Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Rice University. * * This file is part of PhyloNet. * * PhyloNet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PhyloNet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PhyloNet. If not, see <>. */ package; import edu.rice.cs.bioinfo.library.programming.Container; import edu.rice.cs.bioinfo.library.programming.MutableTuple; import edu.rice.cs.bioinfo.library.programming.Proc; import edu.rice.cs.bioinfo.library.programming.Tuple; import; import; import; import edu.rice.cs.bioinfo.programs.phylonet.structs.tree.model.TNode; import edu.rice.cs.bioinfo.programs.phylonet.structs.tree.model.Tree; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException; import org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.GoalType; import org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.univariate.BrentOptimizer; import java.util.*; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: yy9 * Date: 2/11/13 * Time: 11:40 AM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public abstract class NetworkPseudoLikelihoodFromGTT extends NetworkLikelihood { private int _batchSize; public void setBatchSize(int size) { _batchSize = size; } public static Map<String, double[]> computeTripleFrequenciesFromSingleGT(Tree gt) { List<String> taxaList = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Integer> pairwiseDepths = new HashMap<>(); Map<TNode, Integer> node2depth = new HashMap<>(); Map<TNode, List<String>> node2leaves = new HashMap<>(); for (TNode node : gt.postTraverse()) { int depth = 0; List<String> leaves = new ArrayList<>(); if (node.isLeaf()) { //leaves.add(taxon2ID.get(node.getName())); leaves.add(node.getName()); taxaList.add(node.getName()); } else { List<List<String>> childLeavesList = new ArrayList<>(); for (TNode child : node.getChildren()) { depth = Math.max(depth, node2depth.get(child)); List<String> childLeaves = new ArrayList<>(); childLeaves.addAll(node2leaves.get(child)); childLeavesList.add(childLeaves); leaves.addAll(childLeaves); } depth++; for (int i = 0; i < childLeavesList.size(); i++) { List<String> childLeaves1 = childLeavesList.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < childLeavesList.size(); j++) { List<String> childLeaves2 = childLeavesList.get(j); for (String leaf1 : childLeaves1) { for (String leaf2 : childLeaves2) { pairwiseDepths.put(leaf1 + "&" + leaf2, depth); pairwiseDepths.put(leaf2 + "&" + leaf1, depth); } } } } } node2depth.put(node, depth); node2leaves.put(node, leaves); } String[] taxa = taxaList.toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(taxa); int numTaxa = taxa.length; Map<String, double[]> triple2counts = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++) { String taxonI = taxa[i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < numTaxa; j++) { String taxonJ = taxa[j]; String pair = taxonI + "&" + taxonJ; int ij = pairwiseDepths.get(pair); for (int k = j + 1; k < numTaxa; k++) { String taxonK = taxa[k]; String triplet = pair + "&" + taxonK; double[] freq = new double[3]; triple2counts.put(triplet, freq); int minIndex = -1; int ik = pairwiseDepths.get(taxonI + "&" + taxonK); int jk = pairwiseDepths.get(taxonJ + "&" + taxonK); if (ij < ik && ij < jk) { minIndex = 0; } else if (ik < ij && ik < jk) { minIndex = 1; } else if (jk < ij && jk < ik) { minIndex = 2; } if (minIndex != -1) { freq[minIndex] = 1; } else { for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { freq[m] = 1 / 3.0; } } } } } return triple2counts; } public static Map<String, double[]> computeTripleFrequenciesFromSingleGT(Tree gt, Map<String, String> allele2species) { Set<String> allAlleles = new HashSet<>(); for (String allele : gt.getLeaves()) { allAlleles.add(allele); } Map<TNode, Set<String>> node2leaves = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, double[]> triple2counts = new HashMap<>(); for (TNode node : gt.postTraverse()) { Set<String> leavesUnder = new HashSet<>(); node2leaves.put(node, leavesUnder); if (node.isLeaf()) { leavesUnder.add(node.getName()); } else { List<Set<String>> childLeavesList = new ArrayList<>(); for (TNode child : node.getChildren()) { Set<String> childLeaves = node2leaves.get(child); leavesUnder.addAll(childLeaves); childLeavesList.add(childLeaves); } allAlleles.removeAll(leavesUnder); for (int i = 0; i < childLeavesList.size(); i++) { Set<String> childLeaves1 = childLeavesList.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < childLeavesList.size(); j++) { Set<String> childLeaves2 = childLeavesList.get(j); for (String allele1 : childLeaves1) { String species1 = allele2species.get(allele1); for (String allele2 : childLeaves2) { String species2 = allele2species.get(allele2); if (!species1.equals(species2)) { for (String allele3 : allAlleles) { String species3 = allele2species.get(allele3); if (!species1.equals(species3) && !species2.equals(species3)) { addHighestFrequency(species1, species2, species3, triple2counts); } } } } } //non-binary node for (int k = j + 1; k < childLeavesList.size(); k++) { Set<String> childLeaves3 = childLeavesList.get(k); for (String allele1 : childLeaves1) { String species1 = allele2species.get(allele1); for (String allele2 : childLeaves2) { String species2 = allele2species.get(allele2); if (!species1.equals(species2)) { for (String allele3 : childLeaves3) { String species3 = allele2species.get(allele3); if (!species1.equals(species3) && !species2.equals(species3)) { addEqualFrequency(species1, species2, species3, triple2counts); } } } } } } } } allAlleles.addAll(leavesUnder); } } return triple2counts; } private static void addEqualFrequency(String species1, String species2, String species3, Map<String, double[]> triple2counts) { String[] forSort = new String[3]; forSort[0] = species1; forSort[1] = species2; forSort[2] = species3; Arrays.sort(forSort); String exp = forSort[0] + "&" + forSort[1] + "&" + forSort[2]; double[] frequency = triple2counts.get(exp); if (frequency == null) { frequency = new double[3]; triple2counts.put(exp, frequency); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { frequency[i] += 1.0 / 3; } } private static void addHighestFrequency(String species1, String species2, String species3, Map<String, double[]> triple2counts) { int index = 0; String[] forSort = new String[3]; forSort[0] = species1; forSort[1] = species2; forSort[2] = species3; Arrays.sort(forSort); String exp = forSort[0] + "&" + forSort[1] + "&" + forSort[2]; if (forSort[2].equals(species3)) { index = 0; } else if (forSort[1].equals(species3)) { index = 1; } else if (forSort[0].equals(species3)) { index = 2; } double[] frequency = triple2counts.get(exp); if (frequency == null) { frequency = new double[3]; triple2counts.put(exp, frequency); } frequency[index]++; } protected double findOptimalBranchLength(final Network<Object> speciesNetwork, final Map<String, List<String>> species2alleles, final List tripleFrequencies, final List gtCorrespondence, final Set<String> singleAlleleSpecies) { boolean continueRounds = true; // keep trying to improve network for (NetNode<Object> node : speciesNetwork.dfs()) { for (NetNode<Object> parent : node.getParents()) { node.setParentDistance(parent, 1.0); if (node.isNetworkNode()) { node.setParentProbability(parent, 0.5); } } } Set<NetNode> node2ignoreForBL = findEdgeHavingNoBL(speciesNetwork); double initalProb = computeProbability(speciesNetwork, tripleFrequencies, species2alleles, gtCorrespondence); if (_printDetails) System.out.println(speciesNetwork.toString() + " : " + initalProb); final Container<Double> lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork = new Container<Double>(initalProb); // records the GTProb of the network at all times int roundIndex = 0; for (; roundIndex < _maxRounds && continueRounds; roundIndex++) { /* * Prepare a random ordering of network edge examinations each of which attempts to change a branch length or hybrid prob to improve the GTProb score. */ double lnGtProbLastRound = lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents(); List<Proc> assigmentActions = new ArrayList<Proc>(); // store adjustment commands here. Will execute them one by one later. for (final NetNode<Object> parent : .postTraversal(speciesNetwork)) { for (final NetNode<Object> child : parent.getChildren()) { if (node2ignoreForBL.contains(child)) { continue; } assigmentActions.add(new Proc() { public void execute() { UnivariateFunction functionToOptimize = new UnivariateFunction() { public double value(double suggestedBranchLength) { double incumbentBranchLength = child.getParentDistance(parent); child.setParentDistance(parent, suggestedBranchLength); double lnProb = computeProbability(speciesNetwork, tripleFrequencies, species2alleles, gtCorrespondence); //System.out.println(speciesNetwork + ": " + lnProb); if (lnProb > lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents()) // did improve, keep change { lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.setContents(lnProb); } else // didn't improve, roll back change { child.setParentDistance(parent, incumbentBranchLength); } return lnProb; } }; BrentOptimizer optimizer = new BrentOptimizer(_Brent1, _Brent2); // very small numbers so we control when brent stops, not brent. try { optimizer.optimize(_maxTryPerBranch, functionToOptimize, GoalType.MAXIMIZE, Double.MIN_VALUE, _maxBranchLength); } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) // _maxAssigmentAttemptsPerBranchParam exceeded { } if (_printDetails) System.out.println( speciesNetwork.toString() + " : " + lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents()); } }); } } for (final NetNode<Object> child : speciesNetwork.getNetworkNodes()) // find every hybrid node { Iterator<NetNode<Object>> hybridParents = child.getParents().iterator(); final NetNode hybridParent1 =; final NetNode hybridParent2 =; assigmentActions.add(new Proc() { public void execute() { UnivariateFunction functionToOptimize = new UnivariateFunction() { public double value(double suggestedProb) { double incumbentHybridProbParent1 = child.getParentProbability(hybridParent1); child.setParentProbability(hybridParent1, suggestedProb); child.setParentProbability(hybridParent2, 1.0 - suggestedProb); double lnProb = computeProbability(speciesNetwork, tripleFrequencies, species2alleles, gtCorrespondence); //System.out.println(speciesNetwork + ": " + lnProb); if (lnProb > lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents()) // change improved GTProb, keep it { lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.setContents(lnProb); } else // change did not improve, roll back { child.setParentProbability(hybridParent1, incumbentHybridProbParent1); child.setParentProbability(hybridParent2, 1.0 - incumbentHybridProbParent1); } return