Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package edu.stanford.nlp.process;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasTag;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label;
import edu.stanford.nlp.objectbank.XMLBeginEndIterator;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.PropertiesUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

 * Produces a list of sentences from either a plain text or XML document.
 * This class acts like a Reader: It allows you to make a single pass through a
 * list of sentences in a document. If you need to pass through the document
 * multiple times, then you need to create a second DocumentProcessor.
 * <p>
 * Tokenization: The default tokenizer is {@link PTBTokenizer}. If null is passed
 * to {@code setTokenizerFactory}, then whitespace tokenization is assumed.
 * <p>
 * Adding a new document type requires two steps:
 * <ol>
 * <li> Add a new DocType.
 * <li> Create an iterator for the new DocType and modify the iterator()
 *     function to return the new iterator.
 * </ol>
 * <p>
 * NOTE: This implementation should <em>not</em> use external libraries since it
 * is used in the parser.
 * @author Spence Green
public class DocumentPreprocessor implements Iterable<List<HasWord>> {

    // todo [cdm 2017]: This class is used in all our parsers, but we should probably work to move over to WordToSentenceProcessor, which has been used in CoreNLP and has been developed more.

    /** A logger for this class */
    private static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(DocumentPreprocessor.class);

    public enum DocType {
        Plain, XML

    // todo: Should probably change this to be regex, but I've added some multi-character punctuation in the meantime
    private static final String[] DEFAULT_SENTENCE_DELIMS = { ".", "?", "!", "!!", "!!!", "??", "?!", "!?" };

    // inputReader is used in a fairly yucky way at the moment to communicate
    // from a XMLIterator across to a PlainTextIterator.  Maybe redo by making
    // the inner classes static and explicitly passing things around.
    private Reader inputReader;
    private final DocType docType;

    //Configurable options
    private TokenizerFactory<? extends HasWord> tokenizerFactory = PTBTokenizer.coreLabelFactory();
    private String[] sentenceFinalPuncWords = DEFAULT_SENTENCE_DELIMS;
    private Function<List<HasWord>, List<HasWord>> escaper; // = null;
    private String sentenceDelimiter; // = null;
     * Example: if the words are already POS tagged and look like
     * foo_VB, you want to set the tagDelimiter to "_"
    private String tagDelimiter; // = null;
     * When doing XML parsing, only accept text in between tags that
     * match this regular expression.  Defaults to everything.
    private String elementDelimiter = ".*";

    private static final Pattern wsPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s+");

    //From PTB conventions
    private final String[] sentenceFinalFollowers = { ")", "]", "\"", "\'", "''", "-RRB-", "-RSB-", "-RCB-" };

    private boolean keepEmptySentences; // = false;

     * Constructs a preprocessor from an existing input stream.
     * @param input An existing reader
    public DocumentPreprocessor(Reader input) {
        this(input, DocType.Plain);

    public DocumentPreprocessor(Reader input, DocType t) {
        if (input == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot read from null object!");
        docType = t;
        inputReader = input;

    public DocumentPreprocessor(String docPath) {
        this(docPath, DocType.Plain, "UTF-8");

    public DocumentPreprocessor(String docPath, DocType t) {
        this(docPath, t, "UTF-8");

     * Constructs a preprocessor from a file at a path, which can be either
     * a filesystem location, a classpath entry, or a URL.
     * @param docPath The path
     * @param encoding The character encoding used by Readers
    public DocumentPreprocessor(String docPath, DocType t, String encoding) {
        if (docPath == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot open null document path!");

        docType = t;
        try {
            inputReader = IOUtils.readerFromString(docPath, encoding);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new RuntimeIOException(
                    String.format("%s: Could not open path %s", this.getClass().getName(), docPath), ioe);

     * Set whether or not the tokenizer keeps empty sentences in
     * whitespace mode.  Useful for programs that want to echo blank
     * lines.  Not relevant for the non-whitespace model.
    public void setKeepEmptySentences(boolean keepEmptySentences) {
        this.keepEmptySentences = keepEmptySentences;

     * Sets the end-of-sentence delimiters.
     * <p>
     * For newline tokenization, use the argument {"\n"}.
     * @param sentenceFinalPuncWords An array of words that count as sentence final punctuation.
    public void setSentenceFinalPuncWords(String[] sentenceFinalPuncWords) {
        this.sentenceFinalPuncWords = sentenceFinalPuncWords;

