Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2015-2016 Smithsonian Institution.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at:
 * This software and accompanying documentation is supplied without
 * warranty of any kind. The copyright holder and the Smithsonian Institution:
 * (1) expressly disclaim any warranties, express or implied, including but not
 * limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
 * particular purpose, title or non-infringement; (2) do not assume any legal
 * liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of
 * the software; (3) do not represent that use of the software would not
 * infringe privately owned rights; (4) do not warrant that the software
 * is error-free or will be maintained, supported, updated or enhanced;
 * (5) will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential special
 * or punitive damages of any kind or nature, including but not limited to lost
 * profits or loss of data, on any basis arising from contract, tort or
 * otherwise, even if any of the parties has been warned of the possibility of
 * such loss or damage.
 * This distribution includes several third-party libraries, each with their own
 * license terms. For a complete copy of all copyright and license terms, including
 * those of third-party libraries, please see the product release notes.


import org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel;
import org.apache.camel.builder.AdviceWithRouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint;
import org.apache.camel.model.ChoiceDefinition;
import org.apache.camel.model.LogDefinition;
import org.apache.camel.model.ToDynamicDefinition;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author jbirkhimer
public class UnifiedCameraTrapPostValidationTest extends CT_BlueprintTestSupport {

    private static final String KARAF_HOME = System.getProperty("karaf.home");

    //Test Data Directory contains the datastreams and other resources for the tests
    private String testDataDir = "src/test/resources/UnifiedManifest-TestFiles/DatastreamTestFiles";

    //Camera Trap Deployment Info for testing
    private String camelFileParent = "10002000";
    private int ManifestCameraDeploymentId = 0000;

    //Mock endpoint to be used for assertions
    private MockEndpoint mockEndpoint;

    //Camel Headers Map
    private Map<String, Object> headers;

    //Camera Trap Deployment Manifest
    private File manifestFile = new File(
    private String manifest;

    //Datastream and Field values
    private String datastream;

    //Validation message bean configuration
    private CameraTrapValidationMessage cameraTrapValidationMessage = new CameraTrapValidationMessage();
    private CameraTrapValidationMessage.MessageBean expectedValidationMessage;

    //The mock:result expected body
    private ArrayList expectedBody = new ArrayList<>();

     * Override this method, and return the location of our Blueprint XML file to be used for testing.
     * The actual camera trap route that the maven lifecycle phase process-test-resources executes
     * to copy test resources to output folder target/test-classes.
    protected String getBlueprintDescriptor() {
        //use the production route for testing that the pom copied into the test resources
        return "Routes/unified-camera-trap-route.xml";

     * Initialize the camel headers, deployment manifest, and test data
     * @throws Exception
    public void setUp() throws Exception {

        //Store the Deployment Manifest as string to set the camel ManifestXML header
        manifest = FileUtils.readFileToString(manifestFile);

        //Initialize the expected camel headers
        headers = new HashMap<>();
        headers.put("CamelFileParent", camelFileParent);
        headers.put("ManifestCameraDeploymentId", ManifestCameraDeploymentId);
        headers.put("ManifestXML", String.valueOf(manifest));
        headers.put("ValidationErrors", "ValidationErrors");
        headers.put("ProjectPID", "test:0000");
        headers.put("SitePID", "test:0000");


     * Integration Test of the UnifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCount route
     * Test Resource Counts Match and Resource Objects Found
     * @throws Exception
    public void unifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCount_Matches_ObjectFound_iTest() throws Exception {
        runUnifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCountRoute_Test(1, "/RELS-EXT/resource_RELS-EXT.xml",

     * Integration Test of the UnifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCount route
     * Test Resource Counts Do Not Match and Resource Objects Not Found
     * @throws Exception
    public void unifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCount_NotMatch_ObjectNotFound_Test() throws Exception {
        runUnifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCountRoute_Test(2, "/RELS-EXT/resource_RELS-EXT.xml",

     * Integration Test of the UnifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCount route
     * Test Resource Counts Match and Resource Objects Not Found
     * @throws Exception
    public void unifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCount_Match_ObjectNotFound_Test() throws Exception {
        runUnifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCountRoute_Test(1, "/RELS-EXT/resource_RELS-EXT.xml",

