Source code

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import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.Namespace;
import org.dom4j.QName;

 * Utilities for working with Record instances.
 * @author lsitu
 * @author escowles
 * @since 2014-09-18
public class RecordUtil {
    // private type values
    public static String copyrightPublic = "Public domain";
    public static String copyrightRegents = "Copyright UC Regents";
    private static String copyrightPerson = "Copyrighted (Person)";
    private static String copyrightCorporate = "Copyrighted (Corporate)";
    private static String copyrightOther = "Copyrighted (Other)";
    private static String copyrightUnknown = "Unknown";
    private static String underCopyright = "Under copyright";

    private static String accessPublicLicense = "Public - granted by rights holder";
    private static String accessPublicFairUse = "Public - open fair use";
    private static String accessPublicMetadata = "Public - metadata only fair use";
    private static String accessUCSDLicense = "UCSD - granted by rights holder";
    private static String accessUCSDFairUse = "UCSD - educational fair use";
    private static String accessCurator = "Curator";
    private static String accessClickthroughSensitivity = "Click through - cultural sensitivity";
    private static String accessRestrictedSensitivity = "Restricted - cultural sensitivity";
    private static String accessRestrictedLicense = "Restricted - by rights holder";

    private static String accessCcBy = "Creative Commons - Attribution";
    private static String accessCcBySa = "Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike";
    private static String accessCcByNd = "Creative Commons - Attribution-NoDerivs";
    private static String accessCcByNc = "Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial";
    private static String accessCcByNcSa = "Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike";
    private static String accessCcByNcNd = "Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs";

    private static String creativeCommons = "";

    private static String programRDC = "Research Data Curation Program";
    private static String programDLP = "Digital Library Development Program";
    private static String programSCA = "Special Collections and Archives";

    private static String address = "University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175";
    private static String programRDCnote = "Research Data Curation Program, " + address
            + " (";
    private static String programDLPnote = "Digital Library Development Program, " + address
            + " (";
    private static String programSCAnote = "Special Collections & Archives, " + address
            + " (";

    private static String culturalSensitivityNote = "Culturally sensitive content: This is an "
            + "image of a person or persons now deceased. In some Aboriginal Communities, hearing "
            + "names or seeing images of deceased persons may cause sadness or distress, particularly "
            + "to the relatives of these people.";

    private static String copyrightPurposeNote = "Use: This work is available from the UC San "
            + "Diego Library. This digital copy of the work is intended to support research, teaching, "
            + "and private study.";
    private static String copyrightNoteCopyrightedUS = "Constraint(s) on Use: This work is "
            + "protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use of this work beyond that "
            + "allowed by \"fair use\" requires written permission of the copyright holder(s). "
            + "Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work "
            + "rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Library. Inquiries can be made "
            + "to the UC San Diego Library program having custody of the work.";
    private static String copyrightNoteCopyrightedRegents = "Constraint(s) on Use: This work is "
            + "protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use of this work beyond that "
            + "allowed by \"fair use\" requires written permission of the UC Regents. Responsibility "
            + "for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work rests exclusively "
            + "with the user and not the UC San Diego Library. Inquiries can be made to the UC San "
            + "Diego Library program having custody of the work.";
    private static String copyrightNoteCopyrightedOther = "Constraint(s) on Use: This work is "
            + "protected by the copyright law. Use of this work beyond that allowed by the applicable "
            + "copyright statute requires written permission of the copyright holder(s). "
            + "Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work "
            + "rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Library. Inquiries can be made "
            + "to the UC San Diego Library program having custody of the work.";
    private static String copyrightNotePublicDomain = "Constraint(s) on Use: This work may be used "
            + "without prior permission.";
    private static String copyrightNoteUnknownUS = "Constraint(s) on Use: This work may be "
            + "protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use of this work beyond that "
            + "allowed by \"fair use\" requires the written permission of the copyright holders(s). "
            + "Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work "
            + "rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Libraries. Inquiries can be "
            + "made to the UC San Diego Libraries department having custody of the work.";
    private static String copyrightNoteUnknownOther = "Constraint(s) on Use: This work may be "
            + "protected by the copyright law. Use of this work beyond that allowed by the applicable "
            + "copyright statute requires the written permission of the copyright holders(s). "
            + "Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work "
            + "rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Libraries. Inquiries can be "
            + "made to the UC San Diego Libraries department having custody of the work.";

     * Copyright values.
    public static String[] COPYRIGHT_VALUES = { copyrightPublic, copyrightRegents, copyrightPerson,
            copyrightCorporate, copyrightOther, copyrightUnknown };

     * Access values.
    public static String[] ACCESS_VALUES = { accessPublicLicense, accessPublicFairUse, accessPublicMetadata,
            accessUCSDLicense, accessUCSDFairUse, accessCurator, accessClickthroughSensitivity,
            accessRestrictedSensitivity, accessRestrictedLicense, accessCcBy, accessCcBySa, accessCcByNd,
            accessCcByNc, accessCcByNcSa, accessCcByNcNd };

