Source code

Java tutorial


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 Copyright (C) 2012 The Stanford MobiSocial Laboratory
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
package edu.stanford.muse.index;

import edu.stanford.muse.util.Util;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import java.util.*;

/** A lexicon is a set of categories. Each category has a name and a set of words (essentially a query string, OR-separated with |). See <archive>/lexicons/*.lex.txt
 * in theory a lexicon can have different words for the same category in different languages. e.g. a lexicon may have the category
 * happy: joyful|elated|happy in the english lexicon and
 * happy: joyeux|gay in the french lexicon.
 * Note on terminology: here, happy is called the caption, and the rest of the line (separated by :) is called the query
 * of course, one could also write:
 * happy: joyful|elated|happy|joyeux|gay in a single file, but the original idea of separate files for each language was that the lexicon words could be developed by different people or teams)
 * However, in practice, we use a single language (English) and don't split the lexicon categories across multiple files.
 * Therefore this Lexicon1Lang, etc is over-complicated and may be simplified some day.

public class Lexicon implements Serializable {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Lexicon.class);
    public static final String LEXICON_SUFFIX = ".lex.txt";
    public static final String REGEX_LEXICON_NAME = "regex"; // this is a special lexicon name, to which regex search is applied
    public static final String SENSITIVE_LEXICON_NAME = "sensitive"; // this is a special lexicon name, to which regex search is applied

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1377456163104266479L;//1L;

    public static Map<String, Lexicon> lexiconMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Lexicon>(); // directory of lexicons // not used but still need when deserialized old archives
    public String name;
    private Map<String, Lexicon1Lang> languageToLexicon = new LinkedHashMap<String, Lexicon1Lang>();

    /** inner class that stores lexicon for 1 language */

    public class Lexicon1Lang implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 70739504277864045L;//1L;

        /** there are 2 caption -> query maps. the expanded query is the actual query made to the index.
         * the rawquery is what the user specified (in the <name>.<lang>.lex.txt file 
        public Map<String, String> captionToExpandedQuery = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(),
                captionToRawQuery = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        public Set<String> usedInOtherCaptions = new LinkedHashSet<String>();

        public Lexicon1Lang() {

        public Lexicon1Lang(String filename) throws IOException {
            captionToRawQuery = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
            captionToExpandedQuery = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
            List<String> lines = Util.getLinesFromInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename),
                    false /* ignore comment lines = false, we'll strip comments here */);
            for (String line : lines) {
                int idx = line.indexOf('#'); // strip everything after the comment char
                if (idx >= 0)
                    line = line.substring(0, idx);
                line = line.trim();
                if (line.length() == 0)
                    continue; // ignore blank lines
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ":");
                if (st.countTokens() != 2) {
                    log.warn("line ignored: " + line);

                String caption = st.nextToken().trim();
                String query = st.nextToken().trim();
                String existingQuery = captionToRawQuery.get(caption);
                if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(existingQuery))
                    query = existingQuery + "|" + query;
                captionToRawQuery.put(caption, query);

        public void setRawQueryMap(Map<String, String> map) {
            captionToRawQuery = map;

        private void expandQueries() {
            captionToExpandedQuery.clear(); // clear the expanded query map first, we don't want any residue from the previous state
            for (String caption : captionToRawQuery.keySet()) {
                String query = captionToRawQuery.get(caption);
                List<String> orTerms = Util.tokenize(query, "|");
                String expandedQuery = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < orTerms.size(); i++) {
                    String t = orTerms.get(i).trim();
                    if (t.length() == 0)
                    if (t.startsWith("{") && t.endsWith("}")) {
                        String c = t.substring(1, t.length() - 1);
                        String exp = captionToExpandedQuery.get(c); // note: expanded map, not rawmap, to allow multi-level expansion
                        if (exp == null) {
                            t = captionToRawQuery.get(c);
                            if (t == null) {
                                log.warn("ERROR: no prev. caption: " + c + " in query " + query);
                        } else
                            t = exp;

