Java tutorial
/* This file is part of BioNet. BioNet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BioNet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BioNet. If not, see <>. */ package; import*; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.ComponentListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Paint; import javax.swing.JScrollBar; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JViewport; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath.DijkstraShortestPath; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.UndirectedSparseGraph; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.GraphZoomScrollPane; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control.AbsoluteCrossoverScalingControl; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control.ViewScalingControl; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.decorators.ToStringLabeller; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.layout.ObservableCachingLayout; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.picking.PickedState; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.renderers.DefaultVertexLabelRenderer; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.renderers.Renderer.VertexLabel.Position; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.collections15.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * A class for visualizing a network graph. */ public class GraphVisualizer<V, E> extends VisualizationViewer<V, E> implements Graph<V, E>, ItemListener, MouseListener, Scalable { protected Graph<V, E> graph = new UndirectedSparseGraph<V, E>(); private LayoutAnimator layoutAnimator; private Thread AnimThread; private AbsoluteCrossoverScalingControl absoluteViewScaler = new AbsoluteCrossoverScalingControl(); protected JScrollPane scrollPane; protected float currentZoom = 0.99f; protected static float minimumZoom = 0.99f; private DijkstraShortestPath<V, E> dijkstra; private LinkedList<PickedStateChangeListener<V>> pickedVertexStateChangeListeners = new LinkedList<PickedStateChangeListener<V>>(); private LinkedList<PickedStateChangeListener<E>> pickedEdgeStateChangeListeners = new LinkedList<PickedStateChangeListener<E>>(); private LinkedList<GraphItemChangeListener<V>> vertexChangeListeners = new LinkedList<GraphItemChangeListener<V>>(); private LinkedList<GraphItemChangeListener<E>> edgeChangeListeners = new LinkedList<GraphItemChangeListener<E>>(); private LinkedList<ChangeListener> animationListeners = new LinkedList<ChangeListener>(); private LinkedList<GraphMouseListener<E>> graphMouseEdgeListeners = new LinkedList<GraphMouseListener<E>>(); protected Paint vertexPaint = Color.ORANGE; protected Paint vertexOutline = Color.ORANGE; protected Paint pickedVertexPaint = Color.YELLOW; protected Paint pickedVertexOutline = Color.YELLOW; protected Paint edgePaint = Color.GREEN; protected Paint pickedEdgePaint = Color.BLACK; protected Color pickedLabelColor = Color.BLUE; protected Paint commonNeighborPaint = new Color(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.3f); protected Paint commonNeighborOutline = new Color(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.3f); protected boolean commonNeighborIndicator; protected NeighborCollection<V, E> commonNeighbors; private static final long repaintDelay = 1000L; /** * Constructs a GraphVisualizer object. */ public GraphVisualizer() { this(CircleLayout.class); } /** * Constructs a GraphVisualizer Object. * * @param layout A Class object of the type of class to use for the graph layout. */ public GraphVisualizer(Class<? extends AbstractLayout> layout) { super(GraphVisualizer.getLayoutInstance(layout)); this.setup(); } /** * Constructs a GraphVisualizer Object. * * @param layout A Class object of the type of class to use for the graph layout. * @param size The initial size of the GraphVisualizer Object. */ public GraphVisualizer(Class<? extends AbstractLayout> layout, Dimension size) { super(GraphVisualizer.getLayoutInstance(layout), size); this.setup(); } // override the inherited constructors /** * Constructs a GraphVisualizer Object. * * @param layout The Layout to use for the graph. */ public GraphVisualizer(Layout<V, E> layout) { super(layout); this.setup(); } /** * Constructs a GraphVisualizer Object. * * @param layout The Layout to use for the graph. * @param