquals(masterGuid.getGuid(), client.lookupPrimaryGuid(testGuid.getGuid())); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while looking up primary guid for testGuid: ", e); } } /** * Runs the Field tests as one independent unit. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test_041_FieldTests() throws Exception { GuidEntry subGuidEntry = test_050_CreateSubGuid(); test_060_FieldNotFoundException(subGuidEntry); test_070_FieldExistsFalse(subGuidEntry); test_080_CreateFieldForFieldExists(subGuidEntry); test_090_FieldExistsTrue(subGuidEntry); } /** * Create a sub guid. * @throws Exception */ private GuidEntry test_050_CreateSubGuid() throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY GuidEntry subGuidEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "subGuid" + RandomString.randomString(12)); System.out.print("Created: " + subGuidEntry); return subGuidEntry; } /** * Check field not found exception. * @throws Exception */ private void test_060_FieldNotFoundException(GuidEntry subGuidEntry) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(subGuidEntry.getGuid(), "environment", subGuidEntry); failWithStackTrace("Should have thrown an exception."); } catch (FieldNotFoundException e) { //This is expected. } } /** * Test fieldExists. * @throws Exception */ private void test_070_FieldExistsFalse(GuidEntry subGuidEntry) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { Assert.assertFalse(client.fieldExists(subGuidEntry.getGuid(), "environment", subGuidEntry)); } catch (ClientException e) { // System.out.println("This was expected: " , e); } } /** * Create a field for fieldExists. * @throws IOException * @throws ClientException */ private void test_080_CreateFieldForFieldExists(GuidEntry subGuidEntry) throws ClientException, IOException { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY client.fieldCreateOneElementList(subGuidEntry.getGuid(), "environment", "work", subGuidEntry); } /** * Create a field for fieldExists true. * @throws Exception */ private void test_090_FieldExistsTrue(GuidEntry subGuidEntry) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY Assert.assertTrue(client.fieldExists(subGuidEntry.getGuid(), "environment", subGuidEntry)); } /** * Runs the set of ACL tests for checking All Fields Access as an independent unit. * @throws Exception * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void test_100_ACLTest_All_Fields() throws JSONException, Exception { final String TEST_FIELD_NAME = "testField"; String testFieldName = TEST_FIELD_NAME + RandomString.randomString(6); test_101_ACLCreateField(testFieldName); test_110_ACLMaybeAddAllFields(); test_111_ACLCheckForAllFieldsPass(); test_112_ACLRemoveAllFields(); test_113_ACLCheckForAllFieldsMissing(); test_114_CheckAllFieldsAcl(); test_115_DeleteAllFieldsAcl(); test_116_CheckAllFieldsAclGone(); } /** * @throws IOException * @throws ClientException * */ private void test_101_ACLCreateField(String testFieldName) throws ClientException, IOException { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY client.fieldCreateOneElementList(masterGuid.getGuid(), testFieldName, "testValue", masterGuid); } // // Start with some simple tests to insure that basic ACL mechanics work // /** * Add the ALL_GUID to GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString() if it's not there already. * @throws Exception * @throws JSONException */ private void test_110_ACLMaybeAddAllFields() throws JSONException, Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY if (!JSONUtils .JSONArrayToArrayList(client.aclGet(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), masterGuid.getGuid())) .contains(GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString())) { client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); } } /** * @throws Exception * @throws JSONException * */ private void test_111_ACLCheckForAllFieldsPass() throws JSONException, Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY ThreadUtils.sleep(100); JSONArray expected = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString())); JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, client.aclGet(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), masterGuid.getGuid()), true); } private void test_112_ACLRemoveAllFields() throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY // remove default read access for this test client.aclRemove(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); } private void test_113_ACLCheckForAllFieldsMissing() throws JSONException, Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY JSONArray expected = new JSONArray(); JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, client.aclGet(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), masterGuid.getGuid()), true); } private void test_114_CheckAllFieldsAcl() throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY Assert.assertTrue(client.fieldAclExists(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString())); } private void test_115_DeleteAllFieldsAcl() throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY client.fieldDeleteAcl(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString()); } private void test_116_CheckAllFieldsAclGone() throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY Assert.assertFalse(client.fieldAclExists(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString())); } /** * Runs the set of ACL tests for checking single field access as an independent unit. * @throws Exception * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void test_117_ACLTest_Single_Field() throws JSONException, Exception { final String TEST_FIELD_NAME = "testField"; String testFieldName = TEST_FIELD_NAME + RandomString.randomString(6); test_101_ACLCreateField(testFieldName); test_120_CreateAcl(testFieldName); test_121_CheckAcl(testFieldName); test_122_DeleteAcl(testFieldName); test_123_CheckAclGone(testFieldName); } private void test_120_CreateAcl(String testFieldName) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY client.fieldCreateAcl(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, testFieldName); } private void test_121_CheckAcl(String testFieldName) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY Assert.assertTrue(client.fieldAclExists(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, testFieldName)); } private void test_122_DeleteAcl(String testFieldName) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY client.fieldDeleteAcl(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, testFieldName); } private void test_123_CheckAclGone(String testFieldName) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY Assert.assertFalse(client.fieldAclExists(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, masterGuid, testFieldName)); } /** * Runs a set of ACL tests checking if others can read or not ACLS set by another. * @throws Exception * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void test_124_ACLTests_OtherUser() throws JSONException, Exception { GuidEntry westyEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "westy124" + RandomString.randomString(6)); GuidEntry samEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "sam124" + RandomString.randomString(6)); test_131_ACLRemoveAllFields(westyEntry, samEntry); test_132_ACLCreateFields(westyEntry); test_135_ACLMaybeAddAllFieldsForMaster(westyEntry); test_136_ACLMasterReadAllFields(westyEntry); test_137_ACLReadMyFields(westyEntry); test_138_ACLNotReadOtherGuidAllFieldsTest(westyEntry, samEntry); test_139_ACLNotReadOtherGuidFieldTest(westyEntry, samEntry); test_140_AddACLTest(westyEntry, samEntry); test_141_CheckACLTest(westyEntry, samEntry); test_150_ACLCreateDeeperField(westyEntry); test_151_ACLAddDeeperFieldACL(westyEntry); test_152_ACLCheckDeeperFieldACLExists(westyEntry); test_153_ACLReadDeeperFieldSelf(westyEntry); test_154_ACLReadDeeperFieldOtherFail(westyEntry, samEntry); test_156_ACLReadShallowFieldOtherFail(westyEntry, samEntry); test_157_AddAllRecordACL(westyEntry); test_158_ACLReadDeeperFieldOtherFail(westyEntry, samEntry); } /** * Runs a second set of ACL tests checking if others can read or not ACLS set by another. * @throws Exception * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void test_125_ACLTests_OtherUser2() throws JSONException, Exception { GuidEntry westyEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "westy125" + RandomString.randomString(6)); GuidEntry samEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "sam125" + RandomString.randomString(6)); GuidEntry barneyEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "barney125" + RandomString.randomString(6)); test_143_ACLAdjustACL(barneyEntry); test_144_ACLCreateFields(barneyEntry); test_145_ACLUpdateACL(barneyEntry); test_146_ACLTestReadsOne(barneyEntry, samEntry); test_147_ACLTestReadsTwo(barneyEntry, westyEntry); test_148_ACLTestReadsThree(barneyEntry, samEntry); test_149_ACLALLFields(barneyEntry); } /** * Runs a set of ACL tests checking nested fields. * @throws Exception * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void test_126_ACLTests_DeeperFields() throws JSONException, Exception { GuidEntry westyEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "westy126" + RandomString.randomString(6)); GuidEntry samEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "sam126" + RandomString.randomString(6)); test_131_ACLRemoveAllFields(westyEntry, samEntry); test_150_ACLCreateDeeperField(westyEntry); test_151_ACLAddDeeperFieldACL(westyEntry); test_152_ACLCheckDeeperFieldACLExists(westyEntry); test_153_ACLReadDeeperFieldSelf(westyEntry); test_154_ACLReadDeeperFieldOtherFail(westyEntry, samEntry); test_156_ACLReadShallowFieldOtherFail(westyEntry, samEntry); test_157_AddAllRecordACL(westyEntry); test_158_ACLReadDeeperFieldOtherFail(westyEntry, samEntry); } public void test_131_ACLRemoveAllFields(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { // remove default read access for this test client.aclRemove(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, westyEntry, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); client.aclRemove(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, samEntry, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while removing ACL in ACLRemoveAllFields: ", e); } } /** * */ public void test_132_ACLCreateFields(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { client.fieldUpdate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "environment", "work", westyEntry); client.fieldUpdate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "ssn", "000-00-0000", westyEntry); client.fieldUpdate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "password", "666flapJack", westyEntry); client.fieldUpdate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "address", "100 Hinkledinkle Drive", westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while creating fields in ACLCreateFields: ", e); } } public void test_135_ACLMaybeAddAllFieldsForMaster(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { if (!JSONUtils .JSONArrayToArrayList(client.aclGet(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, westyEntry, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), westyEntry.getGuid())) .contains(masterGuid.getGuid())) { client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, westyEntry, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), masterGuid.getGuid()); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while checking for ALL_FIELDS in ACLMaybeAddAllFields: ", e); } } /** * */ public void test_136_ACLMasterReadAllFields(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.put("environment", "work"); expected.put("password", "666flapJack"); expected.put("ssn", "000-00-0000"); expected.put("address", "100 Hinkledinkle Drive"); JSONObject actual = new JSONObject( client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), masterGuid)); JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, true); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading all fields in ACLReadAllFields: ", e); } } /** * */ public void test_137_ACLReadMyFields(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { // read my own field Assert.assertEquals("work", client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "environment", westyEntry)); // read another one of my fields field Assert.assertEquals("000-00-0000", client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "ssn", westyEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading fields in ACLReadMyFields: ", e); } } /** * */ public void test_138_ACLNotReadOtherGuidAllFieldsTest(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { String result = client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), samEntry); failWithStackTrace("Result of read of all of westy's fields by sam is " + result + " which is wrong because it should have been rejected."); } catch (ClientException e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading fields in ACLNotReadOtherGuidAllFieldsTest: ", e); } } /** * */ public void test_139_ACLNotReadOtherGuidFieldTest(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { String result = client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "environment", samEntry); failWithStackTrace("Result of read of westy's environment by sam is " + result + " which is wrong because it should have been rejected."); } catch (ClientException e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading fields in ACLNotReadOtherGuidFieldTest: ", e); } } /** * */ public void test_140_AddACLTest(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, westyEntry, "environment", samEntry.getGuid()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception adding Sam to Westy's readlist: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it in ACLPartOne: ", e); } } public void test_141_CheckACLTest(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { Assert.assertEquals("work", client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "environment", samEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while Sam reading Westy's field: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it in ACLPartOne: ", e); } } public void test_143_ACLAdjustACL(GuidEntry barneyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { // remove default read access for this test client.aclRemove(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, barneyEntry, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it in ACLPartTwo: ", e); } } public void test_144_ACLCreateFields(GuidEntry barneyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { // remove default read access for this test client.fieldUpdate(barneyEntry.getGuid(), "cell", "413-555-1234", barneyEntry); client.fieldUpdate(barneyEntry.getGuid(), "address", "100 Main Street", barneyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it in ACLPartTwo: ", e); } } public void test_145_ACLUpdateACL(GuidEntry barneyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { // let anybody read barney's cell field client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, barneyEntry, "cell", GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception creating ALL_GUIDS access for Barney's cell: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it in ACLPartTwo: ", e); } } public void test_146_ACLTestReadsOne(GuidEntry barneyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { Assert.assertEquals("413-555-1234", client.fieldRead(barneyEntry.getGuid(), "cell", samEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while Sam reading Barney' cell: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it in ACLPartOne: ", e); } } public void test_147_ACLTestReadsTwo(GuidEntry barneyEntry, GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { Assert.assertEquals("413-555-1234", client.fieldRead(barneyEntry.getGuid(), "cell", westyEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while Westy reading Barney' cell: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it in ACLTestReadsTwo: ", e); } } public void test_148_ACLTestReadsThree(GuidEntry barneyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { String result = client.fieldRead(barneyEntry.getGuid(), "address", samEntry); failWithStackTrace("Result of read of barney's address by sam is " + result + " which is wrong because it should have been rejected."); } catch (ClientException e) { if (e.getCode() == ResponseCode.ACCESS_ERROR) { System.out.print("This was expected for null querier trying to ReadUnsigned " + barneyEntry.getGuid() + "'s address: " + e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while Sam reading Barney' address: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it in ACLTestReadsThree: ", e); } } public void test_149_ACLALLFields(GuidEntry barneyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String superUserName = "superuser" + RandomString.randomString(6); try { try { client.lookupGuid(superUserName); failWithStackTrace(superUserName + " entity should not exist"); } catch (ClientException e) { } GuidEntry superuserEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, superUserName); // let superuser read any of barney's fields client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, barneyEntry, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), superuserEntry.getGuid()); Assert.assertEquals("413-555-1234", client.fieldRead(barneyEntry.getGuid(), "cell", superuserEntry)); Assert.assertEquals("100 Main Street", client.fieldRead(barneyEntry.getGuid(), "address", superuserEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it in ACLALLFields: ", e); } } public void test_150_ACLCreateDeeperField(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { client.fieldUpdate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "test.deeper.field", "fieldValue", westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Problem updating field: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it ACLCreateDeeperField: ", e); } } public void test_151_ACLAddDeeperFieldACL(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { // Create an empty ACL, effectively disabling access except by the guid itself. client.fieldCreateAcl(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, westyEntry, "test.deeper.field"); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Problem adding acl: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it ACLCreateDeeperField: ", e); } } public void test_152_ACLCheckDeeperFieldACLExists(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { Assert.assertTrue( client.fieldAclExists(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, westyEntry, "test.deeper.field")); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Problem reading acl: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it ACLCreateDeeperField: ", e); } } // This should pass even though the ACL for test.deeper.field is empty because you // can always read your own fields. public void test_153_ACLReadDeeperFieldSelf(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { Assert.assertEquals("fieldValue", client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "test.deeper.field", westyEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Problem adding read field: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it ACLCreateDeeperField: ", e); } } // This should fail because the ACL for test.deeper.field is empty. public void test_154_ACLReadDeeperFieldOtherFail(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { Assert.assertEquals("fieldValue", client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "test.deeper.field", samEntry)); failWithStackTrace("This read should have failed."); } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it ACLCreateDeeperField: ", e); } } // This should fail because the ACL for test.deeper.field is empty. public void test_156_ACLReadShallowFieldOtherFail(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { Assert.assertEquals("fieldValue", client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "test.deeper", samEntry)); failWithStackTrace("This read should have failed."); } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it ACLCreateDeeperField: ", e); } } public void test_157_AddAllRecordACL(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, westyEntry, "test", GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it ACLCreateDeeperField: ", e); } } // This should still fail because the ACL for test.deeper.field is empty even though test // now has an GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString() at the root (this is different than the old model). public void test_158_ACLReadDeeperFieldOtherFail(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { Assert.assertEquals("fieldValue", client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "test.deeper.field", samEntry)); failWithStackTrace("This read should have failed."); } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it ACLCreateDeeperField: ", e); } } /** * Runs a set of DB tests. * @throws Exception * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void test_160_DBTests() throws JSONException, Exception { GuidEntry westyEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "westy160" + RandomString.randomString(6)); test_170_DB(westyEntry); test_180_DBUpserts(westyEntry); } /** * Tests a bunch of different access methods. */ public void test_170_DB(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { client.fieldCreateOneElementList(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", "whacky", westyEntry); Assert.assertEquals("whacky", client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", westyEntry)); client.fieldAppendWithSetSemantics(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("hooch", "maya", "red", "sox", "toby")), westyEntry); HashSet<String> expected = new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList("hooch", "maya", "red", "sox", "toby", "whacky")); HashSet<String> actual = JSONUtils .JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); client.fieldClear(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("maya", "toby")), westyEntry); expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("hooch", "red", "sox", "whacky")); actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); client.fieldReplaceFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", "maya", westyEntry); Assert.assertEquals("maya", client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", westyEntry)); client.fieldAppendWithSetSemantics(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", "fred", westyEntry); expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("maya", "fred")); actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); client.fieldAppendWithSetSemantics(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", "fred", westyEntry); expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("maya", "fred")); actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "cats", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting testing DB: ", e); } } /** * Tests a bunch of different DB upsert methods. */ public void test_180_DBUpserts(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY HashSet<String> expected; HashSet<String> actual; try { client.fieldAppendOrCreate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "dogs", "bear", westyEntry); expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("bear")); actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "dogs", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("1) Looking for bear: ", e); } try { client.fieldAppendOrCreateList(westyEntry.getGuid(), "dogs", new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("wags", "tucker")), westyEntry); expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("bear", "wags", "tucker")); actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "dogs", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("2) Looking for bear, wags, tucker: ", e); } try { client.fieldReplaceOrCreate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "goats", "sue", westyEntry); expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("sue")); actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "goats", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("3) Looking for sue: ", e); } try { client.fieldReplaceOrCreate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "goats", "william", westyEntry); expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("william")); actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "goats", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("4) Looking for william: ", e); } try { client.fieldReplaceOrCreateList(westyEntry.getGuid(), "goats", new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("dink", "tink")), westyEntry); expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("dink", "tink")); actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "goats", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("5) Looking for dink, tink: ", e); } } /** * Tests different DB substitute methods. */ @Test public void test_190_Substitute() { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String testSubstituteGuid = "testSubstituteGUID" + RandomString.randomString(12); String field = "people"; GuidEntry testEntry = null; try { // Utils.clearTestGuids(client); // System.out.println("cleared old GUIDs"); testEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, testSubstituteGuid); System.out.print("created test guid: " + testEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception during init: ", e); } try { client.fieldAppendOrCreateList(testEntry.getGuid(), field, new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("Frank", "Joe", "Sally", "Rita")), testEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception during create: ", e); } try { HashSet<String> expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Frank", "Joe", "Sally", "Rita")); HashSet<String> actual = JSONUtils .JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(testEntry.getGuid(), field, testEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it: ", e); } try { client.fieldSubstitute(testEntry.getGuid(), field, "Christy", "Sally", testEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception during substitute: ", e); } try { HashSet<String> expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Frank", "Joe", "Christy", "Rita")); HashSet<String> actual = JSONUtils .JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(testEntry.getGuid(), field, testEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it: ", e); } } /** * Tests different DB substitute list methods. */ @Test public void test_200_SubstituteList() { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String testSubstituteListGuid = "testSubstituteListGUID" + RandomString.randomString(12); String field = "people"; GuidEntry testEntry = null; try { // Utils.clearTestGuids(client); // System.out.println("cleared old GUIDs"); testEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, testSubstituteListGuid); System.out.print("created test guid: " + testEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception during init: ", e); } try { client.fieldAppendOrCreateList(testEntry.getGuid(), field, new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("Frank", "Joe", "Sally", "Rita")), testEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception during create: ", e); } try { HashSet<String> expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Frank", "Joe", "Sally", "Rita")); HashSet<String> actual = JSONUtils .JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(testEntry.getGuid(), field, testEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it: ", e); } try { client.fieldSubstitute(testEntry.getGuid(), field, new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("BillyBob", "Hank")), new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("Frank", "Joe")), testEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception during substitute: ", e); } try { HashSet<String> expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("BillyBob", "Hank", "Sally", "Rita")); HashSet<String> actual = JSONUtils .JSONArrayToHashSet(client.fieldReadArray(testEntry.getGuid(), field, testEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it: ", e); } } /** * A set of tests for checking Group functionality. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test_210_GroupTests() throws Exception { GuidEntry westyEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "westy210" + RandomString.randomString(6)); GuidEntry samEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "sam210" + RandomString.randomString(6)); GuidEntry mygroupEntry = test_210_GroupCreate(); test_211_GroupAdd(westyEntry, samEntry, mygroupEntry); test_212_GroupRemoveGuid(); GuidEntry groupAccessUserEntry = test_220_GroupAndACLCreateGuids(mygroupEntry); test_221_GroupAndACLTestBadAccess(groupAccessUserEntry, westyEntry); test_222_GroupAndACLTestGoodAccess(groupAccessUserEntry, westyEntry); test_223_GroupAndACLTestRemoveGuid(westyEntry, mygroupEntry); test_224_GroupAndACLTestRemoveGuidCheck(samEntry, mygroupEntry); } /** * Create a group to test. * @throws Exception */ public GuidEntry test_210_GroupCreate() throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String mygroupName = "mygroup" + RandomString.randomString(12); try { client.lookupGuid(mygroupName); failWithStackTrace(mygroupName + " entity should not exist"); } catch (ClientException e) { //Expected } guidToDeleteEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "deleteMe" + RandomString.randomString(12)); GuidEntry mygroupEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, mygroupName); return mygroupEntry; } /** * Add guids to a group. */ public void test_211_GroupAdd(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry samEntry, GuidEntry mygroupEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { client.groupAddGuid(mygroupEntry.getGuid(), westyEntry.getGuid(), mygroupEntry); client.groupAddGuid(mygroupEntry.getGuid(), samEntry.getGuid(), mygroupEntry); client.groupAddGuid(mygroupEntry.getGuid(), guidToDeleteEntry.getGuid(), mygroupEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while adding to groups: ", e); } try { HashSet<String> expected = new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList(westyEntry.getGuid(), samEntry.getGuid(), guidToDeleteEntry.getGuid())); HashSet<String> actual = JSONUtils .JSONArrayToHashSet(client.groupGetMembers(mygroupEntry.getGuid(), mygroupEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(mygroupEntry.getGuid())); actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.guidGetGroups(westyEntry.getGuid(), westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while getting members and groups: ", e); } } /** * Remove a guid from a group. */ public void test_212_GroupRemoveGuid() { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY // now remove a guid and check for group updates try { client.guidRemove(masterGuid, guidToDeleteEntry.getGuid()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while removing testGuid: ", e); } try { client.lookupGuidRecord(guidToDeleteEntry.getGuid()); failWithStackTrace("Lookup testGuid should have throw an exception."); } catch (ClientException e) { } catch (IOException e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while doing Lookup testGuid: ", e); } } /** * Update some ACLs for group tests. * @throws Exception */ public GuidEntry test_220_GroupAndACLCreateGuids(GuidEntry mygroupEntry) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY // testGroup(); String groupAccessUserName = "groupAccessUser" + RandomString.randomString(12); GuidEntry groupAccessUserEntry; try { client.lookupGuid(groupAccessUserName); failWithStackTrace(groupAccessUserName + " entity should not exist"); } catch (ClientException e) { //Expected } groupAccessUserEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, groupAccessUserName); // remove all fields read by all client.aclRemove(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, groupAccessUserEntry, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); // test of remove all fields read by all JSONAssert.assertEquals(new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(masterGuid.getGuid())), client.aclGet(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, groupAccessUserEntry, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), groupAccessUserEntry.getGuid()), JSONCompareMode.STRICT); client.fieldCreateOneElementList(groupAccessUserEntry.getGuid(), "address", "23 Jumper Road", groupAccessUserEntry); client.fieldCreateOneElementList(groupAccessUserEntry.getGuid(), "age", "43", groupAccessUserEntry); client.fieldCreateOneElementList(groupAccessUserEntry.getGuid(), "hometown", "whoville", groupAccessUserEntry); client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, groupAccessUserEntry, "hometown", mygroupEntry.getGuid()); return groupAccessUserEntry; } /** * Test a a group access that should be denied. */ public void test_221_GroupAndACLTestBadAccess(GuidEntry groupAccessUserEntry, GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { