Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 WebMapReduce Developers * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.*; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import; import edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver.db.Submission; import edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver.db.SubmissionDatabase; import edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver.thrift.*; import edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver.testjob.*; public class TestJobEngine implements JobEngine { private static final int POOL_SIZE = 1; /** * A flag which specifies whether running test jobs is permitted. */ private boolean _allowTestJobs; private Configuration _conf; private ExecutorService _jobQueue; private HashMap<Long, Future<TestJobResult>> _jobs; TestJobEngine(Configuration conf) { _conf = conf; _allowTestJobs = _conf.getBoolean("wmr.tests.allow", false); _jobQueue = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(POOL_SIZE); _jobs = new HashMap<Long, Future<TestJobResult>>(); } public void submit(JobRequest request, long submissionID, File mapperFile, File reducerFile, File packageDir, Path inputPath) throws ValidationException, NotFoundException, CompilationException, InternalException, ForbiddenTestJobException { if (!_allowTestJobs) { throw new ForbiddenTestJobException( "Test jobs are disabled on this system. Please submit this as a regular job."); } boolean numericSort = request.isNumericSort(); TestJobTask job = new TestJobTask(_conf, submissionID, inputPath, mapperFile, reducerFile, packageDir, numericSort); submit(submissionID, job); try { SubmissionDatabase.setSubmitted(submissionID); } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) { throw JobServiceHandler.wrapException("Could not update submission in database.", ex); } } public JobInfo getInfo(Submission submission) throws NotFoundException, InternalException { JobInfo info = new JobInfo(); info.setNativeID(Long.toString(submission.getID())); info.setName(submission.getName()); info.setTest(true); info.setInputPath(submission.getInput().toString()); // Unfortunately, this could not be gotten to work with // Hadoop 0.20.1 /*Path homeDir = JobServiceHandler.getHome(_conf); info.setOutputPath( JobServiceHandler.relativePath(homeDir, FileOutputFormat.getOutputPath(_conf)).toString()); */ info.setMapper(submission.getMapper()); info.setReducer(submission.getReducer()); return info; } public JobStatus getStatus(Submission submission) throws NotFoundException, InternalException { JobStatus status = new JobStatus(); status.setInfo(getInfo(submission)); if (!isComplete(submission.getID())) { // In progress status.setState(State.RUNNING); // Should be no way or need to set mapper or reducer progress. return status; } else { if (isKilled(submission.getID())) { // Killed status.setState(State.KILLED); return status; } else { // Succeeded or failed TestJobResult tjr; try { tjr = getResult(submission.getID()); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { throw JobServiceHandler.wrapException("A serious error prevented the test job from completing.", ex); } // Set map status PhaseStatus mapStatus = new PhaseStatus(); mapStatus.setProgress(100); mapStatus.setCode(tjr.getMapResult().getExitCode()); mapStatus.setOutput(readFile(tjr.getMapResult().getOutputFile())); mapStatus.setErrors(readFile(tjr.getMapResult().getErrorFile())); if (mapStatus.getCode() == 0) mapStatus.setState(State.SUCCESSFUL); else mapStatus.setState(State.FAILED); status.setMapStatus(mapStatus); // Set reduce status PhaseStatus reduceStatus = new PhaseStatus(); reduceStatus.setCode(-1); // HACK if (tjr.getReduceResult() != null) { reduceStatus.setCode(tjr.getReduceResult().getExitCode()); reduceStatus.setOutput(readFile(tjr.getReduceResult().getOutputFile())); reduceStatus.setErrors(readFile(tjr.getReduceResult().getErrorFile())); reduceStatus.setProgress(100); if (reduceStatus.getCode() == 0) reduceStatus.setState(State.SUCCESSFUL); else reduceStatus.setState(State.FAILED); status.setReduceStatus(reduceStatus); } // Set overall success if (mapStatus.getCode() == 0 && reduceStatus.getCode() == 0) status.setState(State.SUCCESSFUL); else status.setState(State.FAILED); return status; } } } public String getOutput(Submission submission, int page) throws IllegalJobStateException { throw new IllegalJobStateException("This method does not read output for test jobs."); } public void kill(Submission submission) throws NotFoundException, IllegalJobStateException, InternalException { if (!kill(submission.getID())) throw new IllegalJobStateException("Job was already completed before it could be killed"); } private String readFile(File file) throws InternalException { if (file == null) return ""; ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(file); IOUtils.copy(in, out); } catch (IOException ex) { throw JobServiceHandler.wrapException("Could not read output/error file.", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } return out.toString(); } protected synchronized void submit(long submissionID, TestJobTask job) { Future<TestJobResult> jobFuture = _jobQueue.submit(job); _jobs.put(new Long(submissionID), jobFuture); } protected synchronized boolean kill(long submissionID) throws NotFoundException { return findJob(submissionID).cancel(true); } protected synchronized boolean isComplete(long submissionID) throws NotFoundException { return findJob(submissionID).isDone(); } protected synchronized boolean isKilled(long submissionID) throws NotFoundException { return findJob(submissionID).isCancelled(); } protected synchronized TestJobResult getResult(long submissionID) throws NotFoundException, ExecutionException, CancellationException { Future<TestJobResult> job = findJob(submissionID); while (true) { try { return job.get(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // Swallow and try again } } } private synchronized Future<TestJobResult> findJob(long submissionID) throws NotFoundException { Future<TestJobResult> job = _jobs.get(submissionID); if (job == null) throw new NotFoundException("Could not find test job with ID " + submissionID); return job; } }