Java tutorial
/* * Scaffold Hunter * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 PG504 * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 PG552 * See README.txt in the root directory of the Scaffold Hunter source tree * for details. * * Scaffold Hunter is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Scaffold Hunter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import javassist.NotFoundException; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.classic.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect; import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport; import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaValidator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.AccumulationFunction; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.PropertyType; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.dataimport.MergeIterator; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.util.SHPredicates; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.util.Scaffolds; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.util.Orderings; /** * @author Till Schfer * @author Thomas Schmitz * @author Henning Garus * */ public class DbManagerHibernate implements DbManager { private SessionFactory sessionFactory; private String connectionDriverClass; private String connectionUrl; private String connectionSchema; private String connectionUsername; private String connectionPassword; private String hibernateDialect; private Configuration hibernateConfiguration; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbManagerHibernate.class); @Override public String getConnectionDriverClass() { return connectionDriverClass; } @Override public String getConnectionUrl() { return connectionUrl; } @Override public String getConnectionUsername() { return connectionUsername; } @Override public String getConnectionPassword() { return connectionPassword; } @Override public String getHibernateDialect() { return hibernateDialect; } /** * Constructor * * @param driverClass * the JDBC driver class. e.g. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver * @param hibernateDialect * The Dialect which should be used by Hibernate. This must be * compatible with the driverClass. * @param url * the url for connecting. e.g. * jdbc:mysql://localhost/hibernate_test * @param schema * the schema name * @param username * the username for connecting * @param password * the password for connecting * @param autoInitialize * automatically invoke initializeSessionFactory() * @param recreate * automatically invoke createAndExportScheme() * @throws DatabaseException */ public DbManagerHibernate(String driverClass, String hibernateDialect, String url, String schema, String username, String password, boolean autoInitialize, boolean recreate) throws DatabaseException { connectionDriverClass = driverClass.trim(); connectionUrl = url.trim(); connectionSchema = schema.trim(); connectionUsername = username.trim(); if (password != null) { connectionPassword = password.trim(); } this.hibernateDialect = hibernateDialect.trim(); // hibernate configuration try { hibernateConfiguration = new Configuration().configure(); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("connection.driver_class", connectionDriverClass); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("connection.url", connectionUrl); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("connection.username", connectionUsername); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.url", connectionUrl); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.username", connectionUsername); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", hibernateDialect); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("", "validate"); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("hibernate.default_schema", schema); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.provider_class", SetSchemaConnectionProvider.class.getCanonicalName()); if (password != null) { hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("connection.password", connectionPassword); hibernateConfiguration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.password", connectionPassword); } } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new DatabaseException("The Hibernate configuration could not be read/generated", e); } if (recreate) { createAndExportSchema(); } if (autoInitialize) { initializeSessionFactory(); } } @Override public void initializeSessionFactory() throws DatabaseException { try { sessionFactory = hibernateConfiguration.buildSessionFactory(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Initialization failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); throw new DatabaseException("Initialization failed", ex); } } @Override public void createAndExportSchema() throws DatabaseException { Connection dbConnection = getNativeDbConnection(); // drop and recreate schema try { Statement setupStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); if (hibernateDialect.equals(MySQL5InnoDBDialect.class.getCanonicalName())) { setupStatement.execute("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS " + connectionSchema + ";"); setupStatement.execute("CREATE SCHEMA " + connectionSchema + ";"); } else if (hibernateDialect.equals(HSQLDialectValid.class.getCanonicalName())) { setupStatement.execute("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS " + connectionSchema + " CASCADE;"); setupStatement.execute("CREATE SCHEMA " + connectionSchema + ";"); } else { throw new AssertionError("Unsupported Dialect"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException("Could not excecute recreation of database schema", e); } finally { try { dbConnection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException("Failed to close database connection."); } } // export hibernate schema SchemaExport schemaTool = new SchemaExport(hibernateConfiguration); schemaTool.create(false, true); } @Override public boolean validateSchema() throws DatabaseException { try { new SchemaValidator(hibernateConfiguration).validate(); } catch (HibernateException e) { return false; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Unknown validation Exception", e); } return true; } @Override public boolean schemaExists() throws DatabaseException { Connection dbConnection = getNativeDbConnection(); try { if (hibernateDialect.equals(MySQL5InnoDBDialect.class.getCanonicalName())) { // don't ask me why MySQL stores the schemas in the catalogs // table... ResultSet results = dbConnection.getMetaData().getCatalogs(); while ( { if (results.getString(1).toUpperCase().equals(connectionSchema.toUpperCase())) { return true; } } } else { ResultSet results = dbConnection.getMetaData().getSchemas(); while ( { if (results.getString("TABLE_SCHEM").toUpperCase().equals(connectionSchema.toUpperCase())) { return true; } } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException("Could not check if schema exists", e); } return false; } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return sessionFactory != null; } /** * This tries to roll back the last changes and closes the session. This * method should be always used if a HibernateException Occurs to not be in * an undefined session state * * @param session * the Session */ private void closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(Session session) { if (session != null) { /* * two catches to provide closing of session even when rollback * failed */ try { Transaction t = session.getTransaction(); if (t != null) t.rollback(); } catch (HibernateException e) { logger.warn("Rollback of erroneous hibernate session failed"); } try { if (session.isOpen()) session.close(); } catch (HibernateException e) { logger.warn("Closing of erroneous hibernate session failed"); } } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getAllProfileNames() throws DatabaseException { List<String> profiles; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); profiles = hibernateSession.createQuery("select username from Profile").list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query from Profile failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query from Profile failed", ex); } return profiles; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getAllDatasetNames() throws DatabaseException { List<String> datasets; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); datasets = hibernateSession.createQuery("select title from Dataset").list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query from Dataset failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query from Dataset failed", ex); } return datasets; } @Override public Profile getProfile(String username) throws DatabaseException, NotFoundException { Profile profile; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("from Profile where username=:user"); query.setString("user", username); profile = (Profile) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query from Profile failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query from Profile failed", ex); } if (profile == null) { throw new NotFoundException("The username could not be found in Database"); } return profile; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getAllSessionTitles(Profile profile) throws DatabaseException { List<String> titles = null; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("Select session.title from Session session " + "where session.profile = :profile order by Title"); query.setParameter("profile", profile); titles = query.list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Getting all Session titles failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Getting all Session titles failed", ex); } return titles; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<SessionInformation> getAllSessionsInformation(Profile profile) throws DatabaseException { List<SessionInformation> retVal = Lists.newLinkedList(); List<Object[]> informations; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); /* * IMPORTANT grouping by all of sessions property is necessary for * hsqldb */ Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("Select, s.title, s.tree.title, s.tree.dataset.title, " + "size(s.subset.molecules) from