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  // Stanford JavaNLP support classes
  // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 The Board of Trustees of
  // The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.
  // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
  // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
  // For more information, bug reports, fixes, contact:
  //    Christopher Manning
  //    Dept of Computer Science, Gates 1A
  //    Stanford CA 94305-9010
  //    USA

  package edu.stanford.nlp.stats;

  import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
  import java.text.NumberFormat;
  import java.util.AbstractCollection;
  import java.util.AbstractMap;
  import java.util.AbstractSet;
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.Collection;
  import java.util.Collections;
  import java.util.Comparator;
  import java.util.HashSet;
  import java.util.Iterator;
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.Map;
  import java.util.Random;
  import java.util.Set;
  import java.util.Map.Entry;
  import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator;
  import java.util.function.Function;
  import java.util.function.Predicate;
  import java.util.regex.Pattern;

  import edu.stanford.nlp.math.ArrayMath;
  import edu.stanford.nlp.math.SloppyMath;
  import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*;
  import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;
  import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.PrettyLogger;
  import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood.RedwoodChannels;

   * Static methods for operating on a {@link Counter}.
   * All methods that change their arguments change the <i>first</i> argument
   * (only), and have "InPlace" in their name. This class also provides access to
   * Comparators that can be used to sort the keys or entries of this Counter by
   * the counts, in either ascending or descending order.
   * @author Galen Andrew (
   * @author Jeff Michels (
   * @author dramage
   * @author daniel cer (
   * @author Christopher Manning
   * @author stefank (Optimized dot product)
  public class Counters {

      /** A logger for this class */
      private static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(Counters.class);

      private static final double LOG_E_2 = Math.log(2.0);

      private Counters() {
      } // only static methods

      // Log arithmetic operations

       * Returns ArrayMath.logSum of the values in this counter.
       * @param c Argument counter (which is not modified)
       * @return ArrayMath.logSum of the values in this counter.
      public static <E> double logSum(Counter<E> c) {
          return ArrayMath.logSum(ArrayMath.unbox(c.values()));

       * Transform log space values into a probability distribution in place. On the
       * assumption that the values in the Counter are in log space, this method
       * calculates their sum, and then subtracts the log of their sum from each
       * element. That is, if a counter has keys c1, c2, c3 with values v1, v2, v3,
       * the value of c1 becomes v1 - log(e^v1 + e^v2 + e^v3). After this, e^v1 +
       * e^v2 + e^v3 = 1.0, so Counters.logSum(c) = 0.0 (approximately).
       * @param c The Counter to log normalize in place
      @SuppressWarnings({ "UnnecessaryUnboxing" })
      public static <E> void logNormalizeInPlace(Counter<E> c) {
          double logsum = logSum(c);
          // for (E key : c.keySet()) {
          // c.incrementCount(key, -logsum);
          // }
          // This should be faster
          for (Map.Entry<E, Double> e : c.entrySet()) {
              e.setValue(e.getValue().doubleValue() - logsum);

      // Query operations

       * Returns the value of the maximum entry in this counter. This is also the
       * L_infinity norm. An empty counter is given a max value of
       * Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
       * @param c The Counter to find the max of
       * @return The maximum value of the Counter
      public static <E> double max(Counter<E> c) {
          return max(c, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); // note[gabor]: Should the default actually be 0 rather than negative_infinity?

       * Returns the value of the maximum entry in this counter. This is also the
       * L_infinity norm. An empty counter is given a max value of
       * Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
       * @param c The Counter to find the max of
       * @param valueIfEmpty The value to return if this counter is empty (i.e., the maximum is not well defined.
       * @return The maximum value of the Counter
      public static <E> double max(Counter<E> c, double valueIfEmpty) {
          if (c.size() == 0) {
              return valueIfEmpty;
          } else {
              double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
              for (double v : c.values()) {
                  max = Math.max(max, v);
              return max;

       * Takes in a Collection of something and makes a counter, incrementing once
       * for each object in the collection.
       * @param c The Collection to turn into a counter
       * @return The counter made out of the collection
      public static <E> Counter<E> asCounter(Collection<E> c) {
          Counter<E> count = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (E elem : c) {
          return count;

       * Returns the value of the smallest entry in this counter.
       * @param c The Counter (not modified)
       * @return The minimum value in the Counter
      public static <E> double min(Counter<E> c) {
          double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
          for (double v : c.values()) {
              min = Math.min(min, v);
          return min;

       * Finds and returns the key in the Counter with the largest count. Returning
       * null if count is empty.
       * @param c The Counter
       * @return The key in the Counter with the largest count.
      public static <E> E argmax(Counter<E> c) {
          return argmax(c, (x, y) -> 0, null);


       * Finds and returns the key in this Counter with the smallest count.
       * @param c The Counter
       * @return The key in the Counter with the smallest count.
      public static <E> E argmin(Counter<E> c) {
          double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
          E argmin = null;

          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              if (argmin == null || count < min) { // || (count == min &&, argmin) < 0)
                  min = count;
                  argmin = key;
          return argmin;

       * Finds and returns the key in the Counter with the largest count. Returning
       * null if count is empty.
       * @param c The Counter
       * @param tieBreaker the tie breaker for when elements have the same value.
       * @return The key in the Counter with the largest count.
      public static <E> E argmax(Counter<E> c, Comparator<E> tieBreaker) {
          return argmax(c, tieBreaker, (E) null);

       * Finds and returns the key in the Counter with the largest count. Returning
       * null if count is empty.
       * @param c The Counter
       * @param tieBreaker the tie breaker for when elements have the same value.
       * @param defaultIfEmpty The value to return if the counter is empty.
       * @return The key in the Counter with the largest count.
      public static <E> E argmax(Counter<E> c, Comparator<E> tieBreaker, E defaultIfEmpty) {
          if (Thread.interrupted()) { // A good place to check for interrupts -- called from many annotators
              throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
          if (c.size() == 0) {
              return defaultIfEmpty;
          double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
          E argmax = null;
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              if (argmax == null || count > max || (count == max &&, argmax) < 0)) {
                  max = count;
                  argmax = key;
          return argmax;

       * Finds and returns the key in this Counter with the smallest count.
       * @param c The Counter
       * @return The key in the Counter with the smallest count.
      public static <E> E argmin(Counter<E> c, Comparator<E> tieBreaker) {
          double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
          E argmin = null;

          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              if (argmin == null || count < min || (count == min &&, argmin) < 0)) {
                  min = count;
                  argmin = key;
          return argmin;

       * Returns the mean of all the counts (totalCount/size).
       * @param c The Counter to find the mean of.
       * @return The mean of all the counts (totalCount/size).
      public static <E> double mean(Counter<E> c) {
          return c.totalCount() / c.size();

      public static <E> double standardDeviation(Counter<E> c) {
          double std = 0;
          double mean = c.totalCount() / c.size();
          for (Map.Entry<E, Double> en : c.entrySet()) {
              std += (en.getValue() - mean) * (en.getValue() - mean);
          return Math.sqrt(std / c.size());

      // In-place arithmetic

       * Sets each value of target to be target[k]+scale*arg[k] for all keys k in
       * target.
       * @param target A Counter that is modified
       * @param arg The Counter whose contents are added to target
       * @param scale How the arg Counter is scaled before being added
      // TODO: Rewrite to use arg.entrySet()
      public static <E> void addInPlace(Counter<E> target, Counter<E> arg, double scale) {
          for (E key : arg.keySet()) {
              target.incrementCount(key, scale * arg.getCount(key));

       * Sets each value of target to be target[k]+arg[k] for all keys k in arg.
      public static <E> void addInPlace(Counter<E> target, Counter<E> arg) {
          for (Map.Entry<E, Double> entry : arg.entrySet()) {
              double count = entry.getValue();
              if (count != 0) {
                  target.incrementCount(entry.getKey(), count);

       * Sets each value of double[] target to be
       * target[idx.indexOf(k)]+a.getCount(k) for all keys k in arg
      public static <E> void addInPlace(double[] target, Counter<E> arg, Index<E> idx) {
          for (Map.Entry<E, Double> entry : arg.entrySet()) {
              target[idx.indexOf(entry.getKey())] += entry.getValue();

       * For all keys (u,v) in arg1 and arg2, sets return[u,v] to be summation of both.
       * @param <T1>
       * @param <T2>
      public static <T1, T2> TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> add(TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> arg1,
              TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> arg2) {
          TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> add = new TwoDimensionalCounter<>();
          Counters.addInPlace(add, arg1);
          Counters.addInPlace(add, arg2);
          return add;

      * For all keys (u,v) in arg, sets target[u,v] to be target[u,v] + scale *
      * arg[u,v].
      * @param <T1>
      * @param <T2>
      public static <T1, T2> void addInPlace(TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> target, TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> arg,
              double scale) {
          for (T1 outer : arg.firstKeySet())
              for (T2 inner : arg.secondKeySet()) {
                  target.incrementCount(outer, inner, scale * arg.getCount(outer, inner));

       * For all keys (u,v) in arg, sets target[u,v] to be target[u,v] + arg[u,v].
       * @param <T1>
       * @param <T2>
      public static <T1, T2> void addInPlace(TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> target,
              TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> arg) {
          for (T1 outer : arg.firstKeySet())
              for (T2 inner : arg.secondKeySet()) {
                  target.incrementCount(outer, inner, arg.getCount(outer, inner));

       * Sets each value of target to be target[k]+
       * value*(num-of-times-it-occurs-in-collection) if the key is present in the arg
       * collection.
      public static <E> void addInPlace(Counter<E> target, Collection<E> arg, double value) {
          for (E key : arg) {
              target.incrementCount(key, value);

       * For all keys (u,v) in target, sets target[u,v] to be target[u,v] + value
       * @param <T1>
       * @param <T2>
      public static <T1, T2> void addInPlace(TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> target, double value) {
          for (T1 outer : target.firstKeySet()) {
              addInPlace(target.getCounter(outer), value);

       * Sets each value of target to be target[k]+
       * num-of-times-it-occurs-in-collection if the key is present in the arg
       * collection.
      public static <E> void addInPlace(Counter<E> target, Collection<E> arg) {
          for (E key : arg) {
              target.incrementCount(key, 1);

       * Increments all keys in a Counter by a specific value.
      public static <E> void addInPlace(Counter<E> target, double value) {
          for (E key : target.keySet()) {
              target.incrementCount(key, value);

       * Sets each value of target to be target[k]-arg[k] for all keys k in target.
      public static <E> void subtractInPlace(Counter<E> target, Counter<E> arg) {
          for (E key : arg.keySet()) {
              target.decrementCount(key, arg.getCount(key));