     * Setup and run the UnifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCount Route (direct:validatePostIngestResourceCount) using AdviceWith
     * for stubbing in test datastreams and values for testing the route.
     * @param resourceCount our test resource count, this is normally generated by the route during ingest
     * @param resourceRels_Ext RELS-EXT datastream, this is  normally provided by Fedora
     * @param fcrepo_objectResponse our test response query of Fedora relational db and PID, this is normally provided by the FcrepoRest endpoint that will query Fedora relational db and PID
    public void runUnifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCountRoute_Test(Integer resourceCount,
            String resourceRels_Ext, String fcrepo_objectResponse) throws Exception {
        //Set headers
        headers.put("SitePID", "test:00000");
        headers.put("ValidationErrors", "ValidationErrors"); //Set the header for aggregation correlation
        headers.put("ResourceCount", resourceCount); //Header that's incremented after a resource obj is ingested.

        //The RELS-EXT datastream that will be used in adviceWith to replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint
        // with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test
        datastream = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(testDataDir + resourceRels_Ext));

        //add the mock:result endpoint to the end of the ValidationErrorMessageAggregationStrategy route using AdviceWith

        //Configure and use adviceWith to mock for testing purpose
                new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {

                    public void configure() throws Exception {

                        //replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test

                        //set body for fedora ri search result
                                simple(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(testDataDir + fcrepo_objectResponse))));

                        //Send Validation complete and stop route
                        weaveAddLast().setHeader("ValidationComplete", simple("true"))

        //Set mock endpoint for assertion
        mockEndpoint = getMockEndpoint("mock:result");

        // set mock expectations

        //Send the datastream and headers to the UnifiedCameraTrapValidatePostIngestResourceCount route
        template.sendBodyAndHeaders("direct:validatePostIngestResourceCount", datastream, headers);

        //the mock:result body and header values
        Object resultBody = mockEndpoint.getExchanges().get(0).getIn().getBody();
        Integer relsExtResourceCountResult = mockEndpoint.getExchanges().get(0).getIn()
                .getHeader("RelsExtResourceCount", Integer.class);

        //Setup the Resource Count Validation expected validation error message
        if (!relsExtResourceCountResult.equals(resourceCount)) {
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
            message.append("Post Resource Count validation failed. ");
            message.append("Expected " + resourceCount + " but found " + relsExtResourceCountResult);

            expectedValidationMessage = cameraTrapValidationMessage.createValidationMessage(camelFileParent,
                    message.toString(), false);

        //Setup the Resource Object Not Found expected validation error message
        if (fcrepo_objectResponse.contains("not")) {
            expectedValidationMessage = cameraTrapValidationMessage.createValidationMessage(camelFileParent,
                    String.valueOf(headers.get("SitePID")), "Resource Object not found from Fedora Repository",

        if (!expectedBody.isEmpty()) {
            log.debug("expectedBody:\n" + expectedBody + "\nresultBody:\n" + resultBody);
            log.debug("expectedBody Type:\n" + expectedBody.getClass() + "\nresultBody Type:\n"
                    + resultBody.getClass());

            assertEquals("mock:result Body assertEquals failed!", expectedBody, resultBody);

        } else {
            log.debug("expectedBody:\n" + datastream.trim() + "\nresultBody:\n" + resultBody);
            log.debug("expectedBody Type:\n" + datastream.getClass() + "\nresultBody Type:\n"
                    + resultBody.getClass());

            assertEquals("mock:result Body assertEquals failed!", datastream.trim(), resultBody);


     * Integration Test of the CameraTrapValidateDatastreamFields route
     * All Datastream Field Validations Fail
     * @throws Exception
    public void validation_Fail_iTest() throws Exception {
        //Set the headers used in the route
        headers.put("VolunteerObservationPID", "test:00000");
        headers.put("ImageObservationPID", "test:00000");

        //Setup each datastream validation route to use our test data and set the expected validation error message
        setupEAC_CPF(false, new File(testDataDir + "/EAC-CPF/fail_EAC_CPF.xml"));
        setupFGDC(false, new File(testDataDir + "/FGDC/fail_FGDC.xml"));
        setupMODS(false, new File(testDataDir + "/MODS/fail_MODS.xml"));

