Java tutorial
/* * User Interface for the GLIMMPSE Software System. Allows * users to perform power, sample size, and detectable difference * calculations. * * Copyright (C) 2010 Regents of the University of Colorado. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.guided; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.GlimmpseConstants; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.GlimmpseWeb; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.TextValidation; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.wizard.WizardContext; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.wizard.WizardContextChangeEvent; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.wizard.WizardStepPanel; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.client.wizard.WizardStepPanelState; import edu.ucdenver.bios.glimmpseweb.context.StudyDesignContext; import edu.ucdenver.bios.webservice.common.domain.BetweenParticipantFactor; import edu.ucdenver.bios.webservice.common.domain.Category; /** * Fixed predictor entry screen * */ public class FixedPredictorsPanel extends WizardStepPanel { private static final int MIN_CATEGORIES = 2; // pointer to the study design context StudyDesignContext studyDesignContext = (StudyDesignContext) context; // subpanel for mult-sample designs protected VerticalPanel multiSamplePanel = new VerticalPanel(); // list box displaying predictors protected ListBox predictorList = new ListBox(); protected ListBox categoryList = new ListBox(); // text boxes for entering predictor / category values protected TextBox predictorTextBox = new TextBox(); protected TextBox categoryTextBox = new TextBox(); // control buttons for predictor / category add protected Button predictorAddButton = new Button(GlimmpseWeb.constants.buttonAdd()); protected Button categoryAddButton = new Button(GlimmpseWeb.constants.buttonAdd()); // control buttons for predictor/category deletion protected Button predictorDeleteButton = new Button(GlimmpseWeb.constants.buttonDelete()); protected Button categoryDeleteButton = new Button(GlimmpseWeb.constants.buttonDelete()); // error message display protected HTML errorHTML = new HTML(); /** * Constructor * @param context the study design context */ public FixedPredictorsPanel(WizardContext context) { super(context, GlimmpseWeb.constants.navItemFixedPredictors(), WizardStepPanelState.COMPLETE); VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel(); // create header/instruction text HTML header = new HTML(GlimmpseWeb.constants.predictorsTitle()); HTML description = new HTML(GlimmpseWeb.constants.predictorsDescription()); // disable category text box and delete buttons categoryTextBox.setEnabled(false); categoryDeleteButton.setEnabled(false); predictorDeleteButton.setEnabled(false); // layout the overall panel buildCascadingList(); panel.add(header); panel.add(description); panel.add(multiSamplePanel); // set style panel.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_PANEL); header.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_HEADER); description.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_DESCRIPTION); initWidget(panel); } private void buildCascadingList() { VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel(); predictorList.setVisibleItemCount(5); predictorList.setWidth("100%"); categoryList.setVisibleItemCount(5); categoryList.setWidth("100%"); // add callbacks // hitting enter in the predictor text box adds the name to the predictor list predictorTextBox.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { try { String value = TextValidation.parseString(predictorTextBox.getText().trim()); if (inList(predictorList, value)) { TextValidation.displayError(errorHTML, GlimmpseWeb.constants.errorNonUniqueValue()); } else { addPredictor(value); int selectedIndex = predictorList.getItemCount() - 1; predictorList.setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex); selectPredictor(selectedIndex); TextValidation.displayOkay(errorHTML, ""); } } catch (Exception e) { TextValidation.displayError(errorHTML, GlimmpseWeb.constants.errorInvalidString()); } predictorTextBox.setText(""); predictorTextBox.setFocus(true); } }); // clicking the name of a predictor in the predictor list // will select the predictor and populate the categories list predictorList.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { selectPredictor(predictorList.getSelectedIndex()); } }); // clicking delete removes the predictor and updates the context predictorDeleteButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int selectedIndex = predictorList.getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedIndex != -1) { deletePredictor(predictorList.getItemText(selectedIndex)); predictorList.removeItem(selectedIndex); categoryList.clear(); } } }); // hitting enter in the category box adds the category to the list categoryTextBox.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { try { String predictor = predictorList.getItemText(predictorList.getSelectedIndex()); String value = TextValidation.parseString(categoryTextBox.getText().trim()); if (inList(categoryList, value)) { TextValidation.displayError(errorHTML, GlimmpseWeb.constants.errorNonUniqueValue()); } else { addCategory(predictor, value); TextValidation.displayOkay(errorHTML, ""); } } catch (Exception e) { TextValidation.displayError(errorHTML, GlimmpseWeb.constants.errorInvalidString()); } categoryTextBox.setText(""); categoryTextBox.setFocus(true); } }); // clicking add will add the category to the list and update the // context for the selected predictor categoryList.