                    expandedQuery += t;
                    //there is no point adding or(|), as the query is treated just as a text string and is not handled specially in Indexer.lookupDocsAsId
                    //however, adding a non-word, non-special character will enable tokenization at that index and will be appended as many "or" terms.
                    if (i < orTerms.size() - 1)
                        expandedQuery += "|";

                if (caption.length() > 0 && expandedQuery.length() > 0) {
                    // if caption already exists, just add to it
                    String existingQuery = captionToExpandedQuery.get(caption);
                    if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(existingQuery))
                        expandedQuery = existingQuery + "|" + expandedQuery;
                    captionToExpandedQuery.put(caption, expandedQuery);

            // remove the non top-level captions
            for (String caption : usedInOtherCaptions)

        public void save(String filename) throws Exception {
            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), "UTF-8"));
            for (String caption : captionToRawQuery.keySet())
                pw.println(caption + ":" + captionToRawQuery.get(caption));
   + " sentiment categories saved in " + filename);

        public Map<String, Integer> getLexiconCounts(Indexer indexer, boolean originalContentOnly,
                boolean regexSearch) {
            Map<String, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            String[] captions = captionToExpandedQuery.keySet().toArray(new String[captionToExpandedQuery.size()]);
            for (String caption : captions) {
                String query = captionToExpandedQuery.get(caption);
                if (query == null) {
                    log.warn("Skipping unknown caption '" + caption + "'");
                Integer cnt = 0;
                try {
                    if (originalContentOnly) {
                        cnt = indexer.getNumHits(query, false, Indexer.QueryType.ORIGINAL);
                    } else if (regexSearch) {
                        cnt = indexer.getNumHits(query, false, Indexer.QueryType.REGEX);
                    } else
                        cnt = indexer.getNumHits(query, false, Indexer.QueryType.FULL);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Util.print_exception("Exception while collecting lexicon counts", e, log);
                map.put(caption, cnt);
            return map;

        /** main entry point: returns a category -> docs map for each (non-zero) category in the current captionToQueryMap. 
         * @indexer must already have run 
         * @docs results are restrictes to these docs. assumes all docs if docs is null or empty.
         * @captions (null/none = all)
           * vihari
           * This is a weird name for a method that returns documents with emotions instead of emotions.
        public Map<String, Collection<Document>> getEmotions(Indexer indexer, Collection<Document> docs,
                boolean originalContentOnly, String... captions) {
            Map<String, Collection<Document>> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Collection<Document>>();
            Set<Document> docs_set = Util.castOrCloneAsSet(docs);
            //         for (String[] emotion: emotionsData)
            String[] selected_captions = captions.length > 0 ? captions
                    : captionToExpandedQuery.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
            for (String caption : selected_captions) {
                String query = captionToExpandedQuery.get(caption);
                if (query == null) {
                    log.warn("Skipping unknown caption '" + caption + "'");

                // query is simply word1|word2|word3 etc for that sentiment
                // the -1 indicates that we want all docs in the indexer that match the query
                int threshold = 1;
                Indexer.QueryOptions options = new Indexer.QueryOptions();
                Indexer.QueryType qt = Indexer.QueryType.FULL;
                if (originalContentOnly)
                    qt = Indexer.QueryType.ORIGINAL;
                if (Lexicon.REGEX_LEXICON_NAME.equals(
                    qt = Indexer.QueryType.REGEX;

                Collection<Document> docsForCaption = indexer.docsForQuery(query, options);
       (docsForCaption.size() + " before");
                threshold = 2;
                docsForCaption = indexer.docsForQuery(query, -1, threshold);
       (docsForCaption.size() + " after");
                //            Set<Document> docs = indexer.docsWithPhraseThreshold(query, -1, 2); // in future, we may have a higher threshold for sentiment matching
                // if @param docs is present, retain only those docs that match, otherwise retain all
                if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(docs_set))
                    docsForCaption = Util.listIntersection(docsForCaption, docs_set);

