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// Stanford Dependencies - Code for producing and using Stanford dependencies.
// Copyright  2005-2014,2019 The Board of Trustees of
// The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see .
// For more information, bug reports, fixes, contact:
//    Christopher Manning
//    Dept of Computer Science, Gates 2A
//    Stanford CA 94305-9020
//    USA

package edu.stanford.nlp.trees;

import static edu.stanford.nlp.trees.EnglishPatterns.*;

import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPatternCompiler;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

import static edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation.*;

 * {@code EnglishGrammaticalRelations} is a
 * set of {@link GrammaticalRelation} objects for the English language.
 * These relations are commonly called Stanford Dependencies (SD).
 * Grammatical relations can either be shown in their basic form, where each
 * input token receives a relation, or "collapsed" which does certain normalizations
 * which group words or turns them into relations. See
 * {@link EnglishGrammaticalStructure}.  What is presented here mainly
 * shows the basic form, though there is some mixture. The "collapsed" grammatical
 * relations primarily differ as follows:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Some multiword conjunctions and prepositions are treated as single
 * words, and then processed as below.</li>
 * <li>Prepositions do not appear as words but are turned into new "prep" or "prepc"
 * grammatical relations, one for each preposition.</li>
 * <li>Conjunctions do not appear as words but are turned into new "conj"
 * grammatical relations, one for each conjunction.</li>
 * <li>The possessive "'s" is deleted, leaving just the relation between the
 * possessor and possessum.</li>
 * <li>Agents of passive sentences are recognized and marked as agent and not as prep_by.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <br>
 * This set of English grammatical relations is not intended to be
 * exhaustive or immutable.  It's just where we're at now.
 * <br>
 * <br>
 * See {@link GrammaticalRelation} for details of fields and matching.
 * <br>
 * <br>
 * If using LexicalizedParser, it should be run with the
 * {@code -retainTmpSubcategories} option and one of the
 * {@code -splitTMP} options (e.g., {@code -splitTMP 1}) in order to
 * get the temporal NP dependencies maximally right!
 * <br>
 * <i>Implementation notes: </i> Don't change the set of GRs without discussing it
 * with people first.  If a change is needed, to add a new grammatical relation:
 * <ul>
 * <li> Governor nodes of the grammatical relations should be the lowest ones.</li>
 * <li> Check the semantic head rules in SemanticHeadFinder and
 * ModCollinsHeadFinder, both in the trees package. That's what will be used to
 * match here.</li>
 * <li> Create and define the GrammaticalRelation similarly to the others.</li>
 * <li> Add it to the {@code values} array at the end of the file.</li>
 * </ul>
 * The patterns in this code assume that an NP may be followed by either a
 * -ADV or -TMP functional tag but there are no other functional tags represented.
 * This corresponds to what we currently get from NPTmpRetainingTreeNormalizer or
 * DependencyTreeTransformer.
 * @author Bill MacCartney
 * @author Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
 * @author Christopher Manning
 * @author Galen Andrew (refactoring English-specific stuff)
 * @see GrammaticalStructure
 * @see GrammaticalRelation
 * @see EnglishGrammaticalStructure

public class EnglishGrammaticalRelations {

    //todo: Things still to fix: comparatives, in order to clauses, automatic Vadas-like NP structure

    /** This class is just a holder for static classes
     *  that act a bit like an enum.
    private EnglishGrammaticalRelations() {

    // By setting the HeadFinder to null, we find out right away at
    // runtime if we have incorrectly set the HeadFinder for the
    // dependency tregexes
    private static final TregexPatternCompiler tregexCompiler = new TregexPatternCompiler((HeadFinder) null);

     * The "predicate" grammatical relation.  The predicate of a
     * clause is the main VP of that clause; the predicate of a
     * subject is the predicate of the clause to which the subject
     * belongs.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Reagan died" &rarr; {@code pred}(Reagan, died)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation PREDICATE = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "pred",
            "predicate", DEPENDENT, "S|SINV", tregexCompiler, "S|SINV <# VP=target");

     * The "auxiliary" grammatical relation.  An auxiliary of a clause is a
     * non-main verb of the clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Reagan has died" &rarr; {@code aux}(died, has)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation AUX_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "aux",
            "auxiliary", DEPENDENT, "VP|SQ|SINV|CONJP", tregexCompiler,
            "VP < VP < (/^(?:TO|MD|VB.*|AUXG?|POS)$/=target)",
            "SQ|SINV < (/^(?:VB|MD|AUX)/=target $++ /^(?:VP|ADJP)/)", "CONJP < TO=target < VB", // (CONJP not to mention)
            // add handling of tricky VP fronting cases...
            "SINV < (VP=target < (/^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/ < " + beAuxiliaryRegex + ") $-- (VP < VBG))");

      * The "passive auxiliary" grammatical relation. A passive auxiliary of a
      * clause is a
      * non-main verb of the clause which contains the passive information.
      * <br>
      * Example: <br>
      * "Kennedy has been killed" &rarr; {@code auxpass}(killed, been)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation AUX_PASSIVE_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "auxpass", "passive auxiliary", AUX_MODIFIER, "VP|SQ|SINV", tregexCompiler,
            "VP < (/^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/=target < " + passiveAuxWordRegex
                    + " ) < (VP|ADJP [ < VBN|VBD | < (VP|ADJP < VBN|VBD) < CC ] )",
            "SQ|SINV < (/^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/=target < " + beAuxiliaryRegex + " $++ (VP < VBD|VBN))",
            // add handling of tricky VP fronting cases...
            "SINV < (VP=target < (/^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/ < " + beAuxiliaryRegex + ") $-- (VP < VBD|VBN))",
            "SINV < (VP=target < (VP < (/^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/ < " + beAuxiliaryRegex + ")) $-- (VP < VBD|VBN))");

     * The "copula" grammatical relation.  A copula is the relation between
     * the complement of a copular verb and the copular verb.<p>
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "Bill is big" &rarr; {@code cop}(big, is) <br>
     * "Bill is an honest man" &rarr; {@code cop}(man, is)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation COPULA = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "cop", "copula",
            AUX_MODIFIER, "VP|SQ|SINV|SBARQ", tregexCompiler,
            "VP < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/=target < " + copularWordRegex
                    + " [ $++ (/^(?:ADJP|NP$|WHNP$)/ !< (VBN|VBD !$++ /^N/)) | $++ (S <: (ADJP < JJ)) ] )",
            "SQ|SINV < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/=target < " + copularWordRegex
                    + " [ $++ (ADJP !< VBN|VBD) | $++ (NP $++ NP) | $++ (S <: (ADJP < JJ)) ] )",
            // matches (what, is) in "what is that" after the SQ has been flattened out of the tree
            "SBARQ < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/=target < " + copularWordRegex + ") < (WHNP < WP)",
            // "Such a great idea this was"
            "SINV <# (NP $++ (NP $++ (VP=target < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + "))))");

    private static final String ETC_PAT = "(FW < /^(?i:etc)$/)";
    private static final String ETC_PAT_target = "(FW=target < /^(?i:etc)$/)";

    private static final String FW_ETC_PAT = "(ADVP|NP <1 (FW < /^(?i:etc)$/))";
    private static final String FW_ETC_PAT_target = "(ADVP|NP=target <1 (FW < /^(?i:etc)$/))";

    // match "not", "n't", "nt" (for informal writing), or "never" as _complete_ string
    private static final String NOT_PAT = "/^(?i:n[o']?t|never)$/";

    private static final String WESTERN_SMILEY = "/^(?:[<>]?[:;=8][\\-o\\*']?(?:-RRB-|-LRB-|[DPdpO\\/\\\\\\:}{@\\|\\[\\]])|(?:-RRB-|-LRB-|[DPdpO\\/\\\\\\:}{@\\|\\[\\]])[\\-o\\*']?[:;=8][<>]?)$/";

    private static final String ASIAN_SMILEY = "/(?!^--$)^(?:-LRB-)?[\\-\\^x=~<>'][_.]?[\\-\\^x=~<>'](?:-RRB-)?$/";

     * The "conjunct" grammatical relation.  A conjunct is the relation between
     * two elements connected by a conjunction word.  We treat conjunctions
     * asymmetrically: The head of the relation is the first conjunct and other
     * conjunctions depend on it via the <i>conj</i> relation.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Bill is big and honest" &rarr; {@code conj}(big, honest)
     * <br>
     * <i>Note:</i>Modified in 2010 to exclude the case of a CC/CONJP first in its phrase: it has to conjoin things.
    public static final GrammaticalRelation CONJUNCT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "conj", "conjunct",
            "VP|S|SBAR|SBARQ|SINV|SQ|RRC < (CC|CONJP $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN|PP|ADVP|RB)/ $+ !/^(?:SBAR|PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\\.)$/=target)",
            // This case is separated out from the previous case to
            // avoid conflicts with advcl when you have phrases such as
            // "but only because ..."
            "SBAR < (CC|CONJP $-- @SBAR $+ @SBAR=target)",
            // non-parenthetical or comma in suitable phrase with conj then adverb to left
            "VP|S|SBAR|SBARQ|SINV|SQ|RRC < (CC|CONJP $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN|PP|ADVP|RB)/ $+ (ADVP $+ !/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\\.)$/=target))",
            // content phrase to the right of a comma or a parenthetical
            // The test at the end is to make sure that a conjunction or
            // comma etc actually show up between the target of the conj
            // dependency and the head of the phrase.  Otherwise, a
            // different relationship is probably more appropriate.
            // Note that this test looks for one of two things: a
            // cc/conjp which does not have a , between it and the
            // target or a , which does not appear to the right of a
            // cc/conjp.  This test eliminates things such as
            // parentheticals which come after a list, such as in the
            // sentence "to see the market go down and dump everything,
            // which ..." where "go down and dump everything, which..."
            // is all in one VP node.
            "VP|S|SBAR|SBARQ|SINV|SQ=root < (CC|CONJP $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN|PP|ADVP|RB)/) < (/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\\.)$/ $+ (/^S|SINV$|^(?:A|N|V|PP|PRP|J|W|R)/=target [$-- (CC|CONJP $-- (__ ># =root) !$++ (/^:|,$/ $++ =target)) | $-- (/^:|,$/ $-- (__ ># =root) [!$-- /^CC|CONJP$/ | $++ (=target < (/^,$/ $++ (__ ># =target)))])] ) )",

            // non-parenthetical or comma in suitable phrase with conjunction to left
            "/^(?:ADJP|JJP|PP|QP|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML)$/ [ < (CC|CONJP $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN)$/ $+ !/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\\.)$/=target) | < "
                    + ETC_PAT_target + " | < " + FW_ETC_PAT_target + "]",
            // non-parenthetical or comma in suitable phrase with conj then adverb to left
            "/^(?:ADJP|PP|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML)$/ < (CC|CONJP $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN)$/ $+ (ADVP $+ !/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\\.)$/=target))",
            // content phrase to the right of a comma or a parenthetical
            "/^(?:ADJP|PP|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML)$/ [ < (CC|CONJP $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN)$/) | < "
                    + ETC_PAT + " | < " + FW_ETC_PAT
                    + "] < (/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\\.)$/ [ $+ /^S|SINV$|^(?:A|N|V|PP|PRP|J|W|R)/=target | $+ "
                    + ETC_PAT_target + " ] )",