Session s where s.profile = :profile " + "group by,s.title,s.tree.title,s.tree.dataset.title order by s.title"); query.setParameter("profile", profile); informations = query.list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Getting all SessionInformations failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Getting all SessionInformations failed", ex); } for (Object[] information : informations) { if (information[0] != null) { SessionInformation sessionInfo = new SessionInformation(); sessionInfo.setSessionId((Integer) information[0]); sessionInfo.setTitle((String) information[1]); sessionInfo.setTreeName((String) information[2]); sessionInfo.setDatasetName((String) information[3]); sessionInfo.setRootSubsetSize((Integer) information[4]); retVal.add(sessionInfo); } } return retVal; } @Override public void updateSessionTitle(SessionInformation info) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("update Session s set s.title = :title where = :id"); query.setParameter("title", info.getTitle()); query.setParameter("id", info.getSessionId()); query.executeUpdate(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Updating Session.title failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Updating Session.title failed", ex); } } @Override public void deleteSession(SessionInformation info) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("delete Session s where = :id"); query.setParameter("id", info.getSessionId()); int n = query.executeUpdate(); logger.debug("The Number of deleted Sessions is {}", n); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Deleting Session failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Deleting Session failed", ex); } } @Override public edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Session getSession(Profile profile, String title) throws DatabaseException { edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Session session = null; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery( "from Session session where session.profile = :profile AND session.title = :title"); query.setParameter("profile", profile); query.setString("title", title); session = (edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Session) query.uniqueResult(); if (session == null) { throw new DatabaseException("Session not found"); } session.setProfile(profile); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Getting Session failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Getting Session failed", ex); } return session; } @Override public void loadCurrentSession(Profile profile) throws DatabaseException { edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Session currentSession = null; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("SELECT p.currentSession from Profile p where p = :profile"); query.setParameter("profile", profile); currentSession = (edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Session) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Fetching Profile.currentSession failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Fetching Profile.currentSession failed", ex); } profile.setCurrentSession(currentSession); } @Override public boolean canSaveSession(edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Session session) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(session); // only mySQL has this limt if (hibernateDialect.equals(MySQL5InnoDBDialect.class.getCanonicalName())) { try { Connection dbConnection = getNativeDbConnection(); Statement stmt = dbConnection.createStatement(); ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT @@max_allowed_packet;"); if ( { int maxPackageSize = result.getInt(1); /* * java char is two byte long, but the sql connections uses * utf8, therefore the length of the array should be a rough * approximation of the package size. * * x1.2 because we usually have some overhead. (the other * objects data, etc) */ double estimatedSizeOfPackage = 1.2 * session.getSessionData().toCharArray().length; logger.debug("max package size: {}", maxPackageSize); logger.debug("estimated size of package: {}", estimatedSizeOfPackage); return maxPackageSize > estimatedSizeOfPackage; } else { logger.error("Global valiable max_allowed_packet cannot be retrieved. Empty ResultSet."); throw new DatabaseException( "Global valiable max_allowed_packet cannot be retrieved. Empty ResultSet."); } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("SQL error while retrieving global variable max_allowed_packet\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); throw new DatabaseException("SQL error while retrieving global variable max_allowed_packet", ex); } } else if (hibernateDialect.equals(HSQLDialectValid.class.getCanonicalName())) { return true; } else { throw new AssertionError("Unsupported Dialect"); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Dataset> getAllDatasets() throws DatabaseException { List<Dataset> datasets; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); datasets = hibernateSession.createQuery("from Dataset order by Title").list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query from Dataset failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query from Dataset failed", ex); } return datasets; } @Override public List<Molecule> getAllMolecules(Dataset dataset) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("FROM Molecule molecule WHERE dataset = :dataset"); query.setParameter("dataset", dataset); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Molecule> molecules = query.list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); return molecules; } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Could not fetch Molecules from Database.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Could not fetch Molecules from Database", ex); } } @Override public Subset getRootSubset(edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Session session) throws DatabaseException { return getRootSubset(session, null); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Subset getRootSubset(edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Session session, Filterset filterset) throws DatabaseException { logger.trace("Entering getRootSubset"); Session hibernateSession = null; Map<String, PropertyDefinition> propDefParameterNames = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition>(); Subset retVal = new Subset(null, "Root", "The root Subset", session, null, new LinkedList<Subset>()); Dataset dataset = session.getTree().getDataset(); StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("FROM Molecule m WHERE m.dataset = :dataset "); /* * Build query string */ if (filterset != null && filterset.getFilters().size() > 0) { getFiltersetQueryPart(dataset, filterset, propDefParameterNames, queryString); } /* * Execute query and set parameter */ try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery(queryString.toString()); query.setParameter("dataset", dataset); for (Map.Entry<String, PropertyDefinition> propDefParameterEntry : propDefParameterNames.entrySet()) { query.setParameter(propDefParameterEntry.getKey(), propDefParameterEntry.getValue()); } retVal.setMolecules(new HashSet<Molecule>(query.list())); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query to get Root Subset failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query to get Root Subset failed", ex); } return retVal; } @Override public int getRootSubsetSize(Dataset dataset, Filterset filterset) throws DatabaseException { logger.trace("Entering getRootSubsetSize"); Session hibernateSession = null; Map<String, PropertyDefinition> propDefParameterNames = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition>(); Integer retVal = 0; StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder( "SELECT count(m) FROM Molecule m WHERE m.dataset = :dataset "); /* * Build query string */ if (filterset != null && filterset.getFilters().size() > 0) { getFiltersetQueryPart(dataset, filterset, propDefParameterNames, queryString); } /* * Execute query and set parameter */ try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery(queryString.toString()); query.setParameter("dataset", dataset); for (Map.Entry<String, PropertyDefinition> propDefParameterEntry : propDefParameterNames.entrySet()) { query.setParameter(propDefParameterEntry.getKey(), propDefParameterEntry.getValue()); } retVal = ((Long) query.uniqueResult()).intValue(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query to get Root Subset failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query to get Root Subset failed", ex); } return retVal; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Subset getFilteredSubset(Subset subset, Filterset filterset) throws DatabaseException { logger.trace("Entering getFilteredSubset"); Session hibernateSession = null; Map<String, PropertyDefinition> propDefParameterNames = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition>(); Set<Integer> filteredIds = null; Subset retVal = new Subset(subset, "filtered(" + subset.getTitle() + ")", "Filtered Subset", subset.getSession(), new LinkedList<Molecule>(), new LinkedList<Subset>()); StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder( "SELECT FROM Molecule m, Subset s JOIN s.molecules submol " + "WHERE s = :subset AND m = submol "); /* * Build query string */ if (filterset != null && filterset.getFilters().size() > 0) { getFiltersetQueryPart(subset.getSession().getDataset(), filterset, propDefParameterNames, queryString); } /* * Execute query and set parameter */ try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery(queryString.toString()); query.setParameter("subset", subset); for (Map.Entry<String, PropertyDefinition> propDefParameterEntry : propDefParameterNames.entrySet()) { query.setParameter(propDefParameterEntry.getKey(), propDefParameterEntry.getValue()); } filteredIds = new HashSet<Integer>(query.list()); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query to filter a Subset failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query to filter a Subset failed", ex); } /* * Fill the new Subset with currently Loaded Molecules */ for (Molecule molecule : subset.getMolecules()) { if (filteredIds.contains(molecule.getId())) { retVal.getMolecules().add(molecule); } } return