Java tutorial
//FILE: //PROJECT: Octane //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AUTHOR: Ji Yu,, 11/14/12 // // LICENSE: This file is distributed under the BSD license. // License text is included with the source distribution. // // This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. package edu.uchc.octane; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.process.ColorProcessor; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; /** * PALM plotting module */ public class Palm { int nPlotted_; int nSkipped_; public enum PalmType { AVERAGE, HEAD, TAIL, ALLPOINTS, TIMELAPSE }; //public enum ZRenderMode {NONE, COLOR, STACK}; private boolean correctDrift_; private TrajDataset dataset_; private ImagePlus imp_; private Rectangle rect_; private double palmScaleFactor_; private final double palmThreshold_ = 1e6; int lut_[] = null; boolean bRenderStack_; boolean bRenderInColor_; int nSlices_; int width_, height_; double sigma_, sigmaZ_; double zMin_, zMax_; double zBottom_, zTop_; private FloatProcessor[] ips_; private ImageStack stack_; /** * Constructor * @param dataset The dataset */ public Palm(TrajDataset dataset) { dataset_ = dataset; lut_ = new int[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { lut_[i] = Color.getHSBColor(i / 255f, 1f, 1f).getRGB(); } } private Rectangle getCurrentROI(ImagePlus imp) { Rectangle rect; Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi != null && roi.isArea()) { rect = roi.getBounds(); } else { imp.killRoi(); rect = imp.getProcessor().getRoi(); imp.setRoi(roi); } return rect; } /** * Get number of particles plotted * @return Number of particles plotted */ public int getNPlotted() { return nPlotted_; } /** * Get number of particle skipped * @return Number of particles skipped */ public int getNSkipped() { return nSkipped_; } private SmNode getCorrectedNode(SmNode node) { if (correctDrift_) { SmNode n = node; try { node = dataset_.correctDrift(node); } catch (OctaneException e) { IJ.log("Cannot compensate drift. No data available."); correctDrift_ = false; return n; } } return node; } private int getColor(double z) { int zIndex; if (z < zMin_) { zIndex = 0; } else if (z > zMax_) { zIndex = lut_.length - 1; } else { zIndex = (int) ((z - zMin_) / (zMax_ - zMin_) * lut_.length); } int rgb = lut_[zIndex]; return rgb; } private void increasePixelValue(int idx, int x, int y, double v) { ImageProcessor ip = ips_[idx]; ip.setf(x, y, ip.getf(x, y) + (float) v); } private void increaseColorPixelValue(int idx, int x, int y, double v, int r, int g, int b) { increasePixelValue(idx * 3, x, y, v * r); increasePixelValue(idx * 3 + 1, x, y, v * g); increasePixelValue(idx * 3 + 2, x, y, v * b); } private void renderGaussianSpot(double xs, double ys, double z) { int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; double zs = 0; if (bRenderInColor_) { int rgb = getColor(z); r = (rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16; g = (rgb & 0xff00) >> 8; b = rgb & 0xff; } if (bRenderStack_) { zs = (z - zBottom_) * palmScaleFactor_; } double sigma2 = 2 * sigma_ * sigma_; double sigmaz2 = 2 * sigmaZ_ * sigmaZ_; for (int x = FastMath.max(0, (int) (xs - 3 * sigma_)); x < FastMath.min(width_, (int) (xs + 3 * sigma_)); x++) { for (int y = FastMath.max(0, (int) (ys - 3 * sigma_)); y < FastMath.min(height_, (int) (ys + 3 * sigma_)); y++) { double v = FastMath.exp(-((x - xs) * (x - xs) + (y - ys) * (y - ys)) / sigma2); if (bRenderStack_) { for (int zi = FastMath.max(0, (int) (zs - 3 * sigmaZ_)); zi < FastMath.min(nSlices_, zs + 3 * sigmaZ_); zi++) { double intensity = FastMath.exp(-(zi - zs) * (zi - zs) / sigmaz2); if (bRenderInColor_) { increaseColorPixelValue(zi, x, y, intensity * v, r, g, b); } else { increasePixelValue(zi, x, y, intensity * v * 255); } } } else { // not render to stack if (bRenderInColor_) { increaseColorPixelValue(0, x, y, v, r, g, b); } else { increasePixelValue(0, x, y, v * 255); } } } } } private void renderGaussianSpot(SmNode node) { if (OctaneWindowControl.compensateDrift_) { node = getCorrectedNode(node); } double xs = (node.x - rect_.x) * palmScaleFactor_; double ys = (node.y - rect_.y) * palmScaleFactor_; renderGaussianSpot(xs, ys, node.z); } private void renderGaussianSpotInMovie(SmNode node) { int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; if (OctaneWindowControl.compensateDrift_) { node = getCorrectedNode(node); } if (bRenderInColor_) { int rgb = getColor(node.z); r = (rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16; g = (rgb & 0xff00) >> 8; b = rgb & 0xff; } double xs = (node.x - rect_.x) * palmScaleFactor_; double ys = (node.y - rect_.y) * palmScaleFactor_; double sigma2 = 2 * sigma_ * sigma_; for (int x = FastMath.max(0, (int) (xs - 3 * sigma_)); x < FastMath.min(width_, (int) (xs + 3 * sigma_)); x++) { for (int y = FastMath.max(0, (int) (ys - 3 * sigma_)); y < FastMath.min(height_, (int) (ys + 3 * sigma_)); y++) { double v = FastMath.exp(-((x - xs) * (x - xs) + (y - ys) * (y - ys)) / sigma2); if (bRenderInColor_) { increaseColorPixelValue(node.frame - 1, x, y, v, r, g, b); } else { increasePixelValue(node.frame - 1, x, y, v * 