       * Sets each value of double[] target to be
       * target[idx.indexOf(k)]-a.getCount(k) for all keys k in arg
      public static <E> void subtractInPlace(double[] target, Counter<E> arg, Index<E> idx) {
          for (Map.Entry<E, Double> entry : arg.entrySet()) {
              target[idx.indexOf(entry.getKey())] -= entry.getValue();

       * Divides every non-zero count in target by the corresponding value in the
       * denominator Counter. Beware that this can give NaN values for zero counts
       * in the denominator counter!
      public static <E> void divideInPlace(Counter<E> target, Counter<E> denominator) {
          for (E key : target.keySet()) {
              target.setCount(key, target.getCount(key) / denominator.getCount(key));

       * Multiplies every count in target by the corresponding value in the term
       * Counter.
      public static <E> void dotProductInPlace(Counter<E> target, Counter<E> term) {
          for (E key : target.keySet()) {
              target.setCount(key, target.getCount(key) * term.getCount(key));

       * Divides each value in target by the given divisor, in place.
       * @param target The values in this Counter will be changed throughout by the
       *          multiplier
       * @param divisor The number by which to change each number in the Counter
       * @return The target Counter is returned (for easier method chaining)
      public static <E> Counter<E> divideInPlace(Counter<E> target, double divisor) {
          for (Entry<E, Double> entry : target.entrySet()) {
              target.setCount(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() / divisor);
          return target;

       * Multiplies each value in target by the given multiplier, in place.
       * @param target The values in this Counter will be multiplied by the
       *          multiplier
       * @param multiplier The number by which to change each number in the Counter
      public static <E> Counter<E> multiplyInPlace(Counter<E> target, double multiplier) {
          for (Entry<E, Double> entry : target.entrySet()) {
              target.setCount(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() * multiplier);
          return target;

       * Multiplies each value in target by the count of the key in mult, in place. Returns non zero entries
       * @param target The counter
       * @param mult The counter you want to multiply with target
      public static <E> Counter<E> multiplyInPlace(Counter<E> target, Counter<E> mult) {
          for (Entry<E, Double> entry : target.entrySet()) {
              target.setCount(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() * mult.getCount(entry.getKey()));
          return target;

       * Normalizes the target counter in-place, so the sum of the resulting values
       * equals 1.
       * @param <E> Type of elements in Counter
      public static <E> void normalize(Counter<E> target) {
          divideInPlace(target, target.totalCount());

       * L1 normalize a counter. Return a counter that is a probability distribution,
       * so the sum of the resulting value equals 1.
       * @param c The {@link Counter} to be L1 normalized. This counter is not
       *          modified.
       * @return A new L1-normalized Counter based on c.
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> C asNormalizedCounter(C c) {
          return scale(c, 1.0 / c.totalCount());

       * Normalizes the target counter in-place, so the sum of the resulting values
       * equals 1.
       * @param <E> Type of elements in TwoDimensionalCounter
       * @param <F> Type of elements in TwoDimensionalCounter
      public static <E, F> void normalize(TwoDimensionalCounter<E, F> target) {
          Counters.divideInPlace(target, target.totalCount());

      public static <E> void logInPlace(Counter<E> target) {
          for (E key : target.keySet()) {
              target.setCount(key, Math.log(target.getCount(key)));

      // Selection Operators

       * Delete 'top' and 'bottom' number of elements from the top and bottom
       * respectively
      public static <E> List<E> deleteOutofRange(Counter<E> c, int top, int bottom) {

          List<E> purgedItems = new ArrayList<>();
          int numToPurge = top + bottom;
          if (numToPurge <= 0) {
              return purgedItems;

          List<E> l = Counters.toSortedList(c);
          for (int i = 0; i < top; i++) {
              E item = l.get(i);
          int size = c.size();
          for (int i = c.size() - 1; i >= (size - bottom); i--) {
              E item = l.get(i);
          return purgedItems;

       * Removes all entries from c except for the top {@code num}.
      public static <E> void retainTop(Counter<E> c, int num) {
          int numToPurge = c.size() - num;
          if (numToPurge <= 0) {

          List<E> l = Counters.toSortedList(c, true);
          for (int i = 0; i < numToPurge; i++) {

       * Removes all entries from c except for the top {@code num}.
      public static <E extends Comparable<E>> void retainTopKeyComparable(Counter<E> c, int num) {
          int numToPurge = c.size() - num;
          if (numToPurge <= 0) {

          List<E> l = Counters.toSortedListKeyComparable(c);
          for (int i = 0; i < numToPurge; i++) {

       * Removes all entries from c except for the bottom {@code num}.
      public static <E> List<E> retainBottom(Counter<E> c, int num) {
          int numToPurge = c.size() - num;
          if (numToPurge <= 0) {
              return Generics.newArrayList();

          List<E> removed = new ArrayList<>();
          List<E> l = Counters.toSortedList(c);
          for (int i = 0; i < numToPurge; i++) {
              E rem = l.get(i);
          return removed;

       * Removes all entries with 0 count in the counter, returning the set of
       * removed entries.
      public static <E> Set<E> retainNonZeros(Counter<E> counter) {
          Set<E> removed = Generics.newHashSet();
          for (E key : counter.keySet()) {
              if (counter.getCount(key) == 0.0) {
          for (E key : removed) {
          return removed;

       * Removes all entries with counts below the given threshold, returning the
       * set of removed entries.
       * @param counter The counter.
       * @param countThreshold
       *          The minimum count for an entry to be kept. Entries (strictly) less
       *          than this threshold are discarded.
       * @return The set of discarded entries.
      public static <E> Set<E> retainAbove(Counter<E> counter, double countThreshold) {
          Set<E> removed = Generics.newHashSet();
          for (E key : counter.keySet()) {
              if (counter.getCount(key) < countThreshold) {
          for (E key : removed) {
          return removed;

       * Removes all entries with counts below the given threshold, returning the
       * set of removed entries.
       * @param counter The counter.
       * @param countThreshold
       *          The minimum count for an entry to be kept. Entries (strictly) less
       *          than this threshold are discarded.
       * @return The set of discarded entries.
      public static <E1, E2> Set<Pair<E1, E2>> retainAbove(TwoDimensionalCounter<E1, E2> counter,
              double countThreshold) {

          Set<Pair<E1, E2>> removed = new HashSet<>();
          for (Entry<E1, ClassicCounter<E2>> en : counter.entrySet()) {
              for (Entry<E2, Double> en2 : en.getValue().entrySet()) {
                  if (counter.getCount(en.getKey(), en2.getKey()) < countThreshold) {
                      removed.add(new Pair<>(en.getKey(), en2.getKey()));
          for (Pair<E1, E2> key : removed) {
              counter.remove(key.first(), key.second());
          return removed;

       * Removes all entries with counts above the given threshold, returning the
       * set of removed entries.
       * @param counter The counter.
       * @param countMaxThreshold
       *          The maximum count for an entry to be kept. Entries (strictly) more
       *          than this threshold are discarded.
       * @return The set of discarded entries.
      public static <E> Counter<E> retainBelow(Counter<E> counter, double countMaxThreshold) {
          Counter<E> removed = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (E key : counter.keySet()) {
              double count = counter.getCount(key);
              if (counter.getCount(key) > countMaxThreshold) {
                  removed.setCount(key, count);
          for (Entry<E, Double> key : removed.entrySet()) {
          return removed;

       * Removes all entries with keys that does not match one of the given patterns.
       * @param counter The counter.
       * @param matchPatterns pattern for key to match
       * @return The set of discarded entries.
      public static Set<String> retainMatchingKeys(Counter<String> counter, List<Pattern> matchPatterns) {
          Set<String> removed = Generics.newHashSet();
          for (String key : counter.keySet()) {
              boolean matched = false;
              for (Pattern pattern : matchPatterns) {
                  if (pattern.matcher(key).matches()) {
                      matched = true;
              if (!matched) {
          for (String key : removed) {
          return removed;

       * Removes all entries with keys that does not match the given set of keys.
       * @param counter The counter
       * @param matchKeys Keys to match
       * @return The set of discarded entries.
      public static <E> Set<E> retainKeys(Counter<E> counter, Collection<E> matchKeys) {
          Set<E> removed = Generics.newHashSet();
          for (E key : counter.keySet()) {
              boolean matched = matchKeys.contains(key);
              if (!matched) {
          for (E key : removed) {
          return removed;

       * Removes all entries with keys in the given collection
       * @param <E>
       * @param counter
       * @param removeKeysCollection
      public static <E> void removeKeys(Counter<E> counter, Collection<E> removeKeysCollection) {

          for (E key : removeKeysCollection)

       * Removes all entries with keys (first key set) in the given collection
       * @param <E>
       * @param counter
       * @param removeKeysCollection
      public static <E, F> void removeKeys(TwoDimensionalCounter<E, F> counter, Collection<E> removeKeysCollection) {

          for (E key : removeKeysCollection)

       * Returns the set of keys whose counts are at or above the given threshold.
       * This set may have 0 elements but will not be null.
       * @param c The Counter to examine
       * @param countThreshold
       *          Items equal to or above this number are kept
       * @return A (non-null) Set of keys whose counts are at or above the given
       *         threshold.
      public static <E> Set<E> keysAbove(Counter<E> c, double countThreshold) {
          Set<E> keys = Generics.newHashSet();
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              if (c.getCount(key) >= countThreshold) {
          return (keys);

       * Returns the set of keys whose counts are at or below the given threshold.
       * This set may have 0 elements but will not be null.
      public static <E> Set<E> keysBelow(Counter<E> c, double countThreshold) {
          Set<E> keys = Generics.newHashSet();
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              if (c.getCount(key) <= countThreshold) {
          return (keys);

       * Returns the set of keys that have exactly the given count. This set may
       * have 0 elements but will not be null.
      public static <E> Set<E> keysAt(Counter<E> c, double count) {
          Set<E> keys = Generics.newHashSet();
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              if (c.getCount(key) == count) {
          return (keys);

      // Transforms

       * Returns the counter with keys modified according to function F. Eager
       * evaluation. If two keys are same after the transformation, one of the values is randomly chosen (depending on how the keyset is traversed)
      public static <T1, T2> Counter<T2> transform(Counter<T1> c, Function<T1, T2> f) {
          Counter<T2> c2 = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (T1 key : c.keySet()) {
              c2.setCount(f.apply(key), c.getCount(key));
          return c2;

