Java tutorial
/* * User Interface for the GLIMMPSE Software System. Allows * users to perform power, sample size, and detectable difference * calculations. * * Copyright (C) 2010 Regents of the University of Colorado. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.guided; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.GlimmpseConstants; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.GlimmpseWeb; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.TreeItemAction; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.TreeItemIterator; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.wizard.WizardContext; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.wizard.WizardContextChangeEvent; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.wizard.WizardStepPanel; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.wizard.WizardStepPanelState; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.context.StudyDesignContext; import edu.ucdenver.bios.webservice.common.domain.ClusterNode; import edu.ucdenver.bios.webservice.common.domain.RepeatedMeasuresNode; /** * Panel for entering information about repeated measures. * @author Vijay Akula * @author Sarah Kreidler * */ public class RepeatedMeasuresPanel extends WizardStepPanel { // context object protected StudyDesignContext studyDesignContext = (StudyDesignContext) context; // tree describing the clustering hierarchy protected Tree repeatedMeasuresTree = new Tree(); // number of items in the tree protected int itemCount = 0; // pointer to the lower most leaf in the tree protected TreeItem currentLeaf = null; // used to verify completeness protected boolean complete = false; // actions performed when iterating over the tree of clustering nodes // action to determine if the screen is complete TreeItemAction checkCompleteAction = new TreeItemAction() { @Override public void execute(TreeItem item, int visitCount, int parentVisitCount) { updateComplete((RepeatedMeasuresPanelSubPanel) item.getWidget()); } }; /* buttons */ // button to initiate entering of repeated measures Button addRepeatedMeasuresButton = new Button(GlimmpseWeb.constants.repeatedMeasuresPanelAddRMButton(), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { addSubDimension(); addRepeatedMeasuresNodeToStudyDesign(); checkComplete(); } }); // button to remove repeated measures information Button removeRepeatedMeasuresButton = new Button(GlimmpseWeb.constants.repeatedMeasuresPanelRemoveRMButton(), new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { clearRepeatedMeasuresFromStudyDesign(); reset(); } }); // button for adding a sub dimensions Button addSubDimensionButton = new Button(GlimmpseWeb.constants.repeatedMeasuresPanelAddSubDimensionButton(), new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { addSubDimension(); addRepeatedMeasuresNodeToStudyDesign(); checkComplete(); } }); // button for removing repeated measures dimensions Button removeSubDimensionButton = new Button( GlimmpseWeb.constants.repeatedMeasuresPanelRemoveSubDimensionButton(), new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { removeSubDimension(); removeRepeatedMeasuresNodeFromStudyDesign(); checkComplete(); } }); // panel containing the add dimension panel protected HorizontalPanel buttonPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); /** * Constructor for the Repeated Measures Panel Class */ public RepeatedMeasuresPanel(WizardContext context) { super(context, GlimmpseWeb.constants.navItemRepeatedMeasure(), WizardStepPanelState.COMPLETE); VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel(); // title and header text HTML title = new HTML(GlimmpseWeb.constants.repeatedMeasuresTitle()); HTML description = new HTML(GlimmpseWeb.constants.repeatedMeasuresDescription()); panel.add(title); panel.add(description); panel.add(addRepeatedMeasuresButton); panel.add(removeRepeatedMeasuresButton); panel.add(repeatedMeasuresTree); buttonPanel.add(addSubDimensionButton); buttonPanel.add(removeSubDimensionButton); panel.add(buttonPanel); // show/hide the appropriate buttons addRepeatedMeasuresButton.setVisible(true); removeRepeatedMeasuresButton.setVisible(false); addSubDimensionButton.setVisible(false); removeSubDimensionButton.setVisible(false); //Setting Styles panel.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_PANEL); title.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_HEADER); description.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_DESCRIPTION); addRepeatedMeasuresButton.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_BUTTON); removeRepeatedMeasuresButton.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_BUTTON); addSubDimensionButton.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_BUTTON); removeSubDimensionButton.