            // content phrase to the left of a comma for at least NX
            "NX|NML [ < (CC|CONJP $- __) | < " + ETC_PAT + "] < (/^,$/ $- /^(?:A|N|V|PP|PRP|J|W|R|S)/=target)",
            // to take the conjunct in a preconjunct structure "either X or Y"
            // also catches some missing examples of etc as conj
            "/^(?:VP|S|SBAR|SBARQ|SINV|ADJP|PP|QP|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML)$/ [ < (CC $++ (CC|CONJP $+ !/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\\.)$/=target)) | <- "
                    + ETC_PAT_target + " | <- " + FW_ETC_PAT_target + " ]");

     * The "coordination" grammatical relation.  A coordination is the relation
     * between an element and a conjunction.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Bill is big and honest." &rarr; {@code cc}(big, and)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation COORDINATION = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "cc",
            "coordination", DEPENDENT, ".*", tregexCompiler,
            "__ [ < (CC=target !< /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ ) | < (CONJP=target !< (RB < /^(?i:not)$/ $+ (RB|JJ < /^(?i:only|just|merely)$/))) ]");

     * The "punctuation" grammatical relation.  This is used for any piece of
     * punctuation in a clause, if punctuation is being retained in the
     * typed dependencies.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Go home!" &rarr; {@code punct}(Go, !)
     * <br>
     * The condition for NFP to appear hear is that it does not match the emoticon patterns under discourse.
    public static final GrammaticalRelation PUNCTUATION = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "punct",
            "punctuation", DEPENDENT, ".*", tregexCompiler,
            "__ < /^(?:\\.|:|,|''|``|\\*|-LRB-|-RRB-|HYPH)$/=target",
            "__ < (NFP=target !< " + WESTERN_SMILEY + " !< " + ASIAN_SMILEY + ")");

     * The "argument" grammatical relation.  An argument of a VP is a
     * subject or complement of that VP; an argument of a clause is
     * an argument of the VP which is the predicate of that
     * clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Clinton defeated Dole" &rarr; {@code arg}(defeated, Clinton), {@code arg}(defeated, Dole)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation ARGUMENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "arg", "argument",

     * The "subject" grammatical relation.  The subject of a VP is
     * the noun or clause that performs or experiences the VP; the
     * subject of a clause is the subject of the VP which is the
     * predicate of that clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "Clinton defeated Dole" &rarr; {@code subj}(defeated, Clinton) <br>
     * "What she said is untrue" &rarr; {@code subj}(is, What she said)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation SUBJECT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "subj", "subject",

     * The "nominal subject" grammatical relation.  A nominal subject is
     * a subject which is an noun phrase.
     * Example: <br>
     * "Clinton defeated Dole" &rarr; {@code nsubj}(defeated, Clinton)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation NOMINAL_SUBJECT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "nsubj",
            "nominal subject", SUBJECT, "S|SQ|SBARQ|SINV|SBAR|PRN", tregexCompiler,
            "S=subj < ((NP|WHNP=target !< EX !<# (/^NN/ < (" + timeWordRegex
                    + "))) $++ VP=verb) : (=subj !> VP | !<< (=verb < TO))",
            "S < ( NP=target <# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex + ") !$++ NP $++VP)",
            "SQ|PRN < (NP=target !< EX $++ VP)",
            "SQ < (NP=target !< EX $- (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ") !$++ VP)",
            // Allows us to match "Does it?" without matching "Who does it?"
            "SQ < (NP=target !< EX $- /^(?:VB|AUX)/ !$++ VP) !$-- NP|WHNP",
            "SQ < ((NP=target !< EX) $- (RB $- /^(?:VB|AUX)/) ![$++ VP])",
            "SBARQ < WHNP=target < (SQ < (VP !$-- NP))",
            // This will capture incorrectly parsed trees in sentences
            // such as "What disease causes cancer" without capturing
            // correctly parsed trees such as "What do elephants eat?"
            "SBARQ < WHNP=target < (SQ < ((/^(?:VB)/ !< " + copularWordRegex + ") !$-- NP !$++ VP))",
            "SBARQ < (SQ=target < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ") !< VP)",
            // matches subj in SINV
            "SINV < (NP|WHNP=target [ $- VP|VBZ|VBD|VBP|VB|MD|AUX | $- (@RB|ADVP $- VP|VBZ|VBD|VBP|VB|MD|AUX) | !$- __ !$ @NP] )",
            // Another SINV subj, such as "Such a great idea this was"
            "SINV < (NP $++ (NP=target $++ (VP < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + "))))",
            //matches subj in xcomp like "He considered him a friend"
            "S < (NP=target $+ NP|ADJP) > VP",
            // matches subj in relative clauses
            "SBAR < WHNP=target [ < (S < (VP !$-- NP) !< SBAR) | < (VP !$-- NP) !< S ]", // second disjunct matches errors where there is no S under SBAR and otherwise does no harm
            // matches subj in relative clauses
            "SBAR !< WHNP < (S !< (NP $++ VP)) > (VP > (S $- WHNP=target))",
            // matches subj in existential "there" SQ
            "SQ < ((NP < EX) $++ NP=target)",
            // matches subj in existential "there" S
            "S < (NP < EX) <+(VP) (VP < NP=target)",
            // matches (what, that) in "what is that" after the SQ has been flattened out of the tree
            "SBARQ < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ") < (WHNP < WP) < NP=target",
            // matches (what, wrong) in "what is wrong with ..." after the SQ has been flattened out of the tree
            // note that in that case "wrong" is taken as the head thanks to SemanticHeadFinder hackery
            // The !$++ matches against (what, worth) in What is UAL stock worth?
            "SBARQ < (WHNP=target $++ ((/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex
                    + ") $++ ADJP=adj !$++ (NP $++ =adj)))",
            // the (NP < EX) matches (is, WHNP) in "what dignity is there in ..."
            // the PP matches (is, WHNP) in "what is on the test"
            "SBARQ <1 WHNP=target < (SQ < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ") [< (NP < EX) | < PP])");

     * The "nominal passive subject" grammatical relation.  A nominal passive
     * subject is a subject of a passive which is an noun phrase.
     * Example: <br>
     * "Dole was defeated by Clinton" &rarr; {@code nsubjpass}(defeated, Dole)
     * <p>
     * This pattern recognizes basic (non-coordinated) examples.  The coordinated
     * examples are currently handled by correctDependencies() in
     * EnglishGrammaticalStructure.  This seemed more accurate than any tregex
     * expression we could come up with.
    public static final GrammaticalRelation NOMINAL_PASSIVE_SUBJECT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "nsubjpass", "nominal passive subject", NOMINAL_SUBJECT, "S|SQ", tregexCompiler,
            "S|SQ < (WHNP|NP=target !< EX) < (VP < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + passiveAuxWordRegex
                    + ")  < (VP < VBN|VBD))");

     * The "clausal subject" grammatical relation.  A clausal subject is
     * a subject which is a clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Examples: (subject is "what she said" in both examples) <br>
     * "What she said makes sense" &rarr; {@code csubj}(makes, said) <br>
     * "What she said is untrue" &rarr; {@code csubj}(untrue, said)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation CLAUSAL_SUBJECT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "csubj",
            "clausal subject", SUBJECT, "S", tregexCompiler, "S < (SBAR|S=target !$+ /^,$/ $++ (VP !$-- NP))");

     * The "clausal passive subject" grammatical relation.  A clausal passive subject is
     * a subject of a passive verb which is a clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: (subject is "that she lied") <br>
     * "That she lied was suspected by everyone" &rarr; {@code csubjpass}(suspected, lied)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation CLAUSAL_PASSIVE_SUBJECT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "csubjpass", "clausal passive subject", CLAUSAL_SUBJECT, "S", tregexCompiler,
            "S < (SBAR|S=target !$+ /^,$/ $++ (VP < (VP < VBN|VBD) < (/^(?:VB|AUXG?)/ < " + passiveAuxWordRegex
                    + ") !$-- NP))",
            "S < (SBAR|S=target !$+ /^,$/ $++ (VP <+(VP) (VP < VBN|VBD > (VP < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < "
                    + passiveAuxWordRegex + "))) !$-- NP))");

     * The "complement" grammatical relation.  A complement of a VP
     * is any object (direct or indirect) of that VP, or a clause or
     * adjectival phrase which functions like an object; a complement
     * of a clause is an complement of the VP which is the predicate
     * of that clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "She gave me a raise" &rarr;
     * {@code comp}(gave, me),
     * {@code comp}(gave, a raise) <br>
     * "I like to swim" &rarr;
     * {@code comp}(like, to swim)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation COMPLEMENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "comp",
            "complement", ARGUMENT);

     * The "object" grammatical relation.  An object of a VP
     * is any direct object or indirect object of that VP; an object
     * of a clause is an object of the VP which is the predicate
     * of that clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "She gave me a raise" &rarr;
     * {@code obj}(gave, me),
     * {@code obj}(gave, raise)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation OBJECT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "obj", "object",

     * The "direct object" grammatical relation.  The direct object
     * of a verb is the noun phrase which is the (accusative) object of
     * the verb; the direct object of a clause or VP is the direct object of
     * the head predicate of that clause.
     * Example: <br>
     * "She gave me a raise" &rarr;
     * {@code dobj}(gave, raise) <br>
     * Note that dobj can also be assigned by the conversion of rel in the postprocessing.
    public static final GrammaticalRelation DIRECT_OBJECT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "dobj",
            "direct object", OBJECT, "VP|SQ|SBARQ?", tregexCompiler,
            "VP !< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ [ < " + copularWordRegex + " | < " + clausalComplementRegex
                    + " ]) < (NP|WHNP=target [ [ !<# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex
                    + ") !$+ NP ] | $+ NP-TMP | $+ (NP <# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex + ")) ] ) " +
                    // The next qualification eliminates parentheticals that
                    // come after the actual dobj
                    " <# (__ !$++ (NP $++ (/^[:]$/ $++ =target))) ",

            // Examples such as "Rolls-Royce expects sales to remain steady"
            "VP < (S < (NP|WHNP=target $++ (VP < TO)))",

            // This matches rare cases of misparses, such as "What
            // disease causes cancer?" where the "causes" does not get a
            // surrounding VP.  Hopefully it does so without overlapping
            // any other dependencies.
            "SQ < (/^(?:VB)/=verb !< " + copularWordRegex
                    + ") $-- WHNP !< VP !< (/^(?:VB)/ ! == =verb) < (NP|WHNP=target [ [ !<# (/^NN/ < "
                    + timeWordRegex + ") !$+ NP ] | $+ NP-TMP | $+ (NP <# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex + ")) ] )",

            // The rule for Wh-questions
            // cdm Jul 2010: No longer require WHNP as first child of SBARQ below: often not because of adverbials, quotes, etc., and removing restriction does no harm
            // this next pattern used to assume no empty NPs. Corrected.
            // One could require the VP at the end of the <+ to also be !< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ $. SBAR) . This would be right for complement SBAR, but often avoids good matches for adverbial SBAR.  Adding it kills 4 good matches for avoiding 2 wrong matches on sum of TB3-train and EWT
            "SBARQ < (WHNP=target !< WRB !<# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex
                    + ")) <+(SQ|SINV|S|VP) (VP !< NP|TO !< (S < (VP < TO)) !< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex
                    + " $++ (VP < VBN|VBD)) !< (PP <: IN|TO) $-- (NP !< /^-NONE-$/))",

            // matches direct object in relative clauses with relative pronoun "I saw the book that you bought". Seems okay. If this is changed, also change the pattern for "rel"
            // TODO: this can occasionally produce incorrect dependencies, such as the sentence
            // "with the way which his split-fingered fastball is behaving"
            // eg take a tree where the verb doesn't have an object
            "SBAR < (WHNP=target !< WRB) < (S < NP < (VP !< SBAR !<+(VP) (PP <- IN|TO) !< (S < (VP < TO))))",