        //Test data for CSV observations
        File[] datastreamFileCSV = {
                new File(testDataDir + "/ResearcherObservation/fail_ResearcherObservationCSV.csv"),
                new File(testDataDir + "/VolunteerObservation/fail_VolunteerObservationCSV.csv"),
                new File(testDataDir + "/ImageObservation/fail_ImageObservationCSV.csv") };

        //Setup the CSV validation error messages and use AdviceWith to make sure the datastream matches the Observer being tested
        setupCSV_ValidationAdviceWith(false, false, false, datastreamFileCSV);
        //add the mock:result endpoint to the end of the ValidationErrorMessageAggregationStrategy route using AdviceWith

        //Start Running the validation tests

     * Integration Test of the CameraTrapValidateDatastreamFields route
     * All Datastream Field Validations PASS
     * @throws Exception
    public void validation_Pass_iTest() throws Exception {
        //Set the headers used in the route
        headers.put("VolunteerObservationPID", "test:00000");
        headers.put("ImageObservationPID", "test:00000");

        //Setup each datastream validation route to use our test data and set the expected validation error message
        setupEAC_CPF(true, new File(testDataDir + "/EAC-CPF/valid_EAC_CPF.xml"));
        setupFGDC(true, new File(testDataDir + "/FGDC/valid_FGDC.xml"));
        setupMODS(true, new File(testDataDir + "/MODS/valid_MODS.xml"));

        //Test data for CSV observations
        File[] datastreamFileCSV = {
                new File(testDataDir + "/ResearcherObservation/valid_ResearcherObservationCSV.csv"),
                new File(testDataDir + "/VolunteerObservation/valid_VolunteerObservationCSV.csv"),
                new File(testDataDir + "/ImageObservation/valid_ImageObservationCSV.csv") };

        //Setup the CSV validation error messages and use AdviceWith to make sure the datastream matches the Observer being tested
        setupCSV_ValidationAdviceWith(true, true, true, datastreamFileCSV); //volunteer is optional

        //add the mock:result endpoint to the end of the ValidationErrorMessageAggregationStrategy route using AdviceWith

        //Start Running the validation tests

     * Integration Test of the CameraTrapValidateDatastreamFields route
     * Mixed PASS / Fail Datastream Field Validations
     * @throws Exception
    public void validation_MixedPassFail_iTest() throws Exception {
        //Set the headers used in the route
        headers.put("VolunteerObservationPID", "test:00000");
        headers.put("ImageObservationPID", "test:00000");

        //Setup each datastream validation route to use our test data and set the expected validation error message
        setupEAC_CPF(true, new File(testDataDir + "/EAC-CPF/valid_EAC_CPF.xml"));
        setupFGDC(false, new File(testDataDir + "/FGDC/fail_FGDC.xml"));
        setupMODS(true, new File(testDataDir + "/MODS/valid_MODS.xml"));

        //Test data for CSV observations
        File[] datastreamFileCSV = {
                new File(testDataDir + "/ResearcherObservation/fail_ResearcherObservationCSV.csv"),
                new File(testDataDir + "/VolunteerObservation/fail_VolunteerObservationCSV.csv"),
                new File(testDataDir + "/ImageObservation/valid_ImageObservationCSV.csv") };

        //Setup the CSV validation error messages and use AdviceWith to make sure the datastream matches the Observer being tested
        setupCSV_ValidationAdviceWith(false, false, true, datastreamFileCSV); //volunteer is optional

        //add the mock:result endpoint to the end of the ValidationErrorMessageAggregationStrategy route using AdviceWith

        //Start Running the validation tests

     * Testing the UnifiedCameraTrapValidateCSVFields route using only Researcher Observation
     * @throws Exception
    public void unifiedCameraTrapValidateCSVFields_ResearcherObservation_Test() throws Exception {

        //RouteId and endpoint uri for the test
        String routeId = "UnifiedCameraTrapValidateCSVFields";
        String routeURI = "direct:ValidateCSVFields";

        //The datastream that will be used in adviceWith to replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint
        // with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test
        datastream = FileUtils.readFileToString(
                new File(testDataDir + "/ResearcherObservation/valid_ResearcherObservationCSV.csv"));

