Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* *Copyright (c) 2009 Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, only version 3 of the License. * * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. * * Please contact Eucalyptus Systems, Inc., 130 Castilian * Dr., Goleta, CA 93101 USA or visit <> * if you need additional information or have any questions. * * This file may incorporate work covered under the following copyright and * permission notice: * * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2008, Regents of the University of California * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with * or without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. USERS OF * THIS SOFTWARE ACKNOWLEDGE THE POSSIBLE PRESENCE OF OTHER OPEN SOURCE * LICENSED MATERIAL, COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL OR PATENTED MATERIAL IN THIS * SOFTWARE, AND IF ANY SUCH MATERIAL IS DISCOVERED THE PARTY DISCOVERING * IT MAY INFORM DR. RICH WOLSKI AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA * BARBARA WHO WILL THEN ASCERTAIN THE MOST APPROPRIATE REMEDY, WHICH IN * THE REGENTS DISCRETION MAY INCLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REPLACEMENT * OF THE CODE SO IDENTIFIED, LICENSING OF THE CODE SO IDENTIFIED, OR * WITHDRAWAL OF THE CODE CAPABILITY TO THE EXTENT NEEDED TO COMPLY WITH * ANY SUCH LICENSES OR RIGHTS. *******************************************************************************/ /* * * Author: Dmitrii Zagorodnov */ package edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.admin.server; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.ProxyHost; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.eucalyptus.auth.Groups; import com.eucalyptus.auth.NoSuchGroupException; import com.eucalyptus.auth.NoSuchUserException; import com.eucalyptus.auth.UserExistsException; import com.eucalyptus.auth.UserInfo; import com.eucalyptus.auth.UserInfoStore; import com.eucalyptus.auth.Users; import com.eucalyptus.auth.crypto.Crypto; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.Authorization; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.AvailabilityZonePermission; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.Group; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.User; import com.eucalyptus.auth.WrappedUser; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.HttpServerBootstrapper; import com.eucalyptus.entities.EntityWrapper; import com.eucalyptus.entities.NetworkRulesGroup; import com.eucalyptus.event.EventVetoedException; import com.eucalyptus.event.ListenerRegistry; import com.eucalyptus.event.SystemConfigurationEvent; import com.eucalyptus.images.Image; import com.eucalyptus.images.ImageInfo; import com.eucalyptus.images.Images; import; import com.eucalyptus.util.Composites; import com.eucalyptus.util.DNSProperties; import com.eucalyptus.util.EucalyptusCloudException; import com.eucalyptus.util.Tx; import; import; import; import; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.admin.client.CloudInfoWeb; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.admin.client.ImageInfoWeb; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.admin.client.SystemConfigWeb; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.admin.client.UserInfoWeb; import; public class EucalyptusManagement { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(EucalyptusManagement.class); //grze: see Groups.{ALL,DEFAULT} // private static final String GROUP_ALL = "all"; // private static final String GROUP_DEFAULT = "default"; public static String getError(String message) { return "<html><title>HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden</title><body><div align=\"center\"><p><h1>403: Forbidden</h1></p><p><img src=\"themes/active/logo.png\" /></p><p><h3 style=\"font-color: red;\">" + message + "</h3></p></div></body></html>"; } /* TODO: for now 'pattern' is ignored and all users are returned */ public static List<UserInfoWeb> getWebUsers(String pattern) throws SerializableException { final List<UserInfoWeb> webUsersList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (User u : Users.listAllUsers()) { try { UserInfo userInfo = ((WrappedUser) u).getUserInfo(); webUsersList.add(Composites.composeNew(UserInfoWeb.class, userInfo, u)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug(e, e); } } return webUsersList; } /* TODO: for now 'pattern' is ignored and all images are returned */ public static List<ImageInfoWeb> getWebImages(String pattern) throws SerializableException { List<ImageInfoWeb> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Image i : Images.listAllImages()) { ret.add(Composites.update(i, new ImageInfoWeb())); } return ret; } public static UserInfoWeb getWebUser(String userName) throws SerializableException { return EucalyptusManagement.getWebUserByExample(new