            // // matches direct object for long dependencies in relative clause without explicit relative pronouns
            // "SBAR !< (WHPP|WHNP|WHADVP) < (S < (@NP $++ (VP !< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + " !$+ VP)  !<+(VP) (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + " $+ (VP < VBN|VBD)) !<+(VP) NP !< SBAR !<+(VP) (PP <- IN|TO)))) !$-- CC $-- NP > NP=target " +
            //   // avoid conflicts with rcmod.  TODO: we could look for
            //   // empty nodes in this kind of structure and use that to
            //   // find dobj, tmod, advmod, etc.  won't help the parser,
            //   // of course, but will help when converting a treebank
            //   // which contains empties
            //   // Example: "with the way his split-fingered fastball is behaving"
            //   "!($-- @NP|WHNP|NML > @NP|WHNP <: (S !< (VP < TO)))",

            // If there was an NP between the WHNP and the ADJP, we want
            // that NP to have the nsubj relation, and the WHNP is either
            // a dobj or a pobj instead.  For example, dobj(What, worth)
            // in "What is UAL stock worth?"
            "SBARQ < (WHNP=target $++ ((/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex
                    + ") $++ (ADJP=adj !< (PP !< NP)) $++ (NP $++ =adj)))"

    // Now allow $++ in main pattern above so don't need this.
    // "SBAR !< (WHPP|WHNP|WHADVP) < (S < (@NP $+ (ADVP $+ (VP !< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + " !$+ VP) !<+(VP) (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + " $+ (VP < VBN|VBD)) !<+(VP) NP !< SBAR !<+(VP) (PP <- IN|TO))))) !$-- CC $-- NP > NP=target"

    // Excluding BE doesn't allow cases of NP-PRD followed by NP-TMP or NP-LOC like "These are Europeans next door."
    // Doc said: case with an iobj before dobj as two regular NPs. (This won't match if second one is explicitly NP-TMP.) But basic case covers this case. Does nothing.
    // "VP < (NP $+ (NP|WHNP=target !< (/^NN/ < " + timeWordLotRegex + "))) !<(/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ")",  // this time one also included "lot"
    // Doc said: match "give it next week".  CDM 2013: I think this was put in to handle parse errors where the 2 NPs of a ditransitive were grouped into 1. But it is in principle wrong, and including it seems to be a no-op on TB3 WSJ. So exclude for now.
    // "VP < (NP < (NP $+ (/^(NP|WHNP)$/=target !< (/^NN/ < " + timeWordLotRegex + "))))!< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ")",  // this time one also included "lot"

    // Doc said: matches direct object in relative clauses "I saw the book that you said you bought". But it didn't seem to determine anything.
    // This was various attempts at handling a long distance dependency, but that doesn't work; now handled through rel mechanism.
    // "SBAR !< WHNP|WHADVP < (S < (@NP $++ (VP !$++ NP))) > (VP > (S < NP $- WHNP=target))",
    // "SBAR !< WHNP|WHADVP|IN < (S < @NP < (VP !< (NP !<<# " + timeWordRegex + "))) > (VP > (S < NP $- WHNP=target))",
    // "S < (@NP !< /^-NONE-$/) <+(VP) (VP !< (@NP !< /^-NONE-$/ < (/^VB/ !< " + copularWordRegex + ")) !< CONJP|CC|SBAR) > (@SBAR !< @WHNP|WHADVP $- /^VB/ >+(VP|S|SBAR) (S < (@NP !< /^-NONE-$/ !<<# " + timeWordRegex + ") $- (@WHNP=target !< /^-NONE-$/ !<# WRB)))",

    // we now don't match "VBG > PP $+ NP=target", since it seems better to CM to regard these quasi preposition uses (like "including soya") as prepositions rather than verbs with objects -- that's certainly what the phrase structure at least suggests in the PTB.  They're now matched as pobj

     * The "indirect object" grammatical relation.  The indirect
     * object of a VP is the noun phrase which is the (dative) object
     * of the verb; the indirect object of a clause is the indirect
     * object of the VP which is the predicate of that clause.
     * <br>
     * Example:  <br>
     * "She gave me a raise" &rarr;
     * {@code iobj}(gave, me)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation INDIRECT_OBJECT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "iobj",
            "indirect object", OBJECT, "VP", tregexCompiler,
            "VP < (NP=target !< /\\$/ !<# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex + ") $+ (NP !<# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex
                    + ")))",
            // this next one was meant to fix common mistakes of our parser, but is perhaps too dangerous to keep
            // excluding selfRegex leaves out phrases such as "I cooked dinner myself"
            // excluding DT leaves out phrases such as "My dog ate it all""
            "VP < (NP=target < (NP !< /\\$/ $++ (NP !<: (PRP < " + selfRegex + ") !<: DT !< (/^NN/ < "
                    + timeWordLotRegex + ")) !$ CC|CONJP !$ /^,$/ !$++ /^:$/))");

     * The "prepositional object" grammatical relation.  The object of a
     * preposition is the head of a noun phrase following the preposition, or
     * the adverbs "here" and "there".
     * (The preposition in turn may be modifying a noun, verb, etc.)
     * We here define cases of VBG quasi-prepositions like "including",
     * "concerning", etc. as instances of pobj (unlike the Penn Treebank).
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "I sat on the chair" &rarr;
     * {@code pobj}(on, chair)
     * <br>
     * (The preposition can be called a FW for pace, versus, etc.  It can also
     * be called a CC - but we don't currently handle that and would need to
     * distinguish from conjoined PPs. Jan 2010 update: We now insist that the
     * NP must follow the preposition. This prevents a preceding NP measure
     * phrase being matched as a pobj.  We do allow a preposition tagged RB
     * followed by an NP pobj, as happens in the Penn Treebank for adverbial uses
     * of PP like "up 19%")
    public static final GrammaticalRelation PREPOSITIONAL_OBJECT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "pobj",
            "prepositional object", OBJECT, "SBARQ|PP(?:-TMP)?|WHPP|PRT|ADVP|WHADVP|XS", tregexCompiler,
            "/^(?:PP(?:-TMP)?|(?:WH)?(?:PP|ADVP))$/ < (SYM|IN|VBG|VBN|TO|FW|RB|RBR $++ (/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|ADJP)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/=target !$- @NP) !< /^(?i:not)$/)",
            // We allow ADVP with NP objects for cases like (ADVP earlier this year)
            "/^PP(?:-TMP)?$/ < (/^(?:IN|VBG|VBN|TO)$/ $+ (ADVP=target [ < (RB < /^(?i:here|there)$/) | < (ADVP < /^NP(?:-TMP)?$/) ] ))",
            // second disjunct is weird ADVP, only matches 1 tree in 2-21
            // to deal with preposition stranding in questions (e.g., "Which city do you live in?") -- the preposition is sometimes treated as a particle by the parser (works well but doesn't preserve the tree structure!)
            "PRT >- (VP !< (S < (VP < TO)) >+(SQ|SINV|S|VP) (SBARQ <, (WHNP=target !< WRB)) $-- (NP !< /^-NONE-$/))",
            "(PP <: IN|TO) >- (VP !< (S < (VP < TO)) >+(SQ|SINV|S|VP) (SBARQ <, (WHNP=target !< WRB)) $-- (NP !< /^-NONE-$/))",
            "(PP <: IN|TO) $- (NP $-- (VBZ|VBD) !$++ VP) >+(SQ) (SBARQ <, (WHNP=target !< WRB)) $-- (NP !< /^-NONE-$/)",

            "XS|ADVP < (IN < /^(?i:at)$/) < JJS|DT=target", // at least, at most, at best, at worst, at all
            //"PP < (CC < less) < NP",
            "@PP < CC  < @NP=target !< @IN|TO|VBG|VBN|RB|RP|PP", // for cases where "preposition" like "plus", "but", or "versus"
            // to handle "in and out of government"
            "@WHPP|PP < (@WHPP|PP $++ (CC|CONJP $++ (@WHPP|PP $+ (NP=target !$+ __))))",
            // to handle "What weapon is Apollo most proficient with?"
            "SBARQ < (WHNP=target $++ ((/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex
                    + ") $++ (ADJP=adj < (PP !< NP)) $++ (NP $++ =adj)))");

     * The "prepositional complement" grammatical relation.
     * This is used when the complement of a preposition is a clause or
     * an adverbial or prepositional phrase.
     * The prepositional complement of
     * a preposition is the head of the sentence following the preposition,
     * or the preposition head of the PP.
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "We have no useful information on whether users are at risk" &arr;
     * {@code pcomp}(on, are) <br>
     * "They heard about you missing classes." &arr;
     * {@code pcomp}(about, missing) <br>
     * It is warmer in Greece than in Italy &arr;
     * {@code pcomp}(than, in)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation PREPOSITIONAL_COMPLEMENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "pcomp", "prepositional complement", COMPLEMENT, "(?:WH)?PP(?:-TMP)?", tregexCompiler,
            "@PP|WHPP < (IN|VBG|VBN|TO $+ @SBAR|S|PP|ADVP=target)", // no intervening NP; VBN is for "compared with"
            "@PP|WHPP < (RB $+ @SBAR|S=target)", // RB is for weird tagging like "after/RB adjusting for inflation"
            "@PP|WHPP !< IN|TO < (SBAR=target <, (IN $+ S))");

    // /**
    //  * The "attributive" grammatical relation. The attributive is the complement of a
    //  * verb such as "to be, to seem, to appear".
    //  * <p>
    //  * These mainly occur in questions.  Arguably they shouldn't and we should treat the question
    //  * WHNP and WHADJP as predicates (as we do for ADJP and NP complements (NP-PRD and ADJP-PRD),
    //  * but we at present don't produce this.
    //  */
    // public static final GrammaticalRelation ATTRIBUTIVE =
    //   new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "attr", "attributive",
    //       COMPLEMENT, "VP|SBARQ|SQ", tregexCompiler,
    //       new String[] {
    //         "VP < NP=target <(/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ") !$ (NP < EX)",
    //         // "What is that?"
    //         "SBARQ < (WHNP|WHADJP=target $+ (SQ < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + " !$++ VP) !< (VP <- (PP <:IN)) !<- (PP <: IN)))",
    //         "SBARQ < (WHNP|WHADJP=target !< WRB) <+(SQ|SINV|S|VP) (VP !< (S < (VP < TO)) < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + " $++ (VP < VBN|VBD)) !<- PRT !<- (PP <: IN) $-- (NP !< /^-NONE-$/))",

    //         // "Is he the man?"
    //         "SQ <, (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ") < (NP=target $-- (NP !< EX))"
    //       });

