Source code

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import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.ToIntFunction;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph;
import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphEdge;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.PriorityQueue;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*;

import static edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood.Util.err;

 * A (subject, relation, object) triple; e.g., as used in the KBP challenges or in OpenIE systems.
 * @author Gabor Angeli
public class RelationTriple implements Comparable<RelationTriple>, Iterable<CoreLabel> {

    /** The subject (first argument) of this triple */
    public final List<CoreLabel> subject;

    /** The subject (first argument) of this triple, in its canonical mention (i.e., coref resolved) */
    public final List<CoreLabel> canonicalSubject;

     * The relation (second argument) of this triple.
     * Note that this is only the part of the relation that can be grounded in the sentence itself.
     * Often, for a standalone readable relation string, you want to attach additional modifiers
     * otherwise stored in the dependnecy arc.
     * Therefore, for getting a String form of the relation, we recommend using
     * {@link RelationTriple#relationGloss} or {@link RelationTriple#relationLemmaGloss}.
    public final List<CoreLabel> relation;

    /** The object (third argument) of this triple */
    public final List<CoreLabel> object;

    /** The object (third argument) of this triple, in its canonical mention (i.e., coref resolved). */
    public final List<CoreLabel> canonicalObject;

    /** A marker for the relation expressing a tmod not grounded in a word in the sentence. */
    private boolean istmod = false;
    /** A marker for the relation expressing a prefix "be" not grounded in a word in the sentence. */
    private boolean prefixBe = false;
    /** A marker for the relation expressing a suffix "be" not grounded in a word in the sentence. */
    private boolean suffixBe = false;
    /** A marker for the relation expressing a suffix "of" not grounded in a word in the sentence. */
    private boolean suffixOf = false;
    /** An optional score (confidence) for this triple */
    public final double confidence;

     * Create a new triple with known values for the subject, relation, and object.
     * For example, "(cats, play with, yarn)"
     * @param subject The subject of this triple; e.g., "cats".
     * @param relation The relation of this triple; e.g., "play with".
     * @param object The object of this triple; e.g., "yarn".
    public RelationTriple(List<CoreLabel> subject, List<CoreLabel> relation, List<CoreLabel> object,
            double confidence) {
        this.subject = subject;
        this.canonicalSubject = subject;
        this.relation = relation;
        this.object = object;
        this.canonicalObject = object;
        this.confidence = confidence;

     * @see, java.util.List, java.util.List, double)
    public RelationTriple(List<CoreLabel> subject, List<CoreLabel> relation, List<CoreLabel> object) {
        this(subject, relation, object, 1.0);

     * Create a new triple with known values for the subject, relation, and object.
     * For example, "(cats, play with, yarn)"
     * @param subject The subject of this triple; e.g., "cats".
     * @param relation The relation of this triple; e.g., "play with".
     * @param object The object of this triple; e.g., "yarn".
    public RelationTriple(List<CoreLabel> subject, List<CoreLabel> canonicalSubject, List<CoreLabel> relation,
            List<CoreLabel> object, List<CoreLabel> canonicalObject, double confidence) {
        this.subject = subject;
        this.canonicalSubject = canonicalSubject;
        this.relation = relation;
        this.object = object;
        this.canonicalObject = canonicalObject;
        this.confidence = confidence;

     * @see, java.util.List, java.util.List, double)
    public RelationTriple(List<CoreLabel> subject, List<CoreLabel> canonicalSubject, List<CoreLabel> relation,
            List<CoreLabel> canonicalObject, List<CoreLabel> object) {
        this(subject, canonicalSubject, relation, object, canonicalObject, 1.0);

     * Returns all the tokens in the extraction, in the order subject then relation then object.
    public List<CoreLabel> allTokens() {
        List<CoreLabel> allTokens = new ArrayList<>();
        return allTokens;

    /** The subject of this relation triple, as a String */
    public String subjectGloss() {
        return StringUtils.join(, " ");

    /** The head of the subject of this relation triple. */
    public CoreLabel subjectHead() {
        return subject.get(subject.size() - 1);