     * Sets the factory from which to produce a {@link Tokenizer}.  The default is
     * {@link PTBTokenizer}.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: If a null argument is used, then the document is assumed to be tokenized
     * and DocumentPreprocessor performs no tokenization.
    public void setTokenizerFactory(TokenizerFactory<? extends HasWord> newTokenizerFactory) {
        tokenizerFactory = newTokenizerFactory;

     * Set an escaper.
     * @param e The escaper
    public void setEscaper(Function<List<HasWord>, List<HasWord>> e) {
        escaper = e;

     * Make the processor assume that the document is already delimited
     * by the supplied parameter.
     * @param s The sentence delimiter
    public void setSentenceDelimiter(String s) {
        sentenceDelimiter = s;

     * Split tags from tokens. The tag will be placed in the TagAnnotation of
     * the returned label.
     * <p>
     * Note that for strings that contain two or more instances of the tag delimiter,
     * the last instance is treated as the split point.
     * <p>
     * The tag delimiter should not contain any characters that must be escaped in a Java
     * regex.
     * @param s POS tag delimiter
    public void setTagDelimiter(String s) {
        tagDelimiter = s;

     * Only read text from inside these XML elements if in XML mode.
     * <i>Note:</i> This class implements an approximation to XML via regex.
     * Otherwise, text will read from all tokens.
    public void setElementDelimiter(String s) {
        elementDelimiter = s;

     * Returns sentences until the document is exhausted. Calls close() if the end of the document
     * is reached. Otherwise, the user is required to close the stream.
     * @return An Iterator over sentences (each a List of word tokens).
     * Although the type is given as {@code List<HasWord>}, in practice you get a List of CoreLabel,
     * and you can cast down to that. (Someday we might manage to fix the generic typing....)
    public Iterator<List<HasWord>> iterator() {
        // Add new document types here
        if (docType == DocType.Plain) {
            return new PlainTextIterator();
        } else if (docType == DocType.XML) {
            return new XMLIterator();
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Someone didn't add a handler for a new docType.");

    private class PlainTextIterator implements Iterator<List<HasWord>> {

        private final Tokenizer<? extends HasWord> tokenizer;
        private final Set<String> sentDelims;
        private final Set<String> delimFollowers;
        private final Function<String, String[]> splitTag;
        private List<HasWord> nextSent; // = null;
        private final List<HasWord> nextSentCarryover = Generics.newArrayList();

        public PlainTextIterator() {
            // Establish how to find sentence boundaries
            boolean eolIsSignificant = false;
            sentDelims = Generics.newHashSet();
            if (sentenceDelimiter == null) {
                if (sentenceFinalPuncWords != null) {
                delimFollowers = Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(sentenceFinalFollowers));
            } else {
                delimFollowers = Generics.newHashSet();
                eolIsSignificant = wsPattern.matcher(sentenceDelimiter).matches();
                if (eolIsSignificant) { // For Stanford English Tokenizer

            // Setup the tokenizer
            if (tokenizerFactory == null) {
                eolIsSignificant = sentDelims.contains(WhitespaceLexer.NEWLINE);
                tokenizer = WhitespaceTokenizer.newCoreLabelWhitespaceTokenizer(inputReader, eolIsSignificant);
            } else {
                if (eolIsSignificant) {
                    tokenizer = tokenizerFactory.getTokenizer(inputReader, "tokenizeNLs");
                } else {
                    tokenizer = tokenizerFactory.getTokenizer(inputReader);

            // If tokens are tagged, then we must split them
            // Note that if the token contains two or more instances of the delimiter, then the last
            // instance is regarded as the split point.
            if (tagDelimiter == null) {
                splitTag = null;
            } else {
                splitTag = new Function<String, String[]>() {
                    private final String splitRegex = String.format("%s(?!.*%s)", tagDelimiter, tagDelimiter);

                    public String[] apply(String in) {
                        final String[] splits = in.trim().split(splitRegex);
                        if (splits.length == 2)
                            return splits;
                        else {
                            String[] oldStr = { in };
                            return oldStr;

        private void primeNext() {
            if (inputReader == null) {
                // we've already been out of stuff and have closed the input reader; so just return

            nextSent = Generics.newArrayList(nextSentCarryover);
            boolean seenBoundary = false;

            if (!tokenizer.hasNext()) {
                inputReader = null;
                // nextSent = null; // WRONG: There may be something in it from the nextSentCarryover
                if (nextSent.isEmpty()) {
                    nextSent = null;

