Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 The Scripps Research Institute * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.scripps.fl.pubchem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.VFS; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.csvreader.CsvReader; import edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.db.PCAssay; import edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.db.PCAssayColumn; import edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.db.PCAssayResult; import edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.db.PCAssayXRef; import edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.db.Relation; import edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.db.XRef; import edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.web.entrez.EUtilsWebSession; public class PubChemFactory { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PubChemFactory.class); private static final String ftpUser = "anonymous"; private static final String ftpPass = ""; private static final String ftpHost = ""; private static final String pubchemBioAssayUrlFormat = ""; private static PubChemFactory instance; private Properties propMap = new Properties(); private PubChemFactory() { try { propMap.load(getClass().getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("edu/scripps/fl/pubchem/")); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public static PubChemFactory getInstance() { if (instance == null) { synchronized (PubChemFactory.class) { // 1 if (instance == null) { synchronized (PubChemFactory.class) { // 3 // inst = new Singleton(); //4 instance = new PubChemFactory(); } // instance = inst; //5 } } } return instance; } public TreeSet<Long> getAIDs(String filter) throws Exception { return (TreeSet<Long>) EUtilsWebSession.getInstance().getIds(filter, "pcassay", new TreeSet<Long>()); } public TreeSet<Long> getAIDs() throws Exception { return (TreeSet<Long>) getAIDs("\"all\"[filter]"); } public TreeSet<Long> getMolecularLibrariesOrBeforeAIDs() throws Exception { return (TreeSet<Long>) getAIDs( "\"NIH Molecular Libraries Program\"[SourceCategory] OR \"DTP/NCI\"[SourceName]"); } public TreeSet<Long> getAIDs(int daysInPast) throws Exception { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1 * Math.abs(daysInPast)); return getAIDs(cal.getTime()); } public TreeSet<Long> getAIDs(Date from) throws Exception { return getAIDs(from, new Date()); } public TreeSet<Long> getAIDs(Date from, Date to) throws Exception { String query = String.format( "(%1$tY/%1$tm/%1$td[DepositDate] : %2$tY/%2$tm/%2$td[DepositDate]) OR (%1$tY/%1$tm/%1$td[ModifyDate] : %2$tY/%2$tm/%2$td[ModifyDate]) OR (%1$tY/%1$tm/%1$td[HoldUntilDate] : %2$tY/%2$tm/%2$td[HoldUntilDate])", from, to); return (TreeSet<Long>) getAIDs(query); } public static String getAIDArchive(long aid) { long low = nextLowestMultiple(aid, 1000); return String.format("%07d_%07d", low + 1, low + 1000); } // // rounding m down to multiple of n protected static long nextLowestMultiple(long m, long n) { long floor = (m - 1) / n * n; return floor; } public InputStream getXmlDescr(URL parent, long aid) throws Exception { String archive = getAIDArchive(aid); String sUrl = String.format("%s/%s/", parent, "Description", archive); // File file = new File(new URL(sUrl).toURI()); // ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(file); // String zEntry = String.format("%s/%s.descr.xml.gz",archive,aid); // ZipEntry entry = zip.getEntry(zEntry); // if( null == entry ) // throw new FileNotFoundException(file + "!" + zEntry); // InputStream is = zip.getInputStream(entry); // return new GZIPInputStream(is); String sZip = String.format("zip:%s!%s/%s.descr.xml.gz", sUrl, archive, aid); // log.debug(sZip); FileObject fo = VFS.getManager().resolveFile(sZip); // log.debug("Resolved file: " + sZip); if (!fo.