lnProb; } }; BrentOptimizer optimizer = new BrentOptimizer(_Brent1, _Brent2); // very small numbers so we control when brent stops, not brent. try { optimizer.optimize(_maxTryPerBranch, functionToOptimize, GoalType.MAXIMIZE, 0, 1.0); } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) // _maxAssigmentAttemptsPerBranchParam exceeded { } if (_printDetails) System.out.println( speciesNetwork.toString() + " : " + lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents()); } }); } // add hybrid probs to hybrid edges Collections.shuffle(assigmentActions); for (Proc assigment : assigmentActions) // for each change attempt, perform attempt { assigment.execute(); } if (_printDetails) { System.out.println("Round end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); System.out .println(speciesNetwork.toString() + "\n" + lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents() + "\n"); } if (((double) lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents()) == lnGtProbLastRound) // if no improvement was made wrt to last around, stop trying to find a better assignment { continueRounds = false; } else if (lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents() > lnGtProbLastRound) // improvement was made, ensure it is large enough wrt to improvement threshold to continue searching { double improvementPercentage = Math.pow(Math.E, (lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents() - lnGtProbLastRound)) - 1.0; // how much did we improve over last round if (improvementPercentage < _improvementThreshold) // improved, but not enough to keep searching { continueRounds = false; } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Should never have decreased prob."); } } //System.out.println(speciesNetwork + " " + lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents()); return lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents(); } protected class MyThread extends Thread { Network _network; GeneTreeProbabilityPseudo _calculator; List<String> _allTriplets; double[][] _probs; public MyThread(Network network, GeneTreeProbabilityPseudo calculator, List<String> allTriplets, double[][] probs) { _network = network; _calculator = calculator; _allTriplets = allTriplets; _probs = probs; } public void run() { _calculator.computePseudoLikelihood(_network, _allTriplets, _probs); } } protected double computeProbability(Network<Object> speciesNetwork, List allTriplets, Map<String, List<String>> species2alleles, List tripleFrequencies) { /* GeneTreeProbabilityPseudo likelihood = new GeneTreeProbabilityPseudo(); double prob = likelihood.computePseudoLikelihood(speciesNetwork, tripleFrequencies); */ GeneTreeProbabilityPseudo calculator = new GeneTreeProbabilityPseudo(); if (_numThreads != 0) { int batchSize = allTriplets.size() / _numThreads; if (allTriplets.size() % _numThreads != 0) { batchSize++; } calculator.setBatchSize(batchSize); } calculator.initialize(speciesNetwork); double[][] probs = new double[allTriplets.size()][3]; Thread[] myThreads = new Thread[_numThreads]; //System.out.println(speciesNetwork); if (_numThreads > 1) { calculator.setParallel(true); for (int i = 0; i < _numThreads; i++) { myThreads[i] = new MyThread(speciesNetwork, calculator, allTriplets, probs); myThreads[i].start(); } for (int i = 0; i < _numThreads; i++) { try { myThreads[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } } else { try { calculator.computePseudoLikelihood(speciesNetwork, allTriplets, probs); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(speciesNetwork); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.getStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } double totalProb = calculateFinalLikelihood(probs, tripleFrequencies); //System.out.println(speciesNetwork); //System.out.println(totalProb); return totalProb; } abstract protected double calculateFinalLikelihood(double[][] probs, List tripleFrequencies); public List gettingTripleFrequencies(Network speciesNetwork, List originalData, Map<String, List<String>> species2alleles) { Map<String, String> allele2species = null; if (species2alleles != null) { allele2species = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : species2alleles.entrySet()) { for (String allele : entry.getValue()) { allele2species.put(allele, entry.getKey()); } } } List dataCorrespondences = new ArrayList(); List summarizedData = new ArrayList(); summarizeData(originalData, allele2species, summarizedData, dataCorrespondences); return summarizedData; } protected void findSingleAlleleSpeciesSet(Network speciesNetwork, Map<String, List<String>> species2alleles, Set<String> singleAlleleSpecies) { for (Object node : speciesNetwork.getLeaves()) { singleAlleleSpecies.add(((NetNode) node).getName()); } } private Set<NetNode> findEdgeHavingNoBL(Network network) { Set<NetNode> node2ignore = new HashSet<>(); Map<NetNode, Set<String>> node2leaves = new HashMap<>(); for (Object nodeO : Networks.postTraversal(network)) { NetNode node = (NetNode) nodeO; Set<String> leaves = new HashSet<>(); if (node.isLeaf()) { leaves.add(node.getName()); } else { for (Object childO : node.getChildren()) { NetNode childNode = (NetNode) childO; Set<String> childLeaves = node2leaves.get(childNode); leaves.addAll(childLeaves); } } if (leaves.size() <= 1) { node2ignore.add(node); } node2leaves.put(node, leaves); } return node2ignore; } }