Java tutorial
/* * Created on Sep 19, 2005 * * Copyright (c) 2005, the JUNG Project and the Regents of the University * of California * All rights reserved. * * This software is open-source under the BSD license; see either * "license.txt" or * for a description. */ package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.metrics; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph; /** * Calculates some of the measures from Burt's text "Structural Holes: * The Social Structure of Competition". * * <p><b>Notes</b>: * <ul> * <li/>Each of these measures assumes that each edge has an associated * non-null weight whose value is accessed through the specified * <code>Transformer</code> instance. * <li/>Nonexistent edges are treated as edges with weight 0 for purposes * of edge weight calculations. * </ul> * * <p>Based on code donated by Jasper Voskuilen and * Diederik van Liere of the Department of Information and Decision Sciences * at Erasmus University.</p> * * @author Joshua O'Madadhain * @author Jasper Voskuilen * @see "Ronald Burt, Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition" * @author Tom Nelson - converted to jung2 */ public class StructuralHoles<V, E> { protected Transformer<E, ? extends Number> edge_weight; protected Graph<V, E> g; /** * Creates a <code>StructuralHoles</code> instance based on the * edge weights specified by <code>nev</code>. */ public StructuralHoles(Graph<V, E> graph, Transformer<E, ? extends Number> nev) { this.g = graph; this.edge_weight = nev; } /** * Burt's measure of the effective size of a vertex's network. Essentially, the * number of neighbors minus the average degree of those in <code>v</code>'s neighbor set, * not counting ties to <code>v</code>. Formally: * <pre> * effectiveSize(v) = - (sum_{u in N(v)} sum_{w in N(u), w !=u,v} p(v,w)*m(u,w)) * </pre> * where * <ul> * <li/><code>N(a) = a.getNeighbors()</code> * <li/><code>p(v,w) =</code> normalized mutual edge weight of v and w * <li/><code>m(u,w)</code> = maximum-scaled mutual edge weight of u and w * </ul> * @see #normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(Object, Object) * @see #maxScaledMutualEdgeWeight(Object, Object) */ public double effectiveSize(V v) { double result =; for (V u : g.getNeighbors(v)) { for (V w : g.getNeighbors(u)) { if (w != v && w != u) result -= normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(v, w) * maxScaledMutualEdgeWeight(u, w); } } return result; } /** * Returns the effective size of <code>v</code> divided by the number of * alters in <code>v</code>'s network. (In other words, * <code>effectiveSize(v) /</code>.) * If <code> == 0</code>, returns 0. */ public double efficiency(V v) { double degree =; if (degree == 0) return 0; else return effectiveSize(v) / degree; } /** * Burt's constraint measure (equation 2.4, page 55 of Burt, 1992). Essentially a * measure of the extent to which <code>v</code> is invested in people who are invested in * other of <code>v</code>'s alters (neighbors). The "constraint" is characterized * by a lack of primary holes around each neighbor. Formally: * <pre> * constraint(v) = sum_{w in MP(v), w != v} localConstraint(v,w) * </pre> * where MP(v) is the subset of v's neighbors that are both predecessors and successors of v. * @see #localConstraint(Object, Object) */ public double constraint(V v) { double result = 0; for (V w : g.getSuccessors(v)) { if (v != w && g.isPredecessor(v, w)) { result += localConstraint(v, w); } } return result; } /** * Calculates the hierarchy value for a given vertex. Returns <code>NaN</code> when * <code>v</code>'s degree is 0, and 1 when <code>v</code>'s degree is 1. * Formally: * <pre> * hierarchy(v) = (sum_{v in N(v), w != v} s(v,w) * log(s(v,w))}) / ( * Math.log( * </pre> * where * <ul> * <li/><code>N(v) = v.getNeighbors()</code> * <li/><code>s(v,w) = localConstraint(v,w) / (aggregateConstraint(v) /</code> * </ul> * @see #localConstraint(Object, Object) * @see #aggregateConstraint(Object) */ public double hierarchy(V v) { double v_degree =; if (v_degree == 0) return Double.NaN; if (v_degree == 1) return 1; double v_constraint = aggregateConstraint(v); double numerator = 0; for (V w : g.getNeighbors(v)) { if (v != w) { double sl_constraint = localConstraint(v, w) / (v_constraint / v_degree); numerator += sl_constraint * Math.log(sl_constraint); } } return numerator / (v_degree * Math.log(v_degree)); } /** * Returns the local constraint on <code>v</code> from a lack of primary holes * around its neighbor <code>v2</code>. * Based on Burt's equation 2.4. Formally: * <pre> * localConstraint(v1, v2) = ( p(v1,v2) + ( sum_{w in N(v)} p(v1,w) * p(w, v2) ) )^2 * </pre> * where * <ul> * <li/><code>N(v) = v.getNeighbors()</code> * <li/><code>p(v,w) =</code> normalized mutual edge weight of v and w * </ul> * @see #normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(Object, Object) */ public double localConstraint(V v1, V v2) { double nmew_vw = normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(v1, v2); double inner_result = 0; for (V w : g.getNeighbors(v1)) { inner_result += normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(v1, w) * normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(w, v2); } return (nmew_vw + inner_result) * (nmew_vw + inner_result); } /** * The aggregate constraint on <code>v</code>. Based on Burt's equation 2.7. * Formally: * <pre> * aggregateConstraint(v) = sum_{w in N(v)} localConstraint(v,w) * O(w) * </pre> * where * <ul> * <li/><code>N(v) = v.getNeighbors()</code> * <li/><code>O(w) = organizationalMeasure(w)</code> * </ul> */ public double aggregateConstraint(V v) { double result = 0; for (V w : g.getNeighbors(v)) { result += localConstraint(v, w) * organizationalMeasure(g, w); } return result; } /** * A measure of the organization of individuals within the subgraph * centered on <code>v</code>. Burt's text suggests that this is * in some sense a measure of how "replaceable" <code>v</code> is by * some other element of this subgraph. Should be a number in the * closed interval [0,1]. * * <p>This implementation returns 1. Users may wish to override this * method in order to define their own behavior.</p> */ protected double organizationalMeasure(Graph<V, E> g, V v) { return 1.0; } /** * Returns the proportion of <code>v1</code>'s network time and energy invested * in the relationship with <code>v2</code>. Formally: * <pre> * normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(a,b) = mutual_weight(a,b) / (sum_c mutual_weight(a,c)) * </pre> * Returns 0 if either numerator or denominator = 0, or if <code>v1 == v2</code>. * @see #mutualWeight(Object, Object) */ protected double normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(V v1, V v2) { if (v1 == v2) return 0; double numerator = mutualWeight(v1, v2); if (numerator == 0) return 0; double denominator = 0; for (V v : g.getNeighbors(v1)) { denominator += mutualWeight(v1, v); } if (denominator == 0) return 0; return numerator / denominator; } /** * Returns the weight of the edge from <code>v1</code> to <code>v2</code> * plus the weight of the edge from <code>v2</code> to <code>v1</code>; * if either edge does not exist, it is treated as an edge with weight 0. * Undirected edges are treated as two antiparallel directed edges (that * is, if there is one undirected edge with weight <i>w</i> connecting * <code>v1</code> to <code>v2</code>, the value returned is 2<i>w</i>). * Ignores parallel edges; if there are any such, one is chosen at random. * Throws <code>NullPointerException</code> if either edge is * present but not assigned a weight by the constructor-specified * <code>NumberEdgeValue</code>. */ protected double mutualWeight(V v1, V v2) { E e12 = g.findEdge(v1, v2); E e21 = g.findEdge(v2, v1); double w12 = (e12 != null ? edge_weight.transform(e12).doubleValue() : 0); double w21 = (e21 != null ? edge_weight.transform(e21).doubleValue() : 0); return w12 + w21; } /** * The marginal strength of v1's relation with contact vertex2. * Formally: * <pre> * normalized_mutual_weight = mutual_weight(a,b) / (max_c mutual_weight(a,c)) * </pre> * Returns 0 if either numerator or denominator is 0, or if <code>v1 == v2</code>. * @see #mutualWeight(Object, Object) */ protected double maxScaledMutualEdgeWeight(V v1, V v2) { if (v1 == v2) return 0; double numerator = mutualWeight(v1, v2); if (numerator == 0) return 0; double denominator = 0; for (V w : g.getNeighbors(v1)) { if (v2 != w) denominator = Math.max(numerator, mutualWeight(v1, w)); } if (denominator == 0) return 0; return numerator / denominator; } }