       * Returns the counter with keys modified according to function F. If two keys are same after the transformation, their values get added up.
      public static <T1, T2> Counter<T2> transformWithValuesAdd(Counter<T1> c, Function<T1, T2> f) {
          Counter<T2> c2 = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (T1 key : c.keySet()) {
              c2.incrementCount(f.apply(key), c.getCount(key));
          return c2;

      // Conversion to other types

       * Returns a comparator backed by this counter: two objects are compared by
       * their associated values stored in the counter. This comparator returns keys
       * by ascending numeric value. Note that this ordering is not fixed, but
       * depends on the mutable values stored in the Counter. Doing this comparison
       * does not depend on the type of the key, since it uses the numeric value,
       * which is always Comparable.
       * @param counter The Counter whose values are used for ordering the keys
       * @return A Comparator using this ordering
      public static <E> Comparator<E> toComparator(final Counter<E> counter) {
          return (o1, o2) ->, counter.getCount(o2));

       * Returns a comparator backed by this counter: two objects are compared by
       * their associated values stored in the counter. This comparator returns keys
       * by ascending numeric value. Note that this ordering is not fixed, but
       * depends on the mutable values stored in the Counter. Doing this comparison
       * does not depend on the type of the key, since it uses the numeric value,
       * which is always Comparable.
       * @param counter The Counter whose values are used for ordering the keys
       * @return A Comparator using this ordering
      public static <E extends Comparable<E>> Comparator<E> toComparatorWithKeys(final Counter<E> counter) {
          return (o1, o2) -> {
              int res =, counter.getCount(o2));
              if (res == 0) {
                  return o1.compareTo(o2);
              } else {
                  return res;

       * Returns a comparator backed by this counter: two objects are compared by
       * their associated values stored in the counter. This comparator returns keys
       * by descending numeric value. Note that this ordering is not fixed, but
       * depends on the mutable values stored in the Counter. Doing this comparison
       * does not depend on the type of the key, since it uses the numeric value,
       * which is always Comparable.
       * @param counter The Counter whose values are used for ordering the keys
       * @return A Comparator using this ordering
      public static <E> Comparator<E> toComparatorDescending(final Counter<E> counter) {
          return (o1, o2) ->, counter.getCount(o1));

       * Returns a comparator suitable for sorting this Counter's keys or entries by
       * their respective value or magnitude (by absolute value). If
       * <tt>ascending</tt> is true, smaller magnitudes will be returned first,
       * otherwise higher magnitudes will be returned first.
       * <p>
       * Sample usage:
       * <pre>
       * Counter c = new Counter();
       * // add to the counter...
       * List biggestAbsKeys = new ArrayList(c.keySet());
       * Collections.sort(biggestAbsKeys, Counters.comparator(c, false, true));
       * List smallestEntries = new ArrayList(c.entrySet());
       * Collections.sort(smallestEntries, Counters.comparator(c, true, false));
       * </pre>
      public static <E> Comparator<E> toComparator(final Counter<E> counter, final boolean ascending,
              final boolean useMagnitude) {
          return (o1, o2) -> {
              if (ascending) {
                  if (useMagnitude) {
                      return, Math.abs(counter.getCount(o2)));
                  } else {
                      return, counter.getCount(o2));
              } else {
                  // Descending
                  if (useMagnitude) {
                      return, Math.abs(counter.getCount(o1)));
                  } else {
                      return, counter.getCount(o1));

       * A List of the keys in c, sorted from highest count to lowest.
       * So note that the default is descending!
       * @return A List of the keys in c, sorted from highest count to lowest.
      public static <E> List<E> toSortedList(Counter<E> c) {
          return toSortedList(c, false);

       * A List of the keys in c, sorted from highest count to lowest.
       * @return A List of the keys in c, sorted from highest count to lowest.
      public static <E> List<E> toSortedList(Counter<E> c, boolean ascending) {
          List<E> l = new ArrayList<>(c.keySet());
          Comparator<E> comp = ascending ? toComparator(c) : toComparatorDescending(c);
          Collections.sort(l, comp);
          return l;

       * A List of the keys in c, sorted from highest count to lowest.
       * @return A List of the keys in c, sorted from highest count to lowest.
      public static <E extends Comparable<E>> List<E> toSortedListKeyComparable(Counter<E> c) {
          List<E> l = new ArrayList<>(c.keySet());
          Comparator<E> comp = toComparatorWithKeys(c);
          Collections.sort(l, comp);
          return l;

       * Converts a counter to ranks; ranks start from 0
       * @return A counter where the count is the rank in the original counter
      public static <E> IntCounter<E> toRankCounter(Counter<E> c) {
          IntCounter<E> rankCounter = new IntCounter<>();
          List<E> sortedList = toSortedList(c);
          for (int i = 0; i < sortedList.size(); i++) {
              rankCounter.setCount(sortedList.get(i), i);
          return rankCounter;

       * Converts a counter to tied ranks; ranks start from 1
       * @return A counter where the count is the rank in the original counter; when values are tied, the rank is the average of the ranks of the tied values
      public static <E> Counter<E> toTiedRankCounter(Counter<E> c) {
          Counter<E> rankCounter = new ClassicCounter<>();
          List<Pair<E, Double>> sortedList = toSortedListWithCounts(c);

          int i = 0;
          Iterator<Pair<E, Double>> it = sortedList.iterator();
          while (it.hasNext()) {
              Pair<E, Double> iEn =;
              double icount = iEn.second();
              E iKey = iEn.first();

              List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>();
              List<E> keys = new ArrayList<>();

              l.add(i + 1);

              for (int j = i + 1; j < sortedList.size(); j++) {
                  Pair<E, Double> jEn = sortedList.get(j);
                  if (icount == jEn.second()) {
                      l.add(j + 1);
                  } else

              if (l.size() > 1) {
                  double sum = 0;
                  for (Integer d : l)
                      sum += d;
                  double avgRank = sum / l.size();
                  for (int k = 0; k < l.size(); k++) {
                      rankCounter.setCount(keys.get(k), avgRank);
                      if (k != l.size() - 1 && it.hasNext())
              } else {
                  rankCounter.setCount(iKey, i + 1);
          return rankCounter;

      public static <E> List<Pair<E, Double>> toDescendingMagnitudeSortedListWithCounts(Counter<E> c) {
          List<E> keys = new ArrayList<>(c.keySet());
          Collections.sort(keys, toComparator(c, false, true));
          List<Pair<E, Double>> l = new ArrayList<>(keys.size());

          for (E key : keys) {
              l.add(new Pair<>(key, c.getCount(key)));

          return l;

       * A List of the keys in c, sorted from highest count to lowest, paired with
       * counts
       * @return A List of the keys in c, sorted from highest count to lowest.
      public static <E> List<Pair<E, Double>> toSortedListWithCounts(Counter<E> c) {
          List<Pair<E, Double>> l = new ArrayList<>(c.size());
          for (E e : c.keySet()) {
              l.add(new Pair<>(e, c.getCount(e)));
          // descending order
          Collections.sort(l, (a, b) ->, a.second));
          return l;

       * A List of the keys in c, sorted by the given comparator, paired with
       * counts.
       * @return A List of the keys in c, sorted from highest count to lowest.
      public static <E> List<Pair<E, Double>> toSortedListWithCounts(Counter<E> c,
              Comparator<Pair<E, Double>> comparator) {
          List<Pair<E, Double>> l = new ArrayList<>(c.size());
          for (E e : c.keySet()) {
              l.add(new Pair<>(e, c.getCount(e)));
          // descending order
          Collections.sort(l, comparator);
          return l;

       * Returns a {@link edu.stanford.nlp.util.PriorityQueue} whose elements are
       * the keys of Counter c, and the score of each key in c becomes its priority.
       * @param c Input Counter
       * @return A PriorityQueue where the count is a key's priority
      // TODO: rewrite to use entrySet()
      public static <E> edu.stanford.nlp.util.PriorityQueue<E> toPriorityQueue(Counter<E> c) {
          edu.stanford.nlp.util.PriorityQueue<E> queue = new BinaryHeapPriorityQueue<>();
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              queue.add(key, count);
          return queue;

      // Other Utilities

       * Returns a Counter that is the union of the two Counters passed in (counts
       * are added).
       * @return A Counter that is the union of the two Counters passed in (counts
       *         are added).
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> C union(C c1, C c2) {
          C result = (C) c1.getFactory().create();
          addInPlace(result, c1);
          addInPlace(result, c2);
          return result;

       * Returns a counter that is the intersection of c1 and c2. If both c1 and c2
       * contain a key, the min of the two counts is used.
       * @return A counter that is the intersection of c1 and c2
      public static <E> Counter<E> intersection(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          Counter<E> result = c1.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : Sets.union(c1.keySet(), c2.keySet())) {
              double count1 = c1.getCount(key);
              double count2 = c2.getCount(key);
              double minCount = (count1 < count2 ? count1 : count2);
              if (minCount > 0) {
                  result.setCount(key, minCount);
          return result;

       * Returns the Jaccard Coefficient of the two counters. Calculated as |c1
       * intersect c2| / ( |c1| + |c2| - |c1 intersect c2|
       * @return The Jaccard Coefficient of the two counters
      public static <E> double jaccardCoefficient(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          double minCount = 0.0, maxCount = 0.0;
          for (E key : Sets.union(c1.keySet(), c2.keySet())) {
              double count1 = c1.getCount(key);
              double count2 = c2.getCount(key);
              minCount += (count1 < count2 ? count1 : count2);
              maxCount += (count1 > count2 ? count1 : count2);
          return minCount / maxCount;

       * Returns the product of c1 and c2.
       * @return The product of c1 and c2.
      public static <E> Counter<E> product(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          Counter<E> result = c1.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : Sets.intersection(c1.keySet(), c2.keySet())) {
              result.setCount(key, c1.getCount(key) * c2.getCount(key));
          return result;

       * Returns the product of c1 and c2.
       * @return The product of c1 and c2.
      public static <E> double dotProduct(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          double dotProd = 0.0;
          if (c1.size() > c2.size()) {
              Counter<E> tmpCnt = c1;
              c1 = c2;
              c2 = tmpCnt;
          for (E key : c1.keySet()) {
              double count1 = c1.getCount(key);
              if (Double.isNaN(count1) || Double.isInfinite(count1)) {
                  throw new RuntimeException("Counters.dotProduct infinite or NaN value for key: " + key + '\t'
                          + c1.getCount(key) + '\t' + c2.getCount(key));
              if (count1 != 0.0) {
                  double count2 = c2.getCount(key);
                  if (Double.isNaN(count2) || Double.isInfinite(count2)) {
                      throw new RuntimeException("Counters.dotProduct infinite or NaN value for key: " + key + '\t'
                              + c1.getCount(key) + '\t' + c2.getCount(key));
                  if (count2 != 0.0) {
                      // this is the inner product
                      dotProd += (count1 * count2);
          return dotProd;

