Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * * Copyright 2011 Spiffy UI Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package edu.ucsc.robot.client; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.THREE; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.cameras.Camera; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.core.Geometry; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.core.Object3D; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.core.Projector; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.lights.Light; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.objects.Mesh; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.renderers.WebGLRenderer; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.renderers.WebGLRenderer.WebGLCanvas; import com.akjava.gwt.three.client.scenes.Scene; import com.akjava.gwt.html5.client.HTML5InputRange; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ucsc.robot.util.Util; /** * This class is the main entry point for our GWT module. */ public class MainScreen implements EntryPoint { public static final int MIN_CAMERA = 5; WebGLCanvas canvas; boolean mouseDown; int mouseDownX; int mouseDownY; long mouseLast; protected int screenWidth; protected int screenHeight; ZoomingRecord zooming = new ZoomingRecord(); CameraOrientation orientation = new CameraOrientation(); Scene scene = THREE.Scene(); Camera camera; WebGLRenderer renderer = THREE.WebGLRenderer(); Projector projector = THREE.Projector(); Object3D rootGroup; Object3D backgroundContainer; Object3D selectedObject; private PopupPanel bottomPanel; PopupPanel dialog; private VerticalPanel main; private Button hideButton; protected PopupPanel htmlDialog; HTML5InputRange rotationRange; HTML5InputRange rotationYRange; HTML5InputRange rotationZRange; HTML5InputRange meshScaleX; HTML5InputRange meshScaleY; HTML5InputRange meshScaleZ; HTML5InputRange positionX; HTML5InputRange positionY; HTML5InputRange positionZ; /** * The Index page constructor */ public MainScreen() { } @Override public void onModuleLoad() { screenWidth = Window.getClientWidth(); screenHeight = Window.getClientHeight(); setupRenderer(); setupWebGLCanvas(renderer); RootLayoutPanel.get().add(canvas); setupScene(); setupCamera(); rootGroup = THREE.Object3D(); scene.add(rootGroup); backgroundContainer = THREE.Object3D(); rootGroup.add(backgroundContainer); final Geometry geo = THREE.PlaneGeometry(100, 100, 20, 20); final Mesh mesh = THREE.Mesh(geo, THREE.MeshBasicMaterial().color(0x666666).wireFrame(true).build()); mesh.setRotation(Math.toRadians(-90), 0, 0); backgroundContainer.add(mesh); setupUpdater(); dialog = new PopupPanel(); setupDialogRoot(); createPlayer(main);; Util.rightTop(dialog); Window.addResizeHandler(new IndexResizeHandler(this)); HTMLPanel html = new HTMLPanel(getHtml()); html.setWidth("100%"); html.setHeight("20px"); html.setStyleName("text"); htmlDialog = new PopupPanel(); htmlDialog.add(html); htmlDialog.setPopupPosition(150, 30); htmlDialog.setWidth("100%"); htmlDialog.setStyleName("transparent");; } public String getHtml() { final StringBuilder htmlMessage = new StringBuilder("Powerd by "); htmlMessage.append("<a href=''>Three.js</a>").append(" & ") .append("<a href=''>GWT</a>"); return htmlMessage.toString(); } public void resize(int width, int height) { if (scene == null) return; screenWidth = width; screenHeight = height; setupCamera(); renderer.setSize(width, height); Util.leftBottom(bottomPanel); } private void setupDialogRoot() { VerticalPanel dialogRoot = new VerticalPanel(); dialogRoot.setSpacing(2); final Label label = new Label("Control"); label.setStyleName("title"); dialog.add(dialogRoot); dialogRoot.add(label); main = new VerticalPanel(); main.setVisible(false); HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanel.setWidth("100%"); hPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); dialogRoot.add(hPanel); hideButton = new Button("Hide Control"); hideButton.setVisible(false); hideButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { main.setVisible(false); hideButton.setVisible(false); Util.rightTop(dialog); } }); hPanel.add(hideButton); dialogRoot.add(main); label.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { showPlayer(); } }); } public void createPlayer(Panel parent) { final HorizontalPanel dataControls = new HorizontalPanel(); parent.add(dataControls); rotationRange = new HTML5InputRange(-180, 180, 0); rotationYRange = new HTML5InputRange(-180, 180, 0); rotationZRange = new HTML5InputRange(-180, 180, 0); meshScaleX = new HTML5InputRange(0, 150, 3); meshScaleY = new HTML5InputRange(0, 150, 3); meshScaleZ = new HTML5InputRange(0, 150, 3); positionX = new HTML5InputRange(-150, 150, 0); positionY = new HTML5InputRange(-150, 150, 0); positionZ = new HTML5InputRange(-150, 150, 0); createBottomPanel(); showPlayer(); } private void createBottomPanel() { // TODO (whoever) implement the bottom panel containing generate, // print3D, and help.... bottomPanel = new PopupPanel(); bottomPanel.setVisible(true); bottomPanel.setSize("650px", "40px"); final VerticalPanel main = new VerticalPanel(); bottomPanel.add(main);; Util.leftBottom(bottomPanel); } protected void showPlayer() { main.setVisible(true); hideButton.setVisible(true); Util.rightTop(dialog); } private void setupUpdater() { IndexUpdater updater = new IndexUpdater(this); if (!GWT.isScript()) { updater.scheduleRepeating(100); } else { updater.scheduleRepeating(1000 / 60); } } private void setupScene() { orientation.setCameraY(10); zooming.update(5); scene.add(THREE.AmbientLight(0x888888)); Light pointLight = THREE.PointLight(0xffffff); pointLight.setPosition(0, 10, 300); scene.add(pointLight); } private void setupRenderer() { renderer.setSize(screenWidth, screenHeight); renderer.setClearColorHex(0x333333, 1); } private void setupWebGLCanvas(WebGLRenderer renderer) { canvas = new WebGLCanvas(renderer); canvas.setClearColorHex(0xcccccc); IndexInputHandler handler = new IndexInputHandler(this); canvas.addMouseUpHandler(handler); canvas.addMouseWheelHandler(handler); canvas.addClickHandler(handler); canvas.addMouseDownHandler(handler); canvas.addMouseOutHandler(handler); canvas.addMouseMoveHandler(handler); canvas.setWidth("100%"); canvas.setHeight("100%"); } private void setupCamera() { if (camera != null && scene != null) { scene.remove(camera); } camera = THREE.PerspectiveCamera(35, (double) screenWidth / screenHeight, 1, 6000); scene.add(camera); } }