     * The "clausal complement" grammatical relation.  A clausal complement of
     * a verb or adjective is a dependent clause with an internal subject which
     * functions like an object of the verb, or adjective.  Clausal complements
     * for nouns are limited to complement clauses with a subset of nouns
     * like "fact" or "report".  We analyze them the same (parallel to the
     * analysis of this class as "content clauses" in Huddleston and Pullum 2002).
     * Clausal complements are usually finite (though there
     * are occasional exceptions including remnant English subjunctives, and we
     * also classify the complement of causative "have" (She had him arrested)
     * in this category.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "He says that you like to swim" &rarr;
     * {@code ccomp}(says, like) <br>
     * "I am certain that he did it" &rarr;
     * {@code ccomp}(certain, did) <br>
     * "I admire the fact that you are honest" &rarr;
     * {@code ccomp}(fact, honest)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation CLAUSAL_COMPLEMENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "ccomp",
            "clausal complement", COMPLEMENT, "VP|SINV|S|ADJP|ADVP|NP(?:-.*)?", tregexCompiler,
            // Weird case of verbs with direct S complement that is not an infinitive or participle
            // ("I saw [him take the cake].", "making [him go crazy]")
            "VP < (S=target < (VP !<, TO|VBG|VBN) !$-- NP)",
            // the canonical case of a SBAR[that] with an overt "that" or "whether"
            "VP < (SBAR=target < (S <+(S) VP) <, (IN|DT < /^(?i:that|whether)$/))",
            // Conjoined SBAR otherwise in the canonical case
            "VP < (SBAR=target < (SBAR < (S <+(S) VP) <, (IN|DT < /^(?i:that|whether)$/)) < CC|CONJP)",
            // This finds most ccomp SBAR[that] with omission of that, but only ones without dobj
            "VP < (SBAR=target < (S < VP) !$-- NP !<, (IN|WHADVP) !<2 (IN|WHADVP $- ADVP|RB))",
            // Find ccomp SBAR[that] after dobj for clear marker verbs
            "VP < (/^V/ < " + ccompObjVerbRegex
                    + ") < (SBAR=target < (S < VP) $-- NP !<, (IN|WHADVP) !<2 (IN|WHADVP $- ADVP|RB))",
            "VP < (SBAR=target < (S < VP) !$-- NP <, (WHADVP < (WRB < /^(?i:how)$/)))", "VP < @SBARQ=target", // Direct question: She asked "Who is in trouble"
            "VP < (/^VB/ < " + haveRegex + ") < (S=target < @NP < VP)",
            // !$-- @SBAR|S handles cases where the answer to the question
            //   "What do they ccompVerb?"
            //   is already answered by a different node
            // the ccompObjVerbRegex/NP test distinguishes "He told me why ..."
            //   vs "They know my order when ..."
            "VP < (@SBAR=target !$-- @SBAR|S !$-- /^:$/ [ == @SBAR=sbar | <# @SBAR=sbar ] ) < (/^V/ < "
                    + ccompVerbRegex + ") [ < (/^V/ < " + ccompObjVerbRegex
                    + ") | < (=target !$-- NP) ] : (=sbar < (WHADVP|WHNP < (WRB !< /^(?i:how)$/) !$-- /^(?!RB|ADVP).*$/) !< (S < (VP < TO)))",
            // to find "...", he said or "...?" he asked.
            // We eliminate conflicts with conj by looking for CC
            // Matching against "!< (VP < TO|VBG|VBN)" matches against vmod
            // "!< (VP <1 (VP [ <1 VBG|VBN | <2 (VBG|VBN $-- ADVP) ])))" also matches against vmod
            "@S|SINV < (@S|SBARQ=target $+ /^(,|\\.|'')$/ !$- /^(?:CC|CONJP|:)$/ !$- (/^(?:,)$/ $- CC|CONJP) !< (VP < TO|VBG|VBN) !< (VP <1 (VP [ <1 VBG|VBN | <2 (VBG|VBN $-- ADVP) ]))) !< (@S !== =target $++ =target !$++ @CC|CONJP)",
            // ADVP is things like "As long as they spend ..."
            // < WHNP captures phrases such as "no matter what", "no matter how", etc
            "ADVP < (SBAR=target [ < WHNP | ( < (IN < /^(?i:as|that)/) < (S < (VP !< TO))) ])",
            "ADJP < (SBAR=target !< (IN < as) < S)", // ADJP is things like "sure (that) he'll lose" or for/to ones or object of comparison with than "than we were led to expect"; Leave aside as in "as clever as we thought.
            // That ... he know
            "S <, (SBAR=target <, (IN < /^(?i:that|whether)$/) !$+ VP)",
            // JJ catches a couple of funny NPs with heads like "enough"
            // Note that we eliminate SBAR which also match an vmod pattern
            "@NP < JJ|NN|NNS < (SBAR=target [ !<(S < (VP < TO )) | !$-- NP|NN|NNP|NNS ] )",
            // New ones to pick up some more "say" patterns (2019); avoid S-ADV descendants
            "VP < (/^V/ < " + sayVerbRegex + ") < (S|S-CLF|S-TTL|SQ=target <+(S) (VP < /^VB[DZP]$/))",
            "@S < /^S-TPC/=target < VP");

     * An open clausal complement (<i>xcomp</i>) of a VP or an ADJP is a clausal
     * complement without its own subject, whose reference is determined by an
     * external subject.  These complements are always non-finite.
     * The name <i>xcomp</i> is borrowed from Lexical-Functional Grammar.
     * (Mainly "TO-clause" are recognized, but also some VBG like "stop eating")
     * <br>
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "I like to swim" &rarr;
     * {@code xcomp}(like, swim) <br>
     * "I am ready to leave" &rarr;
     * {@code xcomp}(ready, leave)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation XCLAUSAL_COMPLEMENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "xcomp",
            "xclausal complement", COMPLEMENT, "VP|ADJP|SINV", tregexCompiler,
            "VP < (S=target [ !$-- NP | $-- (/^V/ < " + xcompVerbRegex + ") ] !$- (NN < order) < (VP < TO))", // used to have !> (VP < (VB|AUX < be))
            "ADJP < (S=target <, (VP <, TO))", "VP < (S=target !$- (NN < order) < (NP $+ NP|ADJP))",
            // to find "help sustain ...
            "VP <# (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ $+ (VP=target < VB|VBG))",
            "VP < (SBAR=target < (S !$- (NN < order) < (VP < TO))) !> (VP < (VB|AUX < be)) ",
            "VP < (S=target !$- (NN < order) <: NP) > VP",
            "VP < (/^VB/ $+ (@S=target < (@ADJP < /^JJ/ ! $-- @NP|S))) $-- (/^VB/ < " + copularWordRegex + " )",
            // stop eating
            // note that we eliminate parentheticals and clauses that could match a vmod
            // the clause !$-- VBG eliminates matches such as "What are you wearing dancing tonight"
            "(VP < (S=target < (VP < VBG ) !< NP !$- (/^,$/ [$- @NP|VP | $- (@PP $-- @NP ) |$- (@ADVP $-- @NP)]) !$-- /^:$/ !$-- VBG))",
            // Detects xcomp(becoming, requirement) in "Hand-holding is becoming an investment banking job requirement"
            // Also, xcomp(becoming, problem) in "Why is Dave becoming a problem?"
            "(VP $-- (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ") < (/^VB/ < " + clausalComplementRegex
                    + ") < NP=target)",
            "VP < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + clausalComplementRegex + ") < (NP|WHNP=target [ [ !<# (/^NN/ < "
                    + timeWordRegex + ") !$+ NP ] | $+ NP-TMP | $+ (NP <# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex + ")) ] ) " +
                    // The next qualification eliminates parentheticals that
                    // come after the actual dobj
                    " <# (__ !$++ (NP $++ (/^[:]$/ $++ =target))) ",
            // The old attr relation, used here to recover xcomp relations instead.
            "VP=vp < NP=target <(/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + " >># =vp) !$ (NP < EX)",
            // "Such a great idea this was" if "was" is the root, eg -makeCopulaHead
            "SINV <# (VP < (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + ") $-- (NP $-- NP=target))",
            // For new treebank xcomp changes, match V + NP + xcomp patterns
            "VP < (/^V/ < " + xcompVerbRegex + ") < NP < (S=target < (VP < TO))");

     * The RELATIVE grammatical relation is only here as a temporary
     * relation.  This tregex triggering indicates either a dobj or a
     * pobj should be here.  We figure this out in a post-processing
     * step by looking at the surrounding dependencies.
    public static final GrammaticalRelation RELATIVE = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "rel", "relative",
            COMPLEMENT, "SBAR|SBARQ", tregexCompiler,
            "SBAR < (WHNP=target !< WRB) < (S < NP < (VP [ < SBAR | <+(VP) (PP <- IN|TO) | < (S < (VP < TO)) ] ))",

            // Rule for copular Wh-questions, e.g. "What am I good at?"
            "SBARQ < (WHNP=target !< WRB !<# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex + ")) <+(SQ|SINV) (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < "
                    + copularWordRegex + " !$++ VP)");

     * The "referent" grammatical relation.  A
     * referent of the Wh-word of a NP is  the relative word introducing the relative clause modifying the NP.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "I saw the book which you bought" &rarr;
     * {@code ref}(book, which) <br>
     * "I saw the book the cover of which you designed" &rarr;
     * {@code ref}(book, which)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation REFERENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "ref", "referent",

     * The "expletive" grammatical relation.
     * This relation captures an existential there.
     * <br>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "There is a statue in the corner" &rarr;
     * {@code expl}(is, there)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation EXPLETIVE = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "expl",
            "expletive", DEPENDENT, "S|SQ|SINV", tregexCompiler, "S|SQ|SINV < (NP=target <+(NP) EX)");

     * The "adjectival complement" grammatical relation.  An
     * adjectival complement of a VP is an adjectival phrase which
     * functions as the complement (like an object of the verb); an adjectival
     * complement of a clause is the adjectival complement of the VP which is
     * the predicate of that clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "She looks very beautiful" &rarr;
     * {@code acomp}(looks, beautiful)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation ADJECTIVAL_COMPLEMENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "acomp", "adjectival complement", COMPLEMENT, "VP|SQ", tregexCompiler,
            "VP [ < ADJP=target | ( < (/^VB/ [ ( < " + clausalComplementRegex
                    + " $++ VP=target ) | $+ (@S=target < (@ADJP < /^JJ/ ! $-- @NP|S)) ] ) !$-- (/^VB/ < "
                    + copularWordRegex + " )) ]",
            //Questions like "What am I good at?" with the copula being the head
            "SQ < (/^VB/ < " + copularWordRegex + " $++ ADJP=target !$++ VP)");

     * The "modifier" grammatical relation.  A modifier of a VP is
     * any constituent that serves to modify the meaning of the VP
     * (but is not an {@code ARGUMENT} of that
     * VP); a modifier of a clause is an modifier of the VP which is
     * the predicate of that clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "Last night, I swam in the pool" &rarr;
     * {@code mod}(swam, in the pool),
     * {@code mod}(swam, last night)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "mod", "modifier",