preferredSize The preferred size of the GraphVisualizer. */ public GraphVisualizer(Layout<V, E> layout, Dimension preferredSize) { super(layout, preferredSize); this.setup(); } /** * Constructs a GraphVisualizer Object. * * @param model The VisualizationModel to use for the graph. */ public GraphVisualizer(VisualizationModel<V, E> model) { super(model); this.setup(); } /** * Constructs a GraphVisualizer Object. * * @param model The VisualizationModel to use for the graph. * @param preferredSize The preferred size of the graph. */ public GraphVisualizer(VisualizationModel<V, E> model, Dimension preferredSize) { super(model, preferredSize); this.setup(); } /** * Creates a new layout instance from a Class Object. * * @param layout The Class object to create the instance of. * @return A new instance of the Layout. */ protected static Layout getLayoutInstance(Class<? extends AbstractLayout> layout) { return GraphVisualizer.getLayoutInstance(layout, new UndirectedSparseGraph()); } /** * Creates a Layout instance from a Class Object. * * @param layout The class object to create the instance of. * @param graph The graph to use to instantiate the Layout. * @return A new instance of the Layout. */ protected static Layout getLayoutInstance(Class<? extends AbstractLayout> layout, Graph graph) { try { return layout.getConstructor(Graph.class).newInstance(graph); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { Logger.getLogger(GraphVisualizer.class).error(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { Logger.getLogger(GraphVisualizer.class).error(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.getLogger(GraphVisualizer.class).error(e); } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) { Logger.getLogger(GraphVisualizer.class).error(e); } return null; } /** * Performs the necessary actions to set up the Graph. */ protected void setup() { this.graph = (UndirectedSparseGraph<V, E>) this.getGraphLayout().getGraph(); this.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller<V>()); // this.getRenderContext( ).setEdgeLabelTransformer( new ToStringLabeller<E>( )); this.getRenderer().getVertexLabelRenderer().setPosition(Position.CNTR); PluggableGraphMouse mouse = new PluggableGraphMouse() { public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { scale((float) Math.pow(1.25, -e.getWheelRotation()), e.getPoint()); } }; mouse.add(new PickingGraphMousePlugin()); mouse.add(new PickingGraphMousePlugin(-1, InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK | InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)); this.setGraphMouse(mouse); this.getPickedVertexState().addItemListener(this); this.getPickedEdgeState().addItemListener(this); this.addMouseListener(this); this.addComponentListener(new LayoutScaler()); // set up coloring Transformer v = new Transformer<V, Paint>() { public Paint transform(V v) { if (getPickedVertexState().isPicked(v)) { return pickedVertexPaint; } else { if (commonNeighborIndicator && isCommonNeighbor(v)) { return commonNeighborPaint; } else { return vertexPaint; } } } }; Transformer vo = new Transformer<V, Paint>() { public Paint transform(V v) { if (getPickedVertexState().isPicked(v)) { return pickedVertexOutline; } else { if (commonNeighborIndicator && isCommonNeighbor(v)) { return commonNeighborOutline; } else { return vertexOutline; } } } }; this.getRenderContext().setVertexFillPaintTransformer(v); this.getRenderContext().setVertexDrawPaintTransformer(vo); Transformer e = new Transformer<E, Paint>() { public Paint transform(E e) { if (getPickedEdgeState().isPicked(e)) { return pickedEdgePaint; } else { return edgePaint; } } }; this.getRenderContext().setEdgeDrawPaintTransformer(e); this.setPickedLabelColor(this.pickedLabelColor); this.commonNeighbors = new NeighborCollection<V, E>(this); } /** * Returns the underlying graph for this GraphVisualizer. * * @return The underlying graph for this GraphVisualizer. */ public Graph getGraph() { return this.graph; } /** * Sets a new Layout for the graph. * * @param layout A Class object containing the Layout to be used. */ public void setGraphLayout(Class<? extends AbstractLayout> layout) { this.setGraphLayout((Layout<V, E>) GraphVisualizer.getLayoutInstance(layout, this.graph)); } /** * Sets a new Layout for the graph. * * @param layout The Layout instance to use for the new Graph Layout. */ public void setGraphLayout(Layout<V, E> layout) { super.setGraphLayout(layout); layout.initialize(); this.graph = (UndirectedSparseGraph<V, E>) this.getGraphLayout().getGraph(); } /** * Starts the animation of the graph. */ public void animate() { this.animate(true); } /** * Starts the animation of the graph. * * @param enable True to stop animation of the Graph, false to stop. */ public void animate(boolean enable) { if (this.layoutAnimator != null) this.layoutAnimator.stop(); if (enable) { this.layoutAnimator = new FRLayoutAnimator(this.getGraphLayout()); for (ChangeListener c : animationListeners) { this.layoutAnimator.addAnimationListener(c); } this.AnimThread = new Thread(this.layoutAnimator); this.AnimThread.start(); } } /** * Adds a listener to the graph to listen for starts/stops of animation. * * @param c The ChangeListener to be notified when animation is * started/stopped. */ public void addAnimationListener(ChangeListener c) { this.animationListeners.add(c); if (this.layoutAnimator != null) { this.layoutAnimator.addAnimationListener(c); } } /** * Resets the graph Layout to it's initial state. */ public void resetLayout() { this.getGraphLayout().reset(); } /** * Sets all Graph nodes as selected. */ public void selectAll() { PickedState<V> state = this.getPickedVertexState(); Collection<V> vertices = this.graph.getVertices(); for (V v : vertices) { state.pick(v, true); } PickedState<E> edgeState = this.getPickedEdgeState(); Collection<E> edges = this.graph.getEdges(); for (E e : edges) { edgeState.pick(e, true); } } /** * Clear the selection of all nodes. */ public void clearSelection() { PickedState<V> state = this.getPickedVertexState(); Collection<V> pickedVertices = new Vector<V>(state.getPicked()); for (V v : pickedVertices) { state.pick(v, false); } PickedState<E> edgeState = this.getPickedEdgeState(); Collection<E> pickedEdges = new Vector<E>(edgeState.getPicked()); for (E e : pickedEdges) { edgeState.pick(e, false); } } /** * Scales the graph view by the given amount. * * @param amount The multiplier to apply to the scaling. * @return The new zoom level. */ public float scale(float amount) { return this.scale(amount, this.getCenterPoint()); } /** * Scales the graph view by the givem amount, centered on the * given point. * * @param amount The multiplier to apply to the scaling. * @param center The center point for the scaling operation. * @return The new zoom level. */ public float scale(float amount, Point2D center) { return this.scaleTo(currentZoom * amount, center); } /** * Scales to the given graph level, 1.0 being 100%. * * @param level The level to zoom to. * @return The new zoom level. */ public float scaleTo(float level) { return this.scaleTo(level, this.getCenterPoint()); } /** * Scales to the given zoom level, 1.0 being 100%, centered on the * given point. * * @param level The level to zoom to. * @param center The center point for the scaling operation. * @return The new zoom level. */ public float scaleTo(float level, Point2D center) { if (this.scrollPane == null) return 1.0f; float oldZoom = this.currentZoom; this.currentZoom = Math.max(minimumZoom, level); // this.absoluteViewScaler.scale( this, level, center ); Dimension viewSize; if (level < 1.0f) { viewSize = this.scrollPane.getSize(); } else { viewSize = this.scrollPane.getViewport().getExtentSize(); } Dimension newSize = new Dimension((int) (viewSize.width * currentZoom), (int) (viewSize.height * currentZoom)); this.setPreferredSize(newSize); this.setSize(newSize); // new LayoutScaler( this.getGraphLayout( )).setSize( newSize ); if (, 1.0f) <= 0); // translate the new view position so the mouse is in the same place // on the scaled view. JViewport vp = this.scrollPane.getViewport(); double centerX = center.getX(); double centerY = center.getY(); double viewPortMouseX = centerX - vp.getViewPosition().getX(); double viewPortMouseY = centerY - vp.getViewPosition().getY(); centerX *= currentZoom / oldZoom; centerY *= currentZoom / oldZoom; viewPortMouseX = centerX - viewPortMouseX; viewPortMouseY = centerY - viewPortMouseY; vp.setViewPosition(new Point((int) viewPortMouseX, (int) viewPortMouseY)); return this.currentZoom; } // JUNGs built in layout scaling doesn't seem to work very well, // so here's my workaround implementation. /** * A class for scaling a Layout externally. */ private