       * Returns the product of Counter c and double[] a, using Index idx to map
       * entries in C onto a.
       * @return The product of c and a.
      public static <E> double dotProduct(Counter<E> c, double[] a, Index<E> idx) {
          double dotProd = 0.0;
          for (Map.Entry<E, Double> entry : c.entrySet()) {
              int keyIdx = idx.indexOf(entry.getKey());
              if (keyIdx >= 0) {
                  dotProd += entry.getValue() * a[keyIdx];
          return dotProd;

      public static <E> double sumEntries(Counter<E> c1, Collection<E> entries) {
          double dotProd = 0.0;
          for (E entry : entries) {
              dotProd += c1.getCount(entry);
          return dotProd;

      public static <E> Counter<E> add(Counter<E> c1, Collection<E> c2) {
          Counter<E> result = c1.getFactory().create();
          addInPlace(result, c1);
          for (E key : c2) {
              result.incrementCount(key, 1);
          return result;

      public static <E> Counter<E> add(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          Counter<E> result = c1.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : Sets.union(c1.keySet(), c2.keySet())) {
              result.setCount(key, c1.getCount(key) + c2.getCount(key));
          return result;

       * increments every key in the counter by value
      public static <E> Counter<E> add(Counter<E> c1, double value) {
          Counter<E> result = c1.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : c1.keySet()) {
              result.setCount(key, c1.getCount(key) + value);
          return result;

       * This method does not check entries for NAN or INFINITY values in the
       * doubles returned. It also only iterates over the counter with the smallest
       * number of keys to help speed up computation. Pair this method with
       * normalizing your counters before hand and you have a reasonably quick
       * implementation of cosine.
       * @param <E>
       * @param c1
       * @param c2
       * @return The dot product of the two counter (as vectors)
      public static <E> double optimizedDotProduct(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          int size1 = c1.size();
          int size2 = c2.size();
          if (size1 < size2) {
              return getDotProd(c1, c2);
          } else {
              return getDotProd(c2, c1);

      private static <E> double getDotProd(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          double dotProd = 0.0;
          for (E key : c1.keySet()) {
              double count1 = c1.getCount(key);
              if (count1 != 0.0) {
                  double count2 = c2.getCount(key);
                  if (count2 != 0.0)
                      dotProd += (count1 * count2);
          return dotProd;

       * Returns |c1 - c2|.
       * @return The difference between sets c1 and c2.
      public static <E> Counter<E> absoluteDifference(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          Counter<E> result = c1.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : Sets.union(c1.keySet(), c2.keySet())) {
              double newCount = Math.abs(c1.getCount(key) - c2.getCount(key));
              if (newCount > 0) {
                  result.setCount(key, newCount);
          return result;

       * Returns c1 divided by c2. Note that this can create NaN if c1 has non-zero
       * counts for keys that c2 has zero counts.
       * @return c1 divided by c2.
      public static <E> Counter<E> division(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          Counter<E> result = c1.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : Sets.union(c1.keySet(), c2.keySet())) {
              result.setCount(key, c1.getCount(key) / c2.getCount(key));
          return result;

       * Returns c1 divided by c2. Safe - will not calculate scores for keys that are zero or that do not exist in c2
       * @return c1 divided by c2.
      public static <E> Counter<E> divisionNonNaN(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          Counter<E> result = c1.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : Sets.union(c1.keySet(), c2.keySet())) {
              if (c2.getCount(key) != 0)
                  result.setCount(key, c1.getCount(key) / c2.getCount(key));
          return result;

       * Calculates the entropy of the given counter (in bits). This method
       * internally uses normalized counts (so they sum to one), but the value
       * returned is meaningless if some of the counts are negative.
       * @return The entropy of the given counter (in bits)
      public static <E> double entropy(Counter<E> c) {
          double entropy = 0.0;
          double total = c.totalCount();
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              if (count == 0) {
                  continue; // 0.0 doesn't add entropy but may cause -Inf
              count /= total; // use normalized count
              entropy -= count * (Math.log(count) / LOG_E_2);
          return entropy;

       * Note that this implementation doesn't normalize the "from" Counter. It
       * does, however, normalize the "to" Counter. Result is meaningless if any of
       * the counts are negative.
       * @return The cross entropy of H(from, to)
      public static <E> double crossEntropy(Counter<E> from, Counter<E> to) {
          double tot2 = to.totalCount();
          double result = 0.0;
          for (E key : from.keySet()) {
              double count1 = from.getCount(key);
              if (count1 == 0.0) {
              double count2 = to.getCount(key);
              double logFract = Math.log(count2 / tot2);
              if (logFract == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
                  return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // can't recover
              result += count1 * (logFract / LOG_E_2); // express it in log base 2
          return result;

       * Calculates the KL divergence between the two counters. That is, it
       * calculates KL(from || to). This method internally uses normalized counts
       * (so they sum to one), but the value returned is meaningless if any of the
       * counts are negative. In other words, how well can c1 be represented by c2.
       * if there is some value in c1 that gets zero prob in c2, then return
       * positive infinity.
       * @return The KL divergence between the distributions
      public static <E> double klDivergence(Counter<E> from, Counter<E> to) {
          double result = 0.0;
          double tot = (from.totalCount());
          double tot2 = (to.totalCount());
          // System.out.println("tot is " + tot + " tot2 is " + tot2);
          for (E key : from.keySet()) {
              double num = (from.getCount(key));
              if (num == 0) {
              num /= tot;
              double num2 = (to.getCount(key));
              num2 /= tot2;
              // System.out.println("num is " + num + " num2 is " + num2);
              double logFract = Math.log(num / num2);
              if (logFract == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
                  return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // can't recover
              result += num * (logFract / LOG_E_2); // express it in log base 2
          return result;

       * Calculates the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the two counters. That is,
       * it calculates 1/2 [KL(c1 || avg(c1,c2)) + KL(c2 || avg(c1,c2))] .
       * This code assumes that the Counters have only non-negative values in them.
       * @return The Jensen-Shannon divergence between the distributions
      public static <E> double jensenShannonDivergence(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          // need to normalize the counters first before averaging them! Else buggy if not a probability distribution
          Counter<E> d1 = asNormalizedCounter(c1);
          Counter<E> d2 = asNormalizedCounter(c2);
          Counter<E> average = average(d1, d2);
          double kl1 = klDivergence(d1, average);
          double kl2 = klDivergence(d2, average);
          return (kl1 + kl2) / 2.0;

       * Calculates the skew divergence between the two counters. That is, it
       * calculates KL(c1 || (c2*skew + c1*(1-skew))) . In other words, how well can
       * c1 be represented by a "smoothed" c2.
       * @return The skew divergence between the distributions
      public static <E> double skewDivergence(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2, double skew) {
          Counter<E> d1 = asNormalizedCounter(c1);
          Counter<E> d2 = asNormalizedCounter(c2);
          Counter<E> average = linearCombination(d2, skew, d1, (1.0 - skew));
          return klDivergence(d1, average);

       * Return the l2 norm (Euclidean vector length) of a Counter.
       * <i>Implementation note:</i> The method name favors legibility of the L over
       * the convention of using lowercase names for methods.
       * @param c The Counter
       * @return Its length
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> double L2Norm(C c) {
          return Math.sqrt(Counters.sumSquares(c));

       * Return the sum of squares (squared L2 norm).
       * @param c The Counter
       * @return the L2 norm of the values in c
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> double sumSquares(C c) {
          double lenSq = 0.0;
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              lenSq += (count * count);
          return lenSq;

       * Return the L1 norm of a counter. <i>Implementation note:</i> The method
       * name favors legibility of the L over the convention of using lowercase
       * names for methods.
       * @param c The Counter
       * @return Its length
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> double L1Norm(C c) {
          double sumAbs = 0.0;
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              if (count != 0.0) {
                  sumAbs += Math.abs(count);
          return sumAbs;

       * L2 normalize a counter.
       * @param c The {@link Counter} to be L2 normalized. This counter is not
       *          modified.
       * @return A new l2-normalized Counter based on c.
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> C L2Normalize(C c) {
          return scale(c, 1.0 / L2Norm(c));

       * L2 normalize a counter in place.
       * @param c The {@link Counter} to be L2 normalized. This counter is modified
       * @return the passed in counter l2-normalized
      public static <E> Counter<E> L2NormalizeInPlace(Counter<E> c) {
          return multiplyInPlace(c, 1.0 / L2Norm(c));

       * For counters with large # of entries, this scales down each entry in the
       * sum, to prevent an extremely large sum from building up and overwhelming
       * the max double. This may also help reduce error by preventing loss of SD's
       * with extremely large values.
       * @param <E>
       * @param <C>
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> double saferL2Norm(C c) {
          double maxVal = 0.0;
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double value = Math.abs(c.getCount(key));
              if (value > maxVal)
                  maxVal = value;
          double sqrSum = 0.0;
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              sqrSum += Math.pow(count / maxVal, 2);
          return maxVal * Math.sqrt(sqrSum);

       * L2 normalize a counter, using the "safer" L2 normalizer.
       * @param c The {@link Counter} to be L2 normalized. This counter is not
       *          modified.
       * @return A new L2-normalized Counter based on c.
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> C saferL2Normalize(C c) {
          return scale(c, 1.0 / saferL2Norm(c));

      public static <E> double cosine(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          double dotProd = 0.0;
          double lsq1 = 0.0;
          double lsq2 = 0.0;
          for (E key : c1.keySet()) {
              double count1 = c1.getCount(key);
              if (count1 != 0.0) {
                  lsq1 += (count1 * count1);
                  double count2 = c2.getCount(key);
                  if (count2 != 0.0) {
                      // this is the inner product
                      dotProd += (count1 * count2);
          for (E key : c2.keySet()) {
              double count2 = c2.getCount(key);
              if (count2 != 0.0) {
                  lsq2 += (count2 * count2);
          if (lsq1 != 0.0 && lsq2 != 0.0) {
              double denom = (Math.sqrt(lsq1) * Math.sqrt(lsq2));
              return dotProd / denom;
          return 0.0;