            do {
                HasWord token =;
                if (splitTag != null) {
                    String[] toks = splitTag.apply(token.word());
                    if (token instanceof Label) {
                        ((Label) token).setValue(toks[0]);
                    if (toks.length == 2 && token instanceof HasTag) {
                        //wsg2011: Some of the underlying tokenizers return old
                        //JavaNLP labels.  We could convert to CoreLabel here, but
                        //we choose a conservative implementation....
                        ((HasTag) token).setTag(toks[1]);

                if (sentDelims.contains(token.word())) {
                    seenBoundary = true;
                } else if (seenBoundary && !delimFollowers.contains(token.word())) {

                if (!(wsPattern.matcher(token.word()).matches()
                        || token.word().equals(PTBTokenizer.getNewlineToken()))) {

                // If there are no words that can follow a sentence delimiter,
                // then there are two cases.  In one case is we already have a
                // sentence, in which case there is no reason to look at the
                // next token, since that just causes buffering without any
                // chance of the current sentence being extended, since
                // delimFollowers = {}.  In the other case, we have an empty
                // sentence, which at this point means the sentence delimiter
                // was a whitespace token such as \n.  We might as well keep
                // going as if we had never seen anything.
                if (seenBoundary && delimFollowers.isEmpty()) {
                    if (!nextSent.isEmpty() || keepEmptySentences) {
                    } else {
                        seenBoundary = false;
            } while (tokenizer.hasNext());

            if (nextSent.isEmpty() && nextSentCarryover.isEmpty() && !keepEmptySentences) {
                inputReader = null;
                nextSent = null;
            } else if (escaper != null) {
                nextSent = escaper.apply(nextSent);

        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (nextSent == null) {
            return nextSent != null;

        public List<HasWord> next() {
            if (nextSent == null) {
            if (nextSent == null) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            List<HasWord> thisIteration = nextSent;
            nextSent = null;
            return thisIteration;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


    private class XMLIterator implements Iterator<List<HasWord>> {

        private final XMLBeginEndIterator<String> xmlItr;
        private final Reader originalDocReader;
        private PlainTextIterator plainItr; // = null;
        private List<HasWord> nextSent; // = null;

        public XMLIterator() {
            xmlItr = new XMLBeginEndIterator<>(inputReader, elementDelimiter);
            originalDocReader = inputReader;

        private void primeNext() {
            // It is necessary to loop because if a document has a pattern
            // that goes: <tag></tag> the xmlItr will return an empty
            // string, which the plainItr will process to null.  If we
            // didn't loop to find the next tag, the iterator would stop.
            do {
                if (plainItr != null && plainItr.hasNext()) {
                    nextSent =;
                } else if (xmlItr.hasNext()) {
                    String block =;
                    inputReader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(block));
                    plainItr = new PlainTextIterator();
                    if (plainItr.hasNext()) {
                        nextSent =;
                    } else {
                        nextSent = null;
                } else {
                    nextSent = null;
            } while (nextSent == null);

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return nextSent != null;

        public List<HasWord> next() {
            if (nextSent == null) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            List<HasWord> thisSentence = nextSent;
            return thisSentence;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    } // end class XMLIterator

    private static String usage() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String nl = System.lineSeparator();
        sb.append(String.format("Usage: java %s [OPTIONS] [file] [< file]%n%n",
        sb.append("-xml delim              : XML input with associated delimiter.").append(nl);
        sb.append("-encoding type          : Input encoding (default: UTF-8).").append(nl);
        sb.append("-printSentenceLengths   : ").append(nl);
        sb.append("-noTokenization         : Split on newline delimiters only.").append(nl);
        sb.append("-printOriginalText      : Print the original, not normalized form of tokens.").append(nl);
        sb.append("-suppressEscaping       : Suppress PTB escaping.").append(nl);
        sb.append("-tokenizerOptions opts  : Specify custom tokenizer options.").append(nl);
        sb.append("-tag delim              : Input tokens are tagged. Split tags.").append(nl);
        sb.append("-whitespaceTokenization : Whitespace tokenization only.").append(nl);
        sb.append("-sentenceDelimiter delim: Split sentences on this also (\"newline\" for \\n)").append(nl);
        return sb.toString();

    private static Map<String, Integer> argOptionDefs() {
        Map<String, Integer> argOptionDefs = Generics.newHashMap();
        argOptionDefs.put("help", 0);
        argOptionDefs.put("xml", 1);
        argOptionDefs.put("encoding", 1);
        argOptionDefs.put("printSentenceLengths", 0);
        argOptionDefs.put("noTokenization", 0);
        argOptionDefs.put("suppressEscaping", 0);
        argOptionDefs.put("tag", 1);
        argOptionDefs.put("tokenizerOptions", 1);
        argOptionDefs.put("whitespaceTokenization", 0);
        argOptionDefs.put("sentenceDelimiter", 1);
        return argOptionDefs;