     * Program values.
    public static String[] PROGRAM_VALUES = { programRDC, programDLP, programSCA };

    // namespaces
    private static String damsURI = "";
    private static String madsURI = "";
    private static String rdfURI = "";
    private static String rdfsURI = "";
    private static Namespace damsNS = new Namespace("dams", damsURI);
    private static Namespace madsNS = new Namespace("mads", madsURI);
    private static Namespace rdfNS = new Namespace("rdf", rdfURI);
    private static Namespace rdfsNS = new Namespace("rdfs", rdfsURI);
    private static QName rdfResource = new QName("resource", rdfNS);

     * Add rights metadata to a Document.
     * @param doc RDF/XML document containing an Object record.
     * @param unitURI Unit URI.
     * @param collectionURIs Zero or more collection URIs.
     * @param copyrightStatus One value from COPYRIGHT_VALUES.
     * @param copyrightJurisdiction Copyright jurisdiction country code.
     * @param copyrightOwner Name of the copyright owner.
     * @param program One value from PROGRAM_VALUES.
     * @param access  One value from ACCESS_VALUES.
     * @param endDate End of any license permission or restriction (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
    public static void addRights(Document doc, String unitURI, Map<String, String> collections,
            String copyrightStatus, String copyrightJurisdiction, String copyrightOwner, String program,
            String access, String beginDate, String endDate) {
        Element o = (Element) doc.selectSingleNode("//dams:Object");

        // unit
        if (!isBlank(unitURI)) {
            o.addElement("dams:unit", damsURI).addAttribute(rdfResource, unitURI);

        // program
        if (!isBlank(program)) {
            if (program.equals(programRDC)) {
                addProgramNote(o, programRDCnote);
            } else if (program.equals(programDLP)) {
                addProgramNote(o, programDLPnote);
            } else if (program.equals(programSCA)) {
                addProgramNote(o, programSCAnote);

        // collections
        if (collections != null && collections.size() > 0) {
            for (Iterator<String> it = collections.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String uri =;
                String collType = collections.get(uri);
                String collPredicate = StringUtils.isNotBlank(collType)
                        ? collType.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + collType.substring(1)
                        : "collection";
                o.addElement("dams:" + collPredicate, damsURI).addAttribute(rdfResource, uri);

        // copyright
        if (!isBlank(copyrightStatus)) {
            Element c = o.addElement("dams:copyright", damsURI).addElement("dams:Copyright", damsURI);
            if (!isBlank(copyrightJurisdiction)) {
                c.addElement("dams:copyrightJurisdiction", damsURI).setText(copyrightJurisdiction);

            if (copyrightStatus.startsWith("Copyrighted (") || copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightRegents)) {
                c.addElement("dams:copyrightStatus", damsURI).setText(underCopyright);
            } else {
                c.addElement("dams:copyrightStatus", damsURI).setText(copyrightStatus);

            if (copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightRegents)) {
                addRightsHolder(o, copyrightStatus, "UC Regents");
            } else if (!isBlank(copyrightOwner)) {
                addRightsHolder(o, copyrightStatus, copyrightOwner);

            // copyright boilerplate
            if (copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightPublic)) {
            } else if (copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightUnknown)) {
                if (copyrightJurisdiction.equalsIgnoreCase("us")) {
                } else {
            } else if (copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightRegents)) {
            } else if (copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightPerson) || copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightCorporate)
                    || copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightOther)
                    || copyrightStatus.toLowerCase().startsWith("under copyright")) {
                if (copyrightJurisdiction.equalsIgnoreCase("us")) {
                } else {

        // other rights
        if (!isBlank(access)) {
            if (access.equals(accessPublicLicense)) {
                addLicense(o, "Public access granted by rights holder.", "display", null, beginDate, endDate, null);
            } else if (access.equals(accessPublicFairUse)) {
                addOtherRights(o, "fair use (public)", "display", null);
            } else if (access.equals(accessPublicMetadata)) {
                addOtherRights(o, "fair use (public)", "metadataDisplay", null);
            } else if (access.equals(accessUCSDLicense)) {
                addLicense(o, "Access granted by rights holder.", "localDisplay", null, beginDate, endDate, null);
            } else if (access.equals(accessUCSDFairUse)) {
                addOtherRights(o, "fair use (UCSD)", "localDisplay", null);
            } else if (access.equals(accessCurator)) {
                addOtherRights(o, null, null, "display");
            } else if (access.equals(accessClickthroughSensitivity)) {
                // License
                addLicense(o, null, "display", null, beginDate, endDate, null);
                // OtherRights
                addOtherRights(o, "cultural sensitivity", "display", null);
            } else if (access.equals(accessRestrictedSensitivity)) {
                addOtherRights(o, "cultural sensitivity", "metadataDisplay", "display");
            } else if (access.equals(accessRestrictedLicense)) {
                addLicense(o, "Display currently prohibited.", null, "display", beginDate, endDate, null);
                addOtherRights(o, "fair use (public)", "metadataDisplay", null);
            } else if (access.equals(accessCcBy)) {
                addLicense(o, getCreativeCommonsNote("Attribution"), "display", null, beginDate, endDate,
                        creativeCommons + "by/4.0/");
            } else if (access.equals(accessCcBySa)) {
                addLicense(o, getCreativeCommonsNote("Attribution-ShareAlike"), "display", null, beginDate, endDate,
                        creativeCommons + "by-sa/4.0/");
            } else if (access.equals(accessCcByNd)) {
                addLicense(o, getCreativeCommonsNote("Attribution-NoDerivatives"), "display", null, beginDate,
                        endDate, creativeCommons + "by-nd/4.0/");
            } else if (access.equals(accessCcByNc)) {
                addLicense(o, getCreativeCommonsNote("Attribution-NonCommercial"), "display", null, beginDate,
                        endDate, creativeCommons + "by-nc/4.0/");
            } else if (access.equals(accessCcByNcSa)) {
                addLicense(o, getCreativeCommonsNote("Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike"), "display", null,
                        beginDate, endDate, creativeCommons + "by-nc-sa/4.0/");
            } else if (access.equals(accessCcByNcNd)) {
                addLicense(o, getCreativeCommonsNote("Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives"), "display", null,
                        beginDate, endDate, creativeCommons + "by-nc-nd/4.0/");

