Java tutorial
package edu.ucsd.library.xdre.imports; import; import; import; import; import java.text.Normalizer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator; import edu.ucsd.library.xdre.collection.MetadataImportHandler; import edu.ucsd.library.xdre.utils.Constants; import edu.ucsd.library.xdre.utils.DAMSClient; import edu.ucsd.library.xdre.utils.DFile; import edu.ucsd.library.xdre.utils.DamsURI; import edu.ucsd.library.xdre.utils.FFMPEGConverter; import edu.ucsd.library.xdre.utils.RDFStore; /** * * RDFDAMS4ImportTsHandler: Import objects (metadata and files) in DAMS4 RDF/XML format with support to lookup records from the triplestore. * @author */ public class RDFDAMS4ImportTsHandler extends MetadataImportHandler { public static final String LICENSE = "License"; public static final String PERMISSION = "Permission"; public static final String RESTRICTION = "Restriction"; public static final String RELATEDRESOURCE = "RelatedResource"; public static final String SOURCECAPTURE = "SourceCapture"; public static final String COPYRIGHT = "Copyright"; public static final String OTHERRIGHTS = "OtherRights"; public static final String NOTE = "Note"; public static final String MADSSCHEME = "MADSScheme"; public static final String LANGUAGE = "Language"; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RDFDAMS4ImportTsHandler.class); private Map<String, String> idsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, File> filesMap = new HashMap<String, File>(); private DAMSClient damsClient = null; private String importOption = null; private File[] rdfFiles = null; private String[] filesPaths = null; //private int objectsCount = 0; private int recordsCount = 0; private int filesCount = 0; private int ingestFailedCount = 0; private int derivFailedCount = 0; private int solrFailedCount = 0; private Map<String, String> objRecords = new HashMap<String, String>(); private List<String> recordsIngested = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> objWithFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); private StringBuilder ingestFailed = new StringBuilder(); private StringBuilder metadataFailed = new StringBuilder(); private StringBuilder derivativesFailed = new StringBuilder(); private StringBuilder filesIngested = new StringBuilder(); private boolean replace = false; private int processIndex = 0; private boolean[] status = null; private StringBuilder[] messages = null; private String[] processNames = { "Object RDF/XML validation", "Object metadata build", "File ingest", "SOLR index request" }; private StringBuilder ingestMessages = new StringBuilder(); private String preprocessedTimestamp = ""; /** * Constructor * @param damsClient * @param rdf * @param mode * @throws Exception */ public RDFDAMS4ImportTsHandler(DAMSClient damsClient, File[] rdfFiles, String importOption) throws Exception { super(damsClient, null); this.damsClient = damsClient; this.rdfFiles = rdfFiles; this.importOption = importOption; } public String[] getFilesPaths() { return filesPaths; } public void setFilesPaths(String[] filesPaths) { this.filesPaths = filesPaths; } public boolean isReplace() { return replace; } public void setReplace(boolean replace) { this.replace = replace; } public String getPreprocessedTimestamp() { return preprocessedTimestamp; } public void setPreprocessedTimestamp(String preprocessedTimestamp) { this.preprocessedTimestamp = preprocessedTimestamp; } /** * Procedure to populate the RDF metadata and ingest the files */ @Override public boolean execute() throws Exception { if (filesPaths != null) { File file = null; // List the source files for (int i = 0; i < filesPaths.length; i++) { file = new File(filesPaths[i]); if (file.exists()) { listFile(filesMap, file); } } } String message = ""; Document doc = null; DamsURI damsURI = null; List<String> recordsToReplace = null; String oid = null; int fLen = rdfFiles.length; String currFile = null; SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader(); for (int i = 0; i < fLen && !interrupted; i++) { if (i == 0) logMessage("Object Import status:\n[Object title] - [URI] - [Status] - [Timestamp]"); recordsToReplace = new ArrayList<>(); currFile = rdfFiles[i].getName(); preprocessedTimestamp = damsDateFormat.format(rdfFiles[i].lastModified()); setStatus( "Processing external import for file " + currFile + " (" + (i + 1) + " of " + fLen + ") ... "); try { doc =[i]); List<Node> nodes = doc.selectNodes("//@rdf:about"); for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) { Node nUri = nodes.get(j); String iUri = nUri.getStringValue(); Node parentNode = nUri.getParent(); String nName = parentNode.getName(); if (iUri.endsWith("/COL") || !