        //Setup the expected validation message for CSV validations
        expectedValidationMessage = cameraTrapValidationMessage.createValidationMessage(camelFileParent,
                "ResearcherIdentifications CSV: Validation Failed!", true);

        //only add validation failed messages to the bucket
        if (!expectedValidationMessage.getValidationSuccess()) {

        //add the mock:result endpoint to the end of the ValidationErrorMessageAggregationStrategy route using AdviceWith

        //Configure and use adviceWith to mock for testing purpose
        context.getRouteDefinition(routeId).adviceWith(context, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
            public void configure() throws Exception {

                //provide the datastream as Fedora normally would but with out test data
                //at the end of the route send body to the validation aggregator to aggregate any validation errors
                //and again with completion predicate set then stop the route
                        .setHeader("ValidationComplete", simple("true"))

        mockEndpoint = getMockEndpoint("mock:result");

        // set mock expectations

        template.sendBodyAndHeaders(routeURI, "testCSV", headers);

        //get the result from the route
        Object resultBody = mockEndpoint.getExchanges().get(0).getIn().getBody();

        log.debug("expectedBody:\n" + expectedBody + "\nresultBody:\n" + resultBody);

                "expectedBody Type:\n" + expectedBody.getClass() + "\nresultBody Type:\n" + resultBody.getClass());

        assertEquals("mock:result expectedBody equals resultBodyBody assertEquals failed!", expectedBody,



     * Method that runs the CameraTrapValidateDatastreamFields route using adviceWith to mock for testing purposes
     * and check the assertions
     * @throws Exception
    public void validate_DatastreamFieldsRoute_IT() throws Exception {

        //Configure and use adviceWith to mock for testing purpose
                new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
                    public void configure() throws Exception {

                        // need to set header for the test created in the setupCSV advicewithroutebuilder so that
                        // the correct observation csv datastream is used for researcher, volunteer, or image.
                                .setHeader("testingVolunteerObservation", simple("true"));
                                .setHeader("testingImageObservation", simple("true"));


        mockEndpoint = getMockEndpoint("mock:result");

        // set mock expectations

        template.sendBodyAndHeaders("direct:validateDatastreamFields", "test", headers);

        Object resultBody = mockEndpoint.getExchanges().get(0).getIn().getBody();

        log.debug("expectedBody:\n" + expectedBody + "\nresultBody:\n" + resultBody);

                "expectedBody Type:\n" + expectedBody.getClass() + "\nresultBody Type:\n" + resultBody.getClass());

        assertEquals("mock:result expectedBody equals resultBodyBody assertEquals failed!", expectedBody,


     * EAC-CPF Datastream test setup
     * @param pass
     * @param datastreamFile
     * @throws Exception
    public void setupEAC_CPF(Boolean pass, File datastreamFile) throws Exception {

        //The datastream that will be used in adviceWith to replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint
        // with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test
        datastream = FileUtils.readFileToString(datastreamFile);

        //Setup the expected validation error message for EAC-CPF validations
        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
        message.append("Deployment Package ID - " + camelFileParent);
        message.append(", Message - EAC-CPF ProjectName Field validation failed. ");
                "Expected Sample Triangle Camera Trap Survey Project but found Sample Blah Blah Blah Project.");

        expectedValidationMessage = cameraTrapValidationMessage.createValidationMessage(camelFileParent,
                message.toString(), pass);

        //only add validation failed messages to the bucket
        if (!expectedValidationMessage.getValidationSuccess()) {

        //Configure and use adviceWith to mock for testing purpose
                new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {

                    public void configure() throws Exception {

                        //replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test

     * FGDC Datastream test setup
     * @throws Exception
     * @param pass
     * @param datastreamFile
    public void setupFGDC(boolean pass, File datastreamFile) throws Exception {

        //The datastream that will be used in adviceWith to replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint
        // with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test
        datastream = FileUtils.readFileToString(datastreamFile);

        //Setup the expected validation error message for FGDC validations
        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
        message.append("Deployment Package ID - " + camelFileParent);
        message.append(", Message - FGDC CameraDeploymentID Field validation failed. ");
        message.append("Expected d18981 but found blahblah.");

        expectedValidationMessage = cameraTrapValidationMessage.createValidationMessage(camelFileParent,
                message.toString(), pass);