     * The "adverbial clause modifier" grammatical relation.  An adverbial clause
     * modifier of some predicates, such as a VP or (inverted) sentence is a clause modifying the verb
     * (temporal clauses, consequences, conditional clauses, etc.).
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "The accident happened as the night was falling" &rarr;
     * {@code advcl}(happened, falling) <br>
     * "If you know who did it, you should tell the teacher" &rarr;
     * {@code advcl}(tell, know)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation ADV_CLAUSE_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "advcl",
            "adverbial clause modifier", MODIFIER, "VP|S|SQ|SINV|SBARQ|NP|ADVP", tregexCompiler,
            "VP < (@SBAR=target <= (@SBAR [ < (IN !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/) | <: (SINV <1 /^(?:VB|MD|AUX)/) | < (RB|IN < so|now) < (IN < that) | <1 (ADVP < (RB < now)) <2 (IN < that) ] ))",
            "S|SQ|SINV < (SBAR|SBAR-TMP=target <, (IN !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/ !$+ (NN < order)) !$-- /^(?!CC|CONJP|``|,|INTJ|PP(-.*)?).*$/ !$+ VP)",
            // to get "rather than"
            "S|SQ|SINV < (SBAR|SBAR-TMP=target <2 (IN !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/ !$+ (NN < order)) !$-- /^(?!CC|CONJP|``|,|INTJ|PP(-.*)?$).*$/)",
            // this one might just be better, but at any rate license one with quotation marks or a conjunction beforehand
            "S|SQ|SINV < (SBAR|SBAR-TMP=target <, (IN !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/ !$+ (NN < order)) !$+ @VP $+ /^,$/ $++ @NP)",
            // the last part should probably only be @SQ, but this captures some strays at no cost
            "SBARQ < (SBAR|SBAR-TMP|SBAR-ADV=target <, (IN !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/ !$+ (NN < order)) $+ /^,$/ $++ @SQ|S|SBARQ)",
            // added the (S < (VP <TO)) part so that "I tell them how to do so" doesn't get a wrong advcl
            // note that we allow adverb phrases to come before the WHADVP, which allows for phrases such as "even when"
            // ":" indicates something that should be a parataxis
            // in cases where there are two SBARs conjoined, we're happy
            // to use the head SBAR as a candidate for this relation
            "S|SQ < (@SBAR=target [ == @SBAR=sbar | <# @SBAR=sbar ] ): (=sbar < (WHADVP|WHNP < (WRB !< /^(?i:how)$/) !$-- /^(?!RB|ADVP).*$/) !< (S < (VP < TO)) !$-- /^:$/)",
            "VP < (@SBAR=target !$-- /^:$/ [ == @SBAR=sbar | <# @SBAR=sbar ] ) [ !< (/^V/ < " + ccompVerbRegex
                    + ") | < (=target $-- @SBAR|S) | ( !< (/^V/ < " + ccompObjVerbRegex
                    + ") < (=target $-- NP)) ] : (=sbar < (WHADVP|WHNP < (WRB !< /^(?i:how)$/) !$-- /^(?!RB|ADVP).*$/) !< (S < (VP < TO)))",
            // "S|SQ < (PP=target <, RB < @S)", // caught as prep and pcomp.
            "@S < (@SBAR=target $++ @NP $++ @VP)", // fronted adverbial clause
            "@S < (@S=target < (VP < TO) $+ (/^,$/ $++ @NP))", // part of former purpcl: This is fronted infinitives: "To find out why, we went to ..."
            // "VP > (VP < (VB|AUX < be)) < (S=target !$- /^,$/ < (VP < TO|VBG) !$-- NP)", // part of former purpcl [cdm 2010: this pattern was added by me in 2006, but it is just bad!]

            // // matches direct object for long dependencies in relative clause without explicit relative pronouns
            // "SBAR !< (WHPP|WHNP|WHADVP) < (S < (@NP $++ (VP !< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + " !$+ VP)  !<+(VP) (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex + " $+ (VP < VBN|VBD)) !<+(VP) NP !< SBAR !<+(VP) (PP <- IN|TO)))) !$-- CC $-- NP > NP=target " +
            //   // avoid conflicts with rcmod.  TODO: we could look for
            //   // empty nodes in this kind of structure and use that to
            //   // find dobj, tmod, advmod, etc.  won't help the parser,
            //   // of course, but will help when converting a treebank
            //   // which contains empties
            //   // Example: "with the way his split-fingered fastball is behaving"
            //   "!($-- @NP|WHNP|NML > @NP|WHNP <: (S !< (VP < TO)))",
            "NP < (NP $++ (SBAR=target < (IN < /^(?i:than)$/) !< (WHPP|WHNP|WHADVP) < (S < (@NP $++ (VP !< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < "
                    + copularWordRegex + " !$+ VP)  !<+(VP) (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex
                    + " $+ (VP < VBN|VBD)) !<+(VP) NP !< SBAR !<+(VP) (PP <- IN|TO)))) !<: (S !< (VP < TO))) !$++ (CC $++ =target))",
            // this is for comparative or as ... as complements: sold more quickly [than they had expected]
            // available as long [as they install a crash barrier]
            "ADVP < ADVP < SBAR=target");

     * The "purpose clause modifier" grammatical relation has been discontinued
     * It is now just seen as a special case of an advcl.  A purpose clause
     * modifier of a VP is a clause headed by "(in order) to" specifying a
     * purpose.  Note: at present we only recognize ones that have
     * "in order to" or are fronted.  Otherwise we can't use our surface representations to
     * distinguish these from xcomp's. We can also recognize "to" clauses
     * introduced by "be VBN".
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "He talked to the president in order to secure the account" &rarr;
     * {@code purpcl}(talked, secure)

     * The "relative clause modifier" grammatical relation.  A relative clause
     * modifier of an NP is a relative clause modifying the NP.  The link
     * points from the head noun of the NP to the head of the relative clause,
     * normally a verb.
     * <br>
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "I saw the man you love" &rarr;
     * {@code rcmod}(man, love)  <br>
     * "I saw the book which you bought" &rarr;
     * {@code rcmod}(book, bought)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation RELATIVE_CLAUSE_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "rcmod", "relative clause modifier", MODIFIER, "(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML|ADVP)(?:-.*)?", tregexCompiler,
            "@NP|WHNP|NML=np $++ (SBAR=target [ <+(SBAR) WHPP|WHNP | <: (S !< (VP < TO)) ]) !$-- @NP|WHNP|NML !$++ "
                    + ETC_PAT + " !$++ " + FW_ETC_PAT + " > @NP|WHNP : (=np !$++ (CC|CONJP $++ =target))",
            "NP|NML $++ (SBAR=target < (WHADVP < (WRB </^(?i:where|why|when)/))) !$-- NP|NML !$++ " + ETC_PAT
                    + " !$++ " + FW_ETC_PAT + " > @NP",
            // for case of relative clauses with no relativizer
            // (it doesn't distinguish whether actually gapped).
            "@NP|WHNP < RRC=target <# NP|WHNP|NML|DT|S", "@ADVP < (@ADVP < (RB < /where$/)) < @SBAR=target",
            "NP < (NP $++ (SBAR=target !< (IN < /^(?i:than|that|whether)$/) !< (WHPP|WHNP|WHADVP) < (S < (@NP $++ (VP !< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < "
                    + copularWordRegex + " !$+ VP)  !<+(VP) (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex
                    + " $+ (VP < VBN|VBD)) !<+(VP) NP !< SBAR !<+(VP) (PP <- IN|TO)))) !<: (S !< (VP < TO))) !$++ (CC $++ =target))");

     * The "complementizer" grammatical relation is a discontinued grammatical relation. A
     * A complementizer of a clausal complement was the word introducing it.
     * It only matched "that" or "whether". We've now merged this in with "mark" which plays a similar
     * role with other clausal modifiers.
     * <br>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "He says that you like to swim" &rarr;
     * {@code complm}(like, that)

     * The "marker" grammatical relation.  A marker is the word introducing a finite clause subordinate to another clause.
     * For a complement clause, this will typically be "that" or "whether".
     * For an adverbial clause, the marker is typically a preposition like "while" or "although".
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "U.S. forces have been engaged in intense fighting after insurgents launched simultaneous attacks" &rarr;
     * {@code mark}(launched, after)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation MARKER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "mark", "marker",
            MODIFIER, "SBAR(?:-TMP)?", tregexCompiler, "SBAR|SBAR-TMP < (IN|DT=target $++ S|FRAG)",
            "SBAR < (IN|DT=target < that|whether) [ $-- /^(?:VB|AUX)/ | $- NP|NN|NNS | > ADJP|PP | > (@NP|UCP|SBAR < CC|CONJP $-- /^(?:VB|AUX)/) ]");

     * The "adjectival modifier" grammatical relation.  An adjectival
     * modifier of an NP is any adjectival phrase that serves to modify
     * the meaning of the NP.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Sam eats red meat" &rarr;
     * {@code amod}(meat, red) <br>
     * The relation amod is also used for multiword country adjectives, despite their
     * questionable treebank representation.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "the West German economy" &rarr;
     * {@code amod}(German, West),
     * {@code amod}(economy, German)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation ADJECTIVAL_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "amod",
            "adjectival modifier", MODIFIER, "NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML|NAC|WHNP|ADJP", tregexCompiler,
            "/^(?:NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML|NAC|WHNP)$/ < (ADJP|WHADJP|JJ|JJR|JJS|JJP|VBN|VBG|VBD|IN=target !< (QP !< /^[$]$/) !$- CC)",
            // IN above is needed for "next" in "next week" etc., which is often tagged IN.
            "ADJP !< CC|CONJP < (JJ|NNP $ JJ|NNP=target)",
            // Cover the case of "John, 34, works at Stanford" - similar to an expression for appos
            "WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < (NP=target <: CD $- /^,$/ $-- /^(?:WH)?NP/ !$ CC|CONJP)");

     * The "numeric modifier" grammatical relation.  A numeric
     * modifier of an NP is any number phrase that serves to modify
     * the meaning of the NP.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Sam eats 3 sheep" &rarr;
     * {@code num}(sheep, 3)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation NUMERIC_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "num",
            "numeric modifier", MODIFIER, "(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NML|NX|ADJP|WHADJP|QP", tregexCompiler,
            "/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < (CD|QP=target !$- CC)",
            // $ is so phrases such as "$ 100 million buyout" get amod(buyout, $)
            "/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < (ADJP=target <: (QP !< /^[$]$/))",
            // Phrases such as $ 100 million get converted from (QP ($ $) (CD 100) (CD million)) to
            // (QP ($ $) (QP (CD 100) (CD million))).  This next tregex covers those phrases.
            // Note that the earlier tregexes are usually enough to cover those phrases, such as when
            // the QP is by itself in an ADJP or NP, but sometimes it can have other siblings such
            // as in the phrase "$ 100 million or more".  In that case, this next expression is needed.
            "QP < QP=target < /^[$]$/");

     * The "compound number modifier" grammatical relation.  A compound number
     * modifier is a part of a number phrase or currency amount.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "I lost $ 3.2 billion" &rarr;
     * {@code number}($, billion)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation NUMBER_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "number",
            "compound number modifier", MODIFIER, "QP|ADJP", tregexCompiler,
            "QP|ADJP < (/^(?:CD|$|#)$/=target !$- CC)");

     * The "quantifier phrase modifier" grammatical relation.  A quantifier
     * modifier is an element modifying the head of a QP constituent.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "About 200 people came to the party" &rarr;
     * {@code quantmod}(200, About)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation QUANTIFIER_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "quantmod", "quantifier modifier", MODIFIER, "QP", tregexCompiler,
            "QP < IN|RB|RBR|RBS|PDT|DT|JJ|JJR|JJS|XS=target");

     * The "noun compound modifier" grammatical relation.  A noun compound
     * modifier of an NP is any noun that serves to modify the head noun.
     * Note that this has all nouns modify the rightmost a la Penn headship
     * rules.  There is no intelligent noun compound analysis.
     * <br>
     * We eliminate nouns that are detected as part of a POS, since that
     * will turn into the dependencies denoting possession instead.
     * Note we have to include (VBZ &lt; /^\'s$/) as part of the POS
     * elimination, since quite a lot of text such as
     * "yesterday's widely published sequester" was misannotated as a
     * VBZ instead of a POS.  TODO: remove that if a revised PTB is ever
     * released.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Oil price futures" &rarr;
     * {@code nn}(futures, oil),
     * {@code nn}(futures, price) <br>
    public static final GrammaticalRelation NOUN_COMPOUND_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "nn",
            "nn modifier", MODIFIER, "(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NAC|NML|ADVP|ADJP)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?", tregexCompiler,
            "/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NAC|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < (NP|NML|NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|FW|AFX=target $++ NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|FW|CD=sister !<<- POS !<<- (VBZ < /^\'s$/) !$- /^,$/ !$++ (POS $++ =sister))",
            "/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NAC|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < JJ|JJR|JJS=sister < (NP|NML|NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|FW=target !<<- POS !<<- (VBZ < /^\'s$/) $+ =sister) <# NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS !<<- POS !<<- (VBZ < /^\'s$/) ",
            // in vitro, in vivo, etc., in Genia
            // matches against "etc etc"
            "ADJP|ADVP < (FW [ $- (FW=target !< /^(?i:etc)$/) | $- (IN=target < in|In) ] )");

     * There used to be a relation "abbrev" for when abbreviations were defined in brackets after a noun
     * phrase, like "the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)", but it has now been disbanded, and
     * subsumed under appos.