(iUri.startsWith("http") && iUri.indexOf("/ark:/") > 0)) { // Assign ARK if (nName.endsWith("Object") || nName.endsWith("Component") || nName.endsWith("File") || (((Element) parentNode).isRootElement() || (parentNode.getParent().isRootElement() && parentNode.getParent().getName().equals("RDF")))) { String objId = iUri; if (nName.endsWith("Component") || nName.endsWith("File")) { damsURI = DamsURI.toParts(iUri, null); objId = damsURI.getObject(); } String srcObjKey = objId + "::" + rdfFiles[i].getAbsolutePath(); oid = idsMap.get(srcObjKey); // Assign new ARK if (oid == null) { oid = getNewId(); idsMap.put(srcObjKey, oid); } if (nName.endsWith("Object")) { objId = oid; objRecords.put(objId, currFile); } else if (nName.endsWith("Component") || nName.endsWith("File")) { damsURI.setObject(oid); // XXX // Assign cid and fid for Component and FIle if required objId = damsURI.toString(); } else objId = oid; nUri.setText(objId); updateReference(doc, iUri, objId); } else { String field = null; Node tNode = null; String xPath = null; Map<String, String> props = new TreeMap<String, String>(); String elemXPath = parentNode.getPath(); if (nName.endsWith("Collection") || nName.endsWith("CollectionPart")) { // Retrieve the Collection record field = "dams:title/mads:authoritativeLabel"; xPath = "dams:title/mads:Title/mads:authoritativeLabel"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); if (tNode == null) { // Loop through to locate the rdfs:label if not selected by xPath. Node n = parentNode.selectSingleNode("dams:title"); for (Iterator<Element> it = ((Element) n).elementIterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elem =; if (elem.getNamespacePrefix().equals("mads") && elem.getName().equals("Title")) tNode = elem.selectSingleNode("mads:authoritativeLabel"); } } } /* else if (nName.endsWith("Language") || nName.endsWith("Authority") || nName.endsWith("Subject") || nName.endsWith("Name") || nName.endsWith("Topic") || nName.endsWith("GenreForm") || nName.endsWith("Temporal") || nName.endsWith("Geographic")){ // Subject, Authority records use mads:authoritativeLabel field = "name_tesim"; xPath = "mads:authoritativeLabel"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); } */else if (nName.endsWith(COPYRIGHT)) { // Copyright records use dams:copyrightStatus, plus other properties in the next step. field = "dams:copyrightStatus"; xPath = "dams:copyrightStatus"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); props = copyrightProperties(parentNode); } else if (nName.endsWith(LICENSE)) { // License records use dams:LicenseNote, plus other properties in the next step. field = "dams:licenseNote"; xPath = "dams:licenseNote"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); props = licenseProperties(parentNode); } else if (nName.endsWith(OTHERRIGHTS)) { // Copyright records use dams:copyrightStatus, plus other properties in the next step. field = "dams:otherRightsBasis"; xPath = "dams:otherRightsBasis"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); props = otherRightsProperties(parentNode); } else if (nName.endsWith(RELATEDRESOURCE)) { // RelatedResource records use dams:description, plus other properties in the next step. field = "dams:description"; xPath = "dams:description"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); props = relatedResourceProperties(parentNode); } else if (nName.endsWith(SOURCECAPTURE)) { // SourceCapture records use dams:sourceType, plus other properties in the next step. field = "dams:sourceType"; xPath = "dams:sourceType"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); props = sourceCaptureProperties(parentNode); } else if (nName.endsWith(NOTE)) { // Note records use rdf:value, dams:type, dams:displayLabel. field = "rdf:value"; xPath = "rdf:value"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); props = noteProperties(parentNode); } else if (nName.endsWith(PERMISSION) || nName.equals(RESTRICTION)) { field = "dams:type"; xPath = "dams:type"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); props = dateProperties(parentNode); } else if (elemXPath.indexOf("mads", elemXPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) >= 0) { // MADSScheme and Language if (nName.endsWith(MADSSCHEME)) { field = "mads:code"; xPath = "mads:code"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); if (tNode == null) { field = "rdfs:label"; xPath = "rdfs:label"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode("*[name()='" + xPath + "']"); } } else if (nName.endsWith(LANGUAGE)) { field = "mads:code"; xPath = "mads:code"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); if (tNode == null) { field = "mads:authoritativeLabel"; xPath = "mads:authoritativeLabel"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); } } else { // Subject, Authority records use mads:authoritativeLabel field = "mads:authoritativeLabel"; xPath = "mads:authoritativeLabel"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); if (tNode == null) { // Try to use the mads:code for mapping when mads:authoritativeLabel is not available field = "mads:code"; xPath = "mads:code"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); } else { Node diplayLabelNode = parentNode .selectSingleNode("*[name()='dams:displayLabel']"); props.put("dams:displayLabel", encodeLiteralValue(diplayLabelNode)); } // Mapping for mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme String madsScheme = null; Node madsSchemeNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode("mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme"); if (madsSchemeNode != null) { Node msValueNode = madsSchemeNode.selectSingleNode("@rdf:resource"); if (msValueNode != null) { madsScheme = madsSchemeNode.getStringValue(); props.put("mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme", "<" + madsScheme + ">"); } else if ((madsSchemeNode = madsSchemeNode .selectSingleNode("mads:MADSScheme")) != null && madsSchemeNode.hasContent()) { if ((msValueNode = madsSchemeNode .selectSingleNode("mads:code")) != null) { madsScheme = encodeLiteralValue(msValueNode); props.put("mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme/mads:code", madsScheme); } else if ((msValueNode = madsSchemeNode .selectSingleNode("rdfs:label")) != null) { madsScheme = encodeLiteralValue(msValueNode); props.put("mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme/rdfs:label", madsScheme); } } else { props.put("mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme/rdfs:label", "\"\""); } } else { props.put("mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme/rdfs:label", null); } } } else { // XXX Other Rights records like Statute, License, Other Rights etc. field = "rdf:value"; xPath = "rdf:value"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); field = "dams:code"; if (tNode == null) { xPath = "dams:code"; tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath); } } if (tNode == null && !field.equals("dams:licenseNote")) { throw new Exception("Element " + xPath + " is missing from the " + nName + " record " + iUri + " in file " + currFile + "."); } updateDocument(doc, parentNode, field, encodeLiteralValue(tNode), props); } } else { if (nName.endsWith("Object")) objRecords.put(iUri, currFile); if (replace && !(nName.endsWith("Component") || nName.endsWith("File"))) recordsToReplace.add(iUri); } } String dams4Rdf = doc.asXML(); logData("dams4_" + rdfFiles[i].getName(), dams4Rdf); // Ingest the records String subjectId = null; DamsURI objURI = null; List<DamsURI> objURIs = null; RDFStore graph = null; rdfStore = new RDFStore(); rdfStore.loadRDFXML(dams4Rdf); initHandler(); Model iRdf = null; items = sortRecords(items); int jLen = items.size(); //System.out.println(currFile + " records found: " + jLen); for (int j = 0; j < jLen && !interrupted; j++) { processIndex = 0; status = new boolean[processNames.length]; messages = new StringBuilder[processNames.length]; for (int k = 0; k < messages.length; k++) { messages[k] = new StringBuilder(); } Model objModel = null; graph = new RDFStore(); recordsCount++; // Add subject subjectId = items.get(j); try { setStatus("Processing metadata for record " + subjectId + " (" + (j + 1) + " of " + jLen + ") in file " + currFile + " ... "); boolean succeeded = false; objURIs = objects.get(subjectId); for (int k = 0; k < objURIs.size(); k++) { objURI = objURIs.get(k); iRdf = rdfStore.querySubject(objURI.toString()); objModel = graph.merge(iRdf); } // Update object // + " ingesting record " + subjectId + ":\n" + graph.export(RDFStore.RDFXML_ABBREV_FORMAT) + "\n\n"); String importMode = Constants.IMPORT_MODE_ADD; if (replace && recordsToReplace.indexOf(subjectId) >= 0) importMode = Constants.IMPORT_MODE_ALL; succeeded = damsClient.updateObject(subjectId, graph.export(RDFStore.RDFXML_ABBREV_FORMAT), importMode); // Logging for Object RDF/XML validation status[processIndex] = succeeded; messages[processIndex].append(damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); if (!succeeded) { if (metadataFailed.indexOf(currFile) < 0) failedCount++; metadataFailed.append(subjectId + " (" + currFile + "), \n"); message = "Metadata import for record " + subjectId + " failed (" + (j + 1) + " of " + jLen + ") in file " + currFile + "."; setStatus(message); log.error(message + "\n Error RDF: \n" + graph.export(RDFStore.RDFXML_ABBREV_FORMAT)); } else { recordsIngested.add(subjectId); message = "Metadata import for record " + subjectId + " succeeded (" + (j + 1) + " of " + jLen + ") in file " + currFile + ". "; setStatus(message);; processIndex++; status[processIndex] = succeeded; messages[processIndex].append(damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); // Ingest the source file only if metadata ingested successfully if (status[processIndex] && importOption.equalsIgnoreCase("metadataAndFiles")) { uploadFiles(objModel, currFile, subjectId); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (metadataFailed.indexOf(currFile) < 0) failedCount++; metadataFailed.append(subjectId + " (" + currFile + "), \n"); message = "Metadata import failed: " + e.getMessage(); setStatus(message + " (" + (j + 1) + " of " + jLen + ") in file " + currFile + "."); log.error(message); String error = e.getMessage(); if (error.indexOf("Invalid RDF input") >= 0) { messages[processIndex].append(error); } else { status[processIndex] = true; messages[processIndex].append(damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); processIndex++; messages[processIndex].append(error); } } finally { int solrRequestIndex = processNames.length - 1; try { // Update SOLR for the record. status[solrRequestIndex] = updateSOLR(subjectId); messages[solrRequestIndex].append(damsDateFormat.format(new Date()));"SOLR update requested for " + subjectId + ": " + damsClient.getRequestURL() + " " + status[solrRequestIndex]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exeResult = false; log.error("SOLR Index failed " + subjectId + ": " + e.getMessage()); messages[processNames.length - 1].append(e.getMessage()); } if (exeResult) exeResult = status[processIndex]; String resultMessage = "http://" + Constants.CLUSTER_HOST_NAME + "" + subjectId.substring(subjectId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + " - " + (status[processIndex] && status[solrRequestIndex] ? "successful" : "failed") + " - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date()); if (objRecords.containsKey(subjectId)) { String title = getTitle(objModel, subjectId); if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) title = "[Unknown Title]"; logMessage("\n" + title + " - " + resultMessage); if (!status[processIndex] || !status[solrRequestIndex]) { // Logging for pre-procesing - succeeded. logMessage("* Pre-processing - successful - " + preprocessedTimestamp); for (int k = 0; k <= processIndex; k++) { if (status[k] || !status[k] && status[k - 1]) { logMessage("* " + processNames[k] + " - " + (status[k] ? "successful" : "failed") + " - " + messages[k].toString()); } } // SOLR index request logging if (!status[solrRequestIndex]) logMessage("* " + processNames[solrRequestIndex] + " - " + (status[solrRequestIndex] ? "successful" : "failed") + " - " + messages[solrRequestIndex].toString()); } } else { ingestMessages.append("\n" + resultMessage); if (!status[processIndex]) { for (int k = 0; k + 1 < processIndex; k++) { if (status[k] || !status[k] && status[k - 1]) { logMessage("* " + processNames[k] + " - " + (status[k] ? "successful" : "failed") + " - " + messages[k].toString()); } } } } } try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); interrupted = true; exeResult = false; failedCount++; metadataFailed.append(subjectId + " (" + currFile + ") \n"); message = "Metadata import interrupted for subject " + subjectId + ". \n Error: " + e.getMessage() + "\n"; setStatus("Canceled"); clearSession(); log.error(message); logMessage("Client Cancled - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exeResult = false; failedCount++; message = "Import failed for " + currFile + ": " + e.getMessage(); setStatus(message + " (" + (i + 1) + " of " + fLen + ")."); log.error(message); } setProgressPercentage(((i + 1) * 100) / fLen); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); exeResult = false; interrupted = true; failedCount++; message = "Import interrupted for oject in " + currFile + ". \n Error: " + e.getMessage() + "\n"; setStatus("Canceled"); clearSession(); log.error(message); messages[processIndex].append("Client canceled - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); } } return exeResult; } public int uploadFiles(Model rdf, String srcName, String subjectURL) { String message = ""; String oid = null; String cid = null; String fid = null; String fileUrl = null; String srcPath = null; String srcFileName = null; Statement stmt = null; Statement tmpStmt = null; Property prop = null; RDFNode fNode = null; RDFNode oNode = null; Map<String, String> params = null; List<Statement> oStmt = rdf.listStatements().toList(); int iLen = oStmt.size(); // Retrieve the statements for files for (int l = 0; l < iLen && !interrupted; l++) { stmt = oStmt.remove(0); prop = stmt.getPredicate(); if (prop.getLocalName().equals(HAS_FILE) && stmt.getSubject().getURI().indexOf(subjectURL) >= 0) { oStmt.add(stmt); } } boolean successful = true; iLen = oStmt.size(); for (int l = 0; l < iLen && !interrupted; l++) { if (l == 0) processIndex++; filesCount++; boolean ingested = true; StringBuilder ingestLog = new StringBuilder(); stmt = oStmt.get(l); fNode = stmt.getObject(); fileUrl = fNode.asResource().getURI(); List<Statement> stmts = rdf.listStatements(fNode.asResource(), null, oNode).toList(); String use = null; for (int j = 0; j < stmts.size(); j++) { // File properties. The use property will be retrieved. tmpStmt = stmts.get(j); prop = tmpStmt.getPredicate(); String localName = prop.getLocalName(); if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase(DFile.SOURCE_PATH)) { srcPath = tmpStmt.getObject().asLiteral().getString(); } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase(DFile.SOURCE_FILE_NAME)) { srcFileName = tmpStmt.getObject().asLiteral().getString(); } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase(DFile.USE)) { use = tmpStmt.getObject().asLiteral().getString(); } } setStatus("Ingesting file " + fileUrl + " (" + srcFileName + ", " + (l + 1) + " of " + iLen + ") in " + srcName + " ... "); if (srcFileName != null) { String fName = srcFileName; File srcFile = null; if (fName.startsWith("http")) { // XXX URL resource, handle it for local file for now int idx = fName.