        //only add validation failed messages to the bucket
        if (!expectedValidationMessage.getValidationSuccess()) {

        //Configure and use adviceWith to mock for testing purpose
                new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {

                    public void configure() throws Exception {

                        //replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test

     * MODS Datastream test setup
     * @throws Exception
     * @param pass
     * @param datastreamFile
    public void setupMODS(boolean pass, File datastreamFile) throws Exception {

        //The datastream that will be used in adviceWith to replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint
        // with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test
        datastream = FileUtils.readFileToString(datastreamFile);

        //Setup the expected validation error message for MODS validations
        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
        message.append("Deployment Package ID - " + camelFileParent);
        message.append(", Message - MODS ImageSequenceId Field validation failed. ");
        message.append("Expected d18981s1 but found blahblah.");

        expectedValidationMessage = cameraTrapValidationMessage.createValidationMessage(camelFileParent,
                message.toString(), pass);

        //only add validation failed messages to the bucket
        if (!expectedValidationMessage.getValidationSuccess()) {

        //Configure and use adviceWith to mock for testing purpose
                new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {

                    public void configure() throws Exception {
                        //replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test

     * Researcher and Volunteer CSV Datastream test setup
     * NOTE: The csv route is modified slightly only for testing purposes. A header is created in the
     * validate_DatastreamFieldsRoute_IT advicewithroutebuilder after the researcher csv validation completes
     * The modified csv validation route will use the volunteer datastream if the header value is true.
     * @throws Exception
     * @param researcherPass
     * @param volunteerPass
     * @param datastreamFileCSV
    private void setupCSV_ValidationAdviceWith(boolean researcherPass, boolean volunteerPass, boolean imagePass,
            File[] datastreamFileCSV) throws Exception {

        //The researcher or volunteer datastream that will be used in adviceWith to replace the getDatastreamDissemination endpoint
        // with the same exchange body that fedora would return but modified for our test
        String researcherCSVdatastream = FileUtils.readFileToString(datastreamFileCSV[0]);
        String volunteerCSVdatastream = FileUtils.readFileToString(datastreamFileCSV[1]);
        String imageCSVdatastream = FileUtils.readFileToString(datastreamFileCSV[2]);

        //Setup the Researcher Observation expected validation error message
        expectedValidationMessage = cameraTrapValidationMessage.createValidationMessage(camelFileParent,
                "ResearcherIdentifications CSV: Validation Failed!", researcherPass);

        //only add validation failed messages to the bucket
        if (!expectedValidationMessage.getValidationSuccess()) {

        //Setup the Volunteer Observation expected error message
        expectedValidationMessage = cameraTrapValidationMessage.createValidationMessage(camelFileParent,
                "VolunteerIdentifications CSV: Validation Failed!", volunteerPass);

        //only add validation failed messages to the bucket
        if (!expectedValidationMessage.getValidationSuccess()) {

        //Setup the Image Observation expected validation error message
        expectedValidationMessage = cameraTrapValidationMessage.createValidationMessage(camelFileParent,
                "ImageIdentifications CSV: Validation Failed!", imagePass);

        //only add validation failed messages to the bucket
        if (!expectedValidationMessage.getValidationSuccess()) {

        //using adviceWith to mock for testing purpose
                new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
                    public void configure() throws Exception {
                        // The csv route is modified slightly only for testing purposes. A header is created in the
                        // validate_DatastreamFieldsRoute_IT advicewithroutebuilder after the researcher csv validation completes
                        // The modified csv validation route will use the volunteer datastream if the header value is true.

     * Adding the mock:result endpoint at the end of the ValidationErrorMessageAggregationStrategy for asertions
     * The calling tests will set the completion predicate to notify the aggregator that aggregation is complete.
     * @throws Exception
    private void setupValidationErrorMessageAggregationStrategyAdviceWith() throws Exception {
        //using adviceWith to mock for testing purpose
                new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
                    public void configure() throws Exception {

                                .simple("${body} not is 'java.util.List'").to("mock:result").stop().endChoice()