Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * you may obtain a copy of the License from * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.rewriter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.ActivityId; import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.ConnectorDescriptorId; import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.IActivity; import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.IConnectorDescriptor; import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.RecordDescriptor; import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.job.ActivityCluster; import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.job.ActivityClusterGraph; import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.job.ActivityClusterId; import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.rewriter.runtime.SuperActivity; /** * This class rewrite the AcivityClusterGraph to eliminate * all one-to-one connections and merge one-to-one connected * DAGs into super activities. * </p> * Each super activity internally maintains a DAG and execute it at the runtime. * * @author yingyib */ public class ActivityClusterGraphRewriter { private static String ONE_TO_ONE_CONNECTOR = "edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.std.connectors.OneToOneConnectorDescriptor"; /** * rewrite an activity cluster graph to eliminate * all one-to-one connections and merge one-to-one connected * DAGs into super activities. * * @param acg * the activity cluster graph */ public void rewrite(ActivityClusterGraph acg) { acg.getActivityMap().clear(); acg.getConnectorMap().clear(); Map<IActivity, SuperActivity> invertedActivitySuperActivityMap = new HashMap<IActivity, SuperActivity>(); for (Entry<ActivityClusterId, ActivityCluster> entry : acg.getActivityClusterMap().entrySet()) { rewriteIntraActivityCluster(entry.getValue(), invertedActivitySuperActivityMap); } for (Entry<ActivityClusterId, ActivityCluster> entry : acg.getActivityClusterMap().entrySet()) { rewriteInterActivityCluster(entry.getValue(), invertedActivitySuperActivityMap); } invertedActivitySuperActivityMap.clear(); } /** * rewrite the blocking relationship among activity cluster * * @param ac * the activity cluster to be rewritten */ private void rewriteInterActivityCluster(ActivityCluster ac, Map<IActivity, SuperActivity> invertedActivitySuperActivityMap) { Map<ActivityId, Set<ActivityId>> blocked2BlockerMap = ac.getBlocked2BlockerMap(); Map<ActivityId, ActivityId> invertedAid2SuperAidMap = new HashMap<ActivityId, ActivityId>(); for (Entry<IActivity, SuperActivity> entry : invertedActivitySuperActivityMap.entrySet()) { invertedAid2SuperAidMap.put(entry.getKey().getActivityId(), entry.getValue().getActivityId()); } Map<ActivityId, Set<ActivityId>> replacedBlocked2BlockerMap = new HashMap<ActivityId, Set<ActivityId>>(); for (Entry<ActivityId, Set<ActivityId>> entry : blocked2BlockerMap.entrySet()) { ActivityId blocked = entry.getKey(); ActivityId replacedBlocked = invertedAid2SuperAidMap.get(blocked); Set<ActivityId> blockers = entry.getValue(); Set<ActivityId> replacedBlockers = null; if (blockers != null) { replacedBlockers = new HashSet<ActivityId>(); for (ActivityId blocker : blockers) { replacedBlockers.add(invertedAid2SuperAidMap.get(blocker)); ActivityCluster dependingAc = ac.getActivityClusterGraph().getActivityMap() .get(invertedAid2SuperAidMap.get(blocker)); if (!ac.getDependencies().contains(dependingAc)) { ac.getDependencies().add(dependingAc); } } } if (replacedBlockers != null) { Set<ActivityId> existingBlockers = replacedBlocked2BlockerMap.get(replacedBlocked); if (existingBlockers == null) { replacedBlocked2BlockerMap.put(replacedBlocked, replacedBlockers); } else { existingBlockers.addAll(replacedBlockers); replacedBlocked2BlockerMap.put(replacedBlocked, existingBlockers); } } } blocked2BlockerMap.clear(); blocked2BlockerMap.putAll(replacedBlocked2BlockerMap); } /** * rewrite an activity cluster internally * * @param ac * the activity cluster to be rewritten */ private void rewriteIntraActivityCluster(ActivityCluster ac, Map<IActivity, SuperActivity> invertedActivitySuperActivityMap) { Map<ActivityId, IActivity> activities = ac.getActivityMap(); Map<ActivityId, List<IConnectorDescriptor>> activityInputMap = ac.getActivityInputMap(); Map<ActivityId, List<IConnectorDescriptor>> activityOutputMap = ac.getActivityOutputMap(); Map<ConnectorDescriptorId, Pair<Pair<IActivity, Integer>, Pair<IActivity, Integer>>> connectorActivityMap = ac .getConnectorActivityMap(); ActivityClusterGraph acg = ac.getActivityClusterGraph(); Map<ActivityId, IActivity> startActivities = new HashMap<ActivityId, IActivity>(); Map<ActivityId, SuperActivity> superActivities = new HashMap<ActivityId, SuperActivity>(); Map<ActivityId, Queue<IActivity>> toBeExpendedMap = new HashMap<ActivityId, Queue<IActivity>>(); /** * Build the initial super activities */ for (Entry<ActivityId, IActivity> entry : activities.entrySet()) { ActivityId activityId = entry.getKey(); IActivity activity = entry.getValue(); if (activityInputMap.get(activityId) == null) { startActivities.put(activityId, activity); /** * use the start activity's id as the id of the super activity */ createNewSuperActivity(ac, superActivities, toBeExpendedMap, invertedActivitySuperActivityMap, activityId, activity); } } /** * expand one-to-one connected activity cluster by the BFS order. * after the while-loop, the original activities are partitioned * into equivalent classes, one-per-super-activity. */ Map<ActivityId, SuperActivity> clonedSuperActivities = new HashMap<ActivityId, SuperActivity>(); while (toBeExpendedMap.size() > 0) { clonedSuperActivities.clear(); clonedSuperActivities.putAll(superActivities); for (Entry<ActivityId, SuperActivity> entry : clonedSuperActivities.entrySet()) { ActivityId superActivityId = entry.getKey(); SuperActivity superActivity = entry.getValue(); /** * for the case where the super activity has already been swallowed */ if (superActivities.get(superActivityId) == null) { continue; } /** * expend the super activity */ Queue<IActivity> toBeExpended = toBeExpendedMap.get(superActivityId); if (toBeExpended == null) { /** * Nothing to expand */ continue; } IActivity expendingActivity = toBeExpended.poll(); List<IConnectorDescriptor> outputConnectors = activityOutputMap .get(expendingActivity.getActivityId()); if (outputConnectors != null) { for (IConnectorDescriptor outputConn : outputConnectors) { Pair<Pair<IActivity, Integer>, Pair<IActivity, Integer>> endPoints = connectorActivityMap .get(outputConn.getConnectorId()); IActivity newActivity = endPoints.getRight().getLeft(); SuperActivity existingSuperActivity = invertedActivitySuperActivityMap.get(newActivity); if (outputConn.getClass().getName().contains(ONE_TO_ONE_CONNECTOR)) { /** * expend the super activity cluster on an one-to-one out-bound connection */ if (existingSuperActivity == null) { superActivity.addActivity(newActivity); toBeExpended.add(newActivity); invertedActivitySuperActivityMap.put(newActivity, superActivity); } else { /** * the two activities already in the same super activity */ if (existingSuperActivity == superActivity) { continue; } /** * swallow an existing super activity */ swallowExistingSuperActivity(superActivities, toBeExpendedMap, invertedActivitySuperActivityMap, superActivity, superActivityId, existingSuperActivity); } } else { if (existingSuperActivity == null) { /** * create new activity */ createNewSuperActivity(ac, superActivities, toBeExpendedMap, invertedActivitySuperActivityMap, newActivity.getActivityId(), newActivity); } } } } /** * remove the to-be-expended queue if it is empty */ if (toBeExpended.size() == 0) { toBeExpendedMap.remove(superActivityId); } } } Map<ConnectorDescriptorId, IConnectorDescriptor> connMap = ac.getConnectorMap(); Map<ConnectorDescriptorId, RecordDescriptor> connRecordDesc = ac.getConnectorRecordDescriptorMap(); Map<SuperActivity, Integer> superActivityProducerPort = new HashMap<SuperActivity, Integer>(); Map<SuperActivity, Integer> superActivityConsumerPort = new HashMap<SuperActivity, Integer>(); for (Entry<ActivityId, SuperActivity> entry : superActivities.entrySet()) { superActivityProducerPort.put(entry.getValue(), 0); superActivityConsumerPort.put(entry.getValue(), 0); } /** * create a new activity cluster to replace the old activity cluster */ ActivityCluster newActivityCluster = new ActivityCluster(acg, ac.getId()); newActivityCluster.setConnectorPolicyAssignmentPolicy(ac.getConnectorPolicyAssignmentPolicy()); for (Entry<ActivityId, SuperActivity> entry : superActivities.entrySet()) { newActivityCluster.addActivity(entry.getValue()); acg.getActivityMap().put(entry.getKey(), newActivityCluster); } /** * Setup connectors: either inside a super activity or among super activities */ for (Entry<ConnectorDescriptorId, Pair<Pair<IActivity, Integer>, Pair<IActivity, Integer>>> entry : connectorActivityMap .entrySet()) { ConnectorDescriptorId connectorId = entry.getKey(); Pair<Pair<IActivity, Integer>, Pair<IActivity, Integer>> endPoints = entry.getValue(); IActivity producerActivity = endPoints.getLeft().getLeft(); IActivity consumerActivity = endPoints.getRight().getLeft(); int producerPort = endPoints.getLeft().getRight(); int consumerPort = endPoints.getRight().getRight(); RecordDescriptor recordDescriptor = connRecordDesc.get(connectorId); IConnectorDescriptor conn = connMap.get(connectorId); if (conn.getClass().getName().contains(ONE_TO_ONE_CONNECTOR)) { /** * connection edge between inner activities */ SuperActivity residingSuperActivity = invertedActivitySuperActivityMap.get(producerActivity); residingSuperActivity.connect(conn, producerActivity, producerPort, consumerActivity, consumerPort, recordDescriptor); } else { /** * connection edge between super activities */ SuperActivity producerSuperActivity = invertedActivitySuperActivityMap.get(producerActivity); SuperActivity consumerSuperActivity = invertedActivitySuperActivityMap.get(consumerActivity); int producerSAPort = superActivityProducerPort.get(producerSuperActivity); int consumerSAPort = superActivityConsumerPort.get(consumerSuperActivity); newActivityCluster.addConnector(conn); newActivityCluster.connect(conn, producerSuperActivity, producerSAPort, consumerSuperActivity, consumerSAPort, recordDescriptor); /** * bridge the port */ producerSuperActivity.setClusterOutputIndex(producerSAPort, producerActivity.getActivityId(), producerPort); consumerSuperActivity.setClusterInputIndex(consumerSAPort, consumerActivity.getActivityId(), consumerPort); acg.getConnectorMap().put(connectorId, newActivityCluster); /** * increasing the port number for the producer and consumer */ superActivityProducerPort.put(producerSuperActivity, ++producerSAPort); superActivityConsumerPort.put(consumerSuperActivity, ++consumerSAPort); } } /** * Set up the roots of the new activity cluster */ for (Entry<ActivityId, SuperActivity> entry : superActivities.entrySet()) { List<IConnectorDescriptor> connIds = newActivityCluster.getActivityOutputMap().get(entry.getKey()); if (connIds == null || connIds.size() == 0) { newActivityCluster.addRoot(entry.getValue()); } } /** * set up the blocked2Blocker mapping, which will be updated in the rewriteInterActivityCluster call */ newActivityCluster.getBlocked2BlockerMap().putAll(ac.getBlocked2BlockerMap()); /** * replace the old activity cluster with the new activity cluster */ acg.getActivityClusterMap().put(ac.getId(), newActivityCluster); } /** * Create a new super activity * * @param acg * the activity cluster * @param superActivities * the map from activity id to current super activities * @param toBeExpendedMap * the map from an existing super activity to its BFS expansion queue of the original activities * @param invertedActivitySuperActivityMap * the map from the original activities to their hosted super activities * @param activityId * the activity id for the new super activity, which is the first added acitivty's id in the super activity * @param activity * the first activity added to the new super activity */ private void createNewSuperActivity(ActivityCluster acg, Map<ActivityId, SuperActivity> superActivities, Map<ActivityId, Queue<IActivity>> toBeExpendedMap, Map<IActivity, SuperActivity> invertedActivitySuperActivityMap, ActivityId activityId, IActivity activity) { SuperActivity superActivity = new SuperActivity(acg.getActivityClusterGraph(), acg.getId(), activityId); superActivities.put(activityId, superActivity); superActivity.addActivity(activity); Queue<IActivity> toBeExpended = new LinkedList<IActivity>(); toBeExpended.add(activity); toBeExpendedMap.put(activityId, toBeExpended); invertedActivitySuperActivityMap.put(activity, superActivity); } /** * One super activity swallows another existing super activity. * * @param superActivities * the map from activity id to current super activities * @param toBeExpendedMap * the map from an existing super activity to its BFS expansion queue of the original activities * @param invertedActivitySuperActivityMap * the map from the original activities to their hosted super activities * @param superActivity * the "swallowing" super activity * @param superActivityId * the activity id for the "swallowing" super activity, which is also the first added acitivty's id in the super activity * @param existingSuperActivity * an existing super activity which is to be swallowed by the "swallowing" super activity */ private void swallowExistingSuperActivity(Map<ActivityId, SuperActivity> superActivities, Map<ActivityId, Queue<IActivity>> toBeExpendedMap, Map<IActivity, SuperActivity> invertedActivitySuperActivityMap, SuperActivity superActivity, ActivityId superActivityId, SuperActivity existingSuperActivity) { ActivityId existingSuperActivityId = existingSuperActivity.getActivityId(); superActivities.remove(existingSuperActivityId); for (Entry<ActivityId, IActivity> existingEntry : existingSuperActivity.getActivityMap().entrySet()) { IActivity existingActivity = existingEntry.getValue(); superActivity.addActivity(existingActivity); invertedActivitySuperActivityMap.put(existingActivity, superActivity); } Queue<IActivity> tbeQueue = toBeExpendedMap.get(superActivityId); Queue<IActivity> existingTbeQueque = toBeExpendedMap.remove(existingSuperActivityId); if (existingTbeQueque != null) { tbeQueue.addAll(existingTbeQueque); } } }