Java tutorial
/** * COPYRIGHT (C) 2015 Alex Aiezza. All Rights Reserved. * * See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License provided with this project. */ package edu.rit.flick.genetics; import static edu.rit.flick.config.DefaultOptionSet.DELETE_FLAG; import static edu.rit.flick.config.DefaultOptionSet.VERBOSE_FLAG; import static java.lang.String.format; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder; import; import; import; import edu.rit.flick.FileDeflator; import edu.rit.flick.config.Configuration; import edu.rit.flick.genetics.util.ByteBufferOutputStream; import; import net.lingala.zip4j.core.ZipFile; import net.lingala.zip4j.exception.ZipException; import net.lingala.zip4j.model.ZipParameters; import net.lingala.zip4j.util.Zip4jConstants; /** * @author Alex Aiezza * */ public abstract class FastFileDeflator implements FastFileArchiver, FileDeflator { public final static double EXPECTED_COMPRESSION_RATIO = 0.25; private boolean interrupted = false; // Output files protected ByteBufferOutputStream datahcf; protected ByteBufferOutputStream nfile; protected BufferedOutputStream headerfile; protected BufferedOutputStream iupacfile; protected BufferedOutputStream tailfile; protected FileWriter metafile; // Input file protected ByteBufferInputStream fastIn; // Tracking fields private boolean writingToNFile = false; protected byte[] hyperCompressionBytes = new byte[4]; protected byte dnaByte; protected final AtomicInteger lineType = new AtomicInteger(SEQUENCE_IDENTIFIER_LINE); protected final LongAdder dnaPosition = new LongAdder() // @formatter:off { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void increment() { super.increment(); localSeqLineSize++; } }; // @formatter:on protected int compressionCounter = 0; protected int localSeqLineSize = 0; protected int seqLineSize = 0; private boolean containsCarriageReturns = false; private boolean isRNAData = false; protected final BiMap<String, Byte> byteConverter; public FastFileDeflator() { byteConverter = new ByteConverterBiMapFactory().getByteConverter(4); } protected void afterProcessNucleotides() throws IOException { } protected void beforeProcessNucleotide() { } @Override public boolean containsCarriageReturns() { return containsCarriageReturns; } protected void createOutputFiles(final File fastFile, final String tempOutputDirectory) throws IOException { datahcf = File(tempOutputDirectory + SEQUENCE_DATA_FILE), MapMode.READ_WRITE, (long) (fastFile.length() * EXPECTED_COMPRESSION_RATIO)); nfile = File(tempOutputDirectory + N_FILE), MapMode.READ_WRITE, (long) (fastFile.length() * EXPECTED_COMPRESSION_RATIO * 2)); headerfile = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempOutputDirectory + SEQUENCE_ID_FILE), DEFAULT_BUFFER); iupacfile = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempOutputDirectory + IUPAC_CODE_FILE), DEFAULT_BUFFER); tailfile = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempOutputDirectory + SEQUENCE_TAIL_FILE), DEFAULT_BUFFER); metafile = new FileWriter(new File(tempOutputDirectory + META_FILE)); metafile.write(format(META_FILE_SIZE_FORMAT, fastFile.length())); final FileInputStream fastFis = new FileInputStream(fastFile); fastIn =; fastFis.close(); } @Override public File deflate(final Configuration configuration, final File fileIn, final File fileOut) { assert fileIn.exists(); try { // Deflate to Directory final String outputDirectoryPath = fileOut.getPath() .replaceAll("." + Files.getFileExtension(fileOut.getPath()), FLICK_FAST_FILE_TMP_DIR_SUFFIX); final File tmpOutputDirectory = new File(outputDirectoryPath); if (tmpOutputDirectory.exists()) FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tmpOutputDirectory); tmpOutputDirectory.mkdirs(); final AtomicReference<Thread> cleanHookAtomic = new AtomicReference<Thread>(); // Deflate Fast file to a temporary directory final Thread deflateToDirectoryThread = new Thread(() -> { try { // Deflate Fast file to a temporary directory deflateToDirectory(fileIn, tmpOutputDirectory); // Remove unused buffer space removeUnusedBufferSpace(outputDirectoryPath); // Compress Directory to a zip file deflateToFile(tmpOutputDirectory, fileOut); Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(cleanHookAtomic.get()); } catch (final Exception e) { if (!interrupted) System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } }, "Default_Deflation_Thread"); // Make cleaning hook final Thread cleanHook = new Thread(() -> { interrupted = true; configuration.setFlag(VERBOSE_FLAG, false); configuration.setFlag(DELETE_FLAG, false); try { if (deflateToDirectoryThread.isAlive()) deflateToDirectoryThread.interrupt(); // Remove unused buffer space removeUnusedBufferSpace(outputDirectoryPath); // Delete files that were not able to be processed FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tmpOutputDirectory); System.out.println(); } catch (final IOException | InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }, "Deflation_Cleaning_Thread"); cleanHookAtomic.set(cleanHook); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(cleanHook); deflateToDirectoryThread.start(); deflateToDirectoryThread.join(); } catch (final IOException | InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return fileOut; } public void deflateToDirectory(final File fileIn, final File tmpOutputDirectory) throws IOException { createOutputFiles(fileIn, tmpOutputDirectory.getPath() + File.separator); initializeDeflator(); if (fastIn.available() > 0) dnaByte = (byte); while (fastIn.available() > 0) { switch (lineType.get()) { case SEQUENCE_IDENTIFIER_LINE: processSequenceIdentifier(); break; case SEQUENCE_LINE: processNucleotides(); afterProcessNucleotides(); break; default: processLineType(); } progressLineType(); } processProperties(); processTail(); } protected void deflateToFile(final File tmpOutputDirectory, final File fileOut) throws IOException, ZipException { if (fileOut.exists()) fileOut.delete(); final ZipFile flickFile = new ZipFile(fileOut); final ZipParameters zParams = new ZipParameters(); zParams.setIncludeRootFolder(false); zParams.setCompressionMethod(Zip4jConstants.COMP_DEFLATE); zParams.setCompressionLevel(Zip4jConstants.DEFLATE_LEVEL_NORMAL); flickFile.createZipFileFromFolder(tmpOutputDirectory, zParams, false, 0); // Delete files that were just zipped FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tmpOutputDirectory); } @Override public BiMap<String, Byte> getByteConverter() { return byteConverter; } protected abstract List<Byte> getSequenceEscapes(); protected void initializeDeflator() { writingToNFile = false; hyperCompressionBytes = new byte[4]; dnaByte = 0; lineType.set(SEQUENCE_IDENTIFIER_LINE); dnaPosition.reset(); compressionCounter = 0; localSeqLineSize = 0; seqLineSize = 0; containsCarriageReturns = false; isRNAData = false; } @Override public boolean isRNAData() { return isRNAData; } protected void processLineType() { } protected void processNucleotides() throws IOException { while (fastIn.available() > 0 && (dnaByte = (byte) != -1) { beforeProcessNucleotide(); switch (dnaByte) { // Check for N case N: if (!writingToNFile) { writingToNFile = true; final String nPositionStr = Long.toHexString(dnaPosition.longValue()).toUpperCase() + RANGE; nfile.write(nPositionStr.getBytes()); } dnaPosition.increment(); continue; // Check for uppercase nucleotides case A: case C: case G: case T: case U: // Check for U if (dnaByte == U || dnaByte == u) { isRNAData = true; dnaByte = T; } if (writingToNFile) { final String nPositionStr = Long.toHexString(dnaPosition.longValue()).toUpperCase() + PIPE; nfile.write(nPositionStr.getBytes()); writingToNFile = false; } processConventionalNucleotide(); dnaPosition.increment(); continue; case CARRIAGE_RETURN: containsCarriageReturns = true; continue; case NEWLINE: if (seqLineSize < localSeqLineSize) seqLineSize = localSeqLineSize; localSeqLineSize = 0; continue; default: if (getSequenceEscapes().contains(dnaByte)) return; if (writingToNFile) { final String nPositionStr = Long.toHexString(dnaPosition.longValue()).toUpperCase() + PIPE; nfile.write(nPositionStr.getBytes()); writingToNFile = false; } // File for IUPAC codes and erroneous characters final String iupacBase = format("%s-%s|", Long.toHexString(dnaPosition.longValue()), (char) dnaByte + ""); iupacfile.write(iupacBase.getBytes()); dnaPosition.increment(); } } } protected void processConventionalNucleotide() throws IOException { hyperCompressionBytes[compressionCounter] = dnaByte; if (compressionCounter == 3) { final String tetramer = new String(hyperCompressionBytes); if (!getByteConverter().containsKey(tetramer)) throw new TetramerNotFoundException(tetramer); else datahcf.put(getByteConverter().get(tetramer).byteValue()); compressionCounter = 0; } else compressionCounter++; } protected void processProperties() throws IOException { metafile.write(format(META_CARRIAGE_RETURN_FORMAT, containsCarriageReturns())); metafile.write(format(META_RNA_DATA_FORMAT, isRNAData())); } protected String processSequenceIdentifier() throws IOException { assert dnaByte == getSequenceIdentifierStart(); // Write Start Location in File long hI = 0; if (fastIn.position() > 1) hI = fastIn.position() - (containsCarriageReturns ? 3 : 2); final StringBuffer seqId = new StringBuffer(); while (dnaByte != NEWLINE) { dnaByte = (byte); if (dnaByte == CARRIAGE_RETURN) containsCarriageReturns = true; seqId.append((char) dnaByte); } headerfile.write((hI + PIPE + seqId.toString()).getBytes()); return seqId.toString(); } protected void processTail() throws IOException { int tailCounter = 0; while (compressionCounter-- != 0) { final char nucleotide = (char) hyperCompressionBytes[tailCounter]; tailfile.write(nucleotide); if (nucleotide != N && writingToNFile) { final String nPositionStr = Long.toHexString(dnaPosition.longValue()).toUpperCase() + PIPE; nfile.write(nPositionStr.getBytes()); writingToNFile = false; } dnaPosition.increment(); tailCounter++; } if (writingToNFile) { final String nPositionStr = Long.toHexString(dnaPosition.longValue()).toUpperCase() + PIPE; nfile.write(nPositionStr.getBytes()); writingToNFile = false; } } protected void progressLineType() { if (lineType.get() == SEQUENCE_IDENTIFIER_LINE) lineType.set(SEQUENCE_LINE); else lineType.set(SEQUENCE_IDENTIFIER_LINE); } @SuppressWarnings("resource") protected void removeUnusedBufferSpace(final String tmpOutputDirectory) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final long actualDataHcfFileSize = datahcf.position(); final long actualNFileSize = nfile.position(); fastIn.close(); datahcf.close(); headerfile.close(); nfile.close(); iupacfile.close(); tailfile.close(); metafile.close(); fastIn = null; datahcf = null; nfile = null; // Give the last method a moment to garbage collect // System.gc(); // Thread.sleep( 1000 ); final File dataFile = new File(tmpOutputDirectory + SEQUENCE_DATA_FILE); final File nFile = new File(tmpOutputDirectory + N_FILE); // Remove unused buffer space FileChannel fc = new FileOutputStream(dataFile, true).getChannel(); fc.force(true); fc.truncate(actualDataHcfFileSize).close(); fc = new FileOutputStream(nFile, true).getChannel(); fc.force(true); fc.truncate(actualNFileSize).close(); } }