retVal; } @Override public int getFilteredSubsetSize(Subset subset, Filterset filterset) throws DatabaseException { logger.trace("Entering getFilteredSubsetSize"); Session hibernateSession = null; Map<String, PropertyDefinition> propDefParameterNames = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition>(); int retVal; StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT count( FROM Molecule m, Subset s JOIN " + "s.molecules submol WHERE s = :subset AND m = submol "); /* * Build query string */ if (filterset != null && filterset.getFilters().size() > 0) { getFiltersetQueryPart(subset.getSession().getDataset(), filterset, propDefParameterNames, queryString); } /* * Execute query and set parameter */ try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery(queryString.toString()); query.setParameter("subset", subset); for (Map.Entry<String, PropertyDefinition> propDefParameterEntry : propDefParameterNames.entrySet()) { query.setParameter(propDefParameterEntry.getKey(), propDefParameterEntry.getValue()); } retVal = ((Long) query.uniqueResult()).intValue(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query to filter a Subset failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query to filter a Subset failed", ex); } return retVal; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Scaffold getScaffolds(Subset subset, boolean cutStem) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(subset.getSession()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(subset.getSession().getTree()); List<Scaffold> scaffoldList; Tree tree = subset.getSession().getTree(); Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); // loading the whole tree and then throwing away the scaffolds we // don't need seems to be much faster than retrieving only the // scaffolds with generation molecules in the current subset Criteria criteriaScaf = hibernateSession.createCriteria(Scaffold.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("tree", tree)); scaffoldList = criteriaScaf.list(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query from Scaffold failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query from Scaffold failed", ex); } Map<Integer, Molecule> mols = new HashMap<Integer, Molecule>(); Set<Molecule> subMols = subset.getMolecules(); for (Molecule m : subMols) mols.put(m.getId(), m); Set<Scaffold> scaffolds = Sets.newHashSet(); /* * determine which scaffolds have molecules in the subset and add * molecules to scaffolds */ try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); /* * load tuples (ScaffoldId, GenerationMoleculeId) for the current * tree */ Criteria criteria = hibernateSession.createCriteria(Scaffold.class) .createAlias("generationMolecules", "mols").add(Restrictions.eq("tree", tree)) .setProjection(Projections.projectionList().add( .add(""))); List<Object[]> tuples = criteria.list(); Multimap<Integer, Molecule> scaffoldMolecules = HashMultimap.create(scaffoldList.size(), 10); for (Object[] t : tuples) { Molecule mol = mols.get(t[1]); if (mol != null) scaffoldMolecules.put((Integer) t[0], mol); } for (Scaffold s : scaffoldList) { if (!scaffoldMolecules.containsKey( continue; Collection<Molecule> subScafMols = scaffoldMolecules.get(; s.setMolecules(Sets.newHashSet(subScafMols)); scaffolds.add(s); } hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query from Molecule failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query from Molecule failed", ex); } /* * add parent scaffolds to the set, that do not have molecules and thus * were not returned from the database */ Set<Scaffold> parents = new HashSet<Scaffold>(); for (Scaffold s : scaffolds) { addParents(s, parents, scaffolds); } scaffolds.addAll(parents); if (scaffolds.isEmpty()) return null; Scaffold root = Scaffolds.getRoot(scaffolds.iterator().next()); Scaffolds.sort(root, Orderings.STRUCTURE_BY_ID); for (Scaffold s : Scaffolds.getSubtreePreorderIterable(root)) { s.setTree(tree); } // remove the imaginary root if it has only one child if (root.getChildren().size() == 1) { root = root.getChildren().get(0); root.setParent(null); } // remove virtual root scaffolds with only one child while (cutStem && root.getChildren().size() == 1 && root.getMolecules().isEmpty()) { root = root.getChildren().get(0); } root.setParent(null); return root; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Link> getAllLinks() throws DatabaseException { List<Link> links; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); links = hibernateSession.createQuery("from Link").list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query from Link failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query from Link failed", ex); } return links; } @Override public void saveOrUpdate(DbObject obj) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); hibernateSession.saveOrUpdate(obj); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Storing or updating of Object failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Storing or updating of Object failed", ex); } } @Override public void saveOrUpdateAll(Iterable<? extends DbObject> objs) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); for (DbObject obj : objs) { hibernateSession.saveOrUpdate(obj); } hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Storing or updating of Objects failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); try { if (hibernateSession != null && hibernateSession.getTransaction() != null) hibernateSession.getTransaction().rollback(); } catch (HibernateException ex2) { logger.error("Rollback failed.\n{}\n{}", ex2, stacktrace(ex2)); } throw new DatabaseException("Storing or updating of Objects failed", ex); } } @Override public void saveAsNew(DbObject obj) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction();; hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Storing of Object failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Storing of Object failed", ex); } } @Override public void saveAllAsNew(Iterable<? extends DbObject> objs) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); for (DbObject obj : objs) {; } hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Storing of Objects failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Storing of Objects failed", ex); } } @Override public void deleteAll(Iterable<? extends DbObject> objs) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); for (DbObject obj : objs) { hibernateSession.delete(obj); } hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Deletion of Objects failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Deletion of Objects failed", ex); } } @Override public void delete(DbObject obj) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); hibernateSession.delete(obj); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Deletion of Object failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Deletion of Object failed", ex); } } @Override public void deleteAllMolecules(Dataset dataset) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); // delete stringProperties Query stringPropertyQuery = hibernateSession .createQuery("DELETE MoleculeStringProperty p WHERE p.molecule IN " + "(FROM Molecule m where m.dataset = :dataset)"); stringPropertyQuery.setParameter("dataset", dataset); stringPropertyQuery.executeUpdate(); // delete numProperties Query numPropertyQuery = hibernateSession .createQuery("DELETE MoleculeNumProperty p WHERE p.molecule IN " + "(FROM Molecule m where m.dataset = :dataset)"); numPropertyQuery.setParameter("dataset", dataset); numPropertyQuery.executeUpdate(); // delete Banner Query bannerQuery = hibernateSession.createQuery( "DELETE Banner b WHERE b.molecule IN " + "(FROM Molecule m where m.dataset = :dataset)"); bannerQuery.setParameter("dataset", dataset); bannerQuery.executeUpdate(); // delete Molecules Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("DELETE Molecule m where m.dataset = :dataset"); query.setParameter("dataset", dataset); query.executeUpdate(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("An error occured while deleting molecules and depending DbObjects", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("An error occured during molecule deletion.", ex); } } @Override public void lockAndLoad(PropertyDefinition propDef, Structure structure) throws DatabaseException { lockAndLoad(Collections.singleton(propDef), Collections.singleton(structure)); } private Class<? extends Property> getPropertyClass(PropertyDefinition propDef) { if (propDef.isScaffoldProperty()) { if (propDef.isStringProperty()) { return ScaffoldStringProperty.class; } else { return ScaffoldNumProperty.class; } } else { if (propDef.isStringProperty()) { return MoleculeStringProperty.class; } else { return MoleculeNumProperty.class; } } } /** * Increases to lock of a {@link Property} for a given {@link Structure} if * they are not already in addedProperties. It adds the {@link Property} to * addedProperties. * * @param struc * the {@link Structure} * @param propDef * The {@link PropertyDefinition} to identify the * {@link Property} * @param addedProperties * the already added Properties */ private void increaseLock(Structure struc, PropertyDefinition propDef, Multimap<Structure, Integer> addedProperties) { if (!addedProperties.get(struc).contains( { Integer lockCount = struc.locks.get(; if (lockCount == null) { struc.locks.put(, 1); } else { struc.locks.put(, lockCount + 1); } addedProperties.put(struc,; } } @Override public void lockAndLoad(Iterable<PropertyDefinition> propDefs, Iterable<? extends Structure> structures) throws DatabaseException { /* * We need to remember the found Properties for each Structure. This * allows a later detection of undefined Properties. We need to increase * the lockCount for them too! * * Structure -> PropertyDefinitionId */ Multimap<Structure, Integer> addedProperties = HashMultimap.create(); /* * All Structures that have currently not loaded Properties */ Set<Structure> toLoad = Sets.newHashSet(); Session hibernateSession = null; for (Structure struc : structures) { synchronized (struc) { for (PropertyDefinition propDef : propDefs) { Integer lockCount = struc.locks.get(; if (lockCount == null || lockCount == 0) { toLoad.add(struc); } else { /* * increment lockCount now and not later