    /** The entity link of the subject */
    public String subjectLink() {
        return subjectLemmaGloss();

     * The subject of this relation triple, as a String of the subject's lemmas.
     * This method will additionally strip out punctuation as well.
    public String subjectLemmaGloss() {
        return StringUtils.join( -> !x.tag().matches("[.?,:;'\"!]"))
                .map(x -> x.lemma() == null ? x.word() : x.lemma()), " ");

    /** The object of this relation triple, as a String */
    public String objectGloss() {
        return StringUtils.join(, " ");

    /** The head of the object of this relation triple. */
    public CoreLabel objectHead() {
        return object.get(object.size() - 1);

    /** The entity link of the subject */
    public String objectLink() {
        return objectLemmaGloss();

     * The object of this relation triple, as a String of the object's lemmas.
     * This method will additionally strip out punctuation as well.
    public String objectLemmaGloss() {
        return StringUtils.join( -> !x.tag().matches("[.?,:;'\"!]"))
                .map(x -> x.lemma() == null ? x.word() : x.lemma()), " ");

     * The relation of this relation triple, as a String
    public String relationGloss() {
        String relationGloss = ((prefixBe ? "is " : "")
                + StringUtils.join(, " ") + (suffixBe ? " is" : "")
                + (suffixOf ? " of" : "") + (istmod ? " at_time" : "")).trim();
        // Some cosmetic tweaks
        if ("'s".equals(relationGloss)) {
            return "has";
        } else {
            return relationGloss;

     * The relation of this relation triple, as a String of the relation's lemmas.
     * This method will additionally strip out punctuation as well, and lower-cases the relation.
    public String relationLemmaGloss() {
        // Construct a human readable relation string
        String relationGloss = ((prefixBe ? "be " : "")
                + StringUtils.join(
                        .filter(x -> x.tag() == null || (!x.tag().matches("[.?,:;'\"!]")
                                && (x.lemma() == null || !x.lemma().matches("[.,;'\"?!]"))))
                        .map(x -> x.lemma() == null ? x.word() : x.lemma()), " ").toLowerCase()
                + (suffixBe ? " be" : "") + (suffixOf ? " of" : "") + (istmod ? " at_time" : "")).trim();
        // Some cosmetic tweaks
        if ("'s".equals(relationGloss)) {
            return "have";
        } else {
            return relationGloss;

    /** The head of the relation of this relation triple. This is usually the main verb. */
    public CoreLabel relationHead() {
        return -> x.tag().startsWith("V")).reduce((x, y) -> y)
                .orElse(relation.get(relation.size() - 1));

    /** A textual representation of the confidence. */
    public String confidenceGloss() {
        return new DecimalFormat("0.000").format(confidence);

    private static Pair<Integer, Integer> getSpan(List<CoreLabel> tokens, ToIntFunction<CoreLabel> toMin,
            ToIntFunction<CoreLabel> toMax) {
        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (CoreLabel token : tokens) {
            min = Math.min(min, toMin.applyAsInt(token));
            max = Math.max(max, toMax.applyAsInt(token) + 1);
        return Pair.makePair(min, max);

     * Gets the span of the NON-CANONICAL subject.
    public Pair<Integer, Integer> subjectTokenSpan() {
        return getSpan(subject, x -> x.index() - 1, x -> x.index() - 1);

