Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 University of Pittsburgh. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ package; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.anno.error.ForbiddenException; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.anno.error.GroupNotFoundException; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.anno.error.NotAMemberException; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.anno.error.NotFoundException; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.anno.error.UserNotFoundException; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.anno.user.UserPagedResourcesAssembler; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.anno.user.UserResource; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.anno.user.UserResourceAssembler; import static edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.anno.util.ControllerUtils.formatParam; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.db.entity.Group; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.db.entity.UserAccount; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.db.service.GroupService; import edu.pitt.dbmi.ccd.db.service.UserAccountService; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException; import; import; import; import org.springframework.hateoas.ExposesResourceFor; import org.springframework.hateoas.PagedResources; import org.springframework.hateoas.Resources; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import; import static org.springframework.util.StringUtils.isEmpty; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseStatus; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; /** * Controller for Group endpoints * * @author Mark Silvis ( */ @RestController @ExposesResourceFor(GroupResource.class) @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.INDEX) public class GroupController { // loggers private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GroupController.class); // servlet private final HttpServletRequest request; // services and components private final GroupLinks groupLinks; private final GroupService groupService; private final UserAccountService userService; private final GroupResourceAssembler assembler; private final GroupPagedResourcesAssembler pageAssembler; private final UserResourceAssembler userAssembler; private final UserPagedResourcesAssembler userPageAssembler; @Autowired public GroupController(HttpServletRequest request, GroupLinks groupLinks, GroupService groupService, UserAccountService userService, GroupResourceAssembler assembler, GroupPagedResourcesAssembler pageAssembler, UserResourceAssembler userAssembler, UserPagedResourcesAssembler userPageAssembler) { this.request = request; this.groupLinks = groupLinks; this.groupService = groupService; this.userService = userService; this.assembler = assembler; this.pageAssembler = pageAssembler; this.userAssembler = userAssembler; this.userPageAssembler = userPageAssembler; } /* GET requests */ /** * Get all groups * * @param pageable page request * @return page of groups */ // @CrossOrigin @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public PagedResources<GroupResource> groups(@PageableDefault(size = 20, sort = { "name" }) Pageable pageable) { final Page<Group> page = groupService.findAll(pageable); final PagedResources<GroupResource> pagedResources = pageAssembler.toResource(page, assembler, request); pagedResources.add(; return pagedResources; } /** * Get single group * * @param id group id * @return group */ @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.GROUP, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public GroupResource group(@PathVariable Long id) throws NotFoundException { final Group group = groupService.findById(id); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(id); } final GroupResource resource = assembler.toResource(group); return resource; } /** * Get group mods * * @param id group id * @return mods */ @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.MODS, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public PagedResources<UserResource> mods(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @PathVariable Long id, @PageableDefault(size = 20, sort = { "username" }) Pageable pageable) throws NotFoundException { final UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final Group group = groupService.findById(id); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(id); } if (Stream.concat(group.getMembers().stream(), group.getModerators().stream()).map(UserAccount::getId) .anyMatch(u -> u.equals(requester.getId()))) { final Page<UserAccount> page = userService.findByGroupModeration(group, pageable); final PagedResources<UserResource> pagedResources = userPageAssembler.toResource(page, userAssembler, request); return pagedResources; } else { throw new ForbiddenException(requester, request); } } /** * Get group members * * @param id group id * @return members */ @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.MEMBERS, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public PagedResources<UserResource> members(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @PathVariable Long id, @PageableDefault(size = 20, sort = { "username" }) Pageable pageable) throws NotFoundException { final UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final Group group = groupService.findById(id); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(id); } if (Stream.concat(group.getMembers().stream(), group.getModerators().stream()).map(UserAccount::getId) .anyMatch(u -> u.equals(requester.getId()))) { final Page<UserAccount> page = userService.findByGroupMembership(group, pageable); final PagedResources<UserResource> pagedResources = userPageAssembler.toResource(page, userAssembler, request); return pagedResources; } else { throw new ForbiddenException(requester, request); } } /** * Get group requests * * @param id group id * @return requesters */ @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.REQUESTS, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public Resources<UserResource> requests(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @PathVariable Long id, @PageableDefault(size = 20, sort = { "username" }) Pageable pageable) throws NotFoundException { final UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final Group group = groupService.findById(id); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(id); } if (group.getModerators().stream().map(UserAccount::getId).anyMatch(u -> u.equals(requester.getId()))) { final Page<UserAccount> page = userService.findByGroupRequests(group, pageable); final PagedResources<UserResource> pagedResources = userPageAssembler.toResource(page, userAssembler, request); return pagedResources; } else { throw new ForbiddenException(requester, request); } } /** * Search for groups * * @param query search terms (nullable) * @param not negated search terms (nullable) * @param pageable page request * @return page of groups matching parameters */ @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.SEARCH, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public PagedResources<GroupResource> search(@RequestParam(value = "query", required = false) String query, @RequestParam(value = "not", required = false) String not, Pageable pageable) { final Set<String> matches = (query != null) ? new HashSet<>(formatParam(query)) : null; final Set<String> nots = (not != null) ? new HashSet<>(formatParam(not)) : null; final Page<Group> page =, nots, pageable); final PagedResources<GroupResource> pagedResources = pageAssembler.toResource(page, assembler, request); return pagedResources; } /* POST requests */ /** * Create new group with name and description Creator is added to list of * administrators * * @param principal requester * @param form group data * @return new group resource */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) @ResponseBody public GroupResource