Java tutorial
/**Copyright (C) 2011 the University of Pittsburgh * Author: Thomas Maher * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> */ package edu.pitt.dbmi.facebase.hd; import edu.pitt.dbmi.facebase.hd.domain.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import*; import*; import org.json.simple.*; import org.json.simple.parser.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** Controls disparate file-related operations. * Makes csv, text and files Instructions objects from JSON-format fb_queue.instructions column data. * Loops through Instructions object list and calls makeFiles() on each. * Manages file size and path information. * Copies files to mounted TrueCrypt volume. * * @author Facebase Java Authors, */ public class FileManager { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("edu.pitt.dbmi.facebase.hd.FileManager.class"); private long sizeInBytes; private String dataNamePrefix = ""; private String dataName = ""; private String trueCryptPath; private String trueCryptFilename; private String trueCryptVolumePath; private String trueCryptBasePath; private String trueCryptExtension; private String trueCryptMountpoint; /** Sets various TrueCrypt volume attributes, initializes sizeInBytes to larger than TrueCrypt minimum size (292k) */ public FileManager(String instructionName, String trueCryptBasePath, String trueCryptExtension, String trueCryptMountpoint) { this.trueCryptMountpoint = trueCryptMountpoint; this.trueCryptExtension = trueCryptExtension; this.trueCryptBasePath = trueCryptBasePath; dataNamePrefix = instructionName; sizeInBytes = 3000000; log.debug("FileManager constructed"); } /** Gathers and sums total size of files to be packaged * Each Instruction object in the looped-through list calls length() on its File object * * @return total size of all files...NOT the size of trueCrypt volume where they will be copied */ public long getTotalSize(ArrayList<Instructions> alival) { log.debug("FileManager.getTotalSize() called."); long size = 0; for (Instructions i : alival) { size += i.getFile().length(); } return size; } /** getter for base name * * @return the String that holds the name of the dataset being packaged */ public String getDataName() { return dataName; } /** setter for base name * * @param dataNameVal the name of the dataset being packaged (ie Facebase3Ddata) */ public void setDataName(String dataNameVal) { dataName = dataNameVal; } /** getter for truecrypt filename being created/mounted/populated/dismounted * * @return the name of the file housing the truecrypt volume (ie */ public String getTrueCryptFilename() { return trueCryptFilename; } /** getter for path to truecrypt binary program * * @return the full path to truecrypt (ie /usr/bin/truecrypt) */ public String getTrueCryptPath() { return trueCryptPath; } /** getter for path to truecrypt data scratch area, for mounting, copying activityj * * @return the path to truecrypt copying activity for this request (ie /var/tmp/Data132151351/) */ public String getTrueCryptVolumePath() { log.debug("FileManager.getTrueCryptVolumePath() called."); File dir = new File(trueCryptVolumePath); dir.mkdirs(); return trueCryptVolumePath; } /** copies files to mounted truecrypt volume * Assumes all Instruction objects and their associated Files are in order. * Assumes suitably large truecrypt volume is mounted and writable and can hold all of the data. * Double-checks that data will fit onto volume (although this fact has also been established elsewhere by now). * This method will block for a very long time if large amounts of data are being copied. * * @return true if copy effort succeeded */ public boolean copyFilesToVolume(ArrayList<Instructions> alival) { log.debug("FileManager.copyFilesToVolume() called."); long totalSize = 0; HashMap<File, String> hmfs = new HashMap<File, String>(); for (Instructions i : alival) { hmfs.put(i.getFile(), i.getRelativePathToFileInArchive()); totalSize += i.getFile().length(); } long volSize = 0; File trueCryptVolFile = new File(this.getTrueCryptPath()); volSize = trueCryptVolFile.length(); if (totalSize > volSize) { } else { } try { for (File f : hmfs.keySet()) { File tcvpPlusRptfia = new File(trueCryptVolumePath + hmfs.get(f)); File parentDir = new File(tcvpPlusRptfia.getParent()); if (f.isFile()) { if (parentDir.isDirectory()) { } else { parentDir.mkdirs(); if (parentDir.isDirectory()) { } } log.debug("About to copy with FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory() using two args, FILE, DIR:"); log.debug(f + " " + parentDir); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(f, parentDir); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { String errorString = "FileManager caught an ioe in copyFilesToVolume()" + ioe.toString(); String logString = ioe.getMessage(); edu.pitt.dbmi.facebase.hd.HumanDataController.addError(errorString, logString); log.error(errorString, ioe); return false; } //Uncomment these next 2 lines to simulate errors //edu.pitt.dbmi.facebase.hd.HumanDataController.addError("BADSTUFFmessage","BADSTUFFlog"); //log.error("FileManager caught an ioe in copyFilesToVolume()BADSTUFF", new IOException()); return true; } /** Populates an ArrayList with Instruction objects using the JSON-formatted fb_queue.instructions