    private static void addProgramNote(Element o, String noteValue) {
        Element note = o.addElement("dams:note", damsURI).addElement("dams:Note", damsURI);
        note.addElement("dams:type", damsURI).setText("local attribution");
        note.addElement("dams:displayLabel", damsURI).setText("digital object made available by");
        note.addElement("rdf:value", rdfURI).setText(noteValue);

    private static void addCulturalSensitivityNote(Element o) {
        Element note = o.addElement("dams:note", damsURI).addElement("dams:Note", damsURI);
        note.addElement("rdf:value", rdfURI).setText(culturalSensitivityNote);

    private static void addOtherRights(Element o, String basis, String permission, String restriction) {
        Element other = o.addElement("dams:otherRights", damsURI).addElement("dams:OtherRights", damsURI);
        if (!isBlank(basis)) {
            other.addElement("dams:otherRightsBasis", damsURI).setText(basis);
        addRightsAction(other, permission, restriction, null, null);

    private static void addLicense(Element o, String note, String permission, String restriction, String beginDate,
            String endDate, String licenseURI) {
        Element license = o.addElement("dams:license", damsURI).addElement("dams:License", damsURI);
        if (!isBlank(note)) {
            license.addElement("dams:licenseNote", damsURI).setText(note);
        if (!isBlank(licenseURI)) {
            license.addElement("dams:licenseURI", damsURI).setText(licenseURI);
        addRightsAction(license, permission, restriction, beginDate, endDate);

    private static void addRightsAction(Element e, String permission, String restriction, String beginDate,
            String endDate) {
        if (!isBlank(permission)) {
            Element perm = e.addElement("dams:permission", damsURI).addElement("dams:Permission", damsURI);
            perm.addElement("dams:type", damsURI).setText(permission);
            if (!isBlank(beginDate)) {
                perm.addElement("dams:beginDate", damsURI).setText(beginDate);
            if (!isBlank(endDate)) {
                perm.addElement("dams:endDate", damsURI).setText(endDate);
        if (!isBlank(restriction)) {
            Element rest = e.addElement("dams:restriction", damsURI).addElement("dams:Restriction", damsURI);
            rest.addElement("dams:type", damsURI).setText(restriction);
            if (isBlank(permission)) {
                if (!isBlank(beginDate)) {
                    rest.addElement("dams:beginDate", damsURI).setText(beginDate);
                if (!isBlank(endDate)) {
                    rest.addElement("dams:endDate", damsURI).setText(endDate);

    private static void addRightsHolder(Element o, String copyrightStatus, String rightsHolder) {
        String predicate = null;
        String nameClass = null;
        if (copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightPerson)) {
            predicate = "dams:rightsHolderPersonal";
            nameClass = "mads:PersonalName";
        } else if (copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightCorporate) || copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightRegents)) {
            predicate = "dams:rightsHolderCorporate";
            nameClass = "mads:CorporateName";
        if (copyrightStatus.equals(copyrightOther)) {
            predicate = "dams:rightsHolderName";
            nameClass = "mads:Name";
        Element name = o.addElement(predicate, damsURI).addElement(nameClass, madsURI);
        name.addElement("mads:authoritativeLabel", madsURI).setText(rightsHolder);
        Element el = name.addElement("mads:elementList");
        el.addAttribute(new QName("parseType", rdfNS), "Collection");
        el.addElement("mads:FullNameElement", madsURI).addElement("mads:elementValue", madsURI)

    private static String getCreativeCommonsNote(String attribution) {
        return "Creative Commons " + attribution + " 4.0 International Public License";

    private static boolean isBlank(String s) {
        return s == null || s.trim().equals("");