Java tutorial
/** * COPYRIGHT (C) 2015 Alex Aiezza. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Geneopedia License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.rit.flick.util; import static java.lang.String.format; import static junitx.framework.FileAssert.assertEquals; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import java.util.Arrays; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import; import edu.rit.flick.AbstractFlickFile; import edu.rit.flick.DefaultFlickFile; import edu.rit.flick.config.FileArchiverExtensionRegistry; import edu.rit.flick.genetics.FastaFileArchiver; import edu.rit.flick.genetics.FastqFileArchiver; import; /** * * @author Alex Aiezza * */ public class FlickTest { private static final String VERBOSE_FLAG = "--verbose"; private static final String HELP_FLAG = "--help"; private static final String FILES_DO_NOT_MATCH_ERROR_FORMAT = "%n File '%s' is different from%n file '%s'%n at byte# %d%n"; private static final String TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER = "test_resources" + File.separator; private static final String RESOURCES_FOLDER = "resources" + File.separator; private static final String FULL_FASTA_EXTENSION = ".fasta"; private static final String FULL_FASTQ_EXTENSION = ".fastq"; private static final FileArchiverExtensionRegistry REGISTRY = FileArchiverExtensionRegistry.getInstance(); private static final ByteArrayOutputStream outContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private static final ByteArrayOutputStream errContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private static PrintStream oldOut, oldErr; @AfterClass public static void cleanUpStreams() throws IOException { outContent.close(); errContent.close(); System.setOut(oldOut); System.setErr(oldErr); } @BeforeClass public static void setUpStreams() { oldOut = System.out; oldErr = System.err; System.setOut(new PrintStream(outContent)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(errContent)); } private File originalFile, flickedFile, unflickedFile; @Rule public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); @After public void cleanUpTempFiles() throws InterruptedException { System.gc(); Thread.sleep(100); if (flickedFile != null && flickedFile.exists()) assertTrue(FileUtils.deleteQuietly(flickedFile)); if (unflickedFile != null && unflickedFile.exists()) assertTrue(FileUtils.deleteQuietly(unflickedFile)); } @Test public void directoryExperiment() { testDirectory("experiment"); } @Test public void fake_fna() { testFASTAfile("fake"); } @Test public void fakeSeqData_2_fq() { testFASTQfile("fakeSeqData_2"); } @Test public void fakeSeqData_fq() { testFASTQfile("fakeSeqData"); } @Test public void helpFlag() throws IOException { outContent.flush(); outContent.reset(); Flick.main(HELP_FLAG); String expectedUsageStatement = Files.toString(new File(RESOURCES_FOLDER + Flick.FLICK_USAGE_FILE), Charset.defaultCharset()); String actualUsageStatement = outContent.toString(); assertEquals(expectedUsageStatement, actualUsageStatement); outContent.flush(); outContent.reset(); Unflick.main(HELP_FLAG); expectedUsageStatement = Files.toString(new File(RESOURCES_FOLDER + Unflick.UNFLICK_USAGE_FILE), Charset.defaultCharset()) + "\n"; actualUsageStatement = outContent.toString(); assertEquals(expectedUsageStatement, actualUsageStatement); outContent.flush(); outContent.reset(); } @Test public void NC_008512_fna() { testFASTAfile("NC_008512"); } @Test public void NC_018414_fna() { testFASTAfile("NC_018414"); } @Test public void NC_018415_fna() { testFASTAfile("NC_018415"); } @Test public void NC_018416_fna() { testFASTAfile("NC_018416"); } @Test public void NC_018417_fna() { testFASTAfile("NC_018417"); } @Test public void NC_018418_fna() { testFASTAfile("NC_018418"); } @Test public void NC_021894_fna() { testFASTAfile("NC_021894"); } @After public void printOutput() throws IOException { oldOut.println(outContent.toString()); oldErr.println(errContent.toString()); outContent.flush(); outContent.reset(); } @Test public void SRR390728_1_fq() { testFASTQfile("SRR390728_1"); } @Test public void