String result = client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(groupAccessUserEntry.getGuid(), "address", westyEntry); failWithStackTrace("Result of read of groupAccessUser's age by sam is " + result + " which is wrong because it should have been rejected."); } catch (ClientException e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while attempting a failing read of groupAccessUser's age by sam: ", e); } } /** * Test an group access that should be allowed. */ public void test_222_GroupAndACLTestGoodAccess(GuidEntry groupAccessUserEntry, GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { Assert.assertEquals("whoville", client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(groupAccessUserEntry.getGuid(), "hometown", westyEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while attempting read of groupAccessUser's hometown by westy: ", e); } } /** * Remove a guid and test that it was. */ public void test_223_GroupAndACLTestRemoveGuid(GuidEntry westyEntry, GuidEntry mygroupEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { try { client.groupRemoveGuid(mygroupEntry.getGuid(), westyEntry.getGuid(), mygroupEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception removing westy from mygroup: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it: ", e); } } public void test_224_GroupAndACLTestRemoveGuidCheck(GuidEntry samEntry, GuidEntry mygroupEntry) { HashSet<String> expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(samEntry.getGuid())); HashSet<String> actual = null; int count = 50; // try 10 times or so do { try { if (count != 50) { Thread.sleep(100); } actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.groupGetMembers(mygroupEntry.getGuid(), mygroupEntry)); } catch (ClientException | IOException | JSONException | InterruptedException e) { } } while (count-- > 0 && (actual == null || !actual.equals(expected))); if (count < 49) { System.out.println("Waited " + (49 - count) + " times"); } Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } /** * Runs a set of Alias tests. */ @Test public void test_229_AliasTests() { String alias = "ALIAS-" + RandomString.randomString(6) + ""; test_230_AliasAdd(alias); test_231_AliasIsPresent(alias); // FIXME: Removed this because it never returns a result //System.out.println("ALIAS CHECK REMOVE"); //test_232_AliasCheckRemove(alias); } /** * Add an alias. */ public void test_230_AliasAdd(String alias) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { // KEEP IN MIND THAT CURRENTLY ONLY ACCOUNT GUIDS HAVE ALIASES // add an alias to the masterGuid client.addAlias(masterGuid, alias); // lookup the guid using the alias Assert.assertEquals(masterGuid.getGuid(), client.lookupGuid(alias)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while adding alias: ", e); } } /** * Test that recently added alias is present. */ public void test_231_AliasIsPresent(String alias) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { // grab all the alias from the guid HashSet<String> actual = JSONUtils.JSONArrayToHashSet(client.getAliases(masterGuid)); /* arun: This test has no reason to succeed because getAliases is * not coordinated or forceCoordinateable. */ // make sure our new one is in there Assert.assertThat(actual, hasItem(alias)); // now remove it client.removeAlias(masterGuid, alias); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception removing alias: ", e); } } /** * Check that removed alias is gone. */ public void test_232_AliasCheckRemove(String alias) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { // and make sure it is gone try { client.lookupGuid(alias); failWithStackTrace(alias + " should not exist"); } catch (ClientException e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while checking alias: ", e); } } /** * Write access checks. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test_240_WriteAccess() throws Exception { GuidEntry westyEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "westy240" + RandomString.randomString(6)); GuidEntry samEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "sam240" + RandomString.randomString(6)); GuidEntry barneyEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "barney240" + RandomString.randomString(6)); //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String fieldName = "whereAmI"; try { client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.WRITE_WHITELIST, westyEntry, fieldName, samEntry.getGuid()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception adding Sam to Westy's writelist: ", e); } // write my own field try { client.fieldReplaceFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), fieldName, "shopping", westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while Westy's writing own field: ", e); } // now check the value Assert.assertEquals("shopping", client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), fieldName, westyEntry)); // someone else write my field try { client.fieldReplaceFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), fieldName, "driving", samEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while Sam writing Westy's field: ", e); } // now check the value Assert.assertEquals("driving", client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), fieldName, westyEntry)); // do one that should fail try { client.fieldReplaceFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), fieldName, "driving", barneyEntry); failWithStackTrace("Write by barney should have failed!"); } catch (ClientException e) { //expected } } /** * Runs a set of UnsignedRead tests. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test_245_UnsignedReadTests() throws Exception { GuidEntry unsignedReadAccountGuid = test_249_UnsignedReadDefaultWriteCreateAccountGuid(); test_250_UnsignedReadDefaultAccountGuidWrite(unsignedReadAccountGuid); test_251_UnsignedReadDefaultAccountGuidRead(unsignedReadAccountGuid); String unsignedReadFieldName = "allreadaccess"; String unreadAbleReadFieldName = "cannotreadreadaccess"; GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid = test_252_UnsignedReadCreateGuids(unsignedReadAccountGuid); test_253_UnsignedReadCheckACL(unsignedReadAccountGuid, unsignedReadTestGuid); test_254_UnsignedReadDefaultWrite(unsignedReadTestGuid, unsignedReadFieldName); test_255_UnsignedReadDefaultRead(unsignedReadTestGuid, unsignedReadFieldName); test_256_UnsignedReadFailRemoveDefaultReadAccess(unsignedReadTestGuid); test_257_UnsignedReadCheckACLForRecord(unsignedReadAccountGuid, unsignedReadTestGuid); test_258_UnsignedReadFailWriteField(unsignedReadTestGuid, unreadAbleReadFieldName); test_259_UnsignedReadFailRead(unsignedReadTestGuid, unreadAbleReadFieldName); test_260_UnsignedReadAddFieldAccess(unsignedReadTestGuid, unsignedReadFieldName); test_261_UnsignedReadWithFieldAccess(unsignedReadTestGuid, unsignedReadFieldName); test_262_UnsignedReadFailAgain(unsignedReadTestGuid, unreadAbleReadFieldName); test_263_UnsignedReadFailMissingField(unsignedReadTestGuid); } public GuidEntry test_249_UnsignedReadDefaultWriteCreateAccountGuid() throws Exception { GuidEntry unsignedReadAccountGuid = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateAccountGuid(client, "unsignedReadAccountGuid249" + RandomString.randomString(12), PASSWORD, true); return unsignedReadAccountGuid; } /** * Tests for the default ACL list working with unsigned read. * Sets up the field in the account guid. * @throws IOException * @throws ClientException */ public void test_250_UnsignedReadDefaultAccountGuidWrite(GuidEntry unsignedReadAccountGuid) throws ClientException, IOException { client.fieldUpdate(unsignedReadAccountGuid, "aRandomFieldForUnsignedRead", "aRandomValue"); } /** * Tests for the default ACL list working with unsigned read. * Attempts to read the field. */ public void test_251_UnsignedReadDefaultAccountGuidRead(GuidEntry unsignedReadAccountGuid) { try { String response = client.fieldRead(unsignedReadAccountGuid.getGuid(), "aRandomFieldForUnsignedRead", null); Assert.assertEquals("aRandomValue", response); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception writing field UnsignedReadDefaultMasterWrite: ", e); } } // Creating 4 fields /** * Create the subguid for the unsigned read tests. * @throws Exception */ public GuidEntry test_252_UnsignedReadCreateGuids(GuidEntry unsignedReadAccountGuid) throws Exception { GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid = client.guidCreate(unsignedReadAccountGuid, "unsignedReadTestGuid" + RandomString.randomString(12)); System.out.println("Created: " + unsignedReadTestGuid); return unsignedReadTestGuid; } /** * Check the default ACL for the unsigned read tests. * The account guid and EVERYONE should be in the ENTIRE_RECORD ACL. */ public void test_253_UnsignedReadCheckACL(GuidEntry unsignedReadAccountGuid, GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid) { try { JSONArray expected = new JSONArray(new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList(unsignedReadAccountGuid.getGuid(), GNSProtocol.EVERYONE.toString()))); JSONArray actual = client.aclGet(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, unsignedReadTestGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), unsignedReadTestGuid.getGuid()); JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, false); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while retrieving ACL in UnsignedReadCheckACL: ", e); } } /** * Write the value the unsigned read tests. */ public void test_254_UnsignedReadDefaultWrite(GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid, String unsignedReadFieldName) { try { client.fieldUpdate(unsignedReadTestGuid.getGuid(), unsignedReadFieldName, "funkadelicread", unsignedReadTestGuid); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while writing value UnsignedReadDefaultWrite: ", e); } } /** * Check the value the unsigned read tests. */ public void test_255_UnsignedReadDefaultRead(GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid, String unsignedReadFieldName) { try { Assert.assertEquals("funkadelicread", client.fieldRead(unsignedReadTestGuid.getGuid(), unsignedReadFieldName, null)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception reading value in UnsignedReadDefaultRead: ", e); } } /** * Remove the default ENTIRE_RECORD read access. */ public void test_256_UnsignedReadFailRemoveDefaultReadAccess(GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid) { try { client.aclRemove(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, unsignedReadTestGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception removing defa in UnsignedReadDefaultRead: ", e); } } /** * Ensure that only the account guid is in the ACL. */ public void test_257_UnsignedReadCheckACLForRecord(GuidEntry unsignedReadAccountGuid, GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid) { try { JSONArray expected = new JSONArray(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(unsignedReadAccountGuid.getGuid()))); JSONArray actual = client.aclGet(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, unsignedReadTestGuid, GNSProtocol.ENTIRE_RECORD.toString(), unsignedReadTestGuid.getGuid()); JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, false); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while retrieving ACL in UnsignedReadCheckACL: ", e); } } /** * Write a value to the field we're going to try to read. */ public void test_258_UnsignedReadFailWriteField(GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid, String unreadAbleReadFieldName) { try { client.fieldUpdate(unsignedReadTestGuid.getGuid(), unreadAbleReadFieldName, "bummer", unsignedReadTestGuid); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while testing for denied unsigned access in UnsignedRead: ", e); } } /** * Attempt a read that should fail because ENTIRE_RECORD was removed. */ public void test_259_UnsignedReadFailRead(GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid, String unreadAbleReadFieldName) { try { try { String result = client.fieldRead(unsignedReadTestGuid.getGuid(), unreadAbleReadFieldName, null); failWithStackTrace("Result of read of test guid's " + unreadAbleReadFieldName + " in " + unsignedReadTestGuid.entityName + " as world readable was " + result + " which is wrong because it should have been rejected in UnsignedRead."); } catch (ClientException e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while testing for denied unsigned access in UnsignedRead: ", e); } } /** * Adds access for just the field we are trying to read. */ public void test_260_UnsignedReadAddFieldAccess(GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid, String unsignedReadFieldName) { try { client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.READ_WHITELIST, unsignedReadTestGuid, unsignedReadFieldName, GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception adding unsigned access in UnsignedReadAddFieldAccess: ", e); } } /** * Insures that we can read a world readable field without a guid. * This one has an ALL_GUIDS ACL just for this field. */ public void test_261_UnsignedReadWithFieldAccess(GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid, String unsignedReadFieldName) { try { Assert.assertEquals("funkadelicread", client.fieldRead(unsignedReadTestGuid.getGuid(), unsignedReadFieldName, null)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace( "Exception while testing for unsigned access in UnsignedReadAddReadWithFieldAccess: ", e); } } /** * Insures that we still can't read the non-world-readable field without a guid. */ public void test_262_UnsignedReadFailAgain(GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid, String unreadAbleReadFieldName) { try { try { String result = client.fieldRead(unsignedReadTestGuid.getGuid(), unreadAbleReadFieldName, null); failWithStackTrace("Result of read of test guid's " + unreadAbleReadFieldName + " in " + unsignedReadTestGuid.entityName + " as world readable was " + result + " which is wrong because it should have been rejected in UnsignedRead."); } catch (ClientException e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while testing for denied unsigned access in UnsignedRead: ", e); } } public void test_263_UnsignedReadFailMissingField(GuidEntry unsignedReadTestGuid) { String missingFieldName = "missingField" + RandomString.randomString(12); try { try { String result = client.fieldRead(unsignedReadTestGuid.getGuid(), missingFieldName, null); failWithStackTrace("Result of read of test guid's nonexistant field " + missingFieldName + " in " + unsignedReadTestGuid.entityName + " as world readable was " + result + " which is wrong because it should have failed."); } catch (ClientException e) { // The normal result } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while testing for denied unsigned access in UnsignedRead: ", e); } } /** * Runs a set of UnsignedRead tests. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test_264_UnsignedWriteTests() throws Exception { GuidEntry westyEntry = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuid(client, masterGuid, "westy264" + RandomString.randomString(6)); test_265_UnsignedWrite(westyEntry); test_270_RemoveField(westyEntry); } /** * Unsigned write tests. * @throws Exception */ public void test_265_UnsignedWrite(GuidEntry westyEntry) throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String unsignedWriteFieldName = "allwriteaccess"; String standardWriteFieldName = "standardwriteaccess"; try { client.fieldCreateOneElementList(westyEntry.getGuid(), unsignedWriteFieldName, "default", westyEntry); // make it writeable by everyone client.aclAdd(AclAccessType.WRITE_WHITELIST, westyEntry, unsignedWriteFieldName, GNSProtocol.ALL_GUIDS.toString()); client.fieldReplaceFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), unsignedWriteFieldName, "funkadelicwrite", westyEntry); Assert.assertEquals("funkadelicwrite", client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), unsignedWriteFieldName, westyEntry)); client.fieldCreateOneElementList(westyEntry.getGuid(), standardWriteFieldName, "bummer", westyEntry); try { client.fieldReplaceFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), standardWriteFieldName, "funkadelicwrite", null); failWithStackTrace("Write of westy's field " + standardWriteFieldName + " as world readable should have been rejected."); } catch (ClientException e) { } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception when we were not expecting it: ", e); } } /** * Test removing a field. */ public void test_270_RemoveField(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String fieldToDelete = "fieldToDelete"; try { client.fieldCreateOneElementList(westyEntry.getGuid(), fieldToDelete, "work", westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while creating the field: ", e); } try { // read my own field Assert.assertEquals("work", client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), fieldToDelete, westyEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading the field " + fieldToDelete + ": ", e); } try { client.fieldRemove(westyEntry.getGuid(), fieldToDelete, westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while removing field: ", e); } try { String result = client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), fieldToDelete, westyEntry); failWithStackTrace("Result of read of westy's " + fieldToDelete + " is " + result + " which is wrong because it should have been deleted."); } catch (ClientException e) { } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while removing field: ", e); } } /** * Tests that lists work correctly. */ public void test_280_ListOrderAndSetElement(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { westyEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "westy" + RandomString.randomString(12)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception during creation of westyEntry: ", e); } try { client.fieldCreateOneElementList(westyEntry.getGuid(), "numbers", "one", westyEntry); Assert.assertEquals("one", client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), "numbers", westyEntry)); client.fieldAppend(westyEntry.getGuid(), "numbers", "two", westyEntry); client.fieldAppend(westyEntry.getGuid(), "numbers", "three", westyEntry); client.fieldAppend(westyEntry.getGuid(), "numbers", "four", westyEntry); client.fieldAppend(westyEntry.getGuid(), "numbers", "five", westyEntry); List<String> expected = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three", "four", "five")); ArrayList<String> actual = JSONUtils .JSONArrayToArrayList(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "numbers", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); client.fieldSetElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), "numbers", "frank", 2, westyEntry); expected = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("one", "two", "frank", "four", "five")); actual = JSONUtils .JSONArrayToArrayList(client.fieldReadArray(westyEntry.getGuid(), "numbers", westyEntry)); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Unexpected exception during test: ", e); } } // @Test // public void test_310_BasicSelect() { // try { // JSONArray result ="cats", "fred"); // // best we can do since there will be one, but possibly more objects // // in results // Assert.assertThat(result.length(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(1)); // } catch (Exception e) { // fail("Exception when we were not expecting it: " , e); // } // } /** * Tests that selectNear and selectWithin work. */ @Test public void test_320_GeoSpatialSelect() { /* The SELECT tests will need extra long timeouts and some waitSettle commands * between writes and the SELECTs since the SELECTs are not force-coordinatable * and implementing force-coordination would be very complicated, and may not * worth the trouble since it would only be used for testing purposes. * * DONE: Add in waitSettle() between client.setLocation and the select call * for this test and any other similar ones. */ try { for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 5; cnt++) { GuidEntry testEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "geoTest-" + RandomString.randomString(12)); client.setLocation(testEntry, 0.0, 0.0); waitSettle(); //See comment under the method header. // arun: added this but unclear why we should need this at all JSONArray location = client.getLocation(testEntry.getGuid(), testEntry); assert (location.getDouble(0) == 0.0 && location.getDouble(1) == 0.0); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while writing fields for GeoSpatialSelect: ", e); } try { JSONArray loc = new JSONArray(); loc.put(1.0); loc.put(1.0); JSONArray result = client.selectNear(GNSProtocol.LOCATION_FIELD_NAME.toString(), loc, 2000000.0); // best we can do should be at least 5, but possibly more objects in // results Assert.assertThat(result.length(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(5)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectNear: ", e); } try { JSONArray rect = new JSONArray(); JSONArray upperLeft = new JSONArray(); upperLeft.put(1.0); upperLeft.put(1.0); JSONArray lowerRight = new JSONArray(); lowerRight.put(-1.0); lowerRight.put(-1.0); rect.put(upperLeft); rect.put(lowerRight); JSONArray result = client.selectWithin(GNSProtocol.LOCATION_FIELD_NAME.toString(), rect); // best we can do should be at least 5, but possibly more objects in // results Assert.assertThat(result.length(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(5)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectWithin: ", e); } } /** * Tests that selectQuery works. */ @Test public void test_330_QuerySelect() { String fieldName = "testQuery"; try { for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 5; cnt++) { GuidEntry testEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "queryTest-" + RandomString.randomString(12)); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(25)); client.fieldReplaceOrCreateList(testEntry.getGuid(), fieldName, array, testEntry); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while tryint to create the guids: ", e); } try { waitSettle(); //See comment under the method header for test_320_GeoSpatialSelect String query = "~" + fieldName + " : ($gt: 0)"; JSONArray result = client.selectQuery(query); for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { System.out.print(result.get(i).toString() + " "); } // best we can do should be at least 5, but possibly more objects in // results Assert.assertThat(result.length(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(5)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectNear: ", e); } try { JSONArray rect = new JSONArray(); JSONArray upperLeft = new JSONArray(); upperLeft.put(1.0); upperLeft.put(1.0); JSONArray lowerRight = new JSONArray(); lowerRight.put(-1.0); lowerRight.put(-1.0); rect.put(upperLeft); rect.put(lowerRight); JSONArray result = client.selectWithin(GNSProtocol.LOCATION_FIELD_NAME.toString(), rect); // best we can do should be at least 5, but possibly more objects in // results Assert.assertThat(result.length(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(5)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectWithin: ", e); } } /** * Tests fieldSetNull. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test_400_SetFieldNull() throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String field = "fieldToSetToNull"; GuidEntry westyEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "westy400" + RandomString.randomString(12)); System.out.print("Created: " + westyEntry); try { client.fieldCreateOneElementList(westyEntry.getGuid(), field, "work", westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while creating the field: ", e); } try { // read my own field Assert.assertEquals("work", client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), field, westyEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading the field " + field + ": ", e); } try { client.fieldSetNull(westyEntry.getGuid(), field, westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while setting field to null field: ", e); } try { Assert.assertEquals(null, client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(westyEntry.getGuid(), field, westyEntry)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading the field " + field + ": ", e); } } /** * A set of tests for testing JSONUpdate. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test_405_JSONUpdate_Tests() throws Exception { GuidEntry westyEntry = test_410_JSONUpdate(); test_420_NewRead(westyEntry); test_430_NewUpdate(westyEntry); } /** * Tests update using JSON. * @throws Exception */ public GuidEntry test_410_JSONUpdate() throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY GuidEntry westyEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "westy410" + RandomString.randomString(12)); System.out.print("Created: " + westyEntry); try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "frank"); json.put("occupation", "busboy"); json.put("location", "work"); json.put("friends", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Joe", "Sam", "Billy"))); JSONObject subJson = new JSONObject(); subJson.put("einy", "floop"); subJson.put("meiny", "bloop"); json.put("gibberish", subJson); client.update(westyEntry, json); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while updating JSON: ", e); } try { JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.put("name", "frank"); expected.put("occupation", "busboy"); expected.put("location", "work"); expected.put("friends", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Joe", "Sam", "Billy"))); JSONObject subJson = new JSONObject(); subJson.put("einy", "floop"); subJson.put("meiny", "bloop"); expected.put("gibberish", subJson); JSONObject actual =; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); System.out.println(actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading JSON: ", e); } try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("occupation", "rocket scientist"); client.update(westyEntry, json); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while changing \"occupation\" to \"rocket scientist\": ", e); } try { JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.put("name", "frank"); expected.put("occupation", "rocket scientist"); expected.put("location", "work"); expected.put("friends", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Joe", "Sam", "Billy"))); JSONObject subJson = new JSONObject(); subJson.put("einy", "floop"); subJson.put("meiny", "bloop"); expected.put("gibberish", subJson); JSONObject actual =; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); System.out.println(actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading change of \"occupation\" to \"rocket scientist\": ", e); } try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("ip address", ""); client.update(westyEntry, json); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while adding field \"ip address\" with value \"\": ", e); } try { JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.put("name", "frank"); expected.put("occupation", "rocket scientist"); expected.put("location", "work"); expected.put("ip address", ""); expected.put("friends", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Joe", "Sam", "Billy"))); JSONObject subJson = new JSONObject(); subJson.put("einy", "floop"); subJson.put("meiny", "bloop"); expected.put("gibberish", subJson); JSONObject actual =; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); System.out.println(actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading JSON: ", e); } try { client.fieldRemove(westyEntry.getGuid(), "gibberish", westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception during remove field \"gibberish\": ", e); } try { JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.put("name", "frank"); expected.put("occupation", "rocket scientist"); expected.put("location", "work"); expected.put("ip address", ""); expected.put("friends", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Joe", "Sam", "Billy"))); JSONObject actual =; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); System.out.println(actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading JSON: ", e); } return westyEntry; } /** * Tests that dotted field reads work. */ public void test_420_NewRead(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject subJson = new JSONObject(); subJson.put("sally", "red"); subJson.put("sammy", "green"); JSONObject subsubJson = new JSONObject(); subsubJson.put("right", "seven"); subsubJson.put("left", "eight"); subJson.put("sally", subsubJson); json.put("flapjack", subJson); client.update(westyEntry, json); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while adding field \"flapjack\": ", e); } try { JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.put("name", "frank"); expected.put("occupation", "rocket scientist"); expected.put("location", "work"); expected.put("ip address", ""); expected.put("friends", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Joe", "Sam", "Billy"))); JSONObject subJson = new JSONObject(); subJson.put("sammy", "green"); JSONObject subsubJson = new JSONObject(); subsubJson.put("right", "seven"); subsubJson.put("left", "eight"); subJson.put("sally", subsubJson); expected.put("flapjack", subJson); JSONObject actual =; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); System.out.println(actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading JSON: ", e); } try { String actual = client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "flapjack.sally.right", westyEntry); Assert.assertEquals("seven", actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading \"flapjack.sally.right\": ", e); } try { String actual = client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "flapjack.sally", westyEntry); String expected = "{ \"left\" : \"eight\" , \"right\" : \"seven\"}"; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading \"flapjack.sally\": ", e); } try { String actual = client.fieldRead(westyEntry.getGuid(), "flapjack", westyEntry); String expected = "{ \"sammy\" : \"green\" , \"sally\" : { \"left\" : \"eight\" , \"right\" : \"seven\"}}"; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading \"flapjack\": ", e); } } /** * Tests that dotted field updates work. */ public void test_430_NewUpdate(GuidEntry westyEntry) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { client.fieldUpdate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "flapjack.sally.right", "crank", westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while updating field \"flapjack.sally.right\": ", e); } try { JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.put("name", "frank"); expected.put("occupation", "rocket scientist"); expected.put("location", "work"); expected.put("ip address", ""); expected.put("friends", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Joe", "Sam", "Billy"))); JSONObject subJson = new JSONObject(); subJson.put("sammy", "green"); JSONObject subsubJson = new JSONObject(); subsubJson.put("right", "crank"); subsubJson.put("left", "eight"); subJson.put("sally", subsubJson); expected.put("flapjack", subJson); JSONObject actual =; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); System.out.println(actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading JSON: ", e); } try { client.fieldUpdate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "flapjack.sammy", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("One", "Ready", "Frap")), westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while updating field \"flapjack.sammy\": ", e); } try { JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.put("name", "frank"); expected.put("occupation", "rocket scientist"); expected.put("location", "work"); expected.put("ip address", ""); expected.put("friends", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Joe", "Sam", "Billy"))); JSONObject subJson = new JSONObject(); subJson.put("sammy", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("One", "Ready", "Frap"))); JSONObject subsubJson = new JSONObject(); subsubJson.put("right", "crank"); subsubJson.put("left", "eight"); subJson.put("sally", subsubJson); expected.put("flapjack", subJson); JSONObject actual =; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); System.out.println(actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading JSON: ", e); } try { JSONObject moreJson = new JSONObject(); moreJson.put("name", "dog"); moreJson.put("flyer", "shattered"); moreJson.put("crash", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Tango", "Sierra", "Alpha"))); client.fieldUpdate(westyEntry.getGuid(), "flapjack", moreJson, westyEntry); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while updating field \"flapjack\": ", e); } try { JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.put("name", "frank"); expected.put("occupation", "rocket scientist"); expected.put("location", "work"); expected.put("ip address", ""); expected.put("friends", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Joe", "Sam", "Billy"))); JSONObject moreJson = new