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { categoryDeleteButton.setEnabled((categoryList.getSelectedIndex() != -1)); } }); // clicking delete removes the category categoryDeleteButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int predictorIndex = predictorList.getSelectedIndex(); if (predictorIndex != -1) { String predictor = predictorList.getItemText(predictorIndex); int categoryIndex = categoryList.getSelectedIndex(); if (categoryIndex != -1) { String category = categoryList.getItemText(categoryIndex); deleteCategory(predictor, category); categoryList.removeItem(categoryIndex); } } } }); // build text entry panels HorizontalPanel predictorPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); predictorPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM); VerticalPanel predictorTextContainer = new VerticalPanel(); predictorTextContainer.add(new HTML(GlimmpseWeb.constants.predictorsTableColumn())); predictorTextContainer.add(predictorTextBox); predictorPanel.add(predictorTextContainer); predictorPanel.add(predictorAddButton); predictorPanel.add(predictorDeleteButton); HorizontalPanel categoryPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); categoryPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM); VerticalPanel categoryTextContainer = new VerticalPanel(); categoryTextContainer.add(new HTML(GlimmpseWeb.constants.categoriesTableColumn())); categoryTextContainer.add(categoryTextBox); categoryPanel.add(categoryTextContainer); categoryPanel.add(categoryAddButton); categoryPanel.add(categoryDeleteButton); // layout the panels Grid grid = new Grid(2, 2); grid.setWidget(0, 0, predictorPanel); grid.setWidget(0, 1, categoryPanel); grid.setWidget(1, 0, predictorList); grid.setWidget(1, 1, categoryList); panel.add(grid); panel.add(errorHTML); // set style panel.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_LIST_PANEL); predictorAddButton.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_LIST_BUTTON); predictorDeleteButton.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_LIST_BUTTON); categoryAddButton.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_LIST_BUTTON); categoryDeleteButton.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_LIST_BUTTON); errorHTML.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_MESSAGE); //grid.setStyleName(GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_LIST); grid.getRowFormatter().setStylePrimaryName(0, GlimmpseConstants.STYLE_WIZARD_STEP_LIST_HEADER); multiSamplePanel.add(panel); } /** * Populate the categories list when a user selects a predictor * @param predictor name of the predictor */ private void showCategories(String predictor) { BetweenParticipantFactor factor = studyDesignContext.getBetweenParticipantFactor(predictor); if (factor != null) { List<Category> factorCategoryList = factor.getCategoryList(); categoryList.clear(); if (factorCategoryList != null) { for (Category category : factorCategoryList) { categoryList.addItem(category.getCategory()); } } // disable the delete categories button categoryDeleteButton.setEnabled(false); } } /** * Add a predictor and update the context * @param name name of the new predictor */ private void addPredictor(String name) { predictorList.addItem(name); studyDesignContext.addBetweenParticipantFactor(this, name); checkComplete(); } /** * Update the view to show categories for the selected predictor * @param selectedIndex */ private void selectPredictor(int selectedIndex) { predictorDeleteButton.setEnabled((selectedIndex != -1)); categoryTextBox.setEnabled((selectedIndex != -1)); if (selectedIndex != -1) { String predictorName = predictorList.getItemText(selectedIndex); showCategories(predictorName); } } /** * Remove a predictor from the study design * @param name */ private void deletePredictor(String name) { studyDesignContext.deleteBetweenParticipantFactor(this, name); checkComplete(); } /** * Add a category to the study design for the specified predictor * @param predictor * @param category */ private void addCategory(String predictor, String category) { categoryList.addItem(category); studyDesignContext.addBetweenParticipantFactorCategory(this, predictor, category); checkComplete(); } /** * Remove a category for the specified predictor * @param predictor * @param category */ private void deleteCategory(String predictor, String category) { studyDesignContext.deleteBetweenParticipantFactorCategory(this, predictor, category); checkComplete(); } /** * Check if the user has entered a valid set of predictors. * Either no predictors, or 1+ predictors each with at least * two categories */ public void checkComplete() { boolean isComplete = true; List<BetweenParticipantFactor> factorList = studyDesignContext.getStudyDesign() .getBetweenParticipantFactorList(); if (factorList != null) { // multi-sample - each factor must have at least two categories for (BetweenParticipantFactor factor : factorList) { List<Category> factorCategoryList = factor.getCategoryList(); if (factorCategoryList == null || factorCategoryList.size() < MIN_CATEGORIES) { isComplete = false; break; } } } if (isComplete) changeState(WizardStepPanelState.COMPLETE); else changeState(WizardStepPanelState.INCOMPLETE); } /** * Clear the lists */ public void reset() { predictorList.clear(); categoryList.clear(); checkComplete(); } /** * Respond to context change events. At present no action needed */ @Override public void onWizardContextChange(WizardContextChangeEvent e) { // no action needed } /** * Load the between participant factor information from the context */ @Override public void onWizardContextLoad() { loadFromContext(); } /** * Load the predictors when */ private void loadFromContext() { reset(); List<BetweenParticipantFactor> factorList = studyDesignContext.getStudyDesign() .getBetweenParticipantFactorList(); if (factorList != null) { // load the lists of predictors for (BetweenParticipantFactor factor : factorList) { predictorList.addItem(factor.getPredictorName()); } // select the first predictor if (predictorList.getItemCount() > 0) { predictorList.setSelectedIndex(0); selectPredictor(0); } } checkComplete(); } /** * Utility function to see if the listbox contains a value * @param lb * @param value * @returns true if value appears in the listbox */ private boolean inList(ListBox lb, String value) { for (int i = 0; i < lb.getItemCount(); i++) { if (value != null && value.equals(lb.getItemText(i))) { return true; } } return false; } }