test_fna() { testFASTAfile("test"); } @Test public void test_fq() { testFASTQfile("test"); } public void testDirectory(final String directory) { final String outputDirectory = directory + "-inflated"; originalFile = getFile(TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER, directory); flickedFile = new File(TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER + directory + DefaultFlickFile.DEFAULT_DEFLATED_EXTENSION); unflickedFile = getFile(TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER, outputDirectory); Flick.main(VERBOSE_FLAG, originalFile.getPath()); Unflick.main(VERBOSE_FLAG, flickedFile.getPath(), unflickedFile.getPath()); Files.fileTreeTraverser().breadthFirstTraversal(originalFile).toList().stream() .filter(file -> !file.isDirectory()).forEach(file -> { final String fileName1 = file.getPath().replaceAll( "((?!" + directory + ").+)" + directory + "(\\\\.+)", "$1" + outputDirectory); final String fileName2 = file.getPath() .replaceAll("((?!" + directory + ").+)" + directory + "(\\\\.+)", directory + "$2"); assertEquals(file, getFile(fileName1, File.separator, fileName2)); }); } private final void testFASTAfile(final String fileBase) { originalFile = getFile(TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER, fileBase + REGISTRY.getExtensions(FastaFileArchiver.class).get(0)); flickedFile = getFile(TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER, fileBase + REGISTRY.getExtensions(FastaFileArchiver.class).get(0) + FastaFileArchiver.DEFAULT_DEFLATED_FASTA_EXTENSION); unflickedFile = getFile(TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER, fileBase + FULL_FASTA_EXTENSION); try { testForLosslessness(); } catch (final IOException | InterruptedException e) { assertNull(e.getMessage(), e); } } private final void testFASTQfile(final String fileBase) { originalFile = getFile(TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER, fileBase + REGISTRY.getExtensions(FastqFileArchiver.class).get(0)); flickedFile = getFile(TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER, fileBase + REGISTRY.getExtensions(FastqFileArchiver.class).get(0) + FastqFileArchiver.DEFAULT_DEFLATED_FASTQ_EXTENSION); unflickedFile = getFile(TEST_RESOURCES_FOLDER, fileBase + FULL_FASTQ_EXTENSION); try { testForLosslessness(); } catch (final IOException | InterruptedException e) { assertNull(e.getMessage(), e); } } private final void testForLosslessness() throws IOException, InterruptedException { Flick.main(VERBOSE_FLAG, originalFile.getPath()); Unflick.main(VERBOSE_FLAG, flickedFile.getPath(), unflickedFile.getPath()); if (!originalFile.exists()) { /* * By falling in here, we assume the test failed because the file * given as input was not found. Equally so, the flicked file will * not be found by the unflicker since no flicking would have been * able to occur. */ final String expectedUsageStatement = String.format("%s%n%s%n", new NoSuchFileException(originalFile.getPath(), null, AbstractFlickFile.FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE).getMessage().trim(), new NoSuchFileException(flickedFile.getPath(), null, AbstractFlickFile.FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE).getMessage().trim()); final Object[] errorStack = errContent.toString().split("\n"); final int eSl = errorStack.length; final String actualUsageStatement = String.format("%s\n%s\n", Arrays.copyOfRange(errorStack, eSl - 2, eSl)); assertEquals(expectedUsageStatement, actualUsageStatement); return; } final FileInputStream origFIS = new FileInputStream(originalFile); ByteBufferInputStream orig =; final FileInputStream comAndDecomFIS = new FileInputStream(unflickedFile); ByteBufferInputStream comAndDecom =; if (!FileUtils.contentEquals(originalFile, unflickedFile)) { long position = 0; while (orig.available() > 0) { position++; final int o =; final int c =; assertEquals(format(FILES_DO_NOT_MATCH_ERROR_FORMAT, originalFile, unflickedFile, position), (char) o + "", (char) c + ""); } assertEquals(orig.available(), comAndDecom.available()); origFIS.close(); orig.close(); comAndDecomFIS.close(); comAndDecom.close(); orig = null; comAndDecom = null; } } }