Source code

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 Authors : Mathieu Bastian <>
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package edu.uic.cs.compbio.DyNSPK;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.gephi.dynamic.api.DynamicController;
import org.gephi.dynamic.api.DynamicModel;
import org.gephi.graph.api.*;
import org.gephi.statistics.plugin.ChartUtils;
import org.gephi.statistics.spi.DynamicStatistics;
import org.gephi.utils.longtask.spi.LongTask;
import org.gephi.utils.progress.ProgressTicket;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;

 * @author Mathieu Bastian
public class DynamicEntropy implements DynamicStatistics, LongTask {

    private GraphModel graphModel;
    private DynamicModel dynamicModel;
    private double window;
    private double tick;
    private Interval bounds;
    private boolean isDirected;
    private boolean averageOnly;
    private boolean cancel = false;
    //private List<Interval<Double>> averages;
    private Map<Double, Double> degreeTs;
    private int first;
    private Node[] previousnodes;
    private Edge[] previousedges;
    private Map<Double, Double> nodedata;
    private Map<Double, Double> edgedata;
    private Map<Double, Double> sumdata;

    public DynamicEntropy() {
        GraphController graphController = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(GraphController.class);
        if (graphController != null && graphController.getModel() != null) {
            isDirected = graphController.getModel().isDirected();

    public void execute(GraphModel graphModel, AttributeModel attributeModel) {
        this.graphModel = graphModel;
        //this.averages = new ArrayList<Interval<Double>>();
        this.degreeTs = new HashMap<Double, Double>();
        this.nodedata = new HashMap<Double, Double>();
        this.edgedata = new HashMap<Double, Double>();
        this.sumdata = new HashMap<Double, Double>();
        this.isDirected = graphModel.isDirected();
        this.dynamicModel = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(DynamicController.class).getModel(graphModel.getWorkspace());


    public String makeChart(Map<Double, Double> data, String filename, String Title, String XAxis, String YAxis) {
        //Time series

        XYSeries dSeries = ChartUtils.createXYSeries(data, Title);

        XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

        JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(Title, XAxis, YAxis, dataset, PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL,
                true, false, false);

        ChartUtils.scaleChart(chart, dSeries, false);
        String degreeImageFile = ChartUtils.renderChart(chart, filename);
        return degreeImageFile;

    public String getReport() {
        NumberFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0.000000");

        String report = "<HTML> <BODY> <h1>Dynamic Entropy Report </h1> " + "<hr>" + "<br> Bounds: from "
                + f.format(bounds.getLow()) + " to " + f.format(bounds.getHigh()) + "<br> Window: " + window
                + "<br> Tick: " + tick + "<br><br><h2> Average degrees over time: </h2>" + "<br /><br />"
                + makeChart(this.nodedata, "nodets.png", "Node Entropy Time Series", " Time", "Node Changes")
                + makeChart(this.edgedata, "edgets.png", "Edge Entropy Time Series", " Time", "Edge Changes")
                + makeChart(this.sumdata, "sumts.png", "Entropy Time Series", " Time", "Total Changes");
         * private Map<Double, Double> nodedata; private Map<Double, Double>
         * edgedata; private Map<Double, Double> sumdata;
         * for (Interval<Double> average : averages) { report +=
         * average.toString(dynamicModel.getTimeFormat().equals(DynamicModel.TimeFormat.DOUBLE))
         * + "<br />";
        report += "<br /><br /></BODY></HTML>";
        return report;

    public void loop(GraphView window, Interval interval) {

        //Time complexity of this algorithm is the cost of visiting each window twice and seeing if there is a change of edges or nodes.
        HierarchicalGraph graph = graphModel.getHierarchicalGraph(window);
        HierarchicalDirectedGraph directedGraph = null;
        if (isDirected) {
            directedGraph = graphModel.getHierarchicalDirectedGraph(window);
            if (this.first == 0) {
                //Initialization. Since this is executed first we allow for the previous window to be accessed 
                previousedges = directedGraph.getEdges().toArray();

                previousnodes = directedGraph.getNodes().toArray();
                edgedata.put(interval.getHigh(), 0.0);
                nodedata.put(interval.getHigh(), 0.0);
            } else if (this.first == 1) {

                //Here we count the changes 
                double edgedelta = 0.0;

                for (Edge prevedge : previousedges) {
                    if (!directedGraph.contains(prevedge)) {

                    for (Edge nextedge : directedGraph.getEdges())
                        if (!prevedge.equals(nextedge)) {


                // edgedelta = edgedelta / Collections.max(edgedata.values());

                edgedata.put(interval.getHigh(), edgedelta);
                double nodedelta = 0;
                for (Node prevnode : previousnodes) {
                    if (!directedGraph.contains(prevnode)) {
                    for (Node nextnode : directedGraph.getNodes())
                        if (!prevnode.equals(nextnode)) {


                //nodedelta = nodedelta / Collections.max(edgedata.values());
                nodedata.put(interval.getHigh(), nodedelta);
                Double sumdelta = (nodedelta + edgedelta);
                sumdata.put(interval.getHigh(), sumdelta);
                //Now we mutate previous edge and node so we can compare it in the next window
                previousedges = directedGraph.getEdges().toArray();
                previousnodes = directedGraph.getNodes().toArray();
        } else {
            if (this.first == 0) {
                //Initialization. Since this is executed first we allow for the previous window to be accessed 
                previousedges = graph.getEdges().toArray();

                previousnodes = graph.getNodes().toArray();
                edgedata.put(interval.getHigh(), 0.0);
                nodedata.put(interval.getHigh(), 0.0);
            } else if (this.first == 1) {

                //Here we count the changes 
                double edgedelta = 0.0;

                for (Edge prevedge : previousedges) {
                    if (!graph.contains(prevedge)) {
                    for (Edge nextedge : graph.getEdges())
                        if (!prevedge.equals(nextedge)) {

                edgedata.put(interval.getHigh(), edgedelta);
                double nodedelta = 0;
                for (Node prevnode : previousnodes) {
                    if (!graph.contains(prevnode)) {
                    for (Node nextnode : graph.getNodes())
                        if (!prevnode.equals(nextnode)) {


                nodedata.put(interval.getHigh(), nodedelta);
                Double sumdelta = nodedelta + edgedelta;
                sumdata.put(interval.getHigh(), sumdelta);
                //Now we mutate previous edge and node so we can compare it in the next window
                previousedges = graph.getEdges().toArray();
                previousnodes = graph.getNodes().toArray();


    public void end() {

    public void setBounds(Interval bounds) {
        this.bounds = bounds;

    public void setWindow(double window) {
        this.window = window;

    public void setTick(double tick) {
        this.tick = tick;

    public double getWindow() {
        return window;

    public double getTick() {
        return tick;

    public Interval getBounds() {
        return bounds;

    public void setDirected(boolean isDirected) {
        this.isDirected = isDirected;

    public boolean isDirected() {
        return isDirected;

    public void setAverageOnly(boolean averageOnly) {
        this.averageOnly = averageOnly;

    public boolean isAverageOnly() {
        return averageOnly;

    public boolean cancel() {
        cancel = true;
        return true;

    public void setProgressTicket(ProgressTicket progressTicket) {