Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package edu.stanford.nlp.util;

import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.PrettyLoggable;


 * Base type for all annotatable core objects. Should usually be instantiated as
 * {@link ArrayCoreMap}. Many common key definitions live in
 * {@link edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations}, but others may be defined elsewhere. See
 * {@link edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations} for details.
 * Note that implementations of this interface must take care to implement
 * equality correctly: by default, two CoreMaps are .equal if they contain the
 * same keys and all corresponding values are .equal. Subclasses that wish to
 * change this behavior (such as {@link HashableCoreMap}) must make sure that
 * all other CoreMap implementations have a special case in their .equals to use
 * that equality definition when appropriate. Similarly, care must be taken when
 * defining hashcodes. The default hashcode is 37 * sum of all keys' hashcodes
 * plus the sum of all values' hashcodes. However, use of this class as HashMap
 * keys is discouraged because the hashcode can change over time. Consider using
 * a {@link HashableCoreMap}.
 * @author dramage
 * @author rafferty
public interface CoreMap extends TypesafeMap, PrettyLoggable, Serializable {

    /** Attempt to provide a briefer and more human readable String for the contents of
     *  a CoreMap.
     *  The method may not be capable of printing circular dependencies in CoreMaps.
     *  @param what An array (varargs) of Strings that say what annotation keys
     *     to print.  These need to be provided in a shortened form where you
     *     are just giving the part of the class name without package and up to
     *     "Annotation". That is,
     *     edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation  PartOfSpeech .
     *     As a special case, an empty array means to print everything, not nothing.
     *  @return A more human readable String giving possibly partial contents of a
     *     CoreMap.
    String toShorterString(String... what);