prevents * parallel unlockAndUnload to destroy the Property * before lockAndLoad is finished */ struc.locks.put(, lockCount + 1); addedProperties.put(struc,; } } } } try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); /* * -> Molecule */ Map<Integer, Molecule> mols = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Molecule mol : Iterables.filter(toLoad, Molecule.class)) { mols.put(, mol); } /* * -> Scaffold */ Map<Integer, Scaffold> scaffolds = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Scaffold scaf : Iterables.filter(toLoad, Scaffold.class)) { scaffolds.put(, scaf); } /* * -> PropertyDefinition */ Map<Integer, PropertyDefinition> propertyDefinitions = Maps.newHashMap(); for (PropertyDefinition p : propDefs) { propertyDefinitions.put(, p); } List<Predicate<PropertyDefinition>> preds = ImmutableList.of(SHPredicates.IS_NUMMOL_PROPDEF, SHPredicates.IS_NUMSCAF_PROPDEF, SHPredicates.IS_STRMOL_PROPDEF, SHPredicates.IS_STRSCAF_PROPDEF); /* * One round for every combination {Molecule,Scaffold} x * {String,Numeric} */ for (Predicate<PropertyDefinition> pred : preds) { Iterable<PropertyDefinition> predPropDefs = Iterables.filter(propDefs, pred); if (Iterables.isEmpty(predPropDefs)) { continue; } /* * We only need this to differentiate property types * (Scaffold/Molecule) and (String/Num) */ PropertyDefinition firstPropDef = predPropDefs.iterator().next(); Class<? extends Property> clazz = getPropertyClass(firstPropDef); List<? extends Structure> strucs = Lists .newArrayList(firstPropDef.isScaffoldProperty() ? scaffolds.values() : mols.values()); if (strucs.isEmpty()) { continue; } String struc = firstPropDef.isScaffoldProperty() ? "scaffold" : "molecule"; Function<DbObject, Integer> dbObjectToID = new Function<DbObject, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(DbObject input) { return; } }; String propids = Joiner.on(',').join(Iterables.transform(predPropDefs, dbObjectToID)); /* * Split strucs to a partition with at most 10000 Structures to * avoid too large queries for the database */ while (strucs.size() > 0) { /* * get the part of strucs that will be used by the (next) * query */ List<? extends Structure> subStrucs = strucs.subList(0, Math.min(10000, strucs.size())); String strucids = Joiner.on(',').join(Iterables.transform(subStrucs, dbObjectToID)); /* * XXX: This would look much better using criteria, but with * Criteria projecting to an Entity and some values seems * impossible * * XXX: Performance wise it might be better for large * queries to retrieve the whole subset and then sort out * the values we need */ Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("SELECT,, prop " + "FROM " + clazz.getName() + " prop JOIN prop.type t JOIN prop." + struc + " struc " + "WHERE in (" + strucids + ") AND in (" + propids + ")"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> results = query.list(); /* * Load each Property into the related Structure */ if (clazz.equals(MoleculeNumProperty.class)) { for (Object[] r : results) { Molecule mol = mols.get(r[0]); Integer propDefId = (Integer) r[1]; PropertyDefinition propDef = propertyDefinitions.get(propDefId); MoleculeNumProperty prop = (MoleculeNumProperty) r[2]; prop.setType(propDef); prop.setMolecule(mol); synchronized (mol) { /* * this prevents the replacement of a concurrent * loaded property */ if (mol.getNumProperties().get(propDefId) == null) { mol.getNumProperties().put(propDefId, prop); } increaseLock(mol, propDef, addedProperties); } } } else if (clazz.equals(MoleculeStringProperty.class)) { for (Object[] r : results) { Molecule mol = mols.get(r[0]); Integer propDefId = (Integer) r[1]; PropertyDefinition propDef = propertyDefinitions.get(propDefId); MoleculeStringProperty prop = (MoleculeStringProperty) r[2]; prop.setType(propDef); prop.setMolecule(mol); synchronized (mol) { /* * this prevents the replacement of a concurrent * loaded property */ if (mol.getStringProperties().get(propDefId) == null) { mol.getStringProperties().put(propDefId, prop); } increaseLock(mol, propDef, addedProperties); } } } else if (clazz.equals(ScaffoldNumProperty.class)) { for (Object[] r : results) { Scaffold scaf = scaffolds.get(r[0]); Integer propDefId = (Integer) r[1]; PropertyDefinition propDef = propertyDefinitions.get(propDefId); ScaffoldNumProperty prop = (ScaffoldNumProperty) r[2]; prop.setType(propDef); prop.setScaffold(scaf); synchronized (scaf) { /* * this prevents the replacement of a concurrent * loaded property */ if (scaf.getNumProperties().get(propDefId) == null) { scaf.getNumProperties().put(propDefId, prop); } increaseLock(scaf, propDef, addedProperties); } } } else if (clazz.equals(ScaffoldStringProperty.class)) { for (Object[] r : results) { Scaffold scaf = scaffolds.get(r[0]); Integer propDefId = (Integer) r[1]; PropertyDefinition propDef = propertyDefinitions.get(propDefId); ScaffoldStringProperty prop = (ScaffoldStringProperty) r[2]; prop.setType(propDef); prop.setScaffold(scaf); synchronized (scaf) { /* * this prevents the replacement of a concurrent * loaded property */ if (scaf.getStringProperties().get(propDefId) == null) { scaf.getStringProperties().put(propDefId, prop); } increaseLock(scaf, propDef, addedProperties); } } } else { throw new AssertionError("Unhandled type"); } // remove subStrucs form strucs subStrucs.clear(); } } /* * increases the lock of all undefined Properties */ for (Structure struc : structures) { synchronized (struc) { for (PropertyDefinition propDef : propDefs) { increaseLock(struc, propDef, addedProperties); } } } hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Querying of Property failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Querying of Property failed", ex); } } @Override public void unlockAndUnload(PropertyDefinition propDef, Structure structure) { synchronized (structure) { Map<Integer, Integer> locks = structure.locks; if (locks.containsKey( { Integer numLocks = locks.get(propDef.getId()); numLocks--; if (numLocks == 0) { // removing Property locks.remove(propDef.getId()); if (propDef.isStringProperty()) { structure.getStringProperties().remove(propDef.getId()); } else { structure.getNumProperties().remove(propDef.getId()); } } else { locks.put(propDef.getId(), numLocks); } } else { logger.warn("Trying to remove lock where no lock is set"); throw new UnlockException("Trying to remove lock where no lock is set"); } } } @Override public void unlockAndUnload(Iterable<PropertyDefinition> propDefs, Iterable<? extends Structure> structures) { for (Structure structure : structures) { for (PropertyDefinition propDef : propDefs) { unlockAndUnload(propDef, structure); } } } @Override public String getSvgString(Structure structure) throws DatabaseException { String result; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession .createQuery("select struc.svg.string from Structure as struc where struc=:structure"); query.setParameter("structure", structure); result = (String) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Could not fetch SVG String from Database.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Could not fetch SVG String from Database", ex); } return result; } @Override public String getStrucMol(Structure structure) throws DatabaseException { String result; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession .createQuery("select struc.mol.string from Structure as struc where struc=:structure"); query.setParameter("structure", structure); result = (String) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Could not fetch Mol String from Database.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Could not fetch Mol String from Database", ex); } return result; } @Override public Map<AccumulationFunction, Double> getAccNumPropertyDataset(PropertyDefinition property) throws DatabaseException { Map<AccumulationFunction, Double> results = Maps.newEnumMap(AccumulationFunction.class); Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); String propertyType; if (property.isScaffoldProperty()) { propertyType = "ScaffoldNumProperty"; } else { propertyType = MoleculeNumProperty.class.getName(); } Query query = hibernateSession .createQuery("SELECT avg(prop.value), max(prop.value), min(prop.value), sum(prop.value) " + "FROM " + propertyType + " prop " + "WHERE prop.type = :property"); query.setParameter("property", property); Object[] r = (Object[]) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); results.put(AccumulationFunction.Average, (Double) r[0]); results.put(AccumulationFunction.Maximum, (Double) r[1]); results.put(AccumulationFunction.Minimum, (Double) r[2]); results.put(AccumulationFunction.Sum, (Double) r[3]); return results; } catch (HibernateException ex) { hibernateSession.getTransaction().rollback(); logger.error("Querying of accumulated Property failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Querying of accumulated Property failed", ex); } } @Override public Double getAccNumPropertyScaffold(PropertyDefinition property, AccumulationFunction function, Scaffold scaffold, boolean withSubtree) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkArgument(!property.isScaffoldProperty(), "Only molecule properties accepted!"); Preconditions.checkArgument(property.getPropertyType() == PropertyType.NumProperty); Double result = 0.0; Set<Molecule> molecules = null; Session hibernateSession = null; if (withSubtree) { molecules = new HashSet<Molecule>(); addChildMolecules(scaffold, molecules); } else { molecules = scaffold.getMolecules(); } if (molecules.