       * Returns a new Counter with counts averaged from the two given Counters. The
       * average Counter will contain the union of keys in both source Counters, and
       * each count will be the average of the two source counts for that key, where
       * as usual a missing count in one Counter is treated as count 0.
       * @return A new counter with counts that are the mean of the resp. counts in
       *         the given counters.
      public static <E> Counter<E> average(Counter<E> c1, Counter<E> c2) {
          Counter<E> average = c1.getFactory().create();
          Set<E> allKeys = Generics.newHashSet(c1.keySet());
          for (E key : allKeys) {
              average.setCount(key, (c1.getCount(key) + c2.getCount(key)) * 0.5);
          return average;

       * Returns a Counter which is a weighted average of c1 and c2. Counts from c1
       * are weighted with weight w1 and counts from c2 are weighted with w2.
      public static <E> Counter<E> linearCombination(Counter<E> c1, double w1, Counter<E> c2, double w2) {
          Counter<E> result = c1.getFactory().create();
          for (E o : c1.keySet()) {
              result.incrementCount(o, c1.getCount(o) * w1);
          for (E o : c2.keySet()) {
              result.incrementCount(o, c2.getCount(o) * w2);
          return result;

      public static <T1, T2> double pointwiseMutualInformation(Counter<T1> var1Distribution,
              Counter<T2> var2Distribution, Counter<Pair<T1, T2>> jointDistribution, Pair<T1, T2> values) {
          double var1Prob = var1Distribution.getCount(values.first);
          double var2Prob = var2Distribution.getCount(values.second);
          double jointProb = jointDistribution.getCount(values);
          double pmi = Math.log(jointProb) - Math.log(var1Prob) - Math.log(var2Prob);
          return pmi / LOG_E_2;

       * Calculate h-Index (Hirsch, 2005) of an author.
       * A scientist has index h if h of their Np papers have at least h citations
       * each, and the other (Np  h) papers have at most h citations each.
       * @param citationCounts
       *          Citation counts for each of the articles written by the author.
       *          The keys can be anything, but the values should be integers.
       * @return The h-Index of the author.
      public static <E> int hIndex(Counter<E> citationCounts) {
          Counter<Integer> countCounts = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (double value : citationCounts.values()) {
              for (int i = 0; i <= value; ++i) {
          List<Integer> citationCountValues = CollectionUtils.sorted(countCounts.keySet());
          for (int citationCount : citationCountValues) {
              double occurrences = countCounts.getCount(citationCount);
              if (occurrences >= citationCount) {
                  return citationCount;
          return 0;

      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> C perturbCounts(C c, Random random, double p) {
          C result = (C) c.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              // inverse of CDF for exponential distribution
              // (1.0 - random) to avoid taking log(0) (probably?)
              double noise = -Math.log(1.0 - random.nextDouble());
              //"noise=" + noise);
              double perturbedCount = count + noise * p;
              result.setCount(key, perturbedCount);
          return result;

       * Great for debugging.
      public static <E> void printCounterComparison(Counter<E> a, Counter<E> b) {
          printCounterComparison(a, b, System.err);

       * Great for debugging.
      public static <E> void printCounterComparison(Counter<E> a, Counter<E> b, PrintStream out) {
          printCounterComparison(a, b, new PrintWriter(out, true));

       * Prints one or more lines (with a newline at the end) describing the
       * difference between the two Counters. Great for debugging.
      public static <E> void printCounterComparison(Counter<E> a, Counter<E> b, PrintWriter out) {
          if (a.equals(b)) {
              out.println("Counters are equal.");
          for (E key : a.keySet()) {
              double aCount = a.getCount(key);
              double bCount = b.getCount(key);
              if (Math.abs(aCount - bCount) > 1e-5) {
                  out.println("Counters differ on key " + key + '\t' + a.getCount(key) + " vs. " + b.getCount(key));
          // left overs
          Set<E> rest = Generics.newHashSet(b.keySet());

          for (E key : rest) {
              double aCount = a.getCount(key);
              double bCount = b.getCount(key);
              if (Math.abs(aCount - bCount) > 1e-5) {
                  out.println("Counters differ on key " + key + '\t' + a.getCount(key) + " vs. " + b.getCount(key));

      public static <E> Counter<Double> getCountCounts(Counter<E> c) {
          Counter<Double> result = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (double v : c.values()) {
          return result;

       * Returns a new Counter which is scaled by the given scale factor.
       * @param c The counter to scale. It is not changed
       * @param s The constant to scale the counter by
       * @return A new Counter which is the argument scaled by the given scale
       *         factor.
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> C scale(C c, double s) {
          C scaled = (C) c.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              scaled.setCount(key, c.getCount(key) * s);
          return scaled;

       * Returns a new Counter which is the input counter with log tf scaling
       * @param c The counter to scale. It is not changed
       * @param base The base of the logarithm used for tf scaling by 1 + log tf
       * @return A new Counter which is the argument scaled by the given scale
       *         factor.
      public static <E, C extends Counter<E>> C tfLogScale(C c, double base) {
          C scaled = (C) c.getFactory().create();
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              double cnt = c.getCount(key);
              double scaledCnt = 0.0;
              if (cnt > 0) {
                  scaledCnt = 1.0 + SloppyMath.log(cnt, base);
              scaled.setCount(key, scaledCnt);
          return scaled;

      public static <E extends Comparable<E>> void printCounterSortedByKeys(Counter<E> c) {
          List<E> keyList = new ArrayList<>(c.keySet());
          for (E o : keyList) {
              System.out.println(o + ":" + c.getCount(o));

       * Loads a Counter from a text file. File must have the format of one
       * key/count pair per line, separated by whitespace.
       * @param filename The path to the file to load the Counter from
       * @param c The Class to instantiate each member of the set. Must have a
       *          String constructor.
       * @return The counter loaded from the file.
      public static <E> ClassicCounter<E> loadCounter(String filename, Class<E> c) throws RuntimeException {
          ClassicCounter<E> counter = new ClassicCounter<>();
          loadIntoCounter(filename, c, counter);
          return counter;

       * Loads a Counter from a text file. File must have the format of one
       * key/count pair per line, separated by whitespace.
       * @param filename The path to the file to load the Counter from
       * @param c The Class to instantiate each member of the set. Must have a
       *          String constructor.
       * @return The counter loaded from the file.
      public static <E> IntCounter<E> loadIntCounter(String filename, Class<E> c) throws Exception {
          IntCounter<E> counter = new IntCounter<>();
          loadIntoCounter(filename, c, counter);
          return counter;

       * Loads a file into an GenericCounter.
      private static <E> void loadIntoCounter(String filename, Class<E> c, Counter<E> counter)
              throws RuntimeException {
          try {
              Constructor<E> m = c.getConstructor(String.class);
              BufferedReader in = IOUtils.getBufferedFileReader(filename);
              for (String line; (line = in.readLine()) != null;) {
                  String[] tokens = line.trim().split("\\s+");
                  if (tokens.length != 2)
                      throw new RuntimeException();
                  double value = Double.parseDouble(tokens[1]);
                  counter.setCount(m.newInstance(tokens[0]), value);
          } catch (Exception e) {
              throw new RuntimeException(e);

       * Saves a Counter as one key/count pair per line separated by white space to
       * the given OutputStream. Does not close the stream.
      public static <E> void saveCounter(Counter<E> c, OutputStream stream) {
          PrintStream out = new PrintStream(stream);
          for (E key : c.keySet()) {
              out.println(key + " " + c.getCount(key));

       * Saves a Counter to a text file. Counter written as one key/count pair per
       * line, separated by whitespace.
      public static <E> void saveCounter(Counter<E> c, String filename) throws IOException {
          FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename);
          saveCounter(c, fos);

      public static <T1, T2> TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> load2DCounter(String filename, Class<T1> t1, Class<T2> t2)
              throws RuntimeException {
          try {
              TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> tdc = new TwoDimensionalCounter<>();
              loadInto2DCounter(filename, t1, t2, tdc);
              return tdc;
          } catch (Exception e) {
              throw new RuntimeException(e);

      public static <T1, T2> void loadInto2DCounter(String filename, Class<T1> t1, Class<T2> t2,
              TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> tdc) throws RuntimeException {
          try {
              Constructor<T1> m1 = t1.getConstructor(String.class);
              Constructor<T2> m2 = t2.getConstructor(String.class);
              BufferedReader in = IOUtils.getBufferedFileReader(filename);// new
                                                                          // BufferedReader(new
                                                                          // FileReader(filename));
              for (String line; (line = in.readLine()) != null;) {
                  String[] tuple = line.trim().split("\t");
                  String outer = tuple[0];
                  String inner = tuple[1];
                  String valStr = tuple[2];
                  tdc.setCount(m1.newInstance(outer.trim()), m2.newInstance(inner.trim()),
          } catch (Exception e) {
              throw new RuntimeException(e);

      public static <T1, T2> void loadIncInto2DCounter(String filename, Class<T1> t1, Class<T2> t2,
              TwoDimensionalCounterInterface<T1, T2> tdc) throws RuntimeException {
          try {
              Constructor<T1> m1 = t1.getConstructor(String.class);
              Constructor<T2> m2 = t2.getConstructor(String.class);
              BufferedReader in = IOUtils.getBufferedFileReader(filename);// new
                                                                          // BufferedReader(new
                                                                          // FileReader(filename));
              for (String line; (line = in.readLine()) != null;) {
                  String[] tuple = line.trim().split("\t");
                  String outer = tuple[0];
                  String inner = tuple[1];
                  String valStr = tuple[2];
                  tdc.incrementCount(m1.newInstance(outer.trim()), m2.newInstance(inner.trim()),
          } catch (Exception e) {
              throw new RuntimeException(e);

      public static <T1, T2> void save2DCounter(TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> tdc, String filename)
              throws IOException {
          PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filename));
          for (T1 outer : tdc.firstKeySet()) {
              for (T2 inner : tdc.secondKeySet()) {
                  out.println(outer + "\t" + inner + '\t' + tdc.getCount(outer, inner));

      public static <T1, T2> void save2DCounterSorted(TwoDimensionalCounterInterface<T1, T2> tdc, String filename)
              throws IOException {
          PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filename));
          for (T1 outer : tdc.firstKeySet()) {
              Counter<T2> c = tdc.getCounter(outer);
              List<T2> keys = Counters.toSortedList(c);
              for (T2 inner : keys) {
                  out.println(outer + "\t" + inner + '\t' + c.getCount(inner));

