Java tutorial
/* * COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE * * Copyright 2014 The Regents of the University of California All Rights Reserved * * Permission to copy, modify and distribute any part of this CRBS Workflow * Service for educational, research and non-profit purposes, without fee, and * without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice, this paragraph and the following three paragraphs appear * in all copies. * * Those desiring to incorporate this CRBS Workflow Service into commercial * products or use for commercial purposes should contact the Technology * Transfer Office, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, * Mail Code 0910, La Jolla, CA 92093-0910, Ph: (858) 534-5815, * FAX: (858) 534-7345, * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING * LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS CRBS Workflow Service, EVEN IF * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE CRBS Workflow Service PROVIDED HEREIN IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE * UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, * UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MAKES * NO REPRESENTATIONS AND EXTENDS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER IMPLIED OR * EXPRESS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT THE USE OF * THE CRBS Workflow Service WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY PATENT, TRADEMARK OR OTHER * RIGHTS. */ package edu.ucsd.crbs.cws; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter; import com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyService; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.HTTPBasicAuthFilter; import com.sun.jersey.core.impl.provider.entity.StringProvider; import com.sun.jersey.multipart.impl.MultiPartWriter; import static edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.App.LOGIN_ARG; import static edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.App.RUN_AS_ARG; import static edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.App.TOKEN_ARG; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.auth.Permission; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.auth.User; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.cluster.JobEmailNotificationData; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.cluster.JobPath; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.cluster.JobPathImpl; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.cluster.JobStatusUpdater; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.cluster.JobSubmissionManager; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.cluster.MapOfJobStatusFactoryImpl; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.cluster.WorkspaceFilePathSetterImpl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.jerseyclient.MultivaluedMapFactory; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.jerseyclient.MultivaluedMapFactoryImpl; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.log.Event; import; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.util.RunCommandLineProcess; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.util.RunCommandLineProcessImpl; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.workflow.Job; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.workflow.Parameter; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.workflow.VersionOneWorkflowXmlWriter; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.workflow.Workflow; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.workflow.WorkflowFromAnnotatedVersionTwoFourMomlXmlFactory; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.workflow.WorkflowParameter; import edu.ucsd.crbs.cws.workflow.WorkspaceFile; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import joptsimple.OptionException; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; /** * Command line program that takes a kepler xml file or kar file and generates * JSON representation of the workflow parameters to display to the user or to * push to the service defined at the URL specified on the command line * * @author Christopher Churas <> */ public class App { public static final String XML_SUFFIX = ".xml"; public static final String UPLOAD_WF_ARG = "uploadwf"; public static final String UPLOAD_FILE_ARG = "uploadfile"; public static final String DOWNLOAD_FILE_ARG = "downloadfile"; public static final String REGISTER_FILE_ARG = "registerfile"; public static final String GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_INFO_ARG = "fileinfo"; public static final String UPDATE_PATH_ARG = "updatepath"; public static final String PATH_ARG = "path"; public static final String JOB_ID_ARG = "jobid"; public static final String GET_JOB_ARG = "getjob"; public static final String GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_ARG = "getworkspacefile"; public static final String GET_WORKFLOW_ARG = "getworkflow"; public static final String MD5_ARG = "md5"; public static final String SIZE_ARG = "size"; public static final String OWNER_ARG = "owner"; public static final String SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG = "syncwithcluster"; public static final String HELP_ARG = "h"; public static final String URL_ARG = "url"; public static final String WF_EXEC_DIR_ARG = "execdir"; public static final String WORKSPACE_DIR_ARG = "workspacedir"; public static final String WF_DIR_ARG = "wfdir"; public static final String KEPLER_SCRIPT_ARG = "kepler"; public static final String EXAMPLE_JSON_ARG = "examplejson"; public static final String QUEUE_ARG = "queue"; public static final String CAST_ARG = "panfishcast"; public static final String STAT_ARG = "panfishstat"; public static final String LOGIN_ARG = "login"; public static final String TOKEN_ARG = "token"; public static final String RUN_AS_ARG = "runas"; public static final String NAME_ARG = "name"; public static final String RESAVE_WORKSPACEFILE_ARG = "resavefile"; public static final String RESAVE_JOB_ARG = "resavejob"; public static final String RESAVE_WORKFLOW_ARG = "resaveworkflow"; public static final String PREVIEW_WORKFLOW_ARG = "preview"; public static final String DESCRIPTION_ARG = "description"; public static final String TYPE_ARG = "type"; public static final String GEN_OLD_KEPLER_XML_ARG = "genoldkeplerxml"; public static final String REGISTER_JAR_ARG = "registerjar"; public static final String PROJECT_ARG = "project"; public static final String PORTALNAME_ARG = "portalname"; public static final String PORTAL_URL_ARG = "portalurl"; public static final String HELP_EMAIL_ARG = "helpemail"; public static final String BCC_EMAIL_ARG = "bccemail"; public static final String WORKSPACE_FILE_FAILED_ARG = "workspacefilefailed"; public static final String ERROR_EMAIL_ARG = "erroremail"; //public static final String LOAD_TEST = "loadtest"; public static final String PROGRAM_HELP = "\nCRBS Workflow Service Command Line Tools " + "\n\nThis program provides options to run Workflow Jobs on the local cluster as well" + " as add new Workflows to the CRBS Workflow Service"; /** * CSV string of statuses for jobs that have not completed or failed */ public static final String NOT_COMPLETED_STATUSES = Job.IN_QUEUE_STATUS + "," + Job.PAUSED_STATUS + "," + Job.PENDING_STATUS + "," + Job.RUNNING_STATUS + "," + "," + Job.WORKSPACE_SYNC_STATUS; public static void main(String[] args) { Job.REFS_ENABLED = false; Workflow.REFS_ENABLED = false; try { OptionParser parser = new OptionParser() { { accepts(UPLOAD_WF_ARG, "Add/Update Workflow").withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class) .describedAs("Kepler .kar file"); //accepts(LOAD_TEST,"creates lots of workflows and jobs"); accepts(SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG, "Submits & Synchronizes Workflow Jobs on local cluster with CRBS Workflow Webservice. Requires --" + PROJECT_ARG + " --" + PORTALNAME_ARG + " --" + PORTAL_URL_ARG + " --" + HELP_EMAIL_ARG).withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("URL"); accepts(GEN_OLD_KEPLER_XML_ARG, "Generates version 1.x kepler xml for given workflow") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("wfid or .kar file"); accepts(UPLOAD_FILE_ARG, "Registers and uploads Workspace file to REST service") .withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class); accepts(REGISTER_FILE_ARG, "Registers Workspace file to REST service (DOES NOT UPLOAD FILE TO REST SERVICE)") .withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class); accepts(GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_INFO_ARG, "Outputs JSON of specified workspace file(s)") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("workspace file id"); accepts(GET_WORKFLOW_ARG, "Outputs JSON of specified Workflow").withRequiredArg() .ofType(Long.class).describedAs("Workflow Id"); accepts(DOWNLOAD_FILE_ARG, "Downloads Workspace file").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("workspace file id"); accepts(UPDATE_PATH_ARG, "Updates Workspace file path").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("workspace file id"); accepts(PATH_ARG, "Sets WorkspaceFile file path. Used in coordination with --" + UPDATE_PATH_ARG) .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("file path"); accepts(URL_ARG, "URL to use with --" + UPLOAD_WF_ARG + ", --" + UPLOAD_FILE_ARG + ", --" + GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_INFO_ARG + " flags").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("URL"); accepts(EXAMPLE_JSON_ARG, "Outputs example JSON of Job, User, Workflow, and WorkspaceFile objects"); accepts(WF_EXEC_DIR_ARG, "Workflow Execution Directory").withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class) .describedAs("Directory"); accepts(WF_DIR_ARG, "Workflows Directory").withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class) .describedAs("Directory"); accepts(KEPLER_SCRIPT_ARG, "Kepler").withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class).describedAs("Script"); accepts(QUEUE_ARG, "SGE Queue").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("Queue"); accepts(CAST_ARG, "Panfishcast binary").withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class) .describedAs("panfishcast"); accepts(STAT_ARG, "Panfishstat binary").withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class) .describedAs("panfishstat"); accepts(LOGIN_ARG, "User Login").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("username"); accepts(TOKEN_ARG, "User Token").