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("scaffold has no molecules"); try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); String stmt = ""; switch (function) { case Average: stmt = "Select avg(prop.value) from MoleculeNumProperty prop where prop.molecule in (:molecules) and type = :type"; break; case Minimum: stmt = "Select min(prop.value) from MoleculeNumProperty prop where prop.molecule in (:molecules) and type = :type"; break; case Maximum: stmt = "Select max(prop.value) from MoleculeNumProperty prop where prop.molecule in (:molecules) and type = :type"; break; case Sum: stmt = "Select sum(prop.value) from MoleculeNumProperty prop where prop.molecule in (:molecules) and type = :type"; break; default: throw new DatabaseException("This AccumulationFunction is not supported"); } Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery(stmt); query.setParameterList("molecules", molecules); query.setParameter("type", property); result = (Double) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Querying of accumulated Property failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Querying of accumulated Property failed", ex); } return result; } @Override public Map<Scaffold, Double> getAccNumProperties(PropertyDefinition propDef, AccumulationFunction accumulation, Subset subset, Scaffold root, boolean subtreeCumulative) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkArgument(!propDef.isStringProperty()); /* * Scaffold -> accumulated return values */ Map<Scaffold, Double> ret = Maps.newHashMap(); /* * Scaffold -> how many values are accumulated. They can be different * from scaffold.getMolecules.size because there may be undefined * properties * * only needed for subtreeCumulative */ Map<Scaffold, Integer> counts = Maps.newHashMap(); Session hibernateSession = null; String acc; switch (accumulation) { case Average: acc = "avg"; break; case Maximum: acc = "max"; break; case Minimum: acc = "min"; break; case Sum: acc = "sum"; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported accumulation function"); } try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); if (!propDef.isScaffoldProperty()) { /* * select pairs of scaffold_id and accumulated value for each single * scaffold (not tree accumulated!) */ hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createSQLQuery("SELECT scaf.structure_id, " + acc + "(props.value), count(scaf.structure_id) " + "FROM scaffold_data scaf " + "JOIN molecule_scaffold_relationship r ON scaf.structure_id = r.scaffold_id " + "JOIN molecule_num_properties props ON r.molecule_id = props.structure_id " + "JOIN subset_molecule_relationship subs ON r.molecule_id = subs.molecule_id " + "WHERE props.property_id = :propDef " + "AND subs.subset_id = :subset " + "AND scaf.tree_id = :tree " + "GROUP BY scaf.structure_id"); // HQL Query yielding the same result but taking >5 times as long // Query query = session.createQuery("SELECT, " + acc + // "(prop.value) FROM" + // " Scaffold scaf join scaf.generationMolecules mols, MoleculeNumProperty prop" // + // " WHERE mols = prop.molecule AND mols IN (SELECT submols from Subset subset join subset.molecules as submols where subset = :subset)" // + // " AND prop.type = :propDef AND scaf.tree = :tree GROUP BY scaf"); query.setParameter("propDef", propDef); query.setParameter("subset", subset); query.setParameter("tree", root.getTree()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> queryResult = query.list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); Map<Integer, IntegerDoublePair> resultMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(queryResult.size()); for (Object[] o : queryResult) { Integer count; if (o[2] instanceof BigInteger) count = ((BigInteger) o[2]).intValue(); else count = (Integer) (o[2]); Double value = (Double) o[1]; resultMap.put((Integer) o[0], new IntegerDoublePair(count, value)); } for (Scaffold scaffold : Scaffolds.getSubtreePreorderIterable(root)) { IntegerDoublePair pair = resultMap.get(scaffold.getId()); /* * pairs are null iff all properties are undefined for all * molecules associated with the scaffold */ ret.put(scaffold, pair == null ? null : pair.d); counts.put(scaffold, pair == null ? 0 : pair.i); } } else { // scaffold properties are passed into the map final Iterable<Scaffold> scaffolds = Scaffolds.getSubtreePreorderIterable(root); // acquire data lockAndLoad(Arrays.asList(propDef), scaffolds); for (Scaffold scaffold : scaffolds) { ret.put(scaffold, scaffold.getNumPropertyValue(propDef)); counts.put(scaffold, 1); } // unlock data unlockAndUnload(Arrays.asList(propDef), scaffolds); } if (subtreeCumulative) { /* * We will go bottom up layer by layer and write the accumulated * value to the parent node */ List<Scaffold> scaffolds = Orderings.SCAFFOLDS_BY_HIERARCHY_LEVEL.reverse() .sortedCopy(Scaffolds.getSubtreePreorderIterable(root)); // the root has no parent, so we can leave it out Scaffold r = scaffolds.remove(scaffolds.size() - 1); assert r == root; for (Scaffold scaf : scaffolds) { Double val = ret.get(scaf); if (val == null) { /* * all properties of molecules in this subtree are * undefined * * nothing to propagate upwards */ continue; } Scaffold parent = scaf.getParent(); assert parent != null; Double parentVal = ret.get(parent); switch (accumulation) { case Average: if (parentVal == null) { /* * there are no molecules with defined properties * for parent yet -> propagate current value up */ parentVal = val; counts.put(parent, counts.get(scaf)); } else { Integer parentCount = counts.get(parent); Integer count = counts.get(scaf); Integer accumulatedCount = parentCount + count; parentVal = (parentVal * parentCount + val * count) / accumulatedCount; counts.put(parent, accumulatedCount); } ret.put(parent, parentVal); break; case Maximum: if (parentVal == null) { parentVal = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } ret.put(parent, Math.max(val, parentVal)); break; case Minimum: if (parentVal == null) { parentVal = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } ret.put(parent, Math.min(val, parentVal)); break; case Sum: if (parentVal == null) { parentVal = 0.0; } ret.put(parent, val + parentVal); break; default: throw new AssertionError("unsupported accumulation function"); } } } return ret; } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Querying of accumulated Property failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Querying of accumulated Property failed", ex); } } @Override public Double getAccNumPropertySubset(PropertyDefinition property, AccumulationFunction function, Subset subset) throws DatabaseException { Double result = 0.0; Set<Molecule> molecules = subset.getMolecules(); if (molecules.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("subset has no molecules"); Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); String stmt = ""; switch (function) { case Average: stmt = "Select avg(prop.value) from MoleculeNumProperty prop, Subset subset join subset.molecules mol where subset = :subset and prop.molecule = mol and prop.type = :type"; break; case Minimum: stmt = "Select min(prop.value) from MoleculeNumProperty prop, Subset subset join subset.molecules mol where subset = :subset and prop.molecule = mol and prop.type = :type"; break; case Maximum: stmt = "Select max(prop.value) from MoleculeNumProperty prop, Subset subset join subset.molecules mol where subset = :subset and prop.molecule = mol and prop.type = :type"; break; case Sum: stmt = "Select sum(prop.value) from MoleculeNumProperty prop, Subset subset join subset.molecules mol where subset = :subset and prop.molecule = mol and prop.type = :type"; break; default: throw new DatabaseException("This AccumulationFunction is not supported"); } Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery(stmt); query.setParameter("subset", subset); query.setParameter("type", property); result = (Double) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Querying of accumulated Property failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Querying of accumulated Property failed", ex); } return result; } @Override public double[] getAccPropertyMinMax(Tree tree, PropertyDefinition propDef, AccumulationFunction acc, Subset subset, boolean subtreeCumulative, boolean removeVirtualRoot, boolean includeMoleculeData) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkArgument(!propDef.isStringProperty()); Session hibernateSession = null; hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); try { double[] minmax = { Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY }; if (!propDef.isScaffoldProperty()) { if (includeMoleculeData) { // search for min/max in all molecule data, if flag is set Transaction transaction = hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createSQLQuery("SELECT min(value), max(value) FROM ( " + "SELECT value FROM molecule_num_properties props " + "JOIN subset_molecule_relationship subs ON props.structure_id = subs.molecule_id " + "WHERE props.property_id = :propdef " + "AND subs.subset_id = :subset " + ") virtual_table"); query.setParameter("propdef", propDef); query.setParameter("subset", subset); Object[] result = (Object[]) query.uniqueResult(); transaction.commit(); if (result != null && result[0] != null && result[1] != null) { minmax[0] = Math.min(minmax[0], (Double) result[0]); minmax[1] = Math.max(minmax[1], (Double) result[1]); } } else { if (acc != AccumulationFunction.Sum) { /* * if no molecule data is included and the complete search (see if block below) of * sum accumulation is not executed, then we have to accumulate the property for * every scaffold. Full recursive accumulation is not required, because we have no * sum accumulation */ String accstring; switch (acc) { case Average: accstring = "avg"; break; case Minimum: accstring = "min"; break; case Maximum: accstring = "max"; break; default: throw new DatabaseException("This AccumulationFunction is not supported"); } Transaction transaction = hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createSQLQuery("SELECT min(accvalue), max(accvalue) FROM ( " + "SELECT scaf.structure_id, " + accstring + "(props.value) AS accvalue, count(scaf.structure_id) " + "FROM scaffold_data scaf " + "JOIN molecule_scaffold_relationship r ON scaf.structure_id = r.scaffold_id " + "JOIN molecule_num_properties props ON r.molecule_id = props.structure_id " + "JOIN subset_molecule_relationship subs ON r.molecule_id = subs.molecule_id " + "WHERE props.property_id = :propDef " + "AND subs.subset_id = :subset " + "AND scaf.tree_id = :tree " + "GROUP BY scaf.structure_id" + ") virtual_table"); query.setParameter("propDef", propDef); query.setParameter("subset", subset); query.setParameter("tree", tree); Object[] result = (Object[]) query.uniqueResult(); transaction.commit(); if (result != null && result[0] != null && result[1] != null) { minmax[0] = Math.min(minmax[0], (Double) result[0]); minmax[1] = Math.max(minmax[1], (Double) result[1]); } } } // for sum accumulation we have to consider ALL accumulated values of the whole scaffold tree if (acc == AccumulationFunction.Sum) { Scaffold root = getScaffolds(subset, true); Map<Scaffold, Double> allValues = getAccNumProperties(propDef, acc, subset, root, subtreeCumulative); // remove virtual root if required if (removeVirtualRoot && root.isImaginaryRoot()) allValues.remove(root); // get minmax over scaffolds for (Double d : allValues.values()) { if (d != null) { minmax[0] = Math.min(minmax[0], d); minmax[1] = Math.max(minmax[1], d); } } } } else { if (subtreeCumulative) { // for accumulation we have to consider all scaffolds and their values Scaffold root = getScaffolds(subset, true); Map<Scaffold, Double> allValues = getAccNumProperties(propDef, acc, subset, root, subtreeCumulative); // remove virtual root if required if (removeVirtualRoot && root.isImaginaryRoot()) allValues.remove(root); // get minmax over scaffolds for (Double d : allValues.values()) { if (d != null) { minmax[0] = Math.min(minmax[0], d); minmax[1] = Math.max(minmax[1], d); } } } else { // without accumulation the scaffold minmax values are sufficient Transaction transaction = hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createSQLQuery("SELECT min(scafval), max(scafval) FROM ( " + "SELECT value AS scafval FROM scaffold_num_properties scaf " + "JOIN molecule_scaffold_relationship r ON r.scaffold_id = scaf.structure_id " + "JOIN subset_molecule_relationship subs ON r.molecule_id = subs.molecule_id " + "WHERE scaf.property_id = :propdef " + "AND subs.subset_id = :subset " + ") virtual_table"); query.setParameter("propdef", propDef); query.setParameter("subset", subset); Object[] result = (Object[]) query.uniqueResult(); transaction.commit(); if (result != null && result[0] != null && result[1] != null) { minmax[0] = Math.min(minmax[0], (Double) result[0]); minmax[1] = Math.max(minmax[1], (Double) result[1]); } } } if ((minmax[0] == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY && minmax[1] == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) || minmax[0] > minmax[1]) { // no valid minimum and maximum have been found minmax[0] = Double.NaN; minmax[1] = Double.NaN; } return minmax; } catch (HibernateException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException(ex); } } @Override public long getDistinctValueCount(PropertyDefinition propDef) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); String propertyType; if (propDef.isStringProperty()) { if (propDef.isScaffoldProperty()) { propertyType = "ScaffoldStringProperty"; } else { propertyType = "MoleculeStringProperty"; } } else { if (propDef.isScaffoldProperty()) { propertyType = "ScaffoldNumProperty"; } else { propertyType = "MoleculeNumProperty"; } } Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("SELECT count(distinct prop.value) " + "FROM " + propertyType + " prop " + "WHERE prop.type = :propdef"); query.setParameter("propdef", propDef); long l = (Long) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); return l; } catch (HibernateException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException(ex); } } @Override public List<String> getDistinctStrings(PropertyDefinition propDef) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkArgument(propDef.isStringProperty()); Session hibernateSession = null; String propertyType; if (propDef.isScaffoldProperty()) { propertyType = "ScaffoldStringProperty"; } else { propertyType = "MoleculeStringProperty"; } try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("SELECT distinct prop.value " + "FROM " + propertyType + " prop " + "WHERE prop.type = :propdef"); query.setParameter("propdef", propDef); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> strings = query.list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); return strings; } catch (HibernateException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException(ex); } } @Override public Table<Scaffold, String, Integer> getStringDistribution(Scaffold root, Subset subset, PropertyDefinition propDef) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkArgument(propDef.isStringProperty() && !propDef.isScaffoldProperty()); Table<Scaffold, String, Integer> dist = HashBasedTable.create(); Map<Integer, Scaffold> scaffolds = Maps.newHashMap(); Session hibernateSession = null; for (Scaffold scaf : Scaffolds.getSubtreePreorderIterable(root)) { scaffolds.put(scaf.getId(), scaf); } try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery( "SELECT, prop.value " + "FROM Scaffold AS scaf JOIN scaf.generationMolecules scafmol, " + " MoleculeStringProperty prop, " + "Subset AS subs JOIN subs.molecules submol " + "WHERE scafmol = prop.molecule " + "AND submol = scafmol " + "AND scaf.tree = :tree " + "AND subs = :subset AND prop.type = :propdef"); query.setParameter("tree", root.getTree()); query.setParameter("subset", subset); query.setParameter("propdef", propDef); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> result = query.list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); for (Object[] o : result) { Scaffold scaf = scaffolds.get(o[0]); String str = (String) o[1]; if (scaf != null) { Integer i = dist.get(scaf, o[1]); if (i == null) { dist.put(scaf, str, 1); } else { dist.put(scaf, str, i + 1); } } } return dist; } catch (HibernateException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException(ex); } } @Override public Map<Integer, Integer> getSortOrder(Subset subset, PropertyDefinition property, boolean ascending) throws DatabaseException { Map<Integer, Integer> retVal = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); String order, propertyType; Session hibernateSession = null; if (ascending) { order = "ASC"; } else { order = "DESC"; } switch (property.getPropertyType()) { case NumProperty: propertyType = "MoleculeNumProperty"; break; default: propertyType = "MoleculeStringProperty"; } try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("Select, prop.value from " + propertyType + " prop, " + "Subset subset join subset.molecules mol where subset = :subset and " + "prop.molecule = mol and prop.type = :type order by prop.value " + order); query.setParameter("subset", subset); query.setParameter("type", property); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> queryResults = query.list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); // fill the map int i = 0; Object propValue = ascending ? Double.MIN_VALUE : Double.MAX_VALUE; Object currentPropValue; for (Object[] queryResult : queryResults) { currentPropValue = queryResult[1]; if (!currentPropValue.equals(propValue)) { i++; propValue = currentPropValue; } retVal.put((Integer) queryResult[0], i); } } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Could not fetch SVG String from Database.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Could not fetch SVG String from Database", ex); } return retVal; } @Override public Comment createOrUpdateComment(String comment, boolean priv, Tree tree, Profile profile, Structure structure) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(structure); Preconditions.checkNotNull(comment); Preconditions.checkNotNull(profile); Preconditions.checkNotNull(profile.getCurrentSession()); Comment commentObj = getComment(priv, tree, profile, structure); if (commentObj == null) { commentObj = new Comment(); } commentObj.setComment(comment); commentObj.setModifiedBy(profile); commentObj.setModificationDate(new Date()); commentObj.setPrivate(priv); commentObj.setSmiles(structure.getSmiles()); commentObj.setTree(tree); commentObj.setDataset(profile.getCurrentSession().getTree().getDataset()); commentObj.setMolecule(structure instanceof Molecule); saveOrUpdate(commentObj); return commentObj; } @Override public Banner createBanner(boolean priv, Tree tree, Profile profile, Structure structure) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(profile); Preconditions.checkNotNull(structure); Preconditions.checkNotNull(tree); Banner banner = getBanner(priv, tree, profile, structure); if (banner == null) { banner = new Banner(); } banner.setPrivate(priv); banner.setCreatedBy(profile); banner.setTree(tree); banner.setStructure(structure); saveAsNew(banner); return banner; } @Override public Comment getComment(boolean priv, Tree tree, Profile profile, Structure structure) throws DatabaseException { Comment comment; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query; String treeQueryStr = (tree == null) ? "AND com.tree is null " : "AND com.tree=:tree "; String privQueryStr = priv ? "AND com.modifiedBy=:profile" : ""; query = hibernateSession.createQuery("FROM Comment com WHERE com.private=:priv " + treeQueryStr + "AND com.smiles=:smiles " + privQueryStr); if (priv) { query.setParameter("profile", profile); } query.setParameter("priv", priv); if (tree != null) { query.setParameter("tree", tree); } query.setParameter("smiles", structure.getSmiles()); comment = (Comment) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Could not fetch unique Comment from Database.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Could not fetch unique Comment from Database", ex); } // set lazy properties if (comment != null) { if (priv) { comment.setModifiedBy(profile); } else { comment.setModifiedBy(null); } comment.setDataset(profile.getCurrentSession().getDataset()); comment.setTree(tree); } return comment; } @Override public Banner getBanner(boolean priv, Tree tree, Profile profile, Structure structure) throws DatabaseException { Banner banner; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query; if (priv) { query = hibernateSession.createQuery("FROM Banner ban WHERE ban.private=:priv " + "AND ban.tree=:tree AND ban.structure=:struc AND ban.createdBy=:profile"); query.setParameter("profile", profile); } else { query = hibernateSession.createQuery( "FROM Banner ban WHERE ban.private=:priv " + "AND ban.tree=:tree AND ban.structure=:struc"); } query.setParameter("priv", priv); query.setParameter("tree", tree); query.setParameter("struc", structure); banner = (Banner) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Could not fetch unique Banner from Database.