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find file: " + sZip); InputStream is = fo.getContent().getInputStream(); return new GZIPInputStream(is); } public InputStream getXmlDescr(long aid) throws Exception { String sUrl = String.format(pubchemBioAssayUrlFormat, ftpUser, ftpPass); return getXmlDescr(new URL(sUrl), aid); } public InputStream getCsv(URL parent, long aid) throws IOException { String archive = getAIDArchive(aid); String sUrl = String.format("%s/%s/", parent, "Data", archive); String sZip = String.format("zip:%s!/%s/%s.csv.gz", sUrl, archive, aid); // log.debug(sZip); FileObject fo = VFS.getManager().resolveFile(sZip); // log.debug("Resolved file: " + sZip); InputStream is = fo.getContent().getInputStream(); return new GZIPInputStream(is); } public InputStream getCsv(long aid) throws IOException { String sUrl = String.format(pubchemBioAssayUrlFormat, ftpUser, ftpPass); return getCsv(new URL(sUrl), aid); } public void populateAssayFromSummary(PCAssay assay) throws Exception { Document document = EUtilsWebSession.getInstance().getSummary(assay.getAID(), "pcassay"); populateAssayFromSummaryDocument(assay, document.selectSingleNode("eSummaryResult/DocumentSummarySet/DocumentSummary")); } // eutils version 2.0 public int populateAssaysFromSummaryDocument(Session session, Node document) throws Exception { List<Node> list = document.selectNodes("/eSummaryResult/DocumentSummarySet", "."); for (Node node : list) { Integer id = Integer.parseInt(node.selectSingleNode("AID").getText()); PCAssay assay = getAssay(session, id); populateAssayFromSummaryDocument(assay, node);; } return list.size(); } public PCAssay getAssay(Session session, int aid) { Query query = session.createQuery("from PCAssay where assay_aid = " + aid); PCAssay assay = (PCAssay) query.uniqueResult(); if (assay == null) { assay = new PCAssay(); assay.setVersion(0); assay.setRevision(0); assay.setName(""); assay.setExtRegId("");; } return assay; } public XRef getXRef(Session session, String xRefId, String database) { Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(XRef.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("database", database)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("XRefId", xRefId)); XRef xref = (XRef) criteria.uniqueResult(); if (xref == null) { xref = new XRef(); xref.setXRefId(xRefId); xref.setDatabase(database);; } return xref; } public PCAssay populateAssayFromSummaryDocument(Session session, Node docSumNode) throws Exception { // Node idNode = docSumNode.selectSingleNode("AID"); // Integer aid = Integer.parseInt(idNode.getText()); String uid = docSumNode.valueOf("@uid"); PCAssay assay = getAssay(session, Integer.parseInt(uid)); populateAssayFromSummaryDocument(assay, docSumNode); for (PCAssayXRef assayXRef : assay.getAssayXRefs()) { session.saveOrUpdate(assayXRef); }; return assay; } private static Map<String, String> unprocessedProperties = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); public List<Long> getSummaryAID(Integer aid) throws Exception { return EUtilsWebSession.getInstance().getIds(aid + "[XRefAid] AND summary[activityoutcomemethod]", "pcassay"); } public void populateAssayFromSummaryDocument(PCAssay assay, Node docSumNode) throws Exception { Node errorNode = docSumNode.selectSingleNode("error"); if (errorNode != null) throw new Exception("Entrez error: " + errorNode.getText()); List<Node> list = docSumNode.selectNodes("*"); String uid = docSumNode.valueOf("@uid"); assay.setAID(Integer.parseInt(uid)); for (Node node : list) { String name = node.getName(); Object value = node.getText(); if (node.selectNodes("*").size() > 0) { } else { String property = propMap.getProperty(name); if (null != property) { Class clazz = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(assay, property); if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(Date.class)) value = parseDate(value); BeanUtils.setProperty(assay, property, value); } else { if (!unprocessedProperties.containsKey(name)) { unprocessedProperties.put(name, ""); log.warn(String.format("Cannot determine PCAssay bean property '%s'", name)); } } } } String desc = assay.getDescription(); // eutils summary description doesn't contain new lines // so don't update it if it already has a value (when we populate via xml first). if (desc == null || "".equals(desc) || !desc.contains("\n")) { Node node = docSumNode.selectSingleNode("AssayDescription"); assay.setDescription(node.getText()); } return; } public Date parseDate(Object value) { if (value == null) return null; Integer[] iParts = null; if (value instanceof Number) { if (((Number) value).intValue() == 0) return null; List<String> parts = new ArrayList(); String valueStr = value.toString(); parts.add(valueStr.substring(0, 4)); for (int ii = 4; ii < valueStr.length(); ii += 2) { String substr = valueStr.substring(ii, ii + 2); parts.add(substr); } iParts = (Integer[]) ConvertUtils.convert(parts, Integer[].class); } else { iParts = (Integer[]) ConvertUtils.convert(value.toString().split("\\D+"), Integer[].class); } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (iParts.length > 0) cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, iParts[0]); if (iParts.length > 1) cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, iParts[1] - 1); // months are zero based. if (iParts.length > 2) cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, iParts[2]); if (iParts.length > 3) cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, iParts[3]); if (iParts.length > 4) cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, iParts[4]); if (iParts.length > 5) cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, iParts[5]); // log.debug(String.format("parsed date %s to %s", value, // cal.getTime())); return cal.getTime(); } // public void populateAssayFromPug(PCAssay assay) throws Exception { // GetAssayDescription gad = new GetAssayDescription(); // gad.setAID(assay.getAID().intValue()); // gad.setGetVersion(true); // GetAssayDescriptionResponse response = pug.GetAssayDescription(gad); // AssayDescriptionType adt = response.getAssayDescription(); // // assay.setVersion(new // Double(response.getAssayDescription().getVersion())); // assay.setLastDataChange(parseDate(adt.getLastDataChange())); // // // if (!assay.isNewVersion()) { // // log.debug("AID " + assay.getAID() + " verison unchanged"); // // return assay; // // } // assay.setHasScore(adt.getHasScore()); // if (adt.getProtocol() != null) // assay.setProtocol(StringUtils.join(adt.getProtocol().getString(), // "\r\n")); // // List<Target> targets = new ArrayList(); // Iterator<Integer> iter = // JXPathContext.newContext(response).iterate("//assayDescription/targets/target/gi"); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // Integer gid =; // Target target = (Target) HibernateUtil.getSession().get(Target.class, // gid.intValue()); // if (target == null) { // target = new Target(); // target.setGID(gid.intValue()); // HibernateUtil.getSession().save(target); // HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); // } // // SequenceFactory.getInstance().populateTarget(target); // target = (Target) HibernateUtil.getSession().merge(target); // targets.add(target); // } // assay.setTargets(targets); // } // public void populateAssayColumns(PCAssay assay) throws Exception { // PUGStub.GetAssayColumnDescriptions request = new // PUGStub.GetAssayColumnDescriptions(); // request.setAID(assay.getAID()); // PUGStub.GetAssayColumnDescriptionsResponse response = // pug.GetAssayColumnDescriptions(request); // Map<PCAssayColumn, PCAssayColumn> map = new HashMap(); // for(PCAssayColumn col: assay.getColumns()) // map.put(col,col); // for (ColumnDescriptionType desc : response.getColumnDescription()) { // PCAssayColumn col = new PCAssayColumn(); // col.setAssay(assay); // if (desc.getTID() == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { // if (desc.getHeading().getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("Outcome")) // col.setTID(-1); // else if (desc.getHeading().getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("Score")) // col.setTID(0); // } // else // col.setTID(desc.getTID()); // // if( map.containsKey(col) ) // col = map.get(col); // else // assay.getColumns().add(col); // // col.setActiveConcentration(desc.getActiveConcentration()); // col.setName(desc.getName()); // String description[] = (desc.getDescription() == null) ? new String[0] : // desc.getDescription().getString(); // col.setDescription(StringUtils.join(description, "\r\n")); // col.setHeading(desc.getHeading().getValue()); // col.setType(desc.getType()); // col.setUnit(desc.getUnit()); // if (desc.getTestedConcentration() != null) { // col.setTestedConcentration(desc.getTestedConcentration().getConcentration()); // col.setTestedConcentrationUnit(desc.getTestedConcentration().getUnit()); // } // } // } public void populateAssayResults(Session session, PCAssay assay, InputStream is) throws Exception { long counter = 0L; PCAssayColumn activeColumn = assay.getActiveColumn(); List<PCAssayColumn> testedCols = assay.getTestedColumns(); CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)), ','); reader.readHeaders(); String[] headers = reader.getHeaders(); Transaction trx = session.beginTransaction(); while (reader.readRecord()) { String[] values = reader.getValues(); String[] sids = reader.get("PUBCHEM_SID").split("\\s*,\\s*"); if (sids.length > 1) { log.warn(String.format("AID %s has %s SIDS on a line", assay.getAID(), sids.length)); } for (String sid : sids) { PCAssayResult result = new PCAssayResult(); result.setSID(Long.parseLong(sid)); String cid = reader.get("PUBCHEM_CID"); if (!"".equals(cid)) result.setCID(Long.parseLong(cid)); result.setComments(reader.get("PUBCHEM_ASSAYDATA_COMMENT")); int outcome = Integer.parseInt(reader.get("PUBCHEM_ACTIVITY_OUTCOME")); result.setOutcome(getOutcome(outcome)); String score = reader.get("PUBCHEM_ACTIVITY_SCORE"); if (!"".equals(score)) result.setRankScore(Integer.parseInt(score)); result.setURL(reader.get("PUBCHEM_ACTIVITY_URL")); result.setXref(reader.get("PUBCHEM_EXT_DATASOURCE_REGID")); // if a dose response assay with a marked activeConcentration if ("confirmatory".equals(assay.getActivityOutcomeMethod()) && activeColumn != null) { String actConc = reader.get("" + activeColumn.getTID()); if (!"".equals(actConc)) { result.setPrimaryValue(Double.valueOf(actConc)); result.setPrimaryColumn(activeColumn); PCAssayColumn qualCol = assay.getQualifierColumn(); if (qualCol != null) { String qual = reader.get("" + qualCol.getTID()); // get(String) if (!"".equals(qual)) result.setQualifier(qual); } } } else if ("screening".equals(assay.getActivityOutcomeMethod()) && testedCols.size() > 0) { PCAssayColumn testedCol = testedCols.get(0); String value = reader.get("" + testedCol.getTID()); result.setPrimaryColumn(testedCol); if (!"".equals(value)) if ("float".equals(testedCol.getType()) || "int".equals(testedCol.getType())) result.setPrimaryValue(Double.parseDouble(value)); else result.setPrimaryValueAsString(value); } // put all testedConcentration columns into an ordered array. // Interested in numbers here only. result.getTestedValues().clear(); for (int ii = 0; ii < testedCols.size(); ii++) { String value = reader.get("" + testedCols.get(ii).getTID()); try { Double dbl = Double.parseDouble(value); result.getTestedValues().set(ii, dbl); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // if not a number then don't worry about it. } } List<String> list = result.getAllValues(); list.clear(); for (PCAssayColumn col : assay.getColumns()) { if (col.getTID() > 0) { // not the outcome and score String value = reader.get("" + col.getTID()); list.set(col.getTID() - 1, value); } } result.setAssay(assay);; if (++counter % 100 == 0) { trx.commit(); session.clear(); // else huge build up of hibernate memory // cache trx = session.beginTransaction(); } if (counter % 10000 == 0) log.debug(String.format("AID %s: processed %s results", assay.getAID(), counter)); } } log.debug(String.format("Processed AID: %s, contained %s results", assay.getAID(), counter)); assay = (PCAssay) session.merge(assay); assay.setVersionChanged(false);; trx.commit(); } protected String getOutcome(int score) { String sScore = null; if (1 == score) sScore = "Inactive"; else if (2 == score) sScore = "Active"; else if (3 == score) sScore = "Inconclusive"; else if (4 == score) sScore = "Unspecified"; else if (5 == score) sScore = "Probe"; else sScore = "" + score; return sScore; } // public int populateRelations(int id, String fromDb, String toDb) throws // IOException, DocumentException { // Query query = HibernateUtil.getSession().createQuery( // "delete from Relation where fromId = ? and fromDb = ? and toDb = ?"); // query.setInteger(0, id); // query.setString(1, "pcassay"); // query.setString(2, "pcassay"); // query.executeUpdate(); // Document document = // EUtilsFactory.getInstance().getDocument("", // "dbfrom", fromDb, // "db", toDb, "id", "" + id); // return populateRelations(document); // } public int populateRelations(Session session, Document document) throws IOException, DocumentException { String fromDb = document.selectSingleNode("/eLinkResult/LinkSet/DbFrom").getText(); String idStr = document.selectSingleNode("/eLinkResult/LinkSet/IdList/Id").getText(); Long id = Long.parseLong(idStr); List<Node> linkSetDbs = document.selectNodes("/eLinkResult/LinkSet/LinkSetDb"); Transaction trx = session.beginTransaction(); int counter = 0; for (Node linkSetDb : linkSetDbs) { String toDb = linkSetDb.selectSingleNode("DbTo").getText(); String linkName = linkSetDb.selectSingleNode("LinkName").getText(); List<Node> ids = linkSetDb.selectNodes("Link/Id"); for (Node idNode : ids) { long relatedId = Long.parseLong(idNode.getText()); if (id == relatedId) continue; Relation relation = new Relation(); relation.setRelationName(linkName); relation.setFromDb(fromDb); relation.setFromId(id); relation.setToDb(toDb); relation.setToId(relatedId);; if (counter++ % 100 == 0) { trx.commit(); session.clear(); // cache grows hugely during very large // inserts trx = session.beginTransaction(); } } } trx.commit(); return counter; } // // public URL getAssayTable(int aid, int[] cids) throws Exception { // return getAssayTable(aid, cids, 5); // } // // public URL getAssayTable(int aid, int[] cids, int sleepSeconds) throws // Exception { // ArrayOfInt arr = new ArrayOfInt(); // arr.set_int(cids); // InputList list = new InputList(); // list.setIdType(PCIDType.eID_CID); // list.setIds(arr); // String cidListKey = pug.InputList(list).getListKey(); // log.debug("CID ListKey = " + cidListKey); // InputAssay assay = new InputAssay(); // assay.setAID(aid); // assay.setColumns(AssayColumnsType.eAssayColumns_Complete); // assay.setListKeySCIDs(cidListKey); // String assayKey = pug.InputAssay(assay).getAssayKey(); // log.debug("AssayKey = " + assayKey); // // AssayDownload download = new AssayDownload(); // download.setAssayKey(assayKey); // download.setAssayFormat(AssayFormatType.eAssayFormat_CSV); // download.setECompress(CompressType.eCompress_None); // String downloadKey = pug.AssayDownload(download).getDownloadKey(); // log.debug("DownloadKey = " + downloadKey); // // AnyKeyType anyKey = new AnyKeyType(); // anyKey.setAnyKey(downloadKey); // GetOperationStatus getStatus = new GetOperationStatus(); // getStatus.setGetOperationStatus(anyKey); // StatusType status; // while ((status = pug.GetOperationStatus(getStatus).getStatus()) == // StatusType.eStatus_Running // || status == StatusType.eStatus_Queued) { // log.debug("Waiting for download to finish..."); // Thread.sleep(sleepSeconds * 1000); // } // // // On success, get the download URL, save to local file // if (status == StatusType.eStatus_Success) { // GetDownloadUrl getURL = new GetDownloadUrl(); // getURL.setDownloadKey(downloadKey); // URL url = new URL(pug.GetDownloadUrl(getURL).getUrl()); // log.debug("Success! Download URL = " + url.toString()); // return url; // // } else { // GetStatusMessage message = new GetStatusMessage(); // message.setGetStatusMessage(anyKey); // String msg = pug.GetStatusMessage(message).getMessage(); // log.error(msg); // throw new Exception("Error: " + msg); // } // } // // public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // args = new CommandLineHandler().handle(args); // // List<Long> aids = EUtilsFactory.getInstance().getIds("all[filter]", // "pcassay"); // // Collections.sort(aids, Collections.reverseOrder()); // // System.out.println(StringUtils.join(aids,",")); // // PCAssay assay = new PCAssay(); // assay.setAID(1811); // getInstance().populateAssayFromPug(assay); // } public Collection<Long> getNeighbors(Long id) throws Exception { Document document = EUtilsWebSession.getInstance().getDocument( "", "dbfrom", "pcassay", "id", "" + id, "linkname", "pcassay_pcassay_neighbor_list"); List<Node> linkSetDbs = document.selectNodes("/eLinkResult/LinkSet/LinkSetDb"); Set<Long> relatedIds = new HashSet(); int counter = 0; for (Node linkSetDb : linkSetDbs) { String linkName = linkSetDb.selectSingleNode("LinkName").getText(); List<Node> ids = linkSetDb.selectNodes("Link/Id"); for (Node idNode : ids) { Long relatedId = Long.parseLong(idNode.getText()); relatedIds.add(relatedId); } } return relatedIds; } public Collection<Long> getRelatedAssays(Long aid) throws Exception { Collection<Long> neighborAids = (Set<Long>) getNeighbors(aid); // find summary aids for assay Document doc = EUtilsWebSession.getInstance().getSummary(neighborAids, "pcassay"); Iterator<Element> iter = doc.getRootElement().elementIterator("DocSum"); Long summaryAid = null; List<Long> summaryAids = new ArrayList<Long>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element elem =; if (elem.selectSingleNode("Item[@Name='ActivityOutcomeMethod']").getText().equals("summary")) summaryAid = Long.parseLong(elem.selectSingleNode("Id").getText()); summaryAids.add(summaryAid); } // find aids related to summary aids for (Long summary : summaryAids) neighborAids.addAll(getNeighbors(summaryAid)); return neighborAids; } public List<Relation> getRelations(Long id, String fromDb, String toDb) throws Exception { Document document = EUtilsWebSession.getInstance().getDocument( "", "dbfrom", fromDb, "db", toDb, "id", "" + id); return getRelations(document); } public List<Relation> getRelations(Document document) { String fromDb = document.selectSingleNode("/eLinkResult/LinkSet/DbFrom").getText(); String idStr = document.selectSingleNode("/eLinkResult/LinkSet/IdList/Id").getText(); Long id = Long.parseLong(idStr); List<Node> linkSetDbs = document.selectNodes("/eLinkResult/LinkSet/LinkSetDb"); ArrayList<Relation> list = new ArrayList(); for (Node linkSetDb : linkSetDbs) { String toDb = linkSetDb.selectSingleNode("DbTo").getText(); String linkName = linkSetDb.selectSingleNode("LinkName").getText(); List<Node> ids = linkSetDb.selectNodes("Link/Id"); list.ensureCapacity(list.size() + ids.size()); for (Node idNode : ids) { long relatedId = Long.parseLong(idNode.getText()); if (id == relatedId) continue; Relation relation = new Relation(); relation.setRelationName(linkName); relation.setFromDb(fromDb); relation.setFromId(id); relation.setToDb(toDb); relation.setToId(relatedId); list.add(relation); } } return list; } }