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("token"); accepts(RUN_AS_ARG, "User to run as (for power accounts that can run as other users)") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("runas"); accepts(OWNER_ARG, "Sets owner when creating Workspace file and Workflow").withRequiredArg() .ofType(String.class).describedAs("username"); accepts(JOB_ID_ARG, "Sets source job id for Workspace file when used with --" + UPLOAD_FILE_ARG + " and --" + REGISTER_FILE_ARG).withRequiredArg().ofType(Long.class) .describedAs("Job Id"); accepts(MD5_ARG, "Sets md5 for Workspace file when used with --" + UPLOAD_FILE_ARG + " and --" + REGISTER_FILE_ARG).withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("MD5 message digest"); accepts(SIZE_ARG, "Sets size in bytes for Workspace file when used with --" + UPLOAD_FILE_ARG + " and --" + REGISTER_FILE_ARG).withRequiredArg().ofType(Long.class) .describedAs("Size of file/dir in bytes"); accepts(RESAVE_WORKSPACEFILE_ARG, "Resaves Workspace file").withRequiredArg().ofType(Long.class) .describedAs("WorkspaceFile Id or -1 to resave all"); accepts(RESAVE_JOB_ARG, "Resaves Job").withRequiredArg().ofType(Long.class) .describedAs("Job Id or -1 to resave all"); accepts(RESAVE_WORKFLOW_ARG, "Resaves Workflow").withRequiredArg().ofType(Long.class) .describedAs("Workflow Id or -1 to resave all"); accepts(PREVIEW_WORKFLOW_ARG, "Preview Workflow on Web, requires --" + URL_ARG + " currently it should be:") .withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class).describedAs("Kepler .kar file"); accepts(DESCRIPTION_ARG, "Description for WorkspaceFile").withRequiredArg() .ofType(String.class); accepts(TYPE_ARG, "Type of WorkspaceFile").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class); accepts(NAME_ARG, "Sets name for Workspace file when used with --" + UPLOAD_FILE_ARG + " and --" + REGISTER_FILE_ARG).withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("WorkspaceFile name"); accepts(REGISTER_JAR_ARG, "Path to Jar to register WorkspaceFiles").withRequiredArg() .ofType(File.class).describedAs("Path to this jar"); accepts(GET_JOB_ARG, "Gets job from service in JSON format, requires --" + URL_ARG) .withRequiredArg().ofType(Long.class).describedAs("Job Id"); accepts(GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_ARG, "Gets WorkspaceFile from service in JSON format, requires --" + URL_ARG) .withRequiredArg().ofType(Long.class) .describedAs("WorkspaceFile Id or -1 for all"); accepts(PROJECT_ARG, "Project name ie CRBS. Used with --" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG) .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class); accepts(PORTALNAME_ARG, "Portal name ie SLASH portal Used with --" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG) .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class); accepts(PORTAL_URL_ARG, "Portal url ie Used with --" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG) .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class); accepts(HELP_EMAIL_ARG, "Help and reply to email address Used with --" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG) .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class); accepts(BCC_EMAIL_ARG, "Blind Carbon copy email address Used with --" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG) .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class); accepts(WORKSPACE_FILE_FAILED_ARG, "Denotes whether workspacefile failed (true) or not (false). Used with --" + UPDATE_PATH_ARG).withRequiredArg().ofType(Boolean.class) .describedAs("false = success and true = failed"); accepts(ERROR_EMAIL_ARG, "Email to receive notifications if errors are encountered. Used with --" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG).withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class); accepts(HELP_ARG).forHelp(); } }; OptionSet optionSet = null; try { optionSet = parser.parse(args); } catch (OptionException oe) { System.err.println("\nThere was an error parsing arguments: " + oe.getMessage() + "\n\n"); parser.printHelpOn(System.err); System.exit(1); } if (optionSet.has(HELP_ARG) || (!optionSet.has(SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG) && !optionSet.has(UPLOAD_WF_ARG)) && !optionSet.has(EXAMPLE_JSON_ARG) && !optionSet.has(UPLOAD_FILE_ARG) && !optionSet.has(GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_INFO_ARG) && !optionSet.has(UPDATE_PATH_ARG) && !optionSet.has(REGISTER_FILE_ARG) && !optionSet.has(RESAVE_WORKSPACEFILE_ARG) && !optionSet.has(RESAVE_JOB_ARG) && !optionSet.has(RESAVE_WORKFLOW_ARG) && !optionSet.has(PREVIEW_WORKFLOW_ARG) && !optionSet.has(GEN_OLD_KEPLER_XML_ARG) && !optionSet.has(GET_JOB_ARG) && !optionSet.has(GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_ARG) && !optionSet.has(GET_WORKFLOW_ARG)) { System.out.println(PROGRAM_HELP + "\n"); parser.printHelpOn(System.out); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(EXAMPLE_JSON_ARG)) { renderExampleWorkflowsAndTasksAsJson(); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(GET_JOB_ARG)) { failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + GET_JOB_ARG + " flag"); getJobAsJson(optionSet); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_ARG)) { failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_ARG + " flag"); getWorkspaceFileAsJson(optionSet); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(GET_WORKFLOW_ARG)) { failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + GET_WORKFLOW_ARG + " flag"); getWorkflowAsJson(optionSet); System.exit(0); } MultivaluedMapFactory multivaluedMapFactory = new MultivaluedMapFactoryImpl(); if (optionSet.has(GEN_OLD_KEPLER_XML_ARG)) { String workflowFileOrId = (String) optionSet.valueOf(GEN_OLD_KEPLER_XML_ARG); File workflowFile = new File(workflowFileOrId); Workflow w = null; //if value is a file attempt to load it as a workflow file if (workflowFile.exists() && workflowFile.isFile()) { w = getWorkflowFromFile(workflowFile); if (w == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to extract workflow from file: " + workflowFile); } } else { //assume the value is a workflow id and get it from the service //but fail if url is missing failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + GEN_OLD_KEPLER_XML_ARG + " flag"); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); WorkflowRestDAOImpl workflowDAO = new WorkflowRestDAOImpl(); workflowDAO.setRestURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG)); workflowDAO.setUser(u); w = workflowDAO.getWorkflowById(workflowFileOrId, u); if (w == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to extract workflow from id: " + workflowFileOrId); } } VersionOneWorkflowXmlWriter xmlWriter = new VersionOneWorkflowXmlWriter(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); xmlWriter.write(sw, w); System.out.println(sw.toString()); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(PREVIEW_WORKFLOW_ARG)) { failIfOptionSetMissingURL(optionSet, "--" + PREVIEW_WORKFLOW_ARG + " flag"); File workflowFile = (File) optionSet.valueOf(PREVIEW_WORKFLOW_ARG); Workflow w = getWorkflowFromFile(workflowFile); if (w == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to extract workflow from file"); } uploadPreviewWorkflowFile((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG), w); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(REGISTER_FILE_ARG)) { addNewWorkspaceFile(optionSet, false, REGISTER_FILE_ARG); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(RESAVE_WORKSPACEFILE_ARG)) { failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + RESAVE_WORKSPACEFILE_ARG + " flag"); WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl workspaceFileDAO = new WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl(); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); workspaceFileDAO.setUser(u); workspaceFileDAO.setRestURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG)); Long workspaceId = (Long) optionSet.valueOf(RESAVE_WORKSPACEFILE_ARG); if (workspaceId == -1) { System.out.println("Resaving all workspace files"); List<WorkspaceFile> wsfList = workspaceFileDAO.getWorkspaceFiles(null, null, null, null, null); if (wsfList != null) { System.out.println("Found " + wsfList.size() + " workspace files to resave"); for (WorkspaceFile wsf : wsfList) { System.out.println("WorkspaceFile Id: " + wsf.getId()); workspaceFileDAO.resave(wsf.getId()); } } } else { workspaceFileDAO.resave(workspaceId); } System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(RESAVE_JOB_ARG)) { failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + RESAVE_JOB_ARG + " flag"); JobRestDAOImpl jobDAO = new JobRestDAOImpl(); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); jobDAO.setUser(u); jobDAO.setRestURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG)); Long jobId = (Long) optionSet.valueOf(RESAVE_JOB_ARG); if (jobId == -1) { System.out.println("Resaving all jobs"); List<Job> jobList = jobDAO.getJobs(null, null, null, true, true, Boolean.TRUE); if (jobList != null) { System.out.println("Found " + jobList.size() + " jobs to resave"); for (Job j : jobList) { System.out.println("job id: " + j.getId()); jobDAO.resave(j.getId()); } } } else { jobDAO.resave(jobId); } System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(RESAVE_WORKFLOW_ARG)) { failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + RESAVE_WORKFLOW_ARG + " flag"); WorkflowRestDAOImpl workflowDAO = new WorkflowRestDAOImpl(); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); workflowDAO.setUser(u); workflowDAO.setRestURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG)); Long workflowId = (Long) optionSet.valueOf(RESAVE_WORKFLOW_ARG); if (workflowId == -1) { System.out.println("Resaving all workflows"); List<Workflow> workflowList = workflowDAO.getAllWorkflows(true, Boolean.TRUE); if (workflowList != null) { System.out.println("Found " + workflowList.size() + " workflow(s) to resave"); for (Workflow w : workflowList) { System.out.println("workflow id: " + w.getId()); workflowDAO.resave(w.getId()); } } } else { workflowDAO.resave(workflowId); } System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(UPDATE_PATH_ARG)) { failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + UPDATE_PATH_ARG + " flag"); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); String workspaceId = (String) optionSet.valueOf(UPDATE_PATH_ARG); String path = null; if (optionSet.has(PATH_ARG)) { path = (String) optionSet.valueOf(PATH_ARG); } String size = null; if (optionSet.has(SIZE_ARG)) { size = ((Long) optionSet.valueOf(SIZE_ARG)).toString(); } if (optionSet.has(MD5_ARG)) { //wsp.setMd5((String)optionSet.valueOf(MD5_ARG)); } Boolean isFailed = null; if (optionSet.has(WORKSPACE_FILE_FAILED_ARG)) { isFailed = (Boolean) optionSet.valueOf(WORKSPACE_FILE_FAILED_ARG); } WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl workspaceFileDAO = new WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl(); workspaceFileDAO.setUser(u); workspaceFileDAO.setRestURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG)); workspaceFileDAO.updatePathSizeAndFailStatus(Long.parseLong(workspaceId), path, size, isFailed); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG)) { // @TODO NEED TO MAKE JOPT DO THIS REQUIRED FLAG CHECKING STUFF if (!optionSet.has(WF_EXEC_DIR_ARG)) { System.err.println( "-" + WF_EXEC_DIR_ARG + " is required with -" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG + " flag"); System.exit(2); } if (!optionSet.has(WF_DIR_ARG)) { System.err.println("-" + WF_DIR_ARG + " is required with -" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG + " flag"); System.exit(3); } if (!optionSet.has(KEPLER_SCRIPT_ARG)) { System.err.println( "-" + KEPLER_SCRIPT_ARG + " is required with -" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG + " flag"); System.exit(4); } if (!optionSet.has(CAST_ARG)) { System.err.println("-" + CAST_ARG + " is required with -" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG + " flag"); System.exit(5); } if (!optionSet.has(STAT_ARG)) { System.err.println("-" + STAT_ARG + " is required with -" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG + " flag"); System.exit(6); } if (!optionSet.has(QUEUE_ARG)) { System.err.println("-" + QUEUE_ARG + " is required with -" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG + " flag"); System.exit(7); } if (!optionSet.has(REGISTER_JAR_ARG)) { System.err.println( "-" + REGISTER_JAR_ARG + " is required with -" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG + " flag"); System.exit(8); } failIfOptionSetMissingLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG + " flag"); File castFile = (File) optionSet.valueOf(CAST_ARG); String castPath = castFile.getAbsolutePath(); File statFile = (File) optionSet.valueOf(STAT_ARG); String statPath = statFile.getAbsolutePath(); String queue = (String) optionSet.valueOf(QUEUE_ARG); File wfExecDir = (File) optionSet.valueOf(WF_EXEC_DIR_ARG); File wfDir = (File) optionSet.valueOf(WF_DIR_ARG); File keplerScript = (File) optionSet.valueOf(KEPLER_SCRIPT_ARG); String registerJar = null; if (optionSet.has(REGISTER_JAR_ARG)) { File registerJarFile = (File) optionSet.valueOf(REGISTER_JAR_ARG); registerJar = registerJarFile.getAbsolutePath(); } JobEmailNotificationData emailNotifyData = getJobEmailNotificationData(optionSet); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); ObjectifyService.ofy(); String url = (String) optionSet.valueOf(SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER_ARG); JobRestDAOImpl jobDAO = new JobRestDAOImpl(); jobDAO.setRestURL(url); jobDAO.setUser(u); System.out.println("Running sync with cluster"); WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl workspaceFileDAO = new WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl(); workspaceFileDAO.setRestURL(url); workspaceFileDAO.setUser(u); JobPath jobPath = new JobPathImpl(wfExecDir.getAbsolutePath()); WorkspaceFilePathSetterImpl pathSetter = new WorkspaceFilePathSetterImpl(workspaceFileDAO); // Submit jobs to scheduler JobSubmissionManager submitter = new JobSubmissionManager(jobDAO, workspaceFileDAO, pathSetter, jobPath, wfDir.getAbsolutePath(), keplerScript.getAbsolutePath(), castPath, queue, u, url, registerJar, emailNotifyData); submitter.submitJobs(); // Update job status for all jobs in system MapOfJobStatusFactoryImpl jobStatusFactory = new MapOfJobStatusFactoryImpl(statPath); WorkflowFailedParser workflowFailedParser = new WorkflowFailedParserImpl(); JobStatusUpdater updater = new JobStatusUpdater(jobDAO, jobStatusFactory, workflowFailedParser, jobPath); updater.updateJobs(); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(App.GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_INFO_ARG)) { failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_INFO_ARG + " flag"); WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl workspaceFileDAO = new WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl(); workspaceFileDAO.setRestURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG)); List<WorkspaceFile> wsFiles = workspaceFileDAO .getWorkspaceFilesById((String) optionSet.valueOf(GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_INFO_ARG), null); if (wsFiles != null) { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectWriter ow = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter(); System.out.print("["); boolean first = true; for (WorkspaceFile wsf : wsFiles) { if (first == false) { System.out.println(","); } else { first = false; } System.out.print(ow.writeValueAsString(wsf)); } System.out.println("]"); } else { System.err.println("[]"); } System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(UPLOAD_FILE_ARG)) { addNewWorkspaceFile(optionSet, true, UPLOAD_FILE_ARG); System.exit(0); } if (optionSet.has(UPLOAD_WF_ARG)) { Long parentWfId = null; String postURL = null; if (optionSet.has(URL_ARG)) { postURL = (String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG); failIfOptionSetMissingLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + UPLOAD_WF_ARG + " and --" + URL_ARG + " flag"); } File workflowFile = (File) optionSet.valueOf(UPLOAD_WF_ARG); Workflow w = getWorkflowFromFile(workflowFile); if (w != null) { if (optionSet.has(OWNER_ARG)) { w.setOwner((String) optionSet.valueOf(OWNER_ARG)); } ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); if (parentWfId != null) { w.setId(parentWfId); } if (postURL == null) { System.out.println("\n--- JSON Representation of Workflow ---"); ObjectWriter ow = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter(); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(w)); System.out.flush(); System.out.println("---------------------------------------"); } else { postURL = new StringBuilder().append(postURL).append(Constants.SLASH) .append(Constants.REST_PATH).append(Constants.SLASH) .append(Constants.WORKFLOWS_PATH).toString(); ClientConfig cc = new DefaultClientConfig(); cc.getClasses().add(StringProvider.class); cc.getClasses().add(MultiPartWriter.class); Client client = Client.create(cc); client.setFollowRedirects(true); WebResource resource = client.resource(postURL); String workflowAsJson = om.writeValueAsString(w); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); client.addFilter(new HTTPBasicAuthFilter(u.getLogin(), u.getToken())); MultivaluedMap queryParams = multivaluedMapFactory.getMultivaluedMap(u); String response = resource.queryParams(queryParams).