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Could not fetch unique Banner from Database", ex); } if (banner != null) { if (priv) { banner.setCreatedBy(profile); } else { banner.setCreatedBy(null); } banner.setStructure(structure); banner.setTree(tree); } return banner; } @Override public Banner getBanner(boolean priv, edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Session session, Profile profile, Structure structure) throws DatabaseException { return getBanner(priv, session.getTree(), profile, structure); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Banner> getAllBanners(Subset subset, Scaffold root) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(subset); Preconditions.checkNotNull(root); logger.debug("Root scaffold id is {}",; Tree tree = root.getTree(); Profile currentProfile = subset.getSession().getProfile(); /* * -> Structure */ Map<Integer, Structure> structures = new HashMap<Integer, Structure>(); Queue<Scaffold> queue = new LinkedList<Scaffold>(Collections.singleton(root)); List<Object[]> queryResults = null; List<Banner> retVal = new LinkedList<Banner>(); Banner banner; Structure structure; Session hibernateSession = null; // add all Scaffolds to structures Scaffold scaffold; while ((scaffold = queue.poll()) != null) { queue.addAll(scaffold.getChildren()); structures.put(scaffold.getId(), scaffold); logger.debug("Adding scaffold id {} to the list of all structures",; } // add all Molecules to structures for (Molecule molecule : subset.getMolecules()) { structures.put(molecule.getId(), molecule); logger.debug("Adding molecule id {} to the list of all structures",; } try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query; query = hibernateSession .createQuery("SELECT ban, " + "FROM Banner ban, Subset s JOIN s.molecules submol " + "WHERE s = :subset AND ban.structure = submol " + "AND (ban.private = false OR ban.createdBy = :profile)"); query.setParameter("subset", subset); query.setParameter("profile", subset.getSession().getProfile()); queryResults = query.list(); query = hibernateSession.createQuery("SELECT ban, " + "FROM Banner ban, Scaffold scaf " + "WHERE ban.structure = scaf AND scaf.tree = :tree " + "AND (ban.private = false OR ban.createdBy = :profile)"); query.setParameter("tree", tree); query.setParameter("profile", subset.getSession().getProfile()); queryResults.addAll(query.list()); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Could not fetch Banners from Database.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Could not fetch Banners from Database", ex); } for (Object[] object : queryResults) { banner = (Banner) object[0]; structure = structures.get(object[1]); if (structure != null) { if (banner.isPrivate()) { banner.setCreatedBy(currentProfile); } else { banner.setCreatedBy(null); } banner.setStructure(structure); banner.setTree(tree); retVal.add(banner); } else { logger.debug("filtering out banner for structure id {}", object[1]); } } return retVal; } @Override public Molecule getMolecule(Dataset dataset, String smiles) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession .createQuery("from Molecule where dataset = :dataset and smiles = :smiles"); query.setParameter("dataset", dataset); query.setParameter("smiles", smiles); Molecule mol = (Molecule) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); return mol; } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Could not fetch unique Molecule from Database.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Could not fetch unique Molecule from Database", ex); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Ruleset> getAllRulesets() throws DatabaseException { List<Ruleset> sets; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); sets = hibernateSession.createQuery("from Ruleset order by Title").list(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Query from Ruleset failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Query from Ruleset failed", ex); } return sets; } @Override public String getCreationUserName(Dataset dataset) throws DatabaseException { String userName; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession .createQuery("SELECT data.createdBy.username FROM Dataset data WHERE data = :dataset"); query.setParameter("dataset", dataset); userName = (String) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Fetching username of Dataset creator failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Fetching username of Dataset creator failed", ex); } if (userName == null) { throw new DatabaseException("Fetching username of Dataset creator failed"); } return userName; } @Override public String getCreationUserName(Tree tree) throws DatabaseException { String userName; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery("SELECT t.createdBy.username FROM Tree t WHERE t = :tree"); query.setParameter("tree", tree); userName = (String) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Fetching username of Tree creator failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Fetching username of Tree creator failed", ex); } if (userName == null) { throw new DatabaseException("Fetching username of Tree creator failed"); } return userName; } @Override public String getCreationUserName(Comment comment) throws DatabaseException { String userName; Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query query = hibernateSession .createQuery("SELECT c.modifiedBy.username FROM Comment c WHERE c = :comment"); query.setParameter("comment", comment); userName = (String) query.uniqueResult(); hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("Fetching username of Comment creator failed.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("Fetching username of Comment creator failed", ex); } if (userName == null) { throw new DatabaseException("Fetching username of Comment creator failed"); } return userName; } @Override public void mergeMoleculesIntoDBbySMILES(MergeIterator mergeIterator) throws DatabaseException { Session hibernateSession = null; try { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); Query smilesQuery = hibernateSession .createQuery("SELECT mol.smiles from Molecule mol WHERE mol.dataset = :dataset"); smilesQuery.setParameter("dataset", mergeIterator.getDataset()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<String> smileStrings = Sets.newHashSet(smilesQuery.list()); Collection<PropertyDefinition> mergedPropDefs = mergeIterator.getMergedProperties(); Query molQuery = hibernateSession .createQuery("from Molecule where dataset = :dataset and smiles = :smiles"); molQuery.setParameter("dataset", mergeIterator.getDataset()); Query numPropertyQuery = hibernateSession .createQuery("from MoleculeNumProperty where molecule=:mol and type=:propdef"); Query stringPropertyQuery = hibernateSession .createQuery("from MoleculeStringProperty where molecule=:mol and type=:propdef"); List<Property> newProps = Lists.newArrayList(); List<Property> updatedProps = Lists.newArrayList(); while (mergeIterator.hasNext()) { String currentSmiles =; if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { // import has been canceled hibernateSession.getTransaction().rollback(); return; } if (smileStrings.contains(currentSmiles)) { // molecule already in DB: merge molQuery.setParameter("smiles", currentSmiles); Molecule currentMol = (Molecule) molQuery.uniqueResult(); for (PropertyDefinition propDef : mergedPropDefs) { Query propertyQuery; if (propDef.isStringProperty()) propertyQuery = stringPropertyQuery; else propertyQuery = numPropertyQuery; propertyQuery.setParameter("mol", currentMol); propertyQuery.setParameter("propdef", propDef); if (propDef.isStringProperty()) { MoleculeStringProperty stringProp = (MoleculeStringProperty) propertyQuery .uniqueResult(); currentMol.getStringProperties().put(propDef.getId(), stringProp); } else { MoleculeNumProperty numProp = (MoleculeNumProperty) propertyQuery.uniqueResult(); currentMol.getNumProperties().put(propDef.getId(), numProp); } } newProps.clear(); updatedProps.clear(); mergeIterator.mergeInto(currentMol, newProps, updatedProps); hibernateSession.update(currentMol); for (DbObject o : updatedProps) hibernateSession.update(o); for (DbObject o : newProps); } else { // Molecule not in DB create a new one newProps.clear(); Molecule newMol = mergeIterator.newMolecule(newProps); if (newMol != null) {; for (DbObject o : newProps) {; } } } hibernateSession.flush(); hibernateSession.clear(); } hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("An error occured during merging.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("An error occured during merging.", ex); } } @Override public void mergeMoleculesIntoDBbyProperty(MergeIterator iterator, PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, Dataset dataset) throws DatabaseException { Preconditions.checkArgument(!propertyDefinition.isScaffoldProperty()); Session hibernateSession = null; try { // TODO check somewhere if the property is really appropriate for // merging (no duplicates) hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); /* * PropertyValue -> Molecule */ Map<?, Molecule> molecules; Collection<PropertyDefinition> mergedPropDefs = iterator.getMergedProperties(); /* * create this queries once instead of for each molecule one time */ Query numPropertyQuery = hibernateSession .createQuery("from MoleculeNumProperty where molecule=:mol and type=:propdef"); Query stringPropertyQuery = hibernateSession .createQuery("from MoleculeStringProperty where molecule=:mol and type=:propdef"); /* * Fill the map "molecules" with all merge ids and the concerning * Molecule in the database */ if (propertyDefinition.isStringProperty()) { Query propQuery = hibernateSession.createQuery( "select prop.value, prop.molecule from MoleculeStringProperty prop where prop.type = :propDef"); propQuery.setParameter("propDef", propertyDefinition); Map<String, Molecule> molMap = Maps.newHashMap(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> tuples = propQuery.list(); for (Object[] t : tuples) { molMap.put((String) t[0], (Molecule) t[1]); } molecules = molMap; } else { // numProperty Query propQuery = hibernateSession.createQuery( "select prop.value, prop.molecule from MoleculeNumProperty prop where prop.type = :propDef"); propQuery.setParameter("propDef", propertyDefinition); Map<Double, Molecule> molMap = Maps.newHashMap(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> tuples = propQuery.list(); for (Object[] t : tuples) { molMap.put((Double) t[0], (Molecule) t[1]); } molecules = molMap; } /* * For each Molecule that should be merged into the DB */ List<Property> newProperties = Lists.newArrayList(); List<Property> updatedProperties = Lists.newArrayList(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { // retrieve merge-id value Object currentID = iterator.nextID(); // get the associated molecule with this id in the DB Molecule currentMol = molecules.get(currentID); // if there does not exist a molecule with this id in the DB if (currentMol == null) { continue; } /* * Fill the current Molecule with already existing (in DB) * propertyValues */ for (PropertyDefinition propDef : mergedPropDefs) { Query propertyQuery; if (propDef.isStringProperty()) { propertyQuery = stringPropertyQuery; } else { propertyQuery = numPropertyQuery; } propertyQuery.setParameter("mol", currentMol); propertyQuery.setParameter("propdef", propDef); if (propDef.isStringProperty()) { MoleculeStringProperty stringProp = (MoleculeStringProperty) propertyQuery.uniqueResult(); currentMol.getStringProperties().put(propDef.getId(), stringProp); } else { MoleculeNumProperty numProp = (MoleculeNumProperty) propertyQuery.uniqueResult(); currentMol.getNumProperties().put(propDef.getId(), numProp); } } /* * Merge the existing Properties with the new ones and save them * in the DB */ newProperties.clear(); updatedProperties.clear(); iterator.mergeInto(currentMol, newProperties, updatedProperties); hibernateSession.update(currentMol); for (Property p : updatedProperties) hibernateSession.update(p); for (Property p : newProperties); /* * Guaranty the persistence of the current Molecule and clean up * Session */ hibernateSession.flush(); hibernateSession.clear(); } hibernateSession.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { logger.error("An error occured during merging.\n{}\n{}", ex, stacktrace(ex)); closeAndRollBackErroneousSession(hibernateSession); throw new DatabaseException("An error occured during merging.", ex); } } /** * Gives a {@link String} of a stacktrace of an {@link Exception} * * @param ex * the Exception * @return the stacktrace */ private static String stacktrace(Exception ex) { StringBuilder stacktrace = new StringBuilder("Stacktrace:\n"); for (StackTraceElement elem : ex.getStackTrace()) { stacktrace.append(elem.toString() + "\n"); } return stacktrace.toString(); } /** * Returns a native SQL Connection to the database * * @return the {@link Connection} * @throws DatabaseException */ private Connection getNativeDbConnection() throws DatabaseException { Connection retVal = null; try { Class.forName(connectionDriverClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new DatabaseException("Could not find database driver", e); } try { retVal = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl, connectionUsername, connectionPassword); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException("Error connecting to database", e); } return retVal; } /** * Adds the Molecules of the given Scaffold and all Scaffolds in the Subtree * (with root of the given Scaffold) to the the molecules list * * @param scaffold * the root Scaffold of the Subtree * @param molecules * list where the molecules are added */ private static void addChildMolecules(Scaffold scaffold, Set<Molecule> molecules) { molecules.addAll(scaffold.getMolecules()); for (Scaffold child : scaffold.getChildren()) addChildMolecules(child, molecules); } /** * Adds all scaffolds parents to the set of parents, if they are not already * in the set of scaffolds and adds the scaffolds to the children set of * each scaffold * * @param scaffold * The scaffold which parents should be added * @param parents * The set of parent scaffolds. This set is modified. * @param scaffolds * The set of scaffolds. This set is not modified. */ private static void addParents(Scaffold scaffold, Set<Scaffold> parents, Set<Scaffold> scaffolds) { Scaffold parent = scaffold.getParent(); if (parent != null && !parent.getChildren().contains(scaffold)) parent.getChildren().add(scaffold); if (parent != null && !scaffolds.contains(parent) && !parents.contains(parent)) { parents.add(parent); addParents(parent, parents, scaffolds); } } /* * Creates the query Part for a Filterset * * Precondition: m must be the Molecule */ private void getFiltersetQueryPart(Dataset dataset, Filterset filterset, Map<String, PropertyDefinition> propDefParameterNames, StringBuilder queryString) { queryString.append(" AND ("); int i = 0; boolean first = true; // Each filter is encapsulated into a sub query for (Filter filter : filterset.getFilters()) { // logic interconnection if (!first) { if (filterset.isConjunctive()) { queryString.append(" AND"); } else { queryString.append(" OR"); } } else { first = false; } String parameterName = "propDefParameterName" + i++; propDefParameterNames.put(parameterName, filter.getPropDef(dataset)); queryString.append(getFilterQueryPart(dataset, filter, parameterName)); } queryString.append(")"); logger.debug("Filter Query String: {}", queryString.toString()); } /* * Creates a query part for a single Filter * * e.g. NumFilter->IsDefined or NumFilter->GreaterOrEqual(3) */ private String getFilterQueryPart(Dataset dataset, Filter filter, String propDefParameterName) { StringBuilder queryPart = new StringBuilder(""); final String moleculeIn = " m IN "; final String moleculeNotIn = " m NOT IN "; String subQueryBody; /* * NumFilter */ if (filter instanceof NumFilter) { if (filter.getPropDef(dataset).isScaffoldProperty()) { /* * Scaffold NumProperty Filter */ subQueryBody = "(SELECT mol FROM Scaffold s INNER JOIN s.generationMolecules AS mol, ScaffoldNumProperty p " + "WHERE p.scaffold = s AND p.type = :" + propDefParameterName; } else { /* * Molecule NumProperty Filter */ subQueryBody = "(SELECT mol FROM Molecule mol, MoleculeNumProperty p " + "WHERE p.molecule = mol AND p.type = :" + propDefParameterName; } switch (((NumFilter) filter).getComparisonFunction()) { case IsDefined: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(")"); break; case IsNotDefined: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(")"); break; case IsEqual: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value = "); queryPart.append(((NumFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append(")"); break; case IsNotEqual: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value = "); queryPart.append(((NumFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append(")"); break; case IsGreater: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value > "); queryPart.append(((NumFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append(")"); break; case IsGreaterOrEqual: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value >= "); queryPart.append(((NumFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append(")"); break; case IsLess: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value < "); queryPart.append(((NumFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append(")"); break; case IsLessOrEqual: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value <= "); queryPart.append(((NumFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append(")"); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("This NumComparisonFunction is currently not supportet"); } /* * StringFilter */ } else { if (filter.getPropDef(dataset).isScaffoldProperty()) { /* * Scaffold StringProperty Filter */ subQueryBody = "(SELECT mol FROM Scaffold s INNER JOIN s.generationMolecules AS mol, ScaffoldStringProperty p " + "WHERE p.scaffold = s AND p.type = :" + propDefParameterName; } else { /* * Molecule StringProperty Filter */ subQueryBody = "(SELECT mol FROM Molecule mol, MoleculeStringProperty p " + "WHERE p.molecule = mol AND p.type = :" + propDefParameterName; } switch (((StringFilter) filter).getComparisonFunction()) { case IsDefined: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(")"); break; case IsNotDefined: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(")"); break; case IsEqual: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value like '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("')"); break; case IsNotEqual: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value like '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("')"); break; case Begins: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value like '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("%')"); break; case BeginsInverse: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("' like concat(p.value, '%'))"); break; case BeginsNot: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value like '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("%')"); break; case BeginsNotInverse: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("' like concat(p.value, '%'))"); break; case Ends: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value like '%"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("')"); break; case EndsInverse: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("' like concat('%', p.value))"); break; case EndsNot: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value like '%"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("')"); break; case EndsNotInverse: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("' like concat('%', p.value))"); break; case Contains: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value like '%"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("%')"); break; case ContainsInverse: queryPart.append(moleculeIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("' like concat('%', concat(p.value, '%')))"); break; case ContainsNot: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND p.value like '%"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("%')"); break; case ContainsNotInverse: queryPart.append(moleculeNotIn); queryPart.append(subQueryBody); queryPart.append(" AND '"); queryPart.append(((StringFilter) filter).getValue()); queryPart.append("' like concat('%', concat(p.value, '%')))"); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("This StringComparisonFunction is currently not supportet"); } } return queryPart.toString(); } private class IntegerDoublePair { public Double d; public Integer i; public IntegerDoublePair(Integer i, Double d) { this.i = i; this.d = d; } } }