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx >= 0 && fName.length() > idx + 1) fName = fName.substring(idx + 1); } if (srcPath != null) srcFile = new File(srcPath + "/" + fName); if (srcFile == null || !srcFile.exists()) { // Retrieve the file locally srcFile = filesMap.get(fName); } if (srcFile == null) { ingestFailedCount++; ingestFailed.append(fileUrl + " (" + srcFileName + ")\t\n"); log.error("Source file for " + srcFileName + " in " + srcName + " doesn't exist. Please choose a correct file location from the dams staging area."); ingested = false; successful = false; ingestLog.append("\n Ingest - failed - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date()) + " - " + "Source file is not found."); } else { // Ingest the file DamsURI dURI = null; String tmpFile = srcFile.getAbsolutePath(); try { dURI = DamsURI.toParts(fileUrl, null); oid = dURI.getObject(); cid = dURI.getComponent(); fid = dURI.getFileName(); params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("oid", oid); params.put("cid", cid); params.put("fid", fid); params.put("use", use); params.put("local", tmpFile); params.put("sourceFileName", srcFileName); // File ingest and Jhove extraction if (!damsClient.uploadFile(params, replace)) { ingestFailedCount++; ingestFailed.append(fileUrl + " (" + srcFileName + ")\t\n"); log.error("Error ingesting file " + fileUrl + " (" + tmpFile + ", " + (l + 1) + " of " + iLen + ") in " + srcName + "."); ingested = false; successful = false; ingestLog.append("\n Ingest - failed - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); } else { ingestLog.append("\n Ingest - successful - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); ingestLog.append( "\n JHOVE extraction - successful - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); message = "Ingested file " + fileUrl + " (" + srcFileName + ", " + (l + 1) + " of " + iLen + ") in " + srcName + ". ";; setStatus(message); filesIngested.append( fileUrl + "\t" + srcFileName + "\t" + damsClient.getRequestURL() + "\n"); // Add for SOLR update if (objWithFiles.indexOf(oid) < 0) objWithFiles.add(oid); //Create/update derivatives for images and documents PDFs if ((isImage(fid, use) || isDocument(fid, use) || isVideo(fid, use) || isAudio(fid, use)) && (use == null || use.endsWith("source") || use.endsWith("service") || use.endsWith("alternate"))) { try { boolean derCreated = false; if (isVideo(fid, use) || isAudio(fid, use)) { FFMPEGConverter converter = new FFMPEGConverter(); if (Constants.FFMPEG_COMMAND != null && Constants.FFMPEG_COMMAND.length() > 0) { converter.setCommand(Constants.FFMPEG_COMMAND); } // initiate the parameter to upload the derivative params = new HashMap<String, String>(); final File tmpDir = new File(Constants.DAMS_STAGING + "/darry/ffmpeg"); if (!tmpDir.exists()) { tmpDir.mkdirs(); } String dfid = null; File dst = null; try { // Calculate the file index for derivatives int fileIndex = 1; try { if (fid.indexOf(".") > 0) { fileIndex = Integer .parseInt(fid.substring(0, fid.indexOf("."))); } else { fileIndex = Integer.parseInt(fid); } } catch (final NumberFormatException ne) { } fileIndex += 1; if (isAudio(fid, use)) { dfid = fileIndex + ".mp3"; dst = File.createTempFile("ffmpeg_tmp", oid.substring(oid.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "-" + dfid, tmpDir); derCreated = createAudioDerivative(srcFile, dst); params.put(DFile.USE, "audio-service"); } else { dfid = fileIndex + ".mp4"; dst = File.createTempFile("ffmpeg_tmp", oid.substring(oid.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "-" + dfid, tmpDir); derCreated = createVideoDerivative(srcFile, dst); params.put(DFile.USE, "video-service"); } if (derCreated) { // Upload the mp3/mp4 derivative params.put("oid", oid); params.put("cid", cid); params.put("fid", dfid); params.put("local", dst.getAbsolutePath()); String fs = damsClient.getFileStore(); if (fs != null) { params.put("fs", fs); } derCreated = damsClient.uploadFile(params, replace); } else { successful = false; } } finally { if (dst != null && dst.exists()) { // Cleanup temp files try { dst.delete(); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dst = null; } } } else { derCreated = damsClient.updateDerivatives(oid, cid, fid, null); } if (derCreated) { logMessage("Created derivatives for " + fileUrl + " (" + damsClient.getRequestURL() + ")."); ingestLog.append("\n Derivative creation - - successful - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); } else { derivFailedCount++; derivativesFailed.append(damsClient.getRequestURL() + ", \n"); log.error("Failed to created