JSONObject(); moreJson.put("name", "dog"); moreJson.put("flyer", "shattered"); moreJson.put("crash", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Tango", "Sierra", "Alpha"))); expected.put("flapjack", moreJson); JSONObject actual =; JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); System.out.println(actual); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading JSON: ", e); } } /** * A set of tests for testing ByteFields * @throws IOException * @throws ClientException */ public void test_435_ByteField_Tests() throws ClientException, IOException { final String BYTE_TEST_FIELD = "testBytes" + RandomString.randomString(12); byte[] byteTestValue; byteTestValue = test_440_CreateBytesField(BYTE_TEST_FIELD); test_441_ReadBytesField(BYTE_TEST_FIELD, byteTestValue); } /** * Tests that updating a field with bytes. * @return a byte array * @throws IOException * @throws ClientException */ public byte[] test_440_CreateBytesField(String BYTE_TEST_FIELD) throws ClientException, IOException { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY byte[] byteTestValue = RandomUtils.nextBytes(16000); String encodedValue = Base64.encodeToString(byteTestValue, true); // System.out.println("Encoded string: " + encodedValue); client.fieldUpdate(masterGuid, BYTE_TEST_FIELD, encodedValue); return byteTestValue; } /** * Tests reading a field as bytes. * @param byteTestValue * @param BYTE_TEST_FIELD */ public void test_441_ReadBytesField(String BYTE_TEST_FIELD, byte[] byteTestValue) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { String string = client.fieldRead(masterGuid, BYTE_TEST_FIELD); // System.out.println("Read string: " + string); Assert.assertArrayEquals(byteTestValue, Base64.decode(string)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while reading field: ", e); } } private static int numberTocreate = 100; /** * The test set for testing batch creates. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test_500_Batch_Tests() throws Exception { GuidEntry accountGuidForBatch = test_510_CreateBatchAccountGuid(); test_511_CreateBatch(accountGuidForBatch); test_512_CheckBatch(accountGuidForBatch); } /** * Create an account for batch test. * @throws Exception */ public GuidEntry test_510_CreateBatchAccountGuid() throws Exception { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY // can change the number to create on the command line GuidEntry accountGuidForBatch; if (System.getProperty("count") != null && !System.getProperty("count").isEmpty()) { numberTocreate = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("count")); } String batchAccountAlias = "batchTest510" + RandomString.randomString(12) + ""; accountGuidForBatch = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateAccountGuid(client, batchAccountAlias, "password", true); return accountGuidForBatch; } /** * Create some guids with batch create. */ public void test_511_CreateBatch(GuidEntry accountGuidForBatch) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY Set<String> aliases = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberTocreate; i++) { //Brendan: I added Integer.toString(i) to this to guarantee no collisions during creation. aliases.add("testGUID511" + Integer.toString(i) + RandomString.randomString(12)); } String result = null; long oldTimeout = client.getReadTimeout(); try { client.setReadTimeout(20 * 1000); // 30 seconds client.guidBatchCreate(accountGuidForBatch, aliases); //result = client.guidBatchCreate(accountGuidForBatch, aliases); client.setReadTimeout(oldTimeout); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while creating guids: ", e); } //Assert.assertEquals(GNSProtocol.OK_RESPONSE.toString(), result); } /** * Check the batch creation. */ public void test_512_CheckBatch(GuidEntry accountGuidForBatch) { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY try { JSONObject accountRecord = client.lookupAccountRecord(accountGuidForBatch.getGuid()); Assert.assertEquals(numberTocreate, accountRecord.getInt("guidCnt")); } catch (JSONException | ClientException | IOException e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while fetching account record: ", e); } } /** * A test set for checking field indices. * @throws JSONException * @throws IOException * @throws ClientException */ @Test public void test_530_Index_Tests() throws ClientException, IOException, JSONException { String createIndexTestField = test_540_CreateField(); test_541_CreateIndex(createIndexTestField); test_610_SelectPass(createIndexTestField); } /** * Create a field for test index. * @throws JSONException * @throws IOException * @throws ClientException */ public String test_540_CreateField() throws ClientException, IOException, JSONException { //CHECKED FOR VALIDITY String createIndexTestField = "testField" + RandomString.randomString(12); client.fieldUpdate(masterGuid, createIndexTestField, createGeoJSONPolygon(AREA_EXTENT)); return createIndexTestField; } /** * Create an index. */ public void test_541_CreateIndex(String createIndexTestField) { /* TODO: Need to check that fieldCreateIndex always follows the fieldUpdate * done in the previous test, or that it doesn't need to. */ try { client.fieldCreateIndex(masterGuid, createIndexTestField, "2dsphere"); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while creating index: ", e); } } /** * Insure that the indexed field can be used. */ public void test_610_SelectPass(String createIndexTestField) { try { JSONArray result = client.selectQuery(buildQuery(createIndexTestField, AREA_EXTENT)); for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { System.out.println(result.get(i).toString()); } Assert.assertThat(result.length(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(1)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing second selectNear: ", e); } } private static final String TEST_HIGH_VALUE = "25"; private static final String TEST_LOW_VALUE = "10"; /** * A set of tests for testing Queries. * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws EncryptionException */ @Test public void test_550_Query_Tests() throws EncryptionException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { String groupTestFieldName = "_SelectAutoGroupTestQueryField_" + RandomString.randomString(12); GuidEntry groupOneGuid; GuidEntry groupTwoGuid; String queryOne = "~" + groupTestFieldName + " : {$gt: 20}"; String queryTwo = "~" + groupTestFieldName + " : 0"; test_551_QueryRemovePreviousTestFields(groupTestFieldName); if (!enable552) return; List<GuidEntry> list = test_552_QuerySetupGuids(groupTestFieldName, queryOne, queryTwo); groupOneGuid = list.get(0); groupTwoGuid = list.get(1); test_553_QuerySetupGroup(groupTestFieldName, groupOneGuid); test_554_QuerySetupSecondGroup(groupTestFieldName, groupTwoGuid); test_555_QueryLookupGroup(groupTestFieldName, groupOneGuid); test_556_QueryLookupGroupAgain(groupTestFieldName, groupOneGuid); test_557_LookupGroupAgain2(groupTestFieldName, groupOneGuid); test_558_QueryLookupGroupAgain3(groupTestFieldName, groupOneGuid); test_559_QueryAlterGroup(groupTestFieldName, groupOneGuid); test_560_QueryLookupGroupAfterAlterations(groupTestFieldName, groupOneGuid); test_561_QueryLookupSecondGroup(groupTestFieldName, groupTwoGuid); } private static void checkSelectTheReturnValues(JSONArray result, String groupTestFieldName) throws Exception { // should be 5 Assert.assertThat(result.length(), equalTo(5)); // look up the individual values for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { BasicGuidEntry guidInfo = new BasicGuidEntry(client.lookupGuidRecord(result.getString(i))); GuidEntry entry = GuidUtils.lookupGuidEntryFromDatabase(client, guidInfo.getEntityName()); String value = client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(entry, groupTestFieldName); Assert.assertEquals(TEST_HIGH_VALUE, value); } } /** * Remove any old fields from previous tests for group tests. */ public void test_551_QueryRemovePreviousTestFields(String groupTestFieldName) { // find all the guids that have our field and remove it from them try { String query = "~" + groupTestFieldName + " : {$exists: true}"; JSONArray result = client.selectQuery(query); for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { BasicGuidEntry guidInfo = new BasicGuidEntry(client.lookupGuidRecord(result.getString(i))); GuidEntry guidEntry = GuidUtils.lookupGuidEntryFromDatabase(client, guidInfo.getEntityName()); System.out.println("Removing from " + guidEntry.getEntityName()); client.fieldRemove(guidEntry, groupTestFieldName); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Trying to remove previous test's fields: ", e); } } private static boolean enable552 = false; /** * Setup some guids for group testing. * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws EncryptionException */ public List<GuidEntry> test_552_QuerySetupGuids(String groupTestFieldName, String queryOne, String queryTwo) throws EncryptionException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { if (!enable552) return new ArrayList<GuidEntry>(0); try { for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 5; cnt++) { GuidEntry testEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "queryTest-" + RandomString.randomString(6)); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(Integer.parseInt(TEST_HIGH_VALUE))); client.fieldReplaceOrCreateList(testEntry, groupTestFieldName, array); } for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 5; cnt++) { GuidEntry testEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "queryTest-" + RandomString.randomString(6)); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(Integer.parseInt(TEST_LOW_VALUE))); client.fieldReplaceOrCreateList(testEntry, groupTestFieldName, array); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while trying to create the guids: ", e); } // the HRN is a hash of the query String groupOneGuidName = Base64.encodeToString(SHA1HashFunction.getInstance().hash(queryOne), false); GuidEntry groupOneGuid = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuidEntry(groupOneGuidName, client.getGNSProvider()); //groupGuid = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, groupGuidName + RandomString.randomString(6)); // the HRN is a hash of the query String groupTwoGuidName = Base64.encodeToString(SHA1HashFunction.getInstance().hash(queryTwo), false); GuidEntry groupTwoGuid = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateGuidEntry(groupTwoGuidName, client.getGNSProvider()); //groupTwoGuid = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, groupTwoGuidName + RandomString.randomString(6)); List<GuidEntry> list = new ArrayList<GuidEntry>(2); list.add(groupOneGuid); list.add(groupTwoGuid); return list; } /** * Setup some grouos for group testing. */ public void test_553_QuerySetupGroup(String groupTestFieldName, GuidEntry groupOneGuid) { if (!enable552) return; try { String query = "~" + groupTestFieldName + " : {$gt: 20}"; JSONArray result = client.selectSetupGroupQuery(masterGuid, groupOneGuid.getPublicKeyString(), query, 0); // make the min refresh 0 seconds so the test will never fail System.out.println("*****SETUP guid named " + groupOneGuid.getEntityName() + ": "); for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { System.out.println(result.get(i).toString()); } // best we can do should be at least 5, but possibly more objects in results Assert.assertThat(result.length(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(5)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectSetupGroupQuery: ", e); } } /** * Setup some empty group guids for group testing. */ public void test_554_QuerySetupSecondGroup(String groupTestFieldName, GuidEntry groupTwoGuid) { if (!enable552) return; try { String query = "~" + groupTestFieldName + " : 0"; JSONArray result = client.selectSetupGroupQuery(masterGuid, groupTwoGuid.getPublicKeyString(), query, 0); // make the min refresh 0 seconds so the test will never fail System.out.println( "*****SETUP SECOND guid named " + groupTwoGuid.getEntityName() + ": (should be empty) "); for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { System.out.println(result.get(i).toString()); } // should be nothing in this group now Assert.assertThat(result.length(), equalTo(0)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing second selectSetupGroupQuery: ", e); } } /** * Lookup the group members. */ public void test_555_QueryLookupGroup(String groupTestFieldName, GuidEntry groupOneGuid) { if (!enable552) return; try { JSONArray result = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupOneGuid.getGuid()); checkSelectTheReturnValues(result, groupTestFieldName); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectLookupGroupQuery: ", e); } } /** * Lookup the group members again. */ public void test_556_QueryLookupGroupAgain(String groupTestFieldName, GuidEntry groupOneGuid) { if (!enable552) return; try { JSONArray result = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupOneGuid.getGuid()); checkSelectTheReturnValues(result, groupTestFieldName); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectLookupGroupQuery: ", e); } } /** * Lookup the group members again. */ public void test_557_LookupGroupAgain2(String groupTestFieldName, GuidEntry groupOneGuid) { if (!enable552) return; try { JSONArray result = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupOneGuid.getGuid()); checkSelectTheReturnValues(result, groupTestFieldName); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectLookupGroupQuery: ", e); } } /** * Lookup the group members again. */ public void test_558_QueryLookupGroupAgain3(String groupTestFieldName, GuidEntry groupOneGuid) { if (!enable552) return; try { JSONArray result = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupOneGuid.getGuid()); checkSelectTheReturnValues(result, groupTestFieldName); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectLookupGroupQuery: ", e); } } /** * Change the value that the group is triggered on. */ // Change all the testQuery fields except 1 to be equal to zero public void test_559_QueryAlterGroup(String groupTestFieldName, GuidEntry groupOneGuid) { if (!enable552) return; try { JSONArray result = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupOneGuid.getGuid()); // change ALL BUT ONE to be ZERO for (int i = 0; i < result.length() - 1; i++) { BasicGuidEntry guidInfo = new BasicGuidEntry(client.lookupGuidRecord(result.getString(i))); GuidEntry entry = GuidUtils.lookupGuidEntryFromDatabase(client, guidInfo.getEntityName()); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(0)); client.fieldReplaceOrCreateList(entry, groupTestFieldName, array); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while trying to alter the fields: ", e); } } /** * Lookup the group members again after the change. */ public void test_560_QueryLookupGroupAfterAlterations(String groupTestFieldName, GuidEntry groupOneGuid) { if (!enable552) return; // Westy - Added this to see if it helps with failures... try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { JSONArray result = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupOneGuid.getGuid()); // should only be one Assert.assertThat(result.length(), equalTo(1)); // look up the individual values for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { BasicGuidEntry guidInfo = new BasicGuidEntry(client.lookupGuidRecord(result.getString(i))); GuidEntry entry = GuidUtils.lookupGuidEntryFromDatabase(client, guidInfo.getEntityName()); String value = client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(entry, groupTestFieldName); Assert.assertEquals(TEST_HIGH_VALUE, value); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectLookupGroupQuery: ", e); } } /** * Check to see if the second group has members now... it should. */ public void test_561_QueryLookupSecondGroup(String groupTestFieldName, GuidEntry groupTwoGuid) { if (!enable552) return; try { JSONArray result = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupTwoGuid.getGuid()); // should be 4 now Assert.assertThat(result.length(), equalTo(4)); // look up the individual values for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { BasicGuidEntry guidInfo = new BasicGuidEntry(client.lookupGuidRecord(result.getString(i))); GuidEntry entry = GuidUtils.lookupGuidEntryFromDatabase(client, guidInfo.getEntityName()); String value = client.fieldReadArrayFirstElement(entry, groupTestFieldName); Assert.assertEquals("0", value); } } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception executing selectLookupGroupQuery: ", e); } } /** * Test to check context service triggers. */ // these two attributes right now are supported by CS @Test public void test_620_contextServiceTest() { // run it only when CS is enabled // to check if context service is enabled. boolean enableContextService = Config.getGlobalBoolean(GNSConfig.GNSC.ENABLE_CNS); String csIPPort = Config.getGlobalString(GNSConfig.GNSC.CNS_NODE_ADDRESS); if (enableContextService) { try { JSONObject attrValJSON = new JSONObject(); attrValJSON.put("geoLocationCurrentLat", 42.466); attrValJSON.put("geoLocationCurrentLong", -72.58); client.update(masterGuid, attrValJSON); // just wait for 2 sec before sending search Thread.sleep(2000); String[] parsed = csIPPort.split(":"); String csIP = parsed[0]; int csPort = Integer.parseInt(parsed[1]); ContextServiceClient<Integer> csClient = new ContextServiceClient<Integer>(csIP, csPort); // context service query format String query = "SELECT GUID_TABLE.guid FROM GUID_TABLE WHERE geoLocationCurrentLat >= 40 " + "AND geoLocationCurrentLat <= 50 AND " + "geoLocationCurrentLong >= -80 AND " + "geoLocationCurrentLong <= -70"; JSONArray resultArray = new JSONArray(); // third argument is arbitrary expiry time, not used now int resultSize = csClient.sendSearchQuery(query, resultArray, 300000); Assert.assertThat(resultSize, greaterThanOrEqualTo(1)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception during contextServiceTest: ", e); } } } /** * A basic test to insure that setting LNS Proxy minimally doesn't break. */ // FIXME: Maybe add something in here to insure that we're actually using an LNS? @Test public void test_630_CheckLNSProxy() { try { //PaxosConfig.getActives() works here because the server and client use the same properties file. InetAddress lnsAddress = PaxosConfig.getActives().values().iterator().next().getAddress(); client.setGNSProxy(new InetSocketAddress(lnsAddress, 24598)); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while setting proxy: ", e); } String guidString = null; try { guidString = client.lookupGuid(accountAlias); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while looking up guid: ", e); } JSONObject json = null; if (guidString != null) { try { json = client.lookupAccountRecord(guidString); } catch (Exception e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while looking up account record: ", e); } } Assert.assertNotNull("Account record is null", json); try { Assert.assertEquals("Account name doesn't match", accountAlias, json.getString(GNSProtocol.ACCOUNT_RECORD_USERNAME.toString())); } catch (JSONException e) { failWithStackTrace("Exception while looking up account name: ", e); } client.setGNSProxy(null); } private HashMap<String, String> readingOptionsFromNSProperties() { HashMap<String, String> propMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); BufferedReader br = null; try { String sCurrentLine; String filename = new File(System.getProperty(DefaultProps.SERVER_COMMAND.key)).getParent() + "/"; if (!new File(filename).exists()) { return propMap; } br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] parsed = sCurrentLine.split("="); if (parsed.length == 2) { propMap.put(parsed[0].trim(), parsed[1].trim()); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (br != null) { br.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return propMap; } // HELPER STUFF private static final String POLYGON = "Polygon"; private static final String COORDINATES = "coordinates"; private static final String TYPE = "type"; private static JSONObject createGeoJSONPolygon(List<Point2D> coordinates) throws JSONException { JSONArray ring = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size(); i++) { ring.put(i, new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(coordinates.get(i).getX(), coordinates.get(i).getY()))); } JSONArray jsonCoordinates = new JSONArray(); jsonCoordinates.put(0, ring); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put(TYPE, POLYGON); json.put(COORDINATES, jsonCoordinates); return json; } private static final double LEFT = -98.08; private static final double RIGHT = -96.01; private static final double TOP = 33.635; private static final double BOTTOM = 31.854; private static final Point2D UPPER_LEFT = new Point2D.Double(LEFT, TOP); // private static final GlobalCoordinate UPPER_LEFT = new // GlobalCoordinate(33.45, -98.08); private static final Point2D UPPER_RIGHT = new Point2D.Double(RIGHT, TOP); // private static final GlobalCoordinate UPPER_RIGHT = new // GlobalCoordinate(33.45, -96.01); private static final Point2D LOWER_RIGHT = new Point2D.Double(RIGHT, BOTTOM); // private static final GlobalCoordinate LOWER_RIGHT = new // GlobalCoordinate(32.23, -96.01); private static final Point2D LOWER_LEFT = new Point2D.Double(LEFT, BOTTOM); // private static final GlobalCoordinate LOWER_LEFT = new // GlobalCoordinate(32.23, -98.08); private static final List<Point2D> AREA_EXTENT = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList(UPPER_LEFT, UPPER_RIGHT, LOWER_RIGHT, LOWER_LEFT, UPPER_LEFT)); private static String buildQuery(String locationField, List<Point2D> coordinates) throws JSONException { return "~" + locationField + ":{" + "$geoIntersects :{" + "$geometry:" + createGeoJSONPolygon(coordinates).toString() + "}" + "}"; } /** * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(ServerIntegrationTestV2.class); System.out.println("\n\n-----------Completed all " + result.getRunCount() + " tests" + (result.getFailureCount() > 0 ? "; the following " + result.getFailureCount() + " tests failed:" : " successfully") + "--------------"); for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { System.out.println(failure.toString() + "\n"); } } }