255); } } } } private void renderAverage(Trajectory traj) { if (traj == null) { return; } SmNode node; node = traj.get(0); if (OctaneWindowControl.compensateDrift_) { node = getCorrectedNode(node); } double xx = node.x; double yy = node.y; double zz = node.z; double xx2 = xx * xx; double yy2 = yy * yy; double zz2 = zz * zz; for (int j = 1; j < traj.size(); j++) { node = traj.get(j); node = getCorrectedNode(node); xx += node.x; yy += node.y; zz += node.z; xx2 += node.x * node.x; yy2 += node.y * node.y; zz2 += node.z * node.z; } xx /= traj.size(); yy /= traj.size(); zz /= traj.size(); xx2 /= traj.size(); yy2 /= traj.size(); zz2 /= traj.size(); if (xx2 - xx * xx < palmThreshold_ && yy2 - yy * yy < palmThreshold_) { double xs = (xx - rect_.x) * palmScaleFactor_; double ys = (yy - rect_.y) * palmScaleFactor_; double zs = zz; renderGaussianSpot(xs, ys, zs); nPlotted_++; } else { nSkipped_++; } } private void renderAllPoints(Trajectory traj) { if (traj == null) { return; } for (int j = 0; j < traj.size(); j++) { renderGaussianSpot(traj.get(j)); nPlotted_++; } } private void renderMovie(Trajectory traj) { if (traj == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < traj.size(); i++) { renderGaussianSpotInMovie(traj.get(i)); } } private void processColor() { if (!bRenderInColor_) { return; } double max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ips_.length; i++) { FloatProcessor ip = ips_[i]; float[] pixels = (float[]) ip.getPixels(); for (int j = 0; j < pixels.length; j++) { max = FastMath.max(max, pixels[j]); } } for (int i = 0; i < ips_.length; i += 3) { ColorProcessor cp = new ColorProcessor(width_, height_); for (int j = 0; j < width_ * height_; j++) { int r = (int) (ips_[i].getf(j) * 255 / max); int g = (int) (ips_[i + 1].getf(j) * 255 / max); int b = (int) (ips_[i + 2].getf(j) * 255 / max); int rgb = r << 16 | g << 8 | b; cp.set(j, rgb); } stack_.addSlice("" + i, cp); } } /** * Construct PALM image / image stack * @param imp The original image data * @param selected Trajectories to be included in the PALM plot */ public void constructPalm(final ImagePlus imp, final int[] selected) { nPlotted_ = 0; nSkipped_ = 0; final PalmType palmType = PalmParameters.getPalmType(); correctDrift_ = OctaneWindowControl.compensateDrift_; imp_ = imp; palmScaleFactor_ = PalmParameters.pixelSize_ / PalmParameters.palmPixelSize_; rect_ = getCurrentROI(imp); width_ = (int) (rect_.width * palmScaleFactor_); height_ = (int) (rect_.height * palmScaleFactor_); sigma_ = PalmParameters.palmResolution_ / PalmParameters.palmPixelSize_ / 2.355; sigmaZ_ = PalmParameters.zResolution_ / PalmParameters.palmPixelSize_ / 2.355; bRenderInColor_ = PalmParameters.isRenderInColor(); bRenderStack_ = PalmParameters.isRenderStack(); zMin_ = PalmParameters.lutMin_ / PalmParameters.pixelSize_; zMax_ = PalmParameters.lutMax_ / PalmParameters.pixelSize_; if (bRenderStack_) { zBottom_ = PalmParameters.palmZMin_ / PalmParameters.pixelSize_; zTop_ = PalmParameters.palZMax_ / PalmParameters.pixelSize_; nSlices_ = (int) ((zTop_ - zBottom_) * palmScaleFactor_); } else if (palmType == PalmType.TIMELAPSE) { nSlices_ = imp.getStackSize(); } else { nSlices_ = 1; } stack_ = new ImageStack(width_, height_); int nImages = nSlices_ * (bRenderInColor_ ? 3 : 1); ips_ = new FloatProcessor[nImages]; for (int i = 0; i < nImages; i++) { ips_[i] = new FloatProcessor(width_, height_); } doConstructPALM(palmType, selected); } /** * Does most of the plotting work * @param type The type of PALM image * @param selected Trajectories to be included in the PALM plot */ void doConstructPALM(final PalmType type, final int[] selected) { class MySwingWorker extends SwingWorker<ImagePlus, Void> { @Override public ImagePlus doInBackground() { ImagePlus imp = null; for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { Trajectory traj = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]); switch (type) { case HEAD: renderGaussianSpot(traj.get(0)); nPlotted_++; break; case TAIL: renderGaussianSpot(traj.get(traj.size() - 1)); nPlotted_++; break; case AVERAGE: renderAverage(traj); break; case ALLPOINTS: renderAllPoints(traj); break; case TIMELAPSE: renderMovie(traj); break; } firePropertyChange("Progress", (double) i / selected.length, (double) (i + 1) / selected.length); } if (bRenderInColor_) { processColor(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < ips_.length; i++) { stack_.addSlice("" + i, ips_[i]); } } if (stack_.getSize() > 1) { imp = new ImagePlus("PALM-" + imp_.getTitle(), stack_); } else { imp = new ImagePlus("PALM-" + imp_.getTitle(), stack_.getProcessor(1)); } return imp; } @Override public void done() { ImagePlus imp = null; try { imp = get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.err.println("PALM thread interrupted"); } catch (ExecutionException e) { IJ.log("PALM rendering error:" + e.getCause().getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } if (imp != null) {; } } } MySwingWorker task = new MySwingWorker(); task.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName() == "Progress") { IJ.showProgress((Double) evt.getNewValue()); } } }); task.execute(); } }