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) .entity(workflowAsJson).post(String.class); Workflow workflowRes = om.readValue(response, Workflow.class); ObjectWriter ow = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter(); if (workflowRes.getWorkflowFileUploadURL() == null) { throw new Exception( "No upload url found for workflow!!!" + ow.writeValueAsString(workflowRes)); } uploadWorkflowFile(workflowRes, workflowFile); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Caught Exception: " + ex.getMessage()); System.exit(2); } System.exit(0); } public static Workflow getWorkflowFromFile(File workflowFile) throws Exception { WorkflowFromAnnotatedVersionTwoFourMomlXmlFactory xmlFactory = new WorkflowFromAnnotatedVersionTwoFourMomlXmlFactory(); xmlFactory.setWorkflowXml( new BufferedInputStream(KeplerMomlFromKar.getInputStreamOfWorkflowMoml(workflowFile))); return xmlFactory.getWorkflow(); } public static void getJobAsJson(OptionSet optionSet) throws Exception { JobRestDAOImpl jobDAO = new JobRestDAOImpl(); jobDAO.setRestURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG)); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); jobDAO.setUser(u); Job j = jobDAO.getJobById(((Long) optionSet.valueOf(GET_JOB_ARG)).toString()); if (j != null) { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectWriter ow = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter(); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(j)); } else { System.err.println( "Unable to retreive job with id: " + ((Long) optionSet.valueOf(GET_JOB_ARG)).toString()); System.exit(1); } return; } public static void getWorkspaceFileAsJson(OptionSet optionSet) throws Exception { WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl workspaceFileDAO = new WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl(); workspaceFileDAO.setRestURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG)); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); workspaceFileDAO.setUser(u); Long workspaceFileId = (Long) optionSet.valueOf(GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_ARG); if (workspaceFileId == -1) { List<WorkspaceFile> wsfList = workspaceFileDAO.getWorkspaceFiles(null, null, null, null, null); ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectWriter ow = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter(); if (wsfList != null) { for (WorkspaceFile wsf : wsfList) { System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(wsf)); } } return; } WorkspaceFile wsf = workspaceFileDAO.getWorkspaceFileById(workspaceFileId.toString(), u); if (wsf != null) { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectWriter ow = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter(); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(wsf)); } else { System.err.println("Unable to retreive WorkspaceFile with id: " + ((Long) optionSet.valueOf(GET_WORKSPACE_FILE_ARG)).toString()); System.exit(1); } return; } public static void getWorkflowAsJson(OptionSet optionSet) throws Exception { WorkflowRestDAOImpl workflowDAO = new WorkflowRestDAOImpl(); workflowDAO.setRestURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG)); User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); workflowDAO.setUser(u); Long wfid = (Long) optionSet.valueOf(GET_WORKFLOW_ARG); Workflow w = workflowDAO.getWorkflowById(wfid.toString(), u); if (w != null) { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectWriter ow = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter(); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(w)); } else { System.err.println("Unable to retreive WorkspaceFile with id: " + wfid.toString()); System.exit(1); } } public static JobEmailNotificationData getJobEmailNotificationData(OptionSet optionSet) throws Exception { JobEmailNotificationData emailNotifyData = new JobEmailNotificationData(); if (!optionSet.has(PROJECT_ARG)) { throw new Exception("-" + PROJECT_ARG + " is required"); } if (!optionSet.has(PORTALNAME_ARG)) { throw new Exception("-" + PORTALNAME_ARG + " is required"); } if (!optionSet.has(PORTAL_URL_ARG)) { throw new Exception("-" + PORTAL_URL_ARG + " is required"); } if (!optionSet.has(HELP_EMAIL_ARG)) { throw new Exception("-" + HELP_EMAIL_ARG + " is required"); } emailNotifyData.setProject((String) optionSet.valueOf(PROJECT_ARG)); emailNotifyData.setPortalName((String) optionSet.valueOf(PORTALNAME_ARG)); emailNotifyData.setPortalURL((String) optionSet.valueOf(PORTAL_URL_ARG)); emailNotifyData.setHelpEmail((String) optionSet.valueOf(HELP_EMAIL_ARG)); if (optionSet.has(BCC_EMAIL_ARG)) { emailNotifyData.setBccEmail((String) optionSet.valueOf(BCC_EMAIL_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(ERROR_EMAIL_ARG)) { emailNotifyData.setErrorEmail((String) optionSet.valueOf(ERROR_EMAIL_ARG)); } return emailNotifyData; } public static void addNewWorkspaceFile(OptionSet optionSet, boolean uploadFile, final String theArg) throws Exception { String postURL = null; if (optionSet.has(URL_ARG)) { postURL = (String) optionSet.valueOf(URL_ARG); failIfOptionSetMissingLoginOrToken(optionSet, "--" + theArg + " and --" + URL_ARG + " flag"); } File file = (File) optionSet.valueOf(theArg); WorkspaceFile wsp = new WorkspaceFile(); wsp.setName(file.getName()); wsp.setSize(file.length()); wsp.setDir(file.isDirectory()); if (optionSet.has(OWNER_ARG)) { wsp.setOwner((String) optionSet.valueOf(OWNER_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(PATH_ARG)) { wsp.setPath((String) optionSet.valueOf(PATH_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(JOB_ID_ARG)) { wsp.setSourceJobId((Long) optionSet.valueOf(JOB_ID_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(MD5_ARG)) { wsp.setMd5((String) optionSet.valueOf(MD5_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(DESCRIPTION_ARG)) { wsp.setDescription((String) optionSet.valueOf(DESCRIPTION_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(TYPE_ARG)) { wsp.setType((String) optionSet.valueOf(TYPE_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(NAME_ARG)) { wsp.setName((String) optionSet.valueOf(NAME_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(SIZE_ARG)) { wsp.setSize((Long) optionSet.valueOf(SIZE_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(WORKSPACE_FILE_FAILED_ARG)) { wsp.setFailed((Boolean) optionSet.valueOf(WORKSPACE_FILE_FAILED_ARG)); } ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectWriter ow = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter(); if (postURL == null) { System.out.println("\n--- JSON Representation of WorkspaceFile ---"); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(wsp)); System.out.flush(); System.out.println("---------------------------------------"); System.exit(0); } User u = getUserFromOptionSet(optionSet); WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl workspaceFileDAO = new WorkspaceFileRestDAOImpl(); workspaceFileDAO.setRestURL(postURL); workspaceFileDAO.setUser(u); WorkspaceFile workspaceFileRes = workspaceFileDAO.insert(wsp, uploadFile); System.out.println("WorkspaceFile id: " + workspaceFileRes.getId()); if (uploadFile == false) { return; } if (workspaceFileRes.getUploadURL() == null) { throw new Exception("No upload url found for workflow!!!" + ow.writeValueAsString(workspaceFileRes)); } uploadWorkspaceFile(workspaceFileRes, file); } public static void failIfOptionSetMissingURLOrLoginOrToken(OptionSet optionSet, final String message) { failIfOptionSetMissingURL(optionSet, message); failIfOptionSetMissingLoginOrToken(optionSet, message); } public static void failIfOptionSetMissingURL(OptionSet optionSet, final String message) { if (!optionSet.has(URL_ARG)) { System.err.println("--" + URL_ARG + " is required with " + message); System.exit(12); } } public static void failIfOptionSetMissingLoginOrToken(OptionSet optionSet, final String message) { if (!optionSet.has(LOGIN_ARG)) { System.err.println("--" + LOGIN_ARG + " is required with " + message); System.exit(10); } if (!optionSet.has(TOKEN_ARG)) { System.err.println("--" + TOKEN_ARG + " is required with " + message); System.exit(11); } } /** * Parses <b>optionSet</b> for {@link App#LOGIN_ARG}, {@link App#TOKEN_ARG}, and {@link App#RUN_AS_ARG} * to generate {@link User} object * @param optionSet * @return User object with {@link User#getLogin()}, {@link User#getLoginToRunJobAs()}, and * {@link User#getToken()} set to values from <b>optionSet</b> */ public static User getUserFromOptionSet(OptionSet optionSet) { User u = new User(); if (optionSet.has(LOGIN_ARG)) { u.setLogin((String) optionSet.valueOf(LOGIN_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(TOKEN_ARG)) { u.setToken((String) optionSet.valueOf(TOKEN_ARG)); } if (optionSet.has(RUN_AS_ARG)) { u.setLoginToRunJobAs((String) optionSet.valueOf(RUN_AS_ARG)); } return u; } /** * Using curl this method uploads via POST a {@link Workflow} file to REST * service * @param w * @param workflowFile * @throws Exception */ public static void uploadWorkflowFile(Workflow w, File workflowFile) throws Exception { RunCommandLineProcess procRunner = new RunCommandLineProcessImpl(); System.out.println( "TODO SWITCH THIS TO USE JERSEY CLIENT!!!\nAttempting to run this command: curl -i -X POST --form '" + w.getId().toString() + "=@" + workflowFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' " + w.getWorkflowFileUploadURL()); String res = procRunner.runCommandLineProcess("curl", "-i", "-X", "POST", "--form", w.getId().toString() + "=@" + workflowFile.getAbsolutePath(), w.getWorkflowFileUploadURL()); System.out.println("\n"); System.out.println("--------------- OUTPUT FROM CURL ----------------"); System.out.println(res); System.out.println("--------------- END OF OUTPUT FROM CURL ---------"); } public static void uploadPreviewWorkflowFile(final String url, Workflow w) throws Exception { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("preview", ".json"); try { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tmpFile)); ObjectWriter ow = om.writer(); bw.write(ow.writeValueAsString(w)); bw.flush(); bw.close(); RunCommandLineProcess procRunner = new RunCommandLineProcessImpl(); System.out.println("TODO SWITCH THIS TO USE JERSEY CLIENT!!!\n" + "Attempting to run this command: curl -i -X POST --form '" + "_formexamplefile=@" + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' " + url); String res = procRunner.runCommandLineProcess("curl", "-i", "-X", "POST", "--form", "_formexamplefile=@" + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(), url); System.out.println("\n"); System.out.println("--------------- URL to Preview ----------------"); System.out.println(res); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } finally { if (tmpFile != null) { tmpFile.delete(); } } } /** * Using a curl this method uploads via POST a * {@link WorkspaceFile} file to REST service * @param w * @param file * @throws Exception */ public static void uploadWorkspaceFile(WorkspaceFile w, File file) throws Exception { RunCommandLineProcess procRunner = new RunCommandLineProcessImpl(); System.out.println( "TODO SWITCH THIS TO USE JERSEY CLIENT!!!