     *   Get a representative span for the relation expressed by this triple.
     *   This is a bit more complicated than the subject and object spans, as the relation
     *   span is occasionally discontinuous.
     *   If this is the case, this method returns the largest contiguous chunk.
     *   If the relation span is empty, return the object span.
    public Pair<Integer, Integer> relationTokenSpan() {
        if (relation.isEmpty()) {
            return objectTokenSpan();
        } else if (relation.size() == 1) {
            return Pair.makePair(relation.get(0).index() - 1, relation.get(0).index());
        } else {
            // Variables to keep track of the longest chunk
            int longestChunk = 0;
            int longestChunkStart = 0;
            int thisChunk = 1;
            int thisChunkStart = 0;
            // Find the longest chunk
            for (int i = 1; i < relation.size(); ++i) {
                CoreLabel token = relation.get(i);
                CoreLabel lastToken = relation.get(i - 1);
                if (lastToken.index() + 1 == token.index()) {
                    thisChunk += 1;
                } else if (lastToken.index() + 2 == token.index()) {
                    thisChunk += 2; // a skip of one character is _usually_ punctuation
                } else {
                    if (thisChunk > longestChunk) {
                        longestChunk = thisChunk;
                        longestChunkStart = thisChunkStart;
                    thisChunkStart = i;
                    thisChunk = 1;
            // (subcase: the last chunk is the longest)
            if (thisChunk > longestChunk) {
                longestChunk = thisChunk;
                longestChunkStart = thisChunkStart;
            // Return the longest chunk
            return Pair.makePair(relation.get(longestChunkStart).index() - 1,
                    relation.get(longestChunkStart).index() - 1 + longestChunk);

     * Gets the span of the NON-CANONICAL object.
    public Pair<Integer, Integer> objectTokenSpan() {
        return getSpan(object, x -> x.index() - 1, x -> x.index() - 1);

     * If true, this relation expresses a "to be" relation.
     * For example, "President Obama" expresses the relation
     * (Obama; be; President).
    public boolean isPrefixBe() {
        return this.prefixBe;

     * Set the value of this relation triple expressing a "to be" relation.
     * @param newValue The new value of this relation being a "to be" relation.
     * @return The old value of whether this relation expressed a "to be" relation.
    public boolean isPrefixBe(boolean newValue) {
        boolean oldValue = this.prefixBe;
        this.prefixBe = newValue;
        return oldValue;

     * If true, this relation expresses a "to be" relation (with the be at the end of the sentence).
     * For example, "Tim's father Tom" expresses the relation
     * (Tim; 's father is; Tom).
    public boolean isSuffixBe() {
        return this.suffixBe;

     * Set the value of this relation triple expressing a "to be" relation (suffix).
     * @param newValue The new value of this relation being a "to be" relation.
     * @return The old value of whether this relation expressed a "to be" relation.
    public boolean isSuffixBe(boolean newValue) {
        boolean oldValue = this.suffixBe;
        this.suffixBe = newValue;
        return oldValue;

     * If true, this relation has an ungrounded "of" at the end of the relation.
     * For example, "United States president Barack Obama" expresses the relation
     * (Obama; is president of; United States).
    public boolean isSuffixOf() {
        return this.suffixOf;

     * Set the value of this triple missing an ungrounded "of" in the relation string.
     * @param newValue The new value of this relation missing an "of".
     * @return The old value of whether this relation missing an "of".
    public boolean isSuffixOf(boolean newValue) {
        boolean oldValue = this.suffixOf;
        this.suffixOf = newValue;
        return oldValue;

     * If true, this relation expresses a tmod (temporal modifier) relation that is not grounded in
     * the sentence.
     * For example, "I went to the store Friday" would otherwise yield a strange triple
     * (I; go to store; Friday).
    public boolean istmod() {
        return this.istmod;

     * Set the value of this relation triple expressing a tmod (temporal modifier) relation.
     * @param newValue The new value of this relation being a tmod relation.
     * @return The old value of whether this relation expressed a tmod relation.
    public boolean istmod(boolean newValue) {
        boolean oldValue = this.istmod;
        this.istmod = newValue;
        return oldValue;

    /** An optional method, returning the dependency tree this triple was extracted from */
    public Optional<SemanticGraph> asDependencyTree() {
        return Optional.empty();