derivatives " + damsClient.getRequestURL() + " (" + tmpFile + ", " + (l + 1) + " of " + iLen + "). "); ingested = false; successful = false; ingestLog.append("\n Derivative creation - failed - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ingestFailedCount++; ingestFailed.append(srcFileName + " (" + fileUrl + ")\t\n"); log.error("Failed to ingest file " + fileUrl + " (" + srcFileName + ", " + (l + 1) + " of " + iLen + ") in " + srcName + ": " + e.getMessage()); ingested = false; successful = false; ingestLog.append("\n Derivative creation - failed - " + e.getMessage()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ingestFailedCount++; ingestFailed.append(srcFileName + " (" + fileUrl + ")\t\n"); log.error("Failed to ingest file " + fileUrl + " (" + srcFileName + ", " + (l + 1) + " of " + iLen + ") in " + srcName + ": " + e.getMessage()); ingested = false; successful = false; String error = e.getMessage(); if (error.indexOf("Error Jhove extraction") >= 0) { ingestLog.append("\n Ingest - successful - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); ingestLog.append("\n JHOVE extraction - failed - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date()) + " - " + error); } else ingestLog.append( "\n Ingest - failed - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date()) + " - " + error); } } } else { ingestFailedCount++; ingestFailed.append(fid + "\t\n"); log.error("Missing sourceFileName property for file " + fileUrl + " (" + (l + 1) + " of " + iLen + ") in " + srcName + ".\n"); ingested = false; successful = false; ingestLog.append("\n Ingest - failed - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": " + "missing sourceFileName property for file " + fileUrl + "."); } try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); interrupted = true; message = "Import interrupted in " + (fileUrl != null ? fileUrl + " (" + srcName + ")" : srcName) + ". \n Error: " + e.getMessage() + "\n"; setStatus("Canceled"); clearSession(); log.error(message); ingested = false; successful = false; ingestLog.append( "\n Ingest - failed - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": canceled by user."); } status[processIndex] = successful; messages[processIndex].append("\n** " + srcFileName + " (" + fileUrl + ") - " + (ingested ? "successful" : "failed") + " - " + damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); if (!ingested) messages[processIndex].append(ingestLog.toString()); } messages[processIndex].insert(0, damsDateFormat.format(new Date())); return iLen; } /** * Update the document for DAMS ARK ID * @param doc * @param record * @param title * @throws Exception */ private void updateDocument(Document doc, Node record, String field, String title, Map<String, String> props) throws Exception { // Skip if the record detached if (record.getDocument() == null) return; // Subject, Authority records use mads:authoritativeLabel Node aboutAttr = record.selectSingleNode("@rdf:about"); String srcUri = aboutAttr.getStringValue(); //String nName = record.getName(); String xPath = record.getPath(); String elemName = xPath.substring(xPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); String modelName = elemName; String nKey = INFO_MODEL_PREFIX + modelName + "::" + title; if (props != null) { for (Iterator<String> it = props.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String iKey =; nKey += "_" + iKey + "::" + props.get(iKey); } } String oid = idsMap.get(nKey); if (oid == null) { //Lookup records from the triplestore, matching the required properties that are null or empty. List<Map<String, String>> oids = lookupRecordsFromTs(field, title, "\"" + modelName + "\"", props); if (oids != null && oids.size() > 0) { String propName = null; String propValue = null; Document recDoc = null; Node cNode = null; if (props != null) { List<Map<String, String>> oidsCopy = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); oidsCopy.addAll(oids); for (int i = 0; i < oidsCopy.size(); i++) { Collection<String> propValues = props.values(); Map<String, String> resolution = oidsCopy.get(i); String rid = resolution.values().iterator().next(); if (rid.startsWith("http")) { if (propValues.contains(null)) { recDoc = damsClient.getRecord(rid); for (Iterator<String> it = props.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { propName =; propValue = props.get(propName); // Test for the nodes for null properties and remove it from the result if (propValue == null) { int idx = propName.indexOf("/", 1); if (idx > 0) cNode = recDoc.selectSingleNode("//" + modelName + "/" + propName); else cNode = recDoc.selectSingleNode("//" + modelName + "/" + propName); if (cNode != null) { oids.remove(resolution); break; } } } } } else // removed internal BlankNodes from the results oids.remove(resolution); } } if (oids.size() > 0) { oid = oids.get(0).values().iterator().next(); if (oids.size() > 1) { String duids = ""; for (Iterator<Map<String, String>> it = oids.iterator(); it.hasNext();) duids += (duids.