\nAttempting to run this command: curl -i -X POST --form '" + w.getId().toString() + "=@" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' " + w.getUploadURL()); String res = procRunner.runCommandLineProcess("curl", "-i", "-X", "POST", "--form", w.getId().toString() + "=@" + file.getAbsolutePath(), w.getUploadURL()); System.out.println("\n"); System.out.println("--------------- OUTPUT FROM CURL ----------------"); System.out.println(res); System.out.println("--------------- END OF OUTPUT FROM CURL ---------"); } /** * Prints out examples of {@link Workflow}, {@link WorkspaceFile}, {@link Job}, {@link WorkspaceFile} * objects in pretty JSON format * @throws Exception */ public static void renderExampleWorkflowsAndTasksAsJson() throws Exception { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectWriter ow = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter(); System.out.println("Json for Empty Workflow"); System.out.println("-----------------------"); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(getWorkflowWithNoParameters())); System.out.flush(); System.out.println("-----------------------\n\n"); System.out.println("Json for Workflow with Parameters"); System.out.println("-----------------------"); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(getWorkflowWithParameters())); System.out.flush(); System.out.println("-----------------------\n\n"); System.out.println("Json for Job with 2 parameters and workflow"); System.out.println("-----------------------"); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(getJobWithParametersAndWorkflow())); System.out.flush(); System.out.println("-----------------------\n\n"); System.out.println("Json for WorkspaceFile"); System.out.println("-----------------------"); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(getWorkspaceFile())); System.out.flush(); System.out.println("Json for User"); System.out.println("-----------------------"); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(getUser())); System.out.flush(); System.out.println("Json for Event"); System.out.println("-----------------------"); System.out.println(ow.writeValueAsString(getEvent())); System.out.flush(); } /** * Creates example {@link Job} with {@link Parameter} objects and a * {@link Workflow} * @return Example {@link Job} object */ public static Job getJobWithParametersAndWorkflow() { Job j = new Job(); j.setCreateDate(new Date()); j.setDownloadURL(""); j.setEstimatedCpuInSeconds(5345); j.setEstimatedDiskInBytes(234234234L); j.setEstimatedWallTimeInSeconds(334343); j.setFinishDate(new Date()); j.setStatus(Job.RUNNING_STATUS); j.setSchedulerJobId("12322"); j.setName("some job"); j.setOwner("someuser"); j.setStartDate(new Date()); j.setSubmitDate(new Date()); Parameter p = new Parameter(); p.setName("param1"); p.setValue("some value"); List<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<>(); params.add(p); j.setParameters(params); j.setWorkflow(getWorkflowWithNoParameters()); return j; } /** * Creates example {@link Workflow} object with no {@link WorkflowParameter} objects * @return Example {@link Workflow} object */ public static Workflow getWorkflowWithNoParameters() { Workflow w = new Workflow(); w.setId(new Long(10)); w.setName("workflowname"); w.setDescription("Contains description of workflow displayable to the user"); w.setCreateDate(new Date()); w.setReleaseNotes("Contains release notes for this release of Workflow"); w.setVersion(2); return w; } /** * Creates example {@link Workflow} object with {@link WorkflowParameter} objects * all filled with fake data * @return example {@link Workflow} */ public static Workflow getWorkflowWithParameters() { Workflow w = getWorkflowWithNoParameters(); WorkflowParameter wp = new WorkflowParameter(); wp.setType("text"); wp.setValue("initial value to put in text field"); wp.setName("foo"); wp.setDisplayName("Example text field parameter"); wp.setHelp("Tooltip information goes here.\n" + "This Parameter is a basic html text field.\n" + "DisplayName is the label that should be shown\n" + "to the user\n" + ""); wp.setMaxLength(50); wp.setValidationHelp("Text to display to user if validation fails"); wp.setValidationType("string"); wp.setValidationRegex("^cheese|wine$"); List<WorkflowParameter> params = new ArrayList<>(); params.add(wp); wp = new WorkflowParameter(); wp.setType("dropdown"); wp.setValue("displayName1==value1;displayName2==value2;displayName3==value3"); wp.setName("bar"); wp.setDisplayName("Bar"); wp.setMaxValue(100); wp.setMinValue(0); HashMap<String, String> valueMap = new HashMap<>(); valueMap.put("displayName1", "value1"); valueMap.put("displayName2", "value2"); valueMap.put("displayName3", "value3"); wp.setValueMap(valueMap); wp.setNameValueDelimiter("=="); wp.setLineDelimiter(";"); wp.setHelp("Tooltip goes here. This is a dropdown field"); params.add(wp); w.setParameters(params); return w; } /** * Creates example {@link WorkspaceFile} object with some fake data * @return Example {@link WorkspaceFile} */ public static WorkspaceFile getWorkspaceFile() { WorkspaceFile wsp = new WorkspaceFile(); wsp.setId(new Long(123123)); wsp.setType("png"); wsp.setCreateDate(new Date()); wsp.setDescription("some information"); wsp.setDeleted(false); wsp.setDir(false); wsp.setMd5("cec200b3e7c2c013fecdaaa5cceaf526"); wsp.setName("foo.png"); wsp.setOwner("bob"); wsp.setPath("/home/foo/bob/123/foo.png"); wsp.setSize(new Long(123123)); return wsp; } /** * Creates an example {@link User} object with some fake data * @return Example {@link User} */ public static User getUser() { User user = new User(); user.setCreateDate(new Date()); user.setId(new Long(1)); user.setLogin("bob"); user.setToken("sometokenxxxxxx"); user.setPermissions(Permission.CREATE_USER); user.setIpAddress(""); ArrayList<String> ipaddresses = new ArrayList<String>(); ipaddresses.add(""); ipaddresses.add(""); user.setAllowedIpAddresses(ipaddresses); return user; } public static Event getEvent() { Event e = new Event(); e.setCity("San Diego"); e.setCityLatLong("0,0"); e.setCountry("USA"); e.setDate(new Date()); e.setHost(""); e.setIpAddress(""); e.setMessage("some message"); e.setRegion("NA"); return e; } }