                // put it in the result only if at least 1 doc matches
                if (docsForCaption.size() > 0)
                    result.put(caption, docsForCaption);
            return result;

        /** NOTA = None of the above. like getEmotions but also returns a category called None for docs that don't match any sentiment.
        public Map<String, Collection<Document>> getEmotionsWithNOTA(Indexer indexer, Collection<Document> docs,
                boolean originalContentOnly) {
            Collection<Document> allDocs;
            if (docs == null)
                allDocs =;
                allDocs = docs;

            Map<String, Collection<Document>> map = getEmotions(indexer, docs, originalContentOnly);

            // collects docs with any sentiments
            Set<Document> docsWithAnySentiment = new LinkedHashSet<Document>();
            for (String sentiment : map.keySet())

            // docsWithNoSentiment = allDocs - docsWithAnySentiment
            Set<Document> docsWithNoSentiment = new LinkedHashSet<Document>();
            for (Document d : allDocs)
                if (!docsWithAnySentiment.contains(d))
            map.put("None", docsWithNoSentiment);
            return map;

        /** returns docs that don't match any sentiment. */
        public Set<Document> getDocsWithNoEmotions(Indexer indexer, Set<Document> docs,
                boolean originalContentOnly) {
            Collection<Document> allDocs;
            if (docs == null)
                allDocs =;
                allDocs = docs;

            Map<String, Collection<Document>> map = getEmotions(indexer, docs, originalContentOnly);

            // collects docs with any sentiments
            Set<Document> docsWithAnySentiment = new LinkedHashSet<Document>();
            for (String sentiment : map.keySet())

            // docsWithNoSentiment = allDocs - docsWithAnySentiment
            Set<Document> docsWithNoSentiment = new LinkedHashSet<Document>();
            for (Document d : allDocs)
                if (!docsWithAnySentiment.contains(d))
            return docsWithNoSentiment;

        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("Raw lexicon:\n\n");
            for (String s : captionToRawQuery.keySet())
                sb.append(s + ":" + captionToRawQuery.get(s) + "\n");
            sb.append("Expanded lexicon:\n\n");
            for (String s : captionToExpandedQuery.keySet())
                sb.append(s + ":" + captionToExpandedQuery.get(s) + "\n");
            return sb.toString();

    // avoid file traversal vuln's, don't allow / or \ in lexicon names;
    private static String sanitizeLexiconName(String lex) {
        return lex.replaceAll("/", "__").replaceAll("\\\\", "__"); // the pattern itself needs 2 backslashes since \ is a regex escape char

    static String lexiconNameFromFilename(String filename) {
        return filename.replaceAll("\\.[^\\.]+\\" + LEXICON_SUFFIX, "");

    public Lexicon(String dir, String name) throws IOException {
        name = sanitizeLexiconName(name); = name;
        Set<String> languages = Util.filesWithPrefixAndSuffix(dir, name + ".", LEXICON_SUFFIX);
        for (String language : languages) {
            Lexicon1Lang lex = new Lexicon1Lang(dir + File.separator + name + "." + language + LEXICON_SUFFIX); // LEXICON_SUFFIX already has a .
            language = language.toLowerCase();
            languageToLexicon.put(language, lex);

    public Set<String> getAvailableLanguages() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(languageToLexicon.keySet());

    // identify all the langs in the docs, and the corresponding lexicons
    private Collection<Lexicon1Lang> getRelevantLexicon1Langs(Collection<Document> docs) {
        if (docs == null)
            return languageToLexicon.values(); // just return all lexicons

        Set<String> languages = IndexUtils.allLanguagesInDocs(docs);
        Set<Lexicon1Lang> lexicons = new LinkedHashSet<Lexicon1Lang>();
        for (String lang : languages) {
            Lexicon1Lang lex = languageToLexicon.get(lang);
            if (lex != null)
                lexicons.add(lex); // this lexicon doesn't know about this language
                log.warn("Warning: no support for " + lang + " in lexicon " + name);
        return lexicons;