 * Serialize a counter into an efficient string TSV
 * @param c The counter to serialize
 * @param filename The file to serialize to
 * @param minMagnitude Ignore values under this magnitude
 * @throws IOException
 * @see Counters#deserializeStringCounter(String)
public static void serializeStringCounter(Counter<String> c,
                                          String filename,
                                          double minMagnitude) throws IOException {
  PrintWriter writer = IOUtils.getPrintWriter(filename);
  for (Entry<String, Double> entry : c.entrySet()) {
    if (Math.abs(entry.getValue()) < minMagnitude) { continue; }
    Triple<Boolean, Long, Integer> parts = SloppyMath.segmentDouble(entry.getValue());
        entry.getKey().replace('\t', '?') + "\t" +
            (parts.first ? '-' : '+') + "\t" +
            parts.second + "\t" +

      /** @see Counters#serializeStringCounter(Counter, String, double) */
      public static void serializeStringCounter(Counter<String> c, String filename) throws IOException {
          serializeStringCounter(c, filename, 0.0);

       * Read a Counter from a serialized file
       * @param filename The file to read from
       * @see Counters#serializeStringCounter(Counter, String, double)
      public static ClassicCounter<String> deserializeStringCounter(String filename) throws IOException {
          String[] fields = new String[4];
          try (BufferedReader reader = IOUtils.readerFromString(filename)) {
              String line;
              ClassicCounter<String> counts = new ClassicCounter<>(1000000);
              while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                  StringUtils.splitOnChar(fields, line, '\t');
                  long mantissa = SloppyMath.parseInt(fields[2]);
                  int exponent = (int) SloppyMath.parseInt(fields[3]);
                  double value = SloppyMath.parseDouble(fields[1].equals("-"), mantissa, exponent);
                  counts.setCount(fields[0], value);
              return counts;

      public static <T> void serializeCounter(Counter<T> c, String filename) throws IOException {
          // serialize to file
          ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename)));

      public static <T> ClassicCounter<T> deserializeCounter(String filename) throws Exception {
          // reconstitute
          ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename)));
          ClassicCounter<T> c = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(in.readObject());
          return c;

       * Returns a string representation of a Counter, displaying the keys and their
       * counts in decreasing order of count. At most k keys are displayed.
       * Note that this method subsumes many of the other toString methods, e.g.:
       * toString(c, k) and toBiggestValuesFirstString(c, k) =&gt; toSortedString(c, k,
       * "%s=%f", ", ", "[%s]")
       * toVerticalString(c, k) =&gt; toSortedString(c, k, "%2$g\t%1$s", "\n", "%s\n")
       * @param counter A Counter.
       * @param k The number of keys to include. Use Integer.MAX_VALUE to include
       *          all keys.
       * @param itemFormat
       *          The format string for key/count pairs, where the key is first and
       *          the value is second. To display the value first, use argument
       *          indices, e.g. "%2$f %1$s".
       * @param joiner The string used between pairs of key/value strings.
       * @param wrapperFormat
       *          The format string for wrapping text around the joined items, where
       *          the joined item string value is "%s".
       * @return The top k values from the Counter, formatted as specified.
      public static <T> String toSortedString(Counter<T> counter, int k, String itemFormat, String joiner,
              String wrapperFormat) {
          PriorityQueue<T> queue = toPriorityQueue(counter);
          List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
          for (int rank = 0; rank < k && !queue.isEmpty(); ++rank) {
              T key = queue.removeFirst();
              double value = counter.getCount(key);
              strings.add(String.format(itemFormat, key, value));
          return String.format(wrapperFormat, StringUtils.join(strings, joiner));

       * Returns a string representation of a Counter, displaying the keys and their
       * counts in decreasing order of count. At most k keys are displayed.
       * @param counter A Counter.
       * @param k
       *          The number of keys to include. Use Integer.MAX_VALUE to include
       *          all keys.
       * @param itemFormat
       *          The format string for key/count pairs, where the key is first and
       *          the value is second. To display the value first, use argument
       *          indices, e.g. "%2$f %1$s".
       * @param joiner
       *          The string used between pairs of key/value strings.
       * @return The top k values from the Counter, formatted as specified.
      public static <T> String toSortedString(Counter<T> counter, int k, String itemFormat, String joiner) {
          return toSortedString(counter, k, itemFormat, joiner, "%s");

       * Returns a string representation of a Counter, where (key, value) pairs are
       * sorted by key, and formatted as specified.
       * @param counter The Counter.
       * @param itemFormat
       *          The format string for key/count pairs, where the key is first and
       *          the value is second. To display the value first, use argument
       *          indices, e.g. "%2$f %1$s".
       * @param joiner
       *          The string used between pairs of key/value strings.
       * @param wrapperFormat
       *          The format string for wrapping text around the joined items, where
       *          the joined item string value is "%s".
       * @return The Counter, formatted as specified.
      public static <T extends Comparable<T>> String toSortedByKeysString(Counter<T> counter, String itemFormat,
              String joiner, String wrapperFormat) {
          List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
          for (T key : CollectionUtils.sorted(counter.keySet())) {
              strings.add(String.format(itemFormat, key, counter.getCount(key)));
          return String.format(wrapperFormat, StringUtils.join(strings, joiner));

       * Returns a string representation which includes no more than the
       * maxKeysToPrint elements with largest counts. If maxKeysToPrint is
       * non-positive, all elements are printed.
       * @param counter The Counter
       * @param maxKeysToPrint Max keys to print
       * @return A partial string representation
      public static <E> String toString(Counter<E> counter, int maxKeysToPrint) {
          return Counters.toPriorityQueue(counter).toString(maxKeysToPrint);

      public static <E> String toString(Counter<E> counter, NumberFormat nf) {
          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
          List<E> list = ErasureUtils.sortedIfPossible(counter.keySet());
          // */
          for (Iterator<E> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
              E key =;
              if (iter.hasNext()) {
                  sb.append(", ");
          return sb.toString();

       * Pretty print a Counter. This one has more flexibility in formatting, and
       * doesn't sort the keys.
      public static <E> String toString(Counter<E> counter, NumberFormat nf, String preAppend, String postAppend,
              String keyValSeparator, String itemSeparator) {
          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
          // List<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(map.keySet());
          // try {
          // Collections.sort(list); // see if it can be sorted
          // } catch (Exception e) {
          // }
          for (Iterator<E> iter = counter.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
              E key =;
              double d = counter.getCount(key);
              if (iter.hasNext()) {
          return sb.toString();

      public static <E> String toBiggestValuesFirstString(Counter<E> c) {
          return toPriorityQueue(c).toString();

      // TODO this method seems badly written. It should exploit topK printing of PriorityQueue
      public static <E> String toBiggestValuesFirstString(Counter<E> c, int k) {
          PriorityQueue<E> pq = toPriorityQueue(c);
          PriorityQueue<E> largestK = new BinaryHeapPriorityQueue<>();
          // TODO: Is there any reason the original (commented out) line is better
          // than the one replacing it?
          // while (largestK.size() < k && ((Iterator<E>)pq).hasNext()) {
          while (largestK.size() < k && !pq.isEmpty()) {
              double firstScore = pq.getPriority(pq.getFirst());
              E first = pq.removeFirst();
              largestK.changePriority(first, firstScore);
          return largestK.toString();

      public static <T> String toBiggestValuesFirstString(Counter<Integer> c, int k, Index<T> index) {
          PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = toPriorityQueue(c);
          PriorityQueue<T> largestK = new BinaryHeapPriorityQueue<>();
          // while (largestK.size() < k && ((Iterator)pq).hasNext()) { //same as above
          while (largestK.size() < k && !pq.isEmpty()) {
              double firstScore = pq.getPriority(pq.getFirst());
              int first = pq.removeFirst();
              largestK.changePriority(index.get(first), firstScore);
          return largestK.toString();

      public static <E> String toVerticalString(Counter<E> c) {
          return toVerticalString(c, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

      public static <E> String toVerticalString(Counter<E> c, int k) {
          return toVerticalString(c, k, "%g\t%s", false);

      public static <E> String toVerticalString(Counter<E> c, String fmt) {
          return toVerticalString(c, Integer.MAX_VALUE, fmt, false);

      public static <E> String toVerticalString(Counter<E> c, int k, String fmt) {
          return toVerticalString(c, k, fmt, false);

       * Returns a {@code String} representation of the {@code k} keys
       * with the largest counts in the given {@link Counter}, using the given
       * format string.
       * @param c A Counter
       * @param k How many keys to print
       * @param fmt A format string, such as "%.0f\t%s" (do not include final "%n").
       *            If swap is false, you will get val, key as arguments, if true, key, val.
       * @param swap Whether the count should appear after the key
      public static <E> String toVerticalString(Counter<E> c, int k, String fmt, boolean swap) {
          PriorityQueue<E> q = Counters.toPriorityQueue(c);
          List<E> sortedKeys = q.toSortedList();
          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
          int i = 0;
          for (Iterator<E> keyI = sortedKeys.iterator(); keyI.hasNext() && i < k; i++) {
              E key =;
              double val = q.getPriority(key);
              if (swap) {
                  sb.append(String.format(fmt, key, val));
              } else {
                  sb.append(String.format(fmt, val, key));
              if (keyI.hasNext()) {
          return sb.toString();

       * @return Returns the maximum element of c that is within the restriction
       *         Collection
      public static <E> E restrictedArgMax(Counter<E> c, Collection<E> restriction) {
          E maxKey = null;
          double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
          for (E key : restriction) {
              double count = c.getCount(key);
              if (count > max) {
                  max = count;
                  maxKey = key;
          return maxKey;

      public static <T> Counter<T> toCounter(double[] counts, Index<T> index) {
          if (index.size() < counts.length)
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index not large enough to name all the array elements!");
          Counter<T> c = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
              if (counts[i] != 0.0)
                  c.setCount(index.get(i), counts[i]);
          return c;

       * Turns the given map and index into a counter instance. For each entry in
       * counts, its key is converted to a counter key via lookup in the given
       * index.
      public static <E> Counter<E> toCounter(Map<Integer, ? extends Number> counts, Index<E> index) {

          Counter<E> counter = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (Map.Entry<Integer, ? extends Number> entry : counts.entrySet()) {
              counter.setCount(index.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue().doubleValue());
          return counter;

       * Convert a counter to an array using a specified key index. Infer the dimension of
       * the returned vector from the index.
      public static <E> double[] asArray(Counter<E> counter, Index<E> index) {
          return Counters.asArray(counter, index, index.size());

       * Convert a counter to an array using a specified key index. This method does *not* expand
       * the index, so all keys in the set keys(counter) - keys(index) are not added to the
       * output array. Also note that if counter is being used as a sparse array, the result
       * will be a dense array with zero entries.
       * @return the values corresponding to the index
      public static <E> double[] asArray(Counter<E> counter, Index<E> index, int dimension) {
          if (index.size() == 0) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty index");
          Set<E> keys = counter.keySet();
          double[] array = new double[dimension];
          for (E key : keys) {
              int i = index.indexOf(key);
              if (i >= 0) {
                  array[i] = counter.getCount(key);
          return array;