class LayoutScaler implements ComponentListener { private AbstractLayout<V, E> layout; private ObservableCachingLayout<V, E> observableLayout; private int layoutInitialized = 0; /** * Creates a new LayoutScaler * * @param layout The layout to be manipulated. */ public LayoutScaler() { super(); } /** * Changes the size of the underlying Layout. * * @param size The new size for the layout. */ private void setSize(Dimension size) { ObservableCachingLayout<V, E> observableLayout = (ObservableCachingLayout) getGraphLayout(); Layout<V, E> tmpLayout = observableLayout; while (!AbstractLayout.class.isAssignableFrom(tmpLayout.getClass())) tmpLayout = ((LayoutDecorator<V, E>) tmpLayout).getDelegate(); AbstractLayout<V, E> layout = (AbstractLayout<V, E>) tmpLayout; // the first time the graph is resized, re-initialize the layout to make sure it gets // the right size. Any other time, just scale it. The first resize should be when the // graph is made visible and laid out. // this is kind of a hack; there may be a better way to handle this. // I tried listening for componentShown, but it didn't work properly. if (layoutInitialized < 1) { layout.getSize().setSize(size); layout.initialize(); layoutInitialized++; return; } // change the size of the layout without triggering the automatic resizing. double wScale = size.getWidth() / layout.getSize().getWidth(); double hScale = size.getHeight() / layout.getSize().getHeight(); double scale = Math.min(wScale, hScale); layout.getSize().setSize(size); Collection<V> vertices = new Vector(getVertices()); synchronized (graph) { for (V v : vertices) { double x = layout.getX(v) * scale; //Math.min( size.getWidth( ) - 10, Math.max( 10, layout.getX( v ) * scale )); double y = layout.getY(v) * scale; //Math.min( size.getHeight( ) - 10, Math.max( 10, layout.getY( v ) * scale )); layout.setLocation(v, new Point2D.Double(x, y)); } } // alert the ObservableLayout that things have changed. observableLayout.fireStateChanged(); } // ComponentListener interface methods public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { } public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { } public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { Dimension newSize = ((Scalable) e.getComponent()).getScrollPane().getSize(); newSize.width *= currentZoom; newSize.height *= currentZoom; this.setSize(newSize); } public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { } } /** * Centers the graph in the display. */ public void center() { // toggle the scrollbars back and forth to center the image JScrollBar sb = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar(); sb.setValue(sb.getMaximum()); sb.setValue(sb.getMinimum()); sb.setValue((sb.getMaximum() + sb.getMinimum()) / 2); sb = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); sb.setValue(sb.getMaximum()); sb.setValue(sb.getMinimum()); sb.setValue((sb.getMaximum() + sb.getMinimum()) / 2); } /** * Gets the ScrollPane associated with this viewer. * * @return A ScrollPane which contains this GraphVisualizer. */ public JScrollPane getScrollPane() { if (this.scrollPane == null) { this.scrollPane = new JScrollPane(this); this.scrollPane.setWheelScrollingEnabled(false); } return this.scrollPane; } /** * Get the center point for the graph. * * @return The center point of this graph as a Point2D. */ public Point2D getCenterPoint() { Dimension size = this.getGraphLayout().getSize(); return new Point2D.Double(size.width / 2.0, size.height / 2.0); } /** * Sets the Paint to be used for filling vertices on the graph. * * @param p The new Paint to use. */ public void setVertexPaint(Paint p) { this.vertexPaint = p; } /** * Gets the current paint that is being used to render vertices. * * @return The Paint currently being used to render vertices. */ public Paint getVertexPaint() { return this.vertexPaint; } /** * Sets the Paint to be used for outlining vertices on the graph. * * @param p The new Paint to use. */ public void setVertexOutline(Paint p) { this.vertexOutline = p; } /** * Gets the current paint that is being used to render vertices. * * @return The Paint currently being used to render vertices. */ public Paint getVertexOutline() { return this.vertexOutline; } /** * Sets the paint to use on picked vertices. * * @param p The Paint to use. */ public void setPickedVertexPaint(Paint p) { this.pickedVertexPaint = p; } /** * Gets the Paint being used on picked vertices. * * @return The Paint being used. */ public Paint getPickedVertexPaint() { return this.pickedVertexPaint; } /** * Sets the paint to use to outline picked vertices. * * @param p The Paint to use. */ public void setPickedVertexOutline(Paint p) { this.pickedVertexOutline = p; } /** * Gest the paint being used to outline picked vertices. * * @return The Paint being used. */ public Paint getPickedVertexOutline() { return this.pickedVertexOutline; } /** * Returns a Collection of vertices which are common neighbors to * the entire selection. * * @return The common neighbors. */ public Collection<V> getCommonNeighbors() { return commonNeighbors; } /** * Tells whether a given vertex is a common neighbor of the entire selection. * * @param v The vertex to check. * @return true if the vertex has a connection to each node in the selection, * false if not. */ public boolean isCommonNeighbor(V v) { return this.commonNeighbors.contains(v); } /** * Sets the flag of whether to indicate common neighbors or not. * * @param state The new state of the flag. */ public void setIndicateCommonNeighbors(boolean state) { this.commonNeighborIndicator = state; } /** * Gets the flag of whether common neighbors are currently being indicated * on the graph. * * @return true or false. */ public boolean getIndicateCommonNeighbors() { return this.commonNeighborIndicator; } /** * Sets the paint to use on nodes that are neighbors of all selected nodes. * * @param p The Paint to use. */ public void setCommonNeighborPaint(Paint p) { this.commonNeighborPaint = p; } /** * Gets the Paint being used to indicate commone neighbors of all selected * nodes. * * @return The Paint being used. */ public Paint getCommonNeighborPaint() { return this.commonNeighborPaint; } /** * Sets the paint to use on edges. * * @param p The Paint to use. */ public void setEdgePaint(Paint p) { this.edgePaint = p; } /** * Gets the Paint being used on edges. * * @return The Paint being used. */ public Paint getEdgePaint() { return this.edgePaint; } /** * Sets the Paint to be used on picked edges. * * @param p The Paint to use. */ public void setPickedEdgePaint(Paint p) { this.pickedEdgePaint = p; } /** * Gets the Paint being used on picked edges. * * @return The Paint being used. */ public Paint getPickedEdgePaint() { return this.pickedEdgePaint; } /** * Sets the Color to be used on picked vertex labels. * * @param c The color to use. */ public void setPickedLabelColor(Color c) { this.pickedLabelColor = c; this.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelRenderer(new DefaultVertexLabelRenderer(c)); } /** * Gets the Color being used on picked vertex labels. * * @return The Color being used. */ public Color getPickedLabelColor() { return this.pickedLabelColor; } /** * Adds a GraphMouseListener to listen for edge clicks on the graph. * * @param l The GraphMouseListener to be added. */ public void addGraphMouseEdgeListener(GraphMouseListener<E> l) { this.graphMouseEdgeListeners.add(l); } /** * Notifies all GraphMouseListeners listening for Edge clicks that an edge has * been clicked on. * * @param edge The edge that was clicked on. * @param event The MouseEvent which triggered this action. */ private void fireGraphMouseEdgeClickedEvent(E edge, MouseEvent event) { for (GraphMouseListener<E> g : graphMouseEdgeListeners) { g.graphClicked(edge, event); } } /** * Notifies all GraphMouseListeners listening for Edge clicks that an edge has * been clicked on. * * @param edge The edge that was clicked on. * @param event The MouseEvent which triggered this action. */ private void fireGraphMouseEdgePressedEvent(E edge, MouseEvent event) { for (GraphMouseListener<E> g : graphMouseEdgeListeners) { g.graphPressed(edge, event); } } /** * Notifies all GraphMouseListeners listening for Edge clicks that an edge has * been clicked on. * * @param edge The edge that was clicked on. * @param event The MouseEvent which triggered this action. */ private void fireGraphMouseEdgeReleasedEvent(E edge, MouseEvent event) { for (GraphMouseListener<E> g : graphMouseEdgeListeners) { g.graphReleased(edge, event); } } /** * Adds a PickedVertexStateChangeListener to the graph. * * @param l The PickedStateChangeListener to add. */ public void