     * The "appositional modifier" grammatical relation.  An appositional
     * modifier of an NP is an NP that serves to modify
     * the meaning of the NP.  It includes parenthesized examples, as well as defining abbreviations.
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "Sam, my brother, eats red meat" &rarr;
     * {@code appos}(Sam, brother) <br>
     * "Bill (John's cousin)" &rarr; {@code appos}(Bill, cousin).
     * "The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)" &rarr;
     *  {@code appos}(Corporation, ABC)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation APPOSITIONAL_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "appos", "appositional modifier", MODIFIER, "(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?", tregexCompiler,
            "WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < (NP=target !<: CD $- /^,$/ $-- /^(?:WH)?NP/) !< CC|CONJP !< "
                    + FW_ETC_PAT + " !< " + ETC_PAT,
            "WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < (PRN=target < (NP < /^(?:NN|CD)/ $-- /^-LRB-$/ $+ /^-RRB-$/))",
            // NP-ADV is a npadvmod, NP-TMP is a tmod
            "@WHNP|NP < (NP=target !<: CD <, /^-LRB-$/ <` /^-RRB-$/ $-- /^(?:WH)?NP/ !$ CC|CONJP)",
            // TODO: next pattern with NNP doesn't work because leftmost NNP is deemed head in a
            // structure like (NP (NNP Norway) (, ,) (NNP Verdens_Gang) (, ,))
            "NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < (NNP $+ (/^,$/ $+ NNP=target)) !< CC|CONJP !< " + FW_ETC_PAT + " !< " + ETC_PAT,
            // find abbreviations
            // for biomedical English, the former NNP heuristic really doesn't work, because they use NN for all chemical entities
            // while not unfoolable, this version produces less false positives and more true positives.
            "WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < (PRN=target <, /^-LRB-$/ <- /^-RRB-$/ !<< /^(?:POS|(?:WP|PRP)\\$|[,$#]|CC|RB|CD)$/ <+(NP) (NNP|NN < /^(?:[A-Z]\\.?){2,}/) )",
            // Handles cases such as "(NP (Her daughter) Jordan)"
            "WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < (NP=target <: NNP $- (/^(?:WH)?NP/ !< POS)) !< CC|CONJP !< "
                    + FW_ETC_PAT + " !< " + ETC_PAT);

     * The "discourse element" grammatical relation. This is used for interjections and
     * other discourse particles and elements (which are not clearly linked to the structure
     * of the sentence, except in an expressive way). We generally follow the
     * guidelines of what the Penn Treebanks count as an INTJ.  They
     * define this to include: interjections (oh, uh-huh, Welcome), fillers (um, ah),
     * and discourse markers (well, like, actually, but not: you know).
     * We also use it for emoticons.
    public static final GrammaticalRelation DISCOURSE_ELEMENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "discourse", "discourse element", MODIFIER, ".*", tregexCompiler,
            "__ < (NFP=target [ < " + WESTERN_SMILEY + " | < " + ASIAN_SMILEY + " ] )",
            "__ [ < INTJ=target | < (PRN=target <1 /^(?:,|-LRB-)$/ <2 INTJ [ !<3 __ | <3 /^(?:,|-RRB-)$/ ] ) ]");

     * The "verb modifier" grammatical relation.  A verb
     * modifier of an NP, VP, or S is a S/VP[part] that serves to modify
     * the meaning of the NP or VP.
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "truffles picked during the spring are tasty" &rarr;
     * {@code vmod}(truffles, picked) <br>
     * "Bill picked Fred for the team demonstrating his incompetence" &rarr;
     * {@code vmod}(picked, demonstrating) <br>
     * "points to establish are ..." &rarr;
     * {@code vmod}(points, establish) <br>
     * "who am i to judge" &rarr;
     * {@code vmod}(who, judge) <br>
    public static final GrammaticalRelation VERBAL_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "vmod",
            "verb modifier", MODIFIER, "(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NML|NX|VP|S|SINV|SBARQ", tregexCompiler,
            "WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV|NML|NX < (VP=target < VBG|VBN|VBD $-- @NP|NML|NX)", // also allow VBD since it quite often occurs in treebank errors and parse errors
            // to get "MBUSA, headquartered ..."
            // Allows an adverb to come before the participle
            "WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV|NML|NX < (/^,$/ $+ (VP=target [ <1 VBG|VBN | <2 (VBG|VBN $-- ADVP) ]))",
            // to get "John, knowing ..., announced "
            // allowing both VP=verb and VP <1 VP=verb catches
            // conjunctions of two VP clauses
            "S|SINV < (S=target (< VP=verb | < (VP <1 VP=verb)) [ $- (/^,$/ [ $- @NP | $- (@PP $ @NP) ] ) | $+ (/^,$/ $+ @NP) ] ) : (=verb [ <1 VBG|VBN | <2 (VBG|VBN $-- ADVP) ])",
            "(VP < (@S=target < (VP [ <1 VBG|VBN | <2 (VBG|VBN $-- ADVP) ]) $- (/^,$/ [$- @NP|VP | $- (@PP $-- @NP ) |$- (@ADVP $-- @NP)])))",
            // What are you wearing dancing tonight?
            "(VP < (S=target < (VP < VBG) $-- VBG=ing !$-- (/^[:]$/ $-- =ing)))",
            // We could use something like this keying off -ADV annotation, but not yet operational, as we don't keep S-ADV, only NP-ADV
            // "VP < (/^S-ADV$/=target < (VP <, VBG|VBN) )",
            // they wrote asking the SEC to ...
            "VP < (S=target $-- NP < (VP < TO) !$-- (/^V/ < " + xcompVerbRegex + ") )",
            "/^NP(?:-[A-Z]+)?$/ < (S=target < (VP < TO) $-- NP|NN|NNP|NNS)",
            "/^NP(?:-[A-Z]+)?$/ < (SBAR=target < (S < (VP < TO)) $-- NP|NN|NNP|NNS)",
            "SBARQ < WHNP < (S=target < (VP <1 TO))");

     * The "adverbial modifier" grammatical relation.  An adverbial
     * modifier of a word is a (non-clausal) RB or ADVP that serves to modify
     * the meaning of the word.<p>
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "genetically modified food" &rarr;
     * {@code advmod}(modified, genetically) <br>
     * "less often" &rarr;
     * {@code advmod}(often, less)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation ADVERBIAL_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "advmod",
            "adverbial modifier", MODIFIER,
            "/^(?:VP|ADJP|JJP|WHADJP|SQ?|SBARQ?|SINV|XS|RRC|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?)$/ < (RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP=target !< "
                    + NOT_PAT + " !< " + ETC_PAT + ")",
            // avoids adverb conjunctions matching as advmod; added JJ to catch How long
            // "!< no" so we can get neg instead for "no foo" when no is tagged as RB
            // we allow CC|CONJP as long as it is not between the target and the head
            // TODO: perhaps remove that last clause if we transform
            // more and more, less and less, etc.
            "ADVP|WHADVP < (RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP|JJ=target !< " + NOT_PAT + " !< /^(?i:no)$/ !< " + ETC_PAT
                    + ") [ !< /^CC|CONJP$/ | ( <#__=head !< (/^CC|CONJP$/ [ ($++ =head $-- =target) | ($-- =head $++ =target) ])) ]",
            //this one gets "at least" advmod(at, least) or "fewer than" advmod(than, fewer)
            "SBAR < (WHNP=target < WRB)", "SBARQ <, WHADVP=target", "XS < JJ=target",
            // for PP, only ones before head, or after NP, since others afterwards are pcomp
            "/(?:WH)?PP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ <# (__ $-- (RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP=target !< " + NOT_PAT + " !< "
                    + ETC_PAT + "))",
            "/(?:WH)?PP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < @NP|WHNP < (RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP=target !< " + NOT_PAT + " !< "
                    + ETC_PAT + ")",
            "CONJP < (RB=target !< " + NOT_PAT + " !< " + ETC_PAT + ")",
            // Sometimes you have a JJ before a JJ in an ADJP. Make it advmod. Rule out capitalized for (old TB) "New York-based"
            "ADJP < (JJ|JJR|JJS=target $. JJ|JJR|JJS !< /^[A-Z]/) <# JJ|JJR|JJS !< (CC|CONJP)");

     * The "negation modifier" grammatical relation.  The negation modifier
     * is the relation between a negation word and the word it modifies.
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "Bill is not a scientist" &rarr;
     * {@code neg}(scientist, not) <br>
     * "Bill doesn't drive" &rarr;
     * {@code neg}(drive, n't)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation NEGATION_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "neg",
            "negation modifier", ADVERBIAL_MODIFIER,
            "/^(?:VP|NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADJP|SQ|S|FRAG|CONJP|PP)$/< (RB=target < " + NOT_PAT + ")",
            "VP|ADJP|S|SBAR|SINV|FRAG < (ADVP=target <# (RB < " + NOT_PAT + "))",
            "VP > SQ $-- (RB=target < " + NOT_PAT + ")",
            // the commented out parts were relevant for the "det",
            // but don't seem to matter for the "neg" relation
            "/^(?:NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NAC|NML|NX|ADJP|ADVP)$/ < (DT|RB=target < /^(?i:no)$/ "
                    + /* !$++ CC */ " $++ /^(?:N[MNXP]|CD|JJ|JJR|FW|ADJP|QP|RB|RBR|PRP(?![$])|PRN)/ "
                    + /* =det !$++ (/^PRP[$]|POS/ $++ =det !$++ (/''/ $++ =det)) */ ")",
            // catches "no more", possibly others as well
            // !< CC|CONJP catches phrases such as "no more or less", which maybe should be preconj
            "ADVP|WHADVP < (RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP|JJ=target < /^(?i:no)$/) !< CC|CONJP");