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_BUTTON); //Initializing Widget initWidget(panel); } /** * Add a Clustering Panel Sub Panel class to the tree. */ private void addSubDimension() { TreeItem parent = currentLeaf; // create a new repeated measures node String dependentStyleName = GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_ODD; if (itemCount % 2 == 0) { dependentStyleName = GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_EVEN; } RepeatedMeasuresPanelSubPanel subpanel = new RepeatedMeasuresPanelSubPanel(dependentStyleName, itemCount, this); // create a new tree item to hold the cluster node TreeItem newLeaf = new TreeItem(subpanel); // add the new subpanel to the repeated measures tree if (currentLeaf != null) { currentLeaf.addItem(newLeaf); currentLeaf.setState(true); } else { repeatedMeasuresTree.addItem(newLeaf); newLeaf.setState(true); } // set the new leaf as the lowest node in the tree currentLeaf = newLeaf; // update the item count itemCount++; // update the visible buttons updateButtons(); } /** * Click Handler method to remove the last instance of the * Repeated measures Sub Panel class added to the Tree */ private void removeSubDimension() { if (currentLeaf != null) { TreeItem parent = currentLeaf.getParentItem(); currentLeaf.remove(); itemCount--; currentLeaf = parent; updateButtons(); checkComplete(); } }; /** * show or hide the subgroup buttons */ public void updateButtons() { addRepeatedMeasuresButton.setVisible(itemCount <= 0); removeRepeatedMeasuresButton.setVisible(itemCount > 0); addSubDimensionButton.setVisible(itemCount > 0 && itemCount < 3); removeSubDimensionButton.setVisible(itemCount > 0); } /** * checkComplete() method is to check if all the instances of Clustering Panel Sub Panel Class added to the tree are * validated or not and then activate the Next button in the Wizard Setup Panel */ private void checkComplete() { // intialize to true complete = true; // set back to false if any subpanels are incomplete TreeItemIterator.traverseDepthFirst(repeatedMeasuresTree, checkCompleteAction); if (complete) changeState(WizardStepPanelState.COMPLETE); else changeState(WizardStepPanelState.INCOMPLETE); } /** * Determine the overall status of the screen completion by checking * each subpanel. If all subpanels are complete, then the screen is complete, * but if any subpanel is incomplete, then the screen is incomplete * * @param subpanel subpanel associated with current tree node */ private void updateComplete(RepeatedMeasuresPanelSubPanel subpanel) { boolean subpanelComplete = subpanel.checkComplete(); complete = complete && subpanelComplete; } /** * Add a blank clustering node to the study design */ private void addRepeatedMeasuresNodeToStudyDesign() { RepeatedMeasuresNode rmNode = new RepeatedMeasuresNode(); rmNode.setParent(itemCount - 1); rmNode.setNode(itemCount); studyDesignContext.addRepeatedMeasuresNode(this, rmNode); } /** * Remove the last repeated measures node from the study design */ private void removeRepeatedMeasuresNodeFromStudyDesign() { studyDesignContext.deleteRepeatedMeasuresNode(this, itemCount); } /** * Update the repeated measures tree in the study design when anything * changes (called by the subpanel) * * @param subpanel */ public void updateRepeatedMeasuresNode(RepeatedMeasuresPanelSubPanel subpanel) { if (subpanel != null) { studyDesignContext.updateRepeatedMeasuresNode(this, subpanel.getDepth(), subpanel.getDimensionName(), subpanel.getType(), subpanel.getNumberOfMeausrements(), subpanel.getSpacingList()); checkComplete(); } } /** * Completely clear repeated measures information from the study design */ private void clearRepeatedMeasuresFromStudyDesign() { studyDesignContext.clearRepeatedMeasures(this); } /** * Clear the panel and reset to the "no repeated measures" state */ @Override public void reset() { repeatedMeasuresTree.removeItems(); currentLeaf = null; itemCount = 0; updateButtons(); } /** * This function is called when a study design is uploaded */ public void onWizardContextLoad() { loadFromContext(); } /** * This populates the screens based on the data in the study design uploaded. */ public void loadFromContext() { reset(); List<RepeatedMeasuresNode> contextRepeatedMeasuresNodeList = studyDesignContext.getStudyDesign() .getRepeatedMeasuresTree(); if (contextRepeatedMeasuresNodeList != null) { for (RepeatedMeasuresNode repeatedMeasuresNode : contextRepeatedMeasuresNodeList) { addSubDimension(); RepeatedMeasuresPanelSubPanel currentPanel = (RepeatedMeasuresPanelSubPanel) currentLeaf .getWidget(); currentPanel.loadFromRepeatedMeasuresNode(repeatedMeasuresNode); } } checkComplete(); } /** * Respond to context changes */ @Override public void onWizardContextChange(WizardContextChangeEvent e) { // no action required for this panel } }