addPickedVertexStateChangeListener(PickedStateChangeListener<V> l) { this.pickedVertexStateChangeListeners.add(l); } /** * Adds a PickedEdgeStateChangeListener to the graph. * * @param l The PickedStateChangeListener to add. */ public void addPickedEdgeStateChangeListener(PickedStateChangeListener<E> l) { this.pickedEdgeStateChangeListeners.add(l); } /** * Fires a PickedStateChangeEvent for a change on a vertex. * * @param item The item whose state changed. * @param picked Whether or not the item is selected. */ private void firePickedVertexChangeEvent(V item, boolean picked) { PickedStateChangeEvent<V> event = new PickedStateChangeEvent<V>(this, item, picked); for (PickedStateChangeListener<V> p : this.pickedVertexStateChangeListeners) { p.stateChanged(event); } } /** * Fires a PickedStateChangeEvent for a change on an Edge. * * @param item The item whose state changed. * @param picked Whether or not the item is selected. */ private void firePickedEdgeChangeEvent(E item, boolean picked) { PickedStateChangeEvent<E> event = new PickedStateChangeEvent<E>(this, item, picked); for (PickedStateChangeListener<E> p : this.pickedEdgeStateChangeListeners) { p.stateChanged(event); } } /** * Adds a listener to listen for the adding or removal of vertices. * * @param g The GraphItemChangeListener to add. */ public void addVertexChangeListener(GraphItemChangeListener<V> g) { this.vertexChangeListeners.add(g); } /** * Adds a listener to listen for the adding or removal of edges. * * @param g the GraphItemChangeListener to add. */ public void addEdgeChangeListener(GraphItemChangeListener<E> g) { this.edgeChangeListeners.add(g); } /** * Fires an event to notify GraphItemChangeListeners of the adding/removal of * a vertex. * * @param item The vertex which was added or removed. * @param action The action which was performed. One of * GraphItemChangeEvent.ADDED or GraphItemChangeEvent.REMOVED */ private void fireVertexChangeEvent(V item, int action) { GraphItemChangeEvent<V> event = new GraphItemChangeEvent<V>(this, item, action); for (GraphItemChangeListener<V> v : vertexChangeListeners) { v.stateChanged(event); } } /** * Fires an event to notify GraphItemChangeListeners of the adding/removal of * an edge. * * @param item The edge which was added or removed. * @param action The action which was performed. One of * GraphItemChangeEvent.ADDED or GraphItemChangeEvent.REMOVED */ private void fireEdgeChangeEvent(E item, int action) { GraphItemChangeEvent<E> event = new GraphItemChangeEvent<E>(this, item, action); for (GraphItemChangeListener<E> e : edgeChangeListeners) e.stateChanged(event); } /** * The itemStateChanged method of the ItemListener interface. * * @param event The event which triggered this ItemListener. */ public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event) { Object source = event.getItem(); try { firePickedVertexChangeEvent((V) source, event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED); } catch (ClassCastException e) { firePickedEdgeChangeEvent((E) source, event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED); } } // ** MouseListener interface methods ** /** * The mouseClicked method of the MouseListener interface. * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) * * @param event The event which triggered this action. */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { E edge = this.getPickSupport().getEdge(this.getGraphLayout(), event.getX(), event.getY()); V vertex = this.getPickSupport().getVertex(this.getGraphLayout(), event.getX(), event.getY()); if (edge != null && vertex == null) { this.fireGraphMouseEdgeClickedEvent(edge, event); } } /** * The mousePressed method of the MouseListener interface. * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) * * @param event The event which triggered this action. */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { E edge = this.getPickSupport().getEdge(this.getGraphLayout(), event.getX(), event.getY()); V vertex = this.getPickSupport().getVertex(this.getGraphLayout(), event.getX(), event.getY()); if (edge != null && vertex == null) { this.fireGraphMouseEdgePressedEvent(edge, event); } } /** * The mouseReleased method of the MouseListener interface. * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) * * @param event The event which triggered this action. */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) { E edge = this.getPickSupport().getEdge(this.getGraphLayout(), event.getX(), event.getY()); V vertex = this.getPickSupport().getVertex(this.getGraphLayout(), event.getX(), event.getY()); if (edge != null && vertex == null) { this.fireGraphMouseEdgeReleasedEvent(edge, event); } } /** * The mouseEntered method of the MouseListener interface. Not implemented. * * @param event The event which triggered this action. */ public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) { } /** * The mouseExited method of the MouseListener interface. Not implemented. * * @param event The event which triggered this action. */ public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) { } /** * Returns a List containing the nodes of the shortest path between v1 and v2, * not including v1. The size of this List will be the length of the path. * * @param v1 The node to start at. * @param v2 The node to end with. * @return A List containing the shortest path, or null if no such path exists. */ public List<E> getShortestPath(V v1, V v2) { if (dijkstra == null) { // create a new DijkstraShortestPath dijkstra = new DijkstraShortestPath<V, E>(this); // listen for edge changes and reset DijkstraShortestPath this.addEdgeChangeListener(new GraphItemChangeListener<E>() { public void stateChanged(GraphItemChangeEvent e) { dijkstra.reset(); } }); } try { return dijkstra.getPath(v1, v2); } catch (NullPointerException e) { return null; } } // *** Experimental stuff for performance *** // @Override // protected void paintComponent( Graphics g ) { // if ( !this.getIgnoreRepaint( )) { // super.paintComponent( g ); // } // } // // @Override // public void paint( Graphics g ) { // if ( !this.getIgnoreRepaint( )) { // super.paint( g ); // } // } // // @Override // public void paintAll( Graphics g ) { // if ( !this.getIgnoreRepaint( )) { // super.paintAll( g ); // } // } // // @Override // public void repaint( ) { // if ( !this.getIgnoreRepaint( )) { // super.repaint( ); // } // } // // @Override // public void update( Graphics g ) { // if ( !this.getIgnoreRepaint( )) { // super.update( g ); // } // } // *** End experimental stuff *** // Graph interface Methods public boolean addEdge(E e, V v1, V v2) { boolean returnValue = this.graph.addEdge(e, v1, v2); this.repaint(repaintDelay); return returnValue; } public boolean addEdge(E e, V v1, V v2, EdgeType edgetype) { boolean returnValue = this.graph.addEdge(e, v1, v2, edgetype); this.repaint(repaintDelay); return returnValue; } public V getDest(E directed_edge) { return this.graph.getDest(directed_edge); } public Pair<V> getEndpoints(E edge) { return this.graph.getEndpoints(edge); } public Collection<E> getInEdges(V vertex) { return this.graph.getInEdges(vertex); } public V getOpposite(V vertex, E edge) { return this.graph.getOpposite(vertex, edge); } public Collection<E> getOutEdges(V vertex) { return this.graph.getOutEdges(vertex); } public int getPredecessorCount(V vertex) { return this.graph.getPredecessorCount(vertex); } public Collection<V> getPredecessors(V vertex) { return this.graph.getPredecessors(vertex); } public V getSource(E directed_edge) { return this.graph.getSource(directed_edge); } public int getSuccessorCount(V vertex) { return this.graph.getSuccessorCount(vertex); } public Collection<V> getSuccessors(V vertex) { return this.graph.getSuccessors(vertex); } public int inDegree(V vertex) { return this.graph.inDegree(vertex); } public boolean isDest(V vertex, E edge) { return this.graph.isDest(vertex, edge); } public boolean isPredecessor(V v1, V v2) { return this.graph.isPredecessor(v1, v2); } public boolean isSource(V vertex, E edge) { return this.graph.isSource(vertex, edge); } public boolean isSuccessor(V v1, V v2) { return this.graph.isSuccessor(v1, v2); } public int outDegree(V vertex) { return this.graph.outDegree(vertex); } // Hypergraph interface methods public boolean addEdge(E edge, Collection<? extends V> vertices) { boolean returnValue = this.graph.addEdge(edge, vertices); this.repaint(repaintDelay); this.fireEdgeChangeEvent(edge, GraphItemChangeEvent.ADDED); return returnValue; } public boolean addEdge(E edge, Collection<? extends V> vertices, EdgeType edge_type) { boolean returnValue = this.graph.addEdge(edge, vertices, edge_type); this.repaint(repaintDelay); this.fireEdgeChangeEvent(edge, GraphItemChangeEvent.ADDED); return returnValue; } public boolean