     * The "noun phrase as adverbial modifier" grammatical relation.
     * This relation captures various places where something syntactically a noun
     * phrase is used as an adverbial modifier in a sentence.  These usages include:
     * <ul>
     * <li> A measure phrase, which is the relation between
     * the head of an ADJP/ADVP and the head of a measure-phrase modifying the ADJP/ADVP.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "The director is 65 years old" &rarr;
     * {@code npadvmod}(old, years)
     * </li>
     * <li> Noun phrases giving extent inside a VP which are not objects
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Shares eased a fraction" &rarr;
     * {@code npadvmod}(eased, fraction)
     * </li>
     * <li> Financial constructions involving an adverbial or PP-like NP, notably
     * the following construction where the NP means "per share"
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "IBM earned $ 5 a share" &rarr;
     * {@code npadvmod}($, share)
     * </li>
     * <li>Reflexives
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "The silence is itself significant" &rarr;
     * {@code npadvmod}(significant, itself)
     * </li>
     * <li>Certain other absolutive NP constructions.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "90% of Australians like him, the most of any country" &rarr;
     * {@code npadvmod}(like, most)
     * <li>Participial pre-modifiers of nouns
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Gun - toting guards arrived" &rarr;
     * {@code npadvmod}(toting, Gun)
     * </ul>
     * A temporal modifier (tmod) is a subclass of npadvmod which is distinguished
     * as a separate relation.
    public static final GrammaticalRelation NP_ADVERBIAL_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "npadvmod", "noun phrase adverbial modifier", MODIFIER, "VP|(?:WH)?(?:NP|ADJP|ADVP|PP)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?",
            "@ADVP|ADJP|WHADJP|WHADVP|PP|WHPP <# (JJ|JJR|IN|RB|RBR !< notwithstanding $- (@NP=target !< NNP|NNPS))",
            // one word nouns like "cost efficient", "ice-free"
            "@ADJP < (NN=target $++ /^JJ/) !< CC|CONJP", "@NP|WHNP < /^NP-ADV/=target",
            // Mr. Bush himself ..., in a couple different parse
            // patterns.  Looking for CC|CONJP leaves out phrases such
            // as "he and myself"
            "@NP|WHNP [ < (NP=target <: (PRP < " + selfRegex + ")) | < (PRP=target < " + selfRegex
                    + ") ] : (=target $-- NP|NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|PRP=noun !$-- (/^,|CC|CONJP$/ $-- =noun))",
            // this next one is for weird financial listings: 4.7% three months
            "@NP <1 (@NP <<# /^%$/) <2 (@NP=target <<# days|month|months) !<3 __", "@VP < /^NP-ADV/=target",
            // For cases like "some uzi - toting guards" with new tokenization
            "@ADJP > @NP < (@NP|NN|NNP|NNS|NNPS=target . (HYPH . VBN|VBG))");

     * The "temporal modifier" grammatical relation.  A temporal
     * modifier of a VP or an ADJP is any constituent that serves to modify the
     * meaning of the VP or the ADJP by specifying a time; a temporal modifier of a
     * clause is an temporal modifier of the VP which is the
     * predicate of that clause.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Last night, I swam in the pool" &rarr;
     * {@code tmod}(swam, night)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation TEMPORAL_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "tmod",
            "temporal modifier", NP_ADVERBIAL_MODIFIER, "VP|S|ADJP|PP|SBAR|SBARQ|NP|RRC", tregexCompiler,
            "VP|ADJP|RRC [ < NP-TMP=target | < (VP=target <# NP-TMP !$ /^,|CC|CONJP$/) | < (NP=target <# (/^NN/ < "
                    + timeWordRegex + ") !$+ (/^JJ/ < old)) ]",
            // CDM Jan 2010: For constructions like "during the same period last year"
            // combining expressions into a single disjunction should improve speed a little
            "@PP < (IN|TO|VBG|FW $++ (@NP [ $+ NP-TMP=target | $+ (NP=target <# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex
                    + ")) ]))",
            "S < (NP-TMP=target $++ VP $ NP )",
            "S < (NP=target <# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex + ") $++ (NP $++ VP))",
            // matches when relative clauses as temporal modifiers of verbs!
            "SBAR < (@WHADVP < (WRB < when)) < (S < (NP $+ (VP !< (/^(?:VB|AUX)/ < " + copularWordRegex
                    + " !$+ VP) ))) !$-- CC $-- NP > NP=target",
            "SBARQ < (@WHNP=target <# (/^NN/ < " + timeWordRegex + ")) < (SQ < @NP)", "NP < NP-TMP=target");

     * The "multi-word expression" grammatical relation.
     * This covers various multi-word constructions for which it would
     * seem pointless or arbitrary to claim grammatical relations between words:
     * as well as, rather than, instead of, but also;
     * such as, because of, all but, in addition to ....
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "dogs as well as cats" &rarr;
     * {@code mwe}(well, as)<br>
     * {@code mwe}(well, as)<br>
     * "fewer than 700 bottles" &rarr;
     * {@code mwe}(than, fewer)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation MULTI_WORD_EXPRESSION = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "mwe",
            "multi-word expression", MODIFIER, "PP|XS|ADVP|CONJP", tregexCompiler,
            "PP|XS < (IN|TO < as|of|at|to|in) < (JJ|IN|JJR|JJS|NN=target < such|because|Because|least|instead|due|Due|addition|to)",
            "ADVP < (RB|IN < well) < (IN|RB|JJS=target < as)",
            // TODO: perhaps the phrase "all but" is more like "all" and should have that as the head
            "ADVP < (DT=target < all) < (CC < but)",
            "CONJP < (RB < rather|well|instead) < (RB|IN=target < as|than|of)",
            "CONJP < (IN < in) < (NN|TO=target < addition|to)",
            // todo: note inconsistent head finding for "rather than"!
            "XS < JJR|JJS=target" // more than, fewer than, well over -- maybe change some of these?

    /* mihai: this block needs to be uncommented to get the KBP 2010 system to work (due to the cached sentences using old code)
     * (Note: in 2011, the measure phrase relation was collapsed into the scope of npadvmod, rather than being separated out.)
     * The "measure-phrase" grammatical relation. The measure-phrase is the relation between
     * the head of an ADJP/ADVP and the head of a measure-phrase modifying the ADJP/ADVP.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "The director is 65 years old" &rarr;
     * {@code measure}(old, years)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation MEASURE_PHRASE =
      new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "measure", "measure-phrase",
    MODIFIER, "ADJP|ADVP", tregexCompiler,
    new String[] {
      "ADJP <- JJ <, (NP=target !< NNP)",
      "ADVP|ADJP <# (JJ|IN $- NP=target)"
    */ // mihai: end block

     * The "determiner" grammatical relation.
     * Examples: <br>
     * "The man is here" &rarr; {@code det}(man,the) <br>
     * "Which man do you prefer?" &rarr; {@code det}(man,which) <br>
     * (The ADVP match is because sometimes "a little" or "every time" is tagged
     * as an AVDVP with POS tags straight under it.)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation DETERMINER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "det",
            "determiner", MODIFIER, "(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NAC|NML|NX|X|ADVP|ADJP", tregexCompiler,
            "/^(?:NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NAC|NML|NX|X)$/ < (DT=target !< /^(?i:either|neither|both|no)$/ !$+ DT !$++ CC $++ /^(?:N[MNXP]|CD|JJ|FW|ADJP|QP|RB|PRP(?![$])|PRN)/=det !$++ (/^PRP[$]|POS/ $++ =det !$++ (/''/ $++ =det)))",
            "NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < (DT=target [ (< /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ !$+ DT !$++ CC $++ /^(?:NN|NX|NML)/ !$++ (NP < CC)) | "
                    + "(!< /^(?i:either|neither|both|no)$/ $++ CC $++ /^(?:NN|NX|NML)/) | "
                    + "(!< /^(?i:no)$/ $++ (/^JJ/ !$+ /^NN/) !$++CC !$+ DT) ] )",
            // "NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < (RB=target $++ (/^PDT$/ $+ /^NN/))", // todo: This matches nothing. Was it meant to be a PDT rule for (NP almost/RB no/DT chairs/NNS)?
            "NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV <<, PRP <- (NP|DT|RB=target <<- all|both|each)", // we all, them all; various structures
            "WHNP < (NP $-- (WHNP=target < WDT))",
            // testing against CC|CONJP avoids conflicts with preconj in
            // phrases such as "both foo and bar"
            // however, we allow WDT|WP to account for "what foo or bar" and "whatever foo or bar"
            "@WHNP|ADVP|ADJP < (/^(?:NP|NN|CD|RBS|JJ)/ $-- (DT|WDT|WP=target !< /^(?i:no)$/ [ ==WDT|WP | !$++ CC|CONJP ]))",
            "@NP < (/^(?:NP|NN|CD|RBS)/ $-- WDT|WP=target)");

     * The "predeterminer" grammatical relation.
     * <p> <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "All the boys are here" &rarr; {@code predet}(boys,all)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation PREDETERMINER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "predet",
            "predeterminer", MODIFIER, "(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NAC|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?", tregexCompiler,
            "/^(?:(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NAC|NML)$/ < (PDT|DT=target $+ /^(?:DT|WP\\$|PRP\\$)$/ $++ /^(?:NN|NX|NML)/ !$++ CC)",
            "WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < (PDT|DT=target $+ DT $++ (/^JJ/ !$+ /^NN/)) !$++ CC",
            "WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < PDT=target <- DT");

     * The "preconjunct" grammatical relation.
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "Both the boys and the girls are here" &rarr; {@code preconj}(boys,both)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation PRECONJUNCT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "preconj",
            "preconjunct", MODIFIER, "S|VP|ADJP|PP|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML|SBAR|NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?",
            tregexCompiler, "NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV|NX|NML < (PDT|CC|DT=target < /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ $++ CC)",
            "NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV|NX|NML < (CONJP=target < (RB < /^(?i:not)$/) < (RB|JJ < /^(?i:only|merely|just)$/) $++ CC|CONJP)",
            // This matches weird/wrong NP-internal preconjuncts where you get (NP PDT (NP NP CC NP)) or similar
            "NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV|NX|NML < (PDT|CC|DT=target < /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ ) < (NP < CC)",
            "/^S|VP|ADJP|PP|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML|SBAR$/ < (PDT|DT|CC=target < /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ $++ CC)",
            "/^S|VP|ADJP|PP|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML|SBAR$/ < (CONJP=target < (RB < /^(?i:not)$/) < (RB|JJ < /^(?i:only|merely|just)$/) $++ CC|CONJP)");

     * The "possession" grammatical relation between the possessum and the possessor.<p>
     * </p>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "their offices" &rarr;
     * {@code poss}(offices, their)<br>
     * "Bill 's clothes" &rarr;
     * {@code poss}(clothes, Bill)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation POSSESSION_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "poss",
            "possession modifier", MODIFIER, "(?:WH)?(NP|ADJP|INTJ|PRN|NAC|NX|NML)(?:-.*)?", tregexCompiler,
            "/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|INTJ|ADJP|PRN|NAC|NX|NML)(?:-.*)?$/ < /^(?:WP\\$|PRP\\$)$/=target",
            // todo: possessive pronoun under ADJP needs more work for one case of (ADJP his or her own)
            // basic NP possessive: we want to allow little conjunctions in head noun (NP (NP ... POS) NN CC NN) but not falsely match when there are conjoined NPs.  See tests.
            "/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML)(?:-.*)?$/ [ < (WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML=target [ < POS | < (VBZ < /^'s$/) ] ) !< (CC|CONJP $++ WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML) |  < (WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML=target < (CC|CONJP $++ WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML) < (WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML [ < POS | < (VBZ < /^'s$/) ] )) ]",
            // handle a few too flat NPs
            // note that ' matches both ' and 's
            "/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML|NX)(?:-.*)?$/ < (/^NN|NP/=target $++ (POS=pos < /\'/ $++ /^NN/) !$++ (/^NN|NP/ $++ =pos))");

     * The "possessive" grammatical relation.  This is the relation given to
     * 's (or ' with plurals).<p>
     * </p>
     * Example: <br>
     * "John's book" &rarr;
     * {@code possessive}(John, 's)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation POSSESSIVE_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "possessive", "possessive modifier", MODIFIER, "(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?", tregexCompiler,
            "/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < POS=target",
            "/^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < (VBZ=target < /^'s$/)");