    /** Return the given relation triple as a flat sentence */
    public List<CoreLabel> asSentence() {
        PriorityQueue<CoreLabel> orderedSentence = new FixedPrioritiesPriorityQueue<>();
        double defaultIndex = 0.0;
        for (CoreLabel token : subject) {
            orderedSentence.add(token, token.index() >= 0 ? (double) -token.index() : -defaultIndex);
            defaultIndex += 1.0;
        for (CoreLabel token : relation) {
            orderedSentence.add(token, token.index() >= 0 ? (double) -token.index() : -defaultIndex);
            defaultIndex += 1.0;
        for (CoreLabel token : object) {
            orderedSentence.add(token, token.index() >= 0 ? (double) -token.index() : -defaultIndex);
            defaultIndex += 1.0;
        return orderedSentence.toSortedList();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o)
            return true;
        if (!(o instanceof RelationTriple))
            return false;
        RelationTriple that = (RelationTriple) o;
        return object.equals(that.object) && relation.equals(that.relation) && subject.equals(that.subject);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int hashCode() {
        return toString().hashCode(); // Faster than checking CoreLabels
        //    int result = subject.hashCode();
        //    result = 31 * result + relation.hashCode();
        //    result = 31 * result + object.hashCode();
        //    return result;

    /** Print a human-readable description of this relation triple, as a tab-separated line. */
    public String toString() {
        return String.valueOf(this.confidence) + '\t' + subjectGloss() + '\t' + relationGloss() + '\t'
                + objectGloss();

    /** Print in the format expected by Gabriel Stanovsky and Ido Dagan, Creating a Large Benchmark for Open
     *  Information Extraction, EMNLP 2016. ,
     *  with equivalence classes.
    public String toQaSrlString(CoreMap sentence) {
        String equivalenceClass = subjectHead().index() + "." + relationHead().index() + '.' + objectHead().index();
        return equivalenceClass + '\t' + subjectGloss().replace('\t', ' ') + '\t'
                + relationGloss().replace('\t', ' ') + '\t' + objectGloss().replace('\t', ' ') + '\t' + confidence
                + '\t' + StringUtils.join(sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).stream()
                        .map(x -> x.word().replace('\t', ' ').replace(" ", "")), " ");

    /** Print a description of this triple, formatted like the ReVerb outputs. */
    public String toReverbString(String docid, CoreMap sentence) {
        int sentIndex = -1;
        int subjIndex = -1;
        int relationIndex = -1;
        int objIndex = -1;
        int subjIndexEnd = -1;
        int relationIndexEnd = -1;
        int objIndexEnd = -1;
        if (!relation.isEmpty()) {
            sentIndex = relation.get(0).sentIndex();
            relationIndex = relation.get(0).index() - 1;
            relationIndexEnd = relation.get(relation.size() - 1).index();
        if (!subject.isEmpty()) {
            if (sentIndex < 0) {
                sentIndex = subject.get(0).sentIndex();
            subjIndex = subject.get(0).index() - 1;
            subjIndexEnd = subject.get(subject.size() - 1).index();
        if (!object.isEmpty()) {
            if (sentIndex < 0) {
                sentIndex = subject.get(0).sentIndex();
            objIndex = object.get(0).index() - 1;
            objIndexEnd = object.get(object.size() - 1).index();
        return (docid == null ? "no_doc_id" : docid) + '\t' + sentIndex + '\t' + subjectGloss().replace('\t', ' ')
                + '\t' + relationGloss().replace('\t', ' ') + '\t' + objectGloss().replace('\t', ' ') + '\t'
                + subjIndex + '\t' + subjIndexEnd + '\t' + relationIndex + '\t' + relationIndexEnd + '\t' + objIndex
                + '\t' + objIndexEnd + '\t' + confidenceGloss() + '\t'
                + StringUtils.join(sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).stream()
                        .map(x -> x.word().replace('\t', ' ').replace(" ", "")), " ")
                + '\t'
                + StringUtils.join(
                        sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).stream().map(CoreLabel::tag), " ")
                + '\t' + subjectLemmaGloss().replace('\t', ' ') + '\t' + relationLemmaGloss().replace('\t', ' ')
                + '\t' + objectLemmaGloss().replace('\t', ' ');

    public int compareTo(RelationTriple o) {
        return, o.confidence);

    public Iterator<CoreLabel> iterator() {
        return CollectionUtils.concatIterators(subject.iterator(), relation.iterator(), object.iterator());

     * A {@link}, but with the tree saved as well.
    public static class WithTree extends RelationTriple {
        public final SemanticGraph sourceTree;