column data * Each Instructions object will be asked to create the (actual) file under its management. * This method will block for a long time if any of the Instructions objects have large SQL resultsets * * @param alival the list of Instructions objects whose makeFiles() methods will be called * @return true if Instructions object creation effort succeeds. */ public boolean makeFiles(ArrayList<Instructions> alival) { log.debug("FileManager.makeFiles() called."); for (Instructions i : alival) { try { sizeInBytes += i.makeFiles(); } catch (IOException ioe) { String errorString = "FileManager caught an ioe in makeFiles()" + ioe.toString(); String logString = ioe.getMessage(); edu.pitt.dbmi.facebase.hd.HumanDataController.addError(errorString, logString); log.error(errorString, ioe); //returning false here will let the controller/caller deal with it. return false; } } return true; } /** getter for sizeInBytes attribute--see getTotalSize() method above to see how this attribute is set */ public long getSize() { return sizeInBytes; } /** populates an ArrayList with Instruction objects using the JSON-formatted fb_queue.instructions column data * The JSON string (from the database) is keyed by "csv", "text" and "files" depending on the type of data. * Instructions descendants (InstructionsCsv, InstructionsText, InstructionsFiles) are constructed. * File objects are constructed (and stuffed into their container Instructions objects). * As an example, the JSON shown here would result in 6 Instructions objects, 2 of each kind shown: * </ b> * <pre> * { * "csv": [ * { * "content": "SELECT name FROM user", * "path": "/Data/User Names.csv" * }, * { * "content": "SELECT uid FROM user", * "path": "/Data/User IDs.csv" * } * ], * "text": [ * { * "content": "Your data was retrieved on 11-02-2011 and has 28 missing values...", * "path": "/Data/Summary.txt" * }, * { * "content": "The Facebase Data User Agreement specifies...", * "path": "/FaceBase Agreement.txt" * } * ], * "files": [ * { * "content": "/path/on/server/1101.obj", * "path": "/meshes/1101.obj" * }, * { * "content": "/path/on/server/1102.obj", * "path": "/meshes/1102.obj" * } * ] * } * </pre> * </ b> * * @param instructionsString the JSON from the data request. * @param ali the list of Instructions objects that will be populated during execution of this method. * @return true if Instructions object creation effort succeeds. */ public boolean makeInstructionsObjects(String instructionsString, ArrayList<Instructions> ali) { log.debug("FileManager.makeInstructionsObjects() called."); long unixEpicTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L; String unixEpicTimeString = (new Long(unixEpicTime)).toString(); this.setDataName(dataNamePrefix + unixEpicTimeString); trueCryptPath = trueCryptBasePath + dataName + trueCryptExtension; trueCryptFilename = dataName + trueCryptExtension; trueCryptVolumePath = trueCryptBasePath + dataName + trueCryptMountpoint; File trueCryptVolumePathDir = new File(trueCryptVolumePath); if (!trueCryptVolumePathDir.isDirectory()) { trueCryptVolumePathDir.mkdirs(); } JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(instructionsString); if (jsonObj.containsKey("csv")) { log.debug("FileManager.makeInstructionsObjects() has a csv."); JSONArray jsonCsvArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get("csv"); if (jsonCsvArray.size() > 0) { for (Object jsonObjectCsvItem : jsonCsvArray) { JSONObject jsonObjSql = (JSONObject) jsonObjectCsvItem; String sqlString = (String) jsonObjSql.get("content"); JSONObject jsonObjSqlPath = (JSONObject) jsonObjectCsvItem; String sqlPathString = (String) jsonObjSql.get("path"); File file = new File(trueCryptBasePath + dataName + sqlPathString); InstructionsCsv i = new InstructionsCsv(sqlString, file, sqlPathString); ali.add(i); } } } if (jsonObj.containsKey("text")) { log.debug("FileManager.makeInstructionsObjects() has a text."); JSONArray jsonTextArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get("text"); if (jsonTextArray.size() > 0) { for (Object jsonObjectTextItem : jsonTextArray) { JSONObject jsonObjText = (JSONObject) jsonObjectTextItem; String contentString = (String) jsonObjText.get("content"); JSONObject jsonObjTextPath = (JSONObject) jsonObjectTextItem; String textPathString = (String) jsonObjText.get("path"); File file = new File(trueCryptBasePath + dataName + textPathString); InstructionsText i = new InstructionsText(contentString, file, textPathString); ali.add(i); } } } if (jsonObj.containsKey("files")) { log.debug("FileManager.makeInstructionsObjects() has a files."); JSONArray jsonFilesArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get("files"); if (jsonFilesArray.size() > 0) { for (Object jsonObjectFilesItem : jsonFilesArray) { JSONObject jsonObjFiles = (JSONObject) jsonObjectFilesItem; String serverPathString = (String) jsonObjFiles.get("content"); JSONObject jsonObjFilesPath = (JSONObject) jsonObjectFilesItem; String archivePathString = (String) jsonObjFiles.get("path"); File fileSource = new File(serverPathString); File fileDest = new File(trueCryptBasePath + dataName + archivePathString); InstructionsFiles i = new InstructionsFiles(fileSource, fileDest, archivePathString); ali.add(i); } } } return true; } }