     * The "prepositional modifier" grammatical relation.  A prepositional
     * modifier of a verb, adjective, or noun is any prepositional phrase that serves to modify
     * the meaning of the verb, adjective, or noun.
     * We also generate prep modifiers of PPs to account for treebank (PP PP PP) constructions
     * (from 1984 through 2002). <p>
     * <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "I saw a cat in a hat" &rarr;
     * {@code prep}(cat, in) <br>
     * "I saw a cat with a telescope" &rarr;
     * {@code prep}(saw, with) <br>
     * "He is responsible for meals" &rarr;
     * {@code prep}(responsible, for)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation PREPOSITIONAL_MODIFIER = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English,
            "prep", "prepositional modifier", MODIFIER, ".*", tregexCompiler,
            "/^(?:(?:WH)?(?:NP|ADJP|ADVP|NX|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|VP|NAC|SQ|FRAG|PRN|X|RRC)$/ < (WHPP|WHPP-TMP|PP|PP-TMP=target !$- (@CC|CONJP $- __)) !<- "
                    + ETC_PAT + " !<- " + FW_ETC_PAT,
            "/^(?:(?:WH)?(?:NP|ADJP|ADVP|NX|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|VP|NAC|SQ|FRAG|PRN|X|RRC)$/ < (S=target <: WHPP|WHPP-TMP|PP|PP-TMP)",
            // only allow a PP < PP one if there is not a conj, verb, or other pattern that matches pcomp under it.  Else pcomp
            "S|SINV < (PP|PP-TMP=target !< SBAR) < VP|S", "SBAR|SBARQ < /^(?:WH)?PP/=target < S|SQ",
            "@NP < (@UCP|PRN=target <# @PP)");

     * The "phrasal verb particle" grammatical relation.  The "phrasal verb particle"
     * relation identifies phrasal verb.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "They shut down the station." &rarr;
     * {@code prt}(shut, down)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation PHRASAL_VERB_PARTICLE = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "prt",
            "phrasal verb particle", MODIFIER, "VP|ADJP", tregexCompiler, "VP < PRT=target",
            "ADJP < /^VB/ < RP=target");

     * The "parataxis" grammatical relation. Relation between the main verb of a sentence
     * and other sentential elements, such as a sentential parenthetical, a sentence after a ":" or a ";", when two
     * sentences are juxtaposed next to each other without any coordinator or subordinator, etc.
     * <p> <br>
     * Examples: <br>
     * "The guy, John said, left early in the morning." &rarr; {@code parataxis}(left,said) <br>
     * "
    public static final GrammaticalRelation PARATAXIS = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "parataxis",
            "parataxis", DEPENDENT, "S|VP", tregexCompiler, "VP < (PRN=target < S|SINV|SBAR)", // parenthetical
            "VP $ (PRN=target [ < S|SINV|SBAR | < VP < @NP ] )", // parenthetical
            // The next relation handles a colon between sentences
            // and similar punct such as --
            // Sometimes these are lists, especially in the case of ";",
            // so we don't trigger if there is a CC|CONJP that occurs
            // anywhere other than the first child
            // First child can occur in rare circumstances such as
            // "But even if he agrees -- which he won't -- etc etc"
            "S|VP < (/^:$/ $+ /^S/=target) !<, (__ $++ CC|CONJP)",
            // two juxtaposed sentences; common in web materials (but this also matches quite a few wsj things)
            "@S < (@S|SBARQ $++ @S|SBARQ=target !$++ @CC|CONJP)",
            "@S|VP < (/^:$/ $-- /^V/ $+ @NP=target) !< @CONJP|CC" // sometimes CC cases are right node raising, etc.

     * The "goes with" grammatical relation.  This corresponds to use of the GW (goes with) part-of-speech tag
     * in the recent Penn Treebanks. It marks partial words that should be combined with some other word. <p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "They come here with out legal permission." &rarr;
     * {@code goeswith}(out, with)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation GOES_WITH = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "goeswith",
            "goes with", MODIFIER, ".*", tregexCompiler, "__ < GW=target");

     * The "semantic dependent" grammatical relation has been
     * introduced as a supertype for the controlling subject relation.
    public static final GrammaticalRelation SEMANTIC_DEPENDENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "sdep",
            "semantic dependent", DEPENDENT);

     * The "agent" grammatical relation. The agent of a passive VP
     * is the complement introduced by "by" and doing the action.<p>
     * <br>
     * Example: <br>
     * "The man has been killed by the police" &rarr;
     * {@code agent}(killed, police)
    public static final GrammaticalRelation AGENT = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "agent", "agent",

    // TODO would be nice to have this set up automatically...
     * A list of GrammaticalRelation values.  New GrammaticalRelations must be
     * added to this list (until we make this an enum!).
     * The GR recognizers are tried in the order listed.  A taxonomic
     * relationship trumps an ordering relationship, but otherwise, the first
     * listed relation will appear in dependency output.  Known ordering
     * constraints where both match include:
     * <ul>
     * </ul>
     * Note: You should never directly access the values variable but
     * rather access it through a concurrency mechanism. See immediately
     * below in the code.
    @SuppressWarnings({ "RedundantArrayCreation" })
    private static final List<GrammaticalRelation> values = Generics
            .newArrayList(Arrays.asList(new GrammaticalRelation[] { GOVERNOR, DEPENDENT, PREDICATE, AUX_MODIFIER,
                    GOES_WITH, }));

    // Cache frequently used views of the values list
    private static final List<GrammaticalRelation> synchronizedValues = Collections.synchronizedList(values);
    private static final List<GrammaticalRelation> unmodifiableSynchronizedValues = Collections

    /** If you need exclusive access to these values lists, then you should
     *  take out a valuesLock. If you are writing to the list, you should take
     *  out a writeLock. If you are doing reading things that require atomicity
     *  beyond single operations, such as iterating over the list, then you should
     *  take out a read lock.
    public static final ReadWriteLock valuesLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

    // Map from English GrammaticalRelation short names to their corresponding
    // GrammaticalRelation objects
    public static final Map<String, GrammaticalRelation> shortNameToGRel = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    static {
        try {
            for (GrammaticalRelation gr : values()) {
                shortNameToGRel.put(gr.toString().toLowerCase(), gr);
        } finally {

    /** Return a synchronized list of the known GrammaticalRelation entries. */
    public static List<GrammaticalRelation> values() {
        return unmodifiableSynchronizedValues;

    /** Returns a readLock for the grammatical relations values list.
     *  Take out one of these if you want to iterate over the values list.
     *  @return A readLock on the values list
    public static Lock valuesLock() {
        return valuesLock.readLock();

     * This method is meant to be called when you want to add a relation
     * to the values list in a thread-safe manner.  Currently, this method
     * is always used in preference to values.add() because we expect to
     * add new EnglishGrammaticalRelations very rarely, so the eased
     * concurrency seems to outweigh the fairly slight cost of thread-safe
     * access.
     * @param relation the relation to be added to the values list
    private static void threadSafeAddRelation(GrammaticalRelation relation) {
        try { // try-finally structure taken from Javadoc code sample for ReentrantReadWriteLock
            shortNameToGRel.put(relation.toString(), relation);
        } finally {

    // the exhaustive list of conjunction relations
    private static final Map<String, GrammaticalRelation> conjs = Generics.newConcurrentHashMap();

    public static Collection<GrammaticalRelation> getConjs() {
        return conjs.values();

     * The "conj" grammatical relation. Used to collapse conjunct relations.
     * They will be turned into conj_word, where "word" is a conjunction.
     * @param conjunctionString The conjunction to make a GrammaticalRelation out of
     * @return A grammatical relation for this conjunction
    public static GrammaticalRelation getConj(String conjunctionString) {
        GrammaticalRelation result = conjs.get(conjunctionString);
        if (result == null) {
            synchronized (conjs) {
                result = conjs.get(conjunctionString);
                if (result == null) {
                    result = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "conj", "conj_collapsed", CONJUNCT,
                    conjs.put(conjunctionString, result);
        return result;

    // the exhaustive list of preposition relations
    private static final Map<String, GrammaticalRelation> preps = Generics.newConcurrentHashMap();
    private static final Map<String, GrammaticalRelation> prepsC = Generics.newConcurrentHashMap();

    public static Collection<GrammaticalRelation> getPreps() {
        return preps.values();

    public static Collection<GrammaticalRelation> getPrepsC() {
        return prepsC.values();

     * The "prep" grammatical relation. Used to collapse prepositions.<p>
     * They will be turned into prep_word, where "word" is a preposition
     * @param prepositionString The preposition to make a GrammaticalRelation out of
     * @return A grammatical relation for this preposition
    public static GrammaticalRelation getPrep(String prepositionString) {
        GrammaticalRelation result = preps.get(prepositionString);
        if (result == null) {
            synchronized (preps) {
                result = preps.get(prepositionString);
                if (result == null) {
                    result = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "prep", "prep_collapsed",
                            PREPOSITIONAL_MODIFIER, prepositionString);
                    preps.put(prepositionString, result);
        return result;

     * The "prepc" grammatical relation. Used to collapse preposition
     * complements.<p>
     * They will be turned into prep_word, where "word" is a preposition
     * @param prepositionString The preposition to make a GrammaticalRelation out of
     * @return A grammatical relation for this preposition
    public static GrammaticalRelation getPrepC(String prepositionString) {
        GrammaticalRelation result = prepsC.get(prepositionString);
        if (result == null) {
            synchronized (prepsC) {
                result = prepsC.get(prepositionString);
                if (result == null) {
                    result = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.English, "prepc", "prepc_collapsed", DEPENDENT,
                    prepsC.put(prepositionString, result);
        return result;

     * Returns the EnglishGrammaticalRelation having the given string
     * representation (e.g. "nsubj"), or null if no such is found.
     * @param s The short name of the GrammaticalRelation
     * @return The EnglishGrammaticalRelation with that name
    public static GrammaticalRelation valueOf(String s) {
        return GrammaticalRelation.valueOf(s, synchronizedValues, valuesLock());

        //    // TODO does this need to be changed?
        //    // modification NOTE: do not commit until go-ahead
        //    // If this is a collapsed relation (indicated by a "_" separating
        //    // the type and the dependent, instantiate a collapsed version.
        //    // Currently handcode against conjunctions and prepositions, but
        //    // should do this in a more robust fashion.
        //    String[] tuples = s.trim().split("_", 2);
        //    if (tuples.length == 2) {
        //      String reln = tuples[0];
        //      String specific = tuples[1];
        //      if (reln.equals(PREPOSITIONAL_MODIFIER.getShortName())) {
        //        return getPrep(specific);
        //      } else if (reln.equals(CONJUNCT.getShortName())) {
        //        return getConj(specific);
        //      }
        //    }
        //    return null;

     * Returns an EnglishGrammaticalRelation based on the argument.
     * It works if passed a GrammaticalRelation or the String
     * representation of one (e.g., "nsubj").  It returns {@code null}
     * for other classes or if no string match is found.
     * @param o A GrammaticalRelation or String
     * @return The EnglishGrammaticalRelation with that name
    public static GrammaticalRelation valueOf(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof GrammaticalRelation) {
            return (GrammaticalRelation) o;
        } else if (o instanceof String) {
            return valueOf((String) o);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Prints out the English grammatical relations hierarchy.
     * See {@code EnglishGrammaticalStructure} for a main method that
     * will print the grammatical relations of a sentence or tree.
     * @param args Args are ignored.
    public static void main(String[] args) {