create(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @RequestBody @Valid GroupForm form) throws DuplicateKeyException { final UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final String name = form.getName(); final String description = form.getDescription(); // throw exception if non-unique name if (groupService.findByName(name) != null) { throw new DuplicateKeyException("Group already exists with name: " + name); } Group group = new Group(name, description); group.addMember(requester); group.addModerator(requester); group =; GroupResource resource = assembler.toResource(group); return resource; } @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.REQUESTS, method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) @ResponseBody public void requestResponse(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @PathVariable String name, @RequestParam(value = "accept", required = false) String accept, @RequestParam(value = "deny", required = false) String deny, @RequestParam(value = "mod", required = false) Boolean mod) throws NotFoundException { final UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final Group group = groupService.findByName(name); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(name); } if (group.getModerators().stream().map(UserAccount::getId).anyMatch(u -> u.equals(requester.getId()))) { if (!isEmpty(accept)) { final UserAccount user = userService.findByUsername(accept); if (user == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException(accept); } if (group.hasRequester(user)) { group.removeRequester(user); group.addMember(user); if (mod != null && mod) { group.addModerator(user); }; } } if (!isEmpty(deny)) { final UserAccount user = userService.findByUsername(accept); if (user == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException(accept); } if (group.hasRequester(user)) { group.removeRequester(user);; } } } else { throw new ForbiddenException(requester, request); } } @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.JOIN, method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) @ResponseBody public void join(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @PathVariable String name) throws NotFoundException { final UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final Group group = groupService.findByName(name); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(name); } if (Stream.concat(group.getModerators().stream(), group.getMembers().stream()).map(UserAccount::getId) .noneMatch(u -> u.equals(requester.getId()))) { group.addRequester(requester);; } } @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.LEAVE, method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) @ResponseBody public void leave(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @PathVariable String name) throws NotFoundException { UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final Group group = groupService.findByName(name); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(name); } // remove if moderator group.getModerators().stream().filter(u -> u.getId().equals(requester.getId())).findFirst() .ifPresent(u -> group.removeModerator(u)); // remove if member group.getMembers().stream().filter(u -> u.getId().equals(requester.getId())).findFirst() .ifPresent(u -> group.removeMember(u)); // remove if requester group.getRequesters().stream().filter(u -> u.getId().equals(requester.getId())).findFirst() .ifPresent(u -> group.removeRequester(u));; } @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.MODS, method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public void makeMod(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @PathVariable String name, @RequestParam(value = "user", required = true) String user) throws NotFoundException { UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final Group group = groupService.findByName(name); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(name); } if (group.getModerators().stream().map(UserAccount::getId).anyMatch(u -> u.equals(requester.getId()))) { final UserAccount mod = userService.findByUsername(user); if (user == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException(user); } if (group.hasMember(mod)) { group.addModerator(mod);; } else { throw new NotAMemberException(group, mod); } } else { throw new ForbiddenException(requester, request); } } /* PUT requests */ // // /** // * Alias for newGroup with HTTP method PUT // * @param principal requester // * @param form group data // * @return new group resource // */ // @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.PUT) // @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) // @ResponseBody // public GroupResource newGroupPUT(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccount principal, @RequestBody @Valid GroupForm form) { // return create(principal, form); // } /** * Edit group * * @param name group name * @return group */ @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.GROUP, method = RequestMethod.PUT) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public GroupResource editGroup(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @PathVariable String name, @RequestBody @Valid GroupForm form) throws NotFoundException, DuplicateKeyException, ForbiddenException, ConstraintViolationException { UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final Group group = groupService.findByName(name); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(name); } if (group.getModerators().stream().map(UserAccount::getId).anyMatch(u -> u.equals(requester.getId()))) { final String newName = form.getName(); final String newDescription = form.getDescription(); if (!group.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(newName)) { if (groupService.findByName(newName) != null) { throw new DuplicateKeyException("Group already exists with name: " + newName); } } group.setName(newName); if (!group.getDescription().equalsIgnoreCase(newDescription)) { group.setDescription(newDescription); } final Group updated =; final GroupResource resource = assembler.toResource(updated); return resource; } else { throw new ForbiddenException(requester, request); } } // // @RequestMapping(value=GroupLinks.MODS, method=RequestMethod.PUT) // @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) // @ResponseBody // public void makeModPUT(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccount principal, @PathVariable String name, @RequestParam(value="user", required=true) String user) { // makeMod(principal, name, user); // } /* PATCH requests */ /** * Patch group * * @param principal [description] * @param name [description] * @param form [description] * @return [description] */ @RequestMapping(value = GroupLinks.GROUP, method = RequestMethod.PATCH) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public GroupResource patchGroup(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserAccountDetails principal, @PathVariable String name, @RequestBody GroupForm form) throws NotFoundException, DuplicateKeyException, ConstraintViolationException { UserAccount requester = principal.getUserAccount(); final Group group = groupService.findByName(name); if (group == null) { throw new GroupNotFoundException(name); } if (group.getModerators().stream().map(UserAccount::getId).anyMatch(u -> u.equals(requester.getId()))) { final String newName = form.getName(); final String newDescription = form.getDescription(); if (!isEmpty(newName) && !group.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(newName)) { if (groupService.findByName(newName) != null) { throw new DuplicateKeyException("Group already exists with name: " + newName); } group.setName(newName); } if (!isEmpty(newDescription) && !group.getDescription().equalsIgnoreCase(newDescription)) { group.setDescription(newDescription); } final Group patched =; final GroupResource resource = assembler.toResource(patched); return resource; } else { throw new ForbiddenException(requester, request); } } }