       * Convert a counter to an array, the order of the array is random
      public static <E> double[] asArray(Counter<E> counter) {
          Set<E> keys = counter.keySet();
          double[] array = new double[counter.size()];
          int i = 0;
          for (E key : keys) {
              array[i] = counter.getCount(key);
          return array;

       * Creates a new TwoDimensionalCounter where all the counts are scaled by d.
       * Internally, uses Counters.scale();
       * @return The TwoDimensionalCounter
      public static <T1, T2> TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> scale(TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> c, double d) {
          TwoDimensionalCounter<T1, T2> result = new TwoDimensionalCounter<>(c.getOuterMapFactory(),
          for (T1 key : c.firstKeySet()) {
              ClassicCounter<T2> ctr = c.getCounter(key);
              result.setCounter(key, scale(ctr, d));
          return result;

      static final Random RAND = new Random();

       * Does not assumes c is normalized.
       * @return A sample from c
      public static <T> T sample(Counter<T> c, Random rand) {
          // OMITTED: Seems like there should be a way to directly check if T is comparable
          // Set<T> keySet = c.keySet();
          // if (!keySet.isEmpty() && keySet.iterator().next() instanceof Comparable) {
          //   List l = new ArrayList<T>(keySet);
          //   Collections.sort(l);
          //   objects = l;
          // } else {
          //   throw new RuntimeException("Results won't be stable since Counters keys are comparable.");
          // }
          if (rand == null)
              rand = RAND;
          double r = rand.nextDouble() * c.totalCount();
          double total = 0.0;

          for (T t : c.keySet()) { // arbitrary ordering, but presumably stable
              total += c.getCount(t);
              if (total >= r)
                  return t;
          // only chance of reaching here is if c isn't properly normalized, or if
          // double math makes total<1.0
          return c.keySet().iterator().next();

       * Does not assumes c is normalized.
       * @return A sample from c

      public static <T> T sample(Counter<T> c) {
          return sample(c, null);

       * Returns a counter where each element corresponds to the normalized count of
       * the corresponding element in c raised to the given power.
      public static <E> Counter<E> powNormalized(Counter<E> c, double temp) {
          Counter<E> d = c.getFactory().create();
          double total = c.totalCount();
          for (E e : c.keySet()) {
              d.setCount(e, Math.pow(c.getCount(e) / total, temp));
          return d;

      public static <T> Counter<T> pow(Counter<T> c, double temp) {
          Counter<T> d = c.getFactory().create();
          for (T t : c.keySet()) {
              d.setCount(t, Math.pow(c.getCount(t), temp));
          return d;

      public static <T> void powInPlace(Counter<T> c, double temp) {
          for (T t : c.keySet()) {
              c.setCount(t, Math.pow(c.getCount(t), temp));

      public static <T> Counter<T> exp(Counter<T> c) {
          Counter<T> d = c.getFactory().create();
          for (T t : c.keySet()) {
              d.setCount(t, Math.exp(c.getCount(t)));
          return d;

      public static <T> void expInPlace(Counter<T> c) {
          for (T t : c.keySet()) {
              c.setCount(t, Math.exp(c.getCount(t)));

      public static <T> Counter<T> diff(Counter<T> goldFeatures, Counter<T> guessedFeatures) {
          Counter<T> result = goldFeatures.getFactory().create();
          for (T key : Sets.union(goldFeatures.keySet(), guessedFeatures.keySet())) {
              result.setCount(key, goldFeatures.getCount(key) - guessedFeatures.getCount(key));
          return result;

       * Default equality comparison for two counters potentially backed by
       * alternative implementations.
      public static <E> boolean equals(Counter<E> o1, Counter<E> o2) {
          return equals(o1, o2, 0.0);

       * Equality comparison between two counters, allowing for a tolerance fudge factor.
      public static <E> boolean equals(Counter<E> o1, Counter<E> o2, double tolerance) {
          if (o1 == o2) {
              return true;

          if (Math.abs(o1.totalCount() - o2.totalCount()) > tolerance) {
              return false;

          if (!o1.keySet().equals(o2.keySet())) {
              return false;

          for (E key : o1.keySet()) {
              if (Math.abs(o1.getCount(key) - o2.getCount(key)) > tolerance) {
                  return false;

          return true;


       * Returns unmodifiable view of the counter. changes to the underlying Counter
       * are written through to this Counter.
       * @param counter
       *          The counter
       * @return unmodifiable view of the counter
      public static <T> Counter<T> unmodifiableCounter(final Counter<T> counter) {

          return new AbstractCounter<T>() {

              public void clear() {
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

              public boolean containsKey(T key) {
                  return counter.containsKey(key);

              public double getCount(Object key) {
                  return counter.getCount(key);

              public Factory<Counter<T>> getFactory() {
                  return counter.getFactory();

              public double remove(T key) {
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

              public void setCount(T key, double value) {
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

              public double incrementCount(T key, double value) {
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

              public double incrementCount(T key) {
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

              public double logIncrementCount(T key, double value) {
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

              public int size() {
                  return counter.size();

              public double totalCount() {
                  return counter.totalCount();

              public Collection<Double> values() {
                  return counter.values();

              public Set<T> keySet() {
                  return Collections.unmodifiableSet(counter.keySet());

              public Set<Entry<T, Double>> entrySet() {
                  return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new AbstractSet<Map.Entry<T, Double>>() {
                      public Iterator<Entry<T, Double>> iterator() {
                          return new Iterator<Entry<T, Double>>() {
                              final Iterator<Entry<T, Double>> inner = counter.entrySet().iterator();

                              public boolean hasNext() {
                                  return inner.hasNext();

                              public Entry<T, Double> next() {
                                  return new Map.Entry<T, Double>() {
                                      final Entry<T, Double> e =;

                                      public T getKey() {
                                          return e.getKey();

                                      @SuppressWarnings({ "UnnecessaryBoxing", "UnnecessaryUnboxing" })
                                      public Double getValue() {
                                          return Double.valueOf(e.getValue().doubleValue());

                                      public Double setValue(Double value) {
                                          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

                              public void remove() {
                                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

                      public int size() {
                          return counter.size();

              public void setDefaultReturnValue(double rv) {
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

              public double defaultReturnValue() {
                  return counter.defaultReturnValue();

               * {@inheritDoc}
              public void prettyLog(RedwoodChannels channels, String description) {
                  PrettyLogger.log(channels, description, asMap(this));
      } // end unmodifiableCounter()

       * Returns a counter whose keys are the elements in this priority queue, and
       * whose counts are the priorities in this queue. In the event there are
       * multiple instances of the same element in the queue, the counter's count
       * will be the sum of the instances' priorities.
      public static <E> Counter<E> asCounter(FixedPrioritiesPriorityQueue<E> p) {
          FixedPrioritiesPriorityQueue<E> pq = p.clone();
          ClassicCounter<E> counter = new ClassicCounter<>();
          while (pq.hasNext()) {
              double priority = pq.getPriority();
              E element =;
              counter.incrementCount(element, priority);
          return counter;

       * Returns a counter view of the given map. Infers the numeric type of the
       * values from the first element in map.values().
      public static <E, N extends Number> Counter<E> fromMap(final Map<E, N> map) {
          if (map.isEmpty()) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map must have at least one element"
                      + " to infer numeric type; add an element first or use e.g." + " fromMap(map, Integer.class)");
          return fromMap(map, (Class) map.values().iterator().next().getClass());

       * Returns a counter view of the given map. The type parameter is the type of
       * the values in the map, which because of Java's generics type erasure, can't
       * be discovered by reflection if the map is currently empty.
      public static <E, N extends Number> Counter<E> fromMap(final Map<E, N> map, final Class<N> type) {
          // get our initial total
          double initialTotal = 0.0;
          for (Map.Entry<E, N> entry : map.entrySet()) {
              initialTotal += entry.getValue().doubleValue();

          // and pass it in to the returned inner class with a final variable
          final double initialTotalFinal = initialTotal;

          return new AbstractCounter<E>() {
              double total = initialTotalFinal;
              double defRV = 0.0;

              public void clear() {
                  total = 0.0;

              public boolean containsKey(E key) {
                  return map.containsKey(key);

              public void setDefaultReturnValue(double rv) {
                  defRV = rv;

              public double defaultReturnValue() {
                  return defRV;

              public boolean equals(Object o) {
                  if (this == o) {
                      return true;
                  } else if (!(o instanceof Counter)) {
                      return false;
                  } else {
                      return Counters.equals(this, (Counter<E>) o);

              public int hashCode() {
                  return map.hashCode();

              public Set<Entry<E, Double>> entrySet() {
                  return new AbstractSet<Entry<E, Double>>() {
                      Set<Entry<E, N>> entries = map.entrySet();

                      public Iterator<Entry<E, Double>> iterator() {
                          return new Iterator<Entry<E, Double>>() {
                              Iterator<Entry<E, N>> it = entries.iterator();
                              Entry<E, N> lastEntry; // = null;

                              public boolean hasNext() {
                                  return it.hasNext();

                              public Entry<E, Double> next() {
                                  final Entry<E, N> entry =;
                                  lastEntry = entry;

                                  return new Entry<E, Double>() {
                                      public E getKey() {
                                          return entry.getKey();

                                      public Double getValue() {
                                          return entry.getValue().doubleValue();

                                      public Double setValue(Double value) {
                                          final double lastValue = entry.getValue().doubleValue();
                                          double rv;

                                          if (type == Double.class) {
                                              rv = ErasureUtils.<Entry<E, Double>>uncheckedCast(entry)
                                          } else if (type == Integer.class) {
                                              rv = ErasureUtils.<Entry<E, Integer>>uncheckedCast(entry)
                                          } else if (type == Float.class) {
                                              rv = ErasureUtils.<Entry<E, Float>>uncheckedCast(entry)
                                          } else if (type == Long.class) {
                                              rv = ErasureUtils.<Entry<E, Long>>uncheckedCast(entry)
                                          } else if (type == Short.class) {
                                              rv = ErasureUtils.<Entry<E, Short>>uncheckedCast(entry)
                                          } else {
                                              throw new RuntimeException(
                                                      "Unrecognized numeric type in wrapped counter");

                                          // need to call getValue().doubleValue() to make sure
                                          // we keep the same precision as the underlying map
                                          total += entry.getValue().doubleValue() - lastValue;

                                          return rv;