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") +; log.warn("Duplicated records found for " + title + " (" + field + "): " + duids + "."); } } } if (oid == null) { // Create the record oid = getNewId(); aboutAttr.setText(oid); } else { // Record found. Add to the map, link and remove it. toResourceLinking(oid, record); } idsMap.put(nKey, oid); } else { // Record added. Add linking, remove it. toResourceLinking(oid, record); } updateReference(doc, srcUri, oid); } private Map<String, String> copyrightProperties(Node record) { return getProperties(record, getCopyrightPropNames()); } private Map<String, String> licenseProperties(Node record) { return getProperties(record, getLicensePropNames()); } private Map<String, String> otherRightsProperties(Node record) { List<String> propNames = getOtherRightsPropNames(); String propName = "dams:relationship//dams:name"; if (record.selectSingleNode(propName + "//mads:authoritativeLabel") != null) propNames.add(propName + "//mads:authoritativeLabel"); else propNames.add(propName); return getProperties(record, propNames); } private Map<String, String> relatedResourceProperties(Node record) { return getProperties(record, getRelatedResourcePropNames()); } private Map<String, String> sourceCaptureProperties(Node record) { return getProperties(record, getSourceCapturePropNames()); } private Map<String, String> noteProperties(Node record) { return getProperties(record, getNotePropNames()); } private Map<String, String> dateProperties(Node record) { return getProperties(record, getDatePropNames()); } private Map<String, String> getProperties(Node record, List<String> propNames) { Map<String, String> props = new TreeMap<String, String>(); String propName = null; String propValue = null; for (Iterator<String> it = propNames.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { propValue = null; propName =; Node tNode = record.selectSingleNode(propName); if (tNode != null) { Node resNode = tNode.selectSingleNode("@rdf:resource"); if (resNode != null) propValue = encodeIdentifier(resNode.getStringValue()); else propValue = encodeLiteralValue(tNode); } props.put(propName, propValue); } return props; } private List<String> getCopyrightPropNames() { List<String> propNames = new ArrayList<String>(); propNames.add("dams:copyrightStatus"); propNames.add("dams:copyrightJurisdiction"); propNames.add("dams:copyrightPurposeNote"); propNames.add("dams:copyrightNote"); propNames.add("dams:beginDate"); propNames.add("dams:endDate"); return propNames; } private List<String> getLicensePropNames() { List<String> propNames = new ArrayList<String>(); propNames.add("dams:permission//dams:type"); propNames.add("dams:permission//dams:beginDate"); propNames.add("dams:permission//dams:endDate"); propNames.add("dams:restriction//dams:type"); propNames.add("dams:restriction//dams:beginDate"); propNames.add("dams:restriction//dams:endDate"); return propNames; } private List<String> getOtherRightsPropNames() { List<String> propNames = getLicensePropNames(); propNames.add("dams:otherRightsNote"); return propNames; } private List<String> getRelatedResourcePropNames() { List<String> propNames = new ArrayList<String>(); propNames.add("dams:type"); //propNames.add("dams:uri"); return propNames; } private List<String> getNotePropNames() { List<String> propNames = new ArrayList<String>(); propNames.add("dams:type"); propNames.add("dams:displayLabel"); return propNames; } private List<String> getDatePropNames() { List<String> propNames = new ArrayList<String>(); propNames.add("dams:beginDate"); propNames.add("dams:endDate"); return propNames; } private List<String> getSourceCapturePropNames() { List<String> propNames = new ArrayList<String>(); propNames.add("dams:imageProducer"); propNames.add("dams:captureSource"); propNames.add("dams:scannerManufacturer"); propNames.add("dams:scannerModelName"); propNames.add("dams:scanningSoftware"); propNames.add("dams:scanningSoftwareVersion"); return propNames; } private String encodeIdentifier(String id) { return "<" + id + ">"; } private String encodeLiteralValue(Node node) { String value = null; if (node != null) { value = "\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(Normalizer.normalize(node.getText(), Normalizer.Form.NFC)) .replace("'", "\\'").replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""; Node langAttr = node.selectSingleNode("@xml:lang"); if (langAttr != null) value += "@" + langAttr.getStringValue(); } return value; } /** * Mint a new ark id * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getNewId() throws Exception { return toDamsUrl(damsClient.mintArk(Constants.DEFAULT_ARK_NAME)); } /** * Update record for resource linking * @param url * @param node */ public void toResourceLinking(String url, Node record) { Element pNode = record.getParent(); if (pNode.getName().endsWith("List") && !record.