    //accumulates counts returned by lexicons in each language
    //TODO: It is possible to write a generic accumulator that accumulates sum over all the languages
    public Map<String, Integer> getLexiconCounts(Indexer indexer, boolean originalContentOnly,
            boolean regexSearch) {
        List<Document> docs =;
        Collection<Lexicon1Lang> lexicons = getRelevantLexicon1Langs(docs);
        Map<String, Integer> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
        Set<Document> docs_set = Util.castOrCloneAsSet(docs);
        // aggregate results for each lang into result
        for (Lexicon1Lang lex : lexicons) {
            Map<String, Integer> resultsForThisLang = lex.getLexiconCounts(indexer, originalContentOnly,
            if (resultsForThisLang == null)

            for (String caption : resultsForThisLang.keySet()) {
                Integer resultCountsThisLang = resultsForThisLang.get(caption);
                Integer resultCounts = result.get(caption);
                // if caption doesn't exist already, create a new entry, or else add to the existing set of docs that match this caption
                if (resultCounts == null)
                    result.put(caption, resultCountsThisLang);
                    result.put(caption, resultCounts + resultCountsThisLang);
        return result;

    /** Core sentiment detection method. doNota = none of the above 
     * @param captions (null/none = all) */
    public Map<String, Collection<Document>> getEmotions(Indexer indexer, Collection<Document> docs, boolean doNota,
            boolean originalContentOnly, String... captions) {
        Collection<Lexicon1Lang> lexicons = getRelevantLexicon1Langs(docs);
        Map<String, Collection<Document>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        Set<Document> docs_set = Util.castOrCloneAsSet(docs);
        // aggregate results for each lang into result
        for (Lexicon1Lang lex : lexicons) {
            Map<String, Collection<Document>> resultsForThisLang = (doNota
                    ? lex.getEmotionsWithNOTA(indexer, docs_set, originalContentOnly)
                    : lex.getEmotions(indexer, docs_set, originalContentOnly, captions));
            if (resultsForThisLang == null)

            for (String caption : resultsForThisLang.keySet()) {
                Collection<Document> resultDocsThisLang = resultsForThisLang.get(caption);
                Collection<Document> resultDocs = result.get(caption);
                // if caption doesn't exist already, create a new entry, or else add to the existing set of docs that match this caption
                if (resultDocs == null)
                    result.put(caption, resultDocsThisLang);
        // TODO: the result can be cached at server to avoid redundant computation (by concurrent users, which are few for now)
        return result;

    private Set<Document> getDocsWithAnyEmotions(Indexer indexer, Collection<Document> docs,
            boolean originalContentOnly) {
        Set<Document> result = new LinkedHashSet<Document>();
        // return all docs that have at least one sentiment
        Map<String, Collection<Document>> map = getEmotions(indexer, docs, originalContentOnly, false);
        for (Collection<Document> values : map.values())
        return result;

    private Set<Document> getDocsWithNoEmotions(Indexer indexer, Collection<Document> docs,
            boolean originalContentOnly) {
        Set<Document> result = new LinkedHashSet<Document>(docs);
        result.removeAll(getDocsWithAnyEmotions(indexer, docs, originalContentOnly));
        return result;

    /** returns docs with ALL given sentiments.
     * special cases: sentiments can be an array of length 1 and be "None", in which case all documents with no sentiments are returned.
     * special cases: sentiments can be an array of length 1 and be "all", in which case all documents with any sentiments are returned. 
     * @param captions */
    public Collection<Document> getDocsWithSentiments(String sentiments[], Indexer indexer,
            Collection<Document> docs, int cluster, boolean originalContentOnly, String... captions) {
        Collection<Document> result = null;
        // note: multiple sentiments are possible, they are ANDED
        if (sentiments == null || sentiments.length == 0)
            return result;

        Set<Document> docs_set = Util.castOrCloneAsSet(docs);
        if (sentiments.length == 1 && "all".equalsIgnoreCase(sentiments[0]))
            return getDocsWithAnyEmotions(indexer, docs_set, originalContentOnly);