         * Create a new triple with known values for the subject, relation, and object.
         * For example, "(cats, play with, yarn)"
         * @param subject  The subject of this triple; e.g., "cats".
         * @param relation The relation of this triple; e.g., "play with".
         * @param object   The object of this triple; e.g., "yarn".
         * @param tree     The tree this extraction was created from; we create a deep copy of the tree.
        public WithTree(List<CoreLabel> subject, List<CoreLabel> relation, List<CoreLabel> object,
                SemanticGraph tree, double confidence) {
            super(subject, relation, object, confidence);
            this.sourceTree = new SemanticGraph(tree);

         * Create a new triple with known values for the subject, relation, and object,
         * along with their canonical spans (i.e., resolving coreference)
         * For example, "(cats, play with, yarn)"
        public WithTree(List<CoreLabel> subject, List<CoreLabel> canonicalSubject, List<CoreLabel> relation,
                List<CoreLabel> object, List<CoreLabel> canonicalObject, double confidence, SemanticGraph tree) {
            super(subject, canonicalSubject, relation, object, canonicalObject, confidence);
            this.sourceTree = tree;

        /** The head of the subject of this relation triple. */
        public CoreLabel subjectHead() {
            if (subject.size() == 1) {
                return subject.get(0);
            Span subjectSpan = Span.fromValues(subject.get(0).index(), subject.get(subject.size() - 1).index());
            for (int i = subject.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : sourceTree.incomingEdgeIterable(new IndexedWord(subject.get(i)))) {
                    if (edge.getGovernor().index() < subjectSpan.start()
                            || edge.getGovernor().index() >= subjectSpan.end()) {
                        return subject.get(i);
            return subject.get(subject.size() - 1);

        /** The head of the object of this relation triple. */
        public CoreLabel objectHead() {
            if (object.size() == 1) {
                return object.get(0);
            Span objectSpan = Span.fromValues(object.get(0).index(), object.get(object.size() - 1).index());
            for (int i = object.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : sourceTree.incomingEdgeIterable(new IndexedWord(object.get(i)))) {
                    if (edge.getGovernor().index() < objectSpan.start()
                            || edge.getGovernor().index() >= objectSpan.end()) {
                        return object.get(i);
            return object.get(object.size() - 1);

        /** The head of the relation of this relation triple. */
        public CoreLabel relationHead() {
            if (relation.size() == 1) {
                return relation.get(0);
            CoreLabel guess = null;
            CoreLabel newGuess = super.relationHead();
            int iters = 0; // make sure we don't infinite loop...
            while (guess != newGuess && iters < 100) {
                guess = newGuess;
                iters += 1;
                for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : sourceTree.incomingEdgeIterable(new IndexedWord(guess))) {
                    // find a node in the relation list which is a governor of the candidate root
                    Optional<CoreLabel> governor =
                            .filter(x -> x.index() == edge.getGovernor().index()).findFirst();
                    // if we found one, this is the new root. The for loop continues
                    if (governor.isPresent()) {
                        newGuess = governor.get();
            // Return
            if (iters >= 100) {
                err("Likely cycle in relation tree");
            return guess;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public Optional<SemanticGraph> asDependencyTree() {
            return Optional.of(sourceTree);

     * A {@link}, but with both the tree and the entity
     * links saved as well.
    public static class WithLink extends WithTree {
        /** The canonical entity link of the subject */
        public final Optional<String> subjectLink;
        /** The canonical entity link of the object */
        public final Optional<String> objectLink;

        /** Create a new relation triple */
        public WithLink(List<CoreLabel> subject, List<CoreLabel> canonicalSubject, List<CoreLabel> relation,
                List<CoreLabel> object, List<CoreLabel> canonicalObject, double confidence, SemanticGraph tree,
                String subjectLink, String objectLink) {
            super(subject, canonicalSubject, relation, object, canonicalObject, confidence, tree);
            this.subjectLink = Optional.ofNullable(subjectLink);
            this.objectLink = Optional.ofNullable(objectLink);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public String subjectLink() {
            return subjectLink.orElseGet(super::subjectLink);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public String objectLink() {
            return objectLink.orElseGet(super::objectLink);