UserInfo(userName)); } public static UserInfoWeb getWebUserByEmail(String emailAddress) throws SerializableException { UserInfo s = new UserInfo(); s.setEmail(emailAddress); return EucalyptusManagement.getWebUserByExample(s); } public static UserInfoWeb getWebUserByCode(String confCode) throws SerializableException { UserInfo s = new UserInfo(); s.setConfirmationCode(confCode); return EucalyptusManagement.getWebUserByExample(s); } private static UserInfoWeb getWebUserByExample(UserInfo ex) throws SerializableException { try { UserInfo userInfo = UserInfoStore.getUserInfo(ex); User user = Users.lookupUser(userInfo.getUserName()); UserInfoWeb webUser = Composites.composeNew(UserInfoWeb.class, userInfo, user); return webUser; } catch (NoSuchUserException e) { throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("User does not exist"); } } public static synchronized void addWebUser(UserInfoWeb webUser) throws SerializableException { User user = null; try { user = Users.lookupUser(webUser.getUserName()); throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("User already exists"); } catch (NoSuchUserException e) { try { user = Users.addUser(webUser.getUserName(), webUser.isAdministrator(), webUser.isEnabled()); try { UserInfo userInfo = Composites.updateNew(webUser, UserInfo.class); try { NetworkGroupUtil.createUserNetworkRulesGroup(userInfo.getUserName(), NetworkRulesGroup.NETWORK_DEFAULT_NAME, "default group"); } catch (EucalyptusCloudException e1) { LOG.debug(e1, e1); } UserInfoStore.addUserInfo(userInfo); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error(e1, e1); throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Error adding user: " + e1.getMessage()); } } catch (UserExistsException e1) { LOG.error(e1, e1); throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("User already exists"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e1) { LOG.error(e1, e1); throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Error adding user: " + e1.getMessage()); } } } private static SerializableException makeFault(String message) { SerializableException e = new SerializableException(message); LOG.error(e); return e; } public static void deleteWebUser(UserInfoWeb webUser) throws SerializableException { String userName = webUser.getUserName(); deleteUser(userName); } public static void deleteUser(String userName) throws SerializableException { try { Users.deleteUser(userName); UserInfoStore.deleteUserInfo(userName); } catch (NoSuchUserException e1) { LOG.debug(e1, e1); throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Unable to delete user"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e1) { LOG.debug(e1, e1); throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Error while deleting user: " + e1.getMessage()); } } public static void commitWebUser(final UserInfoWeb webUser) throws SerializableException { String userName = webUser.getUserName(); try { Users.updateUser(userName, new Tx<User>() { public void fire(User user) throws Throwable { Composites.project(webUser, user); } }); UserInfoStore.updateUserInfo(userName, new Tx<UserInfo>() { public void fire(UserInfo info) throws Throwable { Composites.project(webUser, info); } }); } catch (NoSuchUserException e1) { LOG.error(e1, e1); throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Unable to update user"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e1) { LOG.error(e1, e1); throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Error while updating user: " + e1.getMessage()); } } public static String getAdminEmail() throws SerializableException { String addr = null; try { UserInfo adminUser = UserInfoStore.getUserInfo(new UserInfo("admin")); addr = adminUser.getEmail(); } catch (NoSuchUserException e) { throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Administrator account not found"); } if (addr == null || addr.equals("")) { throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Email address is not set"); } return addr; } public static void deleteImage(String imageId) throws SerializableException { ImageInfo searchImg = new ImageInfo(); searchImg.setImageId(imageId); EntityWrapper<ImageInfo> db = new EntityWrapper<ImageInfo>(); List<ImageInfo> imgList = db.query(searchImg); if (imgList.size() > 0 && !imgList.isEmpty()) { Image foundimgSearch = imgList.get(0); foundimgSearch.setImageState("deregistered"); db.commit(); } else { db.rollback(); throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Specified image was not found, sorry."); } } public static void disableImage(String imageId) throws SerializableException { try { new Images._byId(imageId) { { new _mutator() { @Override public void set(ImageInfo e) { e.setImageState("deregistered"); } }.set(); } }; } catch (EucalyptusCloudException e) { throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Specified image was