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(pNode.getName().toLowerCase())) { //List elements record.setName("rdf:Description"); ((Element) record).clearContent(); ((Element) record).selectSingleNode("@rdf:about").setText(toDamsUrl(url)); } else { pNode.addAttribute("rdf:resource", toDamsUrl(url)); record.detach(); } } private List<String> sortRecords(List<String> records) { if (records == null || records.size() <= 1) return records; // Sort object records to the last of the list int count = 0; Collections.sort(records); List<String> sortedRecords = new ArrayList<>(); for (String rec : records) { if (objRecords.containsKey(rec)) sortedRecords.add(rec); else sortedRecords.add(count++, rec); } return sortedRecords; } private String getTitle(Model model, String oid) { String title = ""; String damsNsPrefixUri = model.getNsPrefixURI("dams"); String madsNsPrefixUri = model.getNsPrefixURI("mads"); ExtendedIterator<Triple> titleIt = model.getGraph().find(ResourceFactory.createResource(oid).asNode(), ResourceFactory.createProperty(damsNsPrefixUri + "title").asNode(), com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node.ANY); if (titleIt.hasNext()) { ExtendedIterator<Triple> titleLabelIt = model.getGraph().find(, ResourceFactory.createProperty(madsNsPrefixUri + "authoritativeLabel").asNode(), com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node.ANY); if (titleLabelIt.hasNext()) { title =; } } return title; } /** * Construct the URL with an id. * @param arkUrl * @return */ public String toDamsUrl(String arkUrl) { if (!arkUrl.startsWith("http")) { String arkUrlBase = Constants.DAMS_ARK_URL_BASE; String arkOrg = Constants.ARK_ORG; arkUrl = arkUrlBase + (arkUrlBase.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + (arkUrl.indexOf('/') > 0 ? arkUrl : arkOrg + "/" + arkUrl); } return arkUrl; } public void updateReference(Document doc, String srcId, String oid) { List<Node> resNodes = doc.selectNodes("//@rdf:resource"); for (int k = 0; k < resNodes.size(); k++) { Node nRes = resNodes.get(k); if (nRes.getStringValue().equals(srcId)) { nRes.setText(oid); } } } public void logData(String fileName, String content) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { File file = new File(Constants.TMP_FILE_DIR + "/damsmanager"); if (!file.exists()) file.mkdir(); FileOutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(file.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + fileName); out.write(content.getBytes("UTF-8")); } finally { close(out); } } /** * Execution result message */ @Override public String getExeInfo() { int objectsCount = objRecords.size(); if (exeResult) exeReport.append("Import summary: successful - Imported " + objectsCount + " objets in " + rdfFiles.length + " metadata file" + (rdfFiles.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " \n- Total " + recordsCount + " records ingested. \n- " + (filesCount == 0 ? "No" : "Total " + filesCount) + " files ingested.\n"); else { exeReport.append("Import summary: failed - Found " + objectsCount + " objet" + (objectsCount > 1 ? "s" : "") + (failedCount > 0 ? " \n- " + failedCount + " of " + rdfFiles.length + " failed" : "") + (derivFailedCount > 0 ? " \n- Derivatives creation failed for " + derivFailedCount + " files." : "") + (solrFailedCount > 0 ? " \n- SOLR update failed for " + solrFailedCount + " records." : "") + " \n"); if (metadataFailed.length() > 0) exeReport.append( "* Failed to import the following metadeta records: \n" + metadataFailed.toString()); if (ingestFailedCount > 0) exeReport.append("* Failed to ingest " + ingestFailedCount + " of total " + filesCount + " file" + (filesCount > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": \n" + ingestFailed.toString() + " \n"); if (derivativesFailed.length() > 0) exeReport.append("* Failed to create the following derivatives: \n" + derivativesFailed.toString()); getSOLRReport(); } if (objectsCount > 0) { String key = null; exeReport.append("\nThe following " + objectsCount + " object" + (objectsCount > 1 ? "s are " : " is ") + "found in the source metadata: \n"); for (Iterator<String> it = objRecords.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { key =; exeReport.append("http://" + Constants.CLUSTER_HOST_NAME + "" + key.substring(key.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + " \t" + objRecords.get(key) + "\n"); } } int recordSize = recordsIngested.size(); if (recordSize > 0) { exeReport.append("\nThe following " + recordSize + " record" + (recordSize > 1 ? "s are" : " is") + " imported: \n"); for (Iterator<String> it = recordsIngested.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { exeReport.append( + "\n"); } } else exeReport.append("\nNo records were imported.\n"); if (filesIngested.length() > 0) {"\nThe following files are ingested successfully: \n" + filesIngested.toString()); } log("log", "\n______________________________________________________________________________________________"); String exeInfo = exeReport.toString(); logMessage(exeInfo); return exeInfo; } }