addVertex(V vertex) { this.fireVertexChangeEvent(vertex, GraphItemChangeEvent.ADDED); boolean returnValue = this.graph.addVertex(vertex); this.repaint(repaintDelay); return returnValue; } public boolean containsEdge(E edge) { return this.graph.containsEdge(edge); } public boolean containsVertex(V vertex) { return this.graph.containsVertex(vertex); } public E findEdge(V v1, V v2) { return this.graph.findEdge(v1, v2); } public Collection<E> findEdgeSet(V v1, V v2) { return this.graph.findEdgeSet(v1, v2); } public int getEdgeCount() { return this.graph.getEdgeCount(); } public int getEdgeCount(EdgeType edge_type) { return this.graph.getEdgeCount(edge_type); } public Collection<E> getEdges() { return this.graph.getEdges(); } public Collection<E> getEdges(EdgeType edge_type) { return this.graph.getEdges(edge_type); } public int degree(V vertex) { return; } public EdgeType getDefaultEdgeType() { return this.graph.getDefaultEdgeType(); } public EdgeType getEdgeType(E edge) { return this.graph.getEdgeType(edge); } public int getIncidentCount(E edge) { return this.graph.getIncidentCount(edge); } public Collection<E> getIncidentEdges(V vertex) { return this.graph.getIncidentEdges(vertex); } public Collection<V> getIncidentVertices(E edge) { return this.graph.getIncidentVertices(edge); } public int getNeighborCount(V vertex) { return this.graph.getNeighborCount(vertex); } public Collection<V> getNeighbors(V vertex) { return this.graph.getNeighbors(vertex); } public int getVertexCount() { return this.graph.getVertexCount(); } public Collection<V> getVertices() { return this.graph.getVertices(); } public boolean isIncident(V vertex, E edge) { return this.graph.isIncident(vertex, edge); } public boolean isNeighbor(V v1, V v2) { return this.graph.isNeighbor(v1, v2); } public boolean removeEdge(E edge) { this.fireEdgeChangeEvent(edge, GraphItemChangeEvent.REMOVED); boolean returnValue = this.graph.removeEdge(edge); this.repaint(repaintDelay); return returnValue; } public boolean removeVertex(V vertex) { this.fireVertexChangeEvent(vertex, GraphItemChangeEvent.REMOVED); boolean returnValue = this.graph.removeVertex(vertex); this.repaint(repaintDelay); return returnValue; } //UndirectedSparseGraph pass through Methods public boolean addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints, EdgeType edgeType) { this.fireEdgeChangeEvent(edge, GraphItemChangeEvent.ADDED); boolean returnValue = this.graph.addEdge(edge, endpoints, edgeType); this.repaint(repaintDelay); return returnValue; } private class NeighborCollection<V, E> extends LinkedList<V> implements PickedStateChangeListener<V>, GraphItemChangeListener<E> { GraphVisualizer graph; public NeighborCollection(GraphVisualizer graph) { this.graph = graph; graph.addPickedVertexStateChangeListener(this); graph.addEdgeChangeListener(this); } public void stateChanged(GraphItemChangeEvent<E> event) { this.update(); } public void stateChanged(PickedStateChangeEvent<V> event) { // check to see if a vertex was added to or taken away from the selection. // if one was added, we can improve performance by simply removing nodes // from the NeighborCollection which are not neighbors of the new node. if (event.getStateChange()) { if (graph.getPickedVertexState().getPicked().size() == 1) { Collection newNeighbors = graph.getNeighbors(event.getItem()); if (newNeighbors != null) this.addAll(newNeighbors); } else { for (V v : new Vector<V>(this)) { this.remove(event.getItem()); try { if (!graph.isNeighbor(event.getItem(), v)) this.remove(v); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } } } else { this.update(); } } private void update() { Collection<V> selected = new Vector<V>(this.graph.getPickedVertexState().getPicked()); // if nothing is selected, this Collection should also contain nothing. if (selected.size() == 0) { this.clear(); return; } // Basically here we add all neighbors of the first selected node, then // remove any nodes which are not neighbors of each selected node until // we have gone through the entire selection. Collection<V> neighbors; boolean firstPass = true; for (V v : selected) { if (firstPass) { if (!this.contains(v)) { this.addAll(graph.getNeighbors(v)); } firstPass = false; } this.remove(v); neighbors = graph.getNeighbors(v); for (V u : new Vector<V>(this)) { if (!neighbors.contains(u)) { this.remove(u); } } } } } }