not found, sorry."); } } public static void enableImage(String imageId) throws SerializableException { try { new Images._byId(imageId) { { new _mutator() { @Override public void set(ImageInfo e) { e.setImageState("available"); } }.set(); } }; } catch (EucalyptusCloudException e) { throw EucalyptusManagement.makeFault("Specified image was not found, sorry."); } } public static SystemConfigWeb getSystemConfig() throws SerializableException { SystemConfiguration sysConf = SystemConfiguration.getSystemConfiguration(); LOG.debug("Sending cloud host: " + sysConf.getCloudHost()); return new SystemConfigWeb(sysConf.getDefaultKernel(), sysConf.getDefaultRamdisk(), sysConf.getMaxUserPublicAddresses(), sysConf.isDoDynamicPublicAddresses(), sysConf.getSystemReservedPublicAddresses(), sysConf.getDnsDomain(), sysConf.getNameserver(), sysConf.getNameserverAddress(), sysConf.getCloudHost()); } public static void setSystemConfig(final SystemConfigWeb systemConfig) { EntityWrapper<SystemConfiguration> db = new EntityWrapper<SystemConfiguration>(); SystemConfiguration sysConf = null; try { sysConf = db.getUnique(new SystemConfiguration()); sysConf.setCloudHost(systemConfig.getCloudHost()); sysConf.setDefaultKernel(systemConfig.getDefaultKernelId()); sysConf.setDefaultRamdisk(systemConfig.getDefaultRamdiskId()); sysConf.setDnsDomain(systemConfig.getDnsDomain()); sysConf.setNameserver(systemConfig.getNameserver()); sysConf.setNameserverAddress(systemConfig.getNameserverAddress()); sysConf.setMaxUserPublicAddresses(systemConfig.getMaxUserPublicAddresses()); sysConf.setDoDynamicPublicAddresses(systemConfig.isDoDynamicPublicAddresses()); sysConf.setSystemReservedPublicAddresses(systemConfig.getSystemReservedPublicAddresses()); db.commit(); DNSProperties.update(); } catch (EucalyptusCloudException e) { sysConf = new SystemConfiguration(systemConfig.getDefaultKernelId(), systemConfig.getDefaultRamdiskId(), systemConfig.getMaxUserPublicAddresses(), systemConfig.isDoDynamicPublicAddresses(), systemConfig.getSystemReservedPublicAddresses(), systemConfig.getDnsDomain(), systemConfig.getNameserver(), systemConfig.getNameserverAddress(), systemConfig.getCloudHost()); db.add(sysConf); db.commit(); DNSProperties.update(); } try { ListenerRegistry.getInstance().fireEvent(new SystemConfigurationEvent(sysConf)); } catch (EventVetoedException e) { LOG.debug(e, e); } } private static String getExternalIpAddress() { String ipAddr = null; HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); //support for http proxy if (HttpServerBootstrapper.httpProxyHost != null && (HttpServerBootstrapper.httpProxyHost.length() > 0)) { String proxyHost = HttpServerBootstrapper.httpProxyHost; if (HttpServerBootstrapper.httpProxyPort != null && (HttpServerBootstrapper.httpProxyPort.length() > 0)) { int proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(HttpServerBootstrapper.httpProxyPort); httpClient.getHostConfiguration().setProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort); } else { httpClient.getHostConfiguration().setProxyHost(new ProxyHost(proxyHost)); } } // Use Rightscale's "whoami" service GetMethod method = new GetMethod(""); Integer timeoutMs = new Integer(3 * 1000); // TODO: is this working? method.getParams().setSoTimeout(timeoutMs); try { httpClient.executeMethod(method); String str = ""; InputStream in = method.getResponseBodyAsStream(); byte[] readBytes = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead = -1; while ((bytesRead = > 0) { str += new String(readBytes, 0, bytesRead); } Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(".*your ip is (.*)").matcher(str); if (matcher.find()) { ipAddr =; } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOG.warn("Malformed URL exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("I/O exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { method.releaseConnection(); } return ipAddr; } public static CloudInfoWeb getCloudInfo(boolean setExternalHostPort) throws SerializableException { String cloudRegisterId = null; cloudRegisterId = SystemConfiguration.getSystemConfiguration().getRegistrationId(); CloudInfoWeb cloudInfo = new CloudInfoWeb(); cloudInfo.setInternalHostPort(SystemConfiguration.getInternalIpAddress() + ":8443"); if (setExternalHostPort) { String ipAddr = getExternalIpAddress(); if (ipAddr != null) { cloudInfo.setExternalHostPort(ipAddr + ":8443"); } } cloudInfo.setServicePath("/register"); // TODO: what is the actual cloud registration service? cloudInfo.setCloudId(cloudRegisterId); // TODO: what is the actual cloud registration ID? return cloudInfo; } private static List<String> getGroupZones(Group group) { List<String> zones = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Authorization auth : group.getAuthorizations()) { if (auth instanceof AvailabilityZonePermission) { zones.add(auth.getValue()); } } return zones; } }