        // note: we'll pass in null for docs, and intersect with the given set of docs later
        // otherwise we'd just be doing it again and again for each category and lexer
        Map<String, Collection<Document>> map = getEmotions(indexer, null, false, originalContentOnly, captions);
        for (int i = 0; i < sentiments.length; i++) {
            Collection<Document> temp1 = ("None".equalsIgnoreCase(sentiments[i]))
                    ? getDocsWithNoEmotions(indexer, docs_set, originalContentOnly)
                    : map.get(sentiments[i]);
            if (temp1 == null) { // no matches, just return
                result = new LinkedHashSet<Document>();
                return result;
            if (result == null)
                result = temp1;
        return Util.setIntersection(result, docs_set);

    /** gets map for all languages */
    private Map<String, String> getCaptionToQueryMap(Collection<Document> docs) {
        // identify all the langs in the docs, and the corresponding lexicons
        Set<String> languages = IndexUtils.allLanguagesInDocs(docs);
        Set<Lexicon1Lang> lexicons = new LinkedHashSet<Lexicon1Lang>();
        for (String lang : languages) {
            Lexicon1Lang lex = languageToLexicon.get(lang);
            if (lex != null)
            // this lexicon doesn't know about this language
                log.warn("Warning: no support for " + lang + " in lexicon " + name);

        Map<String, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        // aggregate results for each lang into result
        for (Lexicon1Lang lex : lexicons) {
            Map<String, String> resultsForThisLang = lex.captionToExpandedQuery;

            for (String caption : resultsForThisLang.keySet()) {
                String queryThisLang = resultsForThisLang.get(caption);
                String query = result.get(caption);
                // if caption doesn't exist already, create a new entry, or else add to the existing set of docs that match this caption
                if (query == null)
                    result.put(caption, queryThisLang);
                    result.put(caption, query + "|" + queryThisLang);
        return result;

    /** returns whether it succeeded 
     * @throws Exception */
    public boolean save(String dir, String language) throws Exception {
        language = language.toLowerCase();
        Lexicon1Lang langLex = languageToLexicon.get(language);
        if (langLex == null)
            return false; + File.separator + name + "." + language + LEXICON_SUFFIX); // LEXICON_SUFFIX already has a .
        return true;

    /** updates the map for a given language 
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws FileNotFoundException */
    public boolean update(String language, Map<String, String> map) throws IOException {
        language = language.toLowerCase();
        Lexicon1Lang langLex = languageToLexicon.get(language);
        if (langLex == null) {
            langLex = new Lexicon1Lang();
            languageToLexicon.put(language, langLex);
        return true;

    public Map<String, String> getRawMapFor(String language) {
        language = language.toLowerCase();
        Lexicon1Lang lex = languageToLexicon.get(language);
        if (lex == null)
            return null;

        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(lex.captionToRawQuery);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("Lexicon " + name + " with " + Util.pluralize(languageToLexicon.size(), "language") + "\n");
        int count = 0;
        for (String language : languageToLexicon.keySet()) {
            sb.append("Language #" + count++ + ": " + language + "\n");
        return sb.toString();

    private Set<String> wordsForSentiment(Map<String, String> captionToQueryMap, String sentiment) {
        if (sentiment == null)
            return null;
        Set<String> set = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        String query = captionToQueryMap.get(sentiment);
        if (query == null)
            return set;
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(query, "|");
        while (st.hasMoreTokens())
        return set;

    /* returns set of terms for any of the given sentiments -- usually used for highlighting */
    public Set<String> wordsForSentiments(Indexer indexer, Collection<Document> docs, String sentiments[]) {
        Map<String, String> captionToQueryMap = getCaptionToQueryMap(docs);

        if (sentiments == null)
            return null;
        Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        for (String sentiment : sentiments) {
            Set<String> set = wordsForSentiment(captionToQueryMap, sentiment);
            if (set == null)
        return result;

    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
        Lexicon lex = new Lexicon("/tmp", "default");