Java tutorial
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * Copyright (c) 2012 Colin J. Fuller * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package edu.stanford.cfuller.colocalization3d.correction; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Power; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Sqrt; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools.fitting.ImageObject; import*; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter; import; import; import; import; import; public class Correction implements { private RealMatrix correctionX; private RealMatrix correctionY; private RealMatrix correctionZ; private RealMatrix positionsForCorrection; private RealVector distanceCutoffs; private int referenceChannel; private int correctionChannel; protected static final String CORRECTION_ELEMENT = "correction"; protected static final String CORRECTION_POINT_ELEMENT = "point"; protected static final String N_POINTS_ATTR = "n"; protected static final String REF_CHANNEL_ATTR = "reference_channel"; protected static final String CORR_CHANNEL_ATTR = "correction_channel"; protected static final String X_POS_ATTR = "x_position"; protected static final String Y_POS_ATTR = "y_position"; protected static final String Z_POS_ATTR = "z_position"; protected static final String LOG_NAME = "edu.stanford.cfuller.colocalization3d"; protected static final String X_PARAM_ELEMENT = "x_dimension_parameters"; protected static final String Y_PARAM_ELEMENT = "y_dimension_parameters"; protected static final String Z_PARAM_ELEMENT = "z_dimension_parameters"; protected static final String BINARY_DATA_ELEMENT = "serialized_form"; protected static final String ENCODING_ATTR = "encoding"; protected static final String ENCODING_NAME = "hexBinary"; protected static final int numberOfCorrectionParameters = 6; private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L; private double tre; /** * Construct a new Correction from a set of locations and corrections at those points. * * For each of the matrix parameters, the row index is over objects. * * @param cX a RealMatrix containing the parameters describing the interpolating function centered at each object used for correction in the x dimension. * @param cY a RealMatrix containing the parameters describing the interpolating function centered at each object used for correction in the y dimension. * @param cZ a RealMatrix containing the parameters describing the interpolating function centered at each object used for correction in the z dimension. * @param distanceCutoffs a RealVector containing the distance to the farthest point used to generate each interpolating function. * @param imageObjects the ImageObjects used for correction. * @param referenceChannel the referenceChannel relative to which the other channel was corrected. * @param correctionChannel the channel being corrected. */ public Correction(RealMatrix cX, RealMatrix cY, RealMatrix cZ, RealVector distanceCutoffs, List<ImageObject> imageObjects, int referenceChannel, int correctionChannel) { this.correctionX = cX; this.correctionY = cY; this.correctionZ = cZ; this.referenceChannel = referenceChannel; this.correctionChannel = correctionChannel; this.positionsForCorrection = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(imageObjects.size(), 3); for (int i = 0; i < this.positionsForCorrection.getRowDimension(); i++) { this.positionsForCorrection.setRowVector(i, imageObjects.get(i).getPositionForChannel(referenceChannel)); } this.distanceCutoffs = distanceCutoffs; } /** * Gets the RealMatrix of parameters describing the correction in the X-dimension. * * @return a RealMatrix containing the parameters describing the interpolating function centered at each object used for correction in the x dimension. */ public RealMatrix getCorrectionX() { return correctionX; } /** * Gets the RealMatrix of parameters describing the correction in the Y-dimension. * * @return a RealMatrix containing the parameters describing the interpolating function centered at each object used for correction in the y dimension. */ public RealMatrix getCorrectionY() { return correctionY; } /** * Gets the RealMatrix of parameters describing the correction in the Z-dimension. * * @return a RealMatrix containing the parameters describing the interpolating function centered at each object used for correction in the z dimension. */ public RealMatrix getCorrectionZ() { return correctionZ; } /** * Gets the RealMatrix of positions used to construct the correction. * * @return a RealMatrix containing the positions of the point used to generate each interpolating function. */ public RealMatrix getPositionsForCorrection() { return positionsForCorrection; } /** * Gets the maximal distances for each interpolating function used to construct the correction. * * @return a RealVector containing the distance to the