     * A simple, deterministic sentence-splitter. This method only supports the English
     * tokenizer, so for other languages you should run the tokenizer first and then
     * run this sentence splitter with the "-whitespaceTokenization" option.
     * @param args Command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        final Properties options = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args, argOptionDefs());
        if (options.containsKey("help")) {

        // Command-line flags
        String encoding = options.getProperty("encoding", "utf-8");
        boolean printSentenceLengths = PropertiesUtils.getBool(options, "printSentenceLengths", false);
        String xmlElementDelimiter = options.getProperty("xml", null);
        DocType docType = xmlElementDelimiter == null ? DocType.Plain : DocType.XML;
        String sentenceDelimiter = options.containsKey("noTokenization") ? System.getProperty("line.separator")
                : null;
        String sDelim = options.getProperty("sentenceDelimiter");
        if (sDelim != null) {
            if (sDelim.equalsIgnoreCase("newline")) {
                sentenceDelimiter = "\n";
            } else {
                sentenceDelimiter = sDelim;
        String tagDelimiter = options.getProperty("tag", null);
        String[] sentenceDelims = null;

        // Setup the TokenizerFactory
        int numFactoryFlags = 0;
        boolean suppressEscaping = options.containsKey("suppressEscaping");
        if (suppressEscaping)
            numFactoryFlags += 1;
        boolean customTokenizer = options.containsKey("tokenizerOptions");
        if (customTokenizer)
            numFactoryFlags += 1;
        boolean printOriginalText = options.containsKey("printOriginalText");
        if (printOriginalText)
            numFactoryFlags += 1;
        boolean whitespaceTokenization = options.containsKey("whitespaceTokenization");
        if (whitespaceTokenization)
            numFactoryFlags += 1;
        if (numFactoryFlags > 1) {
  "Only one tokenizer flag allowed at a time: ");
  "  -suppressEscaping, -tokenizerOptions, -printOriginalText, -whitespaceTokenization");

        TokenizerFactory<? extends HasWord> tf = null;
        if (suppressEscaping) {
            tf = PTBTokenizer.factory(new CoreLabelTokenFactory(), "ptb3Escaping=false");
        } else if (customTokenizer) {
            tf = PTBTokenizer.factory(new CoreLabelTokenFactory(), options.getProperty("tokenizerOptions"));
        } else if (printOriginalText) {
            tf = PTBTokenizer.factory(new CoreLabelTokenFactory(), "invertible=true");
        } else if (whitespaceTokenization) {
            List<String> whitespaceDelims = new ArrayList<>(
            sentenceDelims = whitespaceDelims.toArray(new String[whitespaceDelims.size()]);
        } else {
            tf = PTBTokenizer.factory(new CoreLabelTokenFactory(), "");

        String fileList = options.getProperty("", null);
        String[] files = fileList == null ? new String[1] : fileList.split("\\s+");

        int numSents = 0;
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, encoding), true);
        for (String file : files) {
            DocumentPreprocessor docPreprocessor;
            if (file == null || file.isEmpty()) {
                docPreprocessor = new DocumentPreprocessor(new InputStreamReader(, encoding));
            } else {
                docPreprocessor = new DocumentPreprocessor(file, docType, encoding);
            if (docType == DocType.XML) {
            if (sentenceDelimiter != null) {
            if (tagDelimiter != null) {
            if (sentenceDelims != null) {

            for (List<HasWord> sentence : docPreprocessor) {
                if (printSentenceLengths) {
                    System.err.printf("Length: %d%n", sentence.size());
                boolean printSpace = false;
                for (HasWord word : sentence) {
                    if (printOriginalText) {
                        CoreLabel cl = (CoreLabel) word;
                        if (!printSpace) {
                            printSpace = true;
                    } else {
                        if (printSpace)
                            pw.print(" ");
                        printSpace = true;
        System.err.printf("Read in %d sentences.%n", numSents);