                              public void remove() {
                                  total -= lastEntry.getValue().doubleValue();

                      public int size() {
                          return map.size();

              public double getCount(Object key) {
                  final Number value = map.get(key);
                  return value != null ? value.doubleValue() : defRV;

              public Factory<Counter<E>> getFactory() {
                  return new Factory<Counter<E>>() {

                      private static final long serialVersionUID = -4063129407369590522L;

                      public Counter<E> create() {
                          // return a HashMap backed by the same numeric type to
                          // keep the precision of the returned counter consistent with
                          // this one's precision
                          return fromMap(Generics.<E, N>newHashMap(), type);

              public Set<E> keySet() {
                  return new AbstractSet<E>() {
                      public Iterator<E> iterator() {
                          return new Iterator<E>() {
                              Iterator<E> it = map.keySet().iterator();

                              public boolean hasNext() {
                                  return it.hasNext();

                              public E next() {

                              public void remove() {
                                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot remove from key set");

                      public int size() {
                          return map.size();

              public double remove(E key) {
                  final Number removed = map.remove(key);
                  if (removed != null) {
                      final double rv = removed.doubleValue();
                      total -= rv;
                      return rv;
                  return defRV;

              public void setCount(E key, double value) {
                  final Double lastValue;
                  double newValue;

                  if (type == Double.class) {
                      lastValue = ErasureUtils.<Map<E, Double>>uncheckedCast(map).put(key, value);
                      newValue = value;
                  } else if (type == Integer.class) {
                      final Integer last = ErasureUtils.<Map<E, Integer>>uncheckedCast(map).put(key, (int) value);
                      lastValue = last != null ? last.doubleValue() : null;
                      newValue = ((int) value);
                  } else if (type == Float.class) {
                      final Float last = ErasureUtils.<Map<E, Float>>uncheckedCast(map).put(key, (float) value);
                      lastValue = last != null ? last.doubleValue() : null;
                      newValue = ((float) value);
                  } else if (type == Long.class) {
                      final Long last = ErasureUtils.<Map<E, Long>>uncheckedCast(map).put(key, (long) value);
                      lastValue = last != null ? last.doubleValue() : null;
                      newValue = ((long) value);
                  } else if (type == Short.class) {
                      final Short last = ErasureUtils.<Map<E, Short>>uncheckedCast(map).put(key, (short) value);
                      lastValue = last != null ? last.doubleValue() : null;
                      newValue = ((short) value);
                  } else {
                      throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized numeric type in wrapped counter");

                  // need to use newValue instead of value to make sure we
                  // keep same precision as underlying map.
                  total += newValue - (lastValue != null ? lastValue : 0);

              public int size() {
                  return map.size();

              public double totalCount() {
                  return total;

              public Collection<Double> values() {
                  return new AbstractCollection<Double>() {
                      public Iterator<Double> iterator() {
                          return new Iterator<Double>() {
                              final Iterator<N> it = map.values().iterator();

                              public boolean hasNext() {
                                  return it.hasNext();

                              public Double next() {

                              public void remove() {
                                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot remove from values collection");

                      public int size() {
                          return map.size();

               * {@inheritDoc}
              public void prettyLog(RedwoodChannels channels, String description) {
                  PrettyLogger.log(channels, description, map);
      } // end fromMap()

       * Returns a map view of the given counter.
      public static <E> Map<E, Double> asMap(final Counter<E> counter) {
          return new AbstractMap<E, Double>() {
              public int size() {
                  return counter.size();

              public Set<Entry<E, Double>> entrySet() {
                  return counter.entrySet();

              public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
                  return counter.containsKey((E) key);

              public Double get(Object key) {
                  return counter.getCount((E) key);

              public Double put(E key, Double value) {
                  double last = counter.getCount(key);
                  counter.setCount(key, value);
                  return last;

              public Double remove(Object key) {
                  return counter.remove((E) key);

              public Set<E> keySet() {
                  return counter.keySet();

       * Check if this counter is a uniform distribution.
       * That is, it should sum to 1.0, and every value should be equal to every other value.
       * @param distribution The distribution to check.
       * @param tolerance The tolerance for floating point error, in both the equality and total count checks.
       * @param <E> The type of the counter.
       * @return True if this counter is the uniform distribution over its domain.
      public static <E> boolean isUniformDistribution(Counter<E> distribution, double tolerance) {
          double value = Double.NaN;
          double totalCount = 0.0;
          for (double val : distribution.values()) {
              if (Double.isNaN(value)) {
                  value = val;
              if (Math.abs(val - value) > tolerance) {
                  return false;
              totalCount += val;
          return Math.abs(totalCount - 1.0) < tolerance;

       * Default comparator for breaking ties in argmin and argmax.
       * //TODO: What type should this be?
       * // Unused, so who cares?
       * private static final Comparator<Object> hashCodeComparator =
       *   new Comparator<Object>() {
       *     public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
       *      return o1.hashCode() - o2.hashCode();
       *     }
       *     public boolean equals(Comparator comparator) {
       *       return (comparator == this);
       *     }
       *  };

       * Comparator that uses natural ordering. Returns 0 if o1 is not Comparable.
      static class NaturalComparator<E> implements Comparator<E> {
          public NaturalComparator() {

          public String toString() {
              return "NaturalComparator";

          public int compare(E o1, E o2) {
              if (o1 instanceof Comparable) {
                  return (((Comparable<E>) o1).compareTo(o2));
              return 0; // soft-fail

       * @param <E>
       * @param originalCounter
       * @return a copy of the original counter
      public static <E> Counter<E> getCopy(Counter<E> originalCounter) {
          Counter<E> copyCounter = new ClassicCounter<>();
          return copyCounter;

       * Places the maximum of first and second keys values in the first counter.
       * @param <E>
      public static <E> void maxInPlace(Counter<E> target, Counter<E> other) {
          for (E e : CollectionUtils.union(other.keySet(), target.keySet())) {
              target.setCount(e, Math.max(target.getCount(e), other.getCount(e)));

       * Places the minimum of first and second keys values in the first counter.
       * @param <E>
      public static <E> void minInPlace(Counter<E> target, Counter<E> other) {
          for (E e : CollectionUtils.union(other.keySet(), target.keySet())) {
              target.setCount(e, Math.min(target.getCount(e), other.getCount(e)));

       * Retains the minimal set of top keys such that their count sum is more than thresholdCount.
       * @param counter
       * @param thresholdCount
      public static <E> void retainTopMass(Counter<E> counter, double thresholdCount) {
          PriorityQueue<E> queue = Counters.toPriorityQueue(counter);

          double mass = 0;
          while (mass < thresholdCount && !queue.isEmpty()) {
              double value = queue.getPriority();
              E key = queue.removeFirst();
              counter.setCount(key, value);
              mass += value;

      public static <A, B> void divideInPlace(TwoDimensionalCounter<A, B> counter, double divisor) {
          for (Entry<A, ClassicCounter<B>> c : counter.entrySet()) {
              Counters.divideInPlace(c.getValue(), divisor);

      public static <E> double pearsonsCorrelationCoefficient(Counter<E> x, Counter<E> y) {
          double stddevX = Counters.standardDeviation(x);
          double stddevY = Counters.standardDeviation(y);
          double meanX = Counters.mean(x);
          double meanY = Counters.mean(y);
          Counter<E> t1 = Counters.add(x, -meanX);
          Counter<E> t2 = Counters.add(y, -meanY);
          Counters.divideInPlace(t1, stddevX);
          Counters.divideInPlace(t2, stddevY);
          return Counters.dotProduct(t1, t2) / (double) (x.size() - 1);

      public static <E> double spearmanRankCorrelation(Counter<E> x, Counter<E> y) {
          Counter<E> xrank = Counters.toTiedRankCounter(x);
          Counter<E> yrank = Counters.toTiedRankCounter(y);
          return Counters.pearsonsCorrelationCoefficient(xrank, yrank);

       * ensures that counter t has all keys in keys. If the counter does not have the keys, then add the key with count value.
       * Note that it does not change counts that exist in the counter
      public static <E> void ensureKeys(Counter<E> t, Collection<E> keys, double value) {
          for (E k : keys) {
              if (!t.containsKey(k))
                  t.setCount(k, value);

      public static <E> List<E> topKeys(Counter<E> t, int topNum) {
          List<E> list = new ArrayList<>();
          PriorityQueue<E> q = Counters.toPriorityQueue(t);
          int num = 0;
          while (!q.isEmpty() && num < topNum) {
          return list;

      public static <E> List<Pair<E, Double>> topKeysWithCounts(Counter<E> t, int topNum) {
          List<Pair<E, Double>> list = new ArrayList<>();
          PriorityQueue<E> q = Counters.toPriorityQueue(t);
          int num = 0;
          while (!q.isEmpty() && num < topNum) {
              E k = q.removeFirst();
              list.add(new Pair<>(k, t.getCount(k)));
          return list;

      public static <E> Counter<E> getFCounter(Counter<E> precision, Counter<E> recall, double beta) {
          Counter<E> fscores = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (E k : precision.keySet()) {
              fscores.setCount(k, precision.getCount(k) * recall.getCount(k) * (1 + beta * beta)
                      / (beta * beta * precision.getCount(k) + recall.getCount(k)));
          return fscores;

      public static <E> void transformValuesInPlace(Counter<E> counter, DoubleUnaryOperator func) {
          for (E key : counter.keySet()) {
              counter.setCount(key, func.applyAsDouble(counter.getCount(key)));

      public static <E> Counter<E> getCounts(Counter<E> c, Collection<E> keys) {
          Counter<E> newcounter = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (E k : keys)
              newcounter.setCount(k, c.getCount(k));
          return newcounter;

      public static <E> void retainKeys(Counter<E> counter, Predicate<E> retainFunction) {
          Set<E> remove = new HashSet<>();
          for (Entry<E, Double> en : counter.entrySet()) {
              if (!retainFunction.test(en.getKey())) {
          Counters.removeKeys(counter, remove);

      public static <E, E2> Counter<E> flatten(Map<E2, Counter<E>> hier) {
          Counter<E> flat = new ClassicCounter<>();
          for (Entry<E2, Counter<E>> en : hier.entrySet()) {
          return flat;

       * Returns true if the given counter contains only finite, non-NaN values.
       * @param counts The counter to validate.
       * @param <E> The parameterized type of the counter.
       * @return True if the counter is finite and not NaN on every value.
      public static <E> boolean isFinite(Counter<E> counts) {
          for (double value : counts.values()) {
              if (Double.isInfinite(value) || Double.isNaN(value)) {
                  return false;
          return true;