farthest point used to generate each interpolating function. */ public RealVector getDistanceCutoffs() { return distanceCutoffs; } /** * Gets the index of the reference channel relative to which the correction was calculated. * @return The index of the reference channel. */ public int getReferenceChannelIndex() { return this.referenceChannel; } /** * Gets the index of the channel that was being corrected. * @return The index of the channel being corrected. */ public int getCorrectionChannelIndex() { return this.correctionChannel; } /** * Writes the Correction to disk in binary format so it can be stored and retrieved later. * * @param filename The filename to which to write the Correction. * @throws if the Correction cannot be written to disk. */ public void writeToDisk(String filename) throws { File f = new File(filename); FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(f); PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(fo); p.write(this.writeToXML()); p.close(); } protected String writeToXML() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { XMLStreamWriter xsw = XMLOutputFactory.newFactory().createXMLStreamWriter(sw); xsw.writeStartDocument(); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); xsw.writeStartElement("root"); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); xsw.writeStartElement(CORRECTION_ELEMENT); xsw.writeAttribute(N_POINTS_ATTR, Integer.toString(this.distanceCutoffs.getDimension())); xsw.writeAttribute(REF_CHANNEL_ATTR, Integer.toString(this.referenceChannel)); xsw.writeAttribute(CORR_CHANNEL_ATTR, Integer.toString(this.correctionChannel)); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < this.distanceCutoffs.getDimension(); i++) { xsw.writeStartElement(CORRECTION_POINT_ELEMENT); xsw.writeAttribute(X_POS_ATTR, Double.toString(this.positionsForCorrection.getEntry(i, 0))); xsw.writeAttribute(Y_POS_ATTR, Double.toString(this.positionsForCorrection.getEntry(i, 1))); xsw.writeAttribute(Z_POS_ATTR, Double.toString(this.positionsForCorrection.getEntry(i, 2))); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); String x_param_string = ""; String y_param_string = ""; String z_param_string = ""; for (int j = 0; j < this.correctionX.getColumnDimension(); j++) { String commaString = ""; if (j != 0) commaString = ", "; x_param_string += commaString + this.correctionX.getEntry(i, j); y_param_string += commaString + this.correctionY.getEntry(i, j); z_param_string += commaString + this.correctionZ.getEntry(i, j); } x_param_string = x_param_string.trim() + "\n"; y_param_string = y_param_string.trim() + "\n"; z_param_string = z_param_string.trim() + "\n"; xsw.writeStartElement(X_PARAM_ELEMENT); xsw.writeCharacters(x_param_string); xsw.writeEndElement(); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); xsw.writeStartElement(Y_PARAM_ELEMENT); xsw.writeCharacters(y_param_string); xsw.writeEndElement(); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); xsw.writeStartElement(Z_PARAM_ELEMENT); xsw.writeCharacters(z_param_string); xsw.writeEndElement(); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); xsw.writeEndElement(); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); } xsw.writeStartElement(BINARY_DATA_ELEMENT); xsw.writeAttribute(ENCODING_ATTR, ENCODING_NAME); ByteArrayOutputStream bytesOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bytesOutput); oos.writeObject(this); } catch ( e) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(LOG_NAME) .severe("Exception encountered while serializing correction: " + e.getMessage()); } HexBinaryAdapter adapter = new HexBinaryAdapter(); xsw.writeCharacters(adapter.marshal(bytesOutput.toByteArray())); xsw.writeEndElement(); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); xsw.writeEndElement(); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); xsw.writeEndElement(); xsw.writeCharacters("\n"); xsw.writeEndDocument(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(LOG_NAME) .severe("Exception encountered while writing XML correction output: " + e.getMessage()); } return sw.toString(); } /** * Reads a stored correction from disk. * * @param filename The name of the file containing the Correction that was previously written to disk. * @return The Correction contained in the file. * @throws if the Correction cannot be successfully read. * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the file does not contain a Correction. */ public static Correction readFromDisk(String filename) throws, ClassNotFoundException { File f = new File(filename); FileReader fr = new FileReader(f); XMLStreamReader xsr = null; String encBinData = null; try { xsr = XMLInputFactory.newFactory().createXMLStreamReader(fr); while (xsr.hasNext()) { int event =; if (event != XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) continue; if (xsr.hasName() && xsr.getLocalName() == BINARY_DATA_ELEMENT) { encBinData = xsr.getElementText(); break; } } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(LOG_NAME) .severe("Exception encountered while reading XML correction: " + e.getMessage()); } byte[] binData = (new HexBinaryAdapter()).unmarshal(encBinData); ObjectInputStream oi = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(binData)); Object o = oi.readObject(); return (Correction) o; } /** * Gets the target registration error associated with the correction. * * This must be externally calculated and stored using {@link #setTre(double)}. * * @return the target registration error. */ public double getTre() { return tre; } /** * Sets the target registration error associated with the correction to the specified value. * @param tre the target registration error. */ public void setTre(double tre) { this.tre = tre; } /** * Applies an existing correction to a single x-y position in the Image plane. * * @param x The x-position at which to apply the correction. * @param y The y-position at which to apply the correction. * @return A RealVector containing 3 elements-- the magnitude of the correction in the x, y, and z dimensions, in that order. */ public RealVector correctPosition(double x, double y) throws UnableToCorrectException { RealVector corrections = new ArrayRealVector(3, 0.0); RealVector distsToCentroids = this.getPositionsForCorrection().getColumnVector(0).mapSubtract(x) .mapToSelf(new Power(2)); distsToCentroids = distsToCentroids .add(this.getPositionsForCorrection().getColumnVector(1).mapSubtract(y).mapToSelf(new Power(2))); distsToCentroids.mapToSelf(new Sqrt()); RealVector distRatio = distsToCentroids.ebeDivide(this.getDistanceCutoffs()); RealVector distRatioBin = new ArrayRealVector(distRatio.getDimension(), 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < distRatio.getDimension(); i++) { if (distRatio.getEntry(i) <= 1) distRatioBin.setEntry(i, 1.0); } RealVector weights = Power(2.0)).mapMultiplyToSelf(-3).mapAddToSelf(1) .add( Power(3.0)).mapMultiplyToSelf(2)); weights = weights.ebeMultiply(distRatioBin); double sumWeights = 0; int countWeights = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.getDimension(); i++) { if (weights.getEntry(i) > 0) { sumWeights += weights.getEntry(i); countWeights++; } } if (countWeights == 0) { // this means there were no points in the correction dataset near the position being corrected. throw (new UnableToCorrectException( "Incomplete coverage in correction dataset at (x,y) = (" + x + ", " + y + ").")); } RealMatrix cX = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(countWeights, this.getCorrectionX().getColumnDimension()); RealMatrix cY = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(countWeights, this.getCorrectionX().getColumnDimension()); RealMatrix cZ = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(countWeights, this.getCorrectionX().getColumnDimension()); RealVector xVec = new ArrayRealVector(countWeights, 0.0); RealVector yVec = new ArrayRealVector(countWeights, 0.0); RealVector keptWeights = new ArrayRealVector(countWeights, 0.0); int keptCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.getDimension(); i++) { if (weights.getEntry(i) > 0) { cX.setRowVector(keptCounter, this.getCorrectionX().getRowVector(i)); cY.setRowVector(keptCounter, this.getCorrectionY().getRowVector(i)); cZ.setRowVector(keptCounter, this.getCorrectionZ().getRowVector(i)); xVec.setEntry(keptCounter, x - this.getPositionsForCorrection().getEntry(i, 0)); yVec.setEntry(keptCounter, y - this.getPositionsForCorrection().getEntry(i, 1)); keptWeights.setEntry(keptCounter, weights.getEntry(i)); keptCounter++; } } double xCorr = 0; double yCorr = 0; double zCorr = 0; RealMatrix allCorrectionParameters = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(countWeights, numberOfCorrectionParameters); RealVector ones = new ArrayRealVector(countWeights, 1.0); allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(0, ones); allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(1, xVec); allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(2, yVec); allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(3, Power(2))); allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(4, Power(2))); allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(5, xVec.ebeMultiply(yVec)); for (int i = 0; i < countWeights; i++) { xCorr += allCorrectionParameters.getRowVector(i).dotProduct(cX.getRowVector(i)) * keptWeights.getEntry(i); yCorr += allCorrectionParameters.getRowVector(i).dotProduct(cY.getRowVector(i)) * keptWeights.getEntry(i); zCorr += allCorrectionParameters.getRowVector(i).dotProduct(cZ.getRowVector(i)) * keptWeights.getEntry(i); } xCorr /= sumWeights; yCorr /= sumWeights; zCorr /= sumWeights; corrections.setEntry(0, xCorr